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Mob Roleplay (with Robin man)

Olivia smiled and nodded when she grabbed her bowl. "Thank you." She sat in a chair next to the bed. Anthony smiled. "Thank you."
Anthony ate his soup. Olivia spoke up. "Marcy? Do you need some fresh clothes?"
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Olivia went back down stairs to get her bag. She returned a minute later. "Now do you like anything in particular for fashion?"
Olivia nodded and went through her bag. "That's helps out a lot." She pulled out a outfit. "How's this?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9ca92dc_Outfit2.jpg.0cd9706e7a917bd3ba29e350ae4399ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9ca92dc_Outfit2.jpg.0cd9706e7a917bd3ba29e350ae4399ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Outfit 2.jpg
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Olivia went back to her seat and ate her soup. She spoke up. "You did pretty good with this one." Anthony smiled. "Thank you."
Anthony sighed then nodded. "Alright. I got the files in my laptop back in the hotel room." Olivia nodded. "Sounds reasonable."
Marcy got in their car and began to drive back to the hotel, hoping that none of Charles's men, or Charles himself, would intercept her. After the assasin incident, she figured that she was seen as a pretty big threat, as well as a hearty ransom item.
Charles was in his office smoking a cigar when the man walked in. "You needed me sir?" Charles nodded. "Yes. I need you to find more assassins. And find someone professional." The man nodded and walked.

Anthony yawned and looked over at Olivia. "Thank you for coming out." Olivia nodded. "Anything for a old friend. You would've done the same thing if we needed help." Anthony nodded and went to sleep.
Anthony woke up a few minutes later and pulled out his phone. "Text her to bring the laptop." Olivia nodded while she grabbed the phone and text to Marcy.

Anthony want's you to just bring the laptop. P.S This is Olivia texting.

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