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Futuristic Midnight Blue


The Hunter
Welcome to the world 8963; the crux of the Milky Renascence. The Scovian invention of the interstellar ship (or more popularly known as a Star Chaser) has recently been introduced to the universe, creating new, fast opportunities for different planets to interact and mingle. All wakes of life are taking to space for all sorts of reasons. The most popular being pirating. The Sea of Stars is now the most traveled path in the whole universe, (which may have something do do with it encompassing the whole universe) what path will it lead you down?
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Annabelle stood on the edge of the docking station with her hands on her hips and her hair bellowing in the wind. She could hear the sounds of Star Chasers starting up and flying out towards the vast outer reaches of the universe. Star Chasers were still new technology when she lost her sight, but being a Ausranine gave her the advantage of being one of the first races to see the ships. She didn't know just how far they'd advanced sense she last saw them, or if they had advanced at all, but through Malice she was able to get sort of a grasp. Speaking of Malice, the no good lazy cat laid down at Annabelle's heels and watched the Star Chasers fly off. "Alright Malice. We're gunna finally get this adventure going, okay?" Annabelle said with a confident smile, "we're going to need a ship first. Then a navigator, unless you want to fly the thing. Then we might need a mechanic too..." she sighed as she sat down next to Malice, "I'm going to need to find a first mate as well. You can't have a pirate crew without a first mate. Or a ship. The ship and first mate take top priority right now." she said with a definite nod "now, how are we gunna get those?" she asked the cat. Malice yawned and laid her head down "You really are useless..." Annabelle sighed.
Leo was running through the streets of the city and avoids crashing into anything that was in his path. He can't stop running, no matter what happens to him. Stopping would mean the end of his adventure, which he didn't even get to start yet. "Stop him!" A Woven wearing a suit with a wolf-like "companion" yelled out while chasing Leo with others identical to him. Were they the police? Nope, not even close to home. These guys wanted to sell him off as a slave for their "business", something Leo didn't pick as his career choice in his mind. "Dammit, this better be the right way to the docks." He thought as he takes a turn at the end of the street. After seeing several Star Chasers fly away from the docking station, he knew he was at the right place. Only problem now was to escape his captors before confronting the captain who betrayed him earlier that day. Looking around, he sees a clothing store nearby the docking station and enters it. A few minutes later, Leo leaves the store with a black vest, cape, sunglasses, and gloves. How he obtained them was a secret and they were much better looking than the rags he was in before. His pursuers were still in the area, but were looking for someone in rags. "Now to find that bastard." Leo muttered as he walks around the docking station for the ship he boarded a few days ago on Earth. Seeing a Woven sitting at the edge of the docking station with a cat companion, he approaches her from behind. "Umm, excuse me? Do you work here?" He asked the Woven nicely.
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"No, I don't suppose they'd let the blind work." Annabelle replied as she stood up and turned to face whoever was talking to her. Well....sort of face him anyways. She was only like eighty five degrees off. She always had a hard time locating people in busy areas like the docs. Today was especially hard because as soon as whoever she was trying to talk to arrived, a bunch of other noisy Woven arrived shouting about trying to catch a rouge. Geeze. Could they be anymore annoying? It wouldn't even be as bad if she had a small companion that she could hold in her arms to use as a pair of eyes like the rabbit her older sister and mother hand. No, instead she had to have a freaking huge cat that was far more interested in the ruckus going on then letting her have a normal, not blind conversation. But to be fair, she was more interested in the ruckus going on than having a conversation. "If you're looking for someone who works here I'd check out the Star Chasers that haven't left yet. I'd imagine they'd be around those, doing their job or something....whatever their job would be." Annabelle said with a shrug. Her curiosity about that runaway was peaking though, as it didn't take her long before she turned back to her cat "you don't think that rouge has a ship do you? Why else would they be here?....you think we can steal it?" she whispered to the cat, who only stood up and began to roam around in response.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you if you worked here or not." Leo apologized to the Woven. Embarrassed for asking her something she didn't know or see, he tries to change the subject. "Well then... thanks for the information. I'll be leaving you alone now." That wasn't what he planned on saying, but it's better to stop talking now before he says something stupid again. He walks away from the blind Woven, only to see some of his pursuers looking at him. "Probably nothing..." He thought as he passes by a docked Star Chaser.

