• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Monster Hunt Characters


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
..............aaaaaaand we are now LIVE!

Post your characters here, folks. I will not accept any Character Sheets that have been posted elsewhere, nor will I approve any of those not posted in this thread.

Thanks ya'll.

Main Thread

Hunters: @Federoff @TheRealBmike
Hunted Group Fast:
@Vampunk @SirGrey @StoneWolf18 @Delacare @Chrysalism @Lady Astra @Chichibu @Hanah Solo @FrostFire
Hunted Group Slow/Meh: Idea Idea @Heim @Petroshka @Ratatoskr @Cicero Vinter@FearTheKumquat @Storm Guardian

*the most up to date information on players is within the IC threads. see city-state names below.

Characters that have been approved:
FrostFire FrostFire 's Jinmeiyo Usui, of Adelport --- Tengu
SirGrey SirGrey 's Devdan/Abraxas of Adelport --- human/demon sharing a body
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI 's Fayette Vahdin from Adelport --- nekomimi
Petroshka Petroshka 's Ceitlish Of Duermio --- shirkai (original species)
@Delacare 's Gazer Dawnchild of Adelport --- Seraphim
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart 's Nathaniel Reyes of Duermio --- dragonblooded
@Cicero Vinter 's Sinnsyk Umenneskelig of Duermio --- Draugr
Federoff Federoff 's Nydilwen Elonna of Zarmaac (Duermio) --- human hunter
@Chrysalism 's Edora Vale of Adelport --- scorpion-folk
Kallo Kallo 's Kal Lance of Adelport --- phoenix shapeshifter
Geozaki Geozaki 's "Sophie" --- animorph
FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat 's Egon Xylander of Duermio --- werewolf
Elowyn Elowyn 's Iskolde Reymar of Adelport --- human
TheRealBmike TheRealBmike 's Hunter Fredrick Longview of Adelport --- human
Lady Astra Lady Astra 's Ahri Rehn of Adelport --- kitsune

Other Characters (NPCs):

in Adelport's
  • Emalie Petyrsson, human? in high government position
  • Lief Simmons, human, low government grunt (for now)
  • Fendrius Wormwood, head of The Weekly Distribution, a newsletter
  • Roman Rodriguez, human, supernaturalist doctor
in Mei's safehouse--- owned by FrostFire FrostFire
  • Snow Sapphire, Snowflake
  • Beatrice Eve, Silurian
  • Raindrop, selkie
  • Blaze Volcano, lava demon
in Duermio's
  • The General, human, one of the founding fathers of Duermio
  • The Colonel, human, one of the General's men
  • Golden Paladin, human, a highly revered paladin who supposedly brought victory against natives
  • Silt, human, runs an underground pub called the Sitting Duck
  • Petroshka Petroshka 's Dylesh Kurmi of Duermio
  • Petroshka Petroshka 's Cinder Villalobos
  • Petroshka Petroshka 's Chalice Quinn
  • Petroshka Petroshka 's Rosemonde Alura
in Stoneholm Dungeons
  • Tetra, ???, prisoner
Street Boys of Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
  • Hunter Bormox Of Adelport
  • Wylie Bormox Of Adelport
  • Ramsey Bolton Of Adelport
  • Aelfraed Walston Of Adelport
  • Walden Sailor Of Adelport
  • Jeffrey Dirt Of Adelport
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CS Form: *Hunters upload the bottom portion via PM to me

: Intro:
" [insert character quote here] "

Name: first, last, of [town name]
Preferred Name/Nickname: (optional)
Species: (with species details because there are variations within a race)
Unusual Aspects: (physical traits that might get them noticed)
Special Powers:
Other Abilities/Skills:

: General Information :
Clothing/Style of Dress:

: Personal Information :

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
Bio: (note any brushes with normals that might have revealed their true nature,)

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: (can be a person)
Relations: (family, friends, mentors, enemies, rivals, crushes, partners, anyone who knows their true nature, other important people)
Perspective: (what they think of being a supernatural? do they love/hate it? have pride in it? abhor it? feel shame? feel special?)
Likes: (optional)
Dislikes: (optional)
Fun Fact: (optional)
Other: (optional)

