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Fandom Monster Hunter Rebirth

Marcus scoffed at that. "Why don't I kill the Great Jaggi and you keep the little Jaggi's off of me? Sound fair?" He wasn't about to waste traps on a Jaggi. "And we've been traveling for hours, it could take us more than a day to find the Great Jaggi so I figure we need to eat something now. Good thing I brought rations."
Twigdapple said:
Marcus scoffed at that. "Why don't I kill the Great Jaggi and you keep the little Jaggi's off of me? Sound fair?" He wasn't about to waste traps on a Jaggi. "And we've been traveling for hours, it could take us more than a day to find the Great Jaggi so I figure we need to eat something now. Good thing I brought rations."
"Okay... I can do that." Warren stopped and pointed at Marcus "the second you're in trouble I'm stepping in! I'm not ready to let a new friend get hurt!" Warren stopped "yeah, that sounds good. I was just getting hungry anyway." Warren saw Marcus pull out the cheep rations. "Nah nah nah. Here!" Warren handed Marcus a nice, expensive ration. "It's ALOT better than the other rations. Nothing is as good as hunting hall food, but this isn't half bad! Take a few. You'll never know!" Warren took a few out of his bag and handed them to Marcus. "Alright. I'm starving, so let's eat"
OOC~ Try not to control what my character does, kay? xD

Marcus sighed. This kid was too giddy for his liking. He sat on the edge of one of the rocky steps and looked out on the golden fields, just watching the animals graze as he ate the rations. They were alright, at least it didn't taste as dry. "... When do you think we'll get to hunt something bigger, like a Rathalos?"
Twigdapple said:
OOC~ Try not to control what my character does, kay? xD
Marcus sighed. This kid was too giddy for his liking. He sat on the edge of one of the rocky steps and looked out on the golden fields, just watching the animals graze as he ate the rations. They were alright, at least it didn't taste as dry. "... When do you think we'll get to hunt something bigger, like a Rathalos?"
Warren couldn't imagine hunting a Rathalos. But he new he could. He just needed some more training. "Well, I don't know... But one day Marcus. It's not going to be today or Tommrow, but soon... I promise you. One day, we'll be amazing hunters. We can be better than the best hunters ever!" Warren stood up and and said that last sentence so loud that all the grazing monsters looked up for a second then looked back down. "We'll make it happen. I promise..."
Marcus sighed, but rose up when he saw a single Jaggi standing at the edge of the field. It wasn't attacking, but watching the herd and doing it's signature neurotic twitch and hop. "... The heck is that stupid thing doing?" He sneered, and the little Jaggi hopped a little closer to the herd, but not too close. It kept barking and hopping up and down, but still did nothing.
Twigdapple said:
Marcus sighed, but rose up when he saw a single Jaggi standing at the edge of the field. It wasn't attacking, but watching the herd and doing it's signature neurotic twitch and hop. "... The heck is that stupid thing doing?" He sneered, and the little Jaggi hopped a little closer to the herd, but not too close. It kept barking and hopping up and down, but still did nothing.
"Huh... That IS strange..." Warren sat from afar, watching the unusual movements of the jaggi. "You think it's okay? Like is it sick or something and just can't keep up. Let's not think much of it, though. We gotta keep going. I don't wanna have to waste this whole trip!"
"Fine, go get eaten." He complained, walking slowly down the steep rocks. The Jaggi noticed them, and ran on over - but like with the herd, it didn't attack. It lowered its head and hissed, but bounced forward and back over and over. Almost as if taunting the two hunters. "Little-" Marcus unsheathed his sword, brandishing it at the little beast. "Go on, git!" And he kicked dirt at it, but that only made it bounce to the left and bark again.
Twigdapple said:
"Fine, go get eaten." He complained, walking slowly down the steep rocks. The Jaggi noticed them, and ran on over - but like with the herd, it didn't attack. It lowered its head and hissed, but bounced forward and back over and over. Almost as if taunting the two hunters. "Little-" Marcus unsheathed his sword, brandishing it at the little beast. "Go on, git!" And he kicked dirt at it, but that only made it bounce to the left and bark again.
"Hey, hey! Go easy on it Marcus! It's not hurting anybody! Leave it Alone! It's kinda cute." Warren took out some spare meat he had brought to cook. "Here you go little guy!" Warren tossed the meat at the Jaggi. Warren bent down as he watched the tiny jaggi peck at the meat left for him.
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Nathan Alex | Akantor Divider SW| Rathalos soul BM | hunterhall

