Monster and Me

Phantom held the little crying girl in his arm and moved out od the building. Honestly, there was no other way to describe how he got out. The vortex a his base just...went outside, as did his body. He looked off into the distance where he could easily see the giant monster towering above all else.

He looked to Lily, then to the hulking beast. He knew for a fact that it could threaten her and waiting until it got close might b too dangerous. But, he also knew that going up and fighting it would put lily in danger. Even if he placed her somewhere reasonably safe, she'd still be vulnerable. This was one of those moments when Phantom knew that his fight would have to come later.

---They never took anything from the closet.

They refused to be used as mere...weapons.

Victor looked at the incoming monstrosity, the ground shaking with each step it took. It was visibly angry, which was understandable under he given circumstances. However, he felt no remorse for killing its child. It was a danger to the world and needed to be eliminated, just like how she did now.

Victor slid the blade into its cane, while Ava and Lance scanned the large beast. After hearing the sound of footsteps, Victor turned towards the sounds. He was met with the sight of another girl and her monster. It seemed like the group was finally arriving.

He gave a curt bow towards the girl and he monster. "Greetings, I believe we were both at the meeting earlier, but I didn't catch your name. I am Victor K. Weismann and These are my friends Ava and Lance." He observed the blade in her hands and approved of the choice. "The katana is a fine weapon, its very elegant, but deadly."

He turned away from the pair and focused on the monster. He already knew the weak point , so he just needed to formulate a plan. He had already fought many of this species and didn't feel like it would be worth it to go all out. So, he would think of a strategy to take it down in the least amount of time and with the least amount of effort.

After a few seconds of thinking, Victor reached into his pocket and pulled out the government issued phone. If he was right, the contact information for every member of this group should be in the phone. Sure enough, he read the screen and tapped on the name Clementine. He was disappointed in the government when he saw his own name in the list of members. It appeared that he would have to make his answer clear face to face in the future.

After a few rings, the person on the other end picked up and he began speaking. "Ms. Clementine, I would like to request your assistance in my strategy." He tapped his cane on the ground in boredom. "With your skill in firearms, you are essential. Our new arrival and I shall get its attention and when you have the opportunity, place a shot in its weak point. Please don't miss, it would be quite an annoyance to go home with a bullet in my back." And with that, he ended the call.

He turned to the new pair and gripped the top of his cane. "Shall we be on our way?" Victor turned and jumped on Lance's back, heading towards the monster. "I'll be waiting at the bloodthirsty monster down the street, you can't miss it."

Vance began to slash at the legs with powerful strikes. This thing was really throwing off his schedule, which irked him a bit. He waited for the other girl to make her move, hoping to get this over with quickly. That was the whole point of this strategy, to end the fight quickly without putting in much effort. Multiple people would lessen the work load, but that depended on how well these girls fought.
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Hearing a ring coming from her government provided cellphone, Clementine kept her eye on the huge creature as she listened to the voice - which seemed to be Victor's - The twelve year old snorted at the teen's words. Even if he didn't ask for her help, Clementine would still shoot that fucker to the ground.

Directing the large firearm to hit the giant monster right under her jaw, Clementine frowned in concentration as she tried out the new gun. This has to be perfect. The twelve year old wiped some blood off her rosy cheeks, narrowing her dark pupils as she peered up at the giant creature. I think it's called a Mounard. It seemed to be a combination of a mountain - considering her large size - and a lizard. Whoever named these monsters really had no imagination.

Clementine took a deep breath as she checked her aim and pulled the trigger. The bullet zipped through the air, the sound of the gunshot rang through the body covered streets. Please don't miss..!

No. 23 followed the male Human's lead and began swiping his long claws at the she-monster's scaly legs. Dodging the sharp teeth that tried to decapitate him, No. 23's glowing red eyes widened in shock as he saw the rogue creature swing her heavily armored tail at Victor the male human. No. 23 leaped for the man and caught him in his own bloody claws, narrowly missing the tail.

