[Megalopolis V.2.0] The Spot

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
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This is the OOC Thread, Talk about the RP here if you have any questions or just want to hang around.

I look forward to all your character submissions!
I was uncertain of whether or not people wanted my involvement in the new game but because enough people have encouraged me. I will be playing as a character in Megalopolis, using a concept that is usually frowned upon, that is to say as long as my idea doesn't crumble like a delicious biscuit...
Do it Miz, everybody knows that biscuits go great with grits.


Unfortunately for Wizard's sake, my character's ability, and just his ability, turned out to be an entire page + a paragraph or so in a Word document... and I am not sure if I will need to add to it or not.
Where is the city located? Is it in the US?
I'm almost done with a character. Just trying to flesh out a good background for you to work with.
Sherwood said:
I'm almost done with a character. Just trying to flesh out a good background for you to work with.
Sounds great!

I look forward to it :) !

However please not to include any real world references to locations, that is a part of the charm :) !
I'm actually going to have to hold off on joining, I just don't have time. I'm really sorry cause I really wanted to join, but I don't want to play knowing I don't have time.
I'm going to assume that we can use our character threads for logging important events, and posting the skeletons for that character's posts. Correct?
I apologize for the time this has taken me but I still have been sick since last Thursday, I have still yet to be be able to eat something and not watch it come back a few minutes later, I've been taking medicine for that, but I've been feeling a lot lately, I am processing all characters tomorrow on 7/11/12
Sheet is up, don't whine about the templates. They include all data you requested as well as a link to the profile.
Alright I have been reviewing characters and they will get a response today or tomorrow, I want to reply to them all at once.

Thank you all for being patient with me!
Hoping to finish my Mega character tonight. I am going to have my wisdom teeth pulled Wednesday, so I am not sure to what posting abilities I will have then.
I will be trying to start the game by friday or this weekend the latest.

Does this work for everyone?
Good enough for me. I was wanting to add some equipment, mostly outward-bounder type things, climbing stuff, survival stuff, camping stuff. Lemme know if you feel anything is beyond the pale.

Captain Hesperus
Good for me. But, what more do you need for Skate to be fully approved?
Sherwood said:
Good for me. But, what more do you need for Skate to be fully approved?
I thought I had approved you after you did the changes I asked for, sorry :) !

You are now approved :P

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