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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

Lmaooo that’s hilarious. Also status report I have reactive airway disease, bronchitis, and the flu 🙃
Isn't that lile permanent bronchitis? Lioe a lung failure disease?
Wait what? U sure? I looked at every character to make sure somebody didn't already use it
Oh I have that picture saved and it looks like Nate to me or the recommendations said it was. XD it doesn't matter keep it I just thought it was funny


View attachment 561377

Name: Kage

Age: 21


Occupation: Hunter

Rank: Cadet- Scout/Gadget

View attachment 561375

Weapon: Abilities ex: Tsukuyomi has stolen the power of a Dullahan. This allows Kage to cover the blade in a thick aura that corrodes and destroys whatever it touches. Not only can he cut with it, he can also use it at range by throwing arcs of corrosion at them.

Personality: Kage is a silent assassin, giving his all to whatever he does. His past has motivated him to push others away and only focus on his job. Kage neither cares nor hates the monsters he kills. If they cause trouble to his employers, they will become his targets. Kage prefers not to talk unless he feels he needs to, not wanting to mince words or waste air. He is meticulous, carefully planning out his operations with careful attention to as many details as he can cover. In combat, Kage prefers to slip back into the shadows and strike where his enemy is weakest. Though he will always show respect to those who have fallen to him.

Background: Kage was once known as Kaguro Fuma. The Fuma Clan was a clan of Demon Slaying Shinobi that had protected Japan from Demons for centuries. Kaguro was the younger brother of the Clan Leader, Natsumi Fuma. All their lives, Natsumi had tried to shield Kaguro from the harsher sides of the Ninja life. He had never taken a life, nor had he ever met a Demon. This all changed when Natsumi went missing one day. She had been sent on a mission to destroy a Demon that had been killing young women. Days turned to weeks, which became a three month period of Natsumi being gone from his life. Many began to groom Kaguro to become the next Clan Head. Although excelling in almost all areas of stealth, investigation, medicine, toolmaking and combat. Kaguro had yet to take a life. After failing to kill a simple monster, he was sent away to train. In this time, Natsumi returned to the Fuma Clan. What should have been a joyous day became a tragedy as Natsumi brutally murdered many of her fellow Fuma. Kaguro was called in to chase Natsumi, where he found her in the lair of a Demon. This Demon had seduced Natsumi and they had married in the months since her disappearance. When offered to join them, Kaguro refused on the grounds of punishing her for what she did. Natsumi turned her blade on her brother in defense of her lover. The two siblings fought and it seemed as if Natsumi would best her brother. However, when calling her out over the slaughter of their brethren, Natsumi hesitated. Seizing his chance, Kaguro tried to incapacitate her. He misjudged where his blow would land when her attempt to dodge led him to fatally wound her. Dying with a look of absolute shock and betrayal in her eyes, Kaguro had taken his first life. When her lover tried to take vengeance on him, Kaguro killed him out of instinct. With their blood on his hands, Kaguro closed his heart to the world. He left the Fuma Clan and became a Freelance Demon Hunter. Kaguro cast aside his old identity and became Kage, The Shadow. It was then that the Hunters employed him. On a mission in Ireland, he killed a Dullahan and used its power and the remnants of his sisters sword to create his treasured blade, Tsukuyomi.

.Kage is very proficient in many fields such as cooking, cleaning, medicine, toolmaking, fighting, investigating and gardening
.Kage's room at the Hunter HQ is full of flowers, which he waters regularly
.Kage doesn't really talk much, there are some who have never heard him speak at all
.Tsukuyomi has both an extendable blade and handle
.Kage makes all of his ninja tools himself
Appearance: View attachment 561420

Name: Lind Lockwood

Species: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Occupation: Works part time in a brothel and works in a nightclub at night as a bartender.

Lind’s personality would be described as confident, adventurous and a big flirt, and because of that he’s very open and social he likes talking to people even if it’s just small talk. He enjoy flirting and playful banter especially towards woman, weather she’s taken or not. His motto is to have fun and not think to much of the consequences that come with having fun and acting on impulse. Likes playing with girl’s feelings, but secretly his goal is to find his true love.

Lind comes from a poor family, so he never had much and has always had to work for the stuff that he wanted. When he was a child he would walk the streets selling random stuff to people, making whatever money he could. Around the age of 14 he stopped selling shit on the street and started to work at a brothel (female clients only). Needles to say it was a very fun but tiring job he worked there fulltime until the age of 18, he then got a job at a nightclub as a bartender and only worked at the brothel part time, with a few clients on the side. His goal was to save up all the money and go to a good school and get a good paying job so he wouldn’t have to be poor ever again.

Can make any alcoholic beverage.
Enjoys hitting on women who are taken. (He likes a challenge)
Looking for his one true love.
Has a very sensitive neck.
Doesn’t enjoy hanging around boring people.
Loves to tease people.
Has a sweet tooth.
Is addicted to getting tattoo's
Both Accepted btw
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Darn hope you feel better lad
Thank you! ❤️
I hope you get better soon!! ❤❤
I’m trying my best to Q~Q but thanks ❤️
Isn't that lile permanent bronchitis? Lioe a lung failure disease?

Oh I have that picture saved and it looks like Nate to me or the recommendations said it was. XD it doesn't matter keep it I just thought it was funny

Both Accepted btw
It could have developed to that if I didn’t go to the doctor when I did. The doctor said my throat was so closed up and swollen he was surprised I was even breathing. I gotta take antibiotics and stuff but I should be fine in a few weeks (hopefully)
Also I just want my two children to be fine cause only Cora had been treated. Nathan and Nova are still waiting
Thank you! ❤

I’m trying my best to Q~Q but thanks ❤

It could have developed to that if I didn’t go to the doctor when I did. The doctor said my throat was so closed up and swollen he was surprised I was even breathing. I gotta take antibiotics and stuff but I should be fine in a few weeks (hopefully)
Also I just want my two children to be fine cause only Cora had been treated. Nathan and Nova are still waiting
You really are a life gambling person not out of choice ;-; take care of yoself sis
Q~Q because I have to pick him up from his race and support like a good sister. I had to miss work cause I’m sick so I figured I could at least see one of his games. It’s cold asf outside soooooo probably should’ve stayed my ass home
Yes you should've stayed your ass home -.-

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