For the Hunter:

~Money/Weapons/Tech/Information System/Contacts/etc.
~What is your purpose?
~Preferred method/Hunting style
~Why is s/he fascinated w/ supernaturals?
~Why does s/he want to capture them
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"We should all live in peace. All of us. And I will do everything in my power to ensure it."
Name: Jinmeiyo Usui, of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Mei (Lesser used, Jin)

Species: Tengu
Tengu have long lifespans, and mature at the age of 16. Very rarely will a Tengu die of natural causes, but even if they do, they still look like young adults if they are healthy, their physical appearance will age if they catch/ inherit an illness or become weak. They are born with wings, and are able to fly by the age of around 4, and can communicate with birds. Some Tengu are born with powers, the most notable of these being those of the Usui, who are the leaders of the Tengu, and the strongest of them.
Tengu are natives who live in almost inaccessible mountains, far away from usual civilisation.

Unusual Aspects: Reddish eyes (Her eyes could be considered natural, as they're a mix of brown, red, and orange)
Huge black wings (Hide-able)

Special Powers:
Air manipulation (Strengthened by her fan - see pic)
- Various uses for this, and she's very powerful
She can communicate with birds
-She is a leader for them

Other Abilities/Skills: Master in combat, best at archery and martial arts.

Age: 299 (on official records she is 26)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: The Zantorian Faith (This is her public image, privately she follows a mix of Quintulias' teachings, and the religion of the Tengu)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 80kg (with wings, about 70kg without.)

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: (see picture)
Clothing/Style of Dress: (See picture and spoiler)




Above all, she is kind and dutiful, a wise an peaceful soul. Impossible to annoy or confuse, her understanding and patient mannerisms make her an excellent teacher.
She has both serious and humorous sides, and is never boring.

Strengths/Advantages: Flight
Magical objects (see other)
Communication with birds

Weakness: Unwillingness to fight (hidden with her public image)
Normal mortal weakness

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Equality and peace
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: For the hunting of creatures and persecution of diversity to continue.

Bio: She was born into the clan of the Usui, with strong powers, and was raised as the leader of Tengu and crows, being the eldest child. Taught combat and trained to use her powers since she could walk, and soon after fly, and she was imbued with all the qualities of a good and kind leader.
However, she relinquished the leadership to her younger brother Kyo, not wishing to live her life that way, and instead became an instructor and teacher, which was perfectly suited to her.
Her home is a place of teaching, mostly supernaturals, but she has taught a few humans in her time, and she teaches all forms of combat, mostly archery and martial arts. She also trains people to use their powers, among many other things. Her home is also a place of refuge for those who need it.
The Usui clan and Tengu are natives, and still live in undiscovered mountains which are almost inaccessible except for through flight. Mei moved down to the city at the age of 289 (posing as 16), after honing her abilities and immediately "joined" the Zantorian faith, her skills allowing her to quickly climb to where she is now.

Occupation: Combat instructor (Short/ long range, martial arts etc.) for The Zantorian Society.

Most Prized Possession: Her home and her wings

Relations: Brother - Kyo Usui
Tengu Clan
Friends - Kiraan
Certain birds - She is very close with a crow she calls Hoki

Perspective: "Why would you ask such a thing? I am who I am, there is no need to feel ashamed."

Likes: Flight
Practising her skills

Dislikes: Hunters
Death and violence

She has various magical items she as inherited;
Tengu fan (see pic) - imbued with wind magic, it strengthens her already powerful magic. It can be a powerful and deadly weapon, just like her magic, and the edges of the leaves are sharper than the sharpest knife.
Sky cloak - A cloak that can blend the wearer into any background, making them effectively invisible. It blends the whole body, not just that which is covered by it.
Eggplant-chan has read the rules! :3
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Devdan: "My Life has been long and filled with trouble, I only wish I make continue to make some good come of it"
Abraxas: "The creatures of this world are splintered and troubled, seems I may be in involved in wintered hearted struggle"
Name: Human-Devdan Whitmore Demon-Abraxas
Preferred Name/Nickname:
Rhyming Demon

Human and Demon

Unusual Aspects:
The Human has red hair with a white streak but beyond that little else
The bug yellow scaly demon clad in armour is well I just said.

