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Fandom Mt. Olympus University | Main {open}



Welcome to Mt. Olympus University!
Current home of the graduating gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus High School, Mount Olympus University (MOU) features the twelve main gods and goddesses of the original Greek Mythology-- but also any/all minor gods/goddesses and known figures in Greek mythology. The roleplay is based solely on the mythological ideas centered around the gods, nothing else. This means that everything else-- from romances to rivalries-- are flexible and open to the imagination. Persephone doesn't need to be in a relationship with Hades. Zeus doesn't need to cheat on his girlfriend, Hera. Heck, Zeus doesn't even have to be in a relationship with Hera. In this RP, none of the gods are related. The only thing mythology is the gods themselves: personality, powers, and pride. Be the god, but be yourself (or your character).

  1. All RPNation rules/terms/conditions apply.
  2. No confusing OOC with IC.
  3. Minimal cussing.
  4. Keep the romance pg-13 kids. Ain't nobody wanna see that...
  5. If you're not sure about causing drama, ask me first.
  6. If you already play a major god/goddess you can create only one other minor god character.
  7. If your first character was a minor god, you can have up to three minor gods. (Subject to change.)
  8. Be respectful and responsible.
  9. Have fun.
Goddess' Dorms:
  • Building 1:
    • Room 1A:
      • Aphrodite
      • Persephone
    • Room 1B:
      • Athena
      • Artemis
    • Room 1C:
Gods' Dorms:
  • Building 2:
    • Room 2A:
      • Poseidon
      • Hades
    • Room 2B:
      • Hermes
      • Apollo
    • Room 2C:
      • Hephaestus
I'm giving everybody free reign to "choose" which classes their character is taking. Make sure they match up with the god's personality. (I.E. Aphrodite should not be taking archery classes, she should be taking classes on beautification.)
Mt. Olympus University= godly equivalent of a college
Building 1= Girls' dorms
Building 2= Boys' dorms
Building 3= Classes
Dining Hall

Gods/Goddesses: (you will be tagged once you have made a CS and I have approved it)
Poseidon: @Cicada3301
Hades: Insidi Insidi
Aphrodite: girl_on_fire girl_on_fire
Artemis: ThistledownDaydreams ThistledownDaydreams
Apollo: RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity
Athena: numskulls numskulls
Hephaestus: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Hermes: eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch
Persephone: MegMath13 MegMath13
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Aphrodite placed a neatly manicured hand on her curvaceous hip, shaking her head and staring at the room decor. Which was, to be blunt, horrible. She felt like gagging.

"I'm gone for one summer and this is what happens to my dorm?!" she all but shrieked, ready to start tearing her perfectly coifed hair out. "Gods above, why don't they just UGH?!"

Aphrodite couldn't even find the words. Her once pretty pink, perfectly painted, and pleasantly presented dorm was now gray, drab, and boring. Aphrodite sighed dramatically, ready to give up on life itself. Not that she could, being a goddess and all. Maybe she could ask Hades if she could live in his home-- except... Aphrodite muttered a curse under her breath when she remembered that the Underworld was just as badly decorated as this dorm. If not worse. Speaking of Hades... Aphrodite pursed her luscious, pink lips. Wasn't his second-year girlfriend moving in with Aphrodite? She remembered last year she'd dormed with Athena-- who'd gotten so sick of Aphrodite's full closet of clothes-- and Aphrodite had gotten so sick of Athena's books lying everywhere-- Athena had requested a change. She'd probably end up with Artemis the other second-year who was still a V-R-G-N. Aphrodite smirked and shook her head.

I mean, you're still a V-Momma, Dite, she told herself, grinning as she stepped into the dorm and waved her hand over the left side. The walls became a pretty pale pink color, shimmering like goddess magic only could. Aphrodite smiled warmly, the room seeming to light up with happiness. That's better.

