• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern memento mori ;; APPS


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
memento mori.
horror + slice of life
... scroll up
application guideines.
Glad you made it! Applications are not a full cs and you don't need to worry about the details just yet. You're just pitching the idea of your character, so a few paragraphs will be absolutely fine.

Applications should include:
- Character name
- Pronouns
- Role
- Brief overview of personality and background

You can use my app below as a model for this. This is mostly to get a taste of your writing style and the "vibe" you have in mind for the character.

Additionally, I wanted to include a few reminders/guidelines for characters in general:
- All characters will be in their last year of high school and are somewhere between 17-18 years of age. the setting is a high school in tokyo.
- Applicants for the snare and scion roles are welcome to use a placeholder last name or omit the family name entirely. these two roles will require a bit of coordination between the two people fulfilling them once roles are set, but don't worry too hard about these details for now.
- Illustrated faceclaims only
- Coding is absolutely not required, and you can submit your application in whatever style you'd like.

I'll be reviewing applications as they come in for roles, and i may reach out asking for something to be tweaked if there are any issues, but for the most part this will be very lax ^^ The roles and rules are still included in this post for reference as well. Please feel free to reach out with any and all questions!
You were all the old campus wanted. The school idol, a student beloved and envied by all, used to love letters and gifts and adoration. Of course, every beautiful thing is destined to be trampled, and peers driven by jealousy might whisper behind your back, spreading rumors about your family history: How your older sibling disappeared three years prior without a trace, how your bloodline has already been tainted by the school. After three years, you can ignore the whispers. But you can’t ignore the mysterious letters that appear in your locker each morning since your third year started, all addressed from your missing older sibling, and all begging you to come save them from the old campus walls. You fell for the trap laid by the old campus dutifully: You would make a beautiful offering.

SCION is the younger sibling of SNARE.
How does it feel to remain in your younger sibling’s shadow, even in the eyes of a ghost? You don’t remember your three years in the old campus walls—when the school lets go of you, you don’t look a day older than when you disappeared, and you don’t feel like any time has passed at all. But you do know that you were never supposed to be let out, and you know that you had nothing to do with the letters your younger sibling shows, whether or not they were written in your hand. No one knows what to do with you since your mysterious return; They hardly knew what to do since your mysterious disappearance. You’re only tentatively allowed to return and finish your third year, but there doesn’t seem to be a point. You know the truth. You’re on borrowed time, and the old campus plans on taking you back when graduation comes, so long as your younger sibling comes with you.

SNARE is the older sibling of SCION.
With grades like yours, you could’ve gone to any high school you wanted. But you took your talents and squandered them on a place like Shinshirei, all because you wanted to join their Occult Research Club and discover the truth behind the old campus, a mystery that’s fascinated you since you discovered its existence. When you started your first year, you found yourself the only club member, and none of your enthusiasm was able to pressure your peers into joining. But your dreams of ghost hunting haven’t ended just because you’re alone: It’s only fair that your frequent visits to the old campus finally culminate in a real supernatural experience. In a way, being marked for disappearance day is a dream come true. Now you have five peers who are forced to indulge in your fantasies.

ZEALOT is classmates with FRESH MEAT and is the reason they both entered the old campus.
fresh meat
Most assume you have to be suicidal or completely clueless to transfer to Shinshirei when disappearance day is on the horizon. But you were neither: All you were was desperate, and Shinshirei’s mysterious reputation seemed like an escape. Years of sensitivity to otherworldly phenomena have left you with a mysterious reputation yourself, feared for your affinity with ghosts and the supernatural. Shinshirei was supposed to be a strange enough place that you could fade into the background, finally playing the part of an ordinary student. Had you known just what would happen only days after your fresh start at a new school, maybe you would’ve stuck it out for one last year with the familiar.

FRESH MEAT is classmates with ZEALOT, and has been unable to resist their obsession with the supernatural. They took up the offer to enter the old campus at night after repeated pestering on the matter.
You don’t care about ghosts or supernatural occurrences: All you want is to complete the year with pristine perfection, as always. The nonsensical rumors about Shinshirei High School’s old campus have never mattered to you in the slightest when you focus on this goal. As an officer of the student council, you see it as your duty to correct any bad behavior you see in your peers, and you take this task more seriously than your teachers. You only snuck into the old campus that night to investigate much more mundane rumors, all pointing to the school being trespassed on by your most delinquent classmate. You only wanted proof so you could clean up the school, and look where that got you. All you can hope is that this campus curse doesn’t mess up your perfect record.

