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"I love your cooking." He said, "That's what we're gonna do."

"You'll be destroying the entire planet for money." He said. "Well you would be. But we're gonna stop you." He said.

The Mechanic walked in with lunch. It was hot soup and some pain killers just in case.
It made Aqua smile that he enjoyed her cooking and really she loved when she was able to make food for him. "okay sounds like a plan" she said happily as she sat up in bed. Leaning over to Peter she gently kissed him "ill go start breakfast" she said getting out of bed.
"not just destroying a beautiful plant but all the people and life found here" Harriet spoke.

The blond woman shrugged "nothing but profit and lots of it." she smiled, then started to laugh as the three Slitheen behind her started to laugh as well. "What?...really....ha...you? trap in your box?...." she laughed as she glared at the Doctor.
Eliana had found her phone and plugged it in to charge as she climbed back to bed as the Mechanic walked in. Eliana looked over at the Mechanic as he walked over with food for her. She smiled happy that James was hired by her aunt as he had been nothing but nice to her and seemed to care more about her than even her aunt did. She got a bit sad looking down at her lap her being in bed all day would have frustrated her aunt, as she would have been a burden and a nuisance waisting time and money not doing anything.
It made Aqua smile that he enjoyed her cooking and really she loved when she was able to make food for him. "okay sounds like a plan" she said happily as she sat up in bed. Leaning over to Peter she gently kissed him "ill go start breakfast" she said getting out of bed.
"not just destroying a beautiful plant but all the people and life found here" Harriet spoke.

The blond woman shrugged "nothing but profit and lots of it." she smiled, then started to laugh as the three Slitheen behind her started to laugh as well. "What?...really....ha...you? trap in your box?...." she laughed as she glared at the Doctor.
Eliana had found her phone and plugged it in to charge as she climbed back to bed as the Mechanic walked in. Eliana looked over at the Mechanic as he walked over with food for her. She smiled happy that James was hired by her aunt as he had been nothing but nice to her and seemed to care more about her than even her aunt did. She got a bit sad looking down at her lap her being in bed all day would have frustrated her aunt, as she would have been a burden and a nuisance waisting time and money not doing anything.
He smiled as he watched her walk away. "I got the best the girl on the whole multiverse." He said.

The Doctor closed the door. "Gwen you carry a laptop?" He asked.

He set down the soup and gave her a short bow.
He smiled as he watched her walk away. "I got the best the girl on the whole multiverse." He said.

The Doctor closed the door. "Gwen you carry a laptop?" He asked.

He set down the soup and gave her a short bow.
(awww <3)
Not but a few minutes later noises could be heard coming from the kitchen as Aqua worked on their breakfast.

Gwen had her arms crossed and had been glaring back at the aliens as the door closed. They were all getting to her last nerve and she was not about to let them get away with their plan on destroying the earth. Gwen looked over at the Doctor and nodded "oh yes, always have.." she replied.

"Thank you James..." she said quietly looking over at him and giving him a small smile. She looked down back at her lap, now with a bowl of hot soup that smelled amazing causing her stomach to rumble.
(awww <3)
Not but a few minutes later noises could be heard coming from the kitchen as Aqua worked on their breakfast.

Gwen had her arms crossed and had been glaring back at the aliens as the door closed. They were all getting to her last nerve and she was not about to let them get away with their plan on destroying the earth. Gwen looked over at the Doctor and nodded "oh yes, always have.." she replied.

"Thank you James..." she said quietly looking over at him and giving him a small smile. She looked down back at her lap, now with a bowl of hot soup that smelled amazing causing her stomach to rumble.
He started getting dressed. And looked at his phone. He had gotten a few texts from Cusco saying that old Peter had an idea."


Good." He took it and pressed the Sonic to it. "They're ship is using a communications jam but with a little bit of work on my end." He said. "There you go, universal internet. It's its own internet tower now." He said. He opened it up and got tow work. "Get ready to shield us." He told Gwen. "I'm sending a missioe into downing street before they can get the lainch codes."


"I'm just doing what was asked of me my dear. Taking care of you." He said with another bow.
He started getting dressed. And looked at his phone. He had gotten a few texts from Cusco saying that old Peter had an idea."