Nathan eyes slowly open before he shoots up looking around him in a panicked way before giving a sigh after seeing he only passed out at the hall again, Rubbing his face a little to try wake himself up he gets to his feet grabbing his switch axe and sliding it onto his back again before moving to talk to the guilds request women 'maybe they will have some thing interesting today' he thinks to himself but after a few minutes of talking he gives up flopping back into the chair he was in just before.

OOC~ Thanks for using the proper format. I would've been more tight-fisted on it but I'm a lazy butt. xD
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

The Jaggi gobbled down the tiny morsel, but then, Marcus heard more 'barking'. Turning his head he saw another Jaggi just a few feet behind him, and a few more to the left - where did they come from?
'Oh no.' It felt like they were being set up. The first Jaggi was just trying to lure them closer, to surround them. Now there were several Jaggis, and one felt daring enough to dash in and snap at Warren's heel before jumping back. "Don't turn your back on them!"

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Twigdapple said:
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe
The Jaggi gobbled down the tiny morsel, but then, Marcus heard more 'barking'. Turning his head he saw another Jaggi just a few feet behind him, and a few more to the left - where did they come from?
'Oh no.' It felt like they were being set up. The first Jaggi was just trying to lure them closer, to surround them. Now there were several Jaggis, and one felt daring enough to dash in and snap at Warren's heel before jumping back. "Don't turn your back on them!"

Warren, Plantum dawn sword and shield,

Gore Magala Blademaster, Ancient Steppe

"Hey! Hey! That's not cool!" He said to the jaggi that nipped at him, even though it was a jaggi and can't really listen to people. He took out his Platnum dawn. He nodded upon hearing Marcus' request and got ready for a fight.
OOC~ You can copy the code to match ours if it helps. Just quote this response and edit out my RP in place of your info.

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

Marcus unsheathed his long sword, brandishing it at the approaching Jaggi. One leapt at him and snapped near his arm, while another pounced at Warren and spun around to try and smack him with its tail. It wasn't too bad yet, as long as the Great Jaggi didn't hear the commotion of his pack.

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Warren| Platnum daws S&S | Gore magala BM | Ancient Steppe

"Ouch! H-hey! Warren attacked the other jaggi knocking them over. He turned to Marcus "Marcus! Get outta here! I'll hold them all off! Just get out of here before the great jaggi comes!" Warren finished his sentence as he slashed at a few jaggi getting way too close for comfort.

OOC~ Awesome, thank you. Though, quick question, I just realized, how does your hunter have Gore Magala armor if he's new?
Twigdapple said:
OOC~ Awesome, thank you. Though, quick question, I just realized, how does your hunter have Gore Magala armor if he's new?
OOC~ Ahh. Forgot that. It's hand-me-down from his brother. It's pretty new since his brother gave it to him after he got a better set of armor. Forgot to mention that in the bio. Sorry!!
OOC~ Maybe the armor is a mystery to them since Gore Magala is the reason the monsters are being infected and they don't know who or what's causing it right now. Macrus is like "What's with the freaky armor?" "My brother gave it to me. I don't know what it came from though." xD
Twigdapple said:
OOC~ Maybe the armor is a mystery to them since Gore Magala is the reason the monsters are being infected and they don't know who or what's causing it right now. Macrus is like "What's with the freaky armor?" "My brother gave it to me. I don't know what it came from though." xD
OOC~ Yeah! I like that idea! I'll refer to my armor as ??? armor or Mystery armor.
OOC~ That way, when they do come in contact with the frenzy virus, Warren's resistant to it or when they meet the Gore Magala, Marcus is like "Your brother killed THAT?"
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

"Are you stupid? You'll die if I leave you here." He scorned, scooting back until their backs met. Just then, he heard the unmistakable roar of a Great Jaggi. His heart thudded in fear as the massive creature came down from the rocky cliffside, looking over what his pack had trapped. "... I-I ain't scared of this stupid thing." Marcus lied, rushing at the Great Jaggi and lashing out, cutting it across the chest. The beast snarled, turning and slamming its hip into Marcus, sending him sprawling out into the grass. A few smaller Jaggis pounced over, thinking they had an easy meal as they snapped at Marcus.

