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Aqua smiled getting into the car and placed on her seat belt. Waiting for Peter to get in. She started the car and drove them both to STAR labs.
Gwen took a seat on the ground as the Doctor got to work. She pulled out her laptop and turned it on.
"You are Kaleb....well to me you are" She said
Once inside there were lots of clawmarks on the walls in the lab. Older Peter was holding scorpion down.
It was still connected.
He smiled. "Thanks." He said. "But trust me. I've done bad things. Last year I... Nevermind. It doesn't matter."
Once inside there were lots of clawmarks on the walls in the lab. Older Peter was holding scorpion down.
It was still connected.
He smiled. "Thanks." He said. "But trust me. I've done bad things. Last year I... Nevermind. It doesn't matter."
Aqua looked at the claw marks becoming worried for the others. "What happened?" Aqua asked to Cisco. She had thought they had a strong holding chamber to hold Scorpion, what was he doing out.
Gwen smiled, amazed that she was still connected. She got online typing away, once in a while looked over at the Doctor.
Eliana got worried what could he have done that was bad. But she figure she should not pray he didn't want to tell her. "Okay..." she replied not pushing his comment.
(The curiosity is high XD)
Aqua looked at the claw marks becoming worried for the others. "What happened?" Aqua asked to Cisco. She had thought they had a strong holding chamber to hold Scorpion, what was he doing out.
Gwen smiled, amazed that she was still connected. She got online typing away, once in a while looked over at the Doctor.
Eliana got worried what could he have done that was bad. But she figure she should not pray he didn't want to tell her. "Okay..." she replied not pushing his comment.
(The curiosity is high XD)
"The moment we opened the door to try and help our friend here he freaked out and tried to kill me." The older pete said. "Luckily I'm a veteran and he didn't last long in our fight."
He was back to flipping switches. "Alright. Lets see where we go." He said.
(Almost killed his parents)
"Anyway how are you feeling?" He asked.
"The moment we opened the door to try and help our friend here he freaked out and tried to kill me." The older pete said. "Luckily I'm a veteran and he didn't last long in our fight."
He was back to flipping switches. "Alright. Lets see where we go." He said.
(Almost killed his parents)
"Anyway how are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm glad you are all aright" Aqua said glad Older apeter had been there to keep them safe. "Its was nothing but terrifying!..." Caitlin commented wanting to just help Scorpion and get him out of here quick.
"Is the TARDIS or you choosing this time" she quip looking up from her lap top.
(😱 is that why he lives with his grandfather?)
"I got really sick last night but I'm feeling a thousand times better now....though had to miss school" she replied.
"I'm glad you are all aright" Aqua said glad Older apeter had been there to keep them safe. "Its was nothing but terrifying!..." Caitlin commented wanting to just help Scorpion and get him out of here quick.
"Is the TARDIS or you choosing this time" she quip looking up from her lap top.
(😱 is that why he lives with his grandfather?)
"I got really sick last night but I'm feeling a thousand times better now....though had to miss school" she replied.
"Yeah." Peter said. He lifted Scorpion up and took him back to the lab. "Everyone meet Spider-Mn 2199." He said.


"She usually does." He said.
Kaleb sat with her. "I see. I'm sorry." He said. "It's my fault. I got curious and worried and stuck my nose where it doesn't belong."
"Yeah." Peter said. He lifted Scorpion up and took him back to the lab. "Everyone meet Spider-Mn 2199." He said.

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"She usually does." He said.
Kaleb sat with her. "I see. I'm sorry." He said. "It's my fault. I got curious and worried and stuck my nose where it doesn't belong."
They greeted Spider-Man 2199, Aqua stating at his suit, it looked like the future was rough.
Gwen chuckled "so future or past this time?..." she asked.
Eliana looked at him confused "why are you being sorry Kaleb....me getting my mindgrains is not your fault....My aunt will just have to talk to my Doctor and I'll just have to get much stronger dose....." she added
They greeted Spider-Man 2199, Aqua stating at his suit, it looked like the future was rough.
Gwen chuckled "so future or past this time?..." she asked.