Good." He took it and pressed the Sonic to it. "They're ship is using a communications jam but with a little bit of work on my end." He said. "There you go, universal internet. It's its own internet tower now." He said. He opened it up and got tow work. "Get ready to shield us." He told Gwen. "I'm sending a missioe into downing street before they can get the lainch codes."


"I'm just doing what was asked of me my dear. Taking care of you." He said with another bow.
Aqua had gotten a bit better at multitasking to cook with her tentacles and breakfast was about ready when Peter came out of their bedroom.
Gwen took out her laptop and set it on the table for the Doctor, to which she carefully watched him mess around with it. "wow! really universal internet?! that's amazing!" she said getting a close look at her laptop. "I'm definitely ready to put a stop to all this, no one messes with the earth with us around she claimed"
Eliana gently nodded, "still thank you," She said. Yes, he was going what was asked of him and what her aunt was paying him for but. Many other people had come and gone and they were never as attentive as James was but then most never last long working for her aunt.
Aqua had gotten a bit better at multitasking to cook with her tentacles and breakfast was about ready when Peter came out of their bedroom.
Gwen took out her laptop and set it on the table for the Doctor, to which she carefully watched him mess around with it. "wow! really universal internet?! that's amazing!" she said getting a close look at her laptop. "I'm definitely ready to put a stop to all this, no one messes with the earth with us around she claimed"
Eliana gently nodded, "still thank you," She said. Yes, he was going what was asked of him and what her aunt was paying him for but. Many other people had come and gone and they were never as attentive as James was but then most never last long working for her aunt.
He yawned a little wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"But what about the men downstairs?" Harriet asked. "They've been told to evacuate the buildint. Alright Gwen. Shield." He pressed enter.

He bowes again and left. Knowing thst she was through the worst of it. Now she just needed to find herself in a situation where here powers would manifest on their own.
He yawned a little wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"But what about the men downstairs?" Harriet asked. "They've been told to evacuate the buildint. Alright Gwen. Shield." He pressed enter.

He bowes again and left. Knowing thst she was through the worst of it. Now she just needed to find herself in a situation where here powers would manifest on their own.
Aqua turned smiling at Peter as he walked in. Gathering his plate she walked over and placed it on the table as he sat down. She kissed the side of his temple as she left the plate and walked back to gather a plate for herself. "Anything you want to drink sweetie?.." she asked
"Don't worry Harriet they will be okay and will make sure to save the world as well.." she said. Gwen turned to the Doctor and nodded ready, at his word she placed a shield around them.
Eliana finished her soup and took the pain killers he had left her. The main part of the pain had left her and she was feeling better. However she placed the tray on her bed side before laying back down. Falling asleep yet again for a few more hours.
Aqua turned smiling at Peter as he walked in. Gathering his plate she walked over and placed it on the table as he sat down. She kissed the side of his temple as she left the plate and walked back to gather a plate for herself. "Anything you want to drink sweetie?.." she asked
"Don't worry Harriet they will be okay and will make sure to save the world as well.." she said. Gwen turned to the Doctor and nodded ready, at his word she placed a shield around them.
Eliana finished her soup and took the pain killers he had left her. The main part of the pain had left her and she was feeling better. However she placed the tray on her bed side before laying back down. Falling asleep yet again for a few more hours.
"Uh... Water I guess. But I can get it." He said standing up. He felt awkward having her do all of this and a tiny bit guilty.

With a magic bubble protecting them they were still tossed aroind when a missle hit the building.


The Mechanic came in and took the trey.
"Uh... Water I guess. But I can get it." He said standing up. He felt awkward having her do all of this and a tiny bit guilty.

With a magic bubble protecting them they were still tossed aroind when a missle hit the building.


The Mechanic came in and took the trey.
"Water are you sure?....oh okay.." Aqua replied as Peter got up to get water. She wondered if everything was alright. Wondering why he didn't want her to bring his water, she was already up. She walked over to the table and set her plate down, going to grabe the tea she made herself.
Gwen braced herself and the magic shield she had formed around them as they get tossed around. She kept the shield up longer needing to make sure they were safe first before lowering it.
Eliana was passed out holding on to her phone, as she been waiting for it to get later in the day wanting to call Kaleb.
"Water are you sure?....oh okay.." Aqua replied as Peter got up to get water. She wondered if everything was alright. Wondering why he didn't want her to bring his water, she was already up. She walked over to the table and set her plate down, going to grabe the tea she made herself.
Gwen braced herself and the magic shield she had formed around them as they get tossed around. She kept the shield up longer needing to make sure they were safe first before lowering it.
Eliana was passed out holding on to her phone, as she been waiting for it to get later in the day wanting to call Kaleb.
He sat down across from her. "Weird to think we've loved together for almost the whole two years we've known eachother."

