Monster and Me

(I love how Victor isn't the slightest bit phased by the fact that the monster he's talking to has torn up corpses in its mouth.))

Liliana blinked blankly. The voices she thought she heard began to become clearer and clearer. Soon, a blinding light came from the darkness, forcing Lily to shade her eyes. Once the light had faded, Lily opened her eyes and put her arm down. She now saw what everyone else was seeing, a rom full of people and monsters.

Truthfully, the monsters didn't scare her all that much. She did flinch a little at the surprise of seeing so many in one spot, but not a single one acted with any hostility. She began to slowly scan the room, taking in everybody and their monsters. However, before she could manage a peek at Clementine's monster, she could feel an invisible head gently turn her head the other way. Lily knew exactly who it was, and if whatever was over there was nothing Phantom wanted her to see, then she shouldn't dare try to look at it. She still wondered what it could possibly look like... 
(the dog took a lot longer than I had hoped btw =3= ))
((some people are just immune to Totaru's good looks xD ))

No. 23 - or Totaru - looked up at the human and smiled - well, he tried to - revealing all the corpses in his mouth. The scent of death evaded the room, it had a small hint of roses but it still smelled disgusting. The rotting flesh was evident in Totaru's mouth as he reached up and pet Victor's head with his bloody fingers, leaving the human's hair tinted red with blood.

Clementine covered her mouth to keep herself from puking at the smell of the rotting bodies. Feeling her stomach flip in disgust, Clementine could feel tears come from her eyes at the smell. The twelve year old was alright with blood and freshly killed things, she had grown up with the killings after all, but every time Clementine smelled the rotting flesh in No. 23's - or Totaru's - mouth, she would almost puke. It was a miracle that she hadn't vomited all over the marble floors.
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(PFFFFFFFFFFFTT, me too, totally... @3@)) 
(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, I'll just wait for someone to post :T ))
(I did not realize you responded. I only saw the part addressing Totaru's good looks. I'll get started on a reply.) 
Victor stared at the corpses in Totaru's mouth, the scent of death emitting from the bodies. 'He certainly has a healthy appetite.' He wasn't sure if those corpses were a result of protecting the girl or simply eating, but he would hope for the former. The scent didn't bother him for the exact same reason the mangled corpses didn't. He was simply used to it. It wasn't as if he enjoyed the gore, but he just wasn't phased by it.

Victor felt the crimson liquid in his hair as Totaru patted his head. 'Well, at least he's friendly.' Ava approached Victor with a handkerchief and began cleaning the blood out of his hair, while Lance took out a deck of cards and shuffled them. He thanked Ava and sat next to Lance. The male stared at him with a small smile and determined eyes. "You may have beaten me in chess, checkers, polo, darts, blackjack, charades, horse racing, and Candy Land, but let's see how you do in poker, Master." Victor could tell a piece of Lance died every time he mentioned a game he had bested him in and he felt a little bad for his friend.

Victor let out a yawn and looked at the cards. "Fine, but if I win, you two have to stop adressing me as 'Master'" Lance grinned and the two males shook hands. "Deal."
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((I'm on my phone right now so all the mistakes I will make will be fixed when I get my hands on a computer))

Clementine got up from her seat and exited the building for some fresh air. I really need to brush his teeth. Realizing what she had just thought, Clementine punched herself in the gut. Did I just called No. 23 a he? Clementine scowled at the thought and glared at the scenery around her. What a terribly colour scheme. Clementine frowned and then stalked back into the building, doing her best to calm down.

Taking a few deep breaths, Clementine proceeded communicate with the people around her. Am I feeling alright..? It wasn't like Clementine to solialize this much, it surprised even herself when she announced her name and...Totaru's. I don't know if what I'm feeling is good or bad.

Turning to a little girl about four years younger than her, Clementine cleared her throat and asked for the girl's name. 
"Hi, I'm Clementine. What's your name?" Clementine didn't know why she was doing this in the first place. Was it some sort of survival technique? Most likely. My body and survival instincts must be influencing me to create a group to stick together. Safety in numbers, they say.
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Lily looked at the...slightly older looking girl who had just walked up to her. Lily nervously shifted her weight from foot to foot. "I-um...I'm Liliana...but you can call me Lily." Lily tried a polite smile as she looked back up at the girl. She didn't talk to people often, so it was always a challenge to try and figure out what to do.