Special Powers:

Spells; Tthe human has become proficient in many aspects of magic, though 'light' magic seems a favourite.
Demonic Eyes: Through his other half Devdan can see magical auras

Increased: Through his nature, the demon has strength greater than most if not all men
Fire breath: Fairly simple the demon can breathe fire

Other Abilities/Skills:

Human: Is a fairly good swordsman, has a great amount of knowledge, is rather nimble
Demon: Has a tough hide, able to break most swords. Can leap great distances

Human: A few Hundred around the 200 mark.
Demon: Age has little meaning

Both are Male

Human: Polyamorous
Demon: Straight

Devdan has little time for these new and even old religions. After all being alive for so long causes you to lose such faith.
Abraxas really has no belief for similar reasons. Also, you know demon.

Human: 6ft
Demon 8ft

Human: 173lbs
Demon 850lbs



Clothing/Style of Dress:
Human: Normally wears a black coat over a suit of some kind
Demon: Demonic Armour

Personality- Devdan is a rather cold man with a quick wit. He has seen so much that it has hardened the man making him rather cynical yet his morals and genuine passion for humanity have kept him from becoming completely emotionless. He is quite the loner in general though he does form friendships he just... doesn't expect them to last is all. He will always try and lend a hand if someone is in need of help, however.

Abraxas is, in contrast, a rather... energy filled with a much more wicked sense of humour. He too has seen a lot through his time with Devdan, leading to an arrogant streak, always thinks he knows best. He prefers to see himself as the guardian of humanity, partly due to seeing himself as better than them thus it is his duty while also having a bit of a caring side. He doesn't mind company as much while also not expecting a friendship to last. He is a lot more goal focused though he will help people if he must. Oh yes, he also enjoys rhyming.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:
Human: A the white part in his hair.
Demon: A scar upon his face from a holy blade

Can be killed by normal means
Isn't physically strong.
He has limited defences
Spells can take time
Limited amount of magical energy
Is weak to holy items
Is more of brute than a nimble fighter
Both can be taken out if the binding spell is broken

Knowledge of Spells and other Magical techniques
Very Strong in terms of offensive and defensive
Has hellfire based magic
Nimble in his own sense (Can leap great distances)
Both can communicate with one another

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
That one day they both may walk the earth apart
Supernaturals and humans living together

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
Supernatural Creatures going extinct

Back many years ago there was a simple young servant called Devdan Whitmore who worked in a humble kingdom. His job was to serve a court mage who served the great King. One day, during the kingdoms last few days before it fell the court mage, found a demon was found to be lurking in the palace. A demon called Abraxas that would not be banished, instead the court mage sealed the demon to Devdan without his consent of course. It was his hope he may fend off the attackers. While that did not happen, the demon did try to fight, yet eventually, they fell. As he lay in the battle the man found that while greatly injured he wasn't dead. The demon had saved him from truly dying that day.

For years later Devdan and Abraxas learned of their relationship. Of how through two specific phrases the demon or the man would take form, while the other would stay in the mind, waiting to be awakened. They also learned that they could talk through mediation. Through this, they learned how alike they were. Abraxas wanted to leave his homeland (he has never said where it was, humans know too much already) to go explore the human world. Devdan wanted to use his knowledge to try and help people throughout the land. Through the years he also learned much as has his demonic companion. So they explored for many years. visiting most of the kingdoms. Their names are known too few and even then they a whispered. At one time the human did fall in love. Though such times were long ago

The demon and the adventurer now own a store in Adelport, which also where he lives. It sells antiques and other treasures. Over the years the two gained quite a collection. These days the two try to help both human and supernatural. Especially the later, seems humans are unable to accept peace. Yet Devdan hopes that one day they may find that peace. Abraxas is less optimistic.