Eventually it was safe ro lower the bubble

Kaleb had been so worried when she hadn't shown up to school that he went tonher house right after not caring weather or jot he was wanted in that neighborhood.
He sat down across from her. "Weird to think we've loved together for almost the whole two years we've known eachother."

Eventually it was safe ro lower the bubble

Kaleb had been so worried when she hadn't shown up to school that he went tonher house right after not caring weather or jot he was wanted in that neighborhood.
"Yes I know...we did kinda met eachother in a very weird sercomstance too...." Aqua said. A bit into breakfast she stoped and poked her food a bit before looking at Peter. "...is it wrong we did that?...live together since we meet?..." she asked.
"We...we are okay!..." Harriett said. "How we know this worked and dint hurt any innocent people?" She asked. Gwen lowered the shield and looked around.
(Aww Kaleb <3 such a great friend)
Few of the residents who were out or walking to their front doors took notice of him. Never having seen him before they took a mental note of this new kid walking the street. Kaleb could feel the cold stares from the few that spotted him walking down to the last home of the block.
"Yes I know...we did kinda met eachother in a very weird sercomstance too...." Aqua said. A bit into breakfast she stoped and poked her food a bit before looking at Peter. "...is it wrong we did that?...live together since we meet?..." she asked.
"We...we are okay!..." Harriett said. "How we know this worked and dint hurt any innocent people?" She asked. Gwen lowered the shield and looked around.
(Aww Kaleb <3 such a great friend)
Few of the residents who were out or walking to their front doors took notice of him. Never having seen him before they took a mental note of this new kid walking the street. Kaleb could feel the cold stares from the few that spotted him walking down to the last home of the block.
"Of course not." He said. "Why would it be?"


"Look out there. The soldiers all got out okay." The Doctor said.


He knocked on the door. The Mechanic let him in. "Eliana. Someone's here to see you." He said letting Kaleb into her room.
"Of course not." He said. "Why would it be?"


"Look out there. The soldiers all got out okay." The Doctor said.


He knocked on the door. The Mechanic let him in. "Eliana. Someone's here to see you." He said letting Kaleb into her room.
"I don't know....it just seems to suprise others they always seem to react as if what we did was wrong... " Aqua replied as she never told Peter, but she would get nothing but hardship from investors and those helping run her grandfather's company until she was older. "I don't care what they think...I know that I love you and never had mind you living with me I quite enjoyed it....now it's would just be weird if you were not around.....but sometimes those comments can be a bit much..." she said
"Your right....they are fine.." Harriett replied

"Doctor....how will we know we saved Earth?...this seems to easy....it feels like they were planing forever...are the Slitheen gone?..." Gwen asked.
Eliana haven't had much time since she had woken up again. She was sitting on her bed looking down at her phone attentively. Kaleb should be getting home at any munite. She would just give it a few munites and try calling him. She hoped he would even want to talk to her. Eliana looked up from her phone and over to her door as she heard the knock. 'Who would be coming to see her?...no idea ever came to see her, no one at school knew were she lived, her aunt regulated who came into their home to much.' She thought setting her phone down as she stared at the door.
"I don't know....it just seems to suprise others they always seem to react as if what we did was wrong... " Aqua replied as she never told Peter, but she would get nothing but hardship from investors and those helping run her grandfather's company until she was older. "I don't care what they think...I know that I love you and never had mind you living with me I quite enjoyed it....now it's would just be weird if you were not around.....but sometimes those comments can be a bit much..." she said
"Your right....they are fine.." Harriett replied

"Doctor....how will we know we saved Earth?...this seems to easy....it feels like they were planing forever...are the Slitheen gone?..." Gwen asked.
Eliana haven't had much time since she had woken up again. She was sitting on her bed looking down at her phone attentively. Kaleb should be getting home at any munite. She would just give it a few munites and try calling him. She hoped he would even want to talk to her. Eliana looked up from her phone and over to her door as she heard the knock. 'Who would be coming to see her?...no idea ever came to see her, no one at school knew were she lived, her aunt regulated who came into their home to much.' She thought setting her phone down as she stared at the door.
"Well forget what they said." Peter said. "We're here and we've been through a lot to be."