HAMMER is acquaintances with NAIL, and came to the old campus to catch them in the act of breaking and entering.
You don’t know why nobody believes you. You may have a reputation for disruptive activity and skipping class, but that doesn’t mean every bad thing that occurs while you’re around is your fault. You think whatever’s haunting the school must find it funny, to flicker the lights and knock breakables off shelves whenever you’re around, just to watch you take the blame. It’s resulted in an obsession with the old campus and the thing haunting it: If you can get proof, you think, maybe you can clear your name once and for all. Of course, those lofty hopes only resulted in the old campus really taking notice of you when you snuck inside on the wrong night.

NAIL is often chewed out by HAMMER, especially for sneaking into the old campus.

Discord will be required for ooc for posting schedules, plotting, and an in character groupchat. Please be willing to communicate and cooperate with other players, and pretty please don't cause me any headaches! Character relationships will be a big part of this premise, which makes plotting in the server pretty important. Problem players will be booted without remorse; Feel free to dm me with any issues.
Activity and literacy requirements are lax. No need to wax poetic, but please be capable of meaningful posts that move the story forward. There will be a loose posting schedule, but players can always feel free to communicate about their availability if something comes up. I'll reach out in the event of complete radio silence, and if no communication is given, the player will eventually be booted.
This is a small group with limited roles, and as such is going to be application based. Further details will be in the cs thread if the gets some interest; All you need is a short application there, and once it's been approved, I'll send a link with the discord and you can move forward with a full cs. Always feel free to dm with questions or character ideas!

Although the characters are high schoolers, all applicants should be 18+, since this thread will likely delve into heavier subject matter.

{art by hoshibackyard}
© reveriee



Yagi Yasaharu






Fresh Meat

From the moment Yasaharu was born, he could see things he wasn't supposed to. His mom called it "the gift," the same one she had, a family blessing. If it were a gift, though, he would've politely declined it and saved himself a lifetime of trouble. "Curse" seemed like a much more fitting word.

Whatever you chose to call it, their strange nature was the reason his father fled for normalcy and everyone around him whispered about the Yagi family. It never helped that his mother put it to use so conspicuously. Their livelihood was made through her breaking curses and communing with the dead, and even those who didn't believe in ghosts called the two of them grifters, making money off the hapless and the grieving. Yasaharu wished it were that simple. Either way, most decided to steer clear when they could.

His mother always meant well, and that was the worst part. She tried to teach him how to embrace their talents, and celebrated it for all to see, never showing one ounce of shame. His first fight came when a classmate mocked his mother for her well-meaning rituals: And though she chastised him for it while cleaning up his bruises and skinned knees, it wouldn't be the last time he threw a punch for her sake.

All he wanted was normal. He tried with all his might to ignore the apparitions and strange feelings that came before disaster, but it was no use. Despite his best efforts, Yasaharu took after his mother, and neither of them could escape their reputation. Even by his second year of high school, his attempts to claw his way to ordinary proved useless against the collective memory of his life-long classmates.

Yasaharu stared up at the sky from the school fountain, where a group of classmates had decided to exorcise him in not-quite-holy water, and decided then and there to put the paranormal behind him for good. He needed a fresh start, a place where no one knew or cared about the Yagi family business.

And Shinshirei High School was the perfect place to get away. It wasn't exactly difficult to get into, but it was more than the ease of transferring that attracted him: In a way, the school felt like a kindred spirit, a building with a reputation that it couldn't overcome no matter how hard it tried. The paranormal was so commonplace that he wouldn't look strange in the slightest. For the first time in his life, Yasaharu would be completely ordinary.

He didn't realize until he stood on the threshold just what the old campus held in store. He could feel it from the moment he stood on school grounds, a presence stronger than any haunting he or his mother had dealt with. But a little bit of paranormal nausea was nothing compared to a fresh start. If only he had been able to stand his ground, if only he hadn't given in when a particularly persistent classmate pushed them both into oblivion. If only he had stuck it out for one more year in a school that wasn't waiting to eat him alive.

His mom calls it the gift. Yasaharu thinks of it as a curse. But if he's bound to it for his entire life, he may as well put it to use, if it'll keep him and his peers alive.



♡coded by uxie♡




Minako Arisato







It may come to be a surprise, but Minnie was always the foreigner who thought a bit too weirdly about silly things like ghosts and myths for her charm to keep her peers around for long when she ran head first toward the first signs of, well, anything. That’s how she was in America, and it didn’t change when her family moved for good to Tokyo to help look after her grandparents in a stable home that wasn’t an RV hauling around paranormal investigating equipment. Oh, did she forget to mention that her parents were well-renown ghost hunters?

