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Realistic or Modern Misfits

My God. Savannah thought, looking up with astonishment at the two siblings entering the Coffee Zone who also happened to be from LPH (Las Palmas High)). The twins, too? Everyone knew the twins, mostly because Sofia was fairly popular, therefore making her brother somewhat well known as well. Although since Savannah only hung out with the snobby rich girls, whose company she disliked, she'd never really had the chance to get to really even talk to Sofia let alone her brother. At that point Savannah stopped believing her eyes. Almost everyone here was from LPH, with the exception of the baristas and a man who looked to be in his 40's dressed in a business suit and typing furiously at the keys of his laptop. She couldn't wrap her finger around it. Savannah must have been a sight to see too. She was simply staring at everyone in the room, her shimmery orangish pink glossed lips parted with confusion. She was still tempted to believe it was some sort of meeting for a school club. A very weird club at that.
Teddy took his seat, his head lowered as Jack sat down next to him on the floor, panting. A small frown crossed his face before looking up, noticing a lot of people from his school. The twins were there, and he recognized Zane anywhere. Teddy had been the silent eyes and ears for years at LPH, and he knew almost everyone, but they never seemed to know him. He recognized Savannah as well, along with Marcella and then walked in Nik and Sofia. 'Did...Did I walk in on some kind of meeting? This is weird....' he thought to himself. He kept quiet and contempt with just watching.
Jessica looked up from her phone for a moment. She loomed around. Most of the people at the coffee shop were from the local highschool. "Weird..." she muttered to herself. She recognized the faces, but she didn't quite know everyone's names. She didn't know everyone, but everyone knew her. She was considered popular, but Jessica hated the attention. She was literally asked out everyday. Being the hard-to-get girl she is, she usually broke their hearts by rejecting them. She glanced at each face. She recognized Savannah. Savannah was quite mysterious and she seemed to always hang out with the wrong crowd. She glanced over to Sophia and Nik, everyone knew them. "Popular, popular, popular," Jessica said eyeing the two siblings. Sophia and Nik weren't bad, but just being populars somehow just bothered her. She rolled her eyes as she received another text from the snobby rich girls. She rolled her eyes. What the hell do they want? she thought. She pushed her phone away and continued examining the people in the room. She was lucky that no annoying lovesick boy was there. Jess continued to examine the kids from LPH. Cora and her brother, Ezra, sat next to each other. It was the same old populars. She felt like the popular crowd was having a gathering here. Jessica was usually invited to parties or gatherings held by the populars, but she never came. "Better get my ass outta here," she said to herself.

Rosie eyes glanced around the room. Noticing all the people from the school she was a little freaked out. The her lips touch the cup again to find it wasn't full anymore and was completely empty. So standing up and leaving her instrument in the booth. She made her way to the trash can. Were she would throw away the empty cup before returning to the booth so she could study all the faces of the students. All she saw were populars or at least what every one else called them. She laughed a little by the sight of all this. Her lips gave off a smile as she open up her guitar case and pulled out the beauty of a guitar. She sat so her body was facing the middle of the cafe. She was about to play a song for her own amusement due to the fact nothing was happening. So her fingers strummed the strings which gave to a small tune. Then her song was off. A song she practiced because well she hated the song and she knew other people hate as well. Then it was heard through the cafe. Justin Beiber's song Baby ran through out the small cafe. She even gave off some of the lyrics. After all her voice was amazing when others heard it, but she hated the sound of her own voice. When she stop she laughed an almost silent giggle. She looked among the faces of other people a waiting there soon deserved reaction to the song.
Marcella got slightly annoyed when someone started singing and playing Justin Bieber. She hated those kinds of songs, they enjoyed orchestral music and electronic. That was real music to her, not the stuff 'cool people' listened too. She couldn't help laughing quietly to herself thinking she sounded like an old lady.
Matthew glanced up again as he heard the strum of a guitar take place. A girl a ways from him was playing a Justin Bieber song. He rolled his eyes. He never quite liked those types of songs. He preferred instrumental and powerful music, like the ones that came off of the score of one of his video games. Matthew put his book down again and back into his bag. There was no way that he was going to be able to finish his book with this racket going in the coffee shop. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance at the fact. Glancing around, now bored, he noticed that many more people from the school were here now. His eyes widened in surprise before shifting between the different sets of people. He had nothing better to do than people watch. His empty cup laid on the table still. He decided to go get a refill before he relaxed again. He fixed his glasses, pushing them farther up the bridge of his nose before setting off back towards the cashier.
"Hey man," Ezra wasn't really close with Zane, but they did hang around in the same circles, and had a few classes together. "How's all the fighting stuff working out for you? I heard that you're planning on going professional after graduating," He raised his eyebrows. "Is that true?"

