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Fandom MHA RP (Mix of OC and Canon) -Actual RP-


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Hey, so this is the actual RP portion of the MHA post I made.
Quirk: Astral Projection
Name: Atlas Nesos
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Greek
Pronouns: Atlas introduces himself in third person. He doesn’t really care much about pronouns so most can call him anything they want but sometimes refers to himself with he/him.
Quirk: Astral Projection- Atlas is able to project illusions of the known space entities into air. He cannot project the accurate size of the space entities and sometimes morphs into something else if he doesn't remember how it looks like.
Hair: Dark Blue to Teal Gradient. It’s almost surreal to look at, like you’re looking at a part of space itself.
Eyes: An extremely faint greenish gray.
Skin: Unusually pale, maybe even white if you look closely.
Height: 5"5 inches
Weight: 125 lbs
Personality: Of a quiet nature, Atlas doesn’t seek anything other than entertainment. He often has a thick novel in hand and resting his head on a nearby surface to read. If he doesn't have a novel, he spaces out to peoplewatch or plays tv. He becomes extremely dull, distant and sometimes even asocial when a subject doesn't interest him. Spacing out in the middle of a conversation is common with Atlas and can is often interputed as rude and arrogant.
Backstory: Atlas was a spacey and nonchalant child from the moment he was born. He was born in London with his two parents. His mother was able to change parts of her body into an astral-like apperance and his father was able to project thoughts from his mind. They divorces when Atlas was five and he often had to swap houses every year. Eventually, both his parents cut all communications from each other and his mom flew him all the way to Japan and enrolled him in UA.

"Look μαμά!" Atlas pointed up to a constellation, his eyes sparkled in a wonder that appeared sparsely. Looking down at his hands, Atlas closed his eyes as he focused all his concentration into imagining that constellation with him. It took some time when his mom came by to answer his call. However, Atlas didn't hear her gentle voice call out to him. "Hm? Mom? Look, there's constellations!" Atlas asked curiously before slowly opening his eyes. Behold in front of him, he now understood why his mom went quiet.

These constellations look pretty when they're up close, don't they? Why didn't I use this more in the past, you ask? Was it because you were afraid of it? Having a quirk that makes it seem like the astral is closer than you think the world would make your stomach curl in the cosmic dread, would it?

But that was far too long ago....a sliver of a memory long forgotten.

Atlas' hair was stared at by the many students preparing for the entrance exam, not that he cared. The constellation and stars reflected in his hair was a wonder to look at and the fact that he looks foreign was a rare thing to see. This wasn't rare ever since he had moved to Japan with his mom. Who would've thought someone who looks like they have been ripped out of space itself to land here.

"This is a rather big place, huh," Atlas mumbled under his breath in English. It was five months since he moved into the country so he wasn't quite used to constantly speaking in Japanese yet. Fixing his bangs, Atlas stood in the crowd while dozing off into his own mind, hoping that it would lead him to the Entrance Exam somehow.​
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Coral Brooke
Names: Coral Brooke
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Eyes: bright blue usually compared to the ocean making them magical yet deadly at the same time
Hair: a light blonde color
Gender: female
Romantic ordination: straight

Quirk: water abilitys her abilitys range from full on tsunamis (when angered) to water orbs that not only soak the opponent but also throws them back aggressively, additional could be used to drown people... Still learning on how to use her magic she tends to lose control of it rather quickly especially when angered. However when she uses her powers she tends to experience extreme dehydration where she could fall over and pass out if she uses more than her limits.

Personality: Coral Brooke is a sweet and bubbly girl, radiating warmth and joy like the ocean on a sunlit summer day. Her infectious laughter and friendly demeanor draw people in, making her a beloved companion. However, beneath her cheerful surface lies a darker, more intense side; when angered, she can unleash a fierce energy that feels as perilous as drowning in turbulent waters. Despite her approachable nature, Coral harbors a mysterious depth, holding secrets as enigmatic as the hidden treasures of the ocean floor. This duality makes her both captivating and complex, inviting curiosity while keeping others at a safe distance from her true depths.

Background: Coral Brooke grew up in a turbulent household, where her father’s abuse cast a long shadow over her childhood. His anger was unpredictable, leaving both Coral and her mother living in constant fear. Despite the turmoil, Coral developed a bubbly personality as a coping mechanism, using her laughter to mask the pain and chaos that surrounded her. She found solace in the ocean, imagining it as a refuge where she could escape the harsh realities of home.