OOC~ @samsan99

Krin| Brimstren Drakesong HH | Stygian Zinogre BM | Hunting Hall She walked through the entrance, her armor covered in blood and deep scratches along the side. She carried a large bag over her shoulder, which held gems and stones she gathered in the field after killing that Lagombi. She passed the man in the chair, sighing heavily and plopping down at the table so she could get a nice drink after such a rough few days.
Krin| Brimstren Drakesong HH | Stygian Zinogre BM | Hunting Hall

Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | Gore magala BM | Ancient Steppe

Warren cut down the jaggi hovering above Marcus. "You okay?" Warren asked, helping him up. Warren cut down some more jaggi. After the crowd was controlled somewhat, Warren did a pathetic roll and got out of the jaggi's way and confronted the Great Jaggi. He banged his sword on his shield to taunt the monster. As the angered great jaggi ran in his direction, he hopped back, then hopped forward at the monster leaving a deep gash on its right side. The Great jaggi toppled over. And Warren saw this as a chance to go all out, but as soon as he made the approach, a jaggi slapped him with its tail knocking him over. He slashed the jaggi down and by the time he got back up, the jaggi had also gotten up "Oh come on!" Warren shouted. Warren pulled a paintball out of his bag "before I forget" he tossed the paintball at the monster leaving it coated in paint, and it's footprints visible. Warren turned to Marcus and shouted "HEY! FORGET THE LITTLE GUYS! I NEED SOME HELP!"

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

Marcus ran over, panting heavily. "
Thanks." A cloud of pink smoke from the paintball whisked around their feet, and looking up he saw the trail where the Great Jaggi had run off to. He fished in his pocket, pulling out a small metal device before running after the monster. It took them a few minutes, as the scenery changed from grasslands to orange cliffs with streams cutting through them. Marcus placed the metal thing on the ground and twisted the top; instantly it expanded and with a massive 'thud' it opened up the earth and spread out a thin layer of leaves and wires; a pitfall trap. "Lure him over, if you can." He barked over his shoulder, now running to climb up on a natural bridge overlooking the area.

A forest surrounded them now, the leaves a beautiful collection of reds and golds - and thankfully, made the Great Jaggi easier to spot with it's pale purple scales. The fanged Wyvern turned around with a snarl, its frills quivering as it threw its head back, calling out for more help. Jaggis began to pour out of a small den further downstream, and ran towards the offending hunters.
'This is bad...' The Great Jaggi then rushed forward, slamming its shoulder into the natural bridge, which in turn caused the rocks Marcus was standing on to crumble underneath him. Panicked, he leapt off the ledge and clung to the Great Jaggi's back, pulling hard on the wiry hairs running down its neck so he wouldn't fall off.

Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe "Warren became intrigued when Marcus pulled out a strange metal device. When he placed it on the ground he then knew exactly what it was. "Ahh, smart!" Warren then saw the great jaggi charge near them. It slammed into the bridge, with the 2 on it. Warren fell with the bridge. When he looked up off the ground he saw Marcus on top of the great jaggi. He knew if he attacked it now, Marcus would fall off. So he just began to kill some of the smaller jaggi to control the croud.
Warren| Platnum dawn S&S | ??? Armor | Ancient Steppe

Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Ancient Steppe

The Great Jaggi bucked and thrashed, desperately trying to get the hunter off of him. Marcus held tightly, only to pull out his carving knife and stab repeatedly into the creature's shoulders. Blood spurted out and made his fingers wet, which made it harder to hold on. He stabbed once more only to be thrown off, the knife still buried in the Great Jaggi's body. The creature howled triumphantly, but it only took a few steps before falling into the trap.


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