"Should we check that black caped human out?" A Woven with a parrot companion asked his comrade, who nods his head in agreement. "Hey you! Human! Over here!" He shouted out to Leo, who began running away when he heard the Woven shout at him. "Why is he... IT'S HIM! IT"S THE HUMAN ROUGE!" All of the suited Wovens look toward Leo for moment before running after him with their animal companions. "Get him before he escapes again!"
Malice jumped out in front of the Woven and snarled at them. They stopped in their tracks. "Excuse me good sirs, but I don't think you mean to be chasing my associate." Annabelle announced as she walked up to Malice. "I'm Janice Cheree, the hair of THE Cheree industries, you know, the famous electronics company. That human your chasing is an important aspect of my father's company. He's recently gone missing. Now, I'm sure you were just trying to get him back for us, but I can handle it from here." Annabelle said as she crossed her arms. Cheree industries were real, and they did have a daughter named Janice. It sure wasn't Annabelle though. She was sure the real Janice wouldn't mind her using her name. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go get my business partner back." she said as she turned around and walked...in a direction. She wasn't really sure where he went, so she just hoped that she wasn't going to walk into a wall. Malice stopped the Woven from chasing her. The wolf was the only companion who could possibly stand a chance against the leopard, and even that one was a stretch.
"Hodge? Hodge?! HODGE!"

"Whada ya want?"

"Get ye blimey arse up here! We've got work to do. The Five Eight Afrasee needs looking at and den we've got da Ratalskin ship. You can't sleep all day." Solace growled at the lazy human sleeping in one the ships at the dock. She then thrusts her leg down on his gut for good measure, that sure woke him up.

"My bad miss. But you know I'm done with this."

"Oh don't ye dare!

"I QUIT!" Hodge rattled and stormed off the ship leaving her alone with the duties of this ship and two others. She watched him trip on his way.

"Whatever, good riddance den. Who needs ya!" She sighed thinking about all the work that had to be done. "Well notings bound to get done if I'm up here all day." She went down to the bilge and saw that there were a few fixings that needed to be looked at. She knew that if they were traveling in space and they didn't get this covered up they'd be in tons of trouble. "All dese holes, what makes dem tink dey could go out dere with a ship as bad as dis one." She pulled out what looked like a gun and began patching up the holes. As she approached the last one she fired up the gun then realized it was out of juice. Growling she went above deck. Nearing a mass she pressed a button and a patch opened up. Sticking her gun in the hole she let go of it and anti-gravity kept it from falling. The area began glowing and then a voice from the machine said, "Charging complete." Solace grabbed the gun once more and headed back to bilge to finish patching up the last of the holes.

"Alright! Looks like dats da last of it. Now on to Five Eight Afrasee. Oh it's gonna be a long day." She made her way off the ship and made sure all her tools were placed on her belt and that she had everything she came with before going any further. The docks were always crowded with people so she knew she had to be prepared, in case there was something she liked, so she could take it without anyone noticing. If she could just find one of the legendary gold planets then she wouldn't have to steal. There was no way she'd ever go back to her wealthy war driven parents. Aye, tis a long indeed. She thought to herself when out of no where a human runs right into her wearing a black caped vest. "Blimey!" She let out and then remembered she wasn't alone anymore on the ship or with that idiot Hodge, he never caught onto her speech pattern. She would change her speech pattern from pirate lingo to the proper way she had learn to speak to others. "What do you think you're doing? Watch it!" She said still on the ground.
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The wolf growls back at Malice and was about to attack the leopard when its partner told him to stop. "Not today, Lupus. Maybe another time." The wolf holds back its urge to kill before walking back to his partner's side. "Heir of Cheree Industries... heh." The Woven chuckled before ordering the others to leave. They caused too much of a ruckus at the docks today. Last thing they needed was to get the law involved right now.

