Monster and Me

"Every time!" Ava was once again consoling her defeated brother. Victor had literally beaten Lance without even trying. Instead of focusing on the game, he would just act randomly. He leaned back in his chair, turning his head towards the electronic voice. 'Well, here's my chance.'

Victor caught the the device, avoiding the blood. He heard the commotion of the two monsters fighting and the horse being mauled, but he chose to ignore them. He knew that the battle would not happen and the horse, which looked more like a pony upon inspection, was sent here with the government knowing full well what could happen. "Thank you, Madam." He gave a curt bow to the child, rising shortly to speak ino the device.

"Greetings people of the government. My name is Victor K. Weismann and I must say, you are awfully persistent. I have ignored your calls for quite some time and it seems like you can't take a hint." Victor made his way to the closet, leaning against the wall. "I have no interest in joining you. Doing so would interfere with my peaceful life, which I have come to enjoy. I hope you are listening, but I will only say this once more." His voice was calm, but the tone was highly intimidating. "I. Refuse. To. Join." Victor tossed the device over to to Totaru. "Why don't you inform them that you've been named. After all, you're no longer just a number."

Victor reached into the closet, taking bags full of random items. There were more than plenty inside and he didn't think wasting the items was a good call. "Lance. Ava." When he called, the vampires were by his side immediately. "We're heading home. I don't want my schedule to be thrown off by this event. Missing practice is unacceptable." Both siblings nodded. "Yes, Master." The siblings placed their hands on each of his shoulders, their bodies turning completely black, reminiscent to shadows. The three figures began to fade away, until they completely vanished without a trace. Before they completely dissappeared, you could clearly hear a voice, sounding like an echo in a cave. "I thought I told you to stop calling me 'Master'."
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Finally getting sick of being in the disgusting room, Clementine stood up abruptly and stormed over to the locked door. "Knock it over." Clementine hissed, her patience fully worn out. The blood and guts on the walls were going to make her puke if she was in this room for one more second!

The twelve year old suddenly turned a little green and vomited on the blood stained floors. Stomach acids and a few bits of rice were puked up from the girl's mouth, it wasn't a very pretty sight. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Clementine ordered No. 23 to knock down the door so that she could get out of the disgustingly smelling room.

No. 23 gladly obliged as he easily crashed through the wall - not just the door - and helped Clementine out of the dreaded white room. The large monster left the building along with his human, knowing that it was going to be demolished soon anyway. No. 23 hurried after his human when he noticed Clementine rushing away towards her little sanctuary.

The twelve year old began running through the streets, going back up the hill where she was before. That hill was one of the only places left in the gloomy town that wasn't touched by factories or a bunch of pollution. That hill was a sanctuary from the world around her.

Clementine laid down on the hill, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Being in that room for so long was making her a little claustrophobic, along with the blood and guts on the wall to. The twelve year old wiped the small bead of sweat that was accumulating on her brow. Even if she ran away from the government, she'll be found no matter what. The government won't stop, they're very annoyingly persistent.

No. 23, seeing that his human was stressed, took a seat down next to the girl, shaking the ground a little when he did so. Are you alright? No. 23 wiped his fingers on the grass to clean most of the blood and dirt off of the possible murder weapons. Reaching out to stroke Clementine's hair, No. 23 recalled the time when he used to do this back when she was younger. Clementine was a lot more sweeter to him before. No. 23 wondered what he did wrong for Clementine to become so bitter. Oh, well. She's still my little princess.

Clementine flinched at the claw, but let herself relax as No. 23 pet her hair. "It's been awhile since we did something like this." Clementine stated, letting her eyes rest by closing them. "Don't you think..?" With a soft and tranquil smile on her face, Clementine began to doze off, the dark and cloudy skies above her blocked the sun from view. Feeling No. 23's familiar warmth surround her, Clementine let her body go limp as she fell into the clutches of sleep.


(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND, here comes Lily's protest!))

Lily stared at the floor a little longer, still feeling (and looking) guilty. A lot of time passed before she finally got to see the PONY! PONY, OMIGOSH, IT'S A PONY!!! ...Ahem. Anyway, the smiled brightly at the pony, her eyes twinkling a little. She may have had a bit of a rough life, but she was still an 8 year old girl that loved ponies. Phantom didn't have much of an opinion on the creature, but he was at least satisfied to see Lily so happy to see it.

