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Fantasy Monster Love IC

Nessa Dain
Location: Courtyard> Acting Class Interactions: Levi ( thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ) Mentions: Coraline
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In response of hearing her cute nickname for him, the angry human male responded with threats of punishment that made her cheeks hot. "I'm not a puppy you can train got it darling? I'm a grown ass man." Levi set her down in front of him crossing his arms as he looked down at her. She looked up at him with big puppy dog purple eyes, hoping he wouldn't spin her around till she fell on her butt dizzy again as punishment. "Necklace please. You'll make us late to class on the first day."

He held out his hand and Nessa sighed, tracing the outline of a fairy door with her finger. The magical little door opened and she reached her hand through, grabbing the necklace that resided in what she liked to call... her hoarding space. She put it back in his hand and then smiled, her wings fluttering behind her. "Are you excited for class Puppy?!" She sighed, not caring if she used the nickname he hated, spinning around before vanishing with a bend of light. A little down the pathway, she appeared again with a wink at her little joke.

"Come on you little slowpoke human. I have to get to acting annnnd you have to get to whatever STUPID class you choose over having a class with me!" Her tone cheery but her words... not so much. Of course could she really blame him for choosing classes before they had EVEN met? She sure thought so!

~ ~ ~ ~
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Walking into the classroom, Acting with Mrs.Wickerman, Nessa looked around for an empty seat and at all the girls and boys in the class who she could possibly sit by. She had always loved the theatre and the drama and the shiny SHINY props! Nessa jumped up and down with excitement, her wings fluttering as she looked to see who else would be in this wonderful wonderful class!

Location: English Class Interactions: Ruben ( Pumpkid Pumpkid Mentions: N/A
Image result for love live ohara mari head pat
The little vampire stared up at him as he patted her head. She blushed, putting her hand up to her head where her big hat was. "I was just being nice." He started.

"Nothing more. I felt it was my fault and took responsibility. You drinking blood is none of my business as long as you mean no harm. You do you." He sighed. "Sure. We can be friends, if you want?" Finally! Finally he said they were friends! Snow jumped up and clapped her hands together. "Amazing!! My first ever friend! And a Human! Wow! Wow! The odds of this encounter were so astronomically low I hadn't even put it in my prepare for danger briefing binder! The world truly is an amazing unpredictable place!"

Snow clapped her hands again and jumped when the sound was louder than she expected. She gave a nervous laugh and nodded, pulling out her schedule. "What is your first class Ruben?"

It turned out the two shared the exact same schedule! The gods above were surely smiling down on Snow's newfound friendship. She would not let anything deter her from making even more friends and learning how to be a civilized person in human society! She found a desk in the front of the English class and pointed towards it. "Oh oh oh! Ruben should we sit there? We can sit together right? Because we're friends? Good thing it's night time so I don't have to hide from any windows." She took off her hat and gloves, her shoulders showing a pink tint to them from a light sunburn. She really hated being a vampire...most of the time.
Ruben Ruiz
(Location: Dorms>English Class/ Tags: Jennete Jennete )

c1137c1c24636bec158253e91e030aa8.jpg After cheering Snow up, accepting her request, he found himself nearly second guessing as the girl literally clung around him like a child. Not that it bothered him, he just hoped it wouldn't get in the way of things. He had to ask the dean about being able to leave campus to report to his job later on one of the upcoming classes. The first round trip was to take a second shower and change his clothes into something suitable knowing it would be freezing this late into the night. Though he never minded the cold weather as it helped wake him up. The girl however tried to stick as close as possible to the lad finding it rather discouraging as it felt like he held no privacy. He can understand her reasoning as she seemed like she has never had a friend before in her life. Overwhelmed she must be unknowing of the rules. Surely there is a least someone like a family relative she has interacted with, right?

On the way to class, Ruben made sure to carry his schedule with his book bag in hand carrying the needed supplies for notes. The first class given to him is English:

He wondered what the teachers were like. Were there other humans as well or monsters? If so how would one know the study? Everything was so confusing, but in time he would find out. Meanwhile the blonde girl trotted happily along side Ruben like a child. It was honestly cute. She then pointed out their class dragging him inside to see the room. Spacious and simple as any other school except the desks are long ways for pairs as if everything has already been planned out. "I think these desks are made exactly to sit with their partner." He said taking a random seat knowing Snow would sit beside her. "Sure you can sit with me." Ruben plucked out a pencil and a plain note book to write in. He turns towards the window. The front yard of the garden appearing wonderful under the moonlight. When spring arrives, the flowers blooming will probably seem beautiful
Period #ClassTeacher
1EnglishMs. Dunn

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Dorms/ Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Today is the day. Not a great start, but the next class certainly will be exciting. Classes are to be in session in a few. Faith took a quick nap after rejuvenating herself with the sun. Quickly the day ended or began for the students in this case. What wonders uphold in each of her classes. Normalcy is one of them. Tonight, Faith found some leather gloves to hide her clawed hands while stuffing her back pack with school supplies. "Okay I think that's all I need. It's the first day so I'm sure they'll let us know. Let's see..." The brunette rummages on her back pocket pulling out her schedule seeing English is her first. She sighed in disappointment, but it only excited her to lead up to the next one so it was all good right? As Faith exited her cabin, she questioned if Telith would be fine on his own and knew the way around without her having to hold his hand, yet the idea didn't quite sit well. She opt to search for him first just in case while playing a song and throwing her headphones on. First she had to find out where in the world that dragon left. It's hard to see in the dark at this time.

Nathaniel Chiodos
(Location: Dorms>Humanities/Mentions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
After being attended by the nurse, Nate took the time to take a quick nap before classes. He felt emotionally exhausted, hating himself for placing Novalie in such a position, and did his best to apologize hoping to be forgiven whenever they met up. Most likely in every class. He just pleaded he wouldn't have to sit near her. A break would do just fine for the two and whenever they can, come back to it if necessary. For now he had to focus on what his schedule has in store for him. What could he possibly hope to accomplish when he was a wild creature in a identity crisis where he may belong to both sides. Maybe having a human job on the side would not be bad to keep up appearances. That's what most werewolves to hide under the radar he assumed. "What does Novalie want to be?" He questioned staring at the piece of paper while at the same time now standing in front of the class he's supposed to enter. There were so many questions swirling on his mind, he figured a quick lesson of what he is to be learning would keep him steady for the day. The werewolf carries his satchel with him into the the room taking a random seat waiting for the session to begin.
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location: outside //interaction: N/A​
after faith excused herself to get some sleep telith spent the rest of the afternoon trying to work out what the point of a "english class" was telith already knew how to speak english also abyssal and draconic so what was the point of relearing it? anyway that was besides the point telith had to make whatever was required for this "english class", he sat down on the porch outside the male dorms. much like he did when making the armband for faith, multi-coloured energy flowed off his clawed fingers as each claw moved at twitched slightly as it solidified into a few pencils a notebook and a eraser, all of them encrusted with jewels, this was a force of habit and the fact telith was a dragon and dragon love jewels subconsciously of course. however the act was also very easy to see the energy giving off massive amounts of light giving away his location. telith tapped his claws against the wood of the porch wondering what else he might need.
Levi Parker
[Location: Courtyard - English // Interaction: Jennete Jennete ]
Current Apparel
Levi happily replaced the trinket back where it belonged feeling himself return to normal. "Thank you, really... and don't take it again hear me?" He scoffed rubbing the back of his head. He definitely had a handful keeping up with her and her little antics. She reminded him of his little sister at times when she would give him a headache but with Nessa he found it kind of endearing. The way she did stuff out of her way to draw his attention was adorable. Then within the blink of an eye she was gone, doing her little tricks again. She reappeared a bit of a distance away calling him slow when she knew he didn't have teleportation powers. "That's cheating!" He ran after her as they headed for class. "It's not like I knew what your schedule was before I made mine you know. I don't think acting is really my thing anyway. I'd rather just be real and be myself." He smirked patting her on the head softly. "I'll see you after class shorty. Don't miss me too much now~" The brunet cupped her cheek leaning in close to her as if he were to press his lips against hers but instead kissed her forehead. "There, so you won't go forgetting me. Wouldn't want a beautiful girl like you not thinking about me. Have fun in class~" Levi smiled wide almost with childlike happiness before he departed for his own class. They had differing schedules so he wouldn't see her again until the special classes.

