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He hugged her back. Holding her a little tighter than he might have meant too.
"Nice to meet you." Peter said holding out his hand. Callum took it. "You as well. Ms. Wintergreen spoke very highly of you." He said. "Guys sorry to bug you... again but Sans found something in the time vault you all need to see." Cisco said over the speakers again. "Never a dull moment." Peter said.
Eliana smiled and leaned against him as he hugged her back. But letting out a quite squeek as he held her tighter. She was not use to such strong hugs, they weren't nothing like the soft, small pat on the back hugs she woukd get form her aunt. Eliana also felt how strong Kaleb is. (Eli: Kaleb so strong OwO 😍).
Aqua smiled as Peter was introduced to Callum and B1. (Of course she would she loves Peter and wanted to get back to him and leave the scary Zombies. She also proud of Peter so yes she woukd defently talk highly of him). She loosened her hold on Peter's arm as Cisco came on the speakers again. "Especially recently....seems like everything is going on today." Aqua added.
"You are a very dramatic machine you know that..." Gwen said looking over to see how she could possibly free the Dalek.
Eliana smiled and leaned against him as he hugged her back. But letting out a quite squeek as he held her tighter. She was not use to such strong hugs, they weren't nothing like the soft, small pat on the back hugs she woukd get form her aunt. Eliana also felt how strong Kaleb is. (Eli: Kaleb so strong OwO 😍).
Aqua smiled as Peter was introduced to Callum and B1. (Of course she would she loves Peter and wanted to get back to him and leave the scary Zombies. She also proud of Peter so yes she woukd defently talk highly of him). She loosened her hold on Peter's arm as Cisco came on the speakers again. "Especially recently....seems like everything is going on today." Aqua added.
"You are a very dramatic machine you know that..." Gwen said looking over to see how she could possibly free the Dalek.
"Oh sorry. You okay?" He asked letting go.
They went to the Time Vault where there was an article from the future. "Augest 2021 Flash Goes Missing in Crisis." It read. "Look at the Byline," Peter said, "Written by Iris West-Allen."
"Oh, sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, letting go.
They went to the Time Vault where there was an article from the future. "Augest 2021 Flash Goes Missing in Crisis." It read. "Look at the Byline," Peter said, "Written by Iris West-Allen."
"I'm alright....the hug just...it was different...dont worry really Kaleb I'm okay..." Eliana smiled not wanting him to worry. The hug was not bad it had just surprised her. "umm... let's get food, James said we have leftovers but you can have as much as you want James is a great cook!" She added.
"wow...so this where Wells kept disappearing too?" Aqua said looking around. She stopped and looked towards the image of a front page of a paper. Gasping as she looked at the byline "you and Iris.." Aqua said trying not to squee as she covered her mouth with her hands as he looked at Berry
"well you might not have the concept but you really are dramatic for sure..." Gwen commented as she looked at what was keeping the Dalek tied up. She debated if freeing this machine was a good idea, she knew the Doctor would be furious, but she could not leave the Dalek here and be torchered. Gwen sighed as her hand glowed as she blasted the things holding the Dalek down with her magic.
"I'm alright....the hug just...it was different...dont worry really Kaleb I'm okay..." Eliana smiled not wanting him to worry. The hug was not bad it had just surprised her. "umm... let's get food, James said we have leftovers but you can have as much as you want James is a great cook!" She added.
"wow...so this where Wells kept disappearing too?" Aqua said looking around. She stopped and looked towards the image of a front page of a paper. Gasping as she looked at the byline "you and Iris.." Aqua said trying not to squee as she covered her mouth with her hands as he looked at Berry
"well you might not have the concept but you really are dramatic for sure..." Gwen commented as she looked at what was keeping the Dalek tied up. She debated if freeing this machine was a good idea, she knew the Doctor would be furious, but she could not leave the Dalek here and be torchered. Gwen sighed as her hand glowed as she blasted the things holding the Dalek down with her magic.
Alrifht." He nodded going to raid the fridge.