She began unpacking her bags-- a long and arduous process-- by the end of which, her closet was chock full of clothes: dresses, skirts, jeans, jackets, shirts, shawls, shoes, tights, leggings, and every other clothing article that existed on Mt. Olympus. Aphrodite stood back to admire her color-coded handiwork. She sighed happily and then went to organize her textbooks on the one shelf above her desk. Then, with a final contented muttering, Aphrodite plopped into her lavender bean bag chair and began doing her nails. Again. Because why not?
(Probably the worst dorm placement ever: Hades with his brother, Poseidon. They both hate each other lol)

Poseidon had arrived at his dorm with only his Trident, which was shrunk and in his bag, and said bag containing his trident and clothing. He removed the trident from his bag and impaled it into the ground. He left it there while he unpacked his clothing. He was the Sea God, also creator of Horses. But he had a feeling that not everything was going to be well this year. He finished unpacking and grabbed his Trident. He went outside and found a lake. He manipulated it and stepped onto it. He rose up and saw most of the Campus from here.

(I'm not one for long introductory paragraphs.)

Last year she had stayed at home and not been in a dorm with anyone. They had told her that she needed to be in a dorm this year. This was all strange to her but she guessed that she'd make the best of it. Pushing open the door to the dorm she was to share with Aphrodite and raised an eyebrow at the pink color, but shrugged it off and looked towards her side of the room.
After living with Hades for five years her taste in colors have shifted towards the darker end. Purple was more her style, and she moved to sit on her bed starting to unpack her bags, she was no where near as organized as Aphrodite seemed to be and she didn't have half the clothes. Her attention momentarily on a picture of her boyfriend back in high school. The picture was of their on stage kiss as Romeo and Juliet. A small smile came to her face.
"D-Do you think you could make my half purple? I l-like purple." She said as she looked towards Aphrodite.
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A sigh came from Hades mouth when he walked into his dorm when he saw Poseidon's stuff

Granted, it is not like hated the guy. He was brother, and while he could be a total douche somethimes, unlike Zeus, the man could turn it off and show some kindness every once and a while. Who would've thought who likes black and who was the King of the Emos in High School would actually be the nicest out of the three brothers? He soon moved to begin unpacking his things

As he unpacked them, his clothes going to the sides as he soon saw a photo in a frame, to which he smiled; the photo was him and Persephone in LA for a awards ceremony for best play during his senior year. He held it close to his chest and smiled, his heart slightly raising. "Why did you ever choose me?" he whispered beneath his breath before putting the frame to the side, continuing to unpack his clothes and eventually, unpack his guitar
Poseidon walked back to the dorm with his trident magnetically attached to his back. Once he entered the dorm, he saw Hades unpacking. He smirked and took off his Trident and put it up on a display. "Hello, Hades." He nodded to him. "Demeter still hate your guts?" He chuckled. Poseidon had always been the most relaxed out of the three, unlike Zeus who was always pissed off somehow. "I wonder how many times Zeus will get mad at one of us this year.." Insidi Insidi
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Aphrodite looked up from her nails, arching a brow at the girl who just entered and demanded a color change. It wasn't that purple wasn't a great color-- though not half as great as pink-- and Dite didn't blame the woman for wanting something aside from gray-- it was just the lack of etiquette. Aphrodite set her polish to the side, standing and smoothing down her summer dress-- the last one of the year. It was, of course, pink-- with little straps and a hem that fell to her knees. She flexed her pale pink tipped toes in her rose-gold sandals and held out a hand to the girl. This is how you etiquette.

"Hi!" she greeted the girl. "I'm Aphrodite, but you can call me Di. (Dee). You must be Hades' girlfriend?" Her ever-changing hazel eyes sparkled and settled on an emerald green. "Enchanted. Of course, I'll change your wallpaper color!" Her voice was melodic and entrancing, as was to be expected from the goddess of beautiful things.

Aphrodite waved her arm theatrically at the wall and Persephone's side became a lavender hue.

"Remind me of your name again?" she asked, studying the girl. She was pretty enough, Aphrodite supposed. Even if she wore too much... black.

MegMath13 MegMath13
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The small god let out a heavy breath as he came to a stop in his run. Am I out of shape? he thought to himself, foolishly ignoring the fact that he had been running now for literally hours. His endurance had always been much more than the average person (or god), but even he had his limits.

