Moonlight Academy

Name:Byron Vere



Powers(no more than 3 please):Byron is able to manifest a human form. believe it or not, this takes a lot of energy out of him to remain in this form. He mainly prefers his centaur form, but isn't afraid to change to his human form when absolutely necessary.

He is also able to control the plants nearby. He can't do anything to drastic, but having a vine choke you is not too hard for him to do however, this also puts a slight strain on his body if overused.

And last but not least, he is able to summon a small short-bow and a seemingly un-exhausted supply of arrows in his trusty quiver. This is the only thing that he seems to have no problems doing.

Looks (both in and out of human form):Human form:

Centaur form:(unfortunately, I don't have a picture for his centaur form) Byron is still the same ol' guy we know well, from the torso up at least. From there what's left is the body of a brown stallion with massive hooves and a long tail that flows from behind.

Personality:Byron is a quite the rambunctious one. There's times where he can be loud, and others where he's silent while catching up in his studies. However, get on his bad side and it might just result with a hoof to the head. There are times when he's easily angered due to stupid things like having one of his favorite books going missing, but all and all Byron is a good guy. He doesn't mind being around other people and is actually a chatterbox when given a chance.

Bio:When Byron was still young, a large chain of events had forced his family to take refuge from the harsh world. Much of the forest that the centaurs had inhabited had been cut down by humans wishing to further expand their land, so Byron, his younger brother Shawn, and his father were forced to take refuge under their own false human disguises. Byron was the worst of them all, having his elfish ears sticking out and making him look like a dead giveaway, but luckily for his family Byron managed to keep his secret hidden. When he had finally heard about this odd school where oddballs like himself were welcome his father instantly had him sent off to attend in order to try and have his son around people much like themselves, different. Now, Byron is finally attended his first day of this odd school and hopefully, is ready for any twists and turns that may come with it.
Name: Ryu Kenshin

Age: 17

Species: Angel/Human Halfling

Powers: Mind Reading, super speed, Light powers (as in i can summon things from the light, like swords and shizzle)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fa74a3_AnimeCharacter.jpg.684d9257c08422e05e2e2aa6c3d33c48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fa74a3_AnimeCharacter.jpg.684d9257c08422e05e2e2aa6c3d33c48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Funny, nice, charming, musical

Bio: When he was born his mother left him with his father, who was a complete drunk. and when his father got arrested for sex abuse against his step mom, Ryu ran away, he was about 14 then and was a traveler making money on the streets and part time jobs. until one day when he was 15 we made it to his uncles house and his uncle paid for him to go to school. but when he was in 8th grade he realized that he could run faster then anyone else and when he started hearing the voices in his head he thought he was going insane. after a while listening to voices he realized that those weren't his imagination and that he could hear peoples thoughts. then on the day of his 16th birth day his mom showed up and told him that he was half angel and that he was special for it. she made his uncle enroll Ryu into Moonlight Academy and that is where we hop into this story.



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Name: Threlm Tomohisa

Age: Uknown

Species: Reaper ~ High Class

Powers: Flight, Realm travel, and Super speed.

Looks (both in and out of human form):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fab599_Schoolunifeformrp.jpg.c8a9a5e50769a7549ea6fdc948e89626.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fab599_Schoolunifeformrp.jpg.c8a9a5e50769a7549ea6fdc948e89626.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Skeleton_wings.jpg.3a928fcbcc9a52f1ab1b0725454cd4cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Skeleton_wings.jpg.3a928fcbcc9a52f1ab1b0725454cd4cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Wings

Personality: Sometimes emotionless other times talkative. He likes watching things in pain being a reaper he doesn't have many emotion's to begin with. Enjoys music. He takes his job very seriously and wont mess around when trying to take someones soul on their due date.

Bio: Threlm had woken up in the void next to his sister. They was told that the are now a soul reaper then sent to this school to find out anything they could about his new job. From what he found out about his previous life he and his family including his sister were slaves and were killed while running from his family. The void's voice and his sister being the only thing left for them they doesn't really care about anything but each other the due date. They carries a book around with them that has the name and date of a person's death when it is their time they will appear next to them and take their soul feeding on it to keep himself alive.

Name: Theria Tomohisa

Age: Unkown

Species: Reaper~High Class

Flight, Realm travel, and Super speed.

