[Megalopolis Classic] Dr. Lowell's Office & Apartment

Rin walked to the chair and moved it back slowly and sat down with a quiet, "Thank you". She moved the chair forward and placed her elbows on the table while folding her hands into each other. She smiled lightly back at Adeline and across the table to Yui. Rin was a little bit awkward feeling but, was a little dazed. Rin sat for a second and listened to what Adeline had to say. She finally began talking when Adeline finished, "Nice to meet you Yui, I hope we can be friends! I love cartoons too, do you?" Rin was blank for a moment, "Well, I don't think we discussed the contract as well miss Adeline." She switched topics without noticing since she forgot what she previously said. "If I may, I was thinking about putting in some nice wood flooring or maybe marble tile. I do want to setup a new counter top also if that's possible. Oh, and I really need to ask about getting the cable and internet setup too! I'm dying to watch my cartoons and get my computer up and running."
(I'll just assume that I never went to the couch...)

Yui had somewhat extended her hand, having looked down shyly with her hat hiding most of her face, hand out weakly. As Rin changed subjects quickly, Yui just silently slid her hand down and listened, nevermind that she was about to reply that she did like what cartoons she saw in the shop windows for TVs... particularly those of superheroes...

As the topic went back to discussing the contract, Yui pulled out her notebook, swinging her legs as she pulled out two pieces of artist charcoal, hands covered to the knuckle by her sleeve. She blinked a bit, her pale skin sort of a similarity to the old paper, before she found somewhere on the aging pages to draw on.

Y'know, I don't think I've spoken once... I feel so awkward and lonely... maybe I should leave again later tonight?

"Sure. Come on." Avalon was a little bit more together now. "So, how long have you known Adeline?" she asked, nodding to the boy at the desk. The glass doors swung open on well-oiled hinges, and the warm afternoon air outside hit them as the air conditioning said goodbye. The oppressive sun's glare was mitigated by a cover of thin clouds who graciously 'took the heat'.

The white Porsche was parked under the shade of an enormous tree in middle of the lot, it's heavy leaves were relaxed and saturated with liquid from some fresh rainfall; or a good groundskeeper. They were about halfway to the car when Avalon paused to pat lucky on the head. "Such a gooooood dog." She cooed to it. Avalon was more of a cat person though, and maybe it showed. The dog didn't look like it was bubbling over with joy to see her. Avalon didn't dislike dogs or anything - she just wasn't going to go out of her way to acknowledged their existence.

She straightened, arching her back, letting her hair splay out a little bit. It felt good, airing out the scalp a bit. She wished everyone could use there hair like this.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Adeline gave a sort of glare at first to Rin, the mentioning of the word 'contract', didn't depict Adelin's fancy. Though the grimace was only an immediate remark of subtle annoyance. Sighing, she took another sip of the wine Avalon poured for her, and looked up to the ceiling fan above them. The ceiling fan must be dusty, was the first thought Adeline came to after examining the blades. It was a white ceiling fan, rather bland, having no real qualities to it except the word 'industrial'. Avalon had several rants about the ceiling, the boring nature of it, especially the ceiling fan. Adeling thought it to be rather conservative than boring, but she did see her point. Avalon was going to most likely crucify the damn thing, buying some-sort of sheik designer model from one of the stores in the Mega Dome. Yet she didn't, Adeline assumed this was ether out of sloth or forgetfulness, but she had massive intentions at least for the ceiling, possibly paint, possibly new tiles, possibly even a mosaic! She had all sort of ideas.

In the end, none of that happened, instead Avalon merely struck several glow-in-the-dark stickers up on the white fan. It was her attempt to make due with what she was given. It didn't change much of the appearance, at least during the day. At night time, the kitchen now had a faint glow to it, but Adeline couldn't complain.

Adeline turned her head back down to Rin, and was surprised, apparently she was still talking about something. Adeline was use to people lecturing, ranting and giving diatribes to her, and she would always engage. Feeling every person or patient was at least somewhat special, but on the matters of land, contract and property, she had no business integrity, and no interest to continue the conversation.

