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Chromastone absorbed the attacks
Jellal smirked noticing the growing magical power within Chromastone. Although his attacks might not take down this man he could build up enough magical power and use him. He would have preferred Erza but this friend of hers could do. Jellal did not say a word but continue to attack Chromastone.
Jellal smirked noticing the growing magical power within Chromastone. Although his attacks might not take down this man he could build up enough magical power and use him. He would have preferred Erza but this friend of hers could do. Jellal did not say a word but continue to attack Chromastone.
Chromastone just stood with his arms folded. "This is getting annoying." He prepared to attack but suddenly couldn't move.
Chromastone just stood with his arms folded. "This is getting annoying." He prepared to attack but suddenly couldn't move.
(Okay so saw the episode the Etherion blasts destroys the tower but revels and kicks up the magic energy of the tower. Reveling the lackrama underneath)
(Sorry been crazy busy running around at work because Covid stuff changing we had to take down and move things around XD)

A snake tattoo had appeared behind Chromastones back. It slithered around his arms and legs. Wrapping around his body, painfully tightening and restricting his movement. Jellal smirked "it is time" He said standing back and outstretched his arms as he looked up.
The whole tower valiantly shook as a white beam shot from the sky and hit the tower directly. The light could be seen from all the surrounding areas and it engulfed the tower. Everyone was beloved to be dead, but in fact those inside were left confused and now surrounded by crystal. Those outside all they saw was a very tall tower of lacrima
(Okay so saw the episode the Etherion blasts destroys the tower but revels and kicks up the magic energy of the tower. Reveling the lackrama underneath)
(Sorry been crazy busy running around at work because Covid stuff changing we had to take down and move things around XD)