They are, and so is she— well, she is trying real hard to be but she just can’t seem to capture anything. Though she has a knack for finding haunted locations and hotspots, she has never had anything happen to her. Polite requests to full blown provocation, and she has had zero experiences of the paranormal while everyone in her family have easily enough to recount their fingers and toes ten times over. Almost as if she had the ghost plague, they seemed to avoid communicating with her in anyway. So all the times she rounded up new friends to explore locations became all the more frustrating as she was disappointed to be the only one to not experience a thing no matter how easy she made it.

But rather than give up like many have before, Minnie is the stubborn gal who doubled down, using this move to pick the most eerie and haunted place to set up base for what she was going to make be her first paranormal experience. Her parents too busy getting everything settled and her grandparents situated didn’t notice at first that her choice of school was one many of their neighbors would either congratulate her for her bravery or call her wasting her talents like a fool.

As, despite her near obsession with the unexplained, Minnie was someone who excelled at explaining things. The science and bookwork of it all that she both learned and inherited from her parents made her an excellent student. Enough so that Shinsheiri High School was an option. To no one’s surprise, her first day there she was already asking to form an Occult Research Club, and even if she couldn’t get anyone else to join in her quest of figuring out what was causing all of this.

In fact, that drive of hers made her somewhat at odds with a few of her peers at times, because there was only so many times one person could ask the same question before it got annoying. No matter how sweetly or politely she asked, since she was either asking for them to put themselves in danger or to indulge her mockery of those that went missing. Especially when they found out what her parents did for a living, though she didn’t seem bothered by any of the harsh things they sent her way. Her belief that her parents, and her by extension despite not having a single paranormal experience to name, sought out the haunting mysteries for both the victims and their families rather than for themselves.

So, when she noticed the telltale signs of Yagi Yasaharu potentially having the gift, she did as she always does when an unanswered question appeared— Dig for information. And what a trove did she find, it was a family trait and his mother at least was one to use it for good. Did she understand why he wouldn’t be upfront about this to her when she knows for a fact she asked him to join the Occult Research Club? Not really, but it was clear he didn’t want to share it. And as a paranormal investigator in the making, she would respect that wish, though he may not have realized she wouldn’t spill his secret when she conned him into coming with her to the Old Building. Conned is such a strong word— really all she did was ask him to be a fresh set of eyes to see if she was missing something while they were alone for his sake, but that may have come off as a threat with how excited she had been.

It may not be surprising that paranormal or normal occurrences don’t shake her in the slightest like other’s her age, but her ability to remain calm under pressure isn’t something that translates well to her trying to hide how excited about things she can get. She’s got her sights on bringing closure to the mysterious building she has been investigating on her own these past few years, and finally has an unwilling companion to accompany her. While she hasn’t learn or seen much of anything noteworthy, she is determined to make that change, but not at the expense of the people who she ended up dragging along with her into that decrepit old school building. Her intuition is telling her something is going to be different this time, the pull of the building is as strong as ever whether it was going to interact with her or not.

Ghostbusters Theme Remix

The Living Tombstone

♡coded by uxie♡

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Shiori Mori







Shiori is... Well, they're a little bit eccentric, to put it bluntly.

They're not exactly one for subtleties, nor have they ever been, really. Though oftentimes it's merely a result of their speaking volume, Shiori truly does stand out and make themself known. They're incredibly energetic, for a start. They hardly ever settle down. So long as they're awake, they're always doing something. Chatting, walking, writing, fidgeting if they truly can't do much else- It's no wonder that they're as sociable as they are. A true extrovert, Shiori quite likes talking to others and has no qualms with striking up conversations. They can sometimes be a little overeager and blunt, and they are brutally honest almost to a fault, but that only just adds to their... Errm, charm.

See, not everyone is very fond of them. While yes, it's true that they can easily talk to anyone, not everyone is fond of speaking to them. Their conversation topics are rather narrow. Unless the other party initiates their chat, chances are Shiori will go on, and on, and [i[on[/i] about the occult and little else. From well known creatures in literature and pop culture such as Moth Man to more obscure, local urban legends, they know it all and they make that very clear; after all, it's their greatest passion. They pride themself in their knowledge of the occult, and have even done their best to contribute to greater occult communities through their blog, Morl-Summer.

It's a rather straightforward blog, in all honesty, and quite casual, too. In between posts about the occult, there are posts about their daily life and non-occult interests (particularly the new show they're watching or a book they've just read). If not for their vigorous tagging system, it'd be nearly impossible to navigate for those uninterested in their life. It's fine though, as far as they're concerned. They just do it for themself. It truly is nothing more than a passion project.