"Frak, frak, frak!" Leo cursed out loud as he jumps over a metal crate and pushes a dock worker out of the way. Why couldn't those Woven just be stupid enough not to notice him? Was it his new clothing that gave him away or his race being human? Suddenly he trips over a small crate he didn't notice earlier and falls on top of someone. "Oww..." He muttered. When he notice the woman right underneath him telling him something, he gets off of her. "Sorry about that! I didn't mean to crash into you!" Leo helps the woman up, not sure what race she was. He turns around to see if the Woven were still chasing him, but saw the blind Woven with the leopard companion he met earlier walking toward him instead. Did she have something to do with their disappearance? "Despite recklessly crashing into you just now, by any chance do you happen to work here at the docks?" He asked the human(?) after looking back at her, since the tools on her belt meant she was an engineer of some sort. Or it could be a fashion statement on this planet. Not sure anymore.
Solace brushed herself off, when asked by the man if she worked here. "Yes. As a matter of fact I do. I'm an engineer." She replied adjusting her goggles on her head. "Now if you'll excuse me I've got one hell of a ship to fix up. The Five Eight Afrasee." She tightened her belt and secured her weapons onto her back. She then noticed that he seemed as though he were in trouble. Should I help the poor lad. Arr, I've got tings to do, I've no time for dis. She shook her head and began to make her way off to the other ship. "Well it was interesting meeting you." She said with a slight salute.
"Same to you." Leo replied back with a salute too. When he couldn't see the engineer anymore, he decides to speak with the blind Woven again. Maybe she could help him out with his small problem, seeing how she managed to make the men chasing him earlier disappear. "Hey, it's me again. You know, the guy who spoke to you a few minutes ago?" He told the blind Woven as he walked toward her to lessen the distance between them. "Do you mind telling me how you scared off those other Wovens? Or was that someone else that did it and what I'm saying sounds like gibberish to you?"
On her way over towards the direction she thought the rouge had run off to, Annabelle could have sworn she heard The Five Eight Afrasee being mentioned. Annabelle knew a ship or two, and if what they lady was saying was correct, the was one impressive ship to have docked here. Her guess in direction was affirmed when she heard a familiar voice talk to her again. She was glad she walked in the right direction, after pulling off a lie like that it would look pretty bad if she hadn't. "Let's just say I have my ways." Annabelle replied with a smirk as her companion trotted up to her side. Malice hadn't looked at him before so Annabelle was just starting to get his basic shape down. Seeing through her companion was not the easiest, but it beat being blind. Most Woven used their companions just to get a basic sense of the people out of eyesight, but Annabelle didn't have that luxury. "So, if you were running and you came all the way over here, you must have a ship, right?" she cooed. "Do you know that girl you were just talking to?" she asked as well. An engineer and a ship, it seemed like good start to her.
"Yeah, she's an engineer who's fixing some Star Chasers nearby." Leo replied. "One of them is... mine. Or about to become mine after the captain of that ship and I discuss about the final payments for it." This was obviously a lie, but maybe necessary to say if he was going to get this woman's help. She thinks he owns something that's not his, so he might as well take advantage of this opportunity. "However, I need someone strong like you to accompany me there. Those men from earlier might attack me again and I need all the protection I can get if that ship is going to be mine. Heck, I'll even give you any position you want in my crew after I acquire the ship." He raises his hand toward the blind Woven to help guide her to the ship. "So do we have a deal or not?"
"Well well well Ms. Reprimand, cutting it kinda close aren't you." Captain Lots said as Solace approaches the ship. Solace exasperates and climbs aboard. "Aye, Captain. Forgive me."

"Alright. Get to work I'll be back in an hour have my repairs done by then."

"Aye Sir." She nods as he leaves his ship. The Five Eight Afrasee, the five is for its five masses and the eight for it's number of cannons above and below, sixteen total. Afrasee was the name of the captain's late wife. Solace headed to the top of one of its sails to patch up one of its wings.

"Fix it up nice and ye'll get da good muntz. I need all da goods I can get." She often times spoke to herself as she did her work, but now that Hodge quit she talked even more so. "And dat should do it. Now time to" She checks the list that was given to her "scrape glanols . . . Ah, ye got to be kidding me, dats da last ting I want to be doing." Glanols were these little animals that sucked themselves onto the bottom and sides of the ship. She grabbed her pack and shoved it off finding her grip. "Ah hah, dere it is." She smiled at the black contraption. It almost looked like one of those ancient headphones. She applied pressure to the outside of the ships poop deck with the rounded surface of her grip. Then it sprang to life and became a swing with a ladder. She sits down and begins to scrape them off one by one.
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So she didn't even have to hijack his ship! "We've got a deal!" Annabelle said as she reached out and shook his hand. There was no way she was going to let this opportunity go by before he realized the huge mistake he's just made. No one in their right mind would give away the position of captain. "My name's Annabelle by the way. Vakarine." she continued as she walked past him, "you should probably give me your name too on our way to your ship. We should see if we can't talk to that mechanic girl too. She seems like she'd be a valuable aspect." Annabelle continued on. "Well?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder, "c'mon, lead the way." Malice walked up next to Leo and stood pressed up against his leg. It was Annabelle's best form of direction. Touch was a lot more reliable than sight.
Leo nods before heading in the direction the engineer went. "I'm Leo Kupe. Human." He said as he walks past the small crate he tripped over a while ago. The leopard next to his leg made it hard to walk, but not drastically. Only a little bit. "So does your companion have a name, Annabelle?" He asked when they arrived where "his" Star Chaser was docked, which was called the Five Eight Afrasee. Quite the beauty to own. Too bad its original captain is about to have it taken away from him soon.
"Malice, her name is Malice." Annabelle said as she continued on past the ship they were to stop at. After passing it by a couple of feet it finally registered that Malice and Leo had stopped walking. "Are we here?" she asked as she looked around. How she wished she could have seen the ship she was about to be captain of. She really did hope it was beautiful. "So what's this thing called anyways?" Annabelle asked as she looked in the ship's direction, pretending to be examining it. She knew she wasn't fooling anyone, but it made her feel better. "Hey Malice, try and get a good look at the thing so I can judge its size" she called over. The leopard trotted away from Leo's side and walked along the dock to give Annabelle a basic idea about how it looked.
"The Five Eight Afrasee. Fastest Star Chaser in the universe." Leo replied. Not his own words, but the ones of the captain of the ship. Captain Lotus or something similar to that. He inspects the outer layer of the ship and imagines the adventures he'll go on soon. Sailing on the Sea of Stars, discovering unknown planets, finding hidden treasures, and fighting pirates. Something he always dreamed of back on Earth. "Now where is that bastard." He muttered when his mind returned back to reality. Noticing someone scrapping glanols off the side of the ship, he calls out to them to get their attention. "Hey you!" He shouted out to Solace, unaware that it was her. "Do you happen to know where Captain Lotus is?
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Deluros stopped in the middle of an abandoned street and bent one one knee. He delicately pulled a small green pouch from his boot. Kaku flipped his wings anxiously as Deluros opened the pouch. It contained of fresh bread crumbs. Deluros carefully laid it on the ground as Kaku stuck his beak in, happily snapping on his food. Deluros chuckled in delight and stood up. He heard something. A shuffling sound. He whipped his head around.

