[Megalopolis Classic] Dr. Lowell's Office & Apartment

Yui was rapidly smiling and blushing, as usually people wouldn't compliment her artwork, but destroy it, or steal it, or kick her out without paying. "Th-thank you for the compliment, Rose!" She then looked over to the one who was calling himself Louis... he looked okay, not really one she'd spend much time with, and raised her hand at his question of anyone living there. Speaking of which... she felt like groaning, as that apartment had taken a month to find and fix up. "Hey Louis. M'name's Yui. Er... we should probably go check to see if they're okay up there..."
"Er... Yeah." She said, in reply to Yui's suggestion of assisting the others. "Louis, We gotta go help 'em. Sorry. It was nice meeting you." She said, As she walked away with a pretty bland look on her face. Her voice trailed off. She wasn't excited to help this chick who called her a bitch a half hour before. She rushed into the apartment, to help the two girls in gathering Alyssa's possessions, and making small talk with Yui. "Why did you seem so confused by the compliment?"
Yui laughed at the question. It was obvious from her apparel and, sadly, smell that the girl was an urchin (referring to Yui). She loved it when people forgot about social divides. Always made for fun conversations. "Simply put, Rose, most people are quick to get rid of me after getting a hold on my art. Anyway, you look... like crap. What exactly are you on?" Even though she didn't mean to be harsh or anything, she kinda wanted to know.
Roxanne gave an immediate nervous give away; She laughed. She never laughed, and it was her tell-tale. "Well nothing anymore. Don't worry about it... Say, What about you, you lived in there too, right?" She wanted to change the subject. She wanted to move on and help Adeline and Alyssa. But really... She wanted another blunt. She felt her pocket, and to her dismay, none were left.
The smell of a gas leak, or a broken sewage line, it was a disgusting smell regardless filled the air. Adeline covered her nose, as she looked back at the house for the Detective. Perhaps he wasn't going to help them move down Alyssa's luggage as she had hoped. She began to call out for Mr. Gremon, but she didn't hear much of a response. "Sorry Alyssa, you stay here, I will get some help." calling out to Roxanne again, she approached her and the two strangers she did not recognize from before. "Roxanne!" she cried out, "Sorry to intrude, but I am not sure if that building is going to last any longer and that Detective and the other baggage still needs to get down. So please would you help out?" she asked of her very politely and giving a good smile. "I am sure I will reward you with something if you help me get it done. Perhaps even a trip to the World's Best Coffee House, after all my coffee is terrible, but Alyssa seems to like it..."
Detective Gremon.

The Cartel Case.


The coffee lady walked off towards the front door and down the stairs quickly with some of the baggage. Mr Gremon waited for the girl to go, before he peaked inside Alyssa's belongings. He opened a blue box, and ruffled through quickly, scanning all the documents he could find. None were of interest, and the photo's just made Mr.Gremon a twinge bit sad for the poor girl. He closed them again, and carried them off. As he exitted the door, he could hear a faint creaking noise, something under strain. That only sped the Detective downwards, hoping he wouldn't get caught in the collapse. As he hit the second floor, a tile nearly landed on his head, causing him to spin and nearly drop one of the boxes - but he managed to regain his composure. Today wasn't exactly the day he had in mind.

As he exitted the apartment, he could see the coffee lady and Alyssa, as well as a few other people standing around, most likely evacuees from the nearly demolished building. The thought of how many that didn't make it out didn't really bother the Detective that much. He went to Alyssa and dropped off her belongings.

"Mrs. Alyssa, I understand you not wanting to conduct the investigation today." He pulled out a piece of paper, and wrote down a string of digits. "When you want to, please call me."

He pulled out a cigarette and lit it in a few seconds, an action Mr.Gremon was only too familiar with. It felt relaxing. A puff of smoke later, Mr.Gremon waved the group goodbye. "Though don't take too long. I'm a busy guy."

He walked to his car, and before he opened the door, he felt deep inside himself. Into the recesses of his brain, a black void unlocked itself, and slid out with ease, and behind it, came a dark, cynical voice. Mr.Gremon opened his eyes, to see the shapes around him drained of colour. Everything was white and black, and to his right, he could see a shadowy haze hidden in the blackness of a building. He knew its job, and followed the now dull and bright group, keeping an eye on Alyssa mainly. As it exitted the black, it grew only slightly more visible. Then the voice inside him decided to speak up, the narrator of his life returning once more.

