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Monstrous High-Level Pathfinder Game [Forum] [Dice]

I had a battle cleric as a concept, but nooo, everyone passes it over...

All right, I'll go with a Terror Creature Aasimar cleric. Negative energy bursts for everyone!
Are there still any openings, or are you full up? I had considered a Rogue/Ranger/Shadowdancer but had not steeled on a race though I thought the Werebear template might be cool. IF you are full then best of luck all.
I don't think he'd mind taking one more, but I also know he just went to sleep, and that thusly, you will have to wait for him to make a call tommorow.
So. I only just saw this. I was out of town due to the death of my maternal grandfather. Is there any chance I could possibly join?
I am also very interested i this game if there is still room. Not sure how many you are wanting to run. But if there is room, or room opens up. let me know.

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