Hermes had actually arrived at the University in the early hours of the morning, perhaps because of excitement, and once he had gotten settled in his dorm, he had opted to go for a run to pass the time until his fellow gods showed up. This was his first year here, after all, and he was eager to prove himself and make a positive name for himself among the other gods. Seeing as how University meant some number of adult status, this was the perfect time to do so, right?

Jogging back in the direction of the boy's dorms, Hermes made his way to the room he was supposedly sharing with Apollo (which was exciting in itself). The fact that he saw other doors open meant that others were finally arriving, and he practically vibrated with excitement. As he made it to his room, he flew (not literally) inside, landing on his bed with a plop, taking a light moment of rest before cleaning himself off and venturing out again to find a friendly face.
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Artemis blinked beneath her dark curtain of hair and stared up at her dorm room door. She hadn't quite expected to make it to this university- it was notoriously competitive and difficult to get in. Somehow, she'd made it, and she wanted to savor every moment. Her hand reached down almost subconsciously to stroke the soft, curly fur of Darcy, her purebred poodle. A hunting dog, though she enjoyed cuddling as much as the next dog and loved rooming with Artemis. Her other hunting dog, Northcliff, pushed closer for attention, and was rewarded with an ear scratch. He was a mixed pointer, a brilliant hunter and outdoors dog, loyal almost to the point of fault. Northcliff had been the one to jump in the way of... No. She didn't want to think about the guy who had tried to take advantage of her. That had been over a year ago, and it was time to move on. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she opened the door.

The dorm was drab, but she had expected that. She carried only a large backpack, yet it was enough to decorate the room. She set down the black faux fur shag rug first, allowing Darcy and Northcliff to play on it as she rolled out the larger, lavender braided wool rug that would go over most of the room. Finally, she smoothed down her galaxy duvet before chucking up her chunky, self-knit white throw blanket and assortment of pillows. Decor almost done, she frowned at the grey walls. That was definitely not okay. Something had to be done. The girl dug about in her bag, retrieving an enormous poster of constellations. She taped this up, hung some macrame wall hangings, air plants, and animal posters, and considered the notion of decor done for.

A walk-in closet took up one wall, meant to be shared by Artemis and her roommate. Uncertain who her roommate may be, she simply chucked her backpack on the floor before joining the dogs for a brief wrestle, laughing on the floor. A few moments later, the opening door caught her eye.
//note: Assume this happened slightly before Hermes' post, to fit how I wrote it. I had started writing before Hermes commented//

Apollo pulled his luggage up the steps to the boys dormitory, muttering softly to himself about various subjects that at once seemed to be completely disjointed. In reality, he was trying to write a song detailing a vision he had had the night before. Being the god of the sun, of music, and of prophecy was no simple task. Being Apollo was also no simple task. He had to be perfect, and anything short of that would lead to two possibilities. One: The future would alternate between an impossibly good and an impossibly bad extreme, all because he had written the wrong word (and as such, the hero of the prophecy would have enough self-doubt to make the absolute worst choices), and Two: the Sun would careen off-course, and all of the signs in the sky (which mortals adored to use to make their silly predictions, and nowhere near as accurate as Apollo's), would begin to tell the mortals to kill themselves.

No... he had to be absolutely flawless... Just as his mother had intended. His father was far more relaxed
(which is probably why he had been caught cheating), and Apollo had many fond memories of the times they had spent with one another. Sadly, that was all to come to an end, and within a few years, Apollo would likely end up being forced to find his own mortal followers. He had no clue what he would do with them, yet, but he was considering just cancelling the whole pantheon aspect. It made things too confusing.