Arya Yavanna
[Location: Dorm - Outside - Humanities // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid Mention: Theyung01 Theyung01 ]
Current Apparel
Arya arrived to the school the night before in the middle of orientation. She watched the subjects interact with each other but she didn't care to join in. She was fine being alone but this white-haired tattoo filled bad boy wannabe strolled up to her demanding her attention. She could see that he was a flirt and a human which only piqued her interest. He was easy on the eyes and had a way with words that other humans she'd encountered lacked. She played his little game flirting with him acting on her more innocent card until the dean addressed the students. The demon was sleepy so as soon as it had completed she went right to bed leaving the male for another day. What was his name again? Lindsey? She shrugged before dozing right off to sleep. Beauty sleep was required to keep her supple skin and flawless features, although with her physiology and powers that was never a concern. She could look or be whomever she desired at the snap of a finger, though she preferred her own original form over the looks of another. When she awoke she decided to skip breakfast finding eating humans foods degrading when she really only dined on the flesh of her victims and the soul energy of spectrals from hell. If she were to eat the food humans prepared it wouldn't be of her own volition. She slipped into some clothes she purchased before coming to the school as all she wore at home were not garments humans were fond of, something about public indecency or something. She even bought shoes because she heard that humans like to cover their feet for whatever dumb reason. Once she slipped into the outfit she looked at herself in the mirror disgusted with how much clothes she actually had to wear. "Repulsive, how do the humans walk around with their legs completely covered. There's so much restriction in my movements." She puffed her cheeks as she pulled on a pair of sandals with fur across her toes. The outfit was already very revealing but it wasn't as much as she was used to. There was already so much commotion going on outside so early in the day. Humans are so obnoxious, they don't know what it means to shut the hell up clearly. She could hear people yelling from the cafeteria, people yelling about being scared, even people yelling for answers. It all sounded like nonsensical babble from a baby in her ears that she couldn't be bothered with listening to it. The ginger wanted around aimlessly for hours exploring the outmost parts of the campus away from all the ruckus. No one here other than one male thus far had been of interest to her so she wasn't about to go out of her way to be friendly to a bunch of meat sacks.

When it came time for class to begin the demon rolled her eyes remembering the dean saying something about when classes were starting and she was required to attend. She really only wanted to go to this school to play with humans but if she were to stay here she respected their wishes. Arya walked into the main building where classes were held wandering around as she hummed a tune. I believe that's my class right there but.. it seems a certain wolf stands in my path. She smirked not mistaking that scent anywhere. There were other creatures roaming about the campus that she easily identified from her training but she found the more animal-like creatures to be more interesting. The ginger slowly sashayed up to his desk leaning so her butt would crease against it like she'd seen girls do on tv when they flirted with males. "Mmmm~ I didn't expect to see a fine man like you here. That seat taken baby?" She chirped letting her pheromones seep out as she spoke. Entrancing men was a little game she enjoyed playing to gain thralls that heeded her call but most times it was just to see if she could do it. The animal types were her favorite monsters because their senses were stronger and more susceptible to her pheromones, especially the dogs. "You look a little down poor puppy, what's got you all upset~? I'm here now and I can make it all go away." Her soft hand slowly crept up sliding across the desk, up his chest, and to his cheek. Her fingers rubbed slow rhythmic circles around his cheekbone until a hand roughly snatched her wrist away.

"That seat is taken. Lay another hand on him and I can't guarantee my other half will hold back. Back away now harlot before I have to make you," A fiery blonde with sharp fangs growled as her ocean eyes changed to a bright pink. Arya laughed pulling her hand away to cover her mouth as her pheromones dissipated into the air. "Ahhh~ I see now, you're his mate aren't you? How cute. I can smell it on you, you reek of something you're clearly not fully. Careful though little wolf pup for the other hungry wolves might come to snack on you." She had a laugh like an evil character from a movie but the blonde didn't falter much to her surprise. "I am his mate, he belongs to me so don't go thinking you can just do as you please with him." The girl meant business and wasn't about to back down to someone even if they were bigger and stronger. Arya got close to the girl leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Just because he's yours now sweetheart doesn't mean he'll be yours forever. Maybe one day he'll want to be my pet instead of yours human girl." She only laughed as she went to take her seat brushing past the blonde. So what if she made a few enemies along with friends? It was all for the thrill of it, although her other side might not agree when she settles down. She made a mental note to apologize to them at some point, if she cared enough later that is.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Dorms - Forest - Humanities // Interaction: mydamnselfheh Pumpkid Pumpkid ]
Current Apparel
Nathan had gotten so close whispering in her ear about how she was a hope for him. He even called her his wife. The doctor was right with her reasoning Nathan's brother had said the same thing that she smelt of him. In terms of werewolf language, she couldn't say what it meant but if the doctor knew her stuff, which she assumed the creature did, the two were pretty much already married. Nova blushed recalling how close he got to her face, teasing her as if he were about to do something before he was pulled away. It both angered her and enticed her, which ended up making her more upset. She let a male get the best of her emotions and judgment allowing herself to be wooed so easily. She marched back to her dorm not waiting for the wolf to finish his examination. She was too upset with him as a displacement of being upset with herself. "SO DAMN ANNOYING!" She yelled kicking over a chair. She growled feeling the re-emergence of her fangs. She covered her mouth remembering she had to calm down or her feral side will come loose again. This is so hard! How does Nathan live like this?? She took a few deep breaths calming her nerves before she felt them retreat again. I'll have to be more careful so I don't have a meltdown in class today... Since her current clothes were a little torn from previous events she decided to change her clothes. This time she wore an outfit that covered her recovering waistline but kept the same sneakers because they matched. She twirled around in the mirror a few times admiring her image in the reflection. Good enough. Classes were going to start soon enough but she still had enough time to take a nice relaxing walk beforehand so the blonde grabbed her little backpack and ran back out the door. One of the main qualities she shared with her wolf half was her love of the outdoors. She was a city girl through and through but she definitely appreciated taking a walk through nature to settle her thoughts.