As for Phantom, he watched silently, undetectable to anything that couldn't naturally detect a ghost. He wasn't sure what to make of this 'Clementine' yet, but she wasn't his main concern. He was more concerned with the hulking beast she called 'No.23'. Numbering an animal of any kind wasn't humane in his view. Plus...not only was that creature obviously dangerous, but one look at it could scar a person forever. He wasn't about to let that happen to the girl his master had entrusted him to protect. It was his job to keep her the way she should be, and he wouldn't let anything stand in his way.

(Phantom's lucky that he's superpowered on ghost terms .3.))
Clementine felt herself smile when the girl - Lily - didn't react badly to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lily." Taking a seat next to the girl, Clementine wondered if maybe, just maybe, she could make her first proper friend.

Glancing around the room, Clementine frowned slightly when she didn't see Lily's monster. "Where's your monster, Lily?" Clementine ignored No. 23 - or Totaru - and did her best not to think about the creature that ruined her whole life.

Obviously sensing that his little princess was in distress, Totaru pushed his massive body up and called out for Clementine, even if it just came out as a high pitched roar. Clementine, my little princess. Totaru reached his bloody fingers out and snatched Clementine away from the human girl named Lily. I sense something over there, little princess. Totaru eyed the area around Lily suspisciously, unconsciously letting out a low growl.

Clementine glared at her mobster, a scowl evident on her face, causing her to look much older than her actual age. "Let go of me you motherfu***** b****!!" Clementine hissed, smacking No. 23's bloody fingers away from herself, obviously annoyed with how he just snatched her away from making a new friend.
Lily tilted her head a little. "Monster? You mean like-" Before she could finish her sentence, the thing that Phantom had urged her not to see (or at least she thought that was it) let out a terrifying noise. Upon hearing it, Lily covered her ears and screamed. Upon hearing this, Phantom automatically reacted.

A black and green swirling void opened up on the ground behind Lily opened up. From there, Phantom came. He came up from within the void and arched himself over Lily in a protective manner, slamming a fist into the ground. He stared at No.23 with his yellow glowing eyes. Though they were just circular shaped, something about the stare was...intimidating, maybe even frightening. None the less, one look at Phantom would let you know that he was a force to be feared.
(Okay guys, I'm still busy and I wanted to tell you that i will not be on until Sunday or Monday, only because I have a tournament. Bye!)
No. 23 pushed Clementine behind him, ignoring her protests. Little princess, please know that this is to protect you. Raising himself to full height, No. 23 growled at the other monster, not liking it's scent or aura. Don't you dare lay a hand on my little princess. The monster roared loudly, causing a few body parts from his mouth to fly out and stain the disgusting white wall of the room with blood.

Clementine knew that this wasn't a good time to get angry at No. 23, she knew that when her monster was feeling threatened, he would protect her. Shutting her mouth, Clementine obediently hid behind No. 23's massive build, just peeking out from the side to watch what was happening. Is that Lily's monster..? Clementine pondered as she examined the creature. Seems to be some sort of ghost if it's able to become invisible. Frowning at the thought, Clementine locked and loaded her gun just in case. Do bullets hurt a ghost type monster? The twelve year old giggled softly at the thought. It sounds like I'm talking about Pokemon.

No. 23 glared at the monster before him, adrenaline rushed through his veins as the urge to protect his human increased. When No. 23 had roared, it had caused the whole building to shake, the ground had little cracks in it from the impact. If that was just from a little roar, what could No. 23 do with his whole body? I guess only Clementine lived to know what her monster could do. But even the little preteen had never seen No. 23's full power.

((mmkay goodnight. Anyone wanna interact??))
(So my dad asked me what I did all day and got mad when I told him I RPed... So imma prob not respond too much in the next few days. Imma try to finish my summer homework and stuff so he lays off me for a while... Luckily it's only in my best subjects, but I've barely started so yeah... Just gonna go cry myself to sleep because this site is calling me......... Q_Q' and I'll finish my intro post tomorrow though at least... Night D:)
Phantom stared into the pit of the creature's mouth that loomed before him. He didn't seem phased by the roar at all. Then again, so far nobody had a single clue what Phantom could do except turn invisible and punch stuff really hard. Lily, of course, knew much more, but she never knew what method Phantom would use.

Phantom could plainly understand No.23's speech however, he did not reply. Or, at least not with words. He did back up a little, but only to protectively wrap his somewhat large arms around Lily.

