The Valkyrie

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus

The Valkyrie is a late 22nd century ship now equipped with a multiversal drive (thanks to Doctor Eternity) allowing it to jump between dimensions without the need of a tear. This thread follows the ship and the adventures of it's crew.

@Baku @ryanpk200

Open for new players.

The cargo hold is large in size, a shade of light brown and is capable of storing multiple vehicles or even shuttles with various crates scattered around the room, all in upright positions. The floor of the cargo hold appears to hold something underneath, a kind of extra hidden storage which is ideal for scavengers and smugglers who have hidden cargo.

One part of the cargo hold is taken up an Usurha stealth shuttle. It was in the shape of a bird sitting down, with a beak at the front and what appeared to be wings on it's back. The shuttle itself was jet black.

A cargo lift and a set of metallic stairs sit at the end of the cargo hold, leading to a platform above. Between this and the next room is a corridor lined with automated turrets and makeshift barricades.

The next room is some kind of living room with five light red comfy chairs surrounding a long and wooden coffee table. Other chairs are scattered around the room such as swivel chairs and old fashioned armchairs. A wooden entertainment center sits in one of the corners of the room with a leather sofa facing a large flat screen television that sits on top of the entertainment center. The center had multiple shelves and two speakers.

Leading from this room are two bathrooms, a to be a dining room with a long wooden table and ten fancy chairs and three doors. One led to the kitchen and the other two leads to the rest of the ship. This consists of the bridge, the cockpit and an airlock on one side while another leads to a corridor with bedrooms and other rooms such as an armoury, a viewing deck, a laboratory and a workshop.

The doors are circular and open automatically.

The ship's exterior looks similar in shape to an eagle with her wings spread outwards slightly, not as if the she was in flight but rather, gliding or swooping down to catch her prey. These "wings" can be spread outwards and had cone-like thrusters attached to them.

Underneath the ship are a pair of retractable "legs" with "talons" and at the front was a beak-like structure with two thin yet powerful guns sticking out of it. On the top of the ship were more of these guns spread outwards.

The ship has been painted a shade of light red, with the beak-like structure at the front and the talons being a shade of gold. The guns on the ship retain a grey colour.
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"It would seem that way." The Gentleman smiled "I just need your approval."

"No thanks." Master Chief replied grimly "Im going to make my own way home." He stood up from the table and left "Come on Cortana."

"No Chief. You've gone awol." Cortana replied

"What?" Chief replied, taken aback

"You've gone awol, John. I've been checking your vitals and keeping an eye on you."

"You did try to punch me in the face back in the Commonwealth" The Gentleman butted in "You lacked manners."

"Ever since we fell through that tear you've been acting differently. You've become more aggressive, your English has deteriorated, you've become a lot more confrontational. You've lost sight of what's important. I'm sorry John but you're just not the same person I met all those years ago. I just can't do this anymore."

"Cortana, wit."

"Goodbye John." Cortana replied. There was genuine sadness in her voice.

John reached behind his helmet and removed Cortana, setting her down on the table before walking out of the bar. He saw a nearby tear and walked through it.

"With that aside." The Gentleman smiled "I wish you the best of luck on this mission. I will personally buy you all a drink after it's over." He handed Mirus a file "This is everything you need to know on Eternity."

@Baku @ryanpk200
Corrin spoke to Mirus and Seeker

"Well I've thought long and hard about this. I've decided I'm going with you guys and the rest of the crew. I just ask of one thing. If combat is avoidable I would like to avoid it. Not the biggest fan of unnecessary fighting.
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Monocle Station

Crane stayed quiet as the Gentleman and the others talked. Everyone else already asked the questions that he had. Crane noticed the effect that the name Lucy had on Harleen. He guessed it was something personal and decided to not ask about it. Crane watched the Spartan leave the group and go through a tear. He asked the Gentleman "What are you going to do about the AI? It won't be able to get home by itself when it's in a chip." Seeing that it looked like they were on the verge of leaving, Crane quickly finished his drink, and waited on the others to finish theirs.

Monocle Station

The chip activated, displaying Cortana, however her head was in her hands.


"Are you alright, lass?" Seeker asked her

Cortana looked up "I am not a slave. I travelled with John for all those years but..." She paused to compose herself "The tear changed him. He wasn't the same man I knew." She turned to The Woman "Is that possible?"

