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Monstrous High-Level Pathfinder Game [Forum] [Dice]

You go with a Time Dragon, then shit just get's /wierd/.

Honestly, we're kind of better of sticking with the Dragons on the Pathfinder SRD, and giving them class levels, to work this.
SephirothSage said:
You go with a Time Dragon, then shit just get's /wierd/.
Honestly, we're kind of better of sticking with the Dragons on the Pathfinder SRD, and giving them class levels, to work this.
I'll trust you. A quick skim of the file I downloaded doesn't seem to have anything that looks like rules on how to make a dragon PC. I might have a friend with a pdf that will work, but no guarantees. If this is going to open up too much of a can of worms, I can always choose something else.
Welp. I'm going to pass for the night. It's 1 AM here, and I have a pathfinder game I'm much less interested in to DM across town starting at noon. Imma need. some. Sleep. And on the dragon thing. Trust @SephirothSage . He has helped me with many a thing!
Thanks guys. Its 1 am for me, too, but now I'm hyped at the thought of playing a dragon and the fun of trying to pick out a bunch of cool breath weapon Feats!
Lets go with . . . Gold. Would young adult be doable?
Now- for a Reference? With the Template and the Race I am working with, he's giving me 6 Monstrous Levels/HD, and four in my Class.

That's comparative, of course.

I'm not sure how he'll handle a Gold Dragon, honestly. You may end up wanting to scale back to Juvenile or so, or perhaps- I don't know.

I do know that I am playing a Chaotic Good Dread Vampire Succubus Warlock Sorceress. So really, anything is on the table.
Juvenile will work, too. Might give me more wiggle room to work with.
I usually go with good alignments, but with the assorted races that we'll be dealing with, that may be a bit troublesome. Let me ponder that.

Some sort of fighter class sounds good to me. I'll let the rest of the party worry about spellcasting.
Well.... I'm going to be a Chaotic Neutral who is earnestly trying to be Chaotic Good. And the Graveknight is Lawfull Neutral.

Alignment wise, good shouldn't be a problem, as long as you aren't, y'know. The type to not listen to pleas of "WAITT! IM NOT EVIL!"

Hell, a Paladin who is wise enoug hto Detect Evil First, Smite later, might wor- Actually, Paladins are awesome.. xD
True. But straight Fighters get extra Feats. Hmm. Paladin or Fighter? Both sound cool.
A fighter get's to be more.... Gritty, so to speak- on the other hand?

With a Gold Dragons Charisma, and such... a Gold Dragon will be formidable no matter what you do, won't lie.

In essence, Fighter or Paladin is as much a flavor choice as anything- do you want to look at the Pathfinder lowdowns on both to help?

Each also has Charachter Kits/Options to flesh individuals out more, so it can get /realyl/ fun.
I have the Pathfinder Core book and Advanced Players Guide on pdf, so I'm good on that. What the hell, lets do Paladin. I can try and save the souls of all those evil characters out there.
Synthesist is literaly the /only/ thing he placed off Limits, due to Summoner already being baseline OP, and Synth just going nuts.
Aww... that's my simple option out the window. I suddenly thought of a succubus paladin, but Sherwood is making a paladin too...

Also, if you think a synthesist is nuts... ;)
Hmm. I have an idea for a Venedaemon of some stripe. Either that, or a half-giant meditant psychic warrior. Or a gunslinger drow... what's our list now?

SephirothSage as Dragon Something, Sherwood as Something Paladin...
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Whoops. Didn't notice that.

OK, I went over things again.

Sherwood: Gold Dragon paladin

Shepsquared: LN Graveknight

Sephirothsage: Very sexy succubus eldritch warlock

I think I'll go with a half-giant meditant psychic warrior, or an angel-blooded aasimar cleric going into Holy Vindicator.

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