She had hardly heard anything Rin had to say, but only gave a faint smirk and set her wine glass down on the table. "Yeah that all sounds fine, as long as its on your expense." Adeline stated the generic answer anytime someone approached her about a question. She then smiled without answering Rin's question about internet or cable.
Rin agreed with a nod, "I will pay for it all of course. I've already set aside the money for it! Plus when I do it, it will be worth more than I'm renting it for. So there is great resale value if I ever move out." Rin continued for a second with minor details about how shes going to post many pictures on the walls. None of what she was on about had any concern for Adelline. Rin felt she was blabbering too much and felt it was of no interest to Adeline and finally faded into a quiet. She sat back and took a deep breath feeling the onset of sobriety. Her high was coming down and she was no longer feeling so empty headed. Her thoughts began coming together and she stopped forgetting about every other thing that came to her. She placed her hands over her mouth as they were raised on the table. She became more comfortable as she slouched a bit more.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Rin continued on, something about posters, something about decorations, all things Adeline wasn't in the mood for. Adeline had no care for landlord matters, she almost regretted buying her location when she had to deal with contracts and obligations. In reality she rather just focus on her patient, and her own household, she simply wanted them nearby one another. As for dealing with business like this, she had little experience, knowledge or intrigue. All of her years at Medical School robbed her a chance of getting any sort of business knowledge. For that reason alone, she kind of stared off into space, but when Rin's voice dimished into silence, it was Adeline's that rekindled the conversation.

Re-energized slightly, she got up from her chair and started walking to the living room from the kitchen. "Well, Rin, tell me about yourself?" Adeline asked as she gestured for Rin to come to the couch in the living room with her.
Rin followed behind and sat next to her looking around at the apartment. She liked the way it looked for the most part but, it wasn't her style. Then again, her style was filled with animated colorful pictures and anything having Eastville on it. Her mind wandered for a moment and she was assured that she was off her high and was very hungry from it. She had no time to think of her munchies so she collected herself for a moment. Rin finally looked back to Adeline and said in reply to her question, "I'm a gymnastics teacher and competitive gymnast in the studio right down the street. I came to Megalopolis after I received my scholarship in gymnastics, I graduated with not too long ago also. I enjoy parkor and lots of cartoons. I also like a good beer along with a good guy or maybe a girl." She winked and smiled slyly. She moved a little in her seat and was feeling a bit more comfy, "What about you miss Adeline? I've only talked to you so little. What would you tell about yourself?"
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

"Oh me?" Adeline said with some surprise as she listened intimately to Rin. Adeline's face expressed a smirk when Rin smiled at a sly hint of her relationship tendencies. She wasn't expecting to be asked any questions herself, rarely anyone ever wanted to, but she assumed that would be standard, so she shifted in her chair a bit more comfortable, her legs crossed. "Well, I am a Psychiatrist, and a Clinical Psychologist." Adeline said simply.

She stopped for a moment and looked at Rin's face, before she continued. "Or rather, I work with those who are mentally ill, or not even that, just those with personal issues that they feel they can't overcome. I have helped a lot of people, it consumes a lot of my time. Some see me as some sort of miracle worker, but I don't really believe in that. I have seen many patients come and go. Of course, I have had my failures. Not all patients leave in desirable ways. As for others, they never truly leave. They or some other force prefers a continuing cycles of regression..." She said, as she looked around the room looking for Yui. "I always wanted to help people, even as a girl. I had quite the gift for understanding people, better than most I guess." She smiled modestly at her comments. Sighing a bit she looked around the room again.

"Where did that girl get off to?"
Rin listened intently to Adeline and was fascinated by what she said. She watched as Adeline looked around and was a bit bewildered at first but, continued to listen. As Adeline mentioned the young girl, Rin looked around the room for the nice young girl she had met earlier. What was her name, was it Yui? Rin shrugged as she looked back to Adeline, "I'm not sure... She was there just a moment ago." She asked another question without pause. "Is she your daughter?" Rin said in a puzzled manner and her lips parted ever slightly. After a few short moments of contemplating she looked up and down at the older woman who was surprisingly attractive with a smile from her delicate rosy lips, "She might have gone to the bathroom?" Rin placed her hands in her lap and her light milk-chocolate eyes met Adeline's. She was surprisingly relaxed at the moment and didn't want to make Adeline feel uneasy, so she looked away slowly.
(Re-assuming that she did go to the couch.)

