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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)

day gona make something happen atleast with Markov might be one Very long Post

question how close is Moraan?

I... don't feel comfortable letting you go somewhere that we have not gone, especially alone, and when said place is a capitol city, and is at least 2 weeks travel away.
Sorry if I am being snappy, guys. I am tired from work, and came home to a big argument, so not really 100% right now.

Have you ever Rped before? The reason I ask is I would like to see an example of your writing, so I may know how best to write for you. If you are willing, I will give you a scenario to write for, okay? ^_^
Lmao I wasn't getting notifications for this~

BUT! Is Kyola going to get official now? *WinkWink*

Lol don't please we gotta keep PG13 I'm innocent

And a new person? WEEELCOOMEEE
JishinAkuma said:
i have rped before yes but mostly one on one with a friend and in simple rps before
Well, I hope this becomes a nice change of pace for you! +_+

So, let us try a combat scene, okay? No sense in starting slow!

Axel, while wandering a forest searching for the guild: Ascended Phoenixes, finds himself suddenly surrounded by a large amount of men. They are all dressed in black, and the chest pieces all have a picture of a Hound's head with bloody fangs. One steps forward and points his blade at Axel's chest. "Surrender or die. Either way you will serve our purposes."

[50+ Minions, And an elite. Kill 5 mooks, and make a strike at the Elite. If anyone wants to jump in, feel free! @Whisker I am looking at you! ^_^ ]
Axel reacched back and swung out his warhammer without saying a word, he had no idea of who to go after first the bloodlust in his eyes nearly blinded him but he forced himself to calmdown. Axel charged stright for the man who seemed to be in charge and swung with all his might ahile using his wings to create a gust of wind to throw him off his feet. The hammer connected but not with the result he wanted he was thrown back by a counter attack and then the minions joined in. axel at first was overwhelmed but regained his composer and started fightign back, The sound of bones braking and the sight of his own blood ,from the attacks from the minions, was sturring up his inner bloodlust that would soon consume him. He then focued on the elite and charge dfor him again swinging his hammer at a minioon what was in his way. the hammer coneccted with a sicking crush and he moved on to the elite who was smirking ta him. Axels anger grew and he fired a spear of ice at him the elite was thrown off by this and didnt see the hammer incoming till it was to late. As the elete fell the minions ran off scare dthey be next Axel pulled out the sword the the elite lunged into him and sank to his knees next to one of the trees. " ill be damned if i die here" axel said to noone and as he stood up and walked away he knew he woud live to fight again.

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