MTA: Alakhazam!


Ron Swanson's Pyramid of Greatness




Actions! Adventures! Mind Bending Horrors! Weird Science! Ancient forgotten civilizations and mad scientists welcome to the pulp era of high adventures , passion, dangers and the incredible! Do you want to fight down criminals on a train at 110 miles per hour while falling down a mountain? Then Yes, this game is for you! Welcome to the Cold War Era(1950s), where mages take on a world still fresh from the war and dangers at every corners!


This game is going to use the Mage the Awakening supplement. You are making vivid, passionate and pulp era

appropriate larger than life characters. I have virtually every mage the awakening supplement so if you want to use something just let me know in advance.

Chargen changes: Character will make their characters with 12 dots of attributes and 22 dots of skills that they

can distribute as they see fit instead of being limited by primary/secondary/tertiary qualifications. Beside that, standard

character generation.

Paths and orders in the pulp era:

Acanthus: The touched, the lucky bastards full of guile and cunning, the dashing and daredevil rogues!

Mastigos: The Manipulators and mesmerists, They understand things men were not meant to know and make pacts with demons and dark outside forces! Not all are evil of course.

Moros: The necromancers and Lords of the dead! They know the secrets of the dead and the earth!

Maybe they died and crawled their ways out of the gates of the underworld? Who knows.

Obrimos: The chosen and brilliant warriors of light! Cops, soldiers, devoted clergy men, when all hope seems lost,

they become enlightened!

Thyrsus: The masters of the wild and shapers of beasts! Some are vine swinging wild boys, shaman or incredible brutes!

Adamantine Arrow: It's a mage paramilitary operation, basically training mage special forces in a time of high adventures and actions, their bodyguards and soldiers are needed everywhere.

Mysterium: No changes, still bookworm anthropologist, Indiana jones style!

Silver Ladder: Still the rich guys and in charge.

Guardians of the Veil: Spies and assassins, they tend to be very secretive. The guardian of the veil are essentially ruled by secret masters and nobody knows what is their end game.

Freedom Council: The freedom council is simply a group of revolutionary trying to break the archaic orders of the mages and make it become more like a republic, the American way so to speak, essentially they want to seperate from the European feudal style of mage society. So they are against elders and nobles ruling but still are great heroes for the mage society and encourages the progresses of Weird Sciences.


Looking for 4 players to 5 players to get started. You will make a character using the rules posted above plus with the

World of Darkness core book and Mage the Awakening core book. All other supplements are optional.
RetroCity said:



Actions! Adventures! Mind Bending Horrors! Weird Science! Ancient forgotten civilizations and mad scientists welcome to the pulp era of high adventures , passion, dangers and the incredible! Do you want to fight down criminals on a train at 110 miles per hour while falling down a mountain? Then Yes, this game is for you! Welcome to the Cold War Era(1950s), where mages take on a world still fresh from the war and dangers at every corners!


This game is going to use the Mage the Awakening supplement. You are making vivid, passionate and pulp era

appropriate larger than life characters. I have virtually every mage the awakening supplement so if you want to use something just let me know in advance.

Chargen changes: Character will make their characters with 12 dots of attributes and 22 dots of skills that they

can distribute as they see fit instead of being limited by primary/secondary/tertiary qualifications. Beside that, standard

character generation.

Paths and orders in the pulp era:

Acanthus: The touched, the lucky bastards full of guile and cunning, the dashing and daredevil rogues!

Mastigos: The Manipulators and mesmerists, They understand things men were not meant to know and make pacts with demons and dark outside forces! Not all are evil of course.

Moros: The necromancers and Lords of the dead! They know the secrets of the dead and the earth!

Maybe they died and crawled their ways out of the gates of the underworld? Who knows.

Obrimos: The chosen and brilliant warriors of light! Cops, soldiers, devoted clergy men, when all hope seems lost,

they become enlightened!

Thyrsus: The masters of the wild and shapers of beasts! Some are vine swinging wild boys, shaman or incredible brutes!

Adamantine Arrow: It's a mage paramilitary operation, basically training mage special forces in a time of high adventures and actions, their bodyguards and soldiers are needed everywhere.

Mysterium: No changes, still bookworm anthropologist, Indiana jones style!

Silver Ladder: Still the rich guys and in charge.

Guardians of the Veil: Spies and assassins, they tend to be very secretive. The guardian of the veil are essentially ruled by secret masters and nobody knows what is their end game.

Freedom Council: The freedom council is simply a group of revolutionary trying to break the archaic orders of the mages and make it become more like a republic, the American way so to speak, essentially they want to seperate from the European feudal style of mage society. So they are against elders and nobles ruling but still are great heroes for the mage society and encourages the progresses of Weird Sciences.