As she navigated the challenges of her upbringing, Coral also discovered her passion for heroism, drawing strength from the heroes she admired. Finally, when she received her acceptance letter to U.A., it felt like a lifeline. This opportunity represented not just a chance to pursue her dreams but also a way to escape the suffocating grip of her past. Leaving home was both liberating and terrifying; while she stepped into a new world of possibilities, the scars of her upbringing remained, lurking just beneath her cheerful facade. As she embraces her new life, Coral battles with the darkness within, determined to transform her pain into power, all while keeping the deepest secrets of her heart hidden like treasures in the ocean’s depths.

Best friends: open
Friends: open
Enimes: open
Love interests: open

Coral made her way to UA highschool to say she was nervous would be a complete understatement. If she didn't pass the entrance exam shed not only fail shed have to go home and stay home for another year till she found another way out...of until shed get another chance for the entrance exam.

Oh get out of your head Coral we haven't even made it to the front door yet and your already thinking about failing...give yourself a chance would you!

She shook out her hands and took a deep breath where she began spinning the little ring on her finger around and around, back when she was younger when she was nervous she had a bad habit of bitting her nails. Now she spins the ring around her finger as a way of calming her anxiety. She made her way past the front gates, the amount of people around her startling. However, she made a promise to herself as she stood with the other students that shed beat the entrance exam...and shed find her way right into AU through doing her best. At least she knew she was good at that: doing her best.
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Rose Moskaluk
Quirk - Shadow manipulation = She can pull anything out of a shadow. Sword, army, doppelganger, ECT. The downside? She gets more and more exhausted with each shadow. Her limitations? It has to be smaller than the shadow she pulls it from. So like, she cant pull a baseball bat out of an apple's shadow unless it's a long shadow.

Physical attributes - She's 5'7.5, shoulder length black hair that ends in a lavender purple, she's Hispanic (Where my Sero stans at??) She's also pretty thick, she has a pear body shape.

Personality - She basically gives the energy she gets, so if you're an ass to her, she's gonna be an ass back. If you're nice? she's nice. plain and simple. She is a hopeless romantic tho, and believes in grand gestures for birthdays and special occasions,

Sexuality - bisexual with a leaning towards male.

Familial connections - Shes not super close with her father or her stepmother, and instead chooses to make a family out of her close friends

Love interest - open
friend - open
sibling - Open (?)

Rose grips the phone like her life depended on it "Hello? Is there a reason for you calling?" The voice on the other end clears his throat, "Hello, Whom am I speaking with?""Rose Moskaluk, what's the issue sir?" Nothing in the world could have prepared her for his next words "My deepest apologies miss, your mother passed away this morning"

Rose squints in the light, as it reflects off of her silver chain, '
Maldito sol... ¿por qué no puedes quedarte abajo por una vez?'
She picks up her new phone and sits up quickly, eyes widened at the date, "No...fucking...way. I slept in late TODAY OF ALL DAYS???" Her father knocks harshly on her door, "Wake up Rose. Now." Rose groans "Goddammit old man! I'm up okay!?" She drags herself out of bed and digs through her dresser, "
¿Qué demonios? ¿Dónde es...?" She checks again, to be sure, before flinging her bedroom door open, "JAMIE. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?!" Jamie's blonde hair shook as Rose startled him away, "Wheres what asshat?" Rose crosses her arms, "Don't play dumb, where the fuck is my mother's bracelet. I know you fucking have it and its not funny. Give it back, Right now!!" Jamie laughs and waves her off, "I don't know what you are talking about~" A moment later, Jamie's mother walks in...wearing the bracelet, She squeals as she sees Rose and tries to show off her 'new' bracelet that Jamie got her...Rose was pissed. "Devuélvemelo... ahora mismo...before I plunge this house into FUCKING HELL." Stephanie (Jamie's mother) trips and falls back, breaking the bracelet as Stephanie hits the floor. Rose turns and leaves, slamming the front door so hard it cracks a bit.

Rose steps onto UA's steps, pissed as a fucking hornet. She looks up at the school and smiles, 'I'm gonna pass this fucking test and then some.' As she continues walking, she runs into some dude, "
¡Oh, lo siento! ¡No quise hacer eso! ¿Estás bien?" speaking her aunt's language out of habit, earns her a confused look, before she repeats it in Japanese, Her long hair falls like two curtains around her face as she extends her hand to help him up. He waves her off, standing up himself, "I'm fine." His voice is monotone and bland,
making Rose want to cringe at herself 1000x over.
"Uh...okay then~! I'll see you around I guess?" She quickly runs off, social anxiety kicking her in the ass.