Eliana looked at him confused "why are you being sorry Kaleb....me getting my mindgrains is not your fault....My aunt will just have to talk to my Doctor and I'll just have to get much stronger dose....." she added
"Don't mind the suit. It used to be for a costume party." Older Pete said.
Past again. A little closer though. Utah, 2012."
"No!" He said suddenly in a panic. "You don't have to believe me about the mutant thing I fon't care if I'm right or wrong about that. But please, the more you take those the worse those migraines are going to get. Please don't take anymore of them. They're doing more harm than good. Please don't take them. Promise me. Please!" He practically begged.
"Don't mind the suit. It used to be for a costume party." Older Pete said.
Past again. A little closer though. Utah, 2012."
"No!" He said suddenly in a panic. "You don't have to believe me about the mutant thing I fon't care if I'm right or wrong about that. But please, the more you take those the worse those migraines are going to get. Please don't take anymore of them. They're doing more harm than good. Please don't take them. Promise me. Please!" He practically begged.
"Oh I see...so what's this plan you came up with?.." Aqua asked wanting to get filled in as she and Peter had left last night.
"Utah 2012, ....back to the US....alright " she said with a nod wondering if she could remember what was happening around that time. It seemed a bit of a boring time period.
Eliana practically jumped out of her skin and he yelled out no in a panic startling her. "Kaleb....its okay it's normal my Doctor told me that I would constantly have to live with these mindgrains and as older I would get they would just become worse and worse so the dose would just have to go higher." Eliana replied trying to explain to Kaleb. "They don't get worse....they calm them down I'm able to function normally with them with out pain or passing out...." she said worried why Kaleb was so worried about her medication. "Are you scared ill over dose?..that won't happen..." she said unsure why he was freaking out, he was actually scaring her a bit. "I...its just...." Eliana started to say as Kaleb started to plead with her asking her to promise not to take them bagging her. Seeing Kaleb like this scared her, in her eyes he was smart, super cool and strong. Seeing him practically beg and that look on his face made her extremely worried for some reason. Eliana was quite unsure of what to say at first but she just gently nodded "I promise..." she replied
"Oh I see...so what's this plan you came up with?.." Aqua asked wanting to get filled in as she and Peter had left last night.
"Utah 2012, ....back to the US....alright " she said with a nod wondering if she could remember what was happening around that time. It seemed a bit of a boring time period.
Eliana practically jumped out of her skin and he yelled out no in a panic startling her. "Kaleb....its okay it's normal my Doctor told me that I would constantly have to live with these mindgrains and as older I would get they would just become worse and worse so the dose would just have to go higher." Eliana replied trying to explain to Kaleb. "They don't get worse....they calm them down I'm able to function normally with them with out pain or passing out...." she said worried why Kaleb was so worried about her medication. "Are you scared ill over dose?..that won't happen..." she said unsure why he was freaking out, he was actually scaring her a bit. "I...its just...." Eliana started to say as Kaleb started to plead with her asking her to promise not to take them bagging her. Seeing Kaleb like this scared her, in her eyes he was smart, super cool and strong. Seeing him practically beg and that look on his face made her extremely worried for some reason. Eliana was quite unsure of what to say at first but she just gently nodded "I promise..." she replied
"We take him back to my world and see if can't use a gene splicer to reverse the process." He said. "That sounds almost impossible. Have you ever tried to unblend a smoothie?" Young Peter asked.
The TARDIS started wheezing and the control room shook a little.
Kaleb sighed a look of pure relief washing over his face. "Thank you. I know it seems weird. I know you've known your Aunt you're whole life. I know you've known me for barely a week. But I promise I'm not just saying this stuff to freak you out." He said.
"We take him back to my world and see if can't use a gene splicer to reverse the process." He said. "That sounds almost impossible. Have you ever tried to unblend a smoothie?" Young Peter asked.
The TARDIS started wheezing and the control room shook a little.
Kaleb sighed a look of pure relief washing over his face. "Thank you. I know it seems weird. I know you've known your Aunt you're whole life. I know you've known me for barely a week. But I promise I'm not just saying this stuff to freak you out." He said.
