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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)

Ya know, in all honesty, this isn't what I had planned. I had planned for the heiress to actually give you your first contract... but I like how this has worked out. ^_^


Le~So~Ra... senpai is wondering when you'll save our dear willcaster~?

I kept trying to figure out how to get everyone into the tournament without everyone else having to wait... and it just kinda got outta hand.

Actually, reading through the RP, as much as the flow doesn't make sense... it does.

Also, if I had to pick a favorite player, it would be...

Everyone! I can't pick a favorite! Come over here and give me a hug!
It almost reminds me of a session of D&D I once played. The GM had us captured, and it was set up to be us in a tournament as individuals and start off fighting NPCs and then eventually start fighting each other as the rounds progressed through. Of course after each round the winner and loser were getting healed to full, so none of us would actually die from one person killing the other. Mainly because then the GM would die as I made it clear that I kept my axe from Medieval Fight Reenacting under my chair. After that, the King would hire all the people in the top 6 spots, which would be us. It'd be cool.

Instead of that, we actually just broke out of our cages while the two PCs in the arena were pretending to fight and acing Bluff checks. We reasoned that they were planning to have one of them 'beat' the other one, and the guys breaking out thought that through the arena was the only way out of the lower prisoner levels. So we all get out onto the field and climb the arena walls, kill all the guards, kill the guy who ratted us out (We were plotting to kill the king. Long story.) and killed the King anyway. It was amazing just seeing the look on the GMs face never change as he just rolled with it. The King's son hired us on the spot, as he thought that we knew that he wanted the throne as he'd been hinting it to us for the past few sessions, but never outright said it as it'd be treason. We missed all the hints, but he thought we didn't thus was massively grateful and thanked us by hiring us. The new King founded the King's Royal Adventure Company and put us in charge of it. All the plotlines developed from there. It was awesome.

And you get a hug.
@The Mythic Dragon

We were planning on falling off the tower anyways during the next round of posting. SO HASTY GM.

But this is okay too. I went ahead and shot him a pm back to see what our next posts would be like.
I want to see some good PvP. I'd also be happy to do some myself if anyone wants some of this. Especially when we get more powerful, combat is going to get insane.
@Fezzes I know lol. I make my characters carry a copy in every game I play in both Obliv and Skyrim.

The misadventures of Lifts-Her-Tail and her Lord after chopping down an army of daedra/dragons and some alto wine can just make the day better.
@The Mythic Dragon

We wont. I'll see what happens now that we've fallen off the tower and probably stunned the hell out of ourselves.
I wasn't thinking right now. I was thinking for after this at some point. I think the PvP would kind of get interrupted by the hundred or so guys baying for our blood waving weapons around.
@Kirito Kei

LOL. This group rp when we finally get together and start traveling is going to be insanely amusing me thinks.

@Kirito Kei @FlawlezFalcon

I see this in our future.

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