Looks (both in and out of human form):


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Skeleton_wings.jpg.3a928fcbcc9a52f1ab1b0725454cd4cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Skeleton_wings.jpg.3a928fcbcc9a52f1ab1b0725454cd4cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Wings

Personality: Talkative, She wants to have allot of friends, She is very seductive and is open about it. Her brother hates when she is being seductive though.

Theria had woken up in the void next to her older brother. They was told that the are now a soul reaper then sent to this school to find out anything they could about her new job. From what she found out about her previous life he and his family including his sister were slaves and were killed while running from his Masters. The void's voice and her brother being the only thing left for them they don't really care about anything but each other the due date. They carrie a book around with them that has the name and date of a person's death when it is their time they will appear next to them and take their soul feeding on it to keep herself alive.



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Name: Shadow De Soulis (Known as Zero)

Age: 17

Species: Modified reaper, made for shadows and darkness.

Powers(no more than 3 please): Ability to manipulate shadows and darkness, can control dead corpses, can steal shadows from other creatures/things and become a mutated form of that object. For example, he could steal a dragons shadow and become a dragon humanoid with scales and able to breath fire. He is then able to return the shadow, returning him to normal.

Looks (both in and out of human form):



Personality: Zero is very calm, and usually collected. He doesn't make friends that easily, even though he tries too, however whenever he considers someone a friend he trusts them with his life. However, he can be very kinky. He likes dead things, and collects animal and human skulls, and adores them. He enjoys the night time much more then the day, His eyes when in human form will change color depending on mood, however when in reaper form his eyes are replaced by crimson flame. He enjoys suffering, however does not usually cause it. He can be very nice, and most of the time is a generally nice guy as long as you stay on his good side.

Bio: Zero has no memories from before he was around the age of 16, however he has not seemed to age at all over the course of a century. After finally deciding to do something, he enrolled in moonlight academy in hopes of finding purpose in his life. He has faint memories of his mother, in which he doesn't like to remember. Whenever he tries, he will start crying. As for the rest of his previous life, he doesn't remember anything. He only has one thing that reminds him he's real, and that's the black cross necklace he had when he awoke that time without any memories. He holds onto it dearly, it giving him will power wherever he goes.


@The Dark Princess
@The Dark Princess to accept you and you can join in [emoji85] I can post a summary in the OOC of what's happening more or less
Karuta Roromiya ? ??????



? Human with powerful abilities

? Karuta can crush things or inflict unbearable pain on others with her mind or hands.

Karuta appears as a very quiet, happy girl that is almost always seen with sweets in her mouth. Despite her seemingly unfeeling or detached persona, however, she can be angered very easily - often resulting in breaking, crushing or smashing objects, in a few cases people, with her bare hands, or even inflicting pain on other people through anger. Overall Karuta is a very loyal and kind person to all of her friends, but if treat badly she will result to violence.


Karuta grew up a normal, happy life, until her family discovered her 'weird' and 'sadistic' powers one day when she got angry at her brother. This lead to her being put into treatment, but they gave up on her and threw her out of the house. She was took in by the school and now attends it. Most people thought she was weird, but Karuta finally found some friends. She also enjoys making sweets and food-but not as much as eating them!


Karuta appears as a young, slim teenage girl with salmon-pink hair that is tied into two side pigtails, and matching eyes.


{I hope this will be accepted, since she doesn't actually change form when using her powers or whatever
:P )

[Name] Leif Hearthstone

[Age] 867 lightyears old.

[Gender] Male

[Personality] Leif is an extremely smart, quiet and blocked off person at first glance. He loves to lurk around secluded places, and treats his own space as a sacred ground, nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out except Leif. If Leif takes you to a place of his own or shows you one of his belongings, to him, you are like royalty. When in combat Leif is focused, determined and will often play 'trickster' with his enemies to confuse them, as this is his favorite strategy. Leif loves reading books to the point where he gave up someones life for it, best beware of that. Leif's favorite food is any kind of sweet, lolly or piece of candy. He says they give a nice sensation in his mouth, and that sweets are a good time waster when waiting for something. Out of the three classes Leif can transform into, his favorite class is the Rune Slayer because it fits well with his preference for the 'trickster' strategy. Leif also doesn't age like a normal human, infact, he doesn't age at all.

