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"Oh...." Eliana said in shock unsure what to do or say. "Um...okay...could we have something to eat? ....so we can eat in my room?..." she still asked.
Aqua uncrossed her arms as she looked up to the speakers hearing Peter's voice. Aqua gently smiled at Shadow and Nuckles before leaving the cortex to were Peter was.
'No! I must wait for orders....orders will come" it yelled "I was bred to be a soldier, I will wait for orders!"
"I believe thete are leftovers from last bights feast in the fridge. And some icecream in the freezer if you so wish." He said.
Sonic was running laps around the particle accelerator. "He's maxed out at mach 3 that's two faster than Barry." Peter said. They heard somic speak through the communicator he was given. "I could go faster. But I don't wanna break any of your stuff."
"They aren't coming. The Daleks are dead. 10,000 dalek ships up in flames." The Doctor said.
"I believe thete are leftovers from last bights feast in the fridge. And some icecream in the freezer if you so wish." He said.
Sonic was running laps around the particle accelerator. "He's maxed out at mach 3 that's two faster than Barry." Peter said. They heard somic speak through the communicator he was given. "I could go faster. But I don't wanna break any of your stuff."
"They aren't coming. The Daleks are dead. 10,000 dalek ships up in flames." The Doctor said.
Eliana nodded "thank you, James," she said before taking Kaleb's hand and pulling on thing to follow her to her room.
"woh...is that?" Aqua asked as she walked up to Peter looking at Sonic run or well a blur. "faster than Barry....wow..." she said in sheer amazement. "what you can go faster than this?... But please don't...don't want to anger Caitlin.." Aqua said before turning to Peter "this is amazing, also Barry will be very jelly" she added.
"YOU LIE! it's lies! " The Dalek yelled, its eyeball staring at the Doctor. Gwen had lowered the shield between them and was not just starting at the interaction between them.
Eliana nodded "thank you, James," she said before taking Kaleb's hand and pulling on thing to follow her to her room.
"woh...is that?" Aqua asked as she walked up to Peter looking at Sonic run or well a blur. "faster than Barry....wow..." she said in sheer amazement. "what you can go faster than this?... But please don't...don't want to anger Caitlin.." Aqua said before turning to Peter "this is amazing, also Barry will be very jelly" she added.
"YOU LIE! it's lies! " The Dalek yelled, its eyeball staring at the Doctor. Gwen had lowered the shield between them and was not just starting at the interaction between them.
He went with her quietly.
Sonic ran over to them stopping just short of running into Aqua skidding to a halt. "Anyway You're boyfriend said he's got a theory about what the egghead's doing here."
"I saw it happen! I MADE it happen!" The Doctor said before turning away. "I had no choice." He said
He went with her quietly.
Sonic ran over to them stopping just short of running into Aqua skidding to a halt. "Anyway You're boyfriend said he's got a theory about what the egghead's doing here."
"I saw it happen! I MADE it happen!" The Doctor said before turning away. "I had no choice." He said
Eliana pushed him to the bath told him to use it while she looked for something dry for him to wear. Eliana dug through her closet, seeing nothing that would fit his frame. She then pulled out a big pj shirt she would wear with shorts. She dought the shorts woukd fit right but she placed them down next to the large sirt that had to animated cats dressed in a lion and Tigger pj onesies.
Aqua could not help but flinched and take a step back as Sonic stoped meer inches from running into her. Aqua blushed as Sonic said boyfriend, it seemed Peter had mentioned they were together. "Oh he did?...what's the theory?" She asked looking at Peter.
"You destroyed us?!" It yelled. "The Time lords...what about them?..." it asked

"What?..." Gwen said "you wiped out a whole race?" She asked in disbelief.
Eliana pushed him to the bath told him to use it while she looked for something dry for him to wear. Eliana dug through her closet, seeing nothing that would fit his frame. She then pulled out a big pj shirt she would wear with shorts. She dought the shorts woukd fit right but she placed them down next to the large sirt that had to animated cats dressed in a lion and Tigger pj onesies.
Aqua could not help but flinched and take a step back as Sonic stoped meer inches from running into her. Aqua blushed as Sonic said boyfriend, it seemed Peter had mentioned they were together. "Oh he did?...what's the theory?" She asked looking at Peter.