He found his dorm room
(Room ρβ ... but honestly, it should just be called room β, because Apollo could tell there probably weren't even ν rooms, let alone ρ). He opened the door, and almost immediately growled. The whole room was made of white-painted bricks, the beds were simple, and very obviously uncomfortable, and everything just SCREAMED with the same drabness that every mortal had to deal with, anyway. He knew he would have to update all of this. His first thought was a bright and cheery aesthetic, but then he considered the dark aesthetic, and felt it would fit the personality of the university more. He would use Black, Blood Red, and Dark Royal Blue... yes... that would make it feel more comfortable. And it might just make some people leave him alone, rather than distract him from his more important works...

For now, he set his luggage in his closet, then left the dormitory to see whether the cafeteria was open or not... when the door opened, and Hermes nearly fell against him,
"Woah, there... What are you, Nike warning Sparta? Don't fall over, dead, on me!" He chuckled softly, knowing that Hermes was a god, and therefore could not die. He hoped Hermes wouldn't take his comment the wrong way, regardless...

eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hermes had been so hyperfocused on his bed that he had hardly even noticed Apollo standing in their room, and did a double-take, looking up from his resting spot at the other god, looking a bit dumbfounded. "Oh!" he yelled a bit in surprise, scrambling to sit up and face the other god. He had been hoping he'd be able to at least change after his run, and suddenly became self conscious about his sweaty (why did gods even sweat, huh?) and ruffled state. Who cared if Apollo was literally going to be his roommate for an entire year, Hermes was incredibly determined to only leave good impressions on the others.

"'pollo! You're here!" he yelled, grinning a bit. Of course he is, it's move in day, genius. The god laughed a bit, feeling ever so nervous as he slid off his bed and landed gracefully on the floor. "How were your travels? Good, I hope, get it?" Hermes, God of Shepherds, Thieves, and Travelers, you see? His grin grew a bit wider, hoping his attempt at humor would be well received by Apollo.

Feeling a bit antsy, he chimed in again before the other had time to respond. "Do you need any help unpacking? I'd be happy to help!" At this, Hermes gestured in the direction of Apollo's closet, completely ignoring his own pile of bags he had neglected to unpack.

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity

The sound of footsteps could be heard reverberating off the walls, echoing through the nearly empty dormitories.
Athena stood in the second-story hallway, eyes scanning the schedule in her hands. She folded the schedule neatly into a small square, lodging the paper in the pocket of her MOU sweatshirt. She walked through the vacant building, listening to herself think.

The familiar jingle of keys drew her to the present, keys that had seemed to magically appear from nowhere. She then realized she had dropped them from her bag.

Athena crouched to pick up the band of metal, holding it toward the fluorescent light of the dimming hallway.

How curious, she mused, her eyes narrowing in question. On a small tab of the keys, was the name engraved “Athena”, as though the gods had bestowed this gift upon her. Keys to open her dorm room.

“Dorm 1B,” Athena spoke aloud, as the door to the room in question opened with a “click!”.

As she took a step inside, a rare smile spread to her face. As I requested.
The entire half of her side of the room was painted in a pale yellow, her items set in their places to precision, her desk, her bed, her computer. Family photos and posters were spread evenly across the wall. The books, oh, the books! They were set organized at the base of her bed, begging to be read.

But, to Athena’s surprising disappointment, her roommate’s side was not decorated in a bright pink, as it had been last year, when she and Aphrodite roomed together. Though she could annoy Athena with her lack of color choice excluding pink, and would steal the closet space, Athena had grown fondly of Aphrodite and her antics.

She frowned at how disgruntled she’d been last year, a scrambling freshman at the age of eighteen, looking for some route of learning.

Maybe Athena should’ve thought more on this, instead of wallowing in her own self woe.

Without a word, Athena began to unpack her bag, which was mostly filled with textbooks, staring at the reflection of who she was, and who she used to be.
Apollo chuckled a bit at Hermes' humor, "Yeah, travel was perfect, actually. Except for this one nasty bump my chariot ran over... but I'd rather blame Hades for that one. Maybe he was trying to give me a piece of gold or something." He comedically shrugged, "I was actually about to head over to the Cafeteria, to see if they were ready to FEED ME." he strained his neck, so that his jugular seemed to poke out a bit, another attempt at comedy, "Do you want to come with me? Maybe some pretty ladies will see you... you know they like a man who works out, right?" he had been trying to downplay Hermes obvious insecurity, hoping his own wouldn't shine through in the meantime.

