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Fandom Monster Hunter Rebirth

Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe "LETS GO!" Warren yelled charging at the great Jaggi "ALL OUT ATTACK!" Warren jumped and started to make fast forcefully slashes on the great jaggi. "C'mon partner! Let's finish the jaggi, together!" Warren said as he slowed down, but put more power into his swings.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

Marcus ran forward, thrusting his long sword into it's chest and giving a firm twist. Blood pooled out everywhere, and the Great Jaggi had no time to struggle what with Warren constantly cutting and slashing. With a weakened cry it's head lolled to the side, its body still buried halfway into the trap. With a few spasms, it finally went still. Marcus dropped his sword, trembling as blood seemed to flow over his feet. Sure he helped kill a Great Jaggi before; but it was mostly jabs and him being out of the way. This time, he actually helped kill it. The stench of blood made him feel sick.

Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe Warren jumped up yelling out "HECK YES!" He was overjoyed that he finally killed a monster. And not a small one either! His parents were sure to be proud. "Woah, this is... Almost exhilarating..." He struck a wierd pose involving his right hand under his helmet and his left hand hovering over the left side of his head, splashing his helmet with monster blood. He wiped it off "Ugh. I hate monster blood. It's hard to get out of clothes. My mom knows a way to get it out, she's been dealing with it for years." He took out his carving knife and twirled it on his index finger. He began to carve. He then looked to Marcus when he herd his sword drop "H-hey! Are you okay?" Warren made sure it was safe around. "Let's get you home..."
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

"I-I'm fine... just, I feel sick." He bent over, resting his bloody hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath - but he ended up running over to a bush and throwing up the rations he had that morning. The taste was dreadful, but the stench of blood was all over him and it made him stomach churn. Before, the other hunters did all the dirty work of carving and hauling the pieces back to the caravan. But now he'd have to drag the Great Jaggi's bloody, stinking corpse there after gutting it. Marcus kept heaving until nothing else came up, now he was just coughing harshly.

Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient SteppeWarren knew exactly what Marcus was going through. He called for Marcus "I'll just carve the monster. You need to sit down and rest for a while." Warren said as he began to carve the monster for all its useful parts. "Poor Marcus..." Warren said to himself "he really is new, huh?" Warren carved some more. And by the time he was drenched in monster blood he walked over to Marcus with a bag full of great jagi parts. He had no use for them and wanted to give them to Marcus, but he knew that now wasn't exactly the best time. Warren gestured for Marcus "c'mon. Lets go. Oh and here. Get the blood off your armor." Warren tossed Marcus a towel. "It smells pretty bad, and it can attract bigger monsters." Warren slung the bag over his shoulder. "You need to get home. I'll take these pieces to the caravan, but I have no use for them so they're all yours."
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

He felt numb as he tried wiping off the blood, and even when there was nothing left, the smell still clung to him. Marcus just wanted to go home and take a hot bath and eat a good meal. It was different killing the beast himself, and he couldn't understand why. When he was with other hunters, they showed such skill and bravery, taking the beast down quickly and doing all of the work for him - but now he was just shaking like a leaf as he stumbled over to the caravan.
'W-Why am I shaking? I-It was just a Great Jaggi, w-we killed it and we didn't get hurt.' The whole time, he was strangely silent.

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Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe Warren knew what Marcus was going through. It's not uncommon for that to happen. Warren loaded everything into the caravan and the 2 began to leave. After some silence Warren spoke "you know, you aren't the only one who has that feeling. It happens to a lot of people. I'll buy us a meal and you can go home and rest. Does that sound good?"
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe He had his knees up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them, his chin resting on his knees as he stared out blankly. The Great Jaggi's corpse was hitched to the caravan, so when they returned, everyone in the village would know what they'd done. The idea of taking a hot shower and sleeping in large, soft warm bed by a fire sounded so good to his aching muscles. He could almost cry it sounded so good. Marcus nodded faintly at the suggestion,
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe "T-That sounds good."
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Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall Warren knew Marcus was In bad shape. "The hunters guilt is really getting to you, huh?" Warren looked back at Marcus. Not expecting an answer. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride back. When they arrived they got the quest reward. Warren gave the zenni to Marcus. "Here. You can put this to better use than I can." He grabbed the bag of Jaggi parts Warren decided to give them to him later. "Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Warren sat down at the table "you order whatever you want, okay?"
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall

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Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe Marcus held the coins in his hand for what felt like an eternity before putting it in his pocket. It'd sure give him plenty of food and supplies for a few days, though the weight of the money felt heavier as he walked. As if it were soaked in the blood of the monster he just brutally killed. Marcus didn't know why he cared, it was survival of the fittest after all. But that beast did nothing to him other than live, and he killed the Jaggi's leader just for bragging rights and a few pieces to make up his armor. He plopped down at the table, watching as one of the Felyne servers came over and held out a tray of drinks for them.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

The young hunter took the large tankard and sat it on the table, his gaze still fixated on the table. At the mention of food, he almost wanted to throw up. Every item on the menu was made from the flesh of a monster just like the one he killed. He swallowed hard and mumbled,
"I don't really feel hungry all of a sudden."

OOC~ And overnight Marcus became a Vegetarian. xD (just kidding)
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall Warren slammed his hands on the table. "Listen Marcus. You need to snap out of this. If you keep this up, we aren't going to be able to hunt anything bigger any time soon. Okay? And I get it. It's hunters guilt. But don't let it take over you." Warren took off his helmet. His forehead filled with sweat. He took a sip of his drink.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall

"What would you rather have. It kill you? Or you kill it!?" Warren looked Marcus in the eye. "Don't let this take control of you. You're a strong man. Don't let this get to you okay" Warren finished what he was saying as soon as the waitress came to take his order.

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Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe "I paid money, so I could kill it." He said quietly. "I went out of my way to kill him. I-It wasn't like he was here attacking us, I went into his home." With a sigh he got up from the table, tossing a few coins on the table for the drink despite not drinking it, and moved to leave. "You can keep the parts." He was of course talking about the Great Jaggi. Marcus just wanted some time alone.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall "Hey wait! Marcus! MARCUS!" Warren sighed and ate his meal. Warren thought to himself. Is Marcus going to be okay? Will he get over his hunters guilt? He shook his head and left the hunting hall. His parents were extremely proud that he finally killed a big monster. But through his constant praise though couldn't help but worry about Marcus.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall

OOC: sure! If you want I can play both a person and a felyne, if you need.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe Marcus went home that night, didn't eat, and slept until 11 the next morning. His parents of course scolded him for 'sleeping his morning away' but it wasn't like he had any plans. After a hot shower he came out into the village, looking a little better, but not perfect. He still hadn't eaten, though he found himself in the market and plopping down at the only table by the Felyne Chef who was dicing up some onions.
Scrubnoppon said:
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall The next morning. Warren woke up, and got ready for the day. He went out and did a few things his parents asked him to do. Later around 11 he saw Marcus at the market "Hey! Marcus!" Warren waved and ran over to Marcus. "You okay? I'm kinda worried. You don't seem like yourself ever since you killed the great jaggi with me."
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar He ran his fingers through his curly black hair, and it took him a moment before he realized Warren was talking to him.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar "Huh? Oh... yeah, I'm doing a little better." He took out his hunting knife, tapping the edge of it on the table to a tune he had stuck in his head. "Just a little tired from it." Marcus wanted to ask if Warren made anything out of those parts, but, the armor he had was already peeled from the back of a powerful monster if the unearthly pink glow wasn't a tip.
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Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall Warren properly sat down. He knew something was really wrong. "Listen. I need you to tell me exactly what is up. We're friends. I don't want you to be hurting, okay?" Warren took off his helmet. He sighed "it's a bit hot in there, but what do you do. Huh?" Warren looked back at Marcus. "So tell me every last detail. Leave nothing out."
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar "I don't know. I just... I really don't want to talk about it." He sighed, looking away and running his thumb over the blade.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall Warren forcefully slammed his fist onto the table. "Marcus. Listen to me. You can't let this get to you. If I'm being honest, I like you. You're pretty nice and you helped me hint a great jaggi. But you even asked me, when are we going to hunt something bigger. If you still want that. You can't let your emotions get the best of you." Warren looked down at his hands. Looking for an answer, but finding nothing. "If you still can't get over it. Meet me at my house. You know where it is." He said leaving the table, leaving him a map of town with his house marked in a deep red color. "If you can't, I'll just have to find another hunting partner, and we don't want that, do we?" Warren said as he walked away from the hunting hall. Back into town.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Hunting hall