A snake tattoo had appeared behind Chromastones back. It slithered around his arms and legs. Wrapping around his body, painfully tightening and restricting his movement. Jellal smirked "it is time" He said standing back and outstretched his arms as he looked up.
The whole tower valiantly shook as a white beam shot from the sky and hit the tower directly. The light could be seen from all the surrounding areas and it engulfed the tower. Everyone was beloved to be dead, but in fact those inside were left confused and now surrounded by crystal. Those outside all they saw was a very tall tower of lacrima
Chromastone was being dragged into one of the crystals.
Chromastone was being dragged into one of the crystals.
Getting dragged into the crystal was painful "No need to struggle this will all be over soon. Your body will be infused with the licrama as my sacrifice and one in your flesh will break down and reconstruct itself to create Zerifs body." Jellal spoke as he walked over to Chrimastone "sadly I really would have preferred Erza's lovely body....but I guess yours will surface.."
Getting dragged into the crystal was painful "No need to struggle this will all be over soon. Your body will be infused with the licrama as my sacrifice and one in your flesh will break down and reconstruct itself to create Zerifs body." Jellal spoke as he walked over to Chrimastone "sadly I really would have preferred Erza's lovely body....but I guess yours will surface.."
(Whatg happened next? I forgot?)
(Whatg happened next? I forgot?)
(Erza is getting sucked in and Jellal stats calling Zerif to take the sacrifice. as she almost gets sucked in Natsu pulls her out of the crystal. Erza tells him to leave and Natsu knocks her out. Natsu and jellal fight, Natsu gets his butt kicked but stands back up to fight. Then Natsu started to destroy the crystal pissing off Jellal and they start fighting again. Erza wakes back up with all the destruction as the two are fighting, Natsu continuously trying to destroy more and more of the crystals. Jellal gets really pissed off and starts casting a spell that would really kill Natsu, Erza gets in the way to stop him, but at this point Jellal does not care and says if her kills them both he will just find a replacement. Erza wont move out of the way and is about to take the full hit of the spell and at the last second, Simon stands in the way taking it all, and dies (that part makes be cry >< as he and Erza talk and he takes his last breath:closedeyescryingfrown:). Jellal laughs at the whole thing saying none will leave alive and Natsu tells his to shut up and punches him HARD! in the jaw that it sends his flying across the room. Natsu is getting crazy power because he is eating the Ether nano from the Etheron blast. Gets crazy strong and blasts him. But Jellal still alive and kicking and Natsu is being poisoned from eating other elements besides his own. But then Dude goes full-on Sayon 🤣and really starts kicking Jellal's butt because he made Erza cry. Natsu grabs Erza and smashes him to the floor draging him by the neck and smashing him through all the floors of the tower. Jellal escapes and flys up and Natsu chases him back up jumping on pieces of crystals as they are falling down. Natsu dose his rocket fire blast feet and shoots up punching Jellal in the gut at full force >-< ouch. The keep fighting like Jellal wont go down! As Jellal is monologuing he gets like a strange distraction and he sees Eza sticking him with her blade and then Natsu full crazy dragon power up again punches him straight at his cheek at crazy force Jellal falls down through the whole tower. the Tower brakes a bit and Jellal is knocked out Natsu and Erza embrace, Erza thanking him and the tower started to break apart and explode. The magic is gathering and the Explosion is so huge it will explode and kill everyone. Erza starts to escape with Natsu but trips and falls. The power os the magic is to strong and will kill everyone. To contain all the magic Erza goes into the crystal to infuse her body to control it. Natsu wakes up as Erza goes into the crystal. Natsu angry and sad cant get her out. Erza goes into the crystal and enfuses with it directing the magic energy up to the sky, saves everyone and the tower explodes. ERza had this deep dream of the future of her funeral and how everyone if taking her death. Natsu pulls her out of the crystal and carry her back to the shore were everyone else is waiting running to them and a huge group hug...yay!)
(Erza is getting sucked in and Jellal stats calling Zerif to take the sacrifice. as she almost gets sucked in Natsu pulls her out of the crystal. Erza tells him to leave and Natsu knocks her out. Natsu and jellal fight, Natsu gets his butt kicked but stands back up to fight. Then Natsu started to destroy the crystal pissing off Jellal and they start fighting again. Erza wakes back up with all the destruction as the two are fighting, Natsu continuously trying to destroy more and more of the crystals. Jellal gets really pissed off and starts casting a spell that would really kill Natsu, Erza gets in the way to stop him, but at this point Jellal does not care and says if her kills them both he will just find a replacement. Erza wont move out of the way and is about to take the full hit of the spell and at the last second, Simon stands in the way taking it all, and dies (that part makes be cry >< as he and Erza talk and he takes his last breath:closedeyescryingfrown:). Jellal laughs at the whole thing saying none will leave alive and Natsu tells his to shut up and punches him HARD! in the jaw that it sends his flying across the room. Natsu is getting crazy power because he is eating the Ether nano from the Etheron blast. Gets crazy strong and blasts him. But Jellal still alive and kicking and Natsu is being poisoned from eating other elements besides his own. But then Dude goes full-on Sayon 🤣and really starts kicking Jellal's butt because he made Erza cry. Natsu grabs Erza and smashes him to the floor draging him by the neck and smashing him through all the floors of the tower. Jellal escapes and flys up and Natsu chases him back up jumping on pieces of crystals as they are falling down. Natsu dose his rocket fire blast feet and shoots up punching Jellal in the gut at full force >-< ouch. The keep fighting like Jellal wont go down! As Jellal is monologuing he gets like a strange distraction and he sees Eza sticking him with her blade and then Natsu full crazy dragon power up again punches him straight at his cheek at crazy force Jellal falls down through the whole tower. the Tower brakes a bit and Jellal is knocked out Natsu and Erza embrace, Erza thanking him and the tower started to break apart and explode. The magic is gathering and the Explosion is so huge it will explode and kill everyone. Erza starts to escape with Natsu but trips and falls. The power os the magic is to strong and will kill everyone. To contain all the magic Erza goes into the crystal to infuse her body to control it. Natsu wakes up as Erza goes into the crystal. Natsu angry and sad cant get her out. Erza goes into the crystal and enfuses with it directing the magic energy up to the sky, saves everyone and the tower explodes. ERza had this deep dream of the future of her funeral and how everyone if taking her death. Natsu pulls her out of the crystal and carry her back to the shore were everyone else is waiting running to them and a huge group hug...yay!)
(Okay now how can we doo al of that... but with Ben instead lol)
(I think so unless you want to bring back someone else, so I am guessing Pinto will be what Natsu was fighting. If you don't want to bring back anyone else we can just do Ben, Pinto and Jellal
(Works for me) "Jelall!" Pinto burst through the floor still Super Saiyan.
"Your just wasting your time your friend is doomed and the all mighty Zeraf will emerge and we will build a new world" He yelled putting up a fight.
"Not while I still have the energy to fight." He said. He was.overpowering Jelall handily. And towa had already fled so no power ups for Jelall.
"Not while I still have the energy to fight." He said. He was.overpowering Jelall handily. And towa had already fled so no power ups for Jelall.
Jellal was able to move out of the way as Pinto's energy beam was becoming to much. The beam shot past him causing a huge explosion and destroying the wall and side of the tower. "I'll make sure you die painfully for being a nuisance." He said lifting his arms up casting a large powerful black magic Altairis spell. As a large black orb collected and grew above Jellal's head. As he prepare to fire the spell, all the nearby shadows get drawn towards towards the orb. He unleashes the large dark dense orb at Pinto. Rushing quickly towards him it has an incredible pull and crushing force as it gets close.