She enters the auditorium and finds an empty seat in one of the back rows, 'Am I even going to be able to hear the announcer? Ah whatever, I already know most of this stuff anyway.' She sits down and pulls out her phone, scrolling through Reddit (OOC: the og in my opinion is Reddit, Wattpad and Quotev) Seeing a post from one of her online friends, "
Espera... ¿sigue activo aquí? ¡Han pasado meses...!" She quickly comments on it, asking where he'd been for the last few months, before Present Mic enters the stage.


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Mood: Every disassociated person understands That the memories are made of sands
Location: entrance exam
Interacting with: no one/open
Super Soldier:
perks: he can temporarily increase his bodily attributes (Speed, endurance, strength, etc)

weakness: He can only use it max two hours per day, he gets really bad headaches from using it for more then six minutes at a time, when his quirk is activated his mental strength and intelligence drastically go down.

Viktor rarely uses his quirk due to how much he values knowledge, even when his quirk is activated he can typically be found around a smart person, even though Viktor can't really thinks for himself under the quirk he can follow instructions well enough. The way he uses it is little bursts at a time when he needs it, besides that he typically relies on his combat skills. The longer the quirk is activated the more dumber he becomes, no one knows what happens if he tries to push it past the two hour mark, rather the drop in IQ would be permanent or not.
I know I'm the bad guy, I don't gotta ask why

A puff of silvery smoke escaped from Viktor's lips, he lets a exhausted groan escape from his lips. "Yes sir, whatever бля* you say sir." Viktor folds his arms over his chest, staring down at the rat fuck known as Nezu.

Apparently Viktor did something Nezu didn't like so now he was being scolded like he was some kind of fucking brat. 'fuck this shit, I didn't even want this job to begin with.'

Viktor physically recoils as he hears the irritating grate of Yamada's voice, he glances over at where Yamada was, even years later the sight or sound of the blond was more then enough to make Viktor sick to the stomach, suffice to say they did not end on good terms.

'another year in this hellhole, another group of brats surely to fail.'

Fuck his life sucked.

If you try to step to me, it'll be the last time

Quirk: Astral Projection
Name: Atlas Nesos
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Greek
Pronouns: Atlas introduces himself in third person. He doesn’t really care much about pronouns so most can call him anything they want but sometimes refers to himself with he/him.
Quirk: Astral Projection- Atlas is able to project illusions of the known space entities into air. He cannot project the accurate size of the space entities and sometimes morphs into something else if he doesn't remember how it looks like.
Hair: Dark Blue to Teal Gradient. It’s almost surreal to look at, like you’re looking at a part of space itself.
Eyes: An extremely faint greenish gray.
Skin: Unusually pale, maybe even white if you look closely.
Height: 5"5 inches
Weight: 125 lbs
Personality: Of a quiet nature, Atlas doesn’t seek anything other than entertainment. He often has a thick novel in hand and resting his head on a nearby surface to read. If he doesn't have a novel, he spaces out to peoplewatch or plays tv. He becomes extremely dull, distant and sometimes even asocial when a subject doesn't interest him. Spacing out in the middle of a conversation is common with Atlas and can is often interputed as rude and arrogant.
Backstory: Atlas was a spacey and nonchalant child from the moment he was born. He was born in London with his two parents. His mother was able to change parts of her body into an astral-like apperance and his father was able to project thoughts from his mind. They divorces when Atlas was five and he often had to swap houses every year. Eventually, both his parents cut all communications from each other and his mom flew him all the way to Japan and enrolled him in UA.

(this is an attempt for an interaction btw)

Soon, Atlas was whisked along by the evergrowing crowd wandering into the academy. There was times where he bumped into a few people while dazing off, including some blonde girl. Atlas didn't mind being treated like a feather going through harsh winds, as long as he was there. Eventually, his attention was spiked when he suddenly hit by a closing door leading to the male bathroom. "Ah, fucking shit. Atlas didn't expect that," Atlas cursed out loud as he stepped away from the door. He felt some eyes graining behind his back as he rubbed his temple. "Whatever, Atlas is...?" he mumbled before looking around searching for the crowd of his fellow U.A students. The crowd he was looking for was walking towards the auditorium doors, "...here."

