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Realistic or Modern Misfits

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The misfits are all kinds of kids. The video game nerds, the rebels, and even the kids who just don't fit in. For some reason they all fit so perfectly into this friend group.

In this bliss of finally finding other people who are in the same predicament, something happens. Like thunder on a clear sunny summer day. Unexpected, and disappointing.

What is that thunder, exactly?

Stick around.

"Tall." Savannah said to the girl behind the counter who had asked which size she wanted her raspberry iced tea. It was typical warm sunny early April weather in Palm Springs. With temperatures in the mid 70's. She'd decided to come here to some homework, maybe email some relatives in Columbia to see how they were doing. Savannah took her drink off the counter when her name was called, and took a seat by the window. She slipped her Macbook Air out of it's bag, which she'd won at an online contest, and skilled fingers quickly typed in her password. Giraffe. She pulled up a file on her Google Docs, but when she tried to continue writing the essay her English teacher had assigned, she found herself at a loss for words. Savannah sighed under her breath, running fingers through her soft dirty blonde hair. It needed a trim, as it had grown to below her ribcage, but for some reason she didn't really care to get it cut. Nor do it herself for that matter. Savannah reached for her plastic iced tea cup and took a refreshing sip, dark eyes exploring the dark cafe scenery. The air conditioning was typically very chilly at Coffee Zone, so Savannah had worn light clothes but layered her bleached denim shorts, black slightly cropped tank, and black converse with a light grey cardigan.​
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Marcella sat in the living room of her house when her mom came home. Of course her mom would be home early on a day like this. She could hear her mom walk into the kitchen. "You worthless mop, get in here and clean up this kitchen!" Her mom yelled. It wasn't like the kitchen was that dirty.

Marcella walked in anyways and got out the cleaning supplies from a closet. Sometimes she felt like Cinderella, minus the two evil stepsisters. She started cleaning the counters though she'd rather be outside. It was nice out, she could go to the park, or visit her brother's grave. She sighed pausing for a moment thinking how her brother would have helped her clean at a time like this. She missed him so much and yet she didn't have any friends to support her. If anything she just wanted someone to be there for her now that her brother couldn't.
"Matthew!" Matthew groaned in his bed. His father had been calling his name for the past ten minutes to get up out of bed. Last night had been a long one. After staying up for hours playing rpgs with his friends, he didn't have any time for sleep. So after falling into his bed at almost 4 a.m., he was quite content with staying under the warm covers. He rolled around in them again, snuggling deeper into the warm comforter. "Matthew Stephen Barton! Get out of the bed right now! It's 1 p.m.!" He groaned again and looked over at his clock to make sure his dad wasn't lying to him - he wasn't. "I don't want to get up," he groggily answered back before throwing his pillow over his head.

He heard his dad finally sigh in frustration and give up. Yes! Victory is mine! Matthew grinned to himself before rolling over and deciding that maybe it was a good time to get up. He just didn't want his dad to have the upper-hand. He sat up in bed and put his glasses on before looking at himself in the mirror next to his bed. His brunette hair was still in a tousled mess from sleep and his t-shirt hung off his thin frame. Matthew stretched his arms above his head. "Okay. Time to get ready," he said to himself as he pushed himself off of the bed.
Sophia frowned at herself in the mirror as she ran her fingers through her hair. Letting out a sigh, Sophia simply shrugged. "Life, right?" she mumbled to herself as she adjusted her top once more. Though she had been up for hours, Sophia had been dreading leaving the house. Something was telling her that today was going to be horrible and she just wasn't up for facing that right now. Yesterday, she had spent most of the day indoors reading her favorite novel, for the third time now, and when she had finally decided to leave, she walked out the front door to confront a dead bird on their front porch step. That was the end of that with Sophia.

Smiling gently at Nikolai from across the kitchen, Sophia began pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "Bad day, already?" Nikolai questioned through a full mouth of food. Turning to lean back against the counter, bowl in hands, Sophia shook her head. "Do I even have to say it?" She cocked her head and waited for Nik's response. "Um..." he mumbled back, chewing loudly with his mouth open, "I don't know what you're talking about." Rolling her eyes, Sophia walked past him and into the living room, flicking on the television and relaxing on the couch. It seemed like every single day started the same. Sophia had to deal with Nikolai being disgusting, she would end up watching television for an hour before getting bored, and then they'd both leave and not see each other for at least eight hours. It honestly kind of sucked.

