Moonlight Academy

Name: Keiki Tusama

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Mythical Shapeshifter


Element Manipulation- Can control Fire, Wind, Earth and Water

Dragon Sight- Can have dragon eyes when human

Aura Sight- Can se other peoples auras

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images-64.jpeg.66ddc03c7fea0bd1f7e334d32340d564.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images-64.jpeg.66ddc03c7fea0bd1f7e334d32340d564.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>( will show creature pictures in rp )

Personality: Brave, Smart, Strong, Fast, Kind, Protective, Stubborn, Silly and Funny

Bio: No one knows ( except for her )

Other: She is Blind



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  • Name:

    Attila Mao



OrenjiGatsu said:
Name: Soto
Age: 18

Species: Homo Daemonbubu (basically a cross between a human and an demonic owl)

Powers(no more than 3 please):

  1. She can summon an owl to her with nothing more than some of her blood and her coin with an owl on it.
  2. She can transform into an owl, a human, and a mix between the two.
  3. She can fly when in owl form.

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Owl Form:


Mixed Form (which is the form she is in usually):


Human Form:

She has reddish-Brown hair that goes down the sides of her face. She wears a brown jacket and blue jeans. (yeah I don't have an image for this. Is that alright?)


She doesn't have much liking of humans, she rather likes non-humans, but not demons. She is optimistic and is willing to try new things. She is smart and somewhat wise. She has a problem with trusting people, especially humans. She can be in a good relationship with people, but she will sometimes keep secrets. She cares for her pet owl, Fukuro. To most people she is kind and sweet. She has fears of some things, mostly of people hurting her since she is a mix between a human and a demon owl.


Soto was the child between a human father and an demon owl mother. Her parents tried to keep the fact that she was a mix between the two (with also the fact that her mother was a demon owl). She did know about her being a mix. In the private of their home, Soto's mom taught her about her ability to transform and her ability to summon an owl to her. She got a pet owl named Fukuro when she was 15 and was able to summon owls well enough. Fukuro and her became good friends along the time. Things were going well for a while after that, only until one day.

She was walking from her regular human school to home with Fukuro one day to receive a phone call from her dad. He sounded out of breath and scared on the phone and talked hastily. He said that some humans found out that her mother was a demon owl and the authorities were searching for them. He told her to run away to an academy that would accept her being who she was. After that, she heard a bang and then she was disconnected. With that, she ran away to that academy that sounded like a safe haven.​


[QUOTE="Wild Born]
Name: Keiki Tusama
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Mythical Shapeshifter


Element Manipulation- Can control Fire, Wind, Earth and Water

Dragon Sight- Can have dragon eyes when human

Aura Sight- Can se other peoples auras

Looks: View attachment 88992( will show creature pictures in rp )

Personality: Brave, Smart, Strong, Fast, Kind, Protective, Stubborn, Silly and Funny

Bio: No one knows



Col said:

  • Name:

    Attila Mao





[QUOTE="devon armadues]

Age: 16



all a cats and foxes.

Looks (both in and out of human form):

profile pic for both. she can't not have her tail out so she pretends it is a fake

Personality: nice to most except when people "pull her tail" so to say.


raised by humans. never knew parents so not much to care about them.

Name: Senji

Age: 18

Species: Human


-highly addictive to vampires, his blood is literaly like a drug. However, it makes his blood continue to fill his veighns and eventualy it will kill him due to the pressue



Personality: Senji is really a sweet boy, he loves everyone and just wants to be loves. His hard life has made him shy and timid but he is sweet as can be and has a heart of gold. Getting biten hurts, every time, but he has to have it done or worse things happen.

Bio: Senji was born into a human traficing ring and sold as a slave to vampires, due to his mutation of his blood making it sweet and adictive. However, he has been treated cruely and it has made him shy and he thinks lowly of himself. Masters have fought to the death to keep him and some even lost him to another who won the fight. His estimated worth if anyone were to sell him is about $three million however he can be taken, stolen, or in the predicament he is in now. He has been abandon for aparently ruining a vampire's life. His master is trying to break the addiction to his blood.
[QUOTE="Demon Hunter]Name: Senji
Age: 18

Species: Human


-highly addictive to vampires, his blood is literaly like a drug. However, it makes his blood continue to fill his veighns and eventualy it will kill him due to the pressue



Personality: Senji is really a sweet boy, he loves everyone and just wants to be loves. His hard life has made him shy and timid but he is sweet as can be and has a heart of gold. Getting biten hurts, every time, but he has to have it done or worse things happen.