Before she knew it, it was time for class to begin. She started making her way back before it got too dark for her to see her way around. The lights in the area stayed within the confines of the school grounds, anything outside of it was typically pitch black without lightning bugs. Nova roamed around with her schedule in hand looking for what class held her first period. Damn I hope I'm not late... She came right up to the classroom freezing in the doorway as her eyes landed on Nathan being wooed by some woman. I'll break every one of those fingers for touching him. Her eyes saw red fuming with territorial anger as she marched up to the girl pulling her away from him before she could continue to charm him. They argued for a bit but Nova wasn't afraid on the outside. She already had a jealous territorial nature and her becoming part wolf only made it ten times worse. "We'll see about that.. He'll always be with me..." She grumbled as the woman walked away. Her angered directed now to the wolf that sat confused, dazed, or startled beside her, the girl couldn't determine which. "And you! Letting some tramp win you over I'll be damned! Next time I outta bop you in the head instead... You're mine and mine alone got it..?" Nova blushed deeply when she finally came to her senses blooming little pink and blue swirled gardenias around herself in reaction to her emotions. "A-And I'm sorry that I was being petty earlier... I just don't like... being yelled at.." She mumbled looking away from him as the flowers sprouted from her hair and on the desk without her noticing. The contract she made with him meant she was going to try being better at expressing her emotions so she tried her best to uphold her half of the bargain by telling him that. Nova pulled out a few supplies, just a notebook and a pen since the first day was usually just going over grading systems.
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Jayden Lanchia
Location: The mess hall / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

“ Yeah I can see that, well it keeps stuff interesting.” Jayden maintained his gaze on her as she spoke. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her for some reason, not that he minded it at all. His cup had stopped spinning as his nerves had disappeared completely, he was back to normal and sips out of his cup again finishing whatever was still left in it. He was taken back a little by her first answer, as he thought that, that was not true at all. Everybody had something about them that made them interesting. “ Really? I don’t agree with that.” The young vampire let you continue talking, he didn’t want to interrupt you to much and make you lose you’re train of thought. He listened attentively paying no mind to what was around him solely focused on her. As if she was the only other person in the room with him. When a brief moment of eye contact was made he felt a small smile creep up on his face, but it disappeared as soon as the contact was lost again, but that didn’t stop him from looking.
“ Money can’t buy knowledge, I think you got the better end of the deal.
So it’s safe to say you had a pretty nice childhood. I mean you got to soak in a lot of knowledge, and it shows.”
A soft sigh escapes his mouth, as what she said made him think a little bit of his own experiences on the subject. “ Well friends aren’t everything.. sometimes it’s better to not have any. Off putting? I don’t see anything that’s off putting. They must be the weird ones.” He spoke what was on his mind and he hoped that it would make you feel a bit better.

He takes the schedule that he put in his pocket earlier out and scans it quickly, and looks back at Elizabeth establishing eye contact again.
“ So if I read this correctly.. classes should start soon. So would you like to make the contract after the classes? Or wait a little longer before doing it? It’s up to you.” He didn’t want to bring the subject of pain up again as it can be quite off putting.

Lind Lockwood
Location: Dorm - Outside - Humanities. / Interaction Arya thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm / Mentions: Novalie & Nathan Pumpkid Pumpkid

*Beep beep beep beep*
Lind shoots up from his bed, quickly going for his phone to turn of the alarm, but as he looks at the time a panicked look appears across his face.” Fuck, I’m late!” He quickly gets out of bed and gets dressed. “ This nap to get used to the night classes was a bad idea, and this stupid piece of crap phone. There’s always something wrong with it.” The young man quickly runs out of his dorm but once outside he realizes that he was already late, so 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late wasn’t much of a difference, and so he starts walking towards the main building. On his way he started to recall some of the people that he saw yesterday, there we’re a lot of good looking girls attending the school, that was a big plus. But they were nothing special, go to any school and you’ll find almost the same girls. That doesn’t mean that he won’t try and have fun, but it was nothing spectacular. There was one particular girl whoever who caught his attention, she had red hair. You don’t see that on a girl often so he already liked that, plus she has curves like a god damn coca cola bottle, beautiful face. Never seen anything like it, they spoke for a little while, but that was it. Secretly he hoped to see her again today, but if not there’s always tomorrow.
Suddenly his phone started ringing, and a deep deep sigh escaped his mouth. “ If this is one of those fake calls, I will seriously throw you away.” He takes his phone and answers it.
“ Hello?”

“ Lind darling.. Can I book you for next week?”

“ Ciao Bella, husband on business trip?”

“ For 2 weeks~ “

“ That sounds very tempting.. But I’m on a little business trip of my own... I’ll call you back in a week and see what I can do for you.”

He hangs up and puts his phone away. He wasn’t going to call back. Fuck that. He’s got better stuff to do now. Focus on school for now, unless some other important stuff comes up.
After a few minutes the building finally coming in sight, he takes his schedule and look at his class, which room. 10 minutes later he eventually ends up at the door. He couldn’t tell if they had already started or not. Lind knock on the door twice and then opens it.
“ Sorry I’m late. Somebody locked my dorm door as a Joke. But I didn’t want to miss such an important lesson like this.” He said as a charming smile grew on his face, his eyes scanning the room and his eyes fell upon a certain red head, as far as he knew there was only one here at school. He quickly closes the door behind him and takes his seat next to her as this was happening his spotted what looked like a couple but they seemed to be in their own little world, so he didn’t bother making any contact. His eyes focused on the teacher for a second but, his attention quickly shifted to the beauty next to him. The latecomer rests his elbow on the table and placed his chin in the palm of his hand.
“I didn’t expect to see you again so soon. Did you ask the dean to put us in the same class or something? I’m sure we would have run into each other eventually.” The charming smile he had earlier appeared on his face again. “ It’s Arya right? You don’t seem like the type that’s here cause she wants to be. How about we skip the next lesson and hang out for a bit?”
Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Dorms/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Not long did Faith appear in front if Telith forming something. A bejewled notebook and pen that matched. She quirked a brow questioning his abilities, turning to her gloved hands as if she too can do what he can do. "What are you doing? It's time for class or were you planning to just stay here?" She teased realizing Telith hasn't made a friend yet aside from her, Seven and Evan. She lacked to make some as well. In the upcoming classes she might. Hopefully a fellow artist like herself. "Come on we'll be late. The last thing I want is to get crap from the teacher on the first day." She groaned imagining the scenario. It would a classic high school annoyance coming back to haunt her. As she waited for him to rise she slipped a kiss on his cheek thanking him for earlier events. "Thanks for looking after me." She cooed.
location: outside>trail//interaction: Faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
Telith raised his head seeing faith in front of him questioning what he was doing. “Oh umm..sorry I...was..just..makings stuff..for class...but...umm I thought we..already spoke English...so..why..a um...English class?” Telith grab his extremely shiny equipment, getting up faith kissed him on the cheek telith white eyes changed the a purple colour quickly “its...fine..just doing my...bit..I..guess” telith didn’t really know what else to say but he did try to say it in a cheerful tone. He followed close by faith assuming she understood how to get to this “English class”.
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Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth couldn't stop the small smile that had pulled its way onto her face. Yeah, they're weird. She gave a gentle shrug, avoiding eye contact as she made her next comment. "I know friends aren't everything, but having some would be nice, especially if they're friends like you." Her tone was nonchalant, but again the fuzzy feeling seeped into her mind. Was she getting sick? Many illnesses were known to cause tiredness and an overall lethargic feeling, so maybe that's what was causing her to feel this way. Something in the back of her mind though told her that it was something else. Something she should've been able to identify. Elizabeth followed Jayden's lead and pulled out her own schedule. They had first period together. Actually, they had all their classes together. She furrowed her brow. Was it a coincidence or maybe their schedules changed as soon as partnership was declared. She was uncertain. Her stomach twisted slightly as he mentioned the contract again. The thought of willing inflicting pain on herself wasn't her favorite thought, but sitting on it and waiting for the inevitable felt even worse. "I think I'd rather get it done before class. Once less thing to worry about, right?" She gave a quick glance around the emptying cafeteria. "Did you want to do it in here or somewhere else?" A part of her hoped he would say somewhere else, just in case the pain was more than she as anticipating. It was well known that to some people pain caused emesis. Elizabeth had never reached such a point, but she figured she'd rather not test it out now. "Maybe we could back to one of our dorms and do it there, then we can grab what we need when it's time for class." The idea of classes at night was also incredibly odd to her. She knew it was for the benefit of the other students, but she found it difficult to imagine looking out a class room window and seeing a sky full of stars.