Looking for 4 players to 5 players to get started. You will make a character using the rules posted above plus with the

World of Darkness core book and Mage the Awakening core book. All other supplements are optional.
Approved! Set to awaiting players please let us know when you have enough so we can move you to the next step.
Well you know you have a player here. This mage can't wait to explore dark and forgotten temples to elder gods and throw some lightning in their faces. In other words Obrimos reporting in.
Any idea of what city/location they are starting in?

Also just to warn you I am currently engrossed in 'Cold Days' the latest Dresden Files book and while I am normally good at resisting having too strong influences its highly likely you will be getting a spell-slinging Private Eye (Especially if its 1950's an all.)
Ah Dresden nothing wrong with that, let see, I wouldn't worry about the starting location just make a character and be prepared to travel around the world basically. You can be from anywhere in the world!
Ugh, I would love to join this. I've been sitting on my WoD books for years now.

Sadly, school, work and other games demand my attention. Ah well, maybe next time, have fun!
I don't have a great grasp of the Mages but I do find them intriguing. Thyrsus maybe (Lunar fanboy)? Thinking of an old grizzled veteran of the game, looking to go down not in a blaze of glory but with a legacy? Maybe trying to undo a past mistake or set a wrong, a personal vendetta? Something dark, nasty shit!! Guardians of the Veil for sure, secretive like an old fat cat with squinty yellow eyes full of cunning and rage, but fangs still sharp even if I limp and my tail is crooked.
Maybe once things even out for me I'll throw my hat in to the ring, until then I'll be keeping an eye on this. :)
Right, i think i'll try mixing some of the concepts i have earlybut i'll need some more information on the setting.

What's the general mood of the game?

How close it is to the issues that went through the 50's?

and How hard would it be to get access to a plane/other flying machine?

I'll probably go with a Mastigos. Undecided on Order yet, still researching what specific benefits each offer.
After consideration I think I will throw Ren into this game rather then a P.I.

Ren is a British member of the Adamantine Arrows who spends his time traveling the UK hunting down supernatural predators plaguing humanity. Having been a orphan sleepwalker who was taken in by a cabal of AA when he was young he is quite good at what he does and specializes in hunting werewolves. His abilities and magic have made him a rather brash and overconfident man who often uses the forces rote 'tune in' to listen to radio broadcasts even when his attention really should be on his work.
Judging by the animation it seems like a Call of Cuthulu meets James Bonds. Which raises the question: Nazis. We will be fighting Nazis, right?
Of course what a game of pulp genre would it be without Nazis mad scientists and strange experiments gone awry?

For the general mood of the game: Pulp genre really, guess if you need example, you can check the following movies: The Mummy, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Big troubles in Little China, The Shadow and I guess Indiana Jones qualifies for it as well. Secret societies and Lovecraft like Horrors will be on the menu too.

It'll be close and weird, mages do offer many possibilities for the sense of wonders and mysteries trying to discover what lies beyond and the secrets of Atlantis mix rather well with the pulp genre.

Let say you will be fighting on top of planes on occasion, I mean it's pulp genre!
Just been watching 'Have I got news for you' and apparently in the 1950's America had plans to nuke the moon, now if that's not a plot for a pulp game I don't know what is.
Nuke the Moon, that would be an awesome plot. I'll keep it in mind and work on it.
Vivo Jobim came from the poorest and meanest streets of Rio and was little more than a feral child when the Guardians of the Veil found him. Skulking among the garbage dumps of the city and scraping a living by tooth and nail he had seen more violence than most men see in a lifetime. Already awakened and with a talented gift for shapeshifting the young Vivo recieved the best training in the arts of blackmail and assasination that the Veil spymasters could beat into him. Quiet, pragmatic and brutal, Vivo spends most of his time in the streets among the poor, the violent, and the criminal underworld he calls home. If the information can only be found by holding your nose and dinning with pimps and whores, knee deep in shit then Vivo is your man.
Hmmm, there's no Moros from what I'm seeing. I was thinking someone with Death/Matter/Spirit 2. This would be the guy that has eyes and ears everywhere and many minions, virtually all unseen. Maybe a Silver Ladder member who tends to be sent out about a lot to keep the Order ever informed about the happenings in the world while making sure that the Order always keeps the edge when it comes to who's who.
I was thinking someone that may not talk much. may not even need to throw around his weight to prove he's a Silver Ladder member because he is already self-assured. The one thing I would love to have stand out is that this is the kind of guy you don't mess with because he will always find a way to get even and the victim will rarely know in what way, how, or from where it will come
This works well with a Moros and backed down with the Silver Ladder, you can indeed be terrifying and don't need to say much.

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