Sometimes though, running on that passion alone can be... Kind of rough. Most people don't actually believe in the occult, after all, and finding their own evidence is troublesome. There have been plenty of points where even they themself began to doubt if the beings they so desperately sought out were real. So maybe that's why they chose Shinshirei. Maybe they could have gone somewhere else, but... It's their last hope, almost. Their last resort to bring some excitement to their otherwise honestly rather uneventful life. Not that that's a bad[/i[ thing, of course—they're genuinely very grateful for the peaceful life they've led-! But is some occult excitement really that bad to seek out..? Is it really so bad to verify that the beings they're oh so fond of are real..?

Touch Tone Telephone

Lemon Demon

♡coded by uxie♡




Furukawa Reika







Despite having a deep understanding of how cause and effect shapes every encounter in her life, Reika despises being an involved participant in a situation that she herself has extensively calculated.

From an early age, Reika is aware of the principle that makes the world tick: action begets consequence, cause begets effect, and all things will come to an end. The snowballing of these factors often results in an unstoppable chain of events that, sometimes, is unavoidable despite how much she tried to tamper with each strand of cause. Personal affectations must be discarded when every move must be perfectly executed. Control is the name of the game, and distance gives her the reprise needed to keep a clear judgment. Yet outwardly, she is a sunny and cheery senior, and her mix of faux snow-white like disposition and “model-student/daughter/niece” brand tidily masks a gaping maw of emptiness inside.

She grappled to understand the seemingly abnormal reasoning behind Nail’s conduct. Not only does it affect themselves, it also affected her, a stain on her otherwise pristine reputation and clear record. As a member of the student council, it truly reflects badly when she couldn’t rein in one of her classmates, despite them being the school’s infamous delinquent. Don’t they want to succeed? Why can’t they just simply fall in line?

As they simply refused to listen to reasons, then Reika simply needs to act. At least, it’ll show how seriously she takes her role as the beacon of order in the council. It’s just a simple midnight sojourn, and all’s be good, right?




♡coded by uxie♡

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Akio (暁緒)


Aki ; Acchan


they / he



"WHO... WHAT... AM I?"

The last thing Akio remembers is... well. The problem is, they don't know. An eyeblink ago, they were staring at their bedroom ceiling, too busy thinking about how they were finally graduating tomorrow to sleep. The next, they're curled on the concrete floor, screaming, wondering why the familiar face hovering over them looks so much older...

Their sibling tells them that they've been 'missing' for three years - that they were the third-year who waltzed into the old campus the night before their graduation and vanished. Three years. All of Akio's friends - not that there were many of those to begin with - have left town. A quaint little memorial has been pinned to the noticeboard, frayed with age. The family has mourned and moved on. Except for their sibling, who shoves a fistful of crumpled letters into Akio's face and demands answers.

Akio doesn't remember writing any of them, but it is their handwriting. They don't... why don't they remember? They can't even recall leaving the room that night. They run through it again. Brush teeth, change, tumble into bed, think about graduation... somewhere along the way, it all fades to nothing. No matter how hard they search, there are no memories to be found of the three years stolen by whatever has repurposed the old campus. When Akio glances in the mirror, it is their own face that looks back, unchanged by the time that's passed - but their skin is too-pale, like the blood is perpetually drained, and their hair brushes their collarbones now. Somehow, it doesn't feel right to cut it.

Akio isn't the type of person who warrants cries of disbelief when they wander from class to class. What they get instead are wide-eyed stares, whispers in the hallways, and a tentative allowance to take their old classes again and graduate at the end of the school year. They still can't figure out if their sibling is glad to have them back, or holding a grudge for the cryptic letters Akio isn't even sure they wrote.

They can't remember anything about their disappearance. That's what Akio tells everyone, anyway. With each passing day, they're starting to feel more and more like they aren't actually... real. A bone-deep dread seeps into their bloodstream; they don't know if their life before the disappearance was all a dream, or if they never escaped the old campus and everything now is just some kind of near-death hallucination. Do they still feel like themselves? Do they even know what that feels like?