Fixing his hair, Atlas joined the crowd and walked into the auditorium. There was too many people, Atlas though as he sighed. He gazed down at the seets before sitting down to an empty seat next to some girl with black and lavender girl. "Boring..." Atlas muttered under his breath as stared up at the stage. If only he had brought his novel with him...​
Aqua Nalini
Aqua - 17

Quirk - Hydrox healing, which allows to use water to heal. Manipulation extends to making objects levitate, creating water 'whips', creating fog/mist.

Physical attributes - She's 5'2", blue eyes and long blonde hair

Personality - Aqua is generally shy at first. But, once she gets to know you, she'll become more talkative and opinionated. She's sweet and gentle and has a weak spot for animals. Literally, she will put her life in danger to save an animal.

Familial connections - Aqua never knew her dad, but she's close with her mom and older brother.

Aqua's blonde hair gently blows in the wind as she stands outside of UA High School. Today is the day she takes her entrance exam. Nervous isn't exactly what she was feeling. More like a quiet excitement. Aqua doesn't consider herself to be a nerd or anything, but she does love to take tests. It's one of her favorite pastimes. Aqua's blue eyes light up as she walks into the school. "Nothing can stop me from passing this exam. I was born for this. I can do this." She repeats this phrase to herself a few times, trying to convince herself that it's true. As soon as she had woken up that morning, her mind was working at full speed trying to remember everything she studied the night before. Well, more like everything she's been studying for the past two years. That's how important this exam is to her. Aqua comes to a stop outside of the auditorium. There were already crowds of people inside. Is she late? Or are they all early? She shakes her head to stop her spiral into anxiety and takes a deep breath. "Take it easy, Aqua. Everything will work out fine."

Aqua nods to herself, then walks into the auditorium. None of the other students pay her any attention. That gives her a small sense of relief. Aqua walks to a space that's as empty as it can be and takes a seat. Her eyes glance around as she studies her classmates. They all seem so calm. How on Earth can they handle the pressure?
Jin Jin would pull up to the u.a. Entrance exam with shorts and a white shirt with a tie dangling loosely. He’d whistle as he faced the building, letting his hands stay in his pocket. “This place is pretty big.” He muttered to himself in fluent Japanese. Always good to get your practice up! Bigger than any other school he’d ever seen, whether here or in Korea. As he walked through the doors he’d see a nervous looking blonde haired girl. She seemed to be scared and he didn’t wanna feel guilty for the rest of the test. Honestly he was just gonna nap for the whole talking part and stuff but might as well help someone, first kind act of the day right? He’d sit next to the girl, trying not to startle her and place his backpack with his items in it below the chair, before taking a proper seating position. He checked himself. Straight back, good posture, legs below you. He rested his hands in his lap, waiting to see if the girl would try to make conversation or whether he would have to start.
If I wasn't a narcissist,

Katsuki folds his arms before he glares over at Izuku, he didn't know how the Deku got past the written exam, but Bakugo would make sure he wouldn't get past the next exam.

"Good luck Katsuki!" Izuku happily exclaimed.

Katsuki glares at him. "You got here on pure luck alone nerd! I promise you won't pass the next test." He sneers at Deku.

I wouldn't like me either
Aqua Nalini
Aqua - 17

Quirk - Hydrox healing, which allows to use water to heal. Manipulation extends to making objects levitate, creating water 'whips', creating fog/mist.

Physical attributes - She's 5'2", blue eyes and long blonde hair


Personality - Aqua is generally shy at first. But, once she gets to know you, she'll become more talkative and opinionated. She's sweet and gentle and has a weak spot for animals. Literally, she will put her life in danger to save an animal.

Familial connections - Aqua never knew her dad, but she's close with her mom and older brother.

Aqua notices a guy heading her way and immediately tenses. Hopefully, he'll pass by without noticing her. Unfortunately, the guy sits right next to her. She avoids looking in his direction, trying to stay calm. Social interactions weren't her thing. The only way she made friends when she was little was by others starting the conversation. Aqua takes a few deep breaths. No, I can do this. It's not hard to start a conversation. All you have to do is say hi. Aqua takes another deep breath before turning to face the guy. In the process, she accidentally turns too violently and ends up swinging her hand into his stomach. Aqua's face turns dark red. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I-I was just trying to say hello. I'm such a klutz. I'm so sorry." Aqua finds herself apologizing over and over again. Somehow, she managed to make saying hi a challenge. Who knew she was so accident prone?
Rose Moskaluk
Quirk - Pocket Dimension = She can pull anything into a portal, including people and buildings. Its safe and nothing ages while inside, she can pull anything out at anytime, the downside is she cannot enter her own dimension besides on her birthday.