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica felt his lower left arm twitch as it tried to move with his upper one. Shakily, his hand eventually came down on her shoulder. A grin stretched out on her face, and she was about to congratulate him when he spoke. Hearing his words made her pale skin light up red. Keeping a hold of his lower arms, Mica's upper hands quickly covered her heated face. "Y-You weren't supposed to hear that." She mumbled from between her hands. It was more so her fault. She needed to learn to keep her thoughts as thoughts. She eventually let her hands down, her face still tinged a pale pink. The color was still quite noticeable on her paper white skin. "S-So what classes do you have?" She asked, trying to change the subject. She held her schedule in one hand, looking it over as Evan told her his.
Period #ClassTeacher
1EnglishMs. Dunn
2Choreography & DanceMr. Santos
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4ArtMrs. Jenson
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6PhotographyMr. Stanford
7CorrelationDean Chiodos
Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Humanities Class/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
49184523_2221391787885621_3697620478513381376_n.jpgNathan was deep in thought when a feminine voice spoke to him starting to give him feather touches from his chest to his chin. It was all so unexpected he didn't even notice the woman's presence at all nor the pheromones strongly leaking off from her invading his senses. His mind began to turn hazy, eyes turning lustful as his animal instincts overpowering his humane side. His gray irises glow to a luminescent color as his tail pops out swaying every five seconds. An indication of his interest compared to all the times it sways. He gives a low whimper to her touch, his ears tucking back enjoying the affection yet the back of his head nagged him that this wasn't right. Something was off and his wolf side knew as well as if longing for a more familiar touch than a substitute, but whose? The blush on his face was evident enough to make it obvious he quite liked the attention. If anyone knew of Nathan, there would be flowers blooming underneath him exposing his true feelings. Instead nothing is given to in response. There were no mutual feelings reciprocating for the mysterious seductress. Her words so soothing, tempting his every being to acquaint to her whim. His words jumbled as he is love struck by her spell. Someone dispels the woman's charms allowing Nathan to snap back to reality. The scent of his own mixed with a sweet one reminded him of his position. Standing in between a demoness is none other than his beloved freckled, blonde, Novalie. A fierce look in her eyes as the mysterious woman is chased away brushing the blonde off. His attention redirects to the angered wolf girl nearing her face close to his as she scolded him. "W-what? I had no idea what was happening until it was too late. She caught me off guard." He explained sweating profusely as she accused him waving his hands in front of her hoping she'd dismiss what happened. Nathaniel paused as he noticed something odd. Nova's expression nearly flustered and angry, yet her heart pounding at a rate said something else. Jealousy, embarrassment and concern. Why?

Everything made sense when she bloomed unaware followed by her statement of belonging to her, and hers alone. They made a pact, but he never agreed to that far into whatever it is that was going on between them. What turned into friendly flirting transpired into something new. He's never been with a human for more than a day maybe more? He couldn't tell. Some of his past is a blur. That did not stop the boy from smiling sweetly towards the girl. He felt the same finding her jealousy quite adorable. She then apologized for her behavior in the afternoon. A hand caresses the fair skinned woman. Knuckles lightly dragging across her right cheek tucking a strand of yellow hair behind her ear. Some popped back out due to her curls. He didn't mind one bit as long as he got a chance to touch the girl and see a better view of her face. "Sorry too, I can't make any promises." He said in honesty. "I know it sucks, but I'd rather be forward about it." He scoots to the edge allow room for Nova to sit. "She was a hot piece of ass." He teased. "But I don't think she's my type. I like wild girls like you. Cute, petite and assertive like a Chickity~" A cocky smirk tugs his lips as he props his head on his palm. "Now if my so called, "wife" is serious about having me I am quite a handful. That girl might come back and steal me away if you don't take a seat beside me and show her I belong to you."

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Dorms>Trail/Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
"You really don't need to apologize for anything Telith." She chuckled. "English is more than speech bro. It involves grammar like writing, understanding literature and all that kind of bullshit. I suck at it, but I guess it was inevitable that I master it for me to get where I need to." She sighs. "You're very modest aren't you? I may be over exaggerating but what you explained to me that afternoon is that food would do me no good. I could of died if I hadn't been with you all the damn time. Practically starved and gotten sick. So I guess it is a big deal." The trail down the dark woods was a fascinating type. Beautiful under the moonlight as fireflies hovered about scattered illuminating the way. "It's pretty dark out here." She turned to the dragonoid a tad startled by his glowing eyes. She chuckled relieved it was only her imagination playing with her. "It's a long walk. How about some music?" Faith removes her blue tooth headset switching headphones to earplugs for the two to share. She handed one to Telith to place to his ear for both of them to huddle close together. "You stick it in your ears." She directed while searching for a song to set the mood. The first song that popped up is, "My Kind of Woman" by "Mac DeMarco". The song itself plays at a weird start, but after awhile of listening to the lyrics it becomes something lovely. Faith's gaze searches the skies as the glowing bugs flutter around to the music as if she's stepped into some sort of wondrous world gaining inspiration to draw her next scene. The thing about Faith is she absolutely requires music. A muse to fill in the moment to visualize what she wants to draw and capture the image in her head whether it's outdoors, indoors during an activity she manages to express herself on paper. One of the reasons she adores art itself of any form helping her find the right words or picture needed for a comic.
location:trail//interaction: Faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith scratched the back of his hood his purple eyes illuminating the path and faith gained a ting of green, after faith said he basically saved her from dying "oh well..when you put it...t-that way.. yeah..suppose i did sort of save you." telith didn't actually get why he felt so embarrassed by this he was just being a good friend right? that same weird feeling welled up inside of him, he shook it off, it probably was not important, and how startled faith got after seeing his eyes in the dark was a little funny making that weird feeling die down quickly. "music? oh hmm" faith handed him a odd little device and instructed him to put it into his ear, right a little odd anyway telith did as faith instructed, slipping it into his hood and then into his ear, soon after sound came out of it. oh that's what she meant by music. it was nice, the walk was nice. and faith she looked great in the purple hued light of his eyes..the same weird feeling popped up once again telith eyes becoming a deep purple the brightness also increasing lighting up a large area in front of telith bathing faith and the path in the deep shades of purple "this music..is..really... nice thanks faith...like..really.. your a great friend." he huddled close to faith inadvertently wrapping his arm around her as he did so.