Sans looked at it. "yyyep." He said. Barry was speechless. Callum looked intently at the article. "Do not think too much into it. It is just one possible future of many."
It didn't move. It was still too damaged.
Alrifht." He nodded going to raid the fridge.
Sans looked at it. "yyyep." He said. Barry was speechless. Callum looked intently at the article. "Do not think too much into it. It is just one possible future of many."
It didn't move. It was still too damaged.
Eliana giggled as Kaleb excitedly raided the fridge. Eliana gathered the food she was going to eat to a plate and heated it up in the microwave.
"That is true, there are many possibilities.." Aqua said moving her hands from her mouth "....so Wells, wonder what he was doing here then...trying to change or cause that future to happen" Aqua motioned to the image of the paper.
Gwen looked at the Dalek "what's wrong?... you can't move?" she asked
Eliana giggled as Kaleb excitedly raided the fridge. Eliana gathered the food she was going to eat to a plate and heated it up in the microwave.
"That is true, there are many possibilities.." Aqua said moving her hands from her mouth "....so Wells, wonder what he was doing here then...trying to change or cause that future to happen" Aqua motioned to the image of the paper.
Gwen looked at the Dalek "what's wrong?... you can't move?" she asked
He reheated it in the oven.
"No idea. The plot thickens it seems." Peter said. "Wells. I sense a lot of resentment associated with that name." He said.
The Dalek looked at her and rolled up to her.
He reheated it in the oven.
"No idea. The plot thickens it seems." Peter said. "Wells. I sense a lot of resentment associated with that name." He said.
The Dalek looked at her and rolled up to her.
"Your going to able to eat all that?..." she asked seeing at the food he had collected for himself.
"Very true, were will this bring us? The day is just throwing everything at us" Cisco commented.

"Well...Wells was the man who built this building and along with those that worked here were responsible for the city and a few of its people to change....he then..well we found out he wasn't who he said he was and he tricked us all...." Aqua replied
"There you go.....now let's get you out of here" Gwen smiled as her hands lit up and blasted the doors with her magic.
"Your going to able to eat all that?..." she asked seeing at the food he had collected for himself.
"Very true, were will this bring us? The day is just throwing everything at us" Cisco commented.

"Well...Wells was the man who built this building and along with those that worked here were responsible for the city and a few of its people to change....he then..well we found out he wasn't who he said he was and he tricked us all...." Aqua replied
"There you go.....now let's get you out of here" Gwen smiled as her hands lit up and blasted the doors with her magic.
"Yes." He said. "I am."
"Hm...." Callum looked at the article for some time. "Does this place have files and personal information on staff?" He asked.
It bumped into her elbow. Its metallic casing was extremely hot. Simmons came in with his drill tool. "What the hell did you do!?" He said goong over to the Dalek to chain it back up. The Dalek shot out it suckered bit onto his face amd began to crush his skull with it.
"Yes." He said. "I am."
"Hm...." Callum looked at the article for some time. "Does this place have files and personal information on staff?" He asked.
It bumped into her elbow. Its metallic casing was extremely hot. Simmons came in with his drill tool. "What the hell did you do!?" He said goong over to the Dalek to chain it back up. The Dalek shot out it suckered bit onto his face amd began to crush his skull with it.
"Wow...that seems like a lot...but I'll just have to trust you.." Eliana said unsure. "Well let's go...we can watch any movie you like my TV has a vast collection" she said walking out of kitchen with her plate headed to the stairs.
"Yes actually, I can show you were....but really that room has not been used or the files updated since the explosion that in awear of.." Caitlin said.
"Ow...hey watch it..." Gwen said holding on to her elbow from were she got burned. "I let him go, you guys won't be torturing this Dalek anymore!" She said trying to stop him. But Simmons ignored her and went over to the Dalek. "Wait! No! Stop!" She yelled as the Dalek attacked Simmons, but it was to late. "What did you do!" She yelled in shock.