Clementine's monster set Victor down and pet his black head affectionately. This human had given him a name, No. 23 - or Totaru - liked having a name. Victor was now put at second priority after No. 23's own little princess. Be careful male human. No. 23 then leaped back to the she-monster, stretching his jaw as he latched himself onto the she-monster's leg. No. 23 crunched the leg in his powerful jaws, after hearing a satisfying crack in the scaly leg, No. 23 pushed himself back to avoid the creature's weight. The giant monster shrieked in pain as she limped on her four - but only three of them were working - stubby legs, rage evident in her small eyes.

Clementine smirked when she saw the bullet go straight into the monster's neck, causing her to release a pain filled cry and fall to the ground in agony. The streets collapsed at the monster's weight, creating a huge pot hole that would be such a pain to drive on.

The twelve year old began to chuckle with pride, her black eyes closing for a moment. Her laughter was suddenly cut short when Clementine released the monster was going to fall on top of the building she was standing on. Clementine sprinted away, knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape if she took the stairs. Gulping down the excess saliva in her mouth, Clementine ran to the edge of the building, quickly snatching up her bag, and jumped off it. Waving her arms in the air, Clementine did her best to get as far away from the doomed building as possible.

The monster groaned in pain as she tried to remove the bullet in her neck. The wound wasn't enough to kill the creature, but it was enough to disable her for some time. She pawed at the gunshot wound irritably, anger shown in her small yellow eyes.

No. 23 cried out for his human as he hurried over to the crushed building, looking around frantically for the little girl. Where are you?! No. 23 called out for Clementine, but it was just a sorrow filled roar that came from the monster's deathly mouth. Spotting the familiar soft brown hair of his human, No. 23 scampered over the ruble and dug out his human, pleading whatever Gods there were for Clementine to still be alive.

Clementine's body ached from the fall, she knew that she had broken at least her leg and ribcage from the impact of the ground and a few small pieces from the building. Her breath was a little laboured as the twelve year old reached a shaking hand up to feel a large cut on the side of her skull. That's going to leave a scar. Clementine felt her body crumbled to the rough ground, letting her black eyes close as she regained her breath. God, it hurts. Clementine succumbed into unconsciousness, knowing that Victor would finish the rogue off.

I'm going to sue the government.
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Victor thanked Totaru for the assistance. It seemed as though he and the monster had formed a friendship. He couldn't think of any humans he would consider friends, but there were plenty of monsters he had formed relationships with. Of course he had formed plenty of bad relationships as well.

Victor smirked a little when the monster began to fall the ground. It appeared that Clementine had quite the aim. The wound wasn't enough to kill, but that could be fixed immediately. He held his cane, prepared to slice the creature's neck.

As he was about to deal the final blow, Victor heard the building begin to crumble. He cursed under his breath when he remembered the child that was still inside. He hoped that she wasn't hurt. This was definitely not good.

Victor's eyes widened a little when he saw the extent of Clementine's wounds. "Ava! Lance! Tend to her wounds!" The vampires immediately went to the girl, following their Master's orders. The siblings were able to heal great wounds, so Clementine would be fine.

Ava and Lance checked over the girl, confirming that she was still alive. The siblings each bit their thumbs with their sharp teeth, drawing blood. They assured the larger monster that Clementine would be healed very quickly with their actions.

Lance trailed his thumb over the external wounds, leaving them covered in blood. Almost immediately, the wounds began to heal, all traces of the injuries dissappearing. The blood of a vampire held many magical properties, capable of amazing feats.

While Lance focused on the external wounds, Ava focused on the internal. She placed the blood in the child's mouth, getting the blood to heal from the inside. The broken bones began to return to their former state, bringing the girl back to full health. Clementine would remain unconscious, but she would be perfectly healthy when she woke up.

When Victor was certain the girl was fine, he approached the monster, eyes glowering. Victor was always calm and didn't let anything affect him, but everyone had exceptions. The harming of children being one of these exceptions. She may not have been a normal child, but she was still a little girl.

