Moonlight Academy

Mashiro Shiina

Secretive personalities~
Fill out this form in its entirety :




Powers(no more than 3 please):

Looks (both in and out of human form):




1. Limit the cussing, not totally banned.

2. No God Modding. AKA no controlling other people's characters.

3. No killing other people's characters without their permission

4. Drama is okay, as long as it's RP drama.


6. No one liners. Try and write at least 3 sentences.
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Name: Kayla Latise Morgan

Age: 16

Species: Demonic Angel

Powers(no more than 3 please): Psychological Manipulation, Forced attraction to her eyes

Looks (Both in and out of human form):

Personality: Kayla tends to be anti-social., being sure to part herself away from others. She isn't !much of a talker, but when the time comes, due to her angelic side, she's forced to tell nothing but the truth. Regardless, due to her demonic side, she comes off extremely careless and unapproachable.

Bio: Kayla was born December 13, 1997 to her mother, Alyssa Morgan and father Christopher Morgan. Raised on the outskirts of a lively town, Kayla grew up with her elder brother Christian, him and her parents being the only ones she ever truly sought out to associate herself with.

Kayla's mother was an angel, and her father was a demon. Thus, creating both her and her brother to be demonic angels. They were both the creation of a new race of monsters, an even greater reason for them to be trashed by each and every person around them. Kayla nor her brother ever made friends with anyone but each other. Eventually humans rushed to their home while the two were away, setting a fire while their parents were home asleep. Unfortunately, they both died in that fire, leaving Christian and Kayla to fend for themselves. Although, eventually they both were taken in by a royal family, becoming that of a prince and princess as such.

Name : Christian Alexander Morgan

Age : 17

Species : Demonic Vampire

Powers : Pure blood powers, seduction of females (normally used for hunting for food), will manipulation

Looks :



Personality : Distant to everyone , even his sister sometimes, brutally honest, uncaring to those he finds annoying or irrelevant, rebellious.

Bio : Same as his sister Kayla's but born December 12th, 1996
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Kuchisake-Onna Teketeke



16 (1,500)


Medium-Class Demon, Ghoul.


Enhanced Physical Capability, Summon Weapon, Racial Daemonic Abilities.



(Demon Form and Human Form, Both forms have her mouth-scar, but her demon form transforms her nails into long claws, and her teeth become razor sharp. In Human Form, she wears a surgical mask. Removing this mask activates her demonic form, and her mouth is revealed.)


Kuchi-Teke is rather quiet, apart for when there is children around. She, like most Ghouls,

are addicted to the sensation of killing. If they do not kill every month, they will

suffer a kind of withdrawal. This withdrawal lasts around a week until the Ghoul

is killed, or until it kills something else to replenish it's need.

Kuchi-Teke likes to draw, usually a large variety of things. She can be very

cute (despite her scar), and is very kind to those she grows close too.

Kuchi-Teke is largely untrusting of men, because her previous

husband is the one who had scarred her, the husband being

Saturn Mein. After giving birth to her child, Kuchi-Teke ran from their

Manor in Japan.


Kuchi-Teke was a demon born in Japan, and was the mother of Charles Mein,

while being the wife of Saturn Mein. One day, Saturn and Kuchi had gotten into

a fight, and Saturn scarred Kuchi's mouth, but Kuchi had also bitten her Higher-Class

husband, giving her access to a more powerful version of her demonic form,

including her scar. Kuchi-Teke was left by Saturn after the fight, and gave birth to

Charles a few days later. Kuchi-Teke left their Manor, and her child, to her

loyal servants. Kuchi-Teke has been wandering, ever since. Her

killings became famous, and multiple people have spotted her aiming for children.

Kuchi-Teke had been on the run from a few witch-hunters,

until she had run into Moonlight Academy, of course.

Demon Info:

Sanguistractus - Blood Magic

Bonbon - Sweet

Melli - Sweet

Succubus - Lower Class

Satyr - Lower Class

Imp - Lower Class

Chubacabra - Lower Class

Ghost - Lower Class

Ghoul - Middle Class

Daemon - Middle Class

Shinigami - Middle Class

Balrog - Middle Class

Horseman - High Class

Reaper - High Class

Devil - High Class

Daemoncanis - Demon Dog

Mein - Demonic Royalty

Pyromancry - Fire Magic

Propago - A Demonic Ritual where the Demon's Age and Power resets.