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
evan released what his siad might have been wrong but...it was true he did like what was happening, it seems mica had gotten extremely embarrassed "oh..sorry..i. didn't mean to embarrass you again..guess i'm good at that" evan laughed a little bit at his statement, then turned his attention to his own schedule taking his time to move his arm to grab the thing, it took far far long then it normal would,anyhow he compared his schedule to her,
Period #ClassTeacher
1Algebra 2 Mr.Woodworth
2manual artsMr. terl
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4physics Dr.Gaygen
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6engineering MR. Harns
7CorrelationDean Chiodos
and as it turned out, evan didn't really have any class, with mica, well classes that where aside from the ones everyone apparently had, "well...i have algebra, and you have english hmm, i supposes..umm..well..would you mind walking me to class...im still not sure if i would be able to with well..extra limbs"
Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Trail/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Telith's hue in his eyes shift to a purple then light up brighter nearly blinding her. At first she questioned if there was a road up nearby only to catch Telith behind the act. "Whoa there buddy. I didn't know you can light your eyes like headlights." She giggled. "So cool." Faith brings up a hand tilting her partner's head to see where the source comes from. His eyes followed wherever she directed his head. The slight darkness coming from his blink answered her question. "So cool I didn't know you can do that. Can my eyes do that?" She said placing her hand close to her face checking for any light to her dismay. He then complimented her choice in music. "Thanks. I thought this was perfect while getting to class. Especially with this light up bugs floating around us." She pointed towards a firefly then scoffed at the mentioned of being called a good friend. Her gaze shifting to her feet. "Yeah...I guess. I'm just looking out for you nothing more Telith. You remind me of a lost kid so I wanted to help. Once you know the ropes you won't need me. Not that you ever did. I'm just assuming." The school building is approaching as they enter the clearing of the college campus. Faith blushes as Telith's arm wraps around her waist bringing her closer. She blushes half embarrassed pulling away from the lad and removing the ear plugs halting the music on her phone turning it off out of respect. "That was actually a nice walk. Finally were here." She said changing the subject leading him down the halls searching every door number until finding the correct one near the end. She made a mental note to enter the other end next time. Upon entering, students were already waiting for class to begin while chattering amongst themselves. Faith enters taking a random seat feeling quite nervous scooting near the edge of her seat. College is terribly different from high school mostly because she didn't know anybody. Their faces all so new compared to who she knows from years of schooling. The one establishment where school actually felt different than what she's used to. On the other note she was half flustered from what Telith did moments ago. She did not feel the need to reject him with words but actions. Half of her wanted to warm up against him the logical side told her not to because they were friends not lovers. Her body conflicted her thoughts wondering what exactly is happening to her and what allows her to act in such a way with the lad.
location:trail>english class//interaction: Ruben Faith Pumpkid Pumpkid snow Jennete Jennete
telith found it amusing that faith had to tilt his head around just to find out where the glow was coming from. "well umm...not just yet your...technically still to young to...well...glow...like i do.." faith apprehension at being called a good friend was confusing " hey...faith.just..because i might..not need you doesn't mean i..don't wanna stay with you...were friends". teliths purple colours eyes changed to a lighter colours hue as soon as faith pulled away from him the weird feeling he had inside him suddenly felt like it was bad,for some reason he didn't like faith...going away from him? why? why did he feel like that? "yeah..it was a nice...walk really nice walk" telith followed faith to class he stopped at the door for a moment, inhaling deeply he started to get worried the purple colour of his eyes going to a orange hue, before entering carrying the jewel encrusted equipment under one of his arms his eyes darted around the room if anyone was looking directly at him they would only see orange orbs shifting around the the black void that resided under teliths hood, his eyes set on the boy and the young vampire from earlier today, ok fine...nothing wrong here right now it's all good.. he have a weak wave to the both him them, he opted to perhaps sit next to faith, placing his equipment onto the table, most of the stuff considering what it was made of was worth a few thousand dollars a piece. oddly enough he left better...being near faith he assumed it was probably because she was...well good for a hug the same strange feeling blurted up as telith thought of how many times he had hugged faith...it was a lot actually, he smiled slightly at the idea of it purring at the same time all the more awkward considering it was likely everyone in the classroom could hear it... same weird feeling again making him want to get closer to the girl he, did manage to stop himself turning his attention the the front of the classroom, still purring slightly.
Jayden Lanchia
Location: The mess hall - Outside - His room / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Hearing her call him a friend left him with a weird feeling, in his life at the moment he only had one friend, he wasn’t sure if he was ever going to see him again due to reasons, but being called a friend by somebody else it felt weird, but because it was Elizabeth who said it, it felt weird in a good way. It have him a warm feeling and he didn’t dislike the way it sounded when it came out of her mouth, maybe it was just something that he needed to get used to.
“ Thanks.” He didn’t want to say anymore because it might make things a bit awkward so it’s better to leave things at a simple thanks for now.
Jayden looked at her schedule when she pulled hers out as well and noticed their classes were the same as well. It was a relief for him, he at least knew one person in his class, as he didn’t really feel like interacting with others. The words that came out of her mouth surprised him a little bit. “ Before class? Yeah that’s a logical way of thinking. Very well.” His eyes scanned the mess hall and he noticed quite a few people leaving slowly emptying out the place. “ Hhmm.. Let’s do it here. As we’re here anyway..” His mouth formed into a fake smile and he stayed silent for a few seconds to let his words sink in. “ I’m joking… “ He wasn’t to sure what kind of humor she had and jokes also weren’t really his strong suit, but he was willing to give it a try to maybe get her mind off of the pain part. “ We can do it in my room, I doubt anybody else has moved in yet, so it will be just us.” As he finished talking he got up and stretches his arms out a little bit. “ That’s a good idea, I don’t have anything on me at the moment.”

Jayden left the mess hall together with Elizabeth, as they were walking towards the dorms he takes out a cigarette and lights it up to calm himself down, he also offers her one as well in case she might want one. “So have you thought of a bargain yet? I think I’ve come up with one.” After a few minutes and a whole cigarette they arrived at his dorm room.
As he entered his eyes scanned the room and it was still only him in the room, nobody else had come which made him quite happy. As he can do whatever he wants without worrying about somebody else.
“ Make yourself comfortable, you can sit on my bed if you want to.”
He gave her some time to get ready mentally and physically before starting the ritual to make the contract.
“ Are you ready?” His eyes locked onto hers, trying to read her face to get an indication of how she was feeling right now, after a few seconds his sticks out his hand for her to take it and takes a deep breath to calm himself a little bit.
“ I Jayden Lanchia will bestow upon you my assistance. I will lend you my powers in exchange for opening up more and being more friendly towards other people especially towards humans.”
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Mess hall > Outside > Jayden's dorm Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth's heart jumped up into her throat as he decided on staying in the mess hall. She instantly began formulating a plan on how to best go about the contract when Jayden eased her mind. She let out a light sigh and smiled gently. He then continued to talk about them moving to his room. Every time he said "us" something shifted in the girl's chest. It was a strange feeling, not really uncomfortable, but certainly foreign. Elizabeth stood up from the table and, after watching her partner stretch, followed him outside. The sun light had already began to die, lighting the sky up with a number of gorgeous shades of reds, purples, and oranges. Her large, deep eyes seemed to absorb the last of the dying light, lighting them up similar to the night sky. When she looked down from the sky Jayden had his arm stretched out, a cigarette perched between two fingers, offering it to her. "I'm good, thank you." Elizabeth had read up plenty of books and medical files in public data bases to know what they would do to her body; the possibility of myocardial infarction at a younger age, multiple cancers, and a general increase in the aging of her body. She glanced back towards the male next to her. He didn't have to worry about those kind of things. If what books and media said about vampires were true, he would live just fine either way. Elizabeth nodded when he questioned her about a possible bargain. "Yeah, I gave it a lot of thought after the dean had first mentioned it." The two quickly reached his dorm, the same one they had been at earlier in the day. She silently followed in, reminiscing on how last time she had been dragged in by her wrist. As in instructed, though probably only meant as a suggestion, she took a seat on the edge of his bed. She tried to consider what it would feel like, the pain and power, but as a simple human, she knew she wouldn't be able to even fathom such an idea. Once Jayden stuck out his hand, she stood up, taking a hold of it firmly. She took a deep breath and gave a small nod of ready. “I, Jayden Lanchia, will bestow upon you my assistance. I will lend you my powers in exchange for opening up more and being more friendly towards other people especially towards humans.” His voice was strong and commanding of her attention. She only hoped she sounded as confident. "I, Elizabeth Barrett, accept your offer. In exchange I will try to understand and express my own emotions, no matter what the emotion may be. I hereby declare myself your vessel." After finishing her sentence, a white searing pain shot up through her arm. She wanted to retract her arm, but instead tightened her grip on his hand. She might have cried out if the sound hadn't gotten trapped in her throat. Instead she clenched her jaw, letting out a soft grunt as her body curled inward. She could only imagine that this must have been what it felt like to touch a live wire, feeling the electricity course through every muscle and blood vessel. The feeling ended as abruptly as it had started. She took a deep breath, panting slightly as she tried to keep herself up right. "That wasn't so bad.." She mumbled sarcastically.