"I can here you, so come out."

Theres my starting post for ya]]
As Solace scraped the last of the glanols she heard someone call out. "Huh?" She looked down and noticed it was the same person from earlier. She switched her speech, "Captain's not here, he'll be back along within an hour or so." She yelled down at him and noticed he was with another person, a woman: a Woven no less by the leopard that was next to her. "Just a second, I'll be down shortly." She grabbed where the ladder began and puled herself back onto the ship. Pulling the device off of the side of the ship she pushed a button that made it turn back into what looked like headphones and put it away in her pack and slung it onto her shoulder. She then ran and grabbed one of the ropes from the sails and swung herself all the way down off the ship in front of the others. "Phew. Now then, how can I help you two? I'm afraid I'm very busy. I still have a few things that need to get done but I'll do my best to help you. I'll just ignore the fact that you bumped into me today." She faced the Woven, "Hello!" She said brightly, "Now what is it?"
Annabelle turned her head when she heard someone shouting to come out. Was she hiding? Did she accidentally wander into an alleyway? Was she staring at a wall instead of the ship the whole time? So much for looking confident. She should have just stopped there instead of making a bigger fool out of herself. "I...uh..don't mean to be hiding....are you a pirate?" she called back. If the answer was yes she'd ask him to join her crew. If the answer was no, she was just a poor little blind girl trying to keep herself safe. The girl Annabelle heard faintly earlier seemed to be talking again. It made sense, Leo did say she was working on his ship. "We're just here to look at Leo's ship." she said with a smirk. "How's it look?"
"Yes I am, but I have no crew along my side." Deluros flashed a grin as Kaku flew onto his shoulder.
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"Leo Kupe?" Solace was clearly confused and then out of no where another man showed up. with a flying creature. What was it today? Was today completely off. And since when did Captain Lots ever deal with others? "And who might you be?" She asked the man that was clearly ignorant enough to go around saying he was a pirate. The Interstellar Navy had troops everywhere and anywhere. "If you were smart you wouldn't be calling yourself a pirate around any of these parts." Solace said adjusting her goggles once more. "Like I said," she turned to face Leo, "Leo, was it? The Captain's aloft. Be back within the hour and then you can speak with him. Now I've got to get a fixing that boiler. Right, 'scuse me then. Miss" She said speaking to the Woven, and she saluted the other two men a she boarded the ship again.
Deloris chuckled with delight.

"The Navy don't scare me missy. I'd better be going now."' He slowly began to walk past the woman he encountered before silently
Annabelle took interest in the loner pirate. She'd convince him eventually. Not yet, but soon. He'd join her crew, once it was up and going that was. For now, she had to figure out who this aloft captain was. Because it obviously wasn't Leo. "Leo. Do you have something you might want to tell me?" Annabelle cooed. It wasn't like she wasn't intending on taking his ship anyways, but this was just another step in the convoluted plan.

But Annabelle was stricken by a sudden urge. An unmistakeable one that often came when she was around pigeons. "Hey, we uh...wouldn't have a bird Woven around here would we? I'd hate to eat someone's...Malice...Malice!" Annabelle squawked as she ran towards her companion. She held down the leopard as it eyed Kaku.
"Really?" Leo said as he looks at the stranger with the bird-like creature. So this was a pirate. He met a few in the past. Not the nicest people to deal with. However, why did Annabelle ask if the stranger was a pirate? And she's starting to doubt him. Damn. "Like I said before, not mine yet." He replied quickly. Turning back to the engineer, who boarded the ship when he wasn't looking, he sighs. "Well can you at least let my partner and I board the ship too? You wouldn't want the captain to get angry at you for making one of his clients wait outside our meeting place."

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