Filiitenebris - Technical Name for Demon.

Praedaímonaşah - Demonic Title for King of the Demons

Messiah - Demonic word for nephew.

Konihaba - Hello in Demonic.

Leif - Wings in Demonic.

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SirFlabberghaspy said:


Kuchisake-Onna Teketeke



16 (1,500)


Medium-Class Demon, Ghoul.


Enhanced Physical Capability, Summon Weapon, Racial Daemonic Abilities.



(Demon Form and Human Form, Both forms have her mouth-scar, but her demon form transforms her nails into long claws, and her teeth become razor sharp. In Human Form, she wears a surgical mask. Removing this mask activates her demonic form, and her mouth is revealed.)


Kuchi-Teke is rather quiet, apart for when there is children around. She, like most Ghouls,

are addicted to the sensation of killing. If they do not kill every month, they will

suffer a kind of withdrawal. This withdrawal lasts around a week until the Ghoul

is killed, or until it kills something else to replenish it's need.

Kuchi-Teke likes to draw, usually a large variety of things. She can be very

cute (despite her scar), and is very kind to those she grows close too.

Kuchi-Teke is largely untrusting of men, because her previous

husband is the one who had scarred her, the husband being

Saturn Mein. After giving birth to her child, Kuchi-Teke ran from their

Manor in Japan.


Kuchi-Teke was a demon born in Japan, and was the mother of Charles Mein,

while being the wife of Saturn Mein. One day, Saturn and Kuchi had gotten into

a fight, and Saturn scarred Kuchi's mouth, but Kuchi had also bitten her Higher-Class

husband, giving her access to a more powerful version of her demonic form,

including her scar. Kuchi-Teke was left by Saturn after the fight, and gave birth to

Charles a few days later. Kuchi-Teke left their Manor, and her child, to her

loyal servants. Kuchi-Teke has been wandering, ever since. Her

killings became famous, and multiple people have spotted her aiming for children.

Kuchi-Teke had been on the run from a few witch-hunters,

until she had run into Moonlight Academy, of course.

Accepted ^~^
Name: Rose Elisabeth Abell

Age: 17

Species: Daemoncanis

Powers(no more than 3 please): power over the mind

Looks (both in and out of human form): Out of human form-

In human form:

Personality: Rose is very shy at first, but is very nice once she's warmed up to you. She's also very anti-social.

Bio: She was shunned for what she was by her parents and ran away once she was 16 and learned about her power.

Name: Kona Bleackrain



Powers(no more than 3 please): entrance women lure people to there deaths be very beautifle

Looks (both in and out of human form):



Personality:He is a nice freandly person but can at times be manipulitive and seducting he is a very cunnign person and is good with the laidys with and without his powers

his pearents abandond him when thay found out he had a tail and said he was a "sexual preditore" he couldn't help that women want oto be with him so he came to the acadmy to find women who would like him for him but he would use his powers now and then to see if there worthy
sadhood said:
Name: Rose Elisabeth Abell
Age: 17

Species: Daemoncanis

Powers(no more than 3 please): power over the mind

Looks (both in and out of human form): Out of human form-

In human form:

Personality: Rose is very shy at first, but is very nice once she's warmed up to you. She's also very anti-social.

Bio: She was shunned for what she was by her parents and ran away once she was 16 and learned about her power.
Accepted ^~^


drummerboi said:
Name: Kona Bleackrain



Powers(no more than 3 please): entrance women lure people to there deaths be very beautifle

Looks (both in and out of human form):



Personality:He is a nice freandly person but can at times be manipulitive and seducting he is a very cunnign person and is good with the laidys with and without his powers

his pearents abandond him when thay found out he had a tail and said he was a "sexual preditore" he couldn't help that women want oto be with him so he came to the acadmy to find women who would like him for him but he would use his powers now and then to see if there worthy
Accepted. Work on your spelling though xD
Name: Drake Lucien