Bio: Senji was born into a human traficing ring and sold as a slave to vampires, due to his mutation of his blood making it sweet and adictive. However, he has been treated cruely and it has made him shy and he thinks lowly of himself. Masters have fought to the death to keep him and some even lost him to another who won the fight. His estimated worth if anyone were to sell him is about $three million however he can be taken, stolen, or in the predicament he is in now. He has been abandon for aparently ruining a vampire's life. His master is trying to break the addiction to his blood.

//*meow* i thought it would be fun if you had a normal human who doesn't know wtf is up with this cray cray school//

Name: Paige Ross

Age: 17

Species: Human

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Able to sense the emotions and thoughts of others, not completely mind-reading, she just gets a vague idea of what they're thinking

Can talk to animals

Looks (both in and out of human form):\





hair colour + face shape + body';



(hairstyle too v )


//if the image doesnt load:

informal outfit (stuff she wears when no ones around):


Personality: Naïve, optimistic, kind, loyal, stubborn, innocent


Paige is the daughter of the President, but for her own protection, she was sent to Moonlight Academy. No one knows who she really is except for her family. She'd just transferred from another school because one of her friends saw her leaving school with her father. Her parents, under the impression that Moonlight Academy was a safe school, enrolled her into the school. The origin of her powers are unknown, though it runs in the family, her older brother (Lucas, 19, might visit sometime, NPC) and her younger sister (Claire, 12, might find her on the street, also NPC)both have powers of their own. The powers are the siblings' secret, not even their parents know about it. Paige has been shielded from the world's dangers, ridiculously trying to uphold the good image in her mind. Her siblings have repeatedly tried to tell her, Lucas having already seen what happened and Claire intelligent beyond her years to understand. Paige refuses to believe them, it will take a lot to crack the glass.

Paige has a clean record, unlike Lucas, mostly following the rules. But she is attached to her friends, and if needed, she will go against the code to help them. She's photogenic, pretty, smart and hardworking, but she has trouble letting loose at parties, even though she gets invited to most. Her glasses are a secret thing, she finds it important to uphold her image, so she wears contacts but puts on her glasses when she studies and such. If anyone catches her while she's wearing her "informal outfit" (even though she looks adorable in it), she will freak out.

Name: Claire Ross

Age: 12




Remembers everything (visual, auditory, literally everything)

Control over fire

Personality: Quiet, wise, sarcastic

Name: Lucas Ross

Age: 19



not this outfit.




Superhuman speed (he can control when he wants to use it)


Personality: Outgoing, rebellious, fun
Mayfly said:
//*meow* i thought it would be fun if you had a normal human who doesn't know wtf is up with this cray cray school//
Name: Paige Ross

Age: 17

Species: Human

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Able to sense the emotions and thoughts of others, not completely mind-reading, she just gets a vague idea of what they're thinking

Can talk to animals

Looks (both in and out of human form):\





hair colour + face shape + body';



(hairstyle too v )


//if the image doesnt load:

informal outfit (stuff she wears when no ones around):


Personality: Naïve, optimistic, kind, loyal, stubborn, innocent


Paige is the daughter of the President, but for her own protection, she was sent to Moonlight Academy. No one knows who she really is except for her family. She'd just transferred from another school because one of her friends saw her leaving school with her father. Her parents, under the impression that Moonlight Academy was a safe school, enrolled her into the school. The origin of her powers are unknown, though it runs in the family, her older brother (Lucas, 19, might visit sometime, NPC) and her younger sister (Claire, 12, might find her on the street, also NPC)both have powers of their own. The powers are the siblings' secret, not even their parents know about it. Paige has been shielded from the world's dangers, ridiculously trying to uphold the good image in her mind. Her siblings have repeatedly tried to tell her, Lucas having already seen what happened and Claire intelligent beyond her years to understand. Paige refuses to believe them, it will take a lot to crack the glass.