Jellal was able to move out of the way as Pinto's energy beam was becoming to much. The beam shot past him causing a huge explosion and destroying the wall and side of the tower. "I'll make sure you die painfully for being a nuisance." He said lifting his arms up casting a large powerful black magic Altairis spell. As a large black orb collected and grew above Jellal's head. As he prepare to fire the spell, all the nearby shadows get drawn towards towards the orb. He unleashes the large dark dense orb at Pinto. Rushing quickly towards him it has an incredible pull and crushing force as it gets close.

He had to go to full power super saiyan to overpower the shadowey force and then he attacked Jelall once more. Chromastone was being drained quickly and painfully. (Skip to Pinto defeating jelall and Chromastone forcing him to run away so he doesn't die?)
He had to go to full power super saiyan to overpower the shadowey force and then he attacked Jelall once more. Chromastone was being drained quickly and painfully. (Skip to Pinto defeating jelall and Chromastone forcing him to run away so he doesn't die?)
(Okaies sounds good)
Jellal was resistant keeping up with Pinto, but at the end Pinto was stronger. At the last blow from Pinto, Jellal was sent flying towards the ground. He fell stright through the tower, the force knocking him out and destroying part of the tower.
The tower started to shake once again, as the magic within was becoming unstable. The tower violently glowed glowed as the crystals around them started to crack and fall apart. The whole place was to explode at any minute sending a violent wave of magic destroying all the land surrounding it.
(Okaies sounds good)
Jellal was resistant keeping up with Pinto, but at the end Pinto was stronger. At the last blow from Pinto, Jellal was sent flying towards the ground. He fell stright through the tower, the force knocking him out and destroying part of the tower.
The tower started to shake once again, as the magic within was becoming unstable. The tower violently glowed glowed as the crystals around them started to crack and fall apart. The whole place was to explode at any minute sending a violent wave of magic destroying all the land surrounding it.
Pinto went to try and get Chromastone. Chromastone had gone Ultimate to try and keep himself strong. "Get out of here!" Before Pinto could argue CHromastone shot was was left of his stored energy at PInto. It was strong enough to send him flying away as it caught him off guard. THen it exploded with Chromastoned still inside.

Pinto flew back to the beach looking angry. "Where's Ben..." Link said. He was standing with everyone who had come with them to the resort. Pinto just shook his head.

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