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Colosseum Multiverse Fighting Tournament OOC

Monday Monday , Shnuydude Shnuydude and Mynach Mynach , checking if you are still interested and if you'll be making characters. :)

Link is right here if you need it. :)
Fantastic to hear. Thanks got letting me know. :-)
I'll wait until Monday for any additional players and then I'll get started. It just means that they'll be more NPC fighters for you guys to compete against.
I am, but life has been so busy lately that I'm afraid to commit to something new and then not be able to deliver.
That's fair. If you want to make a character though, I can always find a place for you when you are free. :)

I will hopefully get the first post up tomorrow. This is the current player roster:
Tristan McNav/ Hades le Tsvorsu - Jagson Jagson
Valiska- Damafaud Damafaud
Vivienne- Mynach Mynach
Samuel "R3X" Crow- Reytian Reytian
Nosako- Orifan1 Orifan1
Aaron Weiss AKA "Daddy Liberty"- Duwang Duwang
Ah. I assume we'd be set up with matches right away.
Don't worry, the matches will be coming soon. And all the players have first matches. Just giving people the opportunity to get into character and react to their surroundings. :)
Ah. I think at least one of the characters was trying to interact with another one. But I'll try to get another update this weekend
This is indeed still open. Only Originsl Characters please. You can have a character from an established universe or game, but they must be your original character and not a pre established character.

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