Store owner/Merchant

Most Prized Possession:
A red ruby ring, a memory of the kingdom now lost

A few of the townsfolk
Devdan and Abraxas while not always seeing eye to eye have gained a respect for each other throughout their millennium together

Human: Devdan hopes both human and non-human may one day live together. A foolish dream perhaps, yet other the years Devdan has seen some amazing things.
Demon: Abraxas believes that humans and non-humans will one day kill the other off.

New experiences
New experiences
Seeing justice done


Fun Fact:
Human: He once was engaged to marry someone.
Demon: Has sometimes been seen at night, leading to some speculation of a righteous revenge-seeking demon.

Other: - Transformation chant
(To Demon)
Change! Change, O' form of man!
Release the might from fleshy mire!Boil the blood in the heart for fire!
Gone! Gone! the form of man and from the cracks
Rise, the Demon. Abraxas.

(To human)
Gone, gone O Abraxas
Once more from the cracks
Come the man
Knows as Devdan.

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Veltsu VI Veltsu VI A few things: You forgot to write something for 'Most Prized Possession' and missed the 'Character Quote' and 'Style of Dress' fields. Also try to do better with grammar... um, I get that you might be younger or something, but I require some semblance of understanding of English grammar. (Not to be prickly or anything, but truthfully bad grammar isn't fun for me to read.) And if you could expand a little more on her personality and bio, that would be good. Possibly her perspective on being a supernatural as well. I find it a bit hard to believe that she hasn't seen herself as being different from humans as you have clearly mentioned she has been out of the base or safehouse before.

FrostFire FrostFire I like her... Accepted! Congrats, you've been invited to the Prequel/Prologue episode~ Do you accept to join? ;)

SirGrey SirGrey Can you clarify what you mean by see "magical areas on items"? Did you misspell 'auras?' I assume "hideable" is meant to be two words under the 'Other Abilities' section. Not sure what you mean by: "He took has seen a lot that rather then harden has given more arrogance maybe not wrongly so but still," please reword! Can you specify what "a mark on his face" is for the demon's distinguishing traits? I enjoyed the 'antiques seller' touch!

I appreciate y'all's efforts and edits! Thank you :3
"This world needs to change, will you be the catalyst? or will i have to take the mantle?"

Name: Ceitlish Of Duermio
Preferred Name: Cliach
Species: Shirkai - Large Arachnid-like species they mostly live in dark places and are naturally nocturnal. Most live in hives which are either near mountains or large cave networks usually away from other settlements. All are highly resistant to magic to the point where learning magics is practically useless and impossible to them and are usually hard working, They live a monarchical society where the largest female rules, they are a very hardened people with a high immune system and are usually immune to drugs and toxic gasses (for good and for worse) Their eyes are seemingly non-existent however they are just well hidden on the face.
Unusual Aspects: Twitches and fidgets a lot.
Special Powers:
Web spinning
- She can quickly make webs to both ensare and make traps.
Web weapons - She can make a weapon out of her web, including long whips that she can use to pull people in or use to get over semi long gaps. She can also make dull but hard blades on the end of either sticks or staffs and extremely short, sharp spikes made from the harden tips of her web as a spear on a staff of some sort. She can only use one at a time.
Intoxicating breath - She can breathe a smog like gas that when breathed in makes others hallucinate
Web illusions - a wall of web that can be disguised as anything still within the environment (rocks, pavement etc. perfect for capture traps and hiding small encampments underground
Venomous strikes - Ceitlish coats her weapons in a paralyzing venom which works slowly at first but gains speed. Paralysis wears off in a few hours
Other Abilities/Skills:
Fingers are inherently sharp
Can see in the darkest of caves/nights/whateves
Extremely fast
Can climb and walk/run on any surface, walls and ceilings

: General Information :
Age: 120
Gender: female
Sexuality: Asexual
Religion: Secular, however is dabbling on using either Isldrassil or/and Quitulia's followers for her own means
Height: 18ft
Weight: 600lbs
Appearance: (but with actual hands)

Clothing/Style of Dress: Ragged clothes from looted bodies with web stitching. would love a full size coat.