Paige has a clean record, unlike Lucas, mostly following the rules. But she is attached to her friends, and if needed, she will go against the code to help them. She's photogenic, pretty, smart and hardworking, but she has trouble letting loose at parties, even though she gets invited to most. Her glasses are a secret thing, she finds it important to uphold her image, so she wears contacts but puts on her glasses when she studies and such. If anyone catches her while she's wearing her "informal outfit" (even though she looks adorable in it), she will freak out.

Name: Claire Ross

Age: 12




Remembers everything (visual, auditory, literally everything)

Control over fire

Personality: Quiet, wise, sarcastic

Name: Lucas Ross

Age: 19



not this outfit.




Superhuman speed (he can control when he wants to use it)


Personality: Outgoing, rebellious, fun

All accepted
Name: Dan Hill

Age: 17

Species: aerikinetic

Powers: manipulation of the air around him.



Dan is pretty much the definition of easy-going, very little can put a downer on Dan. With a smile constantly plastered on his face, Dan can find the happy side of anything there is. Dan's humour is a simple one of pure sarcasm to the highest degree with the occasional god-awful pun.

Bio: For most of his time alive, Dan led a normal life with a normal family in a normal house, normally, until he fell out the window. If you were to ask him how he fell out of the window, you wouldn't get a straight answer, but the fact of the matter is he fell out of the window. More importantly than falling out of the window was how Dan hit the ground or, more specifically, didn't. A cushion of air formed around him and slowly brought him to the ground with not even as much as a thump. Shamed and embarrassed that their son was a weird freak, Dan's parents swiftly moved Dan far, far away from them or any connection to them. So, like any other like him, Dan found himself making his way to moonlight academy.
Name: Zaanna

Age: 17 (BD: 12/10)

Species: Fox Priest

Powers: Fire Dance: Whenever she dances sometimes her clothing will appear on fire, with a elegant white fire, but will not burn.

Growth Chant: Chanting in a Ancient Language, she is able to grow flowers and plants.

Fox Transformation: She is wrapped in a beautiful white fire and transforms into a White Fox.

Looks: (Her Monster Form is the Spirit Fox to her left)


Personality: Bubbly and fun, she is (mostly) always in a good mood. She loves being around people and is very playful. She has a tendency of sometimes skipping over words when she speaks (and purring like a cat), and loves just daydreaming. She shares the characteristics of a cat, being distracted by a lot of things, and loves to be pet. Another quirk of her is that she is very prone to falling asleep on people, usually in a middle of a conversation. Her favorite way of greeting people and saying goodbye is through hugging them.

Bio: She hails from a flower shop in Japan and has a pet Fox, who is quite larger than normal fox's and is more spiritual than normal(Her fox is a spirit one). Her family is loving and caring of her, and was raised without anything too eventful. Her parents have decided that it would be best for her to join a school in order for her to learn more of the world. Her hobbies include raising flowers/plants, dancing, and sleeping. According to what her mother told her, she can tell fortunes for people by having them grab one of her tails softly, to hard and she is crippled in pain. Each one of her tails allows her to predict one thing about the person. Going from right to left, the order is: Love, knowledge, power, wealth, and future events. She is able to control this, but she doesn't do it without being asked.

Likes: Sleeping, hugs, playing, gardening, warmth, seafood

Dislikes: Cold, fighting,


"*Yawn* I'm sooo tiiirreedd do you mind if I just --- zzzZZZzzzZZzzZz"
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[QUOTE="An actual witty name]
Name: Dan Hill
Age: 17

Species: aerikinetic

Powers: manipulation of the air around him.



Dan is pretty much the definition of easy-going, very little can put a downer on Dan. With a smile constantly plastered on his face, Dan can find the happy side of anything there is. Dan's humour is a simple one of pure sarcasm to the highest degree with the occasional god-awful pun.

Bio: For most of his time alive, Dan led a normal life with a normal family in a normal house, normally, until he fell out the window. If you were to ask him how he fell out of the window, you wouldn't get a straight answer, but the fact of the matter is he fell out of the window. More importantly than falling out of the window was how Dan hit the ground or, more specifically, didn't. A cushion of air formed around him and slowly brought him to the ground with not even as much as a thump. Shamed and embarrassed that their son was a weird freak, Dan's parents swiftly moved Dan far, far away from them or any connection to them. So, like any other like him, Dan found himself making his way to moonlight academy.