"You destroyed us?!" It yelled. "The Time lords...what about them?..." it asked

"What?..." Gwen said "you wiped out a whole race?" She asked in disbelief.
He took a bath and got dressed jn the clothes she provided. He look around only now noticing that she was quite wealthy.
"I think he's after this worlds recourses. He wants to find the secret to meta humans and he mirakuru."
The Doctor stared at the wall. "Dead." He said. "Its just me. I've noticed your distress signal. Its useless. No one else coming. There's no one else left." The Doctor said.
He took a bath and got dressed jn the clothes she provided. He look around only now noticing that she was quite wealthy.
"I think he's after this worlds recourses. He wants to find the secret to meta humans and he mirakuru."
The Doctor stared at the wall. "Dead." He said. "Its just me. I've noticed your distress signal. Its useless. No one else coming. There's no one else left." The Doctor said.
Her bathroom had been large and luxurious, her room was also large in size. Very organize but cutesty as well. The rest of what he had seen of her home screamed wealth and posh.
Once out Eliana took her turn taking a bath, she sat in the warm water lost in her mind.
"What?!....you think so?...oh that's no good...that woukd be nothing but chaos....this is worse then Eiling..." Aqua said.
"No survivors?...I am left alone?" It said as it's eye piece drooped down. "I'm alone in the universe!" It said sadly
Her bathroom had been large and luxurious, her room was also large in size. Very organize but cutesty as well. The rest of what he had seen of her home screamed wealth and posh.
Once out Eliana took her turn taking a bath, she sat in the warm water lost in her mind.
"What?!....you think so?...oh that's no good...that woukd be nothing but chaos....this is worse then Eiling..." Aqua said.
"No survivors?...I am left alone?" It said as it's eye piece drooped down. "I'm alone in the universe!" It said sadly
He sat on her bed looking around the room.
"I know." Peter saod. "But its the best I can figure. There are places in town that are still saturated with dark matter."
"Yes you are." The Doctor said.
He sat on her bed looking around the room.
"I know." Peter saod. "But its the best I can figure. There are places in town that are still saturated with dark matter."
"Yes you are." The Doctor said.
Although her room was colorful with a few scattered cute things and no pictures it was very uniformed as if it was a staged room for a show. But on the bed laid a stuffed toy cat.
"No it's a good theory...its just unfortunate that it can be that...seeing what a nutter Eiling was...there is still traces?...well if your theory is right that's were we will find Eggman right?..." Aqua asked.
The Daleks eye peice drooped saddle "and the timelords?.." it asked
Although her room was colorful with a few scattered cute things and no pictures it was very uniformed as if it was a staged room for a show. But on the bed laid a stuffed toy cat.
"No it's a good theory...its just unfortunate that it can be that...seeing what a nutter Eiling was...there is still traces?...well if your theory is right that's were we will find Eggman right?..." Aqua asked.
The Daleks eye peice drooped saddle "and the timelords?.." it asked
He picked up the cat.
"Right. Well I know who we can contact about where Mirikuru can be found. But he probably won't want to tell us where." Peter said.
"Dead," The Doctor said, "They burnt with you."
He picked up the cat.
"Right. Well I know who we can contact about where Mirikuru can be found. But he probably won't want to tell us where." Peter said.
"Dead," The Doctor said, "They burnt with you."
It was very soft, a bit worn but well taken care of. It had a faint smell of lavender and of Eliana.
"...well could give it a try and see just if maybe he will tell us?..."Aqua said think what they had to loose.
"So...you are alone too......" the Dalek said lifting its eye socket towards the Doctor. "We are the same..." it said.
It was very soft, a bit worn but well taken care of. It had a faint smell of lavender and of Eliana.
"...well could give it a try and see just if maybe he will tell us?..."Aqua said think what they had to loose.
"So...you are alone too......" the Dalek said lifting its eye socket towards the Doctor. "We are the same..." it said.
He absent mindedly absorbed the material of the stuffed cat also becoming very soft.
"Alright. Well. I'll have barry head to starling then."
The Doctor felt hot anger rise. "WE'RE NOT THE SAME I'M NOT-" He stopped just short of reaching the Dalek. "No wait. Maybe we are. Yeah okay maybe you got s point. Cuz I know what you are. I know what you deserve..." The Doctor raised his arms. "Exterminate." He ran over to tbe nearby console and pulled a lever sending powerful electrical shocks through the Dalek.