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica waved a hand as she could feel the blush trying to force its way back onto her face. "I-It's fine." She waved a hand dismissively. A frown form on her soft face as she looked over his schedule. It was true. Other than their main classes, they had no other subject together. "That means I can't help you." She pouted childishly, thought it was short lived when Evan asked if she would walk him to class. "Of course!" She beamed happily, standing quickly from where she sat. Her hands remained locked with his, but she knew that walking would look a little silly if she tried to maintain hold on both of them. "I think," she began, trying to sound as knowledgeable as she could. "We should probably only hold one hand so we aren't walking funny. So for your other hand," she carefully released one hand and began guiding it into his pants pocket. "We'll put it in here so you don't have to worry about hitting people!" Another bright smile befell her face as if she had just solved the greatest mystery of their time.
(Did this on my phone, sorry if it sucks)
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Novalie Polaris
[Location: Humanities // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

She took her seat twitching slightly to his statement about that girl being hot. Don't be jealous let's be civil. She inhaled deeply feeling the cool touch of his hand against her face. He was so gentle with her yet it was obvious he was a rough person. There were so many mysteries about Nathan that she wanted to solve them all like the mystery gang. She felt challenged by his statements making her bloom a bit more subconsciously while scooting her chair closer to his. She had the makings of a full flower crown atop her head as little buds bloomed up from the ground. The intrigue in her heart showing in a physical form. The blonde had a devilish smirk about her as she leaned in closer to him, her lips nearly grazing his ear. "I told you before wolf pup. It wasn't really a question but more of a confirmation. You're stuck with me~" Her giggles were soft and seductive as she pulled away running a hand through his hair. "I see I'll just have to get you a collar or something so everyone will know you are mine Lovebug. Is that what you want~? I'll take on whatever you throw at me because I'm not going to give up on this. I don't care how much of a handful you are. I can prove my affection for you in many ways but for now-" She paused using her other hand to steady herself while the other came to hold his face. Nova was never one to turn down a challenge but being in class wasn't the ideal place to prove her loyalty. The blonde pressed her lips against his cheek giving him a kiss and nuzzling him gently. She leaned back again falling against her seat leaving her arm extended to pinch his arm. "And if you say something like that about another girl again I'll have to take drastic measures." Her eyes trailed down to the flowers that brushed up against her leg widening in surprise. Her memory recalled Nathan doing the same thing during orientation knowing this must be included with the abilities. "I-I made these.." She mumbled inaudibly looking to the swirled gardenias that surrounded her. They're so pretty... Her pink orbs changed back to their natural blue as the flowers started to dissipate except for the ones in her hair.

Arya Yavanna
[Location: Humanities // Interaction: Theyung01 Theyung01 ]
Arya fiddled with the loose strands of her fiery hair as the familiar male sat down beside her. Seems I've attracted my own little human to play with. She smirked listening to his quips about their schedules. "Darling, if I wanted to be near you then I wouldn't have to pull any strings. I'd just go straight to you. You think little human rules matter that deeply to me? If I want something, I take it." Her hand ran through her hair moving stray tendrils out of her face to the back of her head. "You'd be sadly mistaken if you've taken me for someone who doesn't value education. I may not care for the requirements to devote my precious time solely to sit in a room listening to a little man lecture me for an hour but unfortunately, I've made a promise to make an attempt here so I can prove someone else wrong. It'd be a bad first impression to just ditch on the first day no? Don't you have a dream or desire you've wanted to complete? I was told humans come to places like that to follow something along those lines or whatever." She didn't particularly care about his answer but learning about what humans do did draw some interest. Arya was no fool, incredibly intelligent and cunning to match it but her knowledge on humans was limited. As much as she watched she rarely interacted with them. As a reaper she wasn't allowed to have too much direct influence in the lives of humans. This was her only opportunity to learn more so she wasn't about to completely get expelled on the first day. Maybe the fifth, who knows.
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English Class Interactions: Ruben ( Pumpkid Pumpkid ) Mentions: Telith ( Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ) , Faith

She nodded and sat down beside him, humming as she took out a blue notebook, blue pencil box, blue index cards and even blue tinted post it notes. She was completely prepared for this class with all of her color coded materials. Her new friend Ruben though, seemed less enthusiastic. He plucked out only a pencil and a plain notebook. He turns towards the window, staring at the garden. Snow wondered what he was looking at, what he was thinking. But then her attention was diverted by the gaze and entrance of the strange boy and beautiful crying girl from before. She bit her lip nervously... would they be upset she was here? Would they ask her to find a new class? Could they do that theoretically? But then the male waved nervously at her and Ruben, Snow returning the wave with a nervous smile. "H-hi!" She called out. Looking to Ruben and smiling just a little bit.

"At least they don't hate us correct? I was really afraid of being hated at this school so I am glad I can put that fear away at least for now. The negative effects of living under fear have long been proven and studied after all so it would be problematic for me to experience it so soon don't you think?" Snow asked, turning to him with a smile on her face, feeling comfortable with her new friend. She wasn't completely unaware, she knew she was being a bit too clingy... but who else was she supposed to hang out with? And how else would she stay his friend unless she was around? Or... was that not how friends work?

Continuing on in her speel as a sort of reflex for feeling nervous or excited, "Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can even cause in some extreme situations, accelerated ageing and even premature death. I know that it sounds silly to worry about premature death as a vampire but of course I am not TRULY immortal so it is still a hot topic on my mind that I try to study as much as possible in order to properly avoid situations that would most likely lead to it." Snow paused wondering if she had come off clearly... she wasn't like... into death or anything that dark.

"N-not that I... I mean... Like I'm not.. I. um.." Snow stopped talking, putting her forehead on the desk, groaning a little and wishing the ground would just swallow her up. "These desks are made for partners as you said before right Ruben? I... I can leave so maybe you can find someone to be you contract partner. I don't think I'm ready for such a commitment and I obviously don't even understand how to properly function in the confines of a friendship... I'm sorry."

She looked up at him from under her hair, biting her bottom lip as she sniffled from the embarrassment of revealing her own faults... faults she knew her mother had already told her about. Why hadn't she listened... why had she come here... What in the world was she thinking...?
Jayden Lanchia
Location:His room / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Jayden was quite pleased when she took his hand, and that she didn’t back out last minute. He stayed silent as she said her part, his eyes focused on her, he knew she was about to feel pain but maybe there was something else that could happen that they didn’t tell us, so he was on the look out for something of the sort. As her grip on his hand tightened he got a little worried as he saw her in pain, the pain might be to much for her to handle, she could squeeze his hand as hard as she wanted if that helped with the pain. After a few seconds he could feel his energy leave his body, like it was being sucked out of him, but that wasn’t what was on his mind right now. He heard her voice again and looks her over from head to toes.
“ Hhmm I don’t know about that..”

He softly makes her sit down on his bed as a worried look was spread across his face as it looked like she was in quite some pain, he bends down so their faces were at the same level and he looks her over again, his face moving closer to hers putting a good 10 cm between them as he puts his hand on her forehead.
“ Are you sure you’re oke?” After that he slowly takes her hand and looks it over, wondering if the contract left a mark anywhere.
“ How do you feel do you feel any different?” His eyes moved back up to hers locking onto them as he spoke. After a little while he slowly let go of her hand and moves back giving her room to breath and relax, as she might not be comfortable with him being up so close and personal.
“ Just take all the time you need to recover.” He said with a concerned tone in his voice as he moved around in his room, his movements were quite sluggish as he grabs his back, putting a notebook and some pen’s inside, all the stuff he needed for class later so he’s ready to go when she feels good enough to leave.
“ Is there anything I can do for you?”