Yui glanced up from her drawing, hearing the voices of Adeline and the new tenant... Rin, if memory served right, getting closer. Glancing down, she had managed to add a drawing of a tree into the pages of her notebook. As she heard Adeline ask where she was, Yui blinked again at the pages, before closing it and calling out. "I-I'm in here!"

As she sat there on the couch, Yui scratched the back of her hand absently, thinking about random things... currently, contemplating why Operator had gone quiet. She had enjoyed listening to the Operator's voice, even if what she says was... sometimes scary. It gave her a little comfort, knowing that there were other beings like her out there.
Alyssa was thinking to herself. How long have I known her? a few days... Alyssa chose to best not answer the question, at least, not directly. She didn't care for this girl, hell, Alyssa seemed to never care for any of Adelines friends or acquaintances. Maybe she would tell her about some sort of seeded jealousy issues she has...

"Adeline? Yeah, we became fast friends, we get along great." Alyssa was fairly quite, the entire time afterwards. She would respond in short replies, and usually as directly as possible. not that Avalon didn't try to strike up conversations, Alyssa just shot them down, one by one. It wasn't long before they were in Avalons car, which ended up in a long, awkward car ride back to Adelines home. Alyssa pretty much ignored anything the girl said, and lucky was just in the back seat, occasionally poking his head out of the window.

"Alright, we're back at the apartment." Avalon announced quietly to the interior of the car. She quickly pulled out her keys and parked. The silence was too awkward for her. She hoped she didn't make a horrible impression on Alyssa - but she was willing to bet that she did. The door opened on it's automatic hinges, and Avalon slipped out to open the door for Alyssa.

"Let's go inside. I think Adeline is having a talk with one of her new tenants, but I'm sure she'll love the interruption."
Alyssa, with Lucky's harness in hand, walked though the door and up towards Adeline apartment. She had remembered the amount of steps she needed to take, and which door was Adeline's. Rather forcefully she grabbed the handle and twisted it, swinging the unlocked door open. "I never want to go back there again. It's intolerable!" Alyssa walked into the main room still ranting about everything. "They just kept asking me questions, and kept me there for way to long! It was ridiculous!" Alyssa made a very poor sounded deep voice, trying to impersonate the polices interrogator. " 'Did you see anything unusual in the coffee shop this afternoon?' Oh I don't remember, let me think... Oh yeah, I'm fucking blind! honestly, where do they even find these pathetic excuse for law enforcement?"

Alyssa felt around for the couch in the living room, eventually finding the arm of it. Alyssa sat herself on the arm of the couch and let a sigh escape from her lips. "I think I'm going to the beach tomorrow... I used to love the Beach..." She let herself fell backwards, unaware that Yui was already resting on the couch she was about to collapse onto.
Yui opened her eyes and squealed when she felt something sit on her. Flinging her arms around a bit, she managed to alert Alyssa to her presence, and immediately sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Wh-what? I-I... Oh, it's you Alyssa. You're back!"

She felt... awkward, having just been sat on by a woman that frankly she barely knew. As Yui sat there, waiting for Alyssa's response, she quickly looked the woman over, her eyes sorta caught at the blindfold. There was something strange about the sight of that that caught her eye, held it there... something fascinating.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Adeline ended her conversation with Rin rather abruptly when Yui was discovered curled up on the massive couch that existed in the apartment's living room. The couch was an expensive one, she got it online, 70% off, if she remembered correctly. It was some foreign couch, some ancient way of tanning leather, something she couldn't really remember. She was more interested in grabbing some additional wine, as the talk of business matters were still looming in her head. Along with that thought, vision, of the bathroom. She shuttered at first and shrugged it off.

Getting up from his arm chair, she moved towards the kitchen that was when the door flung open rather dramatically, and the familiar petite voice of Alyssa came crying out. Her complaint brought some energy to the room. Adeline smiled when Alyssa came in the room, but spoke her in the same calm and pragmatic voice she always used with her upset patients. "Oh so you are back?" Adeline remarked. She gave a little bit of a laugh, but it was all rather calm. Even though Adeline was relieved to have her back home. "I was beginning to wonder about you." She said as Alyssa flopped on the couch next to Yui. She gave Alyssa a slight wink when she faced back to her and went back on her way to the kitchen.

The couch was huge, larger than a standard King size bed width wise. In fact, with Avalon back it was a nice size bed. As it could be a bed for someone in the household. She glared at Yui for a second. Yes, she responded to herself, that will work fondly.