"Wow...that seems like a lot...but I'll just have to trust you.." Eliana said unsure. "Well let's go...we can watch any movie you like my TV has a vast collection" she said walking out of kitchen with her plate headed to the stairs.
"Yes actually, I can show you were....but really that room has not been used or the files updated since the explosion that in awear of.." Caitlin said.
"Ow...hey watch it..." Gwen said holding on to her elbow from were she got burned. "I let him go, you guys won't be torturing this Dalek anymore!" She said trying to stop him. But Simmons ignored her and went over to the Dalek. "Wait! No! Stop!" She yelled as the Dalek attacked Simmons, but it was to late. "What did you do!" She yelled in shock.
He sat down with her. "You go ahead and pick whatever you wanna watch." He said. "I'm okay so long as you're enjoying yourself," He said.
"Information is always worth something." He said. "Wells seems to be somewhat of a mystery to you." He said.
"I have scanned his brain finction! TO LEARN! NOW YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" She heard the Doctor's voice come on over the speakers. "GWEN! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!"
He sat down with her. "You go ahead and pick whatever you wanna watch." He said. "I'm okay so long as you're enjoying yourself," He said.
"Information is always worth something." He said. "Wells seems to be somewhat of a mystery to you." He said.
"I have scanned his brain finction! TO LEARN! NOW YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" She heard the Doctor's voice come on over the speakers. "GWEN! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!"
"um...are you sure?...dont want you to get bored if I choose something you don't like....you sure you don't want to choose?..." She said holding the control out to him, after all she had invited him to come to her house to make him feel better.
"well, he liked his privacy.....I was never one to pray on that,..." Caitlin said
"what....I, Exterminate?! what the hell?!! I just freed you....you were done for I was saving your life!" Gwen yelled. Gwen was pissed that this pile of bolts wanted to kill her she was not about to let him do that as she did what the Doctor said and got out of there.
"um...are you sure?...dont want you to get bored if I choose something you don't like....you sure you don't want to choose?..." She said holding the control out to him, after all she had invited him to come to her house to make him feel better.
"well, he liked his privacy.....I was never one to pray on that,..." Caitlin said
"what....I, Exterminate?! what the hell?!! I just freed you....you were done for I was saving your life!" Gwen yelled. Gwen was pissed that this pile of bolts wanted to kill her she was not about to let him do that as she did what the Doctor said and got out of there.
"As long as you're here I'm probably not gonna pay much attention to the movie anywya." He said offhandedly. Then he caught his own words. "Uh- I mean... I..."
"Well at the time you thought he was someone different, and therefore respected his privacy." (I think she's gonna want to Hyphenate, trying to figure out how to put that scene in)
"As long as you're here I'm probably not gonna pay much attention to the movie anywya." He said offhandedly. Then he caught his own words. "Uh- I mean... I..."
"Well at the time you thought he was someone different, and therefore respected his privacy." (I think she's gonna want to Hyphenate, trying to figure out how to put that scene in)
Eliana looked at Kaleb suprised at what he had said. She lightly blushed and look down, she wondered what he ment by what he said. Eliana coukd feel the awkwardness in the air as she quickly jumped in to lightened the air She looked at her TV and picked a movie for them to watch.
"Here let me take you to the room..." Caitlin said "you all just be careful at what you touch in here..." she said as she steped out.
"I was not being foolish I was showing compassion something you clearly lack you trash can!" Gwen said making a magic shield ND pushed the Dalek back as she used her other hand and magic to bust the door down.
Eliana looked at Kaleb suprised at what he had said. She lightly blushed and look down, she wondered what he ment by what he said. Eliana coukd feel the awkwardness in the air as she quickly jumped in to lightened the air She looked at her TV and picked a movie for them to watch.
"Here let me take you to the room..." Caitlin said "you all just be careful at what you touch in here..." she said as she steped out.
"I was not being foolish I was showing compassion something you clearly lack you trash can!" Gwen said making a magic shield ND pushed the Dalek back as she used her other hand and magic to bust the door down.
