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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

OKAY; If you were possibly still making your schedule or wanting to know who all is in your class... Here you go! This was made from all the schedules I was ABLE to find( Pumpkid Pumpkid , thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm , Theyung01 Theyung01 , Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ). If you aren't in it... I sowwy 0.0... I couldn't find your characters schedule haha😅

So far...
Period #Classes OfferedTeacher
1English, Acting, Algebra 2, History, Creative Writing, Humanities, Ms. Dunn, Mrs.Wickerman, Mr.Woodworth, Mr.Swartz, Mr.Hodges, Mr.Thompkins
2Algebra 2, Drafting, Calculus, Political Science, Manual Arts, Choreography and Dance Mr.Woodworth, Ms.Rovig, Mrs.Pierce, Mr.Lincoln, Mr.Terl, Mr.Santos
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4Geography, Theatre Studies, Physics, Art, Speech Mrs. Daniels, Mr.Shakespeare, Dr.Graygen, Mrs.Jenson, Ms.Abbot
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6General Science, Creative Art, Archeology, Engineering, Classical Studies, Photography, Business Management Mr. Jackles, Mrs.Nichols, Dr. Frayer, Mr.Harns, Mrs.Minerva, Mr.Stanford, Mr.Peabody
7CorrelationDean Chiodos

First Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
EnglishFaith Vallidoid, Telith Ruben Ruiz, Snow Intrye, Levi Parker, Mica Amazos Ms. Dunn
ActingNessa Dain, Coraline FloranceMrs.Wickerman
Algebra 2Evan Mr.Woodworth
HistoryEtienne Advantage Mr.Swartz
Creative WritingElizabeth Barrett, Jayden Lachia, Mr.Hodges
HumanitiesNovalie Polaris, Arya Yavanna, Nathan Chiodos, Lind Lockwood Mr.Thompkins

Second Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
Algebra 2Ruben Ruiz, Snow Intrye Mr.Woodworth
DraftingFaith Vallidoid, Telith Ms.Rovig
Calculus Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia, Novalie Polaris, Levi Parker, Nathan Chiodos Mrs.Pierce
Political ScienceEtienne Advantage Mr.Lincoln
Manual ArtsEvan, Lind Lockwood Mr.Terl
Choreography and DanceNessa Dain, Coraline Florance, Mica Amazos Mr.Santos

Fourth Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
GeographyRuben Ruiz, Snow Intrye Mrs.Daniels
Theatre StudiesNessa, Etienne Advantage, Mr.Shakespeare
Art Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia, Faith Vallidoid, Telith, Novalie Polaris, Nathan Chiodos, Lind Lockwood, Mica Amazos Mrs.Jenson
Speech Coraline Florence, Levi Parker Ms.Abbot

Sixth Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
General ScienceRuben Ruiz, Snow Intrye, Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia Mr.Jackles
Creative ArtFaith Vallidoid, Telith, Novalie Polaris, Nathan Chiodos Mrs.Nichols
Archeology Nessa DainDr.Frayer
EngineeringEvan Mr.Harns
Classical StudiesEtienne AdvantageMrs.Minerva
PhotographyCoraline Florance, Mica Amazos Mr.Stanford
Business ManagementLevi Parker, Lind LockwoodMr.Peabody
Last edited:
OKAY; If you were possibly still making your schedule or wanting to know who all is in your class... Here you go! This was made from all the schedules I was ABLE to find( Pumpkid Pumpkid , thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm , Theyung01 Theyung01 , Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ). If you aren't in it... I sowwy 0.0... I couldn't find your characters schedule haha😅

So far...
Period #Classes OfferedTeacher
1English, Acting, Algebra 2, History, Creative Writing, Humanities, Ms. Dunn, Mrs.Wickerman, Mr.Woodworth, Mr.Swartz, Mr.Hodges, Mr.Thompkins
2Algebra 2, Drafting, Calculus, Political Science, Manual Arts, Choreography and Dance Mr.Woodworth, Ms.Rovig, Mrs.Pierce, Mr.Lincoln, Mr.Terl, Mr.Santos
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4Geography, Theatre Studies, Physics, Art, Speech Mrs. Daniels, Mr.Shakespeare, Dr.Graygen, Mrs.Jenson, Ms.Abbot
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6General Science, Creative Art, Archeology, Engineering, Classical Studies, Photography Mr. Jackles, Mrs.Nichols, Dr. Frayer, Mr.Harns, Mrs.Minerva, Mr.Stanford
7CorrelationDean Chiodos

First Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
EnglishFaith Vallidoid, Ruben Ruiz, Snow Intrye Ms. Dunn
ActingNessa Dain, Coraline FloranceMrs.Wickerman
Algebra 2Evan Mr.Woodworth
HistoryEtienne Advantage Mr.Swartz
Creative WritingElizabeth Barrett, Jayden Lachia, Mr.Hodges
HumanitiesNovalie Polaris Mr.Thompkins

Second Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
Algebra 2Ruben Ruiz, Snow Intrye Mr.Woodworth
DraftingFaith Vallidoid Ms.Rovig
Calculus Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia, Novalie Polaris Mrs.Pierce
Political ScienceEtienne Advantage Mr.Lincoln
Manual ArtsEvan Mr.Terl
Choreography and DanceNessa Dain, Coraline Florance Mr.Santos

Fourth Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
GeographyRuben Ruiz, Snow Intrye Mrs.Daniels
Theatre StudiesNessa, Etienne Advantage, Mr.Shakespeare
Art Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia, Faith Vallidoid, Novalie Polaris Mrs.Jenson
Speech Coraline Florence Ms.Abbot

Sixth Period ClassesStudents EnrolledTeacher
General ScienceRuben Ruiz, Snow Intrye, Elizabeth Barret, Jayden Lachia Mr.Jackles
Creative ArtFaith Vallidoid, Novalie Polaris Mrs.Nichols
Archeology Nessa DainDr.Frayer
EngineeringEvan Mr.Harns
Classical StudiesEtienne AdvantageMrs.Minerva
PhotographyCoraline Florance Mr.Stanford
I originally had mica with Evan all the time but I want her to make friends so after class I'll make her schedule, sorry for the inconvenience
Alright I've decided I'll just have Arya & Lind be the same and I posted Levi's under his character sheet. I gotta gather all their things and add them to the other page
Pumpkid Pumpkid ..... sad days no weapon training *cries*
The reason why no weapons is because everything will be added and learned in Monster and wizardry that's why there is no need
Ask to make it a club?
You guys can make clubs lol but again college is normal af excluding the threw classes that will have fighting and magic just be patient my babies I got thibgs planned of course I wouldn't leave things out *pets*
Also I think I’m turning into a cat I keep purring when I get hugs 0~0
That's okay we all pur liie walruses
*giggles and watches my group struggle with classes but low key is just goanna skip them* lmao it really doesn't matter cause I'll be skipping straight to wizardry xD the only reason I asked for schedules for the futre when interactions come up and everyone is in the same class
Evil XD I mean characters with the same classes will get to interact with other people outside the small groups they've been in. Like Faith and Nova never spoken but they have art together so they'll probably get together to work on projects.
*giggles and watches my group struggle with classes but low key is just goanna skip them* lmao it really doesn't matter cause I'll be skipping straight to wizardry xD the only reason I asked for schedules for the futre when interactions come up and everyone is in the same class
Evil XD I mean characters with the same classes will get to interact with other people outside the small groups they've been in. Like Faith and Nova never spoken but they have art together so they'll probably get together to work on projects.

on another note... some FAQ's for Snow's Post:

Did Snow scare herself with her own clapping....yes.
Did it make me giggle...yes.
Did I think it was ADORABLE... yes.
End of FAQ's
Evil XD I mean characters with the same classes will get to interact with other people outside the small groups they've been in. Like Faith and Nova never spoken but they have art together so they'll probably get together to work on projects.
Exactly the only time they will use classes is for interaction, bonding settling in but I also want a sense of realistic so the workload will be heavy. For now I want the monsters to get to know and understand how classes work so lots of cuteness happening and Jennete Jennete thanks for making everyone's schedules but in the near future please ask if it's okay so I can review it. Cause I fucking forgot to add Nathan!!!

on another note... some FAQ's for Snow's Post:

Did Snow scare herself with her own clapping....yes.
Did it make me giggle...yes.
Did I think it was ADORABLE... yes.
End of FAQ's
Exactly the only time they will use classes is for interaction, bonding settling in but I also want a sense of realistic so the workload will be heavy. For now I want the monsters to get to know and understand how classes work so lots of cuteness happening and Jennete Jennete thanks for making everyone's schedules but in the near future please ask if it's okay so I can review it. Cause I fucking forgot to add Nathan!!!
I've just been going back in and adding people as they post people haha. It was just an overview for me to look at so I know who I'm in classes with and I shared it. But yes Ma'am!!

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