In the kitchen she reached up above the refrigerator where the wine rack was stored. However she hesitated. She couldn't decide whether or not to drink the red or the white wine. Indecisive, she stood there blankly. Perhaps it was some contamination in her head, or she already had enough. At the end of it she just yelled out to the others. "Hey are you gals feeling Red Wine or White Wine?"
Alyssa sighed. "Oh Yui, I forgot you where here." Alyssa moved to let Yui get out from under her. She was tired, but mostly, she was frustrated, but not because of the hospital, or Avalon, but because of the dream... the glass... Who was he? What was with the glass? she didn't understand it at all. It didn't make any sense! Alyssa grumbled loudly.

"No, I try not to drink much, I'm a light weight." Alyssa said as Lucky jumped up beside her, and took over part of the couch. "Honestly though, can you believe this? Can you?" Alyssa just kept going on and on, and on. She didn't really care as much as she seemed to, mostly she was just... looking for attention? She was used to being the center of attention, she was always the star of her the production of life, others were just supporting actors and actresses in her life. Alyssa rolled around slightly and yelled out. "Adeline! Could I get some good coffee or something?" She got comfortable in the couch.

"Yui... can you get the remote and turn on the news? I want to hear whats been going on in the city." The news, one of the few things we enjoyed to listen to. most shows and entertainment greatly looses their entertainment without any visuals, it does suck, but she learns so much about the world and the city from the news. Megalopolis has always been a interesting city.
As Rin sat with Yui and Adeline, she watched as Avalon and a new girl walked in. The girl appeared to be very flustered and was ranting about about being questioned. She stated she was blind but, it was clear she was due to her wearing a blindfold and having a dog on leash. Rin could tell she knew where she was going when she walked straight to the couch but, sat on Yui. She looked at them for a second and scanned her for a moment. 'What was her name again?... Ah, yes. Alyssa!' Rin finally was done staring and came to the conclusion that she was beautiful but, maybe a bit too high strong. Rin wasn't one to turn down a hot conquest but, she did believe a first impression meant something. She also couldn't hit on more than one girl at a time while they were all in the same room, unless she could make it a group activity. But these thoughts will have to wait till later since she needed to focus on the not making a fool out of herself.

Rin watched Adeline get up and listened to the offer Off wine intently. She then quickly raised her han up and clearly said, "Red please. Though a mix sounds fun as well if your opening both bottles!" Rin was starting to relax and feel more at ease since she felt that everyone here was as lax. After a moment of asking for a cup of wine, Rin finally spoke to Alyssa and greeted her, "Hello miss! I'm Rin Xing, nice to meet such a stunning woman." Rin usually would go to shake hand and was sort of expecting to be noticed but, felt a bit awkward realizing that Alyssa was blind. Rin didn't want her to take offense so she sat with her hands to herself and looked around trying not to stare and see if the remote was close by.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Adeline heard the suggestions coming in from the other room. She smiled a bit at Rin's comments, much more than she did at those of the others. "Sounds like an interesting idea." She said as she reached for two separate bottles of wine in the upper cupboard. They had been up there for possibly a few weeks now. Though if you asked Adeline she would say each bottle is a part of her personal collection. Well I guess that wouldn't be lying, it was her personal collection. She never said anything about it being exquisite.

Taking out three glasses, knowing Avalon couldn't resist a good drink, she uncorked and poured the red wine in first. Its label had that of a boy and a girl picking grapes. Its name was something foreign and fancy, but it was really supermarket store brand. After she poured the wine halfway in each of the three cups. She uncorked the white wine, it too making a similar popping sound of compressed gas. It was the sound of freshness really. Pouring it delicately, she filled the rest of the glass with white wine. She wasn't too sure if she was to stir them together. So she shrugged and moved onto her next drink.

Coffee... she had heard coffee from Alyssa. Sighing at the very thought of making another batch of crappy coffee, she decided to make it interest. She would make it the same way Alyssa had always complimented her for, but this time she would spike it just a tad. After all, who drinks coffee when its time to party? Smiling, at the thought of mixing more drinks, she poured some hard liquor right into the mix of Coffee when it came out. "Its like I am back in College Chemistry." she said jokingly. A small laugh, but one that hid the fact she almost failed that class. One minor slip up that could have ruined her life if she didn't know her professor so well.