Federoff said:
Name: Zaanna
Age: 17 (BD: 12/10)

Species: Fox Priest

Powers: Fire Dance: Whenever she dances sometimes her clothing will appear on fire, with a elegant white fire, but will not burn.

Growth Chant: Chanting in a Ancient Language, she is able to grow flowers and plants.

Fox Transformation: She is wrapped in a beautiful white fire and transforms into a White Fox.

Looks: (Her Monster Form is the Spirit Fox to her left)


Personality: Bubbly and fun, she is (mostly) always in a good mood. She loves being around people and is very playful. She has a tendency of sometimes skipping over words when she speaks (and purring like a cat), and loves just daydreaming. She shares the characteristics of a cat, being distracted by a lot of things, and loves to be pet. Another quirk of her is that she is very prone to falling asleep on people, usually in a middle of a conversation. Her favorite way of greeting people and saying goodbye is through hugging them.

Bio: She hails from a flower shop in Japan and has a pet Fox, who is quite larger than normal fox's and is more spiritual than normal(Her fox is a spirit one). Her family is loving and caring of her, and was raised without anything too eventful. Her parents have decided that it would be best for her to join a school in order for her to learn more of the world. Her hobbies include raising flowers/plants, dancing, and sleeping. According to what her mother told her, she can tell fortunes for people by having them grab one of her tails softly, to hard and she is crippled in pain. Each one of her tails allows her to predict one thing about the person. Going from right to left, the order is: Love, knowledge, power, wealth, and future events. She is able to control this, but she doesn't do it without being asked.

Likes: Sleeping, hugs, playing, gardening, warmth, seafood

Dislikes: Cold, fighting,


"*Yawn* I'm sooo tiiirreedd do you mind if I just --- zzzZZZzzzZZzzZz"

Name: Sakura Morgan



Powers(no more than 3 please):

Looks (both in and out of human form):Human form-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Human-kitsune.jpg.93c4aa52e22ebf7f8c729d8561bee314.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Human-kitsune.jpg.93c4aa52e22ebf7f8c729d8561bee314.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kitsune form- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Kitsune.jpg.71c6f1dc406df18e1fe849e9beedfdb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Kitsune.jpg.71c6f1dc406df18e1fe849e9beedfdb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:She is soft spoken and kind. She is really shy around new people.

Bio:She was abandoned outside the academy when she was 6 and raised here.



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Name: Cameron

Age: 17

Species: Human-Angel hybrid

Powers(no more than 3 please):

- Can Fly

- Can retract his wings into his body, however doing this causes a great deal of pain

- Can heal from wounds at a very fast rate, however anything fatal will not heal

Looks (both in and out of human form):


He is very calm and collected most of the time, however if he sees any needles, test tubes, or any medical equipment he will panic along with running as far away as possible. Cameron is very passive towards others, and somewhat quiet, as he will only talk to someone he does not know to ask a question or if they talk to him.

Bio: Cameron was a experiment of a genetic research team, in a chance to create a artificial angel. He was abducted by one of the researchers from his biological family when he was two, and was subjected to having angel blood being pumped into his body daily along with constant tests and surgery to look at his organs. Cameron was kept chained in a small brick room that was heavily guarded by armed forces, and this was his life until another experiment had went rouge a year ago, killing most of the guards and researchers. When the experiment found Cameron, it tried to kill him, however by this time he had fully grown two wings and he flew out thus escaping from the facility.

He was able to feel freedom for only a few days although, because he was captured by another research team before Cameron could find true civilization and the tests, surgeries along with being chained up once more continued on for another year. He woke up one day, and noticed that it was eerily quiet. Not only that, but he had slept an extra four hours then when they have ever allowed without being tested on. Cameron was too scared to find out why, and stayed in his cell for two more days.

Hungry and thirsty, he got up and made his way over to the one-way glass wall. Cameron tried to look through it, but it was useless, so he looked around his room. He finally noticed that the steel door that allowed the researchers inside him room was wide open. Cameron ran through, and realized that the entire place had been abandoned. Not wanting to know why after seeing what the past rouge experiment had done, he escaped, finally for good. Cameron was found stealing food by a teacher in the teacher's home about six days later, and convinced him to become a student at the school.
SilverAngel303 said:
Name: Cameron
Age: 17

Species: Human-Angel hybrid

Powers(no more than 3 please):

- Can Fly

- Can retract his wings into his body, however doing this causes a great deal of pain

- Can heal from wounds at a very fast rate, however anything fatal will not heal

Looks (both in and out of human form):


He is very calm and collected most of the time, however if he sees any needles, test tubes, or any medical equipment he will panic along with running as far away as possible. Cameron is very passive towards others, and somewhat quiet, as he will only talk to someone he does not know to ask a question or if they talk to him.