Nikolai smirked to himself as Sophia walked away. Of course she knew he was messing around, he wasn't that much of a jerk; to her, anyways. Finishing his bowl of cereal, Nikolai wandered upstairs to grab his shoes before coming back down and sitting next to Sophia on the couch. Working on retying his shoe laces, Nikolai leaned over towards Sophia and nudged her with his shoulder. "Just gonna mope around the house today, too? Or do you actually want to do something with your life?" He asked casually, staring at her.

Earning a glare and a harder nudge back, Sophia responded sarcastically, "I suppose you have something in mind?" "Actually, yes I do," he retorted proudly, jumping up off the couch and taking the bowl of cereal out of her hands and carrying it to the sink. "We're going to go to the park and I'm going to do something with the guys and you get to walk around and socialize because if you keep moping around here all day and not talking to anyone... I just might have to disown you." And with that, Nikolai was wandering over to the door, opening it and waiting for Sophia's response. "Well. What'll it be then?" he asked with a smirk.
Jessica plugged her earphones into her ear and turned up the music on her iPhone. Loud rap blasted into her ears. She leaned back into the bench in front of the lake closing her eyes. The intense music wasn't relaxing to most people, but Jessica found it calming. Most people came to the park to enjoy the scenery, Jessica came to get away from people. She took her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her text messages. They were all from those prissy popular girls that bothered her every single day.Why did I ever give them my number? she asked herself. She counted the total of messages she got. "569, that's so great," she said sarcastically. Most of the messages were about boys and gossip. Jessica rolled her eyes and deleted the messages. She tucked her legs under the bench and continued looking through her notifications. She wore a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a lace crop tank, and leather boots which was just enough to keep her warm in this weather. Palm Springs was usually a lot warmer. It somehow cooled down a bit.

Zane grinned as he twisted the stereo knob, cranking the volume even higher in his car. A deep maroon shaded Toyota Supra, one of his most prized possessions, even if he did have the money to buy something even better this car was his baby. The engine purred loudly as he pushed the pedal into the floor, his speed climbing steeply down the hillside road. Zane floored it all the way to the bottom of he hill, breaking sharply before he got into the city limits And coming to a stop.

Zane grinned, his heart racing from the speed and his mouth dry from the tension. He slowly accelerated to he speed limit and cruised into town,smear hint for a place to get something to drink. Eventually he pulled up outside some place called Coffee Zone. He reached over and cut the stereo before shutting off his car and getting out, keys in hand.

"Coffee Zone? Sounds decent." He muttered, slamming the door and locking it with his electronic(whatever those things are called that can lock and unlock as well as open the trunk and stuff lol). He walked forward, pushing the door open and walking inside straight to the counter. And looking at the menu board, waving the counter girl away for now.
Rosie was bored to death as she walked up to what she called a hippie van. A car she hated but loved. She had decorated it herself. We'll not entirely. She placed the guitar case the was in her hands down. Then pulling out the keys to her car and unlocking it. The guitar cad was back in her hands. Placing it on the passenger seat as she crawled in the vehicle covered in her rose filled design. The car started up and she was on her way to the park. Were she went every day to play music.

Her body and the case exited from the van. Her eyes scanned for an empty bench. She sprinted to the very first one she saw. The guitar case slammed into her leg with every step. With a smile and a leg full of pain she stopped in front of the bench. She dropped into the bench. Placing the case on her lap as she landed. She opened it up reveling a Gibson acoustic guitar which she loved more then anything. Then she began to play what ever song came to her head.
Marcella finished cleaning shortly since most of the kitchen was already clean. "Marcie!" Her mother yelled and she cringed at her nickname. Marcella hated Marcie, she thought it was a stupid nickname, she liked Ella a lot better. She trudged into her mom's office though. "Yes, good, Im leaving for a business trip. I'll be gone a few days so you'll be on your own. Try not to make a mess of things" Her mother glared at her. "Whatever..." Ella hurried off and out the door before her mom could ask her to do anything else.