He absent mindedly absorbed the material of the stuffed cat also becoming very soft.
"Alright. Well. I'll have barry head to starling then."
The Doctor felt hot anger rise. "WE'RE NOT THE SAME I'M NOT-" He stopped just short of reaching the Dalek. "No wait. Maybe we are. Yeah okay maybe you got s point. Cuz I know what you are. I know what you deserve..." The Doctor raised his arms. "Exterminate." He ran over to tbe nearby console and pulled a lever sending powerful electrical shocks through the Dalek.
"...thats Mochi..." a soft voice was heard. Eliana had steped out of her bathroom towel drying her hair. She lightly giggled "...he is very soft right?...wait...did you absorb him?" she notice as she walked over to Kaleb "you you did....hehe you just as soft!" Eliana said, she could not help herself, sitting on the bed she wraped her arms around Kaleb and hugged him.
"....Is your contract the Arrow?...." Aqua asked once the name Starling was mentioned.
The Dalek did not say a word it just stared at the Doctor. However it did speak once the Doctor pulled a lever at a consol. It screamed in pain as electrical shocks rush into.

Gwen gasped running over to the Doctor and roughly pushed I'm away, pulling down the lever "the ****?! What is wrong with you?!" She yell3d at the Doctor
"...thats Mochi..." a soft voice was heard. Eliana had steped out of her bathroom towel drying her hair. She lightly giggled "...he is very soft right?...wait...did you absorb him?" she notice as she walked over to Kaleb "you you did....hehe you just as soft!" Eliana said, she could not help herself, sitting on the bed she wraped her arms around Kaleb and hugged him.
"....Is your contract the Arrow?...." Aqua asked once the name Starling was mentioned.
The Dalek did not say a word it just stared at the Doctor. However it did speak once the Doctor pulled a lever at a consol. It screamed in pain as electrical shocks rush into.

Gwen gasped running over to the Doctor and roughly pushed I'm away, pulling down the lever "the ****?! What is wrong with you?!" She yell3d at the Doctor

"...thats Mochi..." a soft voice was heard. Eliana had steped out of her bathroom towel drying her hair. She lightly giggled "...he is very soft right?...wait...did you absorb him?" she notice as she walked over to Kaleb "you you did....hehe you just as soft!" Eliana said, she could not help herself, sitting on the bed she wraped her arms around Kaleb and hugged him.
"....Is your contract the Arrow?...." Aqua asked once the name Starling was mentioned.
The Dalek did not say a word it just stared at the Doctor. However it did speak once the Doctor pulled a lever at a consol. It screamed in pain as electrical shocks rush into.

Gwen gasped running over to the Doctor and roughly pushed I'm away, pulling down the lever "the ****?! What is wrong with you?!" She yell3d at the Doctor
He smiled just a little bit. "You have a cute plush." He said.
"Well he's dealt with mirikuru stuff before." Peter said. "only guy I can think of who knows where it might be."
Guards came in and grabbed the Doctor pulling him out of the room. He looked at Gwen desperately. "Don't let them break that casing and don't let it escape!" He pleaded. As they pulled them out he kept yelling that they had to destroy it. That it was dangerous. That it would kill everyone here.
He smiled just a little bit. "You have a cute plush." He said.
"Well he's dealt with mirikuru stuff before." Peter said. "only guy I can think of who knows where it might be."
Guards came in and grabbed the Doctor pulling him out of the room. He looked at Gwen desperately. "Don't let them break that casing and don't let it escape!" He pleaded. As they pulled them out he kept yelling that they had to destroy it. That it was dangerous. That it would kill everyone here.
"Thank you...my dad and mom gave him to me when I was tinny...besides a bit of pictures that all I really have of them..." Eliana answered letting go of the hug.
"Well I guess that's better then nothing....just hope he want to help....but maybe Berry can presway him... he likes Barry" Aqua commented
Gwen just looked in disbelief as the Doctor gets taken away. She stared at him as he yelled out at her. She was in shock unsure what had just happened and who had the Doctor had turned into, the man you saw was not the same Doctor. "We're are you guys taking him?..." Gwen asked one of the Guards as she steped out of the room finally coming around to what had happened, worry for the Doctor as well.
"Thank you...my dad and mom gave him to me when I was tinny...besides a bit of pictures that all I really have of them..." Eliana answered letting go of the hug.