Cora blew a stand of hair away from her face, turning to face Zane so that she wasn't left out of the conversation, although she didn't contribute to it. Some girl with a guitar their age--presumably also from the local high school, although she didn't recognize her--started playing along to a Justin Bieber song, which made Cora furrow her eyebrows in disbelief at the song choice. "She can't be serious. It's 2014."
Glancing around the cafe at everyone, Sophia immediately noticed practically everyone from school was there. Odd... Of course, none of her actual friends were there but a couple of Nik's were. It always amused her that she was only really considered popular because Nikolai was. Though she was totally comfortable simply living in his shadow for life, people seemed to care about the two in equal amounts; as well as hate, in some cases. Sophia would much rather hang around one person at a time as opposed to being stared at by everyone, silently being judged by her peers. She hated that so many people disliked her simply because some considered her popular. Popular doesn't have to mean shitty person, at least not in this case.

Noticing Zane, one of Nik's closer friends, Sophia gave him a casual smile, her eyes still wandering the room until she reached the counter. Ordering her usual, Sophia waited patiently for her drink. After only a few minutes, she was on her way to a small table near the front of the cafe; her favorite spot. The particular seat she loved happened to have a beautiful view of the street as well as a glimpse of the beach. Some days she could just come here, sit down, and spend hours simply admiring the outside from the security of the Coffee Zone.

Nikolai simply ordered a water, refusing to crush his somewhat reformed diet so soon. He had to lose a few pounds to meet the next weight, though he was already there, he didn't want to risk it so soon. Offering the girl a smirk, he turned around to see Sophia sitting in her usual spot, simply gazing out the window. Nik began his way over to her, slowing down slightly as he noticed who all was in there. He recognized more people than he would have expected, including a couple who played the same sports as he did.

"This is weird..." He mumbled, sitting across the table from Sophia, earning only a soft "mhhm," from his sister, Nikolai took a large gulp of his water as his eyes scanned the room lightly. He raised a hand when his eyes hit Zane, offering him a simple hello. Nikolai put his water back on the table and looked back at Sophia. "Hey," he nudged her arm, startling her. "There are also people here you could talk to..." He said, gesturing with his heads towards the rest of the coffee shop. "I think I'm okay..." she replied, blowing lightly on her drink before taking a sip.
Jessica continued observing. The populars in the shop weren't that bad. She was quite lucky that none of the snobby rich girls were there. Most of the students here were populars, though. Jessica hadn't talked to any of them much. She was considered popular, and she hated that. She tried to stick to the shadows, though it was hard to since she liked a good party. She finished sipping her frappe and walked over to the trash. She dropped it, making it land in a 'plop'. She went back to her seat just when some girl started playing 'Baby' by Justin Beiber. She rolled her eyes. "Lame," she said. This music as extremely annoying. She plugged her earphones back into her ears. She played her playlist full of pop, rap, and EDM. She couldn't hear the guitar anymore, and she was relieved.

She laughed as placed the guitar back into its case. She looked at the reactions of others she knew a lot of people hated the song from a time that wasn't relevant to today. She hated the song herself but playing it in public was just great. So she stood with her guitar case on the right side of her body. She walked over to a girl she only knew by name. Rosie noticed how the girl moved her earphones in so she didn't have to her the music. Rosie stared at the girl as she gave a chuckle. Rosie pulled on one of the earphones slightly and let it fall. She gave the girl an amused smile before speaking "You didn't like the song. Well I hate it." She moved her away around so she could sit in the seat opposite from the girl. When her butt landed on the chair so did her case on the floor."A horrible song really, but I cant help but play it to see other peoples reactions. It Priceless." She stop with a low laugh.
Zane turned to look towards the sound of a Justin Bieber song, obvious dislike on his face, before looking back, "Yea, it is, where'd you hear that?" Zane asked, tilting his head slightly, he hadn't told anyone yet about those plans.

Zane sighed quietly, probably one of his many stalkers, or someone had just figured it out, it might not be too hard to guess with his increase in fighting lately. He even had a fight later this week in a more public place. Location wouldn't be know until a few hours before the fight but everyone was waiting it seemed,
Ezra shrugged. " I overheard this group of freshman girls talking about you. You know, those five girls that paid some guy a hundred bucks to steal a football player's underwear and jock strap last month?" He winced at the thought of a group of strange pubescent girls giggling as they shared some poor guy's sweaty clothes.

"Oh, that's gross." Cora frowned. A flash of recognition moved across her face. "Wait a second..." She looked in horror to her brother. "The same girls that tried to break into your room??"

He sighed. "Yeah, them." Ezra looked to Zane. "You've gotta watch your back with these girls, they're crazier than the regular stalkers you have."
Zane groaned, rolling his eyes, "Great, just what I need to deal with now. At least I've got some good security at my place." Zane said with a nod.

And that he did, his parents kept the mansion up to date with the latest security systems, some high end stuff.

"So...need something or just wanting to chat?" Zane asked, looking around. The shop was filling with people he had seen around. It wouldnt take long for the flock to arrive and he wanted to be gone before they did.
Marcella brought up her notes on her phone and began typing down everyone's name in the room. She knew there must be some connection they all had. Besides, them all being in the same place at once couldn't just be coincidence right? This would give her something to do as well, other than the seemingly endless chores she had due to her mom.

Most people found it strange that she knew more about people than others thought. She'd had a habit of watching people overy the years and new a great deal about what everyone liked, disliked. Who'd dated who, how long a student had gone to school there, when someone left. Ella wished she'd brought her laptop with her so she could type everything down that was going through her head right now. For now she'd have to work with her phone.

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