As she walked to the park, her destination she'd decided upon, she couldn't help but feel like celebrating. She'd have a few days to herself away from her moms negativity. She smiled to herself as she reached the entrance to the park. Lots of people seemed to be there enjoying the day.
Teddy had woken earlier that day at about 7, his mothers horrendous singing having play in that as her and his father prepared for the farmers market. He was fine with it, packing a few things in a backpack; a leash, water bowl, and a Samsung tablet. Zipping the bag closed, Lil Jack came dashing from the kitchen followed by his high pitched barking and nails clicking against tile. The small Pomeranian danced at Teds legs, eager the trip.

Ted packed everything into his 2015 Shelby GT500, closing the door as Jack got comfortable in the passenger seat. Ted looked at the car, the blue paint shining against the white stripe. It was a bit much for his taste, but a car was a car, and the bit of lady attention wasn't bad, he guessed. That was that and off they were to the park.

After a short walk and picking up dog poo, Ted sat down tiredly at a bench, Jack jumping into his lap afterwards and curling up for a rest. It had been a while since Teddy had been out and about and he could feel the stares some people gave him. His siblings were slowly becoming famous in New York and his parents were known for his wealth, and news of his breakdown five months back had began to spread after he went in the clinic. It was no surprise to him, but he did what he did best and that was ignore it and get lost in his mind.
"Alright," Ezra grunted as he adjusted himself to the seat and buckled his seat belt. He turned the key in the ignition and looked to his sister, who was in the passenger seat admiring herself in the side mirror of his black Cadillac Escalade truck. "Where are we going for today's coffee run?"

"Starbucks?" Cora posed an answer, with a hopeful tone in her voice.

"Nah, let's go to Coffee Zone." Ezra started to pull out of the driveway, to the protest of his younger sister.

"What the hell, Ezra, you know I hate that place."

"It's basically the same thing as Starbucks, Cora." He rolled his eyes while driving towards the lesser-known coffee shop. "Plus, it's ten times cheaper. Oh, and you've got to pay me for gas this month."

"Ezra," She whined, putting on a puppy dog face. "I'm your sister, can't you give me rides for free?"


"Fuck you."

"I'm about to kick you out of this car."

"Oh, alright." Cora shot him a resentful look, then handed over the money.

The two of them pulled up to Coffee Zone, and each got out of the car, with Ezra locking it behind him. Cora ordered quickly, she'd been craving a frappuccino ever since she'd woken up this morning, and received her order. Ezra chose to have a tall cup of an iced vanilla latte; he'd deemed it too cold for hot coffee when he had exited his car. The siblings sat down in the middle of the cafe.

"Hey, doesn't that girl go to our school?" Ezra narrowed his eyes at a blonde girl sitting across from them, who was typing something on her laptop.

"I have no clue." Cora shrugged her shoulders after she had swiveled her head around to get a good look at whoever Ezra was pointing out. She sighed as she scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone. "There's nothing to do around here."
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After a moment Zane waved the counter girl back over. "Just a bottle of water please?" He asked, flashing her a smile that sent her scurrying after it rather quickly.

Zane turned and leaned against the counter with his back, looking over the small cafe with a slight bit of curiosity, he hadn't been here before honestly, which surprised himself as this place wasn't too bad. He'd have to make it a habit to come back.

After a moment the counter girl came back with his water, a slight bit flustered it appeared as he turned and handed her a five, "Keep the change." He told her with another smile, waving her away.

Zane popped the cap open on it and took a long drag from it, wiping his lips after he was finished, his throat better now.

(@Endless Love @LexiRK @SummerFaerie @Keira Winston)
Marcella kept walking through the park, she usually went there just to get away from her mom and relax. She walked through the park to the other side where there was a coffee shop. She didn't usually go there and just made coffee at home. She headed inside anyways.