Aqua looked from older to younger Peter "..we can still try...yes the possibility might be very tiny and it might sound impossible...but there is still a chance even if it's a small of....why not try and see....Scorpion is clearly suffering in his state all we can do is give him that chance.." Aqua commented.
Gwen finished typing away in her laptop and closed it as the TARDIS shook. "Is the TARDIS okay?..." she asked
Eliana's mind raced as she looked at Kaleb's reaction of her promising not to take the pills. He seemed relieved but it made her feel conflicted her aunt won't be happy about her not taking them and what if her mindgrains just keep getting worse. She didn't say anything but inside her she was starting to double think things over, question them. Everything her aunt ever thought her and said was being questioned by her now. Eliana looked at Kaleb and just nodded unsure of what to say he seemed very concered for her and it was just a weird emotion to see someone show towards her. As that feeling had never been shown towards her. (Let's say the concered feeling her aunt or other people has shown her had been very fake) "Don't worry Kaleb I won't take them" she replied
Aqua looked from older to younger Peter "..we can still try...yes the possibility might be very tiny and it might sound impossible...but there is still a chance even if it's a small of....why not try and see....Scorpion is clearly suffering in his state all we can do is give him that chance.." Aqua commented.
Gwen finished typing away in her laptop and closed it as the TARDIS shook. "Is the TARDIS okay?..." she asked
Eliana's mind raced as she looked at Kaleb's reaction of her promising not to take the pills. He seemed relieved but it made her feel conflicted her aunt won't be happy about her not taking them and what if her mindgrains just keep getting worse. She didn't say anything but inside her she was starting to double think things over, question them. Everything her aunt ever thought her and said was being questioned by her now. Eliana looked at Kaleb and just nodded unsure of what to say he seemed very concered for her and it was just a weird emotion to see someone show towards her. As that feeling had never been shown towards her. (Let's say the concered feeling her aunt or other people has shown her had been very fake) "Don't worry Kaleb I won't take them" she replied
"Yeah. We can." Peter said. "But there's a lot of risk here. If we can't seperate the Scorpion and human DNA successfully. We might make things much worse." He said.
"Its fine." He said. "She always shakes a bit."
He nodded and then gave her a sudden tight hug.
"Yeah. We can." Peter said. "But there's a lot of risk here. If we can't seperate the Scorpion and human DNA successfully. We might make things much worse." He said.
"Its fine." He said. "She always shakes a bit."
He nodded and then gave her a sudden tight hug.
"I see.... have you tried asking or explaining this to Scorpion to see what his opinion is?...or is he not very responsive on the matter?" Aqua asked
"Alright if you say so, Doctor.." Gwen said as she put her laptop away and got up
(he has really given her a lot to think about)
Eliana gasped surprised by the sudden tight hug, she stood still in shock for a few seconds a light blush on her cheeks. She smiled and leaned into the hug, hugging him back.
"I see.... have you tried asking or explaining this to Scorpion to see what his opinion is?...or is he not very responsive on the matter?" Aqua asked
"Alright if you say so, Doctor.." Gwen said as she put her laptop away and got up
(he has really given her a lot to think about)
Eliana gasped surprised by the sudden tight hug, she stood still in shock for a few seconds a light blush on her cheeks. She smiled and leaned into the hug, hugging him back.
"I've tried explaining the dangers on my world." Mugil said.
He walked out of the TARDIS
"I'm sorry if I'm being weird." He said.
"I've tried explaining the dangers on my world." Mugil said.
He walked out of the TARDIS
"I'm sorry if I'm being weird." He said.
"I see..." Aqua replied
Gwen quickly followed out behind him
"it's okay...I dont mind, the hug just surprised me a bit but I really like it, it felt nice." Eliana replied, "you just seem very worried...I'm just sorry if I caused you to feel like that" she added.
"I see..." Aqua replied
Gwen quickly followed out behind him
"it's okay...I dont mind, the hug just surprised me a bit but I really like it, it felt nice." Eliana replied, "you just seem very worried...I'm just sorry if I caused you to feel like that" she added.
"But he'll keep trying. Hurt more people. So we'll try it his way." Miguel said.
The Doctor was looking at a display case.
"Its not your fault." He said. It's your Aunt's.