"The job, half done. Luck was like a knife cutting a thin rope. The car, started, drove away to another road. This case wasn't hard, but patience was a valuable commodity. Another day, the case would be closed."

Alyssa smiled, as the detective put a small card in her hand, most likely a business card; something for her have some contact information on him. “Thank you, detective. I’m sure you will hear from me in a day or two.” Alyssa waited for the sound of the Detectives footsteps walking away. She squeezed the card in her hand and brought both of her hands together, gripping part of the card with her other hand. Slowly twisting her hands in different directions, she ripped it into two; all the while smiling in the direction of the detective.

Alyssa twirled her hair with her right index finger after letting the ripped pages fall to the ground. Lucky sat beside her, stationary; she could feel his soft fur against her leg. “The taxi should be here soon, they said five to ten minutes on the phone.” Alyssa was speaking towards Adeline, though she didn’t turn towards the woman, a side effect of being blind. You eventually don’t worry about facing who you are talking to. Why bother when you cannot see them?

It was pretty good timing on her part, as the taxi pulled up to the side walk a few seconds later. “Hey, did ya call a cab?"
OOC - Some DMing by me to get this thread moving, so sorry if I push your characters a little bit.

Adeline, Yui, Roxanne - Adeline grinned along with Alyssa as she torn up the small yellow card handed to her by the Detective. Good ridden... she thought, clearly happy herself that Alyssa was pleased with her new found freedom without the Detective. Though Adeline knew he would be back again, after all they had to schedule another appointment, they could always refuse but that would only be more suspicious, she had detected it with the man. From his mood and his facial features it was obvious he was a plotter, and Adeline didn't like it for one second. Seeing the crumbled up pieces of the card blow away on the sidewalk, Adeline felt a sort of dropping feeling, that this would most likely backfire on them.

Minutes would pass though, and Alyssa and her gathered in some small talk, but eventually decided that they make sure they got everything important and took a count. Once this was done, the cab rolled up conveniently , and she greeted the cab driver. As the man got out to help put the luggage items into his trunk, Adeline caught notice of Roxanne and her other friend, talking with a strange man who seem to depart from them. She was unsure about the artistic feel of the unknown person, and called the two of them over. With hesitance the two followed.

The girls name was Yui, and she was apparently a young lady living all alone in that apartment complex apparently with Alyssa. Sighing greatly, Adeline guided her to the cab, and stated. "Well you should come with us and Roxanne, its irresponsible for us adults to leave you in this place with no guidance." Motioning to the door, she opened the back and helped all three of you get in. The seating arrangement was awkward, with Roxanne smelling of smoke first, then Yui the small girl in the middle, and then the blind Alyssa last, with Lucky jumping near her legs and on her lap. It was cramp but it would due for the short drive they had. Taking the passenger seat, she tipped the Cab man extra and gave her address back to her apartment and office. She would the new arrivals there.

Detective Gremon - The part of you that remained in the vehicle felt a slight sensation coming from your left thigh, unsure of what it was at first, you panicked. Fortunately you discovered it was not related to your power's activation, and was instead your cellphone. You were recieving a call, but when you viewed the number you appeared doubtful and confused by it. Staring at it after several rings, it eventually stopped. You sighed, rubbed the back of your head, and turned the phone back on to redial the number. It rang only twice, and then you heard the familiar voice of a friend from long ago, "Hello, Frank?" the voice asked with a wavering and shaky tone to his voice. "Its me... Gordon..."

Exiting to Warehouse District Thread
Yui gasped as she walked in and saw the place. On the way there, she caught that this fair place's owner was Adeline, friend of Alyssa. Speaking of the ride, that had been interesting being wedged between a druggie and a blindie, and wanting to see out of both windows without disturbing either. Thank goodness for that dog. Personally, the best Yui had ever seen was that apartment that now sat under rubble... and even that had cockroaches. But... This place had a mattress!

Laughing, she ran in, and actually let out a yelp at a full and clean refrigerator! Was that even possible?!