Bio: Cameron was a experiment of a genetic research team, in a chance to create a artificial angel. He was abducted by one of the researchers from his biological family when he was two, and was subjected to having angel blood being pumped into his body daily along with constant tests and surgery to look at his organs. Cameron was kept chained in a small brick room that was heavily guarded by armed forces, and this was his life until another experiment had went rouge a year ago, killing most of the guards and researchers. When the experiment found Cameron, it tried to kill him, however by this time he had fully grown two wings and he flew out thus escaping from the facility.

He was able to feel freedom for only a few days although, because he was captured by another research team before Cameron could find true civilization and the tests, surgeries along with being chained up once more continued on for another year. He woke up one day, and noticed that it was eerily quiet. Not only that, but he had slept an extra four hours then when they have ever allowed without being tested on. Cameron was too scared to find out why, and stayed in his cell for two more days.

Hungry and thirsty, he got up and made his way over to the one-way glass wall. Cameron tried to look through it, but it was useless, so he looked around his room. He finally noticed that the steel door that allowed the researchers inside him room was wide open. Cameron ran through, and realized that the entire place had been abandoned. Not wanting to know why after seeing what the past rouge experiment had done, he escaped, finally for good. Cameron was found stealing food by a teacher in the teacher's home about six days later, and convinced him to become a student at the school.
Name: David Tennant Junior


Species: TimeLord

Powers(no more than 3 please): Regenerates To live forever, Can Travel Through Time and Space, Has a Sonic Screwdriver, that does a lot of cool things, Example: Opening any mechanically locked door

Looks (both in and out of human form): View Picture, it is the current form

Personality: Generally Nice, but that varies depending on his form.

Bio: Was born 1998, parents are The Doctor (David Tennant is his real name) and Rose Tyler.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/loveInThe21stCentury.png.cff3524da94a6a17dda2b12cbe087298.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/loveInThe21stCentury.png.cff3524da94a6a17dda2b12cbe087298.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Ib All Alone]
Name: David Tennant Junior

Species: TimeLord

Powers(no more than 3 please): Regenerates To live forever, Can Travel Through Time and Space, Has a Sonic Screwdriver, that does a lot of cool things, Example: Opening any mechanically locked door

Looks (both in and out of human form): View Picture, it is the current form

Personality: Generally Nice, but that varies depending on his form.

Bio: Was born 1998, parents are The Doctor (David Tennant is his real name) and Rose Tyler.

Name: Volan Mace



Powers(no more than 3 please):teleportation, shapeshifting, granting wishes (only 3 per person, of course).

Looks (both in and out of human form):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.9c28eb25442abf2af77da424d11bfb39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.9c28eb25442abf2af77da424d11bfb39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Really kinda looks the same in human form, but has the ability to shape-shift, which can be terrifying.

Personality:she's very eager to please. She will do most things without question if her master says so. She is often happy when she is seen, mostly because she wants to be happy whenever she's out of her lamp. She is also very bubbly.

Bio:she was born in captivity, as her types of genie usually are. She pretty much just sits in her lamp all the time. Until she got a master/mistress that attended Moonlight Academy. And that master/mistress is....[edit when I find volunteer to be Volan's master]



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The Twins:

Female - Cierce ; Male - Rezzu

Age: 17

Species: Sylph Demonic hybrid as they should be one entity

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Cierce: Cloak / Phasing –
Becoming the air itself, usually seen as a cloud or mist. Echo - the ability to manipulate sound or even “steal” the voice of others (illusion). It can also be used for ventriloquism. Air control – can purify, change the weather.