[bio] Leif was born in an age of conflict, war was waging across nations, planets and heck, even galaxy's. As his mother and father were perishing due to dangerous cyber viruses on a distant planet, they sent him to one of the peace planets, Earth. It took hundreds of light-years to reach earth, over those years, data was implanted into his mind, his brain was programmable matter. He had also time traveled into the past at the speed he was going, a rip in the fabric of spacetime formed. By the time he reached earth, he had already had defense protocols and incomplete form information implanted in him. (Yes, it takes THAT long to program a humanoid when in a delivery pod.) Lief's emotions were mixed up, he kept glitching out, until he came across a school. The school fixed him and bound by his programming, he was forever in debt to them.


Human: Looks 15-16


Lord Knight(Attack): Looks 19


Infinity Sword(Speed): Looks 19


Rune Slayer(Magic): Looks 19


[Race] A Programmable Humanoid


Can hack into any computer system, or better yet, he can transport his physical form into an electronic device.

+Can teleport.

+A certain program allows him to bend the laws of physics but its extremely dangerous as it could alter reality and he could end up killing himself.

-Whoever manages to touch the back of his neck with five fingers becomes his master due to uncompleted pet programming, and he is also bound to them for eternity.

-There is a chance, in combat that his drives could overheat, and he could shutdown for an entire day.

-When bending the laws of physics, he could easily kill himself by making, one, itsy bitsy mistake.

-If his master dies, his self destruct protocol will immediately initiate... blowing up half the planet.
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@TooLazyToLogIn *cough* nice username anyway and your character seems really cool [emoji23] though it'd be nice to know if he ages normally and what age he looks { anime pictures are really hard to differentiate the age of and the people in this Rp really don't care about OOC tabs so this is here stop rambling Emmy }
@Mayfly Why thankyou ( :P ) No, he doesn't age at all. Leif looks 15-16 in his casual, and 19 in his other forms. Ill update it in a min.
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@TooLazyToLogIn Sora? Do you mean Leif?

@TheDarkPrincess finally more interesting people [emoji23] but how is it that we don't have like normal stuff like Witches and Wizards yet we have grim reapers and humanoids
Name- Blue


Species- Shapeshifter

Powers- she can shift into many different animals but she dosent have a good grasp on that yet . she has 2 other powers but they havent really came to light yet

looks-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c12d63005_picturething.jpg.887bda65c0ab16506e788b3c038c2912.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c12d63005_picturething.jpg.887bda65c0ab16506e788b3c038c2912.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality - she is painfully shy but also has a temper , when she gets scared or any extreme emotion she shifts (no control over it)

bio- shes the a typical run away when she was a baby and got scared she shifted and her parents just tried to deal with it and they tryed to put her in school , she did well until highschool ,some girl bullied her and she shifted police tried to shoot her , when she went home scientist wanted to buy her and her parents took the bid. the night before she was supposed to go to the lab she ran away and 2 years later she arrives at this school



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Name: Fox

Age: 17 (258)

Species: Demon

Powers(no more than 3 please): Mastered all fire magic, has his own type of fire magic (The white flame that I will mostly use), and mastered sound magic

Looks (both in and out of human form):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/000.jpg.341934341947c2d7b507fe0a209b76cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/000.jpg.341934341947c2d7b507fe0a209b76cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Likes being alone, likes to fight in some cases, likes dark places.

Bio: Fox was originally born in the underworld 200 years ago. Fox got to earth a few years ago. When Fox first came to earth he assigned himself as 15 years old, so he had only been on earth for 2 and a half years.



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Sunkissed said:
Karuta Roromiya ? ??????



? Human with powerful abilities

? Karuta can crush things or inflict unbearable pain on others with her mind or hands.

Karuta appears as a very quiet, happy girl that is almost always seen with sweets in her mouth. Despite her seemingly unfeeling or detached persona, however, she can be angered very easily - often resulting in breaking, crushing or smashing objects, in a few cases people, with her bare hands, or even inflicting pain on other people through anger. Overall Karuta is a very loyal and kind person to all of her friends, but if treat badly she will result to violence.


Karuta grew up a normal, happy life, until her family discovered her 'weird' and 'sadistic' powers one day when she got angry at her brother. This lead to her being put into treatment, but they gave up on her and threw her out of the house. She was took in by the school and now attends it. Most people thought she was weird, but Karuta finally found some friends. She also enjoys making sweets and food-but not as much as eating them!


Karuta appears as a young, slim teenage girl with salmon-pink hair that is tied into two side pigtails, and matching eyes.


{I hope this will be accepted, since she doesn't actually change form when using her powers or whatever
:P )

TooLazyToLogIn said:
[Name] Leif Hearthstone
[Age] 867 lightyears old.