Age: 18

Species: Werewolf

Power(s): Nearly unlimited endurance, enhanced hearing, enhanced sight

Looks [Human form]:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/EvilAnime3_xlarge.png.a43237a770c44495c6d1c46977413f20.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/EvilAnime3_xlarge.png.a43237a770c44495c6d1c46977413f20.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Looks [Out of human form]:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image-86.jpg.5cb738b9d0f4559a291c3e9dda014239.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image-86.jpg.5cb738b9d0f4559a291c3e9dda014239.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Serious almost all of the time, very rarely will he laugh or joke around. He doesn't mind killing or fighting, and he won't go out of his way to start anything, but if someone is obviously out matched he will step in and help. In his mind, fighting unfairly is wrong. He never has a reason to lie, so he never does. He is never really happy, but he is usually just content. Rarely does he find himself angry.

Bio: From the moment he was born, Drake's parents made it a point to show they loved him; For a while, he actually believed them. One winter day, he ventured out into the woods behind his house, hoping to find something to do. He slowly crept around the woods until he heard a howl. He froze. He heard the faintest of low growls not a moment later, and before he knew it, he was bit in the right shoulder by a wolf. He screamed as the beast ran away, and he fainted soon after. His parents found him, and nursed him back to health. A full moon passed, and his parents awoke to a beastly wolf rummaging through their home. They hid until day light, and found their son next to a pile of half eaten meat. They knew it was him they saw last night, and they tried to kill him the next day. He managed to get away. A few years later, now 18, he found his way to the academy.



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Lethal said:
Name: Drake Lucien
Age: 18

Species: Werewolf

Power(s): Nearly unlimited endurance, enhanced hearing, enhanced sight

Looks [Human form]:

View attachment 88539

Looks [Out of human form]:

View attachment 88540

Personality: Serious almost all of the time, very rarely will he laugh or joke around. He doesn't mind killing or fighting, and he won't go out of his way to start anything, but if someone is obviously out matched he will step in and help. In his mind, fighting unfairly is wrong. He never has a reason to lie, so he never does. He is never really happy, but he is usually just content. Rarely does he find himself angry.

Bio: From the moment he was born, Drake's parents made it a point to show they loved him; For a while, he actually believed them. One winter day, he ventured out into the woods behind his house, hoping to find something to do. He slowly crept around the woods until he heard a howl. He froze. He heard the faintest of low growls not a moment later, and before he knew it, he was bit in the right shoulder by a wolf. He screamed as the beast ran away, and he fainted soon after. His parents found him, and nursed him back to health. A full moon passed, and his parents awoke to a beastly wolf rummaging through their home. They hid until day light, and found their son next to a pile of half eaten meat. They knew it was him they saw last night, and they tried to kill him the next day. He managed to get away. A few years later, now 18, he found his way to the academy.
Name: Aella Night

Age: 18

Species: Werewolf

Powers: Enhanced senses, ability to connect with nature to see things far beyond her line of sight, ability to connect with nature and see a place or object's past.

Human Form


Wolf Form


Quiet and thoughtful. She tries to distance herself from others.

Bio: She, like the rest of her family, was born a werewolf. She was raised in the pack like any other Alpha pup was, harshly. She constantly rebelled against her parents and the elders of the pack, not wanting to accept her duties as future female alpha. With few options left, her parents decided to send her to the academy after they had caught her trying to run away for the 16th time. She had just turned 18 and all her hopes of escape were broken.
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]
Name: Aella Night
Age: 18

Species: Werewolf

Powers: Enhanced senses, ability to connect with nature to see things far beyond her line of sight, ability to connect with nature and see a place or object's past.

Human Form


Wolf Form


Quiet and thoughtful. She tries to distance herself from others.

Bio: She, like the rest of her family, was born a werewolf. She was raised in the pack like any other Alpha pup was, harshly. She constantly rebelled against her parents and the elders of the pack, not wanting to accept her duties as future female alpha. With few options left, her parents decided to send her to the academy after they had caught her trying to run away for the 16th time. She had just turned 18 and all her hopes of escape were broken.