Marcella ordered her coffee and sat down at a small table near the windows. There were a few people from her school that she recognized. Though none would probably recognize her, she was just a nobody.
Matthew finally came out of the bookstore with a bag in hand. After finally getting up, he had walked downtown to the local bookstore to catch up on some reading. He looked up as he walked back home and noticed a sign above him. Coffee Zone. Sounds interesting, he thought, a nice cup of hot tea might just be what I need to go alone with this new book. He opened up the door to the establishment and towards the counter. "One cup of English Breakfast, please. Thank you." After paying, he sat down near the window with book in hand. Drinking a sip from his hot cup, he sighed in contentment before opening up his book.
Rosie stopped playing her short song and stuffed the guitar back in its case. She was dreaming of some hot coco. So then off she went to Coffee Zone. A place her nanny bought coffee for the two. Knowing they had hot chocolate was one of the reasons she went there a whole bunch. She walked and walked her legs on over to this coffee place, and with a yawn her eyes found the entrance she was looking for. Walking through the door she just opened. She looked at the lady at the counter and ordered her hot chocolate. After waiting for the drink to be made she moved over to a bench were she sat with her guitar by her side. Her mouth then took a sip of the hot drink as she scanned the coffee consumers.

Apparently Savannah had been staring at her laptop screen for a while, because when she looked up to take another sip of her iced tea the place had filled up. Her amber brown eyes scanned the room inquisitively, recognizing a few faces from Las Palmas High. One of them, a girl with strawberry blonde hair, and the other, who looked fairly similar to her as though they were siblings, a guy in Savannah's English class. There was also a guy at the counter, who had ordered a water and had the waitress practically gawking at him. And then there was a girl sitting on a bench who looked about her age sipping some hot beverage. For some reason it baffled her they were all in the same place at once. They all seemed so different, yet so alike. Savannah took another sip of icy liquid from her straw, and the cold temperature of it wasn't expected, so she almost choked. That was enough to make her realize she was thinking in an insane manor. But still, it just seemed so peculiar. They obviously hadn't all came in together. So why had the universe decided to put them all together in the same place at once? I'm over thinking this. She thought.
Zane's eyes landed on a girl at a laptop who had just joked it sounded like, which was what had attracted his attention. He gave a slight chuckle, taking another drink from his water as he relaxed against the counter. To be honest he was relishing in the peace of not being surrounded by a crowd for once.
Marcella took out her phone and began looking through her favorite social media, Tumblr. Watching tv shows and reading books was another way for her to escape the pain of reality. Especially through her brother's death her favorite shows had helped her stay a bit positive. Always awaiting the next episode coming out or getting the next book in a series.
Jessica got up from her bench at the lake. The park had filled up and it wasn't the same. She left her earphones still plugged in her ears and walked toward Coffee Zone. It wasn't her favorite, but Jess decided to stop by. It was just across the street. She preferred Star Bucks, but this was much cheaper. Jessica opened the door of the shop making the wind chimes sound. She walked up to the counter and studied the menu for a few seconds. She then ordered her usual after taking off her earphones. "A large Mocha Mint Frappe please," Jessica said to the cashier. She waited at the counter til her drink was finished. She grabbed the plastic cup and took a seat at the counter. She immediately took out her phone and scrolled through her messages.

Teddy snapped to reality and smacked his lips a bit. He was thirsty, and incredibly so. He glanced around for a water fountain, but to no success. He finally stood, Jack jumping down from his lap and made his way to the nearby Coffee Zone. He had never been there before, and wasn't a fan of coffee, but he was sure they at least had water. The place seemed to be pet friendly as well, opening the door and walking in with Jack. He approached the counter quietly and looked to the girl behind the counter. She wasn't looking to him, and seemed to be straight out ignoring him, her attention on some other guy further down the counter with some water.

"U-Uhm...Excuse me...?" he said quietly, the girl still ignoring him. He cleared his throat to no avail, and then sighed. "Excuse me, Mi-" he said before be cut off with a sharp "What?" from the girl, her words cutting at his confidence as he seemed to have annoyed her. "I-I was just w-wondering if I could order some wat-" he stammered out before she bluntly stated out "I'm on break. Leave me alone." He quickly quieted himself at the girl's harshness and lowered his head. "O-Oh. Okay. I'll try later, then..." he said quietly before going to find a seat.
Cora tapped her fingers on the tabletop, leaning back in her chair. She looked up from the dimly lit screen of her phone, then furrowed her eyebrows; a good amount of familiar faces had appeared in Coffee Zone out of absolutely nowhere. "Ezra," she whispered, trying to catch his attention from his phone. He didn't look up. "Ezra!" Cora hissed, leaning closer to him.