[Gender] Male

[Personality] Leif is an extremely smart, quiet and blocked off person at first glance. He loves to lurk around secluded places, and treats his own space as a sacred ground, nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out except Leif. If Leif takes you to a place of his own or shows you one of his belongings, to him, you are like royalty. When in combat Leif is focused, determined and will often play 'trickster' with his enemies to confuse them, as this is his favorite strategy. Leif loves reading books to the point where he gave up someones life for it, best beware of that. Leif's favorite food is any kind of sweet, lolly or piece of candy. He says they give a nice sensation in his mouth, and that sweets are a good time waster when waiting for something. Out of the three classes Leif can transform into, his favorite class is the Rune Slayer because it fits well with his preference for the 'trickster' strategy. Leif also doesn't age like a normal human, infact, he doesn't age at all.

[bio] Leif was born in an age of conflict, war was waging across nations, planets and heck, even galaxy's. As his mother and father were perishing due to dangerous cyber viruses on a distant planet, they sent him to one of the peace planets, Earth. It took hundreds of light-years to reach earth, over those years, data was implanted into his mind, his brain was programmable matter. He had also time traveled into the past at the speed he was going, a rip in the fabric of spacetime formed. By the time he reached earth, he had already had defense protocols and incomplete form information implanted in him. (Yes, it takes THAT long to program a humanoid when in a delivery pod.) Lief's emotions were mixed up, he kept glitching out, until he came across a school. The school fixed him and bound by his programming, he was forever in debt to them.


Human: Looks 15-16


Lord Knight(Attack): Looks 19


Infinity Sword(Speed): Looks 19


Rune Slayer(Magic): Looks 19


[Race] A Programmable Humanoid


Can hack into any computer system, or better yet, he can transport his physical form into an electronic device.

+Can teleport.

+A certain program allows him to bend the laws of physics but its extremely dangerous as it could alter reality and he could end up killing himself.

-Whoever manages to touch the back of his neck with five fingers becomes his master due to uncompleted pet programming, and he is also bound to them for eternity.

-There is a chance, in combat that his drives could overheat, and he could shutdown for an entire day.

-When bending the laws of physics, he could easily kill himself by making, one, itsy bitsy mistake.

-If his master dies, his self destruct protocol will immediately initiate... blowing up half the planet.
Both accepted


Sixxx said:
Name- Blue

Species- Shapeshifter

Powers- she can shift into many different animals but she dosent have a good grasp on that yet . she has 2 other powers but they havent really came to light yet

looks-View attachment 94277

Personality - she is painfully shy but also has a temper , when she gets scared or any extreme emotion she shifts (no control over it)

bio- shes the a typical run away when she was a baby and got scared she shifted and her parents just tried to deal with it and they tryed to put her in school , she did well until highschool ,some girl bullied her and she shifted police tried to shoot her , when she went home scientist wanted to buy her and her parents took the bid. the night before she was supposed to go to the lab she ran away and 2 years later she arrives at this school
Fox said:
Name: Fox
Age: 17 (258)

Species: Demon

Powers(no more than 3 please): Mastered all fire magic, has his own type of fire magic (The white flame that I will mostly use), and mastered sound magic

Looks (both in and out of human form):View attachment 94466

Personality: Likes being alone, likes to fight in some cases, likes dark places.

Bio: Fox was originally born in the underworld 200 years ago. Fox got to earth a few years ago. When Fox first came to earth he assigned himself as 15 years old, so he had only been on earth for 2 and a half years.
Name: Andou

Age: 10

Species: Demon fox

Powers(no more than 3 please): Tri-force, immortality, Omni-slayer

Looks (both in and out of human form):


Demon Fox:

Personality: Kind,Smart,Hyper,Innocent

Bio: An angry mob (of humans) killed Andou's parents because it was a Human/Demon Fox relationship. They tried to kill Andou too but before they could he ran away. He went into hiding and decided to enroll in Moonlight Academy to fit in. He now lives a life of adventure!
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Slaxt said:
Name: Andou
Age: 10

Species: Demon fox

Powers(no more than 3 please): Tri-force, immortality, Invisibility

Looks (both in and out of human form):


Demon Fox:

Personality: Kind,Smart,Hyper,Innocent

Bio: An angry mob (of humans) killed Andou's parents because it was a Human/Demon Fox relationship. They tried to kill Andou too but before they could he ran away. He went into hiding and decided to enroll in Moonlight Academy to fit in. He now lives a life of adventure!

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