Pretty wolf ^~^ Accepted
Name: Brooke Jaslyn Gray (human name) / Cassia Lucie Arend (fae name)

Age: 17

Species: Fae

Powers(no more than 3 please): Compulsion (the ability to control one's mind/being without them knowing through the use of extreme persuasion), magic (nature magic, summoning, casting, creating), enhanced swiftness and grace

Looks (both in and out of human form):




oooo bad quality sowwy


but not crying. and with elfish pointed ears and more silver-ish translucent-y eyes



Personality: Bubbly, manipulative at times but generally sweet, sarcastic, rebellious


Brooke left the fae world when she was 6, choosing to go to an orphanage, wanting to experience being a human on her parents' consent. She was adopted by a lovely young couple whom could not have children, but upon discovering her powers when she turned 14 (she accidentally made her pet gecko a money plant), they became frightened of her. The past 8 years of love quickly faded into hostility and fear, eventually leading to them abandoning her on a holiday while they went back to England (yes she's english. #englishaccentsftw). She escaped and took refuge at Moonlight Academy.
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Name: Cobalt slithers

Age: 17

Species: lamia (viper type)

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Toxic bite

Heat detection (sees in heat temps)

Acidic mist spit (14 on corrosion scale)

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Lamia:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/JRpVZrf.jpg.09b392ff96d2fa7628fd90b2ff079abd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/JRpVZrf.jpg.09b392ff96d2fa7628fd90b2ff079abd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/White-Haired-Anime-Girl-anime-35014110-362-494.jpg.1187864cdf18ffa57b844a9caf08d64f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/White-Haired-Anime-Girl-anime-35014110-362-494.jpg.1187864cdf18ffa57b844a9caf08d64f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: cold to everyone, even close friends. Cobi tends to be sluggish so she comes off as a slacker. Enjoys sunning and hates being cooped up for too long inside

Bio: Cobi was born like most lamias, in a clutch of eggs and left to fend for herself. Upon hatching her and her siblings split into different directions, neither knowing or caring where the others went. Spending most of her life hunting, she learned little of the civilised world beyond the occasional venture to small towns for cover in a cold snap. She was sent to the academy after being caught, then sold to a well meaning philanthropist who wanted her to shed light on the lonely lamias of the world by doing so.



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Mayfly said:
Name: Brooke Jaslyn Morgan (human name) / Cassia Lucie Jermaine (fae name)
Age: 17

Species: Fae

Powers(no more than 3 please): Compulsion (the ability to control one's mind/being without them knowing through the use of extreme persuasion), magic (nature magic, summoning, casting, creating), enhanced swiftness and grace

Looks (both in and out of human form):




oooo bad quality sowwy


but not crying. and with elfish pointed ears.



Personality: Bubbly, manipulative at times but generally sweet, sarcastic, rebellious


Brooke left the fae world when she was 6, choosing to go to an orphanage, wanting to experience being a human on her parents' consent. She was adopted by a lovely young couple whom could not have children, but upon discovering her powers when she turned 14 (she accidentally made her pet gecko a money plant), they became frightened of her. The past 8 years of love quickly faded into hostility and fear, eventually leading to them abandoning her on a holiday while they went back to England (yes she's english. #englishaccentsftw). She escaped and took refuge at Moonlight Academy.


Ayase said:
Name: Cobalt slithers
Age: 17

Species: lamia (viper type)

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Toxic bite

Heat detection (sees in heat temps)

Acidic mist spit (14 on corrosion scale)

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Lamia:View attachment 88831


View attachment 88832

Personality: cold to everyone, even close friends. Cobi tends to be sluggish so she comes off as a slacker. Enjoys sunning and hates being cooped up for too long inside

Bio: Cobi was born like most lamias, in a clutch of eggs and left to fend for herself. Upon hatching her and her siblings split into different directions, neither knowing or caring where the others went. Spending most of her life hunting, she learned little of the civilised world beyond the occasional venture to small towns for cover in a cold snap. She was sent to the academy after being caught, then sold to a well meaning philanthropist who wanted her to shed light on the lonely lamias of the world by doing so.
Name: Khan Schultz