: Personal Information :

Cliach is like her race, cold and distant towards others. But unlike her race she is willing to mingle with other races and even make “friends.” However she does not make relations without reason, if she calls you a friend it is mostly out of various benefits rather than an emotional feeling. She is determined to get what she wants, doing whatever is needed to achieve her goals. She may act like she is friendly however it is simply her taking the best route to get people to trust her. She has gained some experience at faking emotions throughout her time in her cave with other species in needed of temporary hiding

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: One of her horns are broken
Missing leg
Relatively large target
Can easily be blinded temporarily by sunlight.
Cannot swim
Heals slowly
Immune to any healing herbs or medicines
No knowledge of how to use magic
Very resistant to magic - Any healing or support magics are extremely weak on her to the point of uselessness.
Very good in close combat
Very Strong - ain't no wooden structure gon' hold her back (basically she can lift 4-5 times her weight)
Very Fast - Eleven legs, Eleven strong muscles for her to use to get around fast
Armored carapace - slashing attacks are completely ineffective but thrusting attacks are more of a threat.
Silent - Predator and prey
Immune to any poisons and venoms
Very resistant to magic - if the attack is inherently magical Cliach is naturally resistant to it, for instance someone with telekinesis is going to have a hard time lifting her up but any object that is used to throw at her, she wouldn't have any resistance toward it outside of the norm *wink* another example: any fire or ice magics she wont be immune to but simply resistant to it
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
The subjugation of all non-supernatural beings
An alliance of Supernatural species
To be a ruler of a nation
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
All of her plans going wrong
Bio: Living in a cave she has met many supernatural beings often offering them temporary sanctuary from the blood thirsty humans, she herself had seen many, approaching her cave only to leave when they saw nothing as she had hidden most parts with her web. And the humans were none the wiser. Despite most beings being afraid of her appearance she would treat them with hospitality, simply to gain their trust. As they were safe in her cave she would offer them various (every bad for anyone not of her race) foods and drinks. Asking about what is happening in the surface and what they have been doing while occasionally going out to forage for food or silently observe the city nearby
Occupation: Safehouse/cave dweller close to the city

: Other :

Most Prized Possession: A pendant with a shiny jewel that her mother gave her woven from her mother's web
Relations: A "nearby" Shirkai hive
Perspective: Cliach Believes all supernatural beings are superior than non-supernatural beings and believes humans are only to be used up and thrown away
Likes: Humans.. as a delicacy
Silent environments
Learning about the outside
Dislikes: Eggs that grow on plants... they arent eggs?
Non-Supernatural species
Fun Fact:
Her voice is crooked and rough
Her skin has a metal like surface
Other: Only she can pass through her webs without getting stuck
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"What's the point in running if being caught is inevitable? Well, because you hope that fate is kind enough to eventually spare you"

Name: Nathaniel Reyes of Duermio
Preferred Name/Nickname: Nate
Species: Dragonblooded
  • The first Dragonblooded came from a group of people who accepted blood from several dragons
    • The type of dragons was a fire dragon, an electric dragon, an acid dragon, a water dragon, and an air dragon
    • The blood of the dragon was then passed on through the next generations
  • Dragonblooded people resemble humans, except for one factor that makes them obviously non-human
    • This feature can make it obvious they are half-dragon, or not obvious
    • This feature does not have to be the same through the bloodline
      • Meaning a father might have wings and normal feet, but it doesn't mean his son or daughter will have wings, and doesn't guarantee that he or she won't have four-toed feet
    • For Nate, his eyes are amber coloured.
    • If someone has wings, they probably are too fat heavy to fly
  • Dragonblooded blood is useful for medicine
    • It is extremely good for healing
  • Dragonblooded people mature at the age of 15
  • The race by itself is quite small and unknown to the world.
    • They lived in a town inside a forest in IRL universe France
  • Nearby people were afraid of the Dragonblooded, and hired several people to kill everyone
    • Nobody except for Nate survived
Unusual Aspects: Amber eyes; a strange accent that can only be defined as alien, incorrectly colored hair
Special Powers:
  • Water summon: Being an ancestor of the person who accepted the blood of the water dragon, Nate can summon water from his fingertips
  • Moisture Absorption: Nate can take in the moisture from the air or surroundings to store for Water Summoning
  • Influential Magic: To avoid discovery, the Dragonblooded either naturally had Influential or Illusional magic in their blood. This magic is extremely weak and only works well when several Dragonblooded uses it together. Nate was born with the Influential Magic power. He can use his magic to distract someone momentarily
Other Abilities/Skills:
  • On The Run: Always running from place to place, Nate is accustomed to going hungry and still working hard. He also is able to cross great distances in a faster time than most other beings similar to him
  • Darkvision: Nate has no issue with vision while in complete blackness