Rezzu: (Question/ will edit this out, Is it okay if he has 4? Reason being he technically has everything she has but is stronger being the demon side <.< ---> ) All of Cierce's Abilities above and Pyrokinesis

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Cierce's Eyes are Only Blue, no two colors. Rezzu's are Red/Burgundy


Cierce -
Faithful, Trustworthy, Quiet/Reserved, Caring of others, Service-oriented/Reliable, Sympathetic

Similar Traits: Out going, Creative, Efficient/Persistent, Adventurous, Decisive, Curious

Rezzu - Assertive, a “take charge” kind’ve person, Forceful and Impulsive, Impatient, Unruly, Thoughtless/Self-Centered, however Empathetic, he tries to do good out of the love for his Sister

Ceirce and Rezzu grew up in a Fae village up until the age of 5, not knowing their true mother or father raised by a woman named Iza. Rezzu burned part of the village and destroyed crops one fall day as the two had been learning and practicing their powers, causing them to be moved from the village into an orphanage since no records of their birth were found. Than again, being supernatural, that was the whole point. Rezzu felt bad, putting Ceirce into a less loving home, and tried his best to not cause trouble, but the Demon in his nature couldn't allow that, he couldn't be that way. Ceirce's kind heart and spirit never waivered though, always accepting him for who her brother is. Jumping through Foster care left them to survive and grow knowing only one another's love and admiration and trust.

They were adopted by another woman, a witch Meribelle, when they were ten. She has raised them since, before applying to bring them to this school for the unnatural, hoping that it would brighten Ceirce's spirit to be near others and teach Rezzu that he was not alone in the world like he acted.
[QUOTE="Masks of Ayn]
The Twins:
Female - Cierce ; Male - Rezzu

Age: 17

Species: Sylph Demonic hybrid as they should be one entity

Powers(no more than 3 please):

Cierce: Cloak / Phasing –
Becoming the air itself, usually seen as a cloud or mist. Echo - the ability to manipulate sound or even “steal” the voice of others (illusion). It can also be used for ventriloquism. Air control – can purify, change the weather.

Rezzu: (Question/ will edit this out, Is it okay if he has 4? Reason being he technically has everything she has but is stronger being the demon side <.< ---> ) All of Cierce's Abilities above and Pyrokinesis

Looks (both in and out of human form):

Cierce's Eyes are Only Blue, no two colors. Rezzu's are Red/Burgundy


Cierce -
Faithful, Trustworthy, Quiet/Reserved, Caring of others, Service-oriented/Reliable, Sympathetic

Similar Traits: Out going, Creative, Efficient/Persistent, Adventurous, Decisive, Curious

Rezzu - Assertive, a “take charge” kind’ve person, Forceful and Impulsive, Impatient, Unruly, Thoughtless/Self-Centered, however Empathetic, he tries to do good out of the love for his Sister

Ceirce and Rezzu grew up in a Fae village up until the age of 5, not knowing their true mother or father raised by a woman named Iza. Rezzu burned part of the village and destroyed crops one fall day as the two had been learning and practicing their powers, causing them to be moved from the village into an orphanage since no records of their birth were found. Than again, being supernatural, that was the whole point. Rezzu felt bad, putting Ceirce into a less loving home, and tried his best to not cause trouble, but the Demon in his nature couldn't allow that, he couldn't be that way. Ceirce's kind heart and spirit never waivered though, always accepting him for who her brother is. Jumping through Foster care left them to survive and grow knowing only one another's love and admiration and trust.

They were adopted by another woman, a witch Meribelle, when they were ten. She has raised them since, before applying to bring them to this school for the unnatural, hoping that it would brighten Ceirce's spirit to be near others and teach Rezzu that he was not alone in the world like he acted.

Cool. In.
Name: Hiroshi Tomachi

Age: 16

Species: Demon trapped within a human

Powers: Perception - Hiroshi's heightened senses allow him to foresee various things and pin point small details, in battle or just everyday life and conversation, giving him a very insightful mentality. Silk Fingers - As an orphan, Hiro-san taught himself many things, like, for example, thievery. Ever since he was young, he practiced pick-pocketing those around him, in order to perfect this useful ability. Light Feet - Along with the self-taught thievery, Hiroshi learnt how to move stealthily, as well as quickly, and even to climb, giving him a very athletic composure.