Age: 17

Species: Demonic Fire bird (AKA Hell fire Phoenix) Sphinx hybrid

Powers(no more than 3 please): telepathic disruption, pyrokinesis (both hell fire and regular fire), photokinesis

Looks (both in and out of human form):




Personality: Reliable, Strong against adversity, Loyal, Stubborn, Proud, Wise, Solitary, hates being trapped, Volatile, Pyromaniac, Passionate, Emotional, Intense

Bio: Khan's parents were just like him. His father was a phoenix and his mother a sphinx. Khan's grandpa on his dad's side was a demon while his grandma was a phoenix thus giving him the hell fire edge. Khan's only inherited sphinx power was his ability to disrupt other people's powers temporarily. His parents were murdered when he was a young boy and he lived most of his life on the streets.Khan sees public displays of affection like kissing, hugging, or holding hands to be completely normal. He does not see anything odd or different in being affectionate even to someone who is just a friend or even someone you just met. So he tends to do out of the ordinary things simply due to the way he was raised.
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[QUOTE="The Master]
Name: Khan Schultz
Age: 17

Species: Demonic Fire bird (AKA Hell fire Phoenix) Sphinx hybrid

Powers(no more than 3 please): telepathic disruption, pyrokinesis (both hell fire and regular fire), photokinesis

Looks (both in and out of human form):




Personality: Reliable, Strong against adversity, Loyal, Stubborn, Proud, Wise, Solitary, hates being trapped, Volatile, Pyromaniac, Passionate, Emotional, Intense

Bio: Khan's parents were just like him. His father was a phoenix and his mother a sphinx. Khan's grandpa on his dad's side was a demon while his grandma was a phoenix thus giving him the hell fire edge. Khan's only inherited sphinx power was his ability to disrupt other people's powers temporarily if it involved anything to do with mind manipulation or alteration. His parents were murdered when he was a young boy and he lived most of his life on the streets.Khan sees public displays of affection like kissing, hugging, or holding hands to be completely normal. He does not see anything odd or different in being affectionate even to someone who is just a friend or even someone you just met. So he tends to do out of the ordinary things simply due to the way he was raised.


Name: Kain

Age: 6,537

Species: celestial light/darkness dragon

Powers(no more than 3 please):

celestial white/black fire: can burn almost anything except a few things.

Celestial light magic

celestial darkness magic

Looks (both in and out of human form): human:

Monster: light
darkness :

Personality: kain has a strong sense of pride, and is very intelligent. While not so direct in searching searching for friends he does not mind some. Kain is dedicated to any task he sets his mind to as such he is very driven.

Bio: Kain was born to a powerful union of the two strongest draconian blood lines. Although seen as heresy by some in both kingdoms the union provided a semi stable peace between the two blood lines. As a child he was trained in various forms of self defence as well as offensive fighting techniques. He was also trained in swordsmenship, archery, spear throwing and in flight fighting. In his teens( which all these time frames were in the hundreds of years given the dragons aging process which they stop at 20.) He learned various academic skills ranging in all the basic categories math, science, history and various languages including culture.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]
Name: Kain
Age: 6,537

Species: celestial light/darkness dragon

Powers(no more than 3 please):

celestial white/black fire: can burn almost anything except a few things.

Celestial light magic

celestial darkness magic

Looks (both in and out of human form): human:

Monster: light
darkness :

Personality: kain has a strong sense of pride, and is very intelligent. While not so direct in searching searching for friends he does not mind some. Kain is dedicated to any task he sets his mind to as such he is very driven.

Bio: Kain was born to a powerful union of the two strongest draconian blood lines. Although seen as heresy by some in both kingdoms the union provided a semi stable peace between the two blood lines. As a child he was trained in various forms of self defence as well as offensive fighting techniques. He was also trained in swordsmenship, archery, spear throwing and in flight fighting. In his teens( which all these time frames were in the hundreds of years given the dragons aging process which they stop at 20.) He learned various academic skills ranging in all the basic categories math, science, history and various languages including culture.