Akio blinks awake. It's the dead of night, and their hand is reaching towards the door to the old campus, and they don't remember how they got there - and then their legs buckle and they're collapsing against that cold, cold ground, and the darkness is closing in...

kill the ghost


♡coded by uxie♡

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fujimoto eiji







Eiji just wanted to exist. Living at home wasn't always so much fun with a gambler mom and an absentee dad. He much preferred wandering the streets, eating at convenience stores and playing with the stray cats. Cats were easy, people? Not so much. Eiji wouldn't say he was a social outcast at school, preferring to blend into the crowds. School wasn't interesting to him either--finding it much more enjoyable to skip on the occasion. Why should he have to be required to attending school when he wasn't even planning on going to college? Eiji could easily just pick up a trade job and work the rest of his life. A simple blue collar man, blended into society.

He never wanted to stand out, he never wanted people to look. But with everything going on around him, no literally, everyone was watching him far too closely. Eiji couldn't take it. Eyes leering at him made it feel as if bugs were crawling on his skin.

Clipped words. Soft voice. Just wanting everything to be over. Eiji was ready to do whatever it took to get their attentions off him. High school was almost over; he could just bare it for a little while longer.

Eiji didn't mean to be perceived as a delinquent. It sort of just came with the skipping class sort of thing. He didn't quite realize apathy meant he was some sort of thug. For a while, it helped people steer clear of him. Minus a couple of busy bodies, too intent on scolding or fixing him. Eiji didn't think there was anything wrong with himself. He just wanted to coast through life, undetected. But with the supernatural occurrences? Yeah, that wasn't happening.

He was a bit of a klutz, so maybe it was his own doing. Maybe he did knock that stack of books over. Sometimes his classmates even had him convinced he truly was the one writing on the chalkboards. Eiji was easily persuaded, so hey. Maybe he had a whole other self he wasn't aware of. Eiji never meant to be a punk kid, he just wanted to survive



♡coded by uxie♡




Endo Hayate







Broken glass and torn pages of books now rendered useless— Hayate will swear up and down that he’s not to blame for such destruction, and yet, words fall on deaf ears. In one ear and out the other, his pleas never seem to reach his audience. They blame it on his dyed hair, his crooked grin or the scars marring his knuckles.

Just a nameless face in the crowd is all he's ever wanted to be, but trouble must have latched itself onto Hayate at birth because that’s all the boy can find. To a stranger, it is easy to assign an audacious teen like Hayate the culprit just by looking at him alone. An accusation made even easier once hearing about his past.

As the eldest, Hayate took it upon himself to shield his family from harm. It was just the Endo family’s luck that all their children were a magnet for bullying. With split lips and bloody fists, childish brawls were enacted to defend his siblings. It’s a funny thing that Hayate considers himself a pacifist after all that he’s done, but he’s only ever given two for two. With the feeble body of a child, fighting wasn't his strong suit but if he was punched, then he’d punch back harder— and he made damn sure not a single one of their tormentors would leave without hues of indigo blooming on their skin. The adrenaline rush of a protective sibling did wonders it seemed, even for a boy as clumsy as Hayate.

The Endo children would proclaim that their Haya-chan could never hurt a fly, they’d speak up about things unseen; the way his large fingers curled in theirs, promising safety; his gentleness in handling stray animals; even the way he never fought back unless it was for self defence— and yet this act never graced him mercy. Despite his good intentions, Hayate’s frequent brawls painted him as a troublemaker. The bullying would be spun on him instead of the real perpetrators, making him out to be an explosive child, when in reality all he wanted was some peace. So misunderstood at a young age, he was dubbed a “lost cause” by his teachers, and thus he found little interest in academics, preferring to spend his time outdoors. When the fighting had finally died down, the damage had already been done. Accusations were made, lies spun by the spiders that took the guise of 'helpful' teachers and 'innocent' students.

He prayed it would be different in Shinshirei High, but something about the school only seemed to amplify this effect. Peers he finally made up with, now avoided Hayate due to the strange occurrences pinpointed on him. Students he once defended from bullying, would cough awkwardly and excuse themselves at every turn. Yet they all turned a blind eye when presented the solid facts that no, he did not flood the toilets in all four bathroom stalls, how would he even—


Probably. No- definitely.

...He's working on it. Call him crazy but Hayate knows it just has to be connected with the old campus and the rumours that lurk around it. He'll be damned if he can't graduate without clearing his name. If not for his sake, then for his siblings.

layer cake


♡coded by uxie♡




Khao Ngo


Kho, 'No-go Kho'





To Khao, any miss is as good as a mile.

Whether success eluded one by the skin of their teeth or by the length of Rapunzel's hair, it's all the same to him. A drop of failure hath spoilt the wine; a pesky piece of hair enough to ruin the appetite. Now, was he always this stringent, always this robotically exact in all ways but the matters of the human soul, a thing he is loathe to loan any credence to even existing? Of course not. Like anyone born on this infinisitmal, superfluous speck of dirt, the silly messes and mistakes of childhood (as well as present-day) number in small thousands under Khao's repetoire.