"Well I guess that's better then nothing....just hope he want to help....but maybe Berry can presway him... he likes Barry" Aqua commented
Gwen just looked in disbelief as the Doctor gets taken away. She stared at him as he yelled out at her. She was in shock unsure what had just happened and who had the Doctor had turned into, the man you saw was not the same Doctor. "We're are you guys taking him?..." Gwen asked one of the Guards as she steped out of the room finally coming around to what had happened, worry for the Doctor as well.
He nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that." He said.
"He does like Barry." Peter agreed.
They didn't answer they just left her there with the Dalek
He nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that." He said.
"He does like Barry." Peter agreed.
They didn't answer they just left her there with the Dalek
"...I miss them....but it's okay...their watching over me..." She said keeping her gaze towards the floor as she wiped her eyes. She looks back at him and smiles "so you want to watch a movie or get lunch? we can bring the food up to my room" moving away from the conversation of her dead parents, acting as if it was never brought up.
"true and we should get a plan going because some of Sonic's friends are really to jump out there and fight....and from what we went through don't feel it will be very good if anyone went out there on their own." Aqua said
"hey wait why are you leaving me in here, hey!" Gwen said banging on the door.
"...I miss them....but it's okay...their watching over me..." She said keeping her gaze towards the floor as she wiped her eyes. She looks back at him and smiles "so you want to watch a movie or get lunch? we can bring the food up to my room" moving away from the conversation of her dead parents, acting as if it was never brought up.
"true and we should get a plan going because some of Sonic's friends are really to jump out there and fight....and from what we went through don't feel it will be very good if anyone went out there on their own." Aqua said
"hey wait why are you leaving me in here, hey!" Gwen said banging on the door.
"Both? Both is good." He said.
Still. That dragon... The purple one. He seemed a different kind of villain altogether." Peter said thoughtfully.
"YOU. SAVED. ME." The Dalek said.
"Both? Both is good." He said.
Still. That dragon... The purple one. He seemed a different kind of villain altogether." Peter said thoughtfully.
"YOU. SAVED. ME." The Dalek said.
"Okay come on then..." Eliana smiled taking his hand and pulling him to follow. "Also...got to say that kitty in pj's shirt looks adorable on you" she tessed as they walked out of her room to the kitchen.
"The one you were fighting?....Dont think Eggman made it?...didnt look robotic....do you know if Sconic or his friends mentioned what it is?" She asked.
"....well...I don't know ...you were in pain...it was only righ.. " Gwen said looking back to the Dalek "the Doctor really hates you...." she added keeping by the door.
"Okay come on then..." Eliana smiled taking his hand and pulling him to follow. "Also...got to say that kitty in pj's shirt looks adorable on you" she tessed as they walked out of her room to the kitchen.
"The one you were fighting?....Dont think Eggman made it?...didnt look robotic....do you know if Sconic or his friends mentioned what it is?" She asked.
"....well...I don't know ...you were in pain...it was only righ.. " Gwen said looking back to the Dalek "the Doctor really hates you...." she added keeping by the door.
"Really? Maybe I'll keep it then." He said.
"Nope never seen it before." Sonic interjected.
"Really? Maybe I'll keep it then." He said.
"Nope never seen it before." Sonic interjected.
"What?..." she was suprised "oh...if you like it you can keep it" she said a little sadden as it was one of her favorite pjs.
"Then biggest guess its from another universe" Aqua spj's.
Gwen listen lerning something new that she didn't know about the Doctor. The Doctor, his reaction had been worrying and terrifying. She looked at the Dalek "I'm sorry" was all she could say feeling bad for it.
"What?..." she was suprised "oh...if you like it you can keep it" she said a little sadden as it was one of her favorite pjs.
"Then biggest guess its from another universe" Aqua spj's.
Gwen listen lerning something new that she didn't know about the Doctor. The Doctor, his reaction had been worrying and terrifying. She looked at the Dalek "I'm sorry" was all she could say feeling bad for it.
"I was kidding." He said with a laugh. "How's your headaches?"
"Like with most things we deal with anymore." Peter agreed. "Uh... Guys. Upstairs. We have a Jedi here. And he says he knows Aqua." Cisco's voice came.
"I was kidding." He said with a laugh. "How's your headaches?"
