Monocle Station (IC Chat thread)

Felix: *chuckles* You'll all get used to the weirdness of OOC IC roleplaying. *frowns* I was forced into romantic scenarios with people I'd never dream of. Sometimes even worse. *shudders*
theManCalledSting said:
RED: "Got bored of waiting for the story to progress so I went Wifey hunting here!"
Lilac: "Ah, I see. Have any luck?"

Assailant said:
Felix: *chuckles* You'll all get used to the weirdness of OOC IC roleplaying. *frowns* I was forced into romantic scenarios with people I'd never dream of. Sometimes even worse. *shudders*
Recette: "As long as it doesn't get, like... Really weird, I'm okay with it!"
Assailant said:
Felix: *chuckles* You'll all get used to the weirdness of OOC IC roleplaying. *frowns* I was forced into romantic scenarios with people I'd never dream of. Sometimes even worse. *shudders*
Neptune: "BEHOLD! A WILD NEPTUNE APPEARS!" *Jumps right next to Felix* "Like that whole Greater Gods having some Cinemax lovin'?"

Histoire: "Neptune! Please keep this thread Rated T!"
theManCalledSting said:
Neptune: "BEHOLD! A WILD NEPTUNE APPEARS!" *Jumps right next to Felix* "Like that whole Greater Gods having some Cinemax lovin'?"
Histoire: "Neptune! Please keep this thread Rated T!"
Recette: "Huh? T? What's that mean? Is that bad?"
theManCalledSting said:
Neptune: "BEHOLD! A WILD NEPTUNE APPEARS!" *Jumps right next to Felix* "Like that whole Greater Gods having some Cinemax lovin'?"
Histoire: "Neptune! Please keep this thread Rated T!"
Felix: What?

Assailant: Ah, wait, let me explain. *Does so*

Felix: Wow. Ok, um, that but worse. Like, at least they were in an established relationship.

Assailant: Um...

Felix: Wait, not established... but feelings were established? I'm talking the guy that killed and enslaved my friends, and I've attempted to kill on many occasions. There was biting. It was weird. I'm talking IC too, it gets even weirder OOC. Ugh.

LegoLad659 said:
Recette: "As long as it doesn't get, like... Really weird, I'm okay with it!"
Felix: Hopefully not.
theManCalledSting said:
Histoire: "T stands for Teen... meaning we are not allowed to say certain swears or show explicit content..."
Recette: "Oh... So, wait... What's Expressive content?"

Tear: "And that's as far as we go, I'm afraid. I apologize, but I am going to have to cut this conversation short."
Felix: At least all the... aforementioned slash-fic-esque stuff happened OOC though, so that's a plus I guess.
Assailant said:
Felix: At least all the... aforementioned slash-fic-esque stuff happened OOC though, so that's a plus I guess.
Neptune: "But now it's a horrible brain worm wiggling in your noddle... just gnawing at your thoughts..."
theManCalledSting said:
Neptune: "But now it's a horrible brain worm wiggling in your noddle... just gnawing at your thoughts..."
Felix: W-what does that even mean?
Felix: *frowns* Hey, mind if I invite some of my friends over here for a bit? With universes colliding and all, they might as well get accustomed to what they're going to face.
Assailant said:
Felix: *frowns* Hey, mind if I invite some of my friends over here for a bit? With universes colliding and all, they might as well get accustomed to what they're going to face.
Tear: "Go for it. I will certainly not complain..."
Felix: Okay. C'mon over.

Sonic: Hey guys, I-

Felix: *shoves him back through the tear* No. You're a surprise for later.

Sadao: H-hi.

Daniel: *meeps in a corner*

Jacob: 'Sup.
Assailant said:
Felix: Okay. C'mon over.
Sonic: Hey guys, I-

Felix: *shoves him back through the tear* No. You're a surprise for later.

Sadao: H-hi.

Daniel: *meeps in a corner*

Jacob: 'Sup.
Lilac: "Uh, was that just...?"
Felix: *is confused* What do you mean?

Daniel: F-Felix. This i-is a purely l-l-literary medium.

Felix: Oh, right. So Daniel can break the 4th wall. That isn't his conduit power, it's just... a thing he can do. So, you only saw the name "Sonic," didn't you? Right, not THAT Sonic. You'd be surprised how many people think that though.

Jacob: It doesn't help that he's a member of the "FFA"

Felix: I'm not a Sonic fan, I didn't know that was a thing!
Assailant said:
Felix: *is confused* What do you mean?
Daniel: F-Felix. This i-is a purely l-l-literary medium.

Felix: Oh, right. So Daniel can break the 4th wall. That isn't his conduit power, it's just... a thing he can do. So, you only saw the name "Sonic," didn't you? Right, not THAT Sonic. You'd be surprised how many people think that though.

Jacob: It doesn't help that he's a member of the "FFA"

Felix: I'm not a Sonic fan, I didn't know that was a thing!
Lilac: "Uh... What Sonic was it, then?"
Felix: My friend, Sonic. It's a super hero name, if you will. A lot of conduits have aliases they go by, for whatever reason. Sonic is his.
Assailant said:
Felix: My friend, Sonic. It's a super hero name, if you will. A lot of conduits have aliases they go by, for whatever reason. Sonic is his.
Lilac: "Ohhh, okay. That makes sense."
Kabaar: "You are all pathetic."

Skywanker: *Punches Kabaar in the arm* "Don't you act like that, mister! I'll deck you upside the head!"

Kabaar: "You're the most pathe-" *Interrupted by a punch in the masked face*

Skywanker: "I warned you."
Frisk: Aw, don't say that. That's mean.

Okabe: *talking to Felix's friends* So, this Chronos guy...

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