"I would think so. Very few things can survive an attack like that." He said.

Kalen stepped into her room.
"Well forget what they said." Peter said. "We're here and we've been through a lot to be."

"I would think so. Very few things can survive an attack like that." He said.

Kalen stepped into her room.
"Of course, of course..." Aqua said nodding "know we have...and I'm glad to have you by my side" she said with a gently smile as she looked at him. She let's out a chuckle and looks down cupping the cup of tea in her hands. "...you know Peter I'm still suprised you chose me. You were quite popular with the girls in UA and even at school now... you are liked by many...." She commented
"We shoukd still check.." Gwen said
Eliana gasped as she saw Kaleb step into her room. "Kaleb..." she gasped completely suprised to see him standing there.
"Of course, of course..." Aqua said nodding "know we have...and I'm glad to have you by my side" she said with a gently smile as she looked at him. She let's out a chuckle and looks down cupping the cup of tea in her hands. "...you know Peter I'm still suprised you chose me. You were quite popular with the girls in UA and even at school now... you are liked by many...." She commented
"We shoukd still check.." Gwen said
Eliana gasped as she saw Kaleb step into her room. "Kaleb..." she gasped completely suprised to see him standing there.
"Was I?" He asked. "Guess I jever noticed." He said. "I meam everyone was friendly around me."

"I'll set the TARDIS to see if any Raxicoricophalipatorians life signs are on earth."


Hey." He said with a small wave. He was still in his school uniform. "You weren't at school. I got worried."
"Was I?" He asked. "Guess I jever noticed." He said. "I meam everyone was friendly around me."

"I'll set the TARDIS to see if any Raxicoricophalipatorians life signs are on earth."