He sat down next to her and stared intently at the screen. Trying very hard not to look at Eliana.
He looked around the room. "Really? I would have expected your files to be digital." He said.
The Dalek fired again at her. The Doctors's voice came over the speaker. "Gwen get out of there. Now."
He sat down next to her and stared intently at the screen. Trying very hard not to look at Eliana.
He looked around the room. "Really? I would have expected your files to be digital." He said.
The Dalek fired again at her. The Doctors's voice came over the speaker. "Gwen get out of there. Now."
Eliana sat in the ground next to Kaleb eating her lunch and attentively watching the movie. Fully invested on what was going on the screen.
"Not sure, although Dr. Wells was very technically advanced with everything in STAR Labs, he was very adamant to keeping all records of employees and such this way" Caitlin replied.
"I AM TRYING!!! The door wont give in!" Gwen yelled unsure if the Doctor could even hear her. She continued to blast the door with her magic.
Eliana sat in the ground next to Kaleb eating her lunch and attentively watching the movie. Fully invested on what was going on the screen.
"Not sure, although Dr. Wells was very technically advanced with everything in STAR Labs, he was very adamant to keeping all records of employees and such this way" Caitlin replied.
"I AM TRYING!!! The door wont give in!" Gwen yelled unsure if the Doctor could even hear her. She continued to blast the door with her magic.
He sat frozen unsure what to do. He really couldn't focus on the movie.
He started pulling boxes of shelves learning everything he can about Wells.
The Door finally came off the wall.
He sat frozen unsure what to do. He really couldn't focus on the movie.
He started pulling boxes of shelves learning everything he can about Wells.
The Door finally came off the wall.
Eliana moved her attention away from the screen. She looked over to Kaleb curious to his reaction to the movie. "Kaleb?...." Eliana softly spoke his name as she generally touched his arm. "Is everything alright?..." She asked as Kaleb seemed very tense.
"Why the wanting to search about Wells?...you don't know him....or even affiliated with you.." Caitlin asked curiously
Gwen ran out and into another room closing the door behind her before running out into a hall.
Eliana moved her attention away from the screen. She looked over to Kaleb curious to his reaction to the movie. "Kaleb?...." Eliana softly spoke his name as she generally touched his arm. "Is everything alright?..." She asked as Kaleb seemed very tense.
"Why the wanting to search about Wells?...you don't know him....or even affiliated with you.." Caitlin asked curiously
Gwen ran out and into another room closing the door behind her before running out into a hall.
He looked at her. "Yeah just... Never really jad a friend before." He said.
"Perhapse I just want to know. You're a scientist. Would you deny the value if knowledge?" He asked.
(The door was... Blown off the wall)
He looked at her. "Yeah just... Never really jad a friend before." He said.
"Perhapse I just want to know. You're a scientist. Would you deny the value if knowledge?" He asked.
(The door was... Blown off the wall)
"Really?....never?.." Eliana said in disbelief. Yes Kaleb had a troubled past with his parents and home like, but he was so cool he had to had a friend before her.
"No of course I wouldn't deny it, the world is nothing with out knowledge. It's just weird looking through all this....but at the sametime I feel like it has to be done. So much truth has come to the open after the explosion." Caitlin said.
(Yes I know, thought Gwen and the Dalek were is a separate room, holding cell thing to an actual room. If not ignore the locking this and she just ran out into the hall)
"Really?....never?.." Eliana said in disbelief. Yes Kaleb had a troubled past with his parents and home like, but he was so cool he had to had a friend before her.
"No of course I wouldn't deny it, the world is nothing with out knowledge. It's just weird looking through all this....but at the sametime I feel like it has to be done. So much truth has come to the open after the explosion." Caitlin said.
(Yes I know, thought Gwen and the Dalek were is a separate room, holding cell thing to an actual room. If not ignore the locking this and she just ran out into the hall)
(They were in one room so I will ignore xD)
"Everyone at my old school saw me as just another thug for my parents" He said. "Not to mention there plenty of people in Americans who hate mutants." He said.