Physical attributes - She's 5'7.5, shoulder length black hair that ends in a lavender purple, she's Hispanic (Where my Sero stans at??)

Personality - She basically gives the energy she gets, so if you're an ass to her, she's gonna be an ass back. If you're nice? she's nice. plain and simple. She is a hopeless romantic tho, and believes in grand gestures for birthdays and special occasions,

Sexuality - bisexual with a leaning towards male.

Familial connections - Shes not super close with her parents, and instead chooses to make a family out of her close friends

Love interest - open
friend - open
sibling - Open (?)

She defaults to spanish whenever she´s nervous or anxious. It comforts her and reminds her of her casa de tía en guatemala <3

Rose looks up from her phone, uncrossing her legs as a guy sits next to her. 'ah fuck. and here I thought nobody would sit with me...shit...should I say something? Probably not. I mean...what would I even say??? wait...AM I STARING???? FUKC FUCK FUCK!!!' Rose looks the other way, not wanting to make it obvious that she was staring. Her face felt hot and she was sure the embarrassment showed on her face, she pulls a pair of headphones outta her bag and offers him one, "hey uh....I don't really know you but....you wanna listen to music instead of your own thoughts?" she laughs softly at her own joke

-btw, the headphones have little cats on them-

She nervously pushes a few strands of her hair behind her ear while she waits for a response or a reaction from the 'star boy'."No se si te gusta mi gusto musical entonces...you can pick through my playlists or just play your own song....Realmente no me importa..." she also holds her phone out to him
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Yuanfen Meraki
Name: Yuanfen Meraki
Kanjji: 缘分 マーラッキー
Hero or Villian: Vigilante, Yuanfen may change to either hero or villian further down in the rp :>
Vigilante Name: Anthazagoraphobia
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Half Greek, Quarter Japanese and Quarter Chinese
Fc: Niki Shiina
Height: 176cm
Weight: 61kg

Background: Yuanfen is Atlas' older half-brother that he doesn't know about. Before his father married to Atlas' mother, Yuanfen and his parents lived a peaceful life in Northern China. However, his mother died when he was eight and was forced to move to America while his father moved to London to marry Atlas' mother. Yuanfen grew up in Seattle thinking that his father betrayed him. He thought that being a hero would eventually bring them together and evetually went around the globe as a vigilante thinking that it's what heroes do. He never heard of Atlas' existence.

Personality: idk, I'll add more here but Yuanfen is a bright and chipper fella. He'll bring you food as a sign of affection and always happy when he's with people. Yuanfen is the direct oppisite of Atlas where he is always attentive to small details and is very polite. He also knows a lot about technology and just wants a good time. His personality doesn't exactly change when he's out on a mission. Yuanfen becomes more snappy and irratated.

Quirk: Electric Angel - Yuanfen can transfer his conscious+body into a digital device by touching the screen. To be able to transfer his conscious+body into the device, Yuanfen needs to learn how the hardware and software of the device as well as the coding(or program, idk how computers work). Yuanfen transform into a shinigami-like thing and can access files and apps by hopping around the screen. He can still access the computer when it's shut down. Yuanfen gets out by changing the code and leaping out of the computer, causing the screen to scatter.

Yuanfen as a Shinigami


Yuanfen's Vigilante out of the computer


Casual Clothes. I tried to find one without him looking feral but assume it's a t-shirt and jeans.

In a particular computer in an isolated room, stood a particular computer. It has collected dust from being left alone for a long, long time. No teacher has used it or let others touch it as some...misfortune caused it to become the hiding space of a vigilante attack five years ago. Covered up in excuses for new staff or students to avoid it like "Something's wrong with the hardware" or simply "It has become utterly unfixable", the computer was left to be forgotten by the majority.

Hidden in the interface of the computer, a certain panda vigilante layed against a folder with numerous files of past documents. "Man, it's been four years since they'd trapped me in here! Do they already know that I can't get out of computers when they are turned off!?" the panda whined as he rolled over to the side. Since the panda vigilante has invaded the U.A academy three years ago and used the computer as a hideout for safety, he unfortunately locked himself in.