Seth Windwaker

Age: 16

Species: human


1. He can control Fire but he can't make it out of nowhere meaning there has to be a live flame nearby

2.He can command talk to and watch threw crows and Ravens eyes/ Has a pet raven

3. His guns run of of his energy they are twin handgund the ebony (get killed with this gun go to hell) and the ivory (get killed with this gun go to heaven.)




Seth is a dark and corrupted person jumping at the chance to kill. He has no need for friends he only uses people to get what he wants. Although the few lucky people that are his friends are well protected by him unless they tick him off.


Since his birth his family hated and abused him forcing him to do there work and then would abuse him. It darkened his heart.

At age 9 he drained there bank accounts and ran away he stole and killed to survive. He joined a gang about a month later in wich he became a stone cold and skilled killer.

A year later he gained his powers and killed of the entire gang and started one of his own in wich he amassed a small fourtune. His gang lead a revolution against the Canadian democracy leading to cities burning down and thousands of death's followed by a purge to get rid of all those with powers.

During the purge Seth was arrested but he broke out and killed anyone who new about him. Including his old friends. He than hacked into government databases and deleted all his files completely covering up his tracks. Now he is laying low at this school.

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]

Seth Windwaker

Age: 16

Species: human


1. He can control Fire but he can't make it out of nowhere meaning there has to be a live flame nearby

2.He can command talk to and watch threw crows and Ravens eyes/ Has a pet raven

3. His guns run of of his energy they are twin handgund the ebony (get killed with this gun go to hell) and the ivory (get killed with this gun go to heaven.)




Seth is a dark and corrupted person jumping at the chance to kill. He has no need for friends he only uses people to get what he wants. Although the few lucky people that are his friends are well protected by him unless they tick him off.


Since his birth his family hated and abused him forcing him to do there work and then would abuse him. It darkened his heart.

At age 9 he drained there bank accounts and ran away he stole and killed to survive. He joined a gang about a month later in wich he became a stone cold and skilled killer.

A year later he gained his powers and killed of the entire gang and started one of his own in wich he amassed a small fourtune. His gang lead a revolution against the Canadian democracy leading to cities burning down and thousands of death's followed by a purge to get rid of all those with powers.

During the purge Seth was arrested but he broke out and killed anyone who new about him. Including his old friends. He than hacked into government databases and deleted all his files completely covering up his tracks. Now he is laying low at this school.

Evil. Interesting. Accepted.

Kato Hizake

Age: 14

Species: Arch/fallen angle


1.His art book: anything he draws in it comes to life until he dismisses it or dosent have the energy to keep it going in witch it turns to ink.

2. Can open rips in space and use them to travel or create pocket dimensions

3. (Angle form) He has magic in wich he can create anything weave spells or grab thing out of time and space.

Angle form:


Human Form:



Kato the man shrouded I'm mystery. He struggles with depression and sometimes attempts to take his own life. He dosent try to make friends but would appreciate them. He is kind but no one knows it.


Kato woke up on earth in the form of a child one day. Being an archangel spirits found his blood to be tasty. So he spent most of his life running.

One day he met another man that could see ghosts this man took care of him. He was also the guy who gave him his book. They grew to love eachouther this man was like Kato's father. Until one day the man gave his life to save Kato from spirits.

Kato became lost in emotions and had his first transformation into angle form in wich he killed the spirits. Then he was back on the run.

Now he is here somewhat safe from spirits inside the school barriers. Just trying to fit in and forget that man.

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]

Kato Hizake

Age: 14

Species: Arch/fallen angle


1.His art book: anything he draws in it comes to life until he dismisses it or dosent have the energy to keep it going in witch it turns to ink.

2. Can open rips in space and use them to travel or create pocket dimensions

3. (Angle form) He has magic in wich he can create anything weave spells or grab thing out of time and space.

Angle form:


Human Form:



Kato the man shrouded I'm mystery. He struggles with depression and sometimes attempts to take his own life. He dosent try to make friends but would appreciate them. He is kind but no one knows it.


Kato woke up on earth in the form of a child one day. Being an archangel spirits found his blood to be tasty. So he spent most of his life running.