Victor saw the creature filled with rage from the bullet, looking as is it wanted nothing more than to rip him apart. He ignored the neck area, finding that the monster was not diserving of a quick death. Victor pried open its mouth with his blade and stared into the abyss. Without hesitation, he jumped right in.

The area was quiet and the monster was still filled with rage, recovering from the wound. It seemed as though Victor had been eaten by the creature, succumbing to death after being digested by stomach acids. The monster looked somewhat satisfied after having its prey willingly enter its stomach.

When the monster began to rise, it roared with fury. When it attempted to charge, its movements halted. A sea of blood erupted from its mouth, staining the floor bellow it in red. It thrashed about, blood still spewing.

It was a truly gruesome sight. Bones and undigested corpses mixed in with the blood, the putrid scent polluting the air. Organs soon began to join the fray, with the monster now on the floor. The large organs spread out across the street, some squishing and bursting when crushed by the monster's large feet.

All movements stopped and the area grew quiet once more. It was a mystery if the creature was still alive. The mystery was soon solved, when a large slit was carved out of the monster's neck from the inside.

Victor emerged from the slit, blood and bile covering every inch of his body. Every step splattered the liquids around the area, adding to the mess. He slid the somehow clean blade back into the cane, approaching the others. The monster had been properly punished and his job was done here.

"Ava. Lance. Our time here has come to a close. I could use a shower after these last few events." The vampires nodded and placed their hands on Victor, initiating the same shadow technique from before. "Totaru, keep her safe. She'll wake up soon, don't worry." And with a that, the young master and his servants dissappeared.
"It's Junko." She said when Victor asked her name. She didn't go into specifics because she had been focused on the monster. Junko and Onisan helped where they could in the fight. Or at least, where the boy named Victor let them. But it was still satisfying to see the monster go down, hard.

Sniffing among the carnage, Onisan rooted out the heart of the monster and swallowed it whole. Junko watched in slight disgust. But she saw the look on his face, it was delicious. She sighed and looked at the other monsters and their humans standing around. She went over to the little girl that had been hurt, then healed by the vampires. She herself had a large cut or two, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the little girl. She looked up at the hideous monster worrying over her. "Do..." she paused for a second, holding back her urge to puke. But she knew she'd have to get used to monsters like this one. "Do you need help getting her home?" Rubble didn't seem like a good place to wake up to after being crushed half to death.
(Sorry I didn't post much today guys, a lot of stuff came up and I didn't have enough time to let y'all know when I was going to be off. Still, I'm a bit burned out so for at least tomorrow, maybe for the next few days, I'm still going to try to post a little but I'm not going to be on often so I don't wear myself out like I have within the past few days. Sorry))
((Alright, take your time to rest. :) ))

No. 23 stepped back as he watched the vampires - is that what the humans called them now? - tend to Clementine's wounds, healing them with their blood. That's quite the useful skill. No. 23 hugged the girl to his bloody body, careful not to crush her. Even with the slightest of flexes, No. 23 would crush Clementine into little pieces. Wrapping his furry arms around the twelve year old, No. 23 cuddled Clementine lovingly, feeling very grateful that the two humanoid monsters - Ada and Vance, was it? - had took their time to care for the little girl.

This little accident made No. 23 realize that monster hunting would put his human into a lot of potential danger, like the event that happened just recently. If those two vampires weren't there to heal her, Clementine would've died. His little princess would've died. Brushing the girl's hair gently, No. 23 felt his eyes water up, causing his vision to get blurry. What was going on? Was No. 23 going blind? After panicking slightly, No. 23 finally recognized these watery liquids as tears. No. 23 was crying. He had seen Clementine cry many times, but the monster never knew what it was until now. It hurts. No. 23 whimpered softly as he clutched his human tightly, hearing the footsteps of another come from behind him.

