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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"No stars..." herb said looking up. "Just dark sky"

"Finally..I been waiting awhile for someone to accept the job." He said. "Name is James. " Margo nods. "Really we are the first ones?" He nods. "Yep."
"Fun. Can't wait to meet big boss Molag. Can't kill him but I bet we can still dislocate a jaw." He said.

Corinn leaned against a wall, 'So wanna explain the ghost town?"

In Gotham a day after Penguin revealed he was still alive Peter came home. Somehow they were off the hook for letting him go even if Gordon had to go on the run. "Got a weird case hun. And I mean. Weird, not like Gotham weird like, you and me have been to hell weird."
"Fun. Can't wait to meet big boss Molag. Can't kill him but I bet we can still dislocate a jaw." He said.

Corinn leaned against a wall, 'So wanna explain the ghost town?"

In Gotham a day after Penguin revealed he was still alive Peter came home. Somehow they were off the hook for letting him go even if Gordon had to go on the run. "Got a weird case hun. And I mean. Weird, not like Gotham weird like, you and me have been to hell weird."
"That works for me" he nods.

"Everyone fled a while ago. This place has literally become a ghost town at night." He answered. Macy looks at him. "Then why do you need help stealing these masks?" James looks at her. "I and the ghosts that are holding these masks dont have the greatest of history" margo frowned. "So this whole place is haunted? And you cant just get them? You look like you have some sort of magic judging from the robes. Cant you just blast them?" James laughed. "Sorry but that is not what I specialize in." He looked over hearing a twig snap. One of Macy's copies came into view.

"Really that kind of weird? What's the case?" Sage asked.
"That works for me" he nods.

"Everyone fled a while ago. This place has literally become a ghost town at night." He answered. Macy looks at him. "Then why do you need help stealing these masks?" James looks at her. "I and the ghosts that are holding these masks dont have the greatest of history" margo frowned. "So this whole place is haunted? And you cant just get them? You look like you have some sort of magic judging from the robes. Cant you just blast them?" James laughed. "Sorry but that is not what I specialize in." He looked over hearing a twig snap. One of Macy's copies came into view.

"Really that kind of weird? What's the case?" Sage asked.
Lyris just stared at them. The half giant nord had never met two stranger men in all her life.

Corinn watched Macy's copy.

Well we have one guy who was killed in his sleep, his wife says that she came back from getting a drink and saw him getting attacked by the tooth fairy, A pool boy was killed doing work on his neighbor's pool. Kids who saw it say shark attack. One cancer patient had a seizure and no Doctor would go into his room the help because get this, there was an apple next to his bed."
Lyris just stared at them. The half giant nord had never met two stranger men in all her life.

Corinn watched Macy's copy.

Well we have one guy who was killed in his sleep, his wife says that she came back from getting a drink and saw him getting attacked by the tooth fairy, A pool boy was killed doing work on his neighbor's pool. Kids who saw it say shark attack. One cancer patient had a seizure and no Doctor would go into his room the help because get this, there was an apple next to his bed."
Herb just chuckled as they continued on their way.

James looked at the copy. He then looked at Macy. "Another one?" Macy responded right away, not even thinking about it as she lied. "My sister. Just looking around. Now how about you tell us about these masks. Where are they and what do they look like?" The copy came over to them and just nods before whispering to Corinn. "Whole place is empty, no one but there are a few fresh footprints" James nods. "Okay they are in the castle over there" he points to the castle, main ball room. They were on display the day this place turned into a ghost town. They are plain white and they just cover the wearer's whole face. " margo tossed her knife in the air and caught it. "What's so special about them?"

"Hmm those are all strange. Weirdly strange" sage said setting down a bracelet she was taking apart.
Herb just chuckled as they continued on their way.

James looked at the copy. He then looked at Macy. "Another one?" Macy responded right away, not even thinking about it as she lied. "My sister. Just looking around. Now how about you tell us about these masks. Where are they and what do they look like?" The copy came over to them and just nods before whispering to Corinn. "Whole place is empty, no one but there are a few fresh footprints" James nods. "Okay they are in the castle over there" he points to the castle, main ball room. They were on display the day this place turned into a ghost town. They are plain white and they just cover the wearer's whole face. " margo tossed her knife in the air and caught it. "What's so special about them?"

"Hmm those are all strange. Weirdly strange" sage said setting down a bracelet she was taking apart.
They saw more soul shriven. Almost all of them had far off glazed over looks.

"So you hired us to steal from ghosts? Ok. I'll admit I'm interested." Corinn said.

"I figure you and me go poking around where we shouldn't." He said. "Well mostly you I'm technically still a cop. Even if Gordon's had to go underground."
They saw more soul shriven. Almost all of them had far off glazed over looks.

"So you hired us to steal from ghosts? Ok. I'll admit I'm interested." Corinn said.

"I figure you and me go poking around where we shouldn't." He said. "Well mostly you I'm technically still a cop. Even if Gordon's had to go underground."
" Man none of them look good" herb said looking at the people they pass.

"Yes exactly. Now you guys can only access the castle at night. Only time the doors open. Just watch out for the ghosts." James said. He looked at Margo. "They belong to the royal family here. That's why they are so important. "

Sage nods. "Yeah I can do that. So any connection between the victims?"

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