Looks: Human -

Inter-change Trance State (Which he has to go through during every transformation into the demon, but not back) -

Demon -

Personality: Smart, sporty, funny, curious

Bio: Hiroshi lived a good life for the first year of it. He was the child of two loving parents, and born with unlimited potential. However, in the year 1999, when a demon escaped the SynTech group, ASARI-SPW was dispatched and was in hot pursuit of the Shadow. It was during SPW's confrontation with the demon, during a car accident, that his parents died. Presumably, he survived due to his potential, allowing him to sustain great power and vitality. SPW, knowing that he could not defeat the demon, sealed a portion of it within Hiroshi.
[QUOTE="The Cobalt Killer]
Name: Hiroshi Tomachi
Age: 16

Species: Demon trapped within a human

Powers: Perception - Hiroshi's heightened senses allow him to foresee various things and pin point small details, in battle or just everyday life and conversation, giving him a very insightful mentality. Silk Fingers - As an orphan, Hiro-san taught himself many things, like, for example, thievery. Ever since he was young, he practiced pick-pocketing those around him, in order to perfect this useful ability. Light Feet - Along with the self-taught thievery, Hiroshi learnt how to move stealthily, as well as quickly, and even to climb, giving him a very athletic composure.

Looks: Human -

Inter-change Trance State (Which he has to go through during every transformation into the demon, but not back) -

Demon -

Smart, sporty, funny, curious

Bio: Hiroshi lived a good life for the first year of it. He was the child of two loving parents, and born with unlimited potential. However, in the year 1999, when a demon escaped the SynTech group, ASARI-SPW was dispatched and was in hot pursuit of the Shadow. It was during SPW's confrontation with the demon, during a car accident, that his parents died. Presumably, he survived due to his potential, allowing him to sustain great power and vitality. SPW, knowing that he could not defeat the demon, sealed a portion of it within Hiroshi.

Name: Kandy


Race: Cat

Human form:

Cat form: [won't load sorry] 5'6, short ears, fluffy pink fur, black eyes

Special powers: cat eyes

Personality: Shy, weak, jumpy

Bio: Grew up abused, thrown out at the age of 9, been wondering the streets for years, judged for being part cat, and is very skinny, small, and has long pink hair
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y0k9o said:
Name: Kandy

Race: Cat

Human form:

Cat form: [won't load sorry] 5'6, short ears, fluffy pink fur, black eyes

Special powers: cat eyes

Personality: Shy, weak, jumpy

Bio: Grew up abused, thrown out at the age of 9, been wondering the streets for years, judged for being part cat, and is very skinny, small, and has long pink hair
Name: Zanna

"My name is Zanna nice to meet you?"

Age: 17

"I'm 17"

Species: Demi-God: Daughter of the Ljósálfheimr (Light-Elf in Nordic mythology) and Fenrir.

"So what if the rummors are true? I don't give a shit about what you think"

Powers: Her two pistols are magical, they shoot shots of pure energy. Her bullets, if hit with to many, will start to nullify regenerative factors.

Due to her father being a wolf, she can use her claws for close combat and can talk to animals.

In each of her guns are 2 runes that can be activated to increase firing capacity of the guns. When all four are lit up, they spell out Ragnarok and causes the guns to shoot out a storm of bullets.


"They are quite shiny and black huh? The Dwarves did a good job like always"



"Wh-Wh-Why are you Staring? Stop staring before I put a bullet in your head!"

Personality: She is usually calm and collected, but can be pissed off quite easily on certain subjects. She acts like a badass most of the time, but wants to be accepted for who she is. She wants to make friends, but has a hard time due to her persona.She will protect her friends to the fullest extent of her powers. Since she does not know of the customs of this planet, she can be tricked easily. Talk about relationships causes her to freeze up.

*Click* "Hmm, you say something? That's what I thought"