"But he'll keep trying. Hurt more people. So we'll try it his way." Miguel said.
The Doctor was looking at a display case.
"Its not your fault." He said. It's your Aunt's.
(so there are 3 Spidys there now XD. But only her Peter is Spidy...others are Spiderman 2 and 3 XD )
"Okay then...Spiderman 2 let's go with your plan then and give it a try.." Aqua said
Gwen walked out of the doors and then over to the Doctor to see what he was looking at.
"if you say so Kaleb," Eliana said leaning her head against his shoulder "...I still owe you..." she said closing her eyes as she spoke "maybe ice cream?...besides pizza you said you like ice cream...right?" she asked
"I see..." Aqua replied
Gwen quickly followed out behind him
"it's okay...I dont mind, the hug just surprised me a bit but I really like it, it felt nice." Eliana replied, "you just seem very worried...I'm just sorry if I caused you to feel like that" she added.

(so there are 3 Spidys there now XD. But only her Peter is Spidy...others are Spiderman 2 and 3 XD )
"Okay then...Spiderman 2 let's go with your plan then and give it a try.." Aqua said
Gwen walked out of the doors and then over to the Doctor to see what he was looking at.
"if you say so Kaleb," Eliana said leaning her head against his shoulder "...I still owe you..." she said closing her eyes as she spoke "maybe ice cream?...besides pizza you said you like ice cream...right?" she asked
An alarm went off in the cortex. Older Pete looked around. "We got this you guys do your jobs here."

It looked to be some sort of cybernetic head. "Look at you." The Doctor said to it.
"Icecream is... Great." He said. He blushed when ahe rested her head on his shoulder and he could feel his heart start to heat faster.
An alarm went off in the cortex. Older Pete looked around. "We got this you guys do your jobs here."

It looked to be some sort of cybernetic head. "Look at you." The Doctor said to it.
"Icecream is... Great." He said. He blushed when ahe rested her head on his shoulder and he could feel his heart start to heat faster.
"Come on Spidy" Aqua said running off to see what the alarm was for.
"A robotic head?...." Gwen questioned "weird thing to keep behind a case" she said.
Eliana giggled keeping her eyes closed as she kept leaning on his shoulder. " I bet it's a super yummy icecream place..." remembering the great pizza that he took her too. "We... can go tomorrow after school..." she commented
"Come on Spidy" Aqua said running off to see what the alarm was for.
"A robotic head?...." Gwen questioned "weird thing to keep behind a case" she said.
Eliana giggled keeping her eyes closed as she kept leaning on his shoulder. " I bet it's a super yummy icecream place..." remembering the great pizza that he took her too. "We... can go tomorrow after school..." she commented
There was a man in some kind of hovering vehicle surrounded by robots which attack indiscriminately. (Its eggman)
"An old enemy of mine. Stone dead. Put up for display. I'm getting old." The Doctor said. On the side there was a slitheen arm stuffed and mounted.
He smiled and put an arm around her shoulder. "Sounds great."
There was a man in some kind of hovering vehicle surrounded by robots which attack indiscriminately. (Its eggman)
"An old enemy of mine. Stone dead. Put up for display. I'm getting old." The Doctor said. On the side there was a slitheen arm stuffed and mounted.
He smiled and put an arm around her shoulder. "Sounds great."
(Okay important question....which version, video games, cartoons or live action XD wondering to how he looks)
Aqua now in her suite looks at the city noticing the man in a flying device surrounded by robots. To which were destroying the city and going after people. Octi jumped into action saving an elderly couple that were being attacked by one of the robots.
"Ooh..." Gwen said looking at the cybermen's head. When she slightly turn she noticed the Slitheen arm in the corner of her eye, causing her to slightly jump. She turned to look at the arm "Doctor is this a trophy room of some kind that you have built?..." she questioned "never saw you as this type of person...." she commented.
He feels her slightly nuzzle up against his shoulder when he placed his arm around her. She did not say a word or rejected the action. If he would looked down, he would see that she had fallen asleep.
"I see..." Aqua replied
Gwen quickly followed out behind him
"it's okay...I dont mind, the hug just surprised me a bit but I really like it, it felt nice." Eliana replied, "you just seem very worried...I'm just sorry if I caused you to feel like that" she added.