Which is why he was filled with rage when he noticed No.23 begin to make a move on it. Phantom's disembodied hand came up and wrapped itself around Lily's head, blocking her vision. Lily hadn't a clue why Phantom was doing this, but when he used his other floating hand to plug her ears and muffled out the pony's tortured cries, her little lips slowly formed into a horrified, open frown.

When the worst was over, Phantom's hands vanished. Lily opened her sad little eyes and looked at the blood on the floor where the pony used to be. She started to sob as tears rolled down her cheeks and quickly looked away, covering her face with her hands as she broke down crying (not bawling). Phantom slowly rose out of his vortex behind her and put his arms around her comfortingly, stroking her hair gently. 
(PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT, I'm so dumb, I forgot to add the part where she says she doesn't want to kill monsters X3X BUT THEN THE PONY DIED AND MY PLANS CHANGED O^O))
(they're not BAD, they're just pure EVIL O^O *shoots a glare at Clementine* YOU SHOULD BE AS SUNNY AND TANGY AS YOUR NAME!))
(Be prepared for a very long post. It's slightly gory, so you might enjoy it, Pai. If you are confused by Victor's actions, just know that there is a reason.)
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Victor stood in the middle of the garden, Ava and Lance attending to the flowers. The roses were particularly beautiful tonight, their white color shining like the moon. He closed his eyes and went to go pick up his instrument. In front of him was a beautiful violin, prestine as can be. However, this was not the instrument Victor sought.

Victor moved past the violin and picked up the rapier on the ground. This was the instrument he was looking for. Depending on how someone uses their weapon, battle could become a beautiful symphony. He slashed the blade through the air, checking the weight. While the rapier was not his weapon of choice, it still made good for practice.

Victor positioned himself in the middle of the garden and turned his attention to the female tending to the flowers. "Ava, it's time." The vampire nodded and removed a vial from her pocket. Upon uncorking the glass, an arouma was released into the air. Almost immediately, a growl could be heard from the nearby forest. Practice had finally begun.

A large beast emerged from the forest, fur matted with blood. It seemed as though the monster had just finished a meal and was still unsatisfied. The creature began to charge towards Victor, its rows of large sharp teeth covered in the staining red liquid.

As the monster came closer by the second, Victor kept his eyes closed, unnaturally calm in front of assured death. The siblings continued to attend to the garden, looking as if they were disregarding their precious master. Everything remained quiet, except for the footsteps of the large beast.

The monster was finally close enough to its second meal and lunged, preparing to bite the head off the soft looking creature before it. As the set of teeth were about to sink into his flesh, the charge stopped. The monster's saliva still dripping, almost wetting Victor's nose. Rather than receiving a tasty meal, the beast was pierced directly in the heart with the rapier. The blade had gone all the way through its body, the still beating heart attached to the rapier.

The creature attempted and failed to get closer to its prey, only managing to slightly flail its limbs. Victor decided to end the demonic beast's misery and sliced the heart in one fluid motion. The monster slid of the rapier, splashing the large pool of blood upon landing. Victor's face was now covered in crimson, much like a child who got too messy with red finger paint.

Veins coiled around the rapier like red ribbons. Victor flung the pieces off the blade, sending them to the garden floor. If one were to view them, they looked a bit like snakes. The blood flew through the hair, reminiscent to rose petals, suiting the current location.

Victor wiped most of the blood off of his face, while Lance disposed of the monster. He bent down to pick one of the many roses from the garden. Many of them had been caught in the blood splatter, their pure white contaminated by the demonic red. The flower he picked was practically drenched in the substance. He inhaled the rose's scent, its arouma not diminished by the the blood. He stuffed the flower into his breast pocket and sat down on the chair by the table, where Ava had prepared tea.

The flowery taste of Chamomile was well received by his taste buds. As he rose his head, a drop of blood fell from his face and landed in the beverage, causing it to ripple. The red mixed in with the tea, seemingly ruining the drink. A slight smile found its way onto Victor's face as he drink the tea a tad more greedily this time. He licked his lips when the cup was empty and smelled the rose in his breat pocket once more. 'Sweet.'
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( .3. messed up as that was, is it a bad thing that I was expecting even MORE gore?

Maybe even anticipating it? o^o))
(I did say it would only contain slight gore. I'm a little tired from venturing out into the real world today, so my writing isn't at its best)
(nah, it's fine .3. I think I'm just so used to some of the situations with one of my particularly favored characters being so gory that I was expecting more. So I blame myself, not you. I still think you're an excellent author though .3.))
((I loved it!! Like I said in many of my pots, blood and roses do not smell nice together xD ))
Clementine whipped out the phone that was provided by the government. What do they want now? Guessing that everyone got the same phone call, Clementine reluctantly answered the call.

