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Fantasy Moonlight Valley IC RP (Credit to ScorpioDragon for the idea)

a look of relief crossed luciels features "Please, im worried for asriel and Astrid" he said as he ruffled reds hair and got back in the car and visiting astrid and asriel in the hospital
Red gave a poor innocent look at luciel before he starts crying without mommy and daddy
a look of relief crossed luciels features "Please, im worried for asriel and Astrid" he said as he ruffled reds hair and got back in the car and visiting astrid and asriel in the hospital
Red gave a poor innocent look at luciel before he starts crying without mommy and daddy
Misako's ears laid down when red initially started crying to block out the noise. Looking around for a moment before she nudged Red "hey hey, relaxe....mommy and daddy will be back later" smiling as she sat down looking at Red "how about some ice cream?" She asked before taking on her human form, picking Red up and holding him in her lap.
His burst of tears slowly just turned to whimpers as he nods slowly , sitting on her lap and clinging onto her. He felt sad still as Misako was the only thing he had left
His burst of tears slowly just turned to whimpers as he nods slowly , sitting on her lap and clinging onto her. He felt sad still as Misako was the only thing he had left
"Hey, mommy and daddy will be back...you know they love you very much" he tly rubbing red's belly, her own tail wagging as she smiled warmly at him. "Now...what kind of ice cream do you want? Chocolate....no...you want vanilla or strawberry.....how about all three!"
He looks up at her slowly wagging his tail with a slight giggle forgetting they left as he turns to human form hugging her " .... all tree!!!" He smiles happily loving ice cream
Luke sluggishly got up feeling like shit before witnessing the bodies that surrounded him . His goal was to eliminate every last fascist that betrayed him and maybe he can be at peace then... but for now he must try not to communicate with Blackwood .
He looks up at her slowly wagging his tail with a slight giggle forgetting they left as he turns to human form hugging her " .... all tree!!!" He smiles happily loving ice cream
Misako hugs him back before standing up and carrying him into his home. Putting some ice cream in a bowl and getting him a spoon. "Just dont tell mommy and daddy" sitting down she handed him the spoon but didn't let him hold the bowl
Red hubgirly started to faceplant the bowl eating it all up ! Within minutes it was licked clean but his face was a mess " all done !"
Misako covered her mouth trying not to laugh but failed horribly "such a messy little eater!" She said and set the bowl down. "What do you wanna do next?" Misako sat him down and turned back into a wolf before starting to lick the sticky sweet mess off his face nudging his under arms to try and tickle him, still cleaning his face.
The puppy giggles and hops up in her arms nuzzling softly as she started cleaning the little pup . With a full belly the pup yawns tiredly and starts sleeping in her arms wanting to snuggle happily . " I'm tired mommy" he accidentally slipped out of his mouth from the tiredness
"Then get some sleep little one, I'll be here when you wake up" mistako's voice was smooth and gentle as she started singing. Leaning back while rocking him and rubbing his back. Blushing profusely when Red called her mommy.
(Song she is singing)
The puppy falls into a deep sleep as he starts snoring. Lightly into her ,

As the music plays into the background, snow starts to fall in the fascist Johnson pack territory as mistaking plays that soothing song blood is spilt onto the floors of the snowy forest as the wolves were hunted one by one... like sheep to a slaughterhouse the fascists were easy kills to Luke but his sins start to taint him , his shame and kills resulted in a river running red and his depression took a better portion of him... he now will never be accepted by anyone as he found a mask on the ground..he sighed and put it on and started to walk off as a lone wolf crossing the barb wire borer Into Blackwood territory to scavenge for food ..
Astrid just woke up as she wanted her auntie as she was yawning” I want auntie” she say tears in her eyes as she was scared to die” am I going to die like mommy and daddy” she asked as she just saw the needles in her arms she just tried to be strong
The puppy falls into a deep sleep as he starts snoring. Lightly into her ,

As the music plays into the background, snow starts to fall in the fascist Johnson pack territory as mistaking plays that soothing song blood is spilt onto the floors of the snowy forest as the wolves were hunted one by one... like sheep to a slaughterhouse the fascists were easy kills to Luke but his sins start to taint him , his shame and kills resulted in a river running red and his depression took a better portion of him... he now will never be accepted by anyone as he found a mask on the ground..he sighed and put it on and started to walk off as a lone wolf crossing the barb wire borer Into Blackwood territory to scavenge for food ..
Misako stopped singing, for two reasons. Red had fallen asleep and the smell of blood was filling her nose. Standing up she stepped outside, keeping Red close to her chest and cradled. Looking around for any sign of a threat.
Asriel had been there for her while luciel started heading home and his scent was getting stronger to snyone on blackwood pack asriel sighed, tears in her eyes "no...you will be okay..." she said fighting tears, she wasnt sure if astrid would make it
Luciel had started to head home but asriel stayed, looking hopeful when astrid woke but that hope was shattered when she heard how weak she sounded and her eyes welled with tears "I dont know astrid...I just dont know"
The version of Luke would be called "forsaken because of him being alive again and reason for his resurrection) the forsaken human carries a spiked club in human form , still covered in blood, and heavy breathing behind the mask, he got his revenge but he lives still as a pawn in the game of death and life. He witnesses the house and looks at misako in the eyes before running his half-naked body to the Blackwood hunting forest (he only wears leather hide boots and long pants , basically shirtless even in cold weather..)
Astrid just looked at her” when can we go home I want to see red” she say as she yawned again as she didn’t want to worry her sister she had to fight her sickness
Misako's heart started pounding in her chest as she scurried back inside. Quickly putting Red on the couch and covering him with a blanket. Running back and locking the door before taking her wolf form. Taking an aggressive stance in front the door, ready to strike at anything that tried to come in.
By the time she came inside Red already had sneakily scampers out the back door to play with the snow as she was only to find red not under the blankets
Astrid was looking at her sister as she just yawned again as she slightly feeling better she just watched her sister as she fall asleep as she wanted her aunt she wasn’t strong as she held onto her stuffed wolf her aunt gave her they were flowers in her room
By the time she came inside Red already had sneakily scampers out the back door to play with the snow as she was only to find red not under the blankets
Misako stopped, looking over at the couch she froze. "Oh no....did it get I side when...wheres Red?!?" Looking around the house frantically fir the little pup "red this isnt time to play hide and seek! Come to Aunt Misako!" She called, her heart feeling as if it were going to burst from her chest. "They are going to kill me if anything happens to him! Red! Come here this instant!" She yelled furiously. Starting to sniff around the house for anything.
The pup was about a couple miles away on the southern side where there are sunny short grasslands as REd starts playing in the grass knawing the little grassblades happily . It was just out of range for her to catch his scent but he wasn't that far away . FORSAKEN Luke on the other hand starts to loose his mental will as slowly the devil starts to slowly control his body over time until he is consumed , he tries to scream for help but nothing comes out of the mask.
Misako took off Into the forest, howling loudly to try and get even a slight response from him. The smell of blood still lingering in the air, she had to find him before that thing did, before luke.

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