The older sibling looked up, both startled and annoyed. "What?"

"Why are there so many people from school here?" Cora whined, "I just hate seeing people from school outside of school, ya know?"

"Uh, no, you're just weird." Ezra rolled his eyes; it was a wonder that Cora was as popular as she was when she preferred to distance herself from other people. "Oh, hey, I think that's Zane." He craned his neck to check if the guy leaning against the counter with water was who he thought is was.

Cora's eyes lit up, but she didn't turn around to check who Ezra was looking at. "Rich Zane? Cute, muscular Zane?"

"You're disgusting." Ezra rolled his eyes, but called out to his classmate, who seemed to be staring off into space. "Zane!" (@Johnomono)
Sophia sighed softly, shaking her head but smiling. "You're really lucky I love you, loser," Standing and wandering over to the door beside her brother, Sophia paused and looked over at him. "I'll go on one condition..." Watching Nikolai's expression go from happy to suspicious was quite amusing. "And what is that?" Snatching the keys from his hand and walking out the door, Sophia called back, "We have to go to the coffee shop, first!" Sophia's smile widened now, knowing her brother would inevitably give in to her wishes. One of Sophia's biggest pleasures in life was her usual morning coffee from the Coffee Zone. To her, it was better than any other place; including Starbucks.

Slipping into the passengers seat of their car, Sophia rolled down her window slightly and turned on the radio. She glanced up to motion Nikolai over but he had disappeared. Staring blankly at the doorway, relief washed over her as Nik came back, holding his wallet in hand. Sophia relaxed in the seat, still not too sure about going out for the day but rather thankful that she would be starting out this day of horror with a decent cup of coffee.

Nikolai chuckled to himself as he got in the car, glancing over at his sister and shaking his head. "And you're lucky I love you, dork," he said with a smile. He was kind of surprised that he hadn't seen this coming. Sophia always wanted something in return for doing what he wanted. Even as kids, they would make deals with each other daily over chores. Usually, it always worked out more in Sophia's favor, not that it really bothered Nik. He liked seeing his sister happy. Seeing her sad was one thing he hated the most. It made him so angry, and deeply hurt that he told himself he had to do everything he could to make her happy whenever he could.

Arriving at the Coffee Zone, Nik turned off the car and glanced over at Sophia. "Try not to break me, would ya." Receiving a smirk from Sophia, he shook his head. "Dammit! I did it again, didn't I?" he asked. "Yes, yes you did." Once again, Nikolai had offered to pay without realizing that Sophia would have been completely willing to do it herself. Nikolai shoved the keys in his pocket and headed into the coffee shop, Sophia in tow.
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Matthew looked up as he heard someone shout out a name in the little shop. It was one of the girls from his school that he had never talked to. He blinked twice as he realized that a lot of his classmates were there in fact. How did that happen without me noticing? He looked down at his book, realizing the answer to his own question. He had been so absorbed in it that he didn't even realize. Matthew sighed, and turned back to his little table. His tea was long gone by now. He contemplated ordering another one before deciding against it; he was rather comfortable in his seat and didn't feel like getting up. He turned his attention back to his book and continued to read on, drowning out most of the noise around him.
Marcella looked up as someone called out a name. Of course she was a bit curious who wouldn't be they'd shouted in a small cafe. She noticed it was someone from her school, not that they'd know her though. Now that she looked up though there seemed to be lots of people from her school. There didn't seem to be any adults in the coffee shop. Something in Ella's chest started to flutter, this situation seemed almost like something out of a book or a movie. She wanted to speak up but she was too shy to say anything.
Zane looked over as he heard his name with a mental groan, Ugh, and the peace is shattered...

He took one last drink before pushing off the counter and walking over, "Sup." he said, looking at the guy who called is name.

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