"Some tears are unique." The Woman explained "There's one that holds a lot of power so I guess one that changes the personality of those who enter is possible."

"That begs one question." Mirus butted in "Why didn't it affect you?"

"Maybe it did." Cortana replied softly "Or maybe it only affects organics."

"Listen." Mirus sighed "I'm sorry about your friend. I'm willing to offer you a place on our ship." She turned to Seeker who nodded in agreement. "Maybe we can find you a way home."

Cortana gently shook her head "No, I want to help. There's a war coming, people are going to die. I want to prevent that."

The chip deactivated and Seeker picked it up as the group left the Monocle station and made their way back to the ship. Tyfo approached the crew.

"We have a new crewmate." Harleen smiled

"Then she must fill out the paperwork." Tyfo replied sternly "You three need to too." He pointed at Mirus, Harleen and Crane sternly

"Are things normally like this?" Cortana asked Seeker

"Pretty much." Seeker sighed

@ryanpk200 @Baku
From the cargo hold of the ship came a loud Crash! , as if something large and metal fell onto a metal floor. A few seconds later there was another dull thud echoed from the hold. Then there was another sound, the sharp Tack-a-Tack of clawed feet on metal, along with sounds of heavy breathing.
Corrin heard something moving around below them.

"Um guys not to scare you or anything but something big is down there. Just what it is I don't know. But from the sounds I could assume it's not human. But I could be wrong about that."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
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Monocle Station

"An AI aboard the ship is going to be pretty cool," thought Crane. He decided to keep that to himself. She did just lose her friend, and was probably only coming aboard because she had no where else to go. Saying what he was thinking may piss the AI off. "Let's get this over with," Crane said. He then asked. "Does the AI also have to fill out paperwork?" At that moment, he heard a noise from the cargo hold. "I'm going to go check that out. I don't care what it is, but it prevents me from doing paperwork." Crane started walking to the cargo hold.

@Some_Bloke @Baku
"Paperwork is mandatory for everyone." Tyfo replied sternly "All sentient life forms have to fill out paperwork. The Captain sees sentient AIs as lifeforms, therefore they are subject to the same rules."

Cortana glared at Seeker who shrugged in response to this in an over the top manner.

Mirus sighed and followed the others to the cargo bay "Sure, Multiverse!" She shouted sarcastically "Just keep dumping people on my ship!"

"Our ship." Seeker cut in, getting a grunt of frustration from Mirus in response.

"Wait, what's a faceless?" Mirus asked Corrin as the three approached the cargo hold.

Seeing a twelve foot tall knight in shining armour with a wolf by his side Mirus and Harleen stopped in her tracks. "Erm, hi." Harleen smiled, waving at the knight "Cute pet I guess." She turned to Mirus and nodded

"So, you gonna try reading this mind?" She thought

"Already on it." Mirus replied

"Wonder what a twelve foot dog thinks. Well, probably the same stuff as a regular dog, just bigger." Harleen pondered "Ever read a dog's mind before? I bet they just ask for belly rubs, food and freak out all the time over sudden noises. How's Krypto going to take this. We have a superpowered dog and a giant dog on our ship now. How are we meant to housetrain them?"

Mirus, while continuing to listen to the inside of Harleen's mind also attempted to read the mind of the knight wondering about how they would accommodate him should he choose to be a member of the crew.

@ryanpk200 (Crane) @Baku (Corrin) @TommyGun15 (Sir Knight Artorias)
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Corrin sighed

"Look ill explain what a faceless is later." Corrin slowly approaches the Knight "uh hello might I ask what your name is and how you got here. There is no need to worry they're friendly and mean you no harm same as me."

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Baku said:
Corrin sighed
"Look ill explain what a faceless is later." Corrin slowly approaches the Knight "uh hello might I ask what your name is and how you got here. There is no need to worry they're friendly and mean you no harm same as me."

(Managed to find a bonfire)

Sir Artorias slowly observed the room he was in, as well as the people who stood before him. Sif growled when they approached, but Artorias calmed her by reaching up and scratching her ears. He actually had to reach to do so. Sif had grown significantly since last he'd seen her.

"Hail. I am Sir Knight Artorias. Pray tell, what manner of fortress is this? I have never seen one made entirely of metal."

@Baku @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Corrin was pleased that he made progress. "Sir Artorias this might come as a shock to you but this is no fortress. In fact this is another reality entirely. This place according to Mirus over there is a ship called the Valkyrie."