Getting up and closing the folder, he leaped aross the interface and checked the calender. "Three years and 23 days! I can't believe these heroes are so cruel! Like, I'm a human being too! Not just some internet string of binary!" the panda vigilante huffed while crossing his arms in annoyance. Looking at the calender once again, he sprang up as he realised the date. "Ah! Today's the entrance exam!" he said gleefully before climbing the screen and clicking the U.A database app. "At this point, I have become one of the computer so accessing the database is easy peasy!"

As the app expanded across the screen, the panda landed on the floor with an "oof" before automaticly jumping around the database and pulling out the new student's info. "Alright, here they are!" the panda vigilante giggled, "Can't wait to see what heroes come in store next! After all, this Yuanfen will show them what an actual hero does soon!"​
Jin would shrug it off with a grin. “No need, I’ve felt much harder. Trust me on that one.” He laughed deeply and boomingly, and bumped his shoulders against her shoulders. “Usually I’m not so loud but that was a good one.” He smiled and let his voice and demeanor fall back to the way it was before, although he had remnants of a smile on his face. “My names Jin, what’s yours?”
Quirk: Astral Projection
Name: Atlas Nesos
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Greek
Pronouns: Atlas introduces himself in third person. He doesn’t really care much about pronouns so most can call him anything they want but sometimes refers to himself with he/him.
Quirk: Astral Projection- Atlas is able to project illusions of the known space entities into air. He cannot project the accurate size of the space entities and sometimes morphs into something else if he doesn't remember how it looks like.
Hair: Dark Blue to Teal Gradient. It’s almost surreal to look at, like you’re looking at a part of space itself.
Eyes: An extremely faint greenish gray.
Skin: Unusually pale, maybe even white if you look closely.
Height: 5"5 inches
Weight: 125 lbs
Personality: Of a quiet nature, Atlas doesn’t seek anything other than entertainment. He often has a thick novel in hand and resting his head on a nearby surface to read. If he doesn't have a novel, he spaces out to peoplewatch or plays tv. He becomes extremely dull, distant and sometimes even asocial when a subject doesn't interest him. Spacing out in the middle of a conversation is common with Atlas and can is often interputed as rude and arrogant.
Backstory: Atlas was a spacey and nonchalant child from the moment he was born. He was born in London with his two parents. His mother was able to change parts of her body into an astral-like apperance and his father was able to project thoughts from his mind. They divorces when Atlas was five and he often had to swap houses every year. Eventually, both his parents cut all communications from each other and his mom flew him all the way to Japan and enrolled him in UA.

Atlas fazed out of reality, for a majority of the time. He never cared for big assemblies like this as they were boring in Atlas' opinion, so he would blank out instead. He until his usual dazing was interrupted by the dark haired rando girl he was sitting next to. "...στο διάολο που θέλεις," he said blankly before switching to Japanese, "Atlas is bored and could listen to anything. Atlas doesn't care what music Atlas listens too, as long as it's not one of those annoying, earblasting songs."

Atlas raised his eyebrows with a slight judgemental look when the girl parted his hair. They swirled aross the direction that she pushed his strands in. "...why are you pushing Atlas' hair like that?"​
Aqua Nalini
Aqua - 17

Quirk - Hydrox healing, which allows to use water to heal. Manipulation extends to making objects levitate, creating water 'whips', creating fog/mist.

Physical attributes - She's 5'2", blue eyes and long blonde hair


Personality - Aqua is generally shy at first. But, once she gets to know you, she'll become more talkative and opinionated. She's sweet and gentle and has a weak spot for animals. Literally, she will put her life in danger to save an animal.

Familial connections - Aqua never knew her dad, but she's close with her mom and older brother.

Aqua releases a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. She thought she had seriously hurt a potential friend. His loud laugh makes her flinch a little, but for the most part she remains relaxed. His name is Jin. That's such a normal name. Why did her parents have to give her such a weird name? Who on Earth names their child 'Aqua'? She bites her lip as she tries to think of a cooler name, but nothing comes to mind. Aqua releases another sigh, but this one is a sigh of defeat. "M-My name's Aqua. N-Nice to meet you." Her voice barely raises above a whisper. Come on, Aqua! Stop being so shy all the time! He seems really nice. Aqua shakes her head to get rid of her thoughts and raises her eyes to look at Jin. She studies him for a moment before giving him a shy smile.

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