MTA: Alakhazam!

Dammit Coyotekin, you stole my mojo man!! I was heading along the same line of thought, only Guardian of the Veil and using the spirits of the city and the dead so common among the poor and disenfranchised to set up a twilight spy ring. Oh well, back to the drawing board. :(
Hold on, we can work together. I'll handle the dead and you handle the spirits. Maybe I'll focus a bit more on Space as well for Wards and such when it comes to such things and distance information with such a network.
Spirits and deads aren't the same thing indeed and it's a bit hard to do both , it's possible but harder.
Really!? You don't mind? :P WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I'll focus on Spirits and the painful enforcement of compliance. I wanted to make him a leg breaker and intimidating SOB anyways.
Thankfully Ren is already used to rather uncouth company.

Well here is what I have for him as it stands.

  • Name: Ren

    Age: 25

    Path: Obrimos

    Order: Adamantine Arrows

    Health: 7

    Running Speed: 11

    Initiative: 5

    Defense: 3


    Resources 2

    Enhanced item 1

    Status Arrows 1

    [story]"Hah!" Ren breathed heavily as he stood over the prone form of the savage werewolf "Didn't see that one coming hu rover." One hand clutched his bleeding side while the other held his rifle to the creatures head. The shot rang out through the glade and then all went silent.[/story]

    During a mission a grisseled band of Adamantine Arrows came across an old and dilapidated orphanage on the outskirts of town. Carefully entering they started searching the apparently deserted place with it malevolent aura. After confronting the spirit that had murdered the occupants the groups Thyrsus noticed a faint life-sign that turned out to be Ren who as a sleepwalker had noticed something wrong before it happened and had taken refuge in the smallest crawl space he could find.

    Noting a tainted aura still hanging over the child a couple of the band managed to convince the others to bring the child along worried the aura might attract things others wouldn't be able to handle.

    They ended up being right and little Ren turned out to be a beacon for all sorts of things that went bump in the night. Rather unfortunately he quickly found his place among the group as the bait. Given enough wards and shields that a tank would find itself hard pressed to squash the little bugger he would be left out for whatever monster was coming. Non of which ever got to test the wards for as soon as it came within a meter of the child five highly trained AA would descend upon it from their hiding places and tear it to peaces.

    So this was the life Ren found himself growing up with. Trained in ways to survive in hostile environments, the use of various weapons their use craft and upkeep, and all the knowledge one would need for hunting supernatural quarry. Plus the occasional use as prey, which when younger earnt him the nickname Banshee among the group for the wails he would often let out as the monsters approached, needless to say he hated the name.

    Odd as it was he grew to love his strange family and it was with a heavy heart that when he came of age he decided to leave them to seek his own fortunes for a time, promising to return to them one day with all the tales of his travels.

    Since then he has been all across the UK and to a few other countries as well in his hunts and attracted all kinds of attention from the creatures in the darkness. He travels front place to place on his trusty old motorbike that he barely manages to keep together and drives along with a I'm uncultured in his mouth and a tune in his head (thanks to forces).

    His happy go lucky attitude makes it a wonder he is still alive what with the things he goes up against. He is often seen as a vagabond only ever having one night stands and not saying goodbye. Truthfully he is just afraid anyone he stays around too long will become a victim of his bad luck. He collects trophies from his kills but leaves the necklace of teeth under his clothes as not to cause unwanted attention and while a pistol can usually be seen at his side he always keeps his rifle hidden or invisible while in civilized lands.

Ah you need to at least take one merit status to be in an order, but it comes with benefits since you get the High Speech merit for free with it.
Ah thanks forgot about that. Guess Fozare shall have to lose its +1 equipment bonus =( *goes to edit*
I have to say that the fashions alone are worth playing in the fifties...and I just watched Sky Captain, so bring out the clunky robots!
I am mildly surprised that no-one has picked the Mysterium so far. I mean, they even have adventure archaeologists.
Still looking for another player? I have a Mastigos Mystagogue in mind for this game, a historian by trade but he could be refluffed into an Arrow if need be.

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