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Fandom Metro: The Promised Land OOC

(Well then) commander would radio back to base "commander checking in. Sorry about going so far outta radio range. Heading back to base slowly. I'm barely within radio range. I should arrive anywhere between tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow evening."
"Слава Богу! I was worried there for a second, Commander. Thought we'd have to leave without you, hehe. We'll hold down the fort until you get back. Over and out."
"Слава Богу! I was worried there for a second, Commander. Thought we'd have to leave without you, hehe. We'll hold down the fort until you get back. Over and out."

"Over and out." I'd respond as I'd continue my trek back towards base picking up my pace form quick time to double time starting to run as I'd hit an open patch of flatland. I'd keep my eyes peeled knowing that I could run into anything out here in the open wasteland.
"Over and out." I'd respond as I'd continue my trek back towards base picking up my pace form quick time to double time starting to run as I'd hit an open patch of flatland. I'd keep my eyes peeled knowing that I could run into anything out here in the open wasteland.

Upon arriving at base I would scan my dog tag opening up the doors. I would walk inside and go straight to my office on the train, and grab my file off the desk. Before sending handing adding it to the stack, and skim through the others before adding putting them away "this is commander Shadow Fang. Reporting in. I have made it back way before planned, and am safe and in one piece. I would as like to report the mission a success. So continue as usual."
I have a sneaking suspicion that our Commander might be kink-shamed a few times along our journey 😂

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