General Information
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Quitulias' Followers
Height: 5'8
Weight: 105 lbs (46.7 kg)

Clothing/Style of Dress: Nate wears homespun rough cotton clothing. This is currently brown robes

Personal Information
Personality: Nathaniel is the type of person who'd rather run from a fight than actually bashing it out. He is stubborn in his beliefs and is unlikely to admit that he is wrong in something. Rather guileless, Nathaniel doesn't have much experience of the world. Despite having to be on the run all the time, Nate tries to be as happy as possible. He isn't the type to think that it is possible to survive alone. Being alone, to him, only means being picked off faster, either by the humans or nature's wrath
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Cut scars on his arm;
  • Inexperienced in head to head fighting
  • Young and inexperienced in the world
  • No source of support nearby
  • Nate has practiced using the shortbow as a tool, which means he can use it as a weapon
  • Nate is extremely fast, allowing for him to escape trouble
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Find peace, a family, and a good source of income
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Being caught
Nate was born in the Dragonblooded's Town, in a somewhat large family of two sisters and an older brother. They lived in an underground labyrinth of rooms which was shared with families of their bloodline. Nate was only 10 when the Hunters came and attacked the Dragonblooded race. Nate hid in one of the lower rooms in the labyrinth, and by chance, nobody found Nate. When he finally came out of hiding, Nate realized he was all alone. His dead family laid in the dining room. Blood stained the walls. The forest was silent.
As soon as he got his bearings, he went to the nearest town and somehow managed to make himself fit into the town without issue. This peace was short lived, as Nate was forced to run away a year later from the town, seeing a wanted a sign of his face on a notice board. Ever since that, Nate has been on the run.
He managed to run pretty far away, to other lands. Nate is currently working for the church for a place to sleep, and as an assistant to a blacksmith for extra coin. And that is where the past stops and the present begins.
Occupation: Blacksmith's assistant

Most Prized Possession: His younger sister's doll toy, which is made of cotton, cloth, and wood, made by their mother
  • The Dragonblooded Eradicators: The people hired to kill off the Dragonblooded. Nate doesn't know who they are, but he hates them
  • The Steel Tankard Tavern: Nate worked with the Steel Tankard Tavern to earn some money while he was on the run. The workers of the Tavern know Nate is a supernatural
Perspective: Nate believes that the Supernatural and the non-supernatural are the same. It was like different races of humans. Someone who is French or Polish or Spanish or English are equivalent to each other
Likes: Chicken pie, a bit of peace and quiet, friends
Dislikes: Having to run all the time, losing friends, chili peppers
Fun Fact: Character was inspired by the books The Two Pearls of Wisdom, the first book of the Crispin series, the Shadowhunter Series, and the Dark Artifices Trilogy (Which actually isn't a trilogy because the second and third book haven't come out yet)

Now you get a shoe.
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: Intro:
" Oooooh That's pretty... you don't need it, do you?"

Name: Arnthia Meeve, of Shackleville
Preferred Name/Nickname: Arnie
Species: Satyress (The female counterpart of a Satyr, Half nymph (Forest), half Satyr)
Unusual Aspects: The giant goat legs, probably. And the big fluffy ears and tail.
Special Powers:

Bewilderment Inducement

User can cause confusion (temporary interference with the clear working of targets mind) in a person or group of people. Depending of the power of user and/or attack this can cause momentary or longer lasting inability to focus attention, loss of orientation (ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and/or personal identity), disordered memory (ability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material).