Whipping his head around to stare at a girl with a katana - No. 23 recalled that long time ago he visited Japan, a samurai tried to kill him with a sword like that - and what looked like to be a giant snowy wolf. Growling quietly, No. 23 scanned over the human and monster, searching for any signs of threat in their smell or body posture. Nothing. Relaxing when he confirmed that they were harmless, No. 23 stood up with Clementine in his arms. Passing by the two people silently, No. 23 proceeded to walk home, leaving the corpses without even a glance at them. He wasn't hungry. It wasn't the time to eat. No. 23 had to make sure his human found a safe place to rest.

Leaving the vacant city, No. 23's subconscious hunger perished when the scent of the rotting bodies slowly vanished the farther he went from the ghost town - or corpse town. Spotting a small little cottage, No. 23 sneaked in to see that it was empty. The owners must have fled when they heard about the creature terrorizing the nearby cities. The wooden boards squeaked from the massive weight put on them as No. 23 climbed up the stairs, careful not to disturb his sleeping human.

It was a nice little cottage, you could tell that it has been empty for a long time, no one was taking care of it. Dust covered every little spot of the house, making it a little hard to breath in, everything looked grey from the dirt. A few spider webs, but no spiders, they must've left knowing that there were no prey here. It seemed like everything was dead here, even the floor boards were beginning to rot, the paint starting to peel, it could've been a cozy place if you cleaned up a bit.

The shape of a small bed came into view when No. 23 opened up one of the rooms, the door shrieked for oil. it was a little dusty, but it would have to do. Sweeping off some of the grey stuff, it seemed that the blanket used to be a soft pink with embroidery of yellow flowers, No. 23 didn't know the name of the plant, but he had seen it many times in his immortal lifetime. Was it called a....buttercup??

Setting Clementine down on the bed, No. 23 tucked the twelve year old in, petting her head with an adoring look in his eyes. Opening the windows to let some fresh air in, No. 23 stood by the bed, keeping watch for anything that would hurt his little human. Ignoring his growing hunger, No. 23 convinced himself that protecting his human is much more important than eating. He would just have to endure it.

Darkness. Clementine seemed to wander around the emptiness with no idea where she was or what she was doing. Is this what it's like to be in between life and death? The pain began to subside as Clementine continued to stroll around in what seems to be a never ending path of darkness. Well, this is boring. The twelve year old huffed as she sat down on the invisible floor. Closing her eyes, Clementine suddenly saw her life flashed before her.

The child didn't want to die so early in her life, but she didn't want to live at the same time. Clementine wondered what her relationship with No. 23 was. At first No. 23 was her best friend, her guardian even. She loved him and adored the monster endlessly. But when it happened, Clementine began to fear No. 23, despising the creature for ruining her life and others. But, was Clementine's life really ruined? What was the definition of a ruined life? Currently, Clementine didn't really think much of her lifestyle, she was just running around hunting monsters for the government. I guess it's just all about your perspective. Wondering why she was so calm at this moment, the twelve year old decided that it was best not to dwell on useless questions and use this peaceful state to think rationally about her problem in real life.

What did she think about No. 23 now? The past didn't matter any more, it's been done, there's nothing to go back and reverse it. Clementine took a deep breath as she leaned back and stared up into the abyss. I hate No. 23, but at the same time, I need him. The current shell of Clementine began to ponder upon her feelings. I must admit that I do like No. 23, he has given me protection and love. The monster is just much to overprotective. Then again, all monsters were protective of their human. It must be because Clementine grew up with her monster. When - if - I wake up again in reality, should I begin to treat No. 23 better? The twelve year old saw that it would be best to forget her past anger and forgive No. 23, it was obvious that the monster was doing his best to make it up to the girl, he was sorry for killing her parents. Clementine knew that when she awoke, she would feel all her emotions come back to her, past feelings of rage and grief. But, she made a note to herself to be a little kinder to No. 23, it would take some time for her emotional state to let go of No. 23's mistake.