He'd rather you not focus on them though, because as the top peer tutor in the school, you should be absolutely focused on the sorry excuse of an essay you've just given him to read, review and rip, right in front of your eyes. All so you can start from chicken scratch under his 149-IQ-guidance. And if ever the thought dare creep in to try and bribe your way out and laud him as just another Asian geek to pay off without a lick of effort on your part, then you can count on him to use the rule of three.

Strike one, strike two, strike three. By the third strike, if attempts to get you back under his vision of a corrective and acceptable path fails, he won't hesitate to use his considerable influence on the teachers and student council to hasten your departure from the school. Most of the time, it really isn't anything personal; it is simply a matter of optics and preserving the school's reputation. Flush out the dead weight, and the school's ranking floats all the higher, which earns Khao the praise he so secretly, oh so desperately craves from the one faculty member who matters above all the rest: his mother, headmistress of the school.

Because the last thing either of them want, is to find themselves back in that run-down rice grain of an apartment, watching the failure of a man she had married bleed it all away...

Unless of course, thanks to the actions of some crazed ghost-hunting kook and yet another nail he is a hair-width's away from hammering down, Khao bleeds away first.



♡coded by uxie♡

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U̴̹̮͗̕s̴̮̣̈́h̴͙͊i̷̜͎̎n̷̹͆à̴̭w̴̞͗̆ạ̷̄r̶̞͍̆̾ȇ̶̺͖̊t̵͖͠a̵̭͋͠ Natsuki







Natsuki always seemed blessed with such charisma despite her generally shy nature for much her early life. Her generally upbeat nature existed long since she was a child where she would find herself made into the center of attention even if she often never really intended so. It just came natural when she saw someone was unhappy to step up and try and help them out whether with kind words or simply trying to make them feel included. Perhaps a desire spurned on from her older sibling always being there to help encourage her. It had managed to win over many to have admiration for her, and as she grew older the shy little bud eventually grew into a beautiful flower finding herself the center of attention.

Company almost always naturally finds its way around her. A conversation she might struggle to hold when she was a young child having flourished into being almost second nature to her holding such a wide spotlight on her. To say she doesn't feel some sense of pride in how beloved she is perhaps would be rather ignorant on her part, yet it is something she doesn't take for granted. To be loved by all, and more so knowing that her very presence can help brighten up the day of others has only made her feel that much more joy, all of it she feels is due to her sibling pushing her to open up.

...it only made their disappearance 3 years ago that much more heartbreaking...

She always kept that smile on her face. Even after they disappeared, she never allowed it to affect the way she was around others. For some, they were even bold enough to feel she didn't care or perhaps even was responsible in some way for their sibling disappear as if she traded them away in order to spare herself. A girl who wore a mask of kindness that only is self serving. The belief she wore a mask was in itself not untrue... albeit for reasons they couldn't understand. Deep down their loss hurt. The one who she felt lead her way, who helped her to find herself and her calling was gone. It left her sad, distraught, but she didn't want to drag others down with her. She wanted to remain that idol that others could look to and feel comfort with her around.

After her siblings disappeared, while she has kept many friends, Natsuki was never one to have many who were truly close. Always one to keep people within arm's reach, but never willing to become close in neither a romantic or platonic way. That sort of connection she felt almost undeserving of. Perhaps in some part a sense of guilt did linger for her sibling going missing, or perhaps the idea of the curse the old campus having hold on her family did sway her. She would isolate herself in private often lingering in her own feelings. Her upbeat nature drowning out into quiet meloncholy. She felt so undeserving of such adoration, yet obligated to keep wearing the mask wanting to keep people happy. Every day the messages or calls her mother would send to check in on her out of concern only reminding her of what she had lost.

Then at the start of her third year, the letters began to show up in her locker. At first she was left taken back uncertain what to think of them, but quickly she began to believe they had to be real. Each morning she would take the letter, quick to hide it away to read it herself. An almost urge on her part to keep it secret, maybe a way to keep others from seeing who it is from to dash her dreams that it could actually be them or some other force pushing her to keep it secret. Suki would save each letter tucking it away refusing to throw away a single one. It built up hope she could see her sibling again.

The letters only came off more and more haunting as the pleas to be saved were written upon them. Whatever happened they were still alive, asking to be saved. She owed everything to her sibling, there was no way she could ignore such pleas for help! She knew there was no way anyone would believe her, and she didn't want anyone else to get dragged into it. She had to try and save her sibling, no matter the risk!