Lily still kept her eyes shut and her hands cupped over her ears. She didn't know what was going to happen. She only hoped that nobody got hurt. She shook in her seat, lip quivering. Phantom responded by brushing a few of her hairs with his finger, letting her know it'll be ok. This did appear to help a little as her lip suddenly stopped quivering.
((Oooohhh I want to know what Phantom can do! You have me curious! :D ))

Clementine noticed the two protective auras around the two monsters and frowned. Was this all a misunderstanding..? Thinking about how the two creatures reacted, it most likely was. With their body postures and No. 23's roar - which was more of a defensive one - this all really was a misunderstanding. I don't want to cause too much of a scene. Clementine glanced around the room, hoping that not everyone was watching the two humongous monsters fight.

Gripping her gun tightly, Clementine put it to No. 23's - I mean Totaru's - back. Looking up at the monster's head, Clementine frowned and then pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot bounced off the walls of the small room but was covered by a high pitch squeak of some sort.

"Control your monster," Clementine gestured to Phantom, staring at Lily in a disapproving manner. "And I'll control mine." If you couldn't control your monster when he gets out of hand, he could kill everyone you love and know, even a few unlucky people that were just around. Putting her gun back, Clementine calmly took a seat back in her chair and plastered on a cold and emotionless expression.

No. 23 shrieked in pain when his human shot him in the back. Feeling a little blood trickle out of his flesh, No. 23 glanced down at Clementine and frowned - well, he tried to frown. It came out more horrid than supposed to be - Was his human trying to protect the other monster? Suddenly Totaru realized that Clementine didn't want him causing a scene. But, he felt like he was missing something.

Reaching back with his long, pointy fingers, Totaru felt the gunshot wound, knowing that it was very deep. With one of his slender knives-for-fingers, Totaru poked the bullet in the middle and slowly brought it out, causing more blood to fall onto the floor. With a gentle smile, Totaru knew that Clementine didn't want him to die just yet. If his human wanted him to die, she would've hit a vital organ.

With the bloody bullet in his fingers, Totaru got up and walked over to a small garbage can, placing the bullet in gently. Walking back to his human, Totaru sat down and waited for the government officials. When are they going to get here?
Lily slowly put her shaking hand down on her lap. Once he finally opened her eyes, she looked down, actually with a look of guilt. "I'm sorry, it was my fault...when I screamed, Phantom reacted on impulse to protect me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause a scene..." By the tone of her voice, it became quite apparent that she was telling the truth. Phantom really was just acting the way he was always acting, still, you'd have to wonder; what would Phantom have done if Lily hadn't restrained her monster...?

Phantom kept a close watch on No.23 a little bit longer. Feeling that the beast had finally calmed down, Pham vanished back into his swirling void which closed just after. It was pretty quiet after that. Lily still had no idea why she was in this place, but something told her that she should stay a little longer.

(Well, Phantom can do some pretty amazing things .3. if you were to compare him on Pokémon terms, think of him as the Arceus of ghosts, only relatively slower, he can't change element, and he's more of a tank))
((I love rping as Clementine, she's so arrogant and cocky! xD ))

Clementine frowned at Lily's words, but nodded curtly to show that she understood. Why would the government bring a little girl here? They're forcing an eight year old to fight horrifying monsters? Clementine could see how Lily's creature protected her from the scary sights, but the twelve year old had seen worse than No. 23, much worse. Although, yes, No. 23 was very terrifying, but there were much worse things in this world than rotting corpses. Lily was probably going to be useless, only relying on her monster to protect her. Clementine scowled at the governments' choice of hunters. A child should have a childhood, not be forced into killing things that try to kill them!

Making a mental note to talk with the officials about this topic, Clementine decided that she had enough time of trying to be social, if someone wanted to talk to her, they'd have to be the one starting the conversation. Where the fucking hell are those bastards? The scowl on Clementine's face increased as she glared daggers at the door where the people were supposed to come in.

Minutes after minutes passed as our heroes waited for the government officials to enter the room. The clock on the wall - well, it was on the wall until No. 23 shook the building - ticked in a irregular beat, causing Clementine to get even more irritated. It's been thirty minutes since everyone entered this torn down building.

"Oh, what the hell?!" Clementine announced, obviously very tired of waiting. Getting up off her seat, Clementine stormed to the door to leave this dreaded place. The room had smelled like blood and guts since No. 23 roared at Phantom. The blood was still on the walls, slowly finding its way to create a tiny puddle on the beige marble ground. At least it's not white. Clementine thought sarcastically as she grabbed the door knob and opened the door to leave.

"Ms. Ciam, it is not time to leave, just yet." A small horse - or pony - stood in Clementine's way, blocking the doorway. It opened its mouth to sound a soft neigh, spitting all over the twelve year old. The horse - pony - pushed Clementine out of the way and kicked the door closed. The voice seemed to be coming from the horse - pony - but everyone knows that horses - ponies - can't talk. Unless the government did some illegal experiments without the animal welfare knowing.