Hey." He said with a small wave. He was still in his school uniform. "You weren't at school. I got worried."
"Really? Never?....oh..." Aqua said as she always thought he would have gone for another girl insted of her. "Well yes everyone was nice of course....they are our friends....but you did have quite a few admirers" she added.
(This is funny, in bring up how clueless and akward they were when confessing love for eachother at first. They grown so much with their affection with eachother......though seems some things still go over their heads sometimes XD I just loves them they are cute). (XD is it bad in my mind I have Aqua would get...well feel a bit jealous of girls crushing on Spidy bad. XD like when she is at work and maybe there is a news report on TV and she over hears some conversations XD....makes me think of when she got jelly with they went into Ben's mind and were Gwen was flirting with him XD)
Gwen nodded as she looked around at the distraction.
"What a mess....someone will have a lot on thwir hand trying to short this out for sure..." Harriett commented steping over the rubble as crowds of people started to gather in the disctance as the police and soldiers return to the scene.
"Hi..." Eliana just started at Kaleb not believing he was here, he hadn't even gone home as he was still wearing his school uniform. He had also been worried about her, no one had ever gone out of their way for her. With out a word she got out of bed and went over to him giving him a hug. She had felt horrable for being crossed with him form their phone call. Thinking he would have been upset with her. Yet he was here, because he had been worried about her.
"Really? Never?....oh..." Aqua said as she always thought he would have gone for another girl insted of her. "Well yes everyone was nice of course....they are our friends....but you did have quite a few admirers" she added.
(This is funny, in bring up how clueless and akward they were when confessing love for eachother at first. They grown so much with their affection with eachother......though seems some things still go over their heads sometimes XD I just loves them they are cute). (XD is it bad in my mind I have Aqua would get...well feel a bit jealous of girls crushing on Spidy bad. XD like when she is at work and maybe there is a news report on TV and she over hears some conversations XD....makes me think of when she got jelly with they went into Ben's mind and were Gwen was flirting with him XD)
Gwen nodded as she looked around at the distraction.
"What a mess....someone will have a lot on thwir hand trying to short this out for sure..." Harriett commented steping over the rubble as crowds of people started to gather in the disctance as the police and soldiers return to the scene.
"Hi..." Eliana just started at Kaleb not believing he was here, he hadn't even gone home as he was still wearing his school uniform. He had also been worried about her, no one had ever gone out of their way for her. With out a word she got out of bed and went over to him giving him a hug. She had felt horrable for being crossed with him form their phone call. Thinking he would have been upset with her. Yet he was here, because he had been worried about her.
"Hm... Learn new things every day." He said supping his water. (Nah its cute. And making her jealous is definitely something to do for the future)
"You could do it." The Doctor said. "Britain needs a new prime Minister now. I'd vote for you."
He looked at her somewhat in surprise before returning the hug. "Uh... So I know I'm not like... 100% on japanese culture. But isn't hugging in front other people like a huge social taboo or something?" He asked looking at the Mechanic. The man just laughed. "Quite right. I'll give you some privacy." (Wanna fasttrack their relationship like in heroes?)
"Hm... Learn new things every day." He said supping his water. (Nah its cute. And making her jealous is definitely something to do for the future)
"You could do it." The Doctor said. "Britain needs a new prime Minister now. I'd vote for you."
He looked at her somewhat in surprise before returning the hug. "Uh... So I know I'm not like... 100% on japanese culture. But isn't hugging in front other people like a huge social taboo or something?" He asked looking at the Mechanic. The man just laughed. "Quite right. I'll give you some privacy." (Wanna fasttrack their relationship like in heroes?)
(Hehe she gets jelly but hides it because she feels horable for feeling such feelings. But ahh! It's her Peter how dare they say such things about him >-> lol XD)
Aqua just looked at Peter a bit confused as he really didnt seem to care. Peter was so weird sometimes. But she loved him and he was her weirdo. Aqua decided to drop it there was no point in dual in the past over something that seem unimportant now. She finished her breakfast as she unthinking just watched Peter.
"I don't know about that" Harriett replied with a laugh. "Well...im going to see what I can do to help...try to calm the situation down..." the women said walking off towards the gathering people.
Eliana was a bit confused as to why he was asking such things. Ture the showing of affection in public was frowned upon on. But they were in her room not out in public, then the voice of James was heard and she let go of the hug as she blushed. She just been overwhelmed with both happiness he had worried about her and visit her she didn't think about it. She blushed even more when the Mechanic said he would give them some privacy. "Thank you for coming to check on me Kaleb....its very sweet of you....but aren't you worried about being here?...with you being a mutant.." she asked glad that her auntie was out of town. (You mean to them being a thing?)
(Hehe she gets jelly but hides it because she feels horable for feeling such feelings. But ahh! It's her Peter how dare they say such things about him >-> lol XD)
Aqua just looked at Peter a bit confused as he really didnt seem to care. Peter was so weird sometimes. But she loved him and he was her weirdo. Aqua decided to drop it there was no point in dual in the past over something that seem unimportant now. She finished her breakfast as she unthinking just watched Peter.
"I don't know about that" Harriett replied with a laugh. "Well...im going to see what I can do to help...try to calm the situation down..." the women said walking off towards the gathering people.