"Hello?" Clementine spoke into the cell, obviously not enjoying the fact that this phone call disturbed her slumber.

"Mons...ter..Area 1..5..hurry..!" The voice seemed to sound desperate, before they could continue talking, the person on the other end was suddenly cut off. Shrieks of pain and horror shook Clementine's hearing, causing her to pull away from the phone. What in the world..?

Getting up from the hill, the twelve year old ended the phone call and began running to "Area 15". That's when she realized she didn't know where Area 15 was! Feeling a vibration in her pocket - coming from the phone - Clementine opened the cell once more to see that she got a text message. It was a map of the Areas in America. It turns out that Area 15 was right next to the town Clementine was already in.

Jumping onto No. 23's back, Clementine gripped the blood stained fur and held on and the monster, who was revealing his rotten yellow teeth with a low animalistic growl. Where are you? With her trademark scowl on her face, Clementine locked and loaded her gun, ready to shoot anything of suspicion.

No. 23 lifted his head and sniffed around the air. Found you. The monster gestured for his human to follow just slightly behind him, leading Clementine into one of the main streets of the little city. Narrowing his soulless red eyes, No. 23 sneaked around the roads, his feet just barely touching the contaminated ground.

"Holy shit." Clementine stared up at the rogue monster in shock. It was huge. As big as the hill she was resting on not too long ago. Clementine wondered how she didn't see this thing earlier. Out of all the years she's been monster hunting, this was the biggest one Clementine has met. But being large doesn't mean powerful, right?
The shadows in Area 15, began to converge. The outlines of three figures were formed by the darkness, until the black faded and revealed Victor and the siblings. The message he received seemed urgent, so he wasted no time with running all the way here.

Victor turned his head to the side, looking at the pair right next to him. "We meet again, Madam." He gave a curt bow to the girl and a small wave to Totaru. "I didn't expect anyone to be here already. You must've been quite close."

He looked at the monster before him, a sad smile finding its way on his face. "Can you believe it? This pipsqueak of a monster managed to do all this." He placed his hands on his cane and bowed his head, giving a silent prayer for the dead.

"I noticed your shocked expression. Are you surprised by its small size as well?" Victor had been slaying monsters for over ten years, so his definition of small was vastly different from others. 'However, this creature is a threat and must be eliminated immediately."

Victor gripped his cane and charged at the monster. "Ava! Lance! Assume the positions for strategy number five." The two vampires charged at the creature with incredible speed, throwing chains around its legs. "Positions assumed, Master."

Victor reached the monster and readied his cane. His weapon of choice may have seemed like a joke to many, but you should never judge a book by its cover. Victor gripped the top part of his cane, withdrawing a sword from within. The blade glistened and appeared extremely sharp, showing how well its owner took care of it.

Victor jumped and slashed the monsters kneecaps, causing blood to gush like a geyser. Victor landed and blocked the blood flow with his coat. He wiped crimson off his blade, not taking any chances of it rusting.

As the blood flowed out, Ava and Lance pulled on the chain, causing the monster to fall to its knees. Another chain was soon tightened around its neck. Vance walked up the beast's arms, reaching its shoulders shortly.

Victor held the blade up against its neck, unnaturally calm for a situation like this. "Return to the hell from whence you came." And with that, Victor slit the monsters throat, blood squirting like a fountain and veins beginning to show. The creature released a loud gurgling sound as it chocked on its own blood, eventually dying.

Victor jumped down from the dead monster, Ava catching him before he could hit the ground. He approached Clementine and Totaru. Wiping the blood off of his cane once more. "Don't relax just yet. That thing just called out to its mother. It will be here any second to avenge the death of her child." 
(I thought a large monster was too easy for a first job. So, what's the only rational decision? Have an even larger monster appear!)
((Haha! Beautiful!))

Clementine glanced up at the older man - Victor, was it? - and was a little surprised that he had managed to get here so fast. Staring at Victor's monsters, Clementine raised an eyebrow at the two humanoid creatures. "Cool." The twelve year old shrugged and gripped her gun tightly, but was careful not to pull the trigger. With a gun, Clementine didn't think it would be best to be up close when the mother came. "I'll back you up, okay?" With those words, Clementine dashed off into a building, hurrying up the stairs, going as fast as her little legs could take her.

No. 23 stared at the three beings for a moment, his glowing red pupils flickering to Clementine's figure as she emerged at the top of a small building. Knowing he was better up close, No. 23 was still worried about his human's safety, but didn't dare ask for help from the others, they probably had their own human as top priority.