Sugar Song to Bitter Step


♡coded by uxie♡

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Saeko Yoshida


吉田 冴子





A mother's love was meant to be warm — loving, kind. It was supposed to be a beacon of hope, a source of comfort, with arms as protective as an angel's embrace. But what was Saeko to do when the love she yearned for was nothing more than a fleeting dream, an escape she would give anything to find? Her mother was no angel, no saint. A stay-at-home mother with aspirations limited to seeing her daughter achieve the goals she never could, her presence was defined by relentless stress and unattainable expectations. In place of the nurturing warmth Saeko craved, there was only the cold, unyielding weight of her mother's unfulfilled dreams pressing down on her shoulders.

Pressure — it was all Saeko felt.

The pressure of her mother's hands against her cheeks as she smacked her for a poor grade.The pressure of her mother's yelling assailing her eardrums as she screamed that Saeko was a failure of a child. The pressure she felt as her mother gossiped to her wealthy friends, each trying to outdo the other with tales of their children's achievements, all while conveniently omitting the cruelty and neglect they inflicted behind closed doors.

And, with pressure came control.

Her mother wielded it with heartless fealty, ensuring that Saeko could never truly escape, not even when they were apart. The grip of her mother's expectations tightened around her, extending its reach into every aspect of her life — at school, with friends, anywhere.

It was ubiquitous — a persistent, internalized voice in Saeko's mind that whispered that she could be better, should do better, and ought to be doing something more productive instead of wasting time on something as insignificant as a gathering. The deceitful influence tainted every moment, every notion she ever had.

Saeko never held sway. Not over what she wore, not over her interests, and certainly not over her personality. She was a marionette in her mother's dollhouse — a contrivance to be manipulated and displayed. She was expected to always twinkle, permanently be compassionate and warm, a mirror of her mother's public facade. Outsiders were never to glimpse the reality behind closed doors, never to see past her carefully constructed smile, never to notice the bruises hidden beneath her clothes. Her life was a performance, dictated by a script she had no hand in writing.

And Saeko, well, she was an actress tainted by her role. Getting respectable grades, always being praised, esteemed for her perfection — it got to her.

She began to believe she was perfect, for believing is being.

She tirelessly strived to be the best in her class, the first to volunteer and showcase her good heart, the first to bring home a trophy. She convinced herself she could do anything, and had to do everything — always with a smile.

A mother's tainted love had evolved into a consuming complex. Saeko would do anything for her mother's praise, even just a fleeting glance. It drove her to the brink of madness. She was determined to be peerless; she had to be. To ensure this, she painstakingly crafted her image. She became class president and secretary of the student council, positions that bestowed a semblance of power she had never known. The thrill of it was intoxicating.

She was Midas — everything she touched was surely destined to turn to gold, she thought. With her well-known benevolent demeanor, it wasn't unusual for colleagues to seek her help with their studies. And she would happily oblige, for her classroom's reputation was as crucial to her as her own. After all, in the country's system, her name was always associated with her classroom's performance. She assisted them with a smile, subtly weaving in occasional misinformation to keep them just below her level.

If they were gold, she had to be the diamond. Her classroom, her reputation, her classmates — all were to be perfect, but none could outshine her. Saeko was determined to maintain her position at the pinnacle, ensuring that while everyone around her succeeded, her own brilliance remained unparalleled.

Her new positions gave her access and authority, which she exploited ruthlessly. She collected students' tests before submitting them to the teacher, often altering the answers of top-performing students to ensure her grades were superior. She "accidentally" lost assignments, switched names on papers, and even orchestrated false plagiarism by duplicating work and attributing it to another student. All so that the teachers would praise Saeko for being a good student — a role model. Anything that might reach her mother's ears. It was a desperate, pathetic bid for validation. And, it was all she amounted to.

Yet, despite her punctilious govern, there was one student who eluded her influence: Nail. They pulled daft pranks and disturbing stunts — half of which defied explanation. To Saeko, they were a curse, a blemish on the pristine reputation of her classroom, a standing she worked tirelessly to maintain.

And she would be damned if she let anything get in the way of the only thing she could claim as hers.



♡coded by uxie♡




natsuiro hikaruㅤ( 夏色光 )


whatever you'd like


they / any


the zealot

With cheshire smiles and droopy, sleepless eyes, Hikaru is often where people aren't. Ask them why, and they'll say they just liked it that way. It's what they're used to. From way above the rooftops catching the dusklight through the gaps of their fingers, to indiscriminate naps in every corner of campus imaginable; they lead an insular life, but a life they are nevertheless content to have.