He had also noted that Hermes had called him 'pollo'. It made him think of that Latin word for Chicken... but he let it slide. Maybe he'd let him know how it made him feel after he'd known him for a while. not yet though.

eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The caffeteria? Apollo really knew what was important, huh? As if on queue, Hermes became actutely aware of how hungry he had become. Burning off thousands of callories first thing in the morning was probably not the very best of ideas. Expecially considering Hermes' superhuman metabolism. "Sounds good!" he responded to Apollo's idea, and then he paused a bit as he processed the other man's last few words.

Hermes' hand came up to scratch at the back of his neck, his face flushing slightly at the idea. "Aw shucks," he started in an attempt to downplay the other god's compliment(? advice?). He was a mess--a tiny, hyperactive mess--and he truly doubted any pretty ladies would be looking his way. Especially here at Mount Olympus University. How could he compare to the Big Three? Or even Apollo himself? The guy literally hung the sun in the sky. But...

"Y-you really think so?" Hermes' smile became a bit strained as he inwardly cursed the vulnerability that came through in his question.

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity
Aphrodite pursed her lips and turned pink as her stomach rumbled-- not ladylike at all. She grinned sheepishly at the younger goddess.

"Sorry about that. I guess I forgot to eat breakfast this morning... I suppose I should go eat. I'd love to stay and chat with you Percy, but... duty calls," she giggled, her laugh sounding like wind chimes tinkling.

With a wave of her fingers and an air-kiss, Aphrodite breezed past Persephone (who she knew was named Persephone and basically just asked for polite reasons). With a little sigh, Aphrodite entered the cafeteria and plopped down (gracefully, of course) into an empty seat, summoning some ambrosia and nectar.

MegMath13 MegMath13 ((i got a little impatient))
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Poseidon decided to go to the Cafeteria for some food. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until then. He left Hades and water-propelled himself to the Cafeteria and waited for everybody else. While he waited he made a water-shield around himself. He waited.
Aphrodite stopped eating and looked at Poseidon, surrounded by his shield of water. She stared curiously.

"Is there something wrong? What's with your little orb thing, Poseidon?" she asked.

Apollo smiled widely, a dimple appearing on his left cheek, "I know so. Not all of them like some bodybuilding Adonis... I know I wouldn't. I like soft things way too much." he opened the door and stood there for a second, looking at Hermes, "Come on." he said, gesturing with his free hand, as he left the room. He wasn't sure what to expect, here, but he knew that this was going to be an adventure... and adventurers always need a good friend. It seemed he had found his.

Sometimes, people assumed that Prophecy meant he would inherently know everything before it happened, but it didn't work like that. It was more like... he could see many possible futures at once. For every joke he made, he saw someone laughing, and that same person frowning. He had to play it by it's odds... and not many were able to understand that. He knew that his father was cheating long before his mother caught him.... but he didn't know when, or even if, he was going to be caught... He had no clue he was going to go to this university until the moment that his father had been caught... So prophecy doesn't tell you everything.

eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch
"Nothing. I'm completely fine. I just don't trust some of the others." He left the shield and got some food and began to eat.

Persephone looked at her and realized that she hadn't even introduced herself. "Oh I'm sorry, I had been so p-preoccupied unpacking t-that I f-forgot my manners. My n-name is Persephone but you can call me P-Percy." She said as she shook the other girls hand. "Thank you for changing the color of my walls, it's a beautiful color." She had been wearing more black than normal but it was mainly because she thought her boyfriend would like it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hermes nodded, his golden curls bouncing as he made his way to the door, pausing only slightly to make sure Apollo followed. "Onward!" he yelled, pointing forward as they walked, his former nervousness seemingly forgotten as they made there way across campus. As the two traveled together, Hermes interjected their conversations with random facts like: "It took me ten minutes to run all the way around campus once, which, I know is too long, but hopefully I'll be able to get it down soon!" and: "Did you know the Universtiy's agriculture department tends cows and makes their own CHEESE?? You can literally buy freshly made cheese on your way to class--how cool is that??"