Danger Intuition

Gets a strong bad feeling when danger is nearby

Nature Manipulation

From her Nymph counterpart, can greatly accelerate the maturing of most flora in most forest settings.

Other Abilities/Skills:

Enhanced Agility and speed

Great singer

Plays the mandolin

: General Information :
Age: nineteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: N/A
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140lbs
Appearance: Short with big furry goats legs that sloly fade into hairless skin near the top of her thighs. Humanoid upper body with a narrow frame, small bust and pretty face. She has big green eyes, a small button nose, a wide cheeky grin and big fluffy ears protruding from the side of her head. Her hair is shoulder length and mouse-brown.
Clothing/Style of Dress:
Has fallen in love with percings, stickers, jewelry of all kinds and wants to get tattoo’s. She dresses in a tomboyish ‘punk’ style that she saw in a teen magazine.

: Personal Information :

Arnie is wild, fun a party animal (Literally) and reckless. She is incredibly naive and acts as though she cannot be harmed. She likes human things, and she constantly risks her life in order to get even the most insignificant thing. The fact that she hasn’t yet been caught makes her behaviors even more dangerous, because she is overconfident. Arnie is also quite intelligent, probably the only reason why she is alive. She is good at sneaking around and not getting caught, and she knows when she should back off (She just doesn’t always listen to herself).

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Tries to wear big long to the floor dresses to hide her legs and pins her ears down with a beanie. Has a total of three piercings on each ear which she did herself with a pin. (Ignore the stretcher earing, please)

Weakness: Easily distracted by pretty things, bit of a drunkard, very hard to completely hide her abnormalaritys

Strengths/Advantages: Much faster than humans, much more agile than humans, can sense immediate threats

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To live in peace with human beings

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: For her race to go extinct


Arnie was born out in a little cabin in the woods to a Satyr called Erion and at Nymph called Stari. Her parents raised her in those woods, teaching her how to survive, how to hunt, how to use her abilities, and trying to instill in her a great sense of fear. The cabin they used as a home was old and decrepit, but it was once used by a human man who kept a diary. This mane was named Sid, and he wrote all about the mystical creatures of the world. His cabin was full of magazines, toys, playing cards, clothes. Sid wrote about his daughter Elise and how he was going to raise her to love and respect all creatures. Unfortunately the diary cuts out on the 50th entry and they have no clue what happened to him. But Arnie learnt more from that man than she did her parents. She learnt, right from when she was a kid, that there was evil and good in every race.

When the hunters eventually found them her parents hid Arnie away and sacrificed themselves too them. Thinking the place was empty they destroyed it, and Arnie was forced to escape out a window. If either of her parents survived the fight, she didn’t know. But although it filled her with terrible grief, she still clutches onto that diary, and cluches onto hope.

Living on her own was tough. She found herself a cave near to a small town but not for a couple years did she ever get the guts to venture into town. Finally her curiosity had gotten the best of her and she started her cycle of danger. It was winter, and snowing, and so the girl snuck in at night time durin heavy snowfall. Everyone was inside but Arnie was going to freeze to death at this point. She ended up crashing in through the window of a clothing store. She rugged up, best she could, stealing from the humans, and then quickly left before the alarms that sounded brought her trouble.

After that she did it again and again, however this time she had a disguise. She put on a long skirt and some huge boots that made it look like she had giant feet, but feet all the same. She covered her arms with a jacket and a pair of gloves. She wrapped put a big beanie on her head to hide her lack of normal ears. She learnt how to pickpocket.

Now she has a cave full of stuff and no one to share it with, and she feels one day soon her luck might run out.

Occupation: Thief

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: The Diary mentioned in her bio.

Relations: N/A for now

Perspective: She wouldn’t chose to be anything else, she has a pride in what she is.

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Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Good enough! Accepted.

Petroshka Petroshka Not sure whether to nitpick about the passphrase or not. >_> <_<" Whatevs, I'll accept it this time. On your CS: Not sure how believable the whole web illusions and weapons is. If you can explain more about how that works (cuz illusions sound like magic to me. and not sure how spider silk would work for weapons?) and maybe impose some kind of limit to how many or how large of weapons/illusions/webs she can make at a time.