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Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar He watched as Warren leave, feeling a strange emptiness inside him. It wasn't just about the Jaggi, it was a number of things he really didn't want to get into. His dream had been to prove his family wrong and that he had the makings of a real hunter, but, if he sat here and sulked, he'd never get it done.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar 'A real hunter never quits. This... doubt, I just need to treat it like another monster.' Feeling faintly reassured he got up, and headed to Warren's house.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Val Harbor Warren saw Marcus approaching. He ran outside and waved to him "HEYYY MARCUS! COME ON IN!" He brought Marcus in and into his room. Warren's room was nice!, he had a very sleek looking jacket on. From the looks of it, it looked like... Lagombi fur. "Well. You made it here, using that map I malted off for you, I presume. Well you passed the first step. I marked my house in Great Jaggi blood!" Warren sat down. "Okay. Let's get started. Tell me exactly what's bothering you. And after you do that. We're going hunting."
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Val Harbor

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar He wrinkled his nose at that bit of news, but since he was already here, he might as well get it over with. He sat down, taking a deep breath.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar "It's not just the killing, it's just... I used to have a brother, he was alot like you. Very energetic, always going on about being a great hunter. But like me he got cocky, thinking he didn't need a team. He went on his first hunt alone with zero preparation." His fingers curled into his knees. "He tried taking on a Great Jaggi, he didn't know there'd be two. All that was left was his iron armor, covered in blood and pieces of his body. I-I remember them bringing his remains back, and I remember the smell of all that blood."
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Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Val Harbor Warren didn't realize it was like that. Warren looked down at the floor. "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't realize..." Warren paused. "Maybe..." Warren stood up. "Maybe we can find something for you. To combat the smell." He looked at Marcus. "Listen. You have potential. You're one of the strongest hunters I've ever seen. And I don't want you to let all your talent going to waste." Warren looked out his window. "I can't imagine what it's like to loose a brother like that. But don't you think he'd want you to do this?" Warren looked back at Marcus "Everyone sees potential in you. I'm not going to let this be your downfall." Warren dig through a chest in his closet. "Ahh ha! Here it is!" Warren pulled out a bottle. He took a rag and placed it over the opening, and let the liquid fill up the rag. "Here. Take a whiff. It's something my mom made." He tossed the rag and bottle to Marcus. "When I was younger, I couldn't stand the smell of Monster blood, well, blood in general. So my mom made this... Smelly stuff. That you hold to your face when you're around monster blood, and it smells a lot better than monster blood, that's for sure." The rag had a nice lemon scent. "I know it's not going to help 100% but... You know... I thought I might... You know... Try to help." Warren took off his coat. "Grab your armor, and pack up. We'll meet in the hunting hall. We can hunt something. Anything you want. I don't care what. We can eat, buy extra supplies, and if we need, invite some other people to help us out." Warren put on his armor over his casual clothes. "Meet me there, okay?" Warren said as he walked out.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Val Harbor

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar He took a whiff of the rag, and instantly sneezed from the strong smell of lemon. He tucked the rag and bottle in his pockets and headed to his house, getting everything they needed before heading to the hunting hall. There was a tall board standing by the quest givers, and over a dozen papers were pinned to it, asking for all manner of beast to be slain. One in particular, caught his eye.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar

Marcus snatched the paper, got it stamped so it was official, and came over to the dining table and tossed it on the surface so when Warren showed up he'd see it. The creature was called a Kecha Wacha.

OOC~ any ideas how we're going to get more people to join? This is fun, but I feel strange it's only me and you.

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