Clementine suddenly felt herself falling, a multitude of colours blurred as she fell from the darkness. Time to wake up. Closing her dark black eyes, Clementine felt her rosy pink lips stretch into a tiny smile. "Hello...Totaru." The pain was no longer there in her body, in fact, Clementine never felt so good in her life! A few moments later, a bashing headache attacked her brain. I jinxed it, didn't I? Feeling her chest become really heavy, Clementine began to cry, not knowing why she got so emotional all of the sudden. Her emotions became all bunched up, the twelve year old didn't know if she was happy, sad, angry, or even jealous! Is this....puberty..? Clementine reached out for Totaru, begging for a hug.

Seeing his human's confusion, No. 23 gladly pulled Clementine into a tight embrace, not knowing why she was willing to let him touch her with his bloody paws. Deciding it was best not to say anything, No. 23 kept his mouth shut, careful not to let any of the rotten smell escape. But what really shocked the monster was that Clementine had called him Totaru. She had called him by his name. It seems that that's my official name now. Totaru let a few of his own tears escape from his soulless eyes, his human had finally looked at him as a being - even if it was just for a moment - an actual, living, feeling being.

When Totaru pulled her into a hug, Clementine felt herself flinch at the touch. A part of her wanted to push the monster away and scream at him for even touching her, another part wanted to just cry in his arms, and the other wanted to sleep. She was discombobluated with this insane feeling, the child didn't know what to do or what was going on in her brain. I'll just do the latter of the three. Clementine stared out the window, towards the sunset, for a moment. She slowly let her eye lids drift closed as the tears continued to run down her cheeks, Clementine's body was shaking ferociously from the bomb of emotions. Goodnight, Totaru...
(Innnttteeennnssseee. ^ Just sayin'.)

Junko watched as the monster left with the girl. She felt bad for the little girl, and heck even the monster. Onisan nudged her, sniffing her larger cuts. She gently pushed him away. "Not right now... we need to find a place to sleep for the night." Junko sheathed her katana, and headed towards the woods. Or at least she had thought. But her sense of direction was crap.

Junko hated to bug Onisan for anything, in fact she didn't like bugging anyone for anything, but as they got further and further into the city, she couldn't help but feel less and less safe. After all, she had grown up in the mountains, and the nearest city to the Dojo was, well, at the bottom of the mountain... And she had never really bothered to visit. So she sighed and said, "Onisan..." and looked up at him, her face telling enough of the story. So the great wolf gave a curt nod and bowed down, allowing her to climb aboard.

Truth be told, Onisan was having difficulty catching the scent. It was a scent he could never forget. The scent of trees, fresh air and other animals. The forest. With his human asleep on his back, he wandered the streets, finally catching a whiff. He followed the scent to a nice looking forest. He entered, and wondered around till he came upon a human's home. The scent seemed familiar, like the male from before, but he decided it would be better to just stay a bit further into the forest. Finally he found a spot and curled up for a nights sleep.
((I we're waiting for everyone to catch up :3 I'm going to make everyone stay together in a group so it's much more easier to keep track of everything - and we can get through some charrie development and stuff)) 
((I have a lot of charrie development planned out for Clementine and Totaru, there's going to be a lot of emotional moments! Who else are we waiting for...? :3))
(im just skipping since i missed the fight xD )

ardetha and her monster walked down the sidewalks, she was sure they could find a cheap motel somewhere. they might even have free breakfast it sure as hell saved her money. she looked down at him and thought..maybe she should name him? everyone else seemed to have names for their monsters and its not like she didnt like her monster. in fact he was like her only friend and friends should know each others names. "so..what do you think about a name?" she looked at him again and she could see his head tilt in confusion. "oh come on you know what im talking about..a name..something to actually call you by.." it dissipated for a moment as he faded into darkness but when he came back he seemed to approve of the idea. "fine then.." she thought for awhile and realized this was going to be harder then she thought.