Lind Lockwood
Location: Humanities. / Interaction Arya thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
“Hhmm… if you say so..” Lind didn’t really believe what he was being told, of course he doesn’t know a single thing about her, but he wasn’t going to believe whatever somebody said to him just like that. For him it was all bark but no action. The charming smile on his face disappeared, as he reaches into his bag and takes out a notebook and puts it on the table. He opens it and takes a pen out of his bag as well and starts doodling on an empty page. “ How boring.. I thought you’d be more fun, I guess I miss judged you.” His tone sounded uninterested and he hasn’t looked at her anymore since he took out his notebook, a deep sigh escapes his mouth as he kept on listening to what she was saying. “ Yeah I have a goal but there are multiple ways to go about it.” The young man yawns as he was still quite tired from the nap he just woke up from a few minutes ago, and this class wasn’t doing anything to keep his attention, nor was the beauty next to him. “ A lot of people just want their papers so they can earn more money. That’s it.”

He stayed silent after that for a little while not really having anything more to say, he lost his interest a bit. But he still couldn’t stop himself from looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. “ So what are you? Some kind of elf, vampire or some demon wearing a disguise?” The young man bends down to his bag again and takes a hand full of sweets out and puts them on the table, unwrapping them and eating them. His body needed some sugar to give him some energy, so he can focus on class.
“What is your goal or dream for being here? Attend every class and leave a good first impression on everyone?” He said in a teasing way as he used her own words against her.
As the class settles in, the bell rings initialing the start. A minute later an older, mid aged woman with dirty blonde hair, rounded rhimmed glasses with a wide smile plastered on her face and a witch hat to top it off. "Welcome to the first ever human, monster class everyone!" The teacher exclaimed capturing her student's attention. "My name is Mrs. Dunn and today we're going to start with basic literature." She snaps her fingers as books come flying in through the door scattering and placed in front of their desks. "Now I want to see what you're all capable so I'd like you to read this book and write an essay of your opinion of the story. Your favorite part, what it lacked and what is not necessary. When you read this short book I want you to think of being a critic deciding what the fundamentals are needed. Now that's your honework for an entire week. Doesn't sound hard right? Good! Now for the actual lesson." The blonde turns on the projector after shutting the lights off. One of the good things about night time is when the projecter is needed, there is no need for shade to make the screen be visbible. "We're going to review some incorrect grammar and find out what it needs." The class participated chanting the answers out.


208637.jpgAt the same time the bell rings, instantly an excitable Vampire enters the room. Their gender uknown due to their physic. Regardless they clap their hands together with a glimmer in their eyes. "Hello~ Good evening everyone. My name is Mrs. Thompkins! I am a Vampire and here to teach you about a lovely, favorite subject of mine called 'humanities'. Let's get started then. Oh! Almost forgot about your books." The vampire brings in a cart full of books passing them out to the class. "These are new so plesse care for them as much as you can and pray this all goes well. Now that we got that out of the way..." The cart is parked in the back of the class before repositioning themselves to the front of the class. "Let's begin with quick lesson society between monsters and humans. It's all so fascinating how humans continue the same boring routine while living their life without any complications. By the end of the day we finish learning and comparing each other I want you to write a short essay about your partner and yourself. The difference of not just features bur characteristics." She chirped bringing up the projector and opening a basic presentation about the topic.
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Jayden's room Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth felt Jayden's hand pull free from her before being set on her arms, helping her sit back on the edge of his bed. She felt a bit silly for being as effected as she was, but there was another feeling swimming around in her. One of extreme anxiety. The thought was pushed to the back of her mind though as her new partner dropped down to her level, moving in rather closer. The feeling of his hand on her forehead and then holding her own hand was certainly strange, but, even weirder, she seemed to enjoy it. It was comforting. "I'm ok, really," she began, but stopped noticing the worry written on his face. "I can feel your worry though." She mumbled softly. She lightly caressed the back of his hand, staring intently in his eyes as the worrying feeling started to subside. Elizabeth was never an affectionate person, or at least she was never open about it, but this contract already seemed to shake the foundation that her entire personality was built on. She tried to convince herself that she was only being overly kind because it satiated the worry she felt, but something inside her doubted it. A slight frown pulled at her lips as his hand left hers, but she quickly shook it away. Jayden's movements were clearly slower, raising her own concerns. "I'm feeling much better now, but are you feeling alright?" She questioned, slowly getting back on her feet. Her head spun a little from the movement, but it faded as quickly as it had arisen. She walked across the room to where he stood, inspecting him now. "The dean said the monster partner would feel drained afterwards, so is there anything we can do to fix it, or do we wait for it to wear off?" He had asked her before if there was anything he could do for her, but now it felt like her turn. "Is there anything I can do?" Her deep blue eyes seemed to glisten, staring up at him.

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall > English class Interactions: Evan Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Mentions: Telith, Faith and Reuben Pumpkid Pumpkid , Snow Jennete Jennete
Mica carefully guided Evan down the hall towards the algebra class room, as stated by one of the maps originally handed out to students. She had committed to memory the few words Evan had pointed out to her: English, dance, and wizardry. Of course she still couldn't read, but she knew those particular squiggles meant those words. Once Evan had been dropped off, she made her way to the English room. Her hand felt cold now, empty. She shrugged it off though before entering the room where a number of normal sized people sat. A nervous feeling rose inside of her as she tried to find a desk that fit her large form. She took note of a few people in the room, more so the ones that seemed to stick out like she did. There was a pale blonde wearing all white. She seemed skittish, but she was talking to a male who looked less than amused. The next pair she spotted was a male with his hood up, but his eyes were easily spotted. He was focused on a mocha colored girl, and he was.. purring? Maybe that was a normal for him. Who was she to judge? The teacher soon followed in, sending books out to each student. It was magical and the awe was caught in Mica's eyes, but it quickly died as she looked in the books. Oh no.. Words. They were supposed to read this and write something? Her anxiety peaked as she looked around anxiously. Of course no one else was worried, they could all read! At this moment the giant wished she was small so she could hide.. or at the very least have Evan by her side. Without noticing the giant had vanished, invisible to those around her.
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Jayden Lanchia
Location:Girls dorm / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

As the words “I’m oke, really.” came out of her mouth he felt relieved a small weight was lifted off of his shoulders, the worried look on his face disappeared, but he was still worried about her. They now had a contract so he couldn’t only think about himself but also her, as they shared emotions it would be bad if something bad happened because of him. “ Oke, I believe you. I’m glad you’re fine.” He said with a calm and kind tone in his voice, after those words he heard he say something else, but really soft, just like earlier today but again he heard it. “You know I can hear that right, but I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you to feel it..” This whole sharing of emotions was kind of weird to him, he didn’t really like that he couldn’t control what his partner could and couldn’t feel. The slight touch of her caressing the back of his hand, made him feel a bit warm on the inside, it was something small that she maybe didn’t even notice she was doing but it felt nice, her touch made him forget about the whole contract deal and let his mind just focus on her, but as soon as they lost contact with each other he snapped back to reality.