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Baku said:
Corrin was pleased that he made progress. "Sir Artorias this might come as a shock to you but this is no fortress. In fact this is another reality entirely. This place according to Mirus over there is a ship called the Valkyrie."
Artorias's brow furrowed beneath his helmet.

"I fear I do not understand. What manner of metal ship, even in another realm, hast the ability to sail? Wouldst not the weight of the vessel pull it to the bottom of the sea?"

@Baku @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
"There is no sea for this ship to sail. I've seen this with my own eyes Sir Artorias this ship moves through space. Though coming from me I don't even know what space is. but from what I can gather of our situation you and I have been torn out of our own worlds and thrown into a place called the multiverse. I know this may seem tough to believe but I am telling the truth I just ask that you take your time to let this sink in."
Baku said:
"There is no sea for this ship to sail. I've seen this with my own eyes Sir Artorias this ship moves through space. Though coming from me I don't even know what space is. but from what I can gather of our situation you and I have been torn out of our own worlds and thrown into a place called the multiverse. I know this may seem tough to believe but I am telling the truth I just ask that you take your time to let this sink in."
Artorias took a minute to process what he'd heard.

"I believe I understand what circumstances art upon us. Lord Gwyn hath used his magic to send my companion Sif and I to battle The Dark's forces within this realm. If such means it is our fate to fight alongside one another, I will gladly make your acquaintance Sir Knight."

Artorias gave Corrin a short bow.

@Baku @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Corrin was surprise at being called a knight. "I appreciate the politeness but I'm no sir and I'm certainly no knight. Names Corrin it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Sir Artorias.
The Valkyrie

"I also have something called the Faceless where I'm from," Crane said as they walked. "They're just priests, and those probably aren't even close to what you're talking about." He walked into the cargo bay and looked up at the knight and the dog. "He must be fun to clean up after," Crane thought. Seeing that Corrin had introduced himself, he did the same. "My name is Kyle Crane." He then asked Mirus "How tall do you think the hallway is?"



ryanpk200 said:
The Valkyrie
"I also have something called the Faceless where I'm from," Crane said as they walked. "They're just priests, and those probably aren't even close to what you're talking about." He walked into the cargo bay and looked up at the knight and the dog. "He must be fun to clean up after," Crane thought. Seeing that Corrin had introduced himself, he did the same. "My name is Kyle Crane." He then asked Mirus "How tall do you think the hallway is?"



"It is an honor to meet you Sir Crane." Artorias said with a bow. He looked to Cirrus. "And forgive me for mistaking your rank noble squire."

@Baku @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
"He'll have to duck." Mirus whispered to Crane. She turned her attention to the new arrival "My name is Mirus, Queen of Honey Badgers and I welcome you to my ship. The other Captain is named Seeker, she who seeks light."

"Harnis EverQuinn." Harleen bowed enthusiastically "This here is Groot." She pointed to the living tree behind her

"I am Groot?" Groot asked Artorias

"Dear Sir Knight, that is all my companion says. Only I and Captain Mirus are able to understand him." Harleen explained

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
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Corrin waited for everyone to introduce themselves.

"So we all know who's who now let's talk strategy. Just what should we expect from this job."
"It's just Crane. I'm don't usually get called Sir Crane." Crane said to Artorias. Like the others, he bowed. He said to Corrin "Instead, we should take some more time to explain to Sir Artorias what's happening. As long as we keep doing that, the others and I can delay doing paperwork."


@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Corrin decided that would be best

"Yeah your right crane. But I'm going to leave it to you guys. I haven't slept in ages so I'm going to find a place to sleep." Corrin left the cargo bay planning on sleeping for the night or day or whatever time it was in this place.
ryanpk200 said:
"It's just Crane. I'm don't usually get called Sir Crane." Crane said to Artorias. Like the others, he bowed. He said to Corrin "Instead, we should take some more time to explain to Sir Artorias what's happening. As long as we keep doing that, the others and I can delay doing paperwork."

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Artorias was curious as to what exactly the group was trying to do.

"Yes, I wouldst like to know the nature of our quest. Are we searching for an artifact to combat The Dark? Or perhaps the ancient dragons have returned, and need to be quelled once more? Either way, I trust that the enchantments that keep this vessel afloat are potent enough to see us to our destination?"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Baku

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