draven was walking through the forest hoping to let his monster unfold into normal form and relax, he came by a a small lake. "i think a swim is in order..after all blood isnt the best color for my skin." he smirked abit at her and she smiled knowing she didnt have to hide in her human form here. her form bursted from her human skin casting bright lights through the forest. her true form was something to fear, almost like a mix between a bat and a horrible creature from the depths of the ocean her skin was beautiful and colorful but her eyes could kill a man if he didnt look away to soon. but to draven..she was amazingly beautiful. he stripped and went into the lake as his monster ate animals she found in trees trying to run away.
Victor looked through the windows of the master bedroom, clad in his black silk nightwear. Tonight was a full moon and the pale white glow was beautiful. The moon was really captivating these days, which confused him. He turned his head, when he heard the sounds of footsteps, only to see Ava in the doorway. "Come in, I was just about to turn in for the night."

Ava walked in, tray of tea in hand. "I've brought you a late night drink, Master." Victor gave a small smile. Ever since she and Lance moved into the household, she was fascinated by the substance known as tea. These days, she found tea to be the answer for everything. If you were frustrated, she would make tea. If you were upset, she would make tea. If you woke up, she would make tea. As long as you were breathing, she would make tea. Victor found her little quirk endearing, just like Lance was with games.

As Ava was about to leave, Victor stopped her. "Don't think I didn't notice." He approached her, slightly frowning. "You were a little off during today's battle. You haven't consumed any blood in awhile." He pulled down the collar of his nightshirt, revealing his neck. "Like I said many years ago, feel free to feed on me. After all, that's how the three of us started out relationship."

Victor smirked as Ava reluctantly approached and bit into his neck. He gritted his teeth a little when his skin was impaled by her sharp fangs. However, the slight pain soon faded and he was back to normal. After being fed on numerous times, he had grown used to the feeling. Actually, he really didn't see the action as feeding. Whenever his blood was sucked by the siblings, it was like a way of bonding. Giving your life force to another was a way of connecting and it deepened the relationship.

When Ava finished, Victor felt a little woozy. "Next time, come see me sooner. If you keep waiting this long, I think I'll develop vertigo." He chuckled a little and watched as the vampire left. He was about to climb into bed, when a thought popped into his head.

"Ava, I've always wondered something. What does my blood taste like?" In some of the old books he read, it was stated that a vampire perceived the flavor of blood depending on the source's personality. After reading this, he couldn't help but wonder what his tasted like. Was it bitter, dark, or just plain repulsive?

Ava turned to him with a smile. "Sweet." Victor was slightly caught off guard by the answer and watched as the woman left with a small giggle. Victor smirked when he came back to his senses. Looks like he didn't know himself as well as he thought.

As Victor climbed into bed, he felt a pain in his chest and began to cough. When the fit had ended, Victor looked into his hand. He wasn't surprised when he found red staining his palm.

A sad smile appeared on his face as he closed his eyes. 'Enjoy the taste while it lasts, Ava. This meal won't be around for much longer.' Victor's breathing continued to grow shallower, until he fell into a deep sleep.
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ardetha pondered on the name as she came to a small cheap motel, she checked herself in and headed to the room where she was greeted by a gross pungent cat piss smell. no wonder it was so cheap, she coughed and sat on the bed still thinking to herself. what do you think? she looked down as her monster came to full view..its eyes peering into her. "how seem to have that effect on people" it looked as if his eyes grew brighter, and when he grinned his teeth were just as white. she lie on the bed yawning as madness curled up with her.
"Hölle, I have a job for you, my dear shadow." A smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye, Adam chuckled. He knew they didn't deserve it, but they did in a way. The others were all a part of this... the scheme against him. They need to be removed, he thought as flipped through the yearbook in his hand. Adam laughed even louder as he ripped out a page. Circles were drawn around all of the students that despised him. "These people, Holly, need to be removed." "Heil Gottschalk!" A voice roared from behind his chair. This was going to be a good day.