The monster made sure to keep an eye on the twelve year old as he stared down at the now dead monster child. It was quite large in a normal standards, but somewhat on the smaller side for its species. No. 23 made sure that he would devour the corpse once all this ruckus was over by creating a small mental note to do so.

Clementine took a few deep breaths before opening her bag and taking out an AK-17 that she took from the closet back at the torn down building. She had never used such a powerful gun, but was willing to try, as long as she didn't hit her own allies it was fine. Then again, Clementine was quite the shot when it came to aim.

Crouching down behind the concrete wall, Clementine focused on her breathing to make sure she was calm enough to shoot the gun properly. I have to do this right. Clementine pressured herself as she set up the gun and aimed the barrel towards where everyone was facing, making sure to stay aware of her surroundings.

Hearing an ear piercing shriek, Clementine held her breath when she saw an even bigger version of the hill monster, one that looked much more terrifying. It - she - was as big as a mountain, towering over all of the buildings, Clementine's dark eyes widened at the sight. Now this is the biggest that I've fought in my two years of monster hunting. Swallowing her saliva, Clementine waited for someone else to make the first move and back them up.

In that time, Clementine did her best to scan over the monster, looking for any spots that could possibly be the weak point. It's large, hard scales, long claws, and- Clementine smirked when she spotted a bare spot that was protected by the scales under the neck. Perfect. The twelve year old aimed the gun up towards the jaw of the monster, her eyes narrowing as she waited for the perfect time to pull the trigger.

((Let's not kill this one quickly. We should have an epic fight, or something like that))
(I just wanted to get the mother in as fast as possible. This is no time for child's play...I now realize how awful that pun was...)
Junko had watched in silence as all of the events leading up to the leaving of the children occurred. As soon as the door was broken and the girl and her monster gone, she got up, checked the closet, grabbed a few things and left through the hole with Onisan. The pair simply walked the streets, preferring the fresh air. Puke, monsters and blood didn't mix well.

Junko didn't have any where to stay, but she figured the woods would be fine when it came time to sleep. She'd never really been in a big city before anyways. As they were walking along, the phone rang, and after getting the call and seeing the map, they headed to Area 15. But by the time they were there, the first monster was defeated.

Junko stepped up to the boy and his monsters' side, opposite to the monster called Totaru, Onisan on her other side. In one fluid movement, her blade was unsheathed and pointed in the direction of the monster, Junko in a fighting stance. It was the way a katana was meant to be withdrawn, in a blow that would have easily sliced any human's neck. But these weren't humans, and so it was drawn early.

Pearius threw up after the little girl. He just couldn't hold it in. The hell was this? Monster hunting? HIM?? The nerd?! No... it was not for him, it couldn't be... he left after Junko, again puking in the street. God, what an awful smell. He was glad to be rid of it. Unforunately for him, when he was finished he got the call. But he just threw the phone. What could he do?? His monster just watched.

(TRYING TO KEEP UP, just got on a computer... aha. Can't stay on very long though... gimmie a chance to reply now and then I just can't type fast on my phone ;~; I attempted to write the whole thing but phones suck and only got a paragraph before mentally rage quitting. aha)
a large shadow pool appeared in the ground as a dark black dripping creature emerged from it and holding its neck ardetha held to it and was soon set on the floor looking around at the mess. "such filth this creature has caused..these bodies will never be able to be identified to their families.." her eyes narrowly scanning the building in disgust. her monster crawled over to some of the bodies and as its saliva dripped onto the bone that was showing and protruding from mangled flesh. it melted the bones and flesh and from their began tearing the bodies apart and devouring them.


rubble came from the roof as a loud thud almost caused the roof to fall. outside a screeching could be heard and sounds like claws against cement above. a hole broke through the roof and draven hopped down, "jump now darling ill catch you" he looked up arms stretched and the rubble stopped falling and soon his monster girl jumped into his arms. "ooo..master..the bodies.." he could almost see her drooling and he smiled abit nodding in approval. she walked over to a body and her red eye turned completely red and she bit into its flesh, the body turning bright blue, the color traveling up its body into her mouth.
(I'll get started on my next post soon, but I'm trying to organize my own RP idea at the same time.)
(So I don't think I'll be replying again tonight, but tomorrow Ardetha is coming over and so we shall be able to stay up and RP till dawn~ :3 But I have to get off the computer for now but I'll be on mobile for a little while longer so yeah~ just take it slow, guyz pwease.)

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