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Monstrous High-Level Pathfinder Game [Forum] [Dice]

Offered my services to? You say it like it totally wasn't a bet made at all. :tongue:

Normal children climb trees in the back yard.

Wyrmling Time Dragons make wagers with Pit Fiends as to whether they can collect on the "when you die" clause of a contract.
Or that. Heh. I'll leave the story between You and M'main'man Sephi. M-O-O-N. That spells "My Main Man". Laws Yes.
SephirothSage said:
You go with a Time Dragon, then shit just get's /wierd/.
Honestly, we're kind of better of sticking with the Dragons on the Pathfinder SRD, and giving them class levels, to work this.
Time dragons don't get time shenanigans until they get pretty old.

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