For him, of course.

The screams echoed through the house as soft tissue tore easily from the hopeless victim's body, the demon's body easily overpowering even the strongest of humans. Large chunks of skin and pieces of flesh were strewn about; the young girl had never knew what was happening until the searing agony of being literally torn to pieces was put forth upon her by unnatural forces. Blood flowed from the new wounds, as she looked to the face of her death, vision blurry. Through the excruciating pain, she managed a small intelligible sentence in her final breaths. "Who... are y-you...?" It simply grinned, and placed it's hand onto the girl's jugular vein.
"It won't matter." A quick squeeze was all it took to crush her neck and silence her forever. Finally, Adam was to live in peace, with his enemies all but destroyed. Nothing could possibly stay peaceful and quiet forever, though.
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(So many awesome writers in this RP like wat is going on here fjddlhjfkdh)

Harlow eyes were focused directly on the math teacher as she spoke. The women spoke about polynomials, and the importants of remembering the rules when adding them together. Although, Harlow may have been the only one in the classroom actually listening. Everyone else was talking amongst themselves, and throwing paper balls at each other,the girls were exchanging make up, and some of the boys even whistled at the teacher. She did have a fine slender figure after all. Though the teacher stood valiantly against all the ruckus and still continued to teach. Harlow gave her a mental high five for that. A paper ball flew towards Harlow's direction knocking her glasses slightly off her face. She fixed them back on, then, turned to glare at the direction where the ball came from. It was from the back of the room, where the jocks sat at, and all they did when she glared at them was laugh. "Turn back around NERD girl, it was an accident,get over it" One cooed. All she did was sigh at the idiots,then turned back around. She didn't speak to anyone at school, so why should she start now? Besides what was the point of wasting her breath on the moronic behavior.

She sat next to the open window, and turned her head to look out it. It was the courtyard,where everyone had there lunches. Tables and bushes were scattered everywhere. She hoped Fang was behaving himself out there, and stayed hidden where she could see him. She scanned the courtyard, and saw one long wing,covered in gray scales,with blue crystals at the end of it peeking out from a bush. A giggle almost escaped her lips. Fang sucked at hiding. He'd always lose when they both played hide and seek. Although,she didn't blame him, it was his large height(8 ft) that would always get him found out. It was a good thing lunch was never served so early in he morning, so no one was out there to see him.

It wasn't until halfway through the chaotic math period, that her cell phone started to vibrate in her jeans. She was surprised anyone called her in the middle of class. She didn't have any friends, and both her foster parents were at work right now. So who else could it be? She turned her phone on, and it seemed she had received a text from a private number.

To: Harlow Finley

You have been called out to America as of now. Leave Canada by the end of the day
. A plane will be waiting at the designated place on the attached location on the map we have also sent with this letter. Be there by six Ms. Finley. Don't be late.

Harlow slightly frowned at the text. She knew exactly who it was. The government. She's only been bothered once by them, and it was only to tell her that they'd be watching her, and if the time called for it, they would call her in on missions. If she wanted to keep fang,she'd comply to his demands. Though she knew it would take a hell of a lot to tame Fang if they even dared tried to take him away.Harlow was an obedient girl so she knew not to disobey the demands. ESPECIALLY since it came from the government. She feared what the missions maybe as of now.

She turned to the window to look back at the location her monster was hiding at. She whispered his name in such a soft manner, that no one with human ears could ear. "Fang" Immediately the dragon's long scaled neck,then head, popped up. It's Bright blue eyes, similar the beautiful ocean, looked directly at her. She gave him look. And that look gave him all that he needed to know. The government had contacted them. The two of them had developed such an unexplainable connection that words were not necessary-not like he could talk in the first place. He nodded that he knew. And she gave him a gentle smile,then turned away from the window.

Harlow sighed again. So she was going to America huh? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But right now, she had bigger problems. Like how the heck was she going to get out of math class?

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