He nodded through the files. "What is this...? There are mentions in his personal notes about the incident in starling city."
The dalek went to a nearby computer and stuck the extremity through. Its outer shell repaired as it downloaded the internet.
(They were in one room so I will ignore xD)
"Everyone at my old school saw me as just another thug for my parents" He said. "Not to mention there plenty of people in Americans who hate mutants." He said.
He nodded through the files. "What is this...? There are mentions in his personal notes about the incident in starling city."
The dalek went to a nearby computer and stuck the extremity through. Its outer shell repaired as it downloaded the internet.
"A lot of people don't like or are scared of mutants here too." Eliana answered, her having fear them from the hatred her aunt had for mutants. "But you are more then just a thug...You shown me that you are so much more. Your brave, strong, funny, caring, selfless, super cool of course and my friend" she said with a smile.
Caitlin stoped what she was doing and looked over. "Oh....I think that might be about the night he got in a very bad car accident and the night he lost his wife..." Caitlin said looking down. "He wasn't the same after that....I don't blame him....he lost the love of his life" she replied
"Shit shit shit! I F*** up!" Gwen said as she ran unaware of what the Dalek was doing.
"A lot of people don't like or are scared of mutants here too." Eliana answered, her having fear them from the hatred her aunt had for mutants. "But you are more then just a thug...You shown me that you are so much more. Your brave, strong, funny, caring, selfless, super cool of course and my friend" she said with a smile.
Caitlin stoped what she was doing and looked over. "Oh....I think that might be about the night he got in a very bad car accident and the night he lost his wife..." Caitlin said looking down. "He wasn't the same after that....I don't blame him....he lost the love of his life" she replied
"Shit shit shit! I F*** up!" Gwen said as she ran unaware of what the Dalek was doing.
He turned extremely red.
"Did he?" He said. "No. There's something more to that. Something... Deeper. I can sense it."
(Yeah! Yeah ya did!)
The Dalek went out towards the exit. Palling to climb the 60+ floors to the surface and began its cleansing.
He turned extremely red.
"Did he?" He said. "No. There's something more to that. Something... Deeper. I can sense it."
(Yeah! Yeah ya did!)
The Dalek went out towards the exit. Palling to climb the 60+ floors to the surface and began its cleansing.
Eliana lightly giggled "don't be embarrassed Kaleb...im only saying the truth...I do think your those things..." she said
"What do you mean by that that's what happened...he tragically lost his wife and that had always pained him......what else could there be" Caitlin asked
(Lol....she was trying to be compassionate!)
Gwen ran trying to find the Doctor.
Eliana lightly giggled "don't be embarrassed Kaleb...im only saying the truth...I do think your those things..." she said
"What do you mean by that that's what happened...he tragically lost his wife and that had always pained him......what else could there be" Caitlin asked
(Lol....she was trying to be compassionate!)
Gwen ran trying to find the Doctor.
He smiled some. "Thanks." He said.
"And I think there's something more to it." He said standing up. He closed his eyes thinking
"Grab whatever you need to preform a DNA test." He said walking past her. He took out s communicator. "B1 get the Infinity ready." He said.
"Gwen we have a plan to trap it in the bulkhead. You have to move faster." His coice said through the speakers
He smiled some. "Thanks." He said.
"And I think there's something more to it." He said standing up. He closed his eyes thinking
"Grab whatever you need to preform a DNA test." He said walking past her. He took out s communicator. "B1 get the Infinity ready." He said.
"Gwen we have a plan to trap it in the bulkhead. You have to move faster." His coice said through the speakers
"Hey, you want ice cream?...I know it's not from a nice shop....but James said we have some in the fridge...." Eliana asked
"I don't really want to believe it.....but how everything has been going out of its normal path,....ill have to definitely believe your hunch.....ill go get it set up..." Caitlin said leaving to set up the DNA testing area.
Gwen kept cursing herself as she picked up speed. Trap it?, how and were the hell was this bulkhead. She wondered as she ran.

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