Bio: Thousands of years ago the son of Loki, Fenrir, unbounded himself from his prison and fled. He has wondered from world to world, waiting for Ragnorak to begin. One fated day he arrived at Ālfheimr, the home of the elves, and fell in love with the lonely Queen of Ālfheimr, he had a child with her, that child, was Zanna. Fenrir had to leave her at the age of 6, but left her the magical chains that bound her as a gift for future needs. She was devastated that her father left, but she continued to live a "normal" life as she was royal, but a few people frowned down upon her as she did not have elf ears and instead had wolf claws. At age 8 she had mastered how to talk to animals, wolves being her favorite animal to communicate with, and due to this connection was taught how to hunt and use her claws. Her father visited her while she was alone, hunting with wolves, these are her cherished memories. At age 1o she traveled to Niðavellir; home of the Dwarves, master craftsmen, and she had them make her two legendary weapons out of the Chains that her father gave her. At age 12, the gods finally caught wiff of Zanna and brought her to Asgard, where she trained under the gods for 2 years. During her time here, she resided in Bilskirnir; home of Thor, and gained much knowledge from all the gods and goddesses. At age 14, she had already learned as much as she could in the arts of fighting, and decided to leave so she could see the rest of the 8 worlds. For 3 years she traveled the worlds, learning much more. She now ended on this planet where she picked up a bad habit of smoking and a love for music. She sometimes see's her father and still exchange letters with him from time to time. Her father and mother wish for her to attend the Moonlight Academy so she can learn how to socialize with others and gain an education of this planet.

"Yep that is my life, now give me a cigarette I need to light me one"


Likes: Smoking, listening to music, sun bathing, hunting, talking/listening to friends

"Yeah I sun bath, so what? Oh you want to see proof? You have till the count of 3 before I kill you"

Dislikes: Loud noise, arrogance, people who make fun of her.

"Now that you know what I don't like, you better not do anything to piss me off"
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Allura Carrington (Her last name however, isn't her true last name. The school is aware of this)


HEIGHT: 5'8"


Species: human


STRENGTHS: Acrobatics Martial Arts Swordsmanship Parkour Agile Quick reflexes BraveHigh Stamina Rugged Disciplined

PERSONALITY:Allura is a rather awkward individual. She walks around like she lacks any kind of emotion, and as if she is detached from the world oblivious that there is even anyone else living in it. And yet, she somehow still appears to look innocent and naive. Allura never had any friends growing up, in fact she isn't really sure what a friend is, so she doesn't quite know how to interact with people very well. She comes off very cold, and is more blunt than people are often used to. People sometimes describe her as heartless due to the amount of tears she's brought people over the years. Allura has major trust issues, and finds it hard to work with anyone that she hasn't familiarized herself with prior. She believes that people should earn trust, and if they aren't willing to earn it than they don't deserve it and shouldn't be trusted. Growing up in Kozamu, she was raised to be a soldier, whose father expected nothing but the best, and naturally because he was one of the best himself. Her childhood didn't consist of fun happy memories, but drills, combat, fighting, and other psychological tests. Though she grew up a very unhappy child, completely deprived of her childhood, she became a strong and disceplined adult. Something remained with her however, because she was forced to grow up so quickly a part of her remained naive and innocent, and ever curious.

BIOGRAPHY: Little to nothing is known about Allura's past, and those who know about it are informed they aren't allowed to share her information with others. If asked, she never discloses information about herself. The most people know about her is that she is the daughter of a really important or really influential person.

Allura was born and raised in Kozamu to the general of the lands army, her mother dying during childbirth. Although female, her father treated her as a son more than a daughter, making her wear male clothing and cut her hair short. To the other inhabitants of Kozamu, he was always known to have a son named Kaiser. Her father, obsessed with the battle against demons, trained Allura from a very young age - the same way he would treat his military cadets, and hired an old master exorcist to help nurture her magic. Every day was a chore, and every day was full of unhappiness. Her father was never interested in her feelings, her thoughts, her injuries, or how many times she fainted or nearly died during her training. Her mentor, was a very soft spoken individual, who was very kind but forced to be strict with her as well. As a young child, she was dragged out into battles with her father and told to observe the fights, experiencing death from an early age. Over time, this created a kind of numbness in the child, who became indifferent to death of humans and demons alike.

MAGICK:Elemental Magic: Allura's elemental magick is rather vast and almost completely balanced. Allura has developed all of her elemental magick beyond what is expected of her age, however she strongly favors fire and water. Due to her hometown's natural affinity being of fire magic, it was something that came natural to her, and she use with ease. However, she has a love for water magick as well, and chose to nurture that more than wind or earth. Currently she is known for using all of the elements simultaneously, while also aiding herself with her mental magick.

SKILLS: Photographic memory, good with kids, talented chef, skilled thief, can break into any building, trained to be mentally unbreakable.



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