Clementine stared at the horse - pony - in disbelief. It couldn't have talked, could it? Slowly going back to her seat, Clementine kept an eye on the horse - pony - keeping her gun in hand. Taking her seat, Clementine crossed her legs and folded her arms, tapping her feet impatiently. "Well?"

The horse - pony - neighed one more time before turning its head to reveal a small transmitter where the voice was coming from behind its ear. Clementine scowled once more and ripped the transmitter off or the horse's - pony's - ear, causing it to shriek in pain. Raising a hand, Clementine allowed No. 23 to devour the horse - pony - with his sharp and decaying teeth.

The horse - pony - opened its mouth to cry out for help, but was quickly shut up when No. 23 crushed its head, causing more blood to spill onto the fancy marble ground. All we needed was a man's upper body and we could make a centaur. No. 23 quickly gorged the horse - pony - and sat back like nothing had happened.

"No. 23 ate the horse, didn't it?" the transmitter released a long sigh before the person on the other end began to talk once again. "Can everyone hear me?" the device was pretty loud, especially in such a small room. Clementine furrowed her eyebrows together, not liking how her time was being wasted as the person - or people - on the other end took their long and relaxing time. "Well, we'd like to welcome you into the MHA, which stand for the Monster Hunting Association."

"More like the Monster Hunting Assholes. " Clementine muttered, keeping her voice low so that the transmitter couldn't catch it. The twelve year old glowered, her black eyes narrowing in annoyance. She could've been doing something actually productive right now. But, no. She was stuck in a room with monsters and annoying humans, meaning she would have to socialize.

"We heard that, Ms. Ciam." the voice said in a disapproving tone, not liking the twelve year old's colourful language. "There are multiple groups like yours around the world. You guys are in charge of America's stray monsters. Of course, America is a large country, there's another group of hunters, but they won't get in your way."

The voice seemed to change into a lower and deeper tone as it continued to explain the situation. "As you know, rogue monsters have been attacking the world and murdering innocent people."

"So, you're saying that the monsters can go ahead and kill everyone that's committed a crime?" Clementine frowned at the government's morals, there were so many holes in that idea. "That means everyone will be killed." The twelve year old rolled her eyes at the government officials. They didn't even have the guts to come here in person. They sent a horse - pony - then again, look what happened to the horse - it's a pony! - got eaten by a monster.

"You will be working together to handle the monster population in America, so try not to irritate each other." the transmitter voiced out, ignoring what Clementine had said. "Please don't try to kill each other." With that, the transmitter shut off and became inactive.

"That's it?" Clementine frowned at the useless piece of technology. "Don't try to kill each other?" The twelve year old growled and clutched the device tightly, feeling the inside cave in slightly from the pressure. I have to work with other people? Don't they know I'm more of a one man - woman - show? Clementine tossed the device up, not caring who got it, just that it was away from her.

There seemed to be some sort of closet hidden in the walls, the blood that No. 23 had spit out seemed to show a slight outline of the door. Clementine walked up to it and opened the closet, revealing a few items provided by the government. Clementine raised an eyebrow at the items and snatched a few things before turning back to her monster. "Let's go." With those words, Clementine reached for the door, only to find that it was locked. "What the hell?!" The twelve year old scowled at the locked door and realised that she had to stay with the group until further notice. Damn you government!

((Let's just say that in that closet was stuff you need, like a phone for Lily :P , you can choose what you get, I dun care as long as its realistic))
(Btw, finished my intro post. Probably won't be able to join in though, cause I'm gonna have to switch to mobile when my parents get home so yeah... aha)
ardetha payed no attention to the scene going on in front of her, she was content on her side of the room but her monster wasnt taking it as well as she. he was growling and black liquid starting dripping from its mouth making the marble floor his in reaction like acid. his back arched as it wrapped itself around his human and let out a noise not like a growl or a howl or roar. it more so sounded like a horse getting its entrailes ripped out and its bloody screams were muffled by echos and laughter.


draven sat up more watching these to young girl and their monsters, god that one was gruesome absolutely disgusting it was! "jesus seen anything like this?" his monster looked up, "afew my master..only afew.." she gripped his arm as her snake like tongue slipped from her mouth and she stared at the two monsters, if either of them approached she was ready and would not accept them to near her master. while waiting three more eyes opened on the side as her head and her claws grew and her teeth sharpened. "now now love calm down..theres no harm done yet"

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