The student body regarded them as an elusive eccentric—the only child of an affluent, powerful family and a regional prodigy with brilliance beyond their years. Their academic record alone was enough to provoke countless offers from infinitely more prestigious institutions, but all of them were seemingly declined unanimously for a stint at Shinshirei of all places.

Questioning the reasons as to why mattered less than being associated with them at all cost though. It was the beginning of the school year that saw Hikaru amongst the company of different cliques and vying groups. Some, to their credit, even sincere in their intentions of befriending them. All, to their dismay, dismissed with varying degrees of courtesy.

Hikaru, you see, had an avarice for the inscrutable and a penchant for the macabre. They also held little patience in what doesn't amuse the monotony of their day to day, which was oftentimes only found in talks of spirits. While they did have the consideration to keep up with what people were on about, their disposition would eventually slip towards the desultory without mention of anything paranormal after a while. It just wasn't what they were there for.

Calls for karaoke or gaming cafés would be countered by late night excursions at the old campus instead. Sunset confessions were met with invitations to the occult research club. Most had the decency to feign interest, but it always wasn't for very long. They all either left or was left behind.

Their first and second year would roll by this way, with all attempts from anyone to get closer to Hikaru dwindling as the futility of it all dawned on them. It didn't help that the times the savant would be caught near the old campus were becoming more frequent, some even saying that they saw them inside the damn grounds. The pale, lanky student would eventually become synonymous with the mysterious ghost stories of Shinshirei—a reputation that would come to precede them by the time graduation was almost there.

They'd ruminate over this with a lazy yawn tucked behind a gentle palm, sight to the window glass as their teacher's muffled voice droned on about something they've half a mind to listen to. What a way to be remembered. Being the new school's hall haunter has a nice ring to it, honestly, and it doesn't sound half bad in a CV. They have higher ambitions, however, and a haunting is more thrilling when experienced, not done.

From what was the last good look Hikaru took of the outside world to the detailed plan they've jotted prior in pages, they remember that memory fondly as the day they've finally made it. And all it took was a few raps on a particularly interesting classmate's desk after class, and an easy smile.

" You look like you've seen a ghost. "

New Project (19).png



♡coded by uxie♡




yuuji (雄二)






the scion

There's something infuriating about someone who makes everything look easy.

In kids, an aptitude in running fast & studying well was all one needed to make friends &, for Yuuji, that logic never really changed. The picture of congeniality, the image of him is one often framed by peers, laughing either with or at him but typically in good humor.

For a younger brother, life was one led by the example—prepared for by the mistakes of others. When Snare stumbled, it tended to be Yuuji to stand tall by comparison—"You're so good at that!" Unwittingly, he'd grown up accustomed to the warmth of a spotlight & the one left by the disappearance of his older sibling beamed no differently.

Nowadays, it's hard to connect the easygoing Yuuji of today—chuckling & streaming something on his phone to a crowd of classmates over his shoulder—with the tragedy that befell his family three years ago. Initially, when all that's known of another is misfortune, it's easy for that to be all one sees of them; before name or regard: condolences & sympathy. Where others might've shrank from the reduction, Yuuji found the attention comforting. An invitation to lunch here, offers to hang out there... With a character as lively as his, it was easy to cement himself as more than the brother of Snare & easier to forget the circumstance that allowed such disposition to glint.

search history — march.

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It's easier to forget.

His parents, though they'd moved on, couldn't & therefore made it difficult for an avoidant Yuuji to stay home most afternoons. A social life helped distract to the point of normalcy & his proximity to the disappearance granted him some kind of perceived immunity: lightning doesn't strike twice & all that. By all means, the haunted disappearance of Snare was only a year away from being a thing of the past.

Then he found them.

By nature, Yuuji had always been the type to follow through on bets, dares, & things of the like. When distasteful, cryptic letters beckoned him to the old school building, it didn't take much convincing for him to humor them for an afternoon. Worst case scenario, he'd end up blurred on the news; best case, satiated curiosity. Between the two, never could Yuuji have predicted the impossible & how could he? There was futility in challenging the paranormal & Yuuji, bitterly, had long accepted that.

In the matter of an afternoon, unraveled such an easygoing character. An odd rage brought him to claw out his collected letters from his bookbag & shove them in the face, untouched by time, of his younger? older sibling when he'd first found them. A crack in three years of bottled emotions grabbed the pretender below him by the collar & cried: "What gives?!"


百景 (Hyakkei)

♡coded by uxie♡


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