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Looks good except I don't know if you've watched the Logistics Thread... if you have, just like the first post so I have a record of it. Thanks!

Heim Heim You'll need to take a closer look at the rules, please. And the whole breaking into a clothing store with an alarm doesn't fit the time period. Also, the punk clothes don't fit into the time period.
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: Intro:
" We are all hunted like dogs. Though I fail to understand why. Are they just afraid of us? Or are they just doing what they do best. Destroying or capturing anything stronger than they are? "

Name: Kal Lance Of, Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: (optional)
Species: Phoenix shapeshifter
Unusual Aspects: Every once in a while some feathers fall behind them, One eye is a burning flame.
Special Powers: Telekinesis, heightened reflexes. Resistance to magical fire. (Immunity to normal flames.)
Other Abilities/Skills: Fair knowledge with many weapons.
Can conjure weak flames at times.

: General Information :
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: (Might end badly. But going with my personal.) Christian
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Appearance: (Though older. Remove the beard and should be about close.)

(Phoenix form. About the size of a golden hawk.)

Clothing/Style of Dress: Adventurer style. As well as an eyepatch over his right eye. (The flaming one.)
: Personal Information :

Personality: Calm. Though known to make rash decisions in the heat of the moment.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: A scar running down his cheek.
Weakness: In close combat he is easy to take down, as well as his rash decisions sometimes leave him exposed as well.
Strengths/Advantages: At range he can carry well over 200 pounds. As well as spear a fly with a needle.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To one day end the hunting of the...Unusual.
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Being dragged from friends or family by being captured as well as experimented on.
Bio: Ever since he could remember he had been separated from the 'normals' for reasons that he had failed to understand until he had finally seen in person one of them. A close family friend from what he could gather had entered the room. Though at first moment he was uncertain about the stranger which had been shown before hand. Though in a moment of fear upon approaching he threw out his arm. A flame flying at the man which extinguished upon contact. Though there was no harm done at first, it was the second shockwave emitted from him which knocked the friend off his feet. Where he quickly stood up. Shaking his head as he started to run out. Shouting to the family, "Forget it." As he closed the door behind himself. The father fearing for Kal's life decided then to hand an eyepatch to him before giving him some adventurers clothing. Attempting to make him seem as a farmer's son. As preparations where made to have him sent from the city the guards had seemed to be tipped off by the 'friend' and had been found outside their door. The father handing Kal a knife as he then went out to distract the guards, Kal and his mother sneaking away before making their way to the gate. Her mother throwing him to the farmer who took him to the village he had came from. Sending him to the fields where he had worked for the last 5 years of his life as well as interact with others. Though now he is off in search for his mother. As well as his father Unknowing of his father's loss.
Occupation: Scholar

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: A pocket knife handed to him by his father shortly before seperation.
Relations: None.
Perspective: being a supernatural Is only the part of chance. One that may be nice to some though horrid to others. Myself, all I see it as is a chance to prove that anyone can have importance.
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Fun Fact: (optional)
Other: (optional) Why is an eggplant called an eggplant...There are no eggs on plants.
(Took me forever for this freaking thing. Happy its done :D)


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Kallo Kallo Did you change your handle? I don't think you are in the official tag. Also, read the rules in the Main.

Petroshka Petroshka Oh yeah, your character is accepted! Congrats! I look forward to how Cliach will change the course of the story.
Uh, no I'm not that kind of person who would throw you out for that. If you read them carefully and do what it says you can join. Also read the historical background.
Alright. I did look them over. And I believe I got most if not all. Though I read through the history.
Alright. I did look them over. And I believe I got most if not all. Though I read through the history.
And what's the passphrase? Also, I need to figure out the status of Christianity... I think I will make it have less influence historically and a lower population. However the areas it covers are strictly theocratic nations.
And what's the passphrase? Also, I need to figure out the status of Christianity... I think I will make it have less influence historically and a lower population. However the areas it covers are strictly theocratic nations.
I believe it is Eggplant

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