"Like with most things we deal with anymore." Peter agreed. "Uh... Guys. Upstairs. We have a Jedi here. And he says he knows Aqua." Cisco's voice came.
"oh right..." Eliana giggled relieved he would not take away her favorite PJs, but then again she would not mind giving it to him. "they are better... only had small ones that James gave me painkillers.....I haven't had any large ones lately"
"very true" Aqua replied. She stopped and looked over to the speakers from where Cisco's voice was coming. Aqua was surprised but smiled, she knew who it was. She went back up to the Cortex with Peter and Sonic. "Callum!" she went over to him and gave him a big hug "hi!, what are you doing here?...is B1-T18 with you?" She asked letting go of the hug.
"they torture you?...why would they do that?...that's not right" Gwen replied.
"oh right..." Eliana giggled relieved he would not take away her favorite PJs, but then again she would not mind giving it to him. "they are better... only had small ones that James gave me painkillers.....I haven't had any large ones lately"
"very true" Aqua replied. She stopped and looked over to the speakers from where Cisco's voice was coming. Aqua was surprised but smiled, she knew who it was. She went back up to the Cortex with Peter and Sonic. "Callum!" she went over to him and gave him a big hug "hi!, what are you doing here?...is B1-T18 with you?" She asked letting go of the hug.
"they torture you?...why would they do that?...that's not right" Gwen replied.
"That's good to hear." He said. "Believe it or not it was hard for me to see you in that state last time.You're the best person I ever met and when that firdt happened I didn't know how to help you... and. It scared me that I didn't know how to help you."
He gave her a quick hug back. B1 stepped forward. "Hello again Aqua I am pleased to see you in good health." He said. "I have been briefed on the situation, it seems you have a problem with a rotten egg." He said. No one seemed to understand that. "Because the hostile entity designated as eggman is bad. Ergo Rotten Egg is a humorous description combining his designation with his current hostility. It is a good joke no?" He asked. "B1 it still trying to figure out humor." Callum said.
Eliana was suprised she didnt know she had caused Kaleb to worry so much. She never knew it was possible for someone to worry about her as he had done. "Im sorry...I didn't want to scare you...but it's very sweet to know you actually care." Eliana smiled and gave Kaleb a hug before reaching the kitchen. "Your the best Kaleb thank you, and so far no crippling headaches"
Aqua happily smiled reciving the hug. She looked up at B1 anf also give him a quick hug. "Have a few slip up recently but im good" Aqua said give B1 a thumbs up. "Oh thats good...we could use some extra help" she added. Aqua did giggle when he said rotten egg, only imaging he ment Eggman. "Hehe I can see that...don't worry B1...it wasn't a bad...you will get better with more practice" Aqua chuckled before grabing Peter's arm and pulling him over her. "Guys this is Peter!" Aqua said hugging his arm and nuzzling her cheek on his arm as she hugged him. "They are the ones that helped me get back after I vanished" Aqua said.
"Don't say that....I will not let you stay here and be tortured by these people any longer" Gwen said.
Eliana was suprised she didnt know she had caused Kaleb to worry so much. She never knew it was possible for someone to worry about her as he had done. "Im sorry...I didn't want to scare you...but it's very sweet to know you actually care." Eliana smiled and gave Kaleb a hug before reaching the kitchen. "Your the best Kaleb thank you, and so far no crippling headaches"
Aqua happily smiled reciving the hug. She looked up at B1 anf also give him a quick hug. "Have a few slip up recently but im good" Aqua said give B1 a thumbs up. "Oh thats good...we could use some extra help" she added. Aqua did giggle when he said rotten egg, only imaging he ment Eggman. "Hehe I can see that...don't worry B1...it wasn't a bad...you will get better with more practice" Aqua chuckled before grabing Peter's arm and pulling him over her. "Guys this is Peter!" Aqua said hugging his arm and nuzzling her cheek on his arm as she hugged him. "They are the ones that helped me get back after I vanished" Aqua said.
"Don't say that....I will not let you stay here and be tortured by these people any longer" Gwen said.
He hugged her back. Holding her a little tighter than he might have meant too.
"Nice to meet you." Peter said holding out his hand. Callum took it. "You as well. Ms. Wintergreen spoke very highly of you." He said. "Guys sorry to bug you... again but Sans found something in the time vault you all need to see." Cisco said over the speakers again. "Never a dull moment." Peter said.

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