(Okay important question....which version, video games, cartoons or live action XD wondering to how he looks)
Aqua now in her suite looks at the city noticing the man in a flying device surrounded by robots. To which were destroying the city and going after people. Octi jumped into action saving an elderly couple that were being attacked by one of the robots.
"Ooh..." Gwen said looking at the cybermen's head. When she slightly turn she noticed the Slitheen arm in the corner of her eye, causing her to slightly jump. She turned to look at the arm "Doctor is this a trophy room of some kind that you have built?..." she questioned "never saw you as this type of person...." she commented.
He feels her slightly nuzzle up against his shoulder when he placed his arm around her. She did not say a word or rejected the action. If he would looked down, he would see that she had fallen asleep.
(That is important. Uh games)
Peter shot webline to a robot that looked kind if like a ladybug and smashed it against a wall. A rabbit crawled out from it. "What the heck?" He asked. His Spider-Sense went off and dodged some kind of energy attack from a... Robot wasp. Barry was speeding people out of harms way.
"This isn't mine." The Doctor said. "Why would I need trophies?"
He smiled slightly. Without really thinking he kissed her forehead and tucked her into her bed. He walked out to where "James" was. "Make sure she gets a lot of rest." He said. The Mechanic nodded.
(That is important. Uh games)
Peter shot webline to a robot that looked kind if like a ladybug and smashed it against a wall. A rabbit crawled out from it. "What the heck?" He asked. His Spider-Sense went off and dodged some kind of energy attack from a... Robot wasp. Barry was speeding people out of harms way.
"This isn't mine." The Doctor said. "Why would I need trophies?"
He smiled slightly. Without really thinking he kissed her forehead and tucked her into her bed. He walked out to where "James" was. "Make sure she gets a lot of rest." He said. The Mechanic nodded.
(XD okaies just his style of shape in his large moostash hehe)
With the flash able to quickly run off the citizens out of danger. Aqua focused in defeating the robots. Smashing one that looked like a crab against a wall to which a squirrel ran out. "What the heck?..." she said to herself watching the small animal run off. The again with rats running out two that she inked and cause to smash into eachother. "Uh...Spidy have your robots....have small wooden creatures been running out of the defeted robots?.." Aqua asked into her masked communication device.
"I didn't think so...thats why I found it weird" Gwen looked around. "But do you know of all these things?.." she asked.
(Awww Kaleb ❤. that was adorable)
(Think she will have a good chunk of the medication out of her system by the next day and then she start to have conflict with herself about the pills the next day once she is up)
Eliana wore a small smile on her lips after Kaleb tucked her in and left her room. Eliana did not wake up again that day. She slept through the evening and through out the night. Not waking up until the next morning.
"I see..." Aqua replied
Gwen quickly followed out behind him
"it's okay...I dont mind, the hug just surprised me a bit but I really like it, it felt nice." Eliana replied, "you just seem very worried...I'm just sorry if I caused you to feel like that" she added.

(XD okaies just his style of shape in his large moostash hehe)
With the flash able to quickly run off the citizens out of danger. Aqua focused in defeating the robots. Smashing one that looked like a crab against a wall to which a squirrel ran out. "What the heck?..." she said to herself watching the small animal run off. The again with rats running out two that she inked and cause to smash into eachother. "Uh...Spidy have your robots....have small wooden creatures been running out of the defeted robots?.." Aqua asked into her masked communication device.
"I didn't think so...thats why I found it weird" Gwen looked around. "But do you know of all these things?.." she asked.
(Awww Kaleb ❤. that was adorable)
(Think she will have a good chunk of the medication out of her system by the next day and then she start to have conflict with herself about the pills the next day once she is up)
Eliana wore a small smile on her lips after Kaleb tucked her in and left her room. Eliana did not wake up again that day. She slept through the evening and through out the night. Not waking up until the next morning.
"Yeah. Its really weird." Peter replied. The more they fought the more robots seemed to appear. The situation was starting to look hopeless.
The Doctor looked around. "Most of them." He said.
The Mechanic awoke her early to make sure she was up in time for school.

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