"Anyway, gals" she said when she came out of the kitchen, her voice solemn and her face very expressionless. "I got the refreshments. I took your advice Rin, and mixed the two wines." she said as she passed the wines around. She set Avalon's on the table, knowing she would come in eventually. What was taking that girl so long anyway?

Ever so cautiously however, she offered Alyssa her coffee. "I also took the liberty of making you Coffee." Adeline said smugly.
Rin took her glass with a smile looking at it intently. She could see the very light pink color of the wine as she raised it to her gentle lips and tilted the glass. She drank a small sip and slouched in her seat a bit more, the taste wasn't of the most grand wines but, it was wine nonetheless. She loved the mood that drinking set her in because she was a bit less blunt when she drank but, more physical at the same time. She didn't feel drunk yet but, having the munchies made her stomach absorb it faster and the fact that she hasn't eaten in while would let it get to her sooner. She looked over to Alyssa checking her out again, trying not to be noticed. Rin's eyes suddenly shifted to Adeline and she couldn't stop staring at her, she was cute for a older woman. Rin finally spoke up after drinking another sip and said, "Adeline is there a mister Lowell?" Rin asked trying sift for her wanted information. It's not that she wasn't interested in her but, Rin had a bad habit of trying to get close with the wrong people. She wasn't sure if Adeline was into girls also but, it didn't hurt to try. Rin's expression was a smile that brought out her lips more and a welcoming look of in her brown eyes. She sat nicely trying to be a bit reserved but, she liked to move around.
Alyssa jumped slightly to a sitting position. "Oh, hi, I wasn't aware that Adeline had company..." Alyssa thought for a moment, but she ended up very confused. Wait, they just said 'Stunning woman' are they trying to hit on me? Is it a girl or a guy? They sound like a girl, but then again, so guys do. What did they say there name was? Rin? Oh great, isn't that a gender neutral name? Wait, maybe they're lesbian? Or maybe they didn't mean anything by it?

Alyssa grabbed the coffee from Adeline. She lived off coffee. Morning, afternoon, night, didn't matter to her, any time was coffee time. Some people drink soda or juice, but for Alyssa, she had always be fond of coffee. though, something seemed off about the coffee Adeline had just handed her. It had a odd smell to it, on she didn't quite recognize. Alyssa leaned over the coffee and wafted in the smell. Now she was sure it was the coffee. Alyssa shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of the beverage.

It wasn't the crappy coffee she was expecting... it actually tasted OK. not amazing by any stretch of the imagination, but she could tolerate it, and probably enjoy it. "Adeline, this is excellent! Did you do something different this time?" Alyssa started drinking the coffee far quicker than she typically would. "Oh, Yui, you should go get yourself some coffee or something to drink too."


Alyssa said she was a light weight, and it was true, by the time she finished her first mug of coffee, she was already on the way to drunk. She slurred her words, repeated many things because she kept getting distracted. however, she did open up about things far more to those around her...

"So... I was - was in this ballroom! But the people had no noses! Or faces, or something... But the guy! you know, the dream guy person, he was there! And and and... um... He was actually not a guy but glass shards!" Alyssa was talking about what happened when she walked into the bathroom earlier that day, her dream, however, she was not the best when it came to details and memorization while drunk.
Yui had, upon Alyssa's request, managed to maneuver herself off of the couch and turned on the news. "And in other news, coffee beans have risen another 50 cents in price, making it an all-time high. The Cartels, however, refuse to release their blockade. As such, any coffee lovers should probably stock up now." Oh... oh no they didn't. One does not simply cut people off from their coffee. Speaking of which... "Eh? Really? S-sure..." Yui wandered into the kitchen, grabbing a mug while Adeline was occupied serving the wine. Taking a sip- huh, that's a strange new taste... perhaps Adeline learned to make a "magic" coffee that actually tasted good? It caused a slight buzz at the back of the throat, such a sour... but tangy taste. And why was the room a bit brighter? Pretty soon, Yui was halfway finished with the mug...

If Alyssa was drunk, well... Yui was looking like she had just came off of five different merry-go-rounds. And her voice was, at that point, too slurred and mumbled to be understood. The poor girl just sat there, blankly listening to and agreeing with Alyssa, the mug of "magic" coffee in hand.

Smooth move, Adeline.

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