Eliana was a bit confused as to why he was asking such things. Ture the showing of affection in public was frowned upon on. But they were in her room not out in public, then the voice of James was heard and she let go of the hug as she blushed. She just been overwhelmed with both happiness he had worried about her and visit her she didn't think about it. She blushed even more when the Mechanic said he would give them some privacy. "Thank you for coming to check on me Kaleb....its very sweet of you....but aren't you worried about being here?...with you being a mutant.." she asked glad that her auntie was out of town. (You mean to them being a thing?)
He finished his breakfast and took the dishes to the sink ti wash them. "We have to go." He said. "Older me has an idea." He said.
The Doctor started walking back to the TARDIS.
"So what?" He asked walking over and sitting in her bed. "Who cares how a couple people stare at me?"
He finished his breakfast and took the dishes to the sink ti wash them. "We have to go." He said. "Older me has an idea." He said.
The Doctor started walking back to the TARDIS.
"So what?" He asked walking over and sitting in her bed. "Who cares how a couple people stare at me?"
"Alright" Aqua said getting up and getting change while he did the dishes. Coming back she was ready to go curious, wondering what plan older Peter had.
Gwen followed the Doctor back to the TARDIS
(Oh okay don't mind jumping or waiting x3)
"Not the staring Kaleb....but what if you are found out that your a mutant...that wouldn't be good" Eliana said as he walk to her bed, she followed him and sat back down on her bed as well. "I was waiting for when you got home to call you....didnt think you would come here.....But I'm glad to see you Kaleb." She said with a smile. Her smile went away as she looked at hin he didn't seem angry at her. "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you on the phone.....it was un called for...."
"Alright" Aqua said getting up and getting change while he did the dishes. Coming back she was ready to go curious, wondering what plan older Peter had.
Gwen followed the Doctor back to the TARDIS
(Oh okay don't mind jumping or waiting x3)
"Not the staring Kaleb....but what if you are found out that your a mutant...that wouldn't be good" Eliana said as he walk to her bed, she followed him and sat back down on her bed as well. "I was waiting for when you got home to call you....didnt think you would come here.....But I'm glad to see you Kaleb." She said with a smile. Her smile went away as she looked at hin he didn't seem angry at her. "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you on the phone.....it was un called for...."
"You look great." He said walking to the door.
He checked it. "Looks fine. No signs of them on Earth." He said.
"No no... I get it." He said. "I was just worried when I said what I said. But I should have realized, weather I'm right or wrong, how alarming hearing that would be for you." He said. He put his hand over hers. "I'm sorry Eliana. I won't bring that up again."
"You look great." He said walking to the door.
He checked it. "Looks fine. No signs of them on Earth." He said.
"No no... I get it." He said. "I was just worried when I said what I said. But I should have realized, weather I'm right or wrong, how alarming hearing that would be for you." He said. He put his hand over hers. "I'm sorry Eliana. I won't bring that up again."
Aqua had on jean short shorts, her cute over size sakura hoodie and her hair was heled up by a matching ribbon. He was making her feel beautiful even when wearing simple clothing. Aqua could not help but light blushed at his comment. She quickly followed him taking his hand as they left the apartment.
"So the Earth is saved that's good....but that signal the Slitheen was transmitting....will it bring more trouble to Earth?" Gwen asked.
Eliana looked over at his hand over hers. "Thank you Kaleb.....and I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I been seeing that what I was told all these year have been nothing but wrong.....I just....I can't be one....I just would not be here...." she said as she continued to stare at his hand over hers. "But Kaleb I don't want you to think that I hate you for who you are...really I dont!" She said looking over at him. Sure she was terrified of mutants, they were nothing but monsters. But after meeting Kaleb he had been showing her that everything her aunt have ever told her about who the mutants were was wrong. "You are a great person and been nothing but a great friend to me....so thank you..." she said
Aqua had on jean short shorts, her cute over size sakura hoodie and her hair was heled up by a matching ribbon. He was making her feel beautiful even when wearing simple clothing. Aqua could not help but light blushed at his comment. She quickly followed him taking his hand as they left the apartment.
"So the Earth is saved that's good....but that signal the Slitheen was transmitting....will it bring more trouble to Earth?" Gwen asked.
Eliana looked over at his hand over hers. "Thank you Kaleb.....and I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I been seeing that what I was told all these year have been nothing but wrong.....I just....I can't be one....I just would not be here...." she said as she continued to stare at his hand over hers. "But Kaleb I don't want you to think that I hate you for who you are...really I dont!" She said looking over at him. Sure she was terrified of mutants, they were nothing but monsters. But after meeting Kaleb he had been showing her that everything her aunt have ever told her about who the mutants were was wrong. "You are a great person and been nothing but a great friend to me....so thank you..." she said
Once at the car he let her into the driver's seat.
"Just give me a minute. I'm going to cancel the signal." He said. "And follow it with a message that the deals off."
"I know." He said. "And I'm not that great."
Once at the car he let her into the driver's seat.
"Just give me a minute. I'm going to cancel the signal." He said. "And follow it with a message that the deals off."
"I know." He said. "And I'm not that great."
Aqua smiled getting into the car and placed on her seat belt. Waiting for Peter to get in. She started the car and drove them both to STAR labs.
Gwen took a seat on the ground as the Doctor got to work. She pulled out her laptop and turned it on.
"You are Kaleb....well to me you are" She said

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