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((Okay then, let's start ))

A normal day in ponyville, birds chirping, ponies laughing, and a unicorn that was carrying a large bag of gems. Charcoal is doing his delivery for a costumer who orders gems from his mine. Charcoal went up to the home of the customer and knocked on the door. "Ms. Rarity? Your gems are here." He said as he opened the door.
Pinkie was hopping along the inside, "Oh Rarity, Rarity, we need a lot more pink! Pink would be awesome on this!" She stopped when suddenly heard the door open, "I'LL GET IT!" She leapt to the door, "HEY! You're here to give the jems to RarRar?"
A pony opened the door when he called. He was expecting the usual unicorn who opens the door. Charcoal looked at the pink pony with a confused look. "Yes, is she here?" He asked. "I need her to sign here." He uses his magic to pull out a deliver slip.
"Rarity!!!" Pinkie called, jumping over a small chair and standing on it by just her home legs, rather impossibly. Th unicorn trotted in, "Charcoal! How lovely to see you!"

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Charcoal nodded at Rarity. "Good morning, Rarity. I have the gems that you ordered." He lifts up the deliver slip. "Just need a signature and I'll be on my way."
"Course, darling." Rarity signed her name and she levitate the box of gems to her workshop.

Pinkie bounced over, "what's your name again? Char?"

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Charcoal didn't look at the pink pony as he was packing up. "Coal, Charcoal." He said. Charcoal opened the door to lead outside. Charcoal took out a little piece of paper that showed his next deliveries. "Next stop, Sugar Cube Corner? Never been there before." He thought.
Pinkie leapt to his side and peeked over, "ohohob! I live at Sugarcube Corner! Follow me!!!"

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Charcoal startled a bit when she pop up beside him. "She knows the way? Okay." Charcoal started to follow her. "Thanks, I appreciate it." he said.
She jumped and when she walked....Well she didn't walk. She bounced up and down slightly. She smiled and she continually said hi to everyone.

"Hi Roseluck!"

"Heya Mr.Cup Cake!"

"What's up Lyra?"

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Charcoal continued to follow her. "She is very energetic." he thought to himself. Charcoal looked around and saw that everypony was waving and saying "Hello," to her.
"Awesome! See ya, Applejack!"

Pinkie finally stopped at the enterance to what looked like a literal house made out of food. In reality, it was just extremly good decoration that the Cakes had hired to make their place look more appealing.

"Here we are!"
Charcoal looked at the building with wide eyes. "Wow, looks like a giant cake." He said. "Well thanks for showing me the way here." Charcoal went inside. "Hello?" Charcoal looked at the name who ordered the coal. "Ms. Pie, are you here?" He called.
"I'm Pinkie Pie!" She jumped after him and laughed, standing still and looking at her, "What'cha need?"
"You?" He said with a confused look. "You ordered a supply of coal? You must bake a lot for all this coal." He took out the delivery slip. "Well, please sign here and I'll leave you to your baking."
She nodded, "Eeyup! I love cooking! Oh oh do you want my signature? Sure!" She quickly signed and snorted.
As she started to put it away, she gasped, "WAIT MISTER!" She dashed out and nearly ran into him, "I never got your name!"

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