One day he met another man that could see ghosts this man took care of him. He was also the guy who gave him his book. They grew to love eachouther this man was like Kato's father. Until one day the man gave his life to save Kato from spirits.

Kato became lost in emotions and had his first transformation into angle form in wich he killed the spirits. Then he was back on the run.

Now he is here somewhat safe from spirits inside the school barriers. Just trying to fit in and forget that man.

In love with his angel form. Accepted.


(Japanese pop princess)


Species: Human (priestess)


1. She can manipulate people's actions threw her music (this applies to players, NPC's and animals.)

2. She can heal the injured using magic

3. (Priest form) She controls powerfull light and lightning based miracles allowing her to attack with lightning or heal great wounds or groups with light.

Human form:


Priestess Form:



She is kind and loving. She is so likable that making friends is as easy as counting. She would rather die then watch people get hurt.


She became one of the most know pop stars in Japan at a young age making her rich. When her brother Len came to visit she couldn't leave him again being the only family she had left.

She went to the furry university with Len to watch over him. Where she became friends with Kitsune and had her first crush on Mem.

Kitsunes life was stolen from her by government workers and a greedy man so she teamed up with Chie and Gale to get it back.

Kitsune in pain tries to commit suicide bun Rin jumps in front of the black magic dagger and dies.

She wakes up on this schools grounds somehow alive she dosent know how or why but she feels safe here and dosent want to leave even for her brother Len.

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]


(Japanese pop princess)


Species: Human (priestess)


1. She can manipulate people's actions threw her music (this applies to players, NPC's and animals.)

2. She can heal the injured using magic

3. (Priest form) She controls powerfull light and lightning based miracles allowing her to attack with lightning or heal great wounds or groups with light.

Human form:


Priestess Form:



She is kind and loving. She is so likable that making friends is as easy as counting. She would rather die then watch people get hurt.


She became one of the most know pop stars in Japan at a young age making her rich. When her brother Len came to visit she couldn't leave him again being the only family she had left.

She went to the furry university with Len to watch over him. Where she became friends with Kitsune and had her first crush on Mem.

Kitsunes life was stolen from her by government workers and a greedy man so she teamed up with Chie and Gale to get it back.

Kitsune in pain tries to commit suicide bun Rin jumps in front of the black magic dagger and dies.

She wakes up on this schools grounds somehow alive she dosent know how or why but she feels safe here and dosent want to leave even for her brother Len.

Name: Soto

Age: 18

Species: Homo Daemonbubu (basically a cross between a human and an demonic owl)

Powers(no more than 3 please):

  1. She can summon an owl to her with nothing more than some of her blood and her coin with an owl on it.
  2. She can transform into an owl, a human, and a mix between the two.
  3. She can fly when in owl form.

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Owl Form:


Mixed Form (which is the form she is in usually):


Human Form:

She has reddish-Brown hair that goes down the sides of her face. She wears a brown jacket and blue jeans. (yeah I don't have an image for this. Is that alright?)


She doesn't have much liking of humans, she rather likes non-humans, but not demons. She is optimistic and is willing to try new things. She is smart and somewhat wise. She has a problem with trusting people, especially humans. She can be in a good relationship with people, but she will sometimes keep secrets. She cares for her pet owl, Fukuro. To most people she is kind and sweet. She has fears of some things, mostly of people hurting her since she is a mix between a human and a demon owl.


Soto was the child between a human father and an demon owl mother. Her parents tried to keep the fact that she was a mix between the two (with also the fact that her mother was a demon owl). She did know about her being a mix. In the private of their home, Soto's mom taught her about her ability to transform and her ability to summon an owl to her. She got a pet owl named Fukuro when she was 15 and was able to summon owls well enough. Fukuro and her became good friends along the time. Things were going well for a while after that, only until one day.

She was walking from her regular human school to home with Fukuro one day to receive a phone call from her dad. He sounded out of breath and scared on the phone and talked hastily. He said that some humans found out that her mother was a demon owl and the authorities were searching for them. He told her to run away to an academy that would accept her being who she was. After that, she heard a bang and then she was disconnected. With that, she ran away to that academy that sounded like a safe haven.​

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