As the two entered the cafeteria, Hermes was silently wondering if it had been insensitive to mention cows in front of Apollo (you know, the whole "stealing fifty of Apollo's cows as a child" thing). He was actually considering apologizing (Apollo-gizing) when he looked up and saw the other two inhabitants of the cafeteria: Poseidon, who he had worked for the past, and had a only slightly fearful respect for and Aphrodite. Of course she was here when he probably smelled awful from his run,and he bet his hair looked a right mess. A small "Heck," escaped him as he glanced behind him at Apollo, hoping the other would possibly become a good buffer between him and the other occupants of the room.

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity
Poseidon noticed Hermes. "Hello there, Hermes. Apollo." He nodded to both of them. "How is your day going so far?"
Di looked at Poseidon again, her plush mouth tilting up in a small smirk. Her thoughts began to race, and her specialty began to get cooking. Her eyes trailed off and snapped back towards the cafeteria entrance, where two gods stood quietly conversing. It appeared one was trying to hide behind the other. She cocked her head, a curl of her blonde hair falling over her shoulder. Her smirk became a genuine smile as Di managed to identify the two younger years. She recognized Apollo immediately, having been in several of his classes the year before-- the other boy, she vaguely identified as somebody who also went to Mt. Olympus High School, but must have been two years below her. She waved the gods over, patting the seats beside her.

"Apollo!" she said, beaming. "Who's your friend?"

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch
Apollo was about to respond to Hermes' questions, which, though obviously hilarious, flowed a little too fast for him to answer. he liked Hermes, his randomness was impossible to predict, and made him feel almost normal. When Poseidon saw him, Apollo rose an eyebrow. He never had gotten close to Poseidon, as he had always seemed too petty to him, especially after that fiasco with Athens... he merely nodded at the sea god, then turned and smiled when he heard the telltale voice of Aphrodite, "Come on, Hermes... You'll like Ro... She's really nice."

He took Hermes by the arm and led him over to the table, sitting next to her, and leaving the seat across from her to Hermes.
Sorry, little dude... I mentioned pretty girls... but I've had my eye on Ro for three years. "This..." he said, gesturing at his rather fidgety friend across the table, "is Hermes. My new roommate." he smiled widely, "He's a pretty funny guy."

Whether Aphrodite felt the same for him that he did for her was beyond him. She'd always been that unattainable (pardon my not-so-punny pun) goddess, to him... and indeed, to all of them. He'd heard rumors in high school that she had had a few flings, and there was a controversy when Hephaestus claimed she had been dating him (when he certainly hadn't, if you listened to Ro) and that she had been cheating on him with Ares (who had never seemed her type, at least to Apollo). As far as Apollo was concerned, and as far as he knew for certain, she had always been single... but then again, don't all beautiful things attract trouble? Beautiful people, even more so... and beautiful goddesses, the most.

eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch
girl_on_fire girl_on_fire

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hermes hesitated as Aphrodite beckoned the two of them over, and almost yelped as Apollo pulled him along after him. He barely registered Apollo's words--Of course I'll like her, shes APHRODITE--as he managed to smile a small, friendly smile in her direction.

He had to admit, he was a bit disappointed she didn't know him, because of course, he had connections with almost every god, but he supposed it made sense. He had never had the courage to introduce himself before now. As he sat down across from Aphrodite, he tried not to look too much like a fish out of water. "Hi!" he greeted, holding out a hand for a handshake. "I like your--" Face? No, that was stupid. Hair? Also not right. Shoes? You idiot you cant even see her shoes from here--"shirt. It's very nice."Queue inward groaning at using the word "nice" to describe something belonging to the most beautiful woman in the world. This was a disaster. Maybe things were better off if the other gods didn't know he existed.

He looked to Apollo, a pleased glint in his eye. "You think I'm funny?" He asked, obviously happy of the descriptor.

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity

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