with one strap from his bag hanging over one of his shoulders he watched her get up from the bed and walk towards him, a frown forms upon his face wondering what she doing, and why she was coming over to him. “ Yeah I’m fine.. just a little tired.” Jayden was telling the truth and also not at the same time. He was fine that wasn’t a lie, but he could definitely use some blood to energize his body, it wasn’t that he couldn’t move without the blood, but having the blood would certainly make it easier. “ I’m sure it will slowly wear off, I’ll get some blood after the classes or somewhere in between. Besides if we wait we’ll miss the class, I don’t want you to miss the first class because of me.” Now he could feel her worry, it felt weird for him this feeling of having somebody worry for you, he didn’t know how to deal with it. “ I’m..” She seemed so determined to help him that it threw him off a little bit, but he had to admit that it felt quite nice. His icy blue eyes met her deep blue eyes, it was like he was staring into an ocean, he was entranced by it until he noticed that he was staring and quickly takes a deep breath while closing his eyes for a quick 2 seconds to calm himself and then opens them again immediately establishing eye contact. “ I’m fine..really. I’m feel tired.. like my energy got sucked out of me. You don’t need to do anything.” A smile crept up on his face as he quickly grabs her hand and walks out of his room over to the girls dorm. “So let’s get your stuff.” He quickly changed the subject and walked off with her so she couldn’t disagree with him if she wanted to. As we enter the girls dorm he let’s go of her hand and leans against the wall as a yawn escapes his mouth. He didn’t know which room was hers and, if she even wanted him to see her room so he didn’t dare go in without her permission.
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Faith Vallidoid
(Location: English class/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
After the tardy bell rang, the English teach sprungs in a cheerful mood. Instantly going to work as if the students have been coming to class for awhile. Mrs. Dunn passes out a small book expecting the students to writr an essay by the end of the week. It was certainly straigjt to the point. Faith wasn't sure if she detests or idolizes the movement. She had been warned by her art teacher that it wasn't anything like high school. It showed. Every year it's the same. Syllabus first, introductions, slow pace then the hard stuff hits. Instead you're approached broadly with the hard stuff.

Mrs. Dunn then moves to the next part of her teachings. Identifying grammar. Everyone announced their answers aloud without raising hands as if reading a book expecting the students to already know the basics. Indeed they all did. The teacher merely explained she is testing the waters of their intellectual and see what should be taught. Faith leans against Telith to whisper, "See? This is English. It's more than talking. It involves writing and understanding stories, vocabulary, blah blah blah." She snickers. Not very fun is it?" She nudged.

Ruben Ruiz
(Location: English Class/ Tags: Jennete Jennete /Mentions: Jennete Jennete )

Ruben turns to Telith and Faith after Snow kindly waved to say hello. She then rambled on about how nervous and afraid she is as if readinf something off a dictonary. She was like a personal google search. He noticed how silent she stsrted to get about something he didn't know what. This worried Ruben wen Snow revealed she did not want to make a contract. It's a curious as to why. If that was the case she should leave having no point in doing so or perhaps there was something holding her back. "Partners can mean a lot of thing. It doesn't have to be couples, or contract partners but friends are also partners." He assured. "You've taken your seat and class is about to start. There is no point and you're probably the only one I tolerate surprisingly." He added unsure as to why as he scratches his cheek with a light blush. Surely enough, the bell rings as the teacher enters the room handing out books and asking for an essay.

Nathaniel Chiodos
(Location: Humanities/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Nathan sneers victoriously watching this girl bloom so much her emotions practically manifesting into flowers. Flowers different and feminine unlike his. He found it rather appealing especially the flower crown hugging her head like a queen. It made Nathan's heart skip a beat enraptured by her beauty. He failed to notice how close the girl got as her lips grazes his ear causing a cold shiver down his spine. Her voice so melodic like the most beautiful lullaby ever encounteted. Her assertiveness bringing up some confusing feelings. Warm and tempting. A low growl emits from his chest flattering the girl as he enjoys more of her seductive alluring words. "I already wear collars. I don't mind being a pet of a hot babe." He smirks. "I won't be easy to tame though." He teased back hoping to stir up something more. Rewarded by a kiss to his cheek and a nuzzle. He nuzzles back content licking her cheek back. To his dismay, Nova pulls away to pinch the brute with a threat.

"Ouch! Okay! Okay! I was just having fun." He chuckled nervously. Nova then asked about her flowers. "Yeah you did. It usually manifests when you're embarrassed or feeling an content." He informed rubbing his arm. The teacher walks on in after the bell. A vampire to be exact. They were ecstatic to start the day with a presentation. Nate groans after given books and homework for the day.
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location:trail>english class//interaction: Faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith snapped out of his weird little trance, after the books floated towards him he looked down at it, yeah just reading...that fine all good right? then, faith leaned on...him that same weird feeling welled up again he...was enjoying this? yes he was enjoying it, why did..nevermind she was mentioning something about how boring english was, "oh yeah.it's a little boring, just a lot of...punctuation.. and stuff." telith laughed a little and rested his head on faiths. why did he do that? he didn't know telith just felt it wa right, he could think about this essay thing later.
Marci was completely overjoyed to hear that. Marc had listened to the knife of day. The lead singer was amazing. If they could be half as a good as them then she would have been happy. "I will take you on that." She said before looking at her watch. It was time for her vocal practice. She practiced every day. It was a way to extend her range. Which she needed. Her range was alright but it could be better.


After a few hours, it was time for classes. She was excited about the class. She couldn't wait one more second for it to begin. She was the first person in the classroom. She had her book and a notebook. It was filled with song lyrics along with cords that the band would use. That was her world. She wrote lyrics whenever they came to her. She would just jot them down in her book. She was stuck on a love song.

Love as a little bit of a foreign concept to her. She had loved her daughters but love for another person was a different type of thing. She had never really known the feeling before. Being a siren, she had only killed for population control, not love. Maybe Woz would change that, maybe he would be her reason to write a love song. Who knew, maybe the song would be about him?
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Jayden's room > Elizabeth's room > Class Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
A warmth filled her face as he commented on being able to hear her. Her gaze averted his as she tried to focus on something else. "Well of course I meant for you to hear that. I'm just quiet." Her voice had started out a decent volume, but again faded to a mumble. Talking loudly wasn't something she was accustomed to. In all of her years of schooling she never spoke with anyone, so volume never seemed to be an issue. Her parents good hear her fine and knew when she was speaking to them. She had only just met Jayden though, so of course he wasn't used to her tones, or rather lack there of. The light blush on her face quickly dissipated as her thoughts were drawn to his need for blood. Would she have a desire for blood now? Would she no longer find satisfaction in the foods she had normally eaten. Her tongue slowly crept up to her gums, feeling along them for anything different. Her heart sank slightly as she felt two new opening in her gums, presumably where fangs would exit through. Elizabeth fought to keep any sort of panic from setting into her, knowing that her partner would now feel it. She didn't want to worry about that right now. She just wanted to go to class and forget about it. "Well if there's anything I can do later on, let me know." She offered before being dragged out of the room. She didn't mind him pulling her along though. In fact, it was almost nice.
They soon reached the girls' dorms. Jayden released her, leaning against a nearby wall. Was he uncomfortable about going in her room? She paused. She couldn't feel any sort of anxieties from him, so she retook his hand, pulling him into her room now. She didn't comment on it, uncertain of what she would even say. Once they were in her room she let go of his hand and quickly gathered up the supplies she thought necessary. Nothing crazy, really, just a notebook and some pencils. With it all thrown in a bag, she slung it over her shoulder and rejoined the dark haired male. "Ready?" She questioned lightly. Once he answered they headed to the main building, meandering the halls until they found their class room. "Do you have a preference on where we sit?" She looked back to Jayden curiously. Normally she chose the seat closest to the door, allowing her an easy exit, but she figured he might opt for sitting towards the back. She didn't really care though at this point.

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