Turning to everyone else, Yui took off her favorite (and only) cap, a paperboy hat that a good friend had bought for her, and stared at them all "Truly, to an urchin like me, you guys have a paradise here. I've never seen an actual mattress, or a fully stocked refrigerator! And air conditioning! Let me stay, please!" Of course, while saying this, she was doing the silly googly-eyed thing. It took all of her might to keep Yui from giggling at how silly she might seem, and at how much she was hoping for a free meal.
It was fortunate, in some aspects, that the Taxi Driver was such a talker, with his babbling the car ride became more than the hum of the muffler, as the three in the backseat laid in silence. Usually Adeline refrained from talking with any Taxi Drivers but she felt it was necessary to at least to reply to the man, but she was more-so of an audience than any participate in a conversation. The man talked to her, even lectured to her, but when she commented he seemed to just ignore it and continue prattling on. So perhaps it wasn't a conversation, but it was better than nothing, even if it was one man's speech and another woman's sarcastic "Oh really?", "Wow! I can't believe that!" and not to mention "You sure catch on quickly!"

What the man discussed was nothing more than conspiracy theories about the Government. His favorite was about a girl who supposedly could fly and fought crime in the city at night. If she existed, she was surely a meta-human, Adeline knew there were others that did such things, but "No!" he proclaimed. "Them Girl is an Alien! Sent here by the G-Men!" he shouted. "I encountered her once! She was so charming and I swear..." he continued to give evidence most of which Adeline ignored. Its upsetting to her that such a man, who obviously needed treatment, was force to fend for himself by getting such a job. Nevertheless the conversation did change after several minutes of him declaring his love for the so-called "Gray Maiden", and became about the recent Earthquake.

Adeline tried to speak up and say something about the building collapsing and Alyssa's situation but the man quickly ignored her again and rambled about the different Earthquakes this week and the Government, along with the President being the cause. It was after that Adeline gave up conversing with the man and turned her head to pet Lucky, who remained calm the entire ride. Such a well-behaved dog, Adeline thought, she never met a dog like him. Brushing his coat and trying to if his vest, he noticed that Lucky began to become nervous and stiff, as if he was worried about something. Animal Instincts were perhaps wiser than Adeline thought, because just as Lucky appeared to cushion himself in the back of her passenger seat, just before the driver slammed on his brakes and swerved to avoid a pedestrian who darted out into traffic before the car. Causing everyone to rely on their seat-belts as the drive to secure them in their seats. The man was a tall, muscular man, possibly a basket-ball player.

"What the hell was that asshole thinkin'?" the Taxi Driver yelled. Adeline just shrugged at the man.

They would arrive at her office and apartment building soon enough. Adeline did own the property and rent it out, so she did have a preferable part of the apartment complex, and as she climbed up the stairwell to her door, the pots of dirt were still broken in the outdoor hallway. She hadn't cleaned it up before the mess, sighing she took out her key chain, which seemed to have several identical keys on them and somehow knew which one to select and put in her door. Turning it and opening it she had only a few seconds to react to some of the strangest sights. The meekest girl, Yui, who barely said a word to her the entire item she was introduced or in the car, rushed into the apartment and began scavenging around the house.

It was a strange behavior, one that Adeline seriously considered looking into, as the girl ran around the house, and then into the kitchen, she opened up the fridge and stood there amazed. It was like she never seen a piece of modern technology. She then ventured into one of the now vacant bedrooms that one of Adeline's former roommate use to have. She began jumping on the bed and enjoyed it so much that she delightfully said it was like paradise and begged to stay.

Unsure what to exactly do, Adeline agreed to let her stay for the night, after all that was the plan all along, but it also in the hope of not having to have to calm the girl down with her powers, a chore Adeline wasn't particularly in the mood of doing. Setting down Alyssa's baggage in second guest room, she directed where Roxanne and Alyssa could put the other bags. After several minutes of showing them around, Adeline addressed them. "Well try not to break anything alright? I have appointments to handle down in my office, but if you need something or its an emergency just head downstairs." she told them, as she quickly got changed into a nicer spiffy suit-like outfit and headed downstairs.

There was a distinct smell floating around the cab the entire ride. The smell of smoke – cigarettes, filled the air, though it was mostly hidden under the camouflage of cheap dollar store pine smelling car fresheners. There was a large pile of old, disposed ones at her feet, she could feel them all moving around as she fidgeted her feat. She even picked up one to figure out what was down there. She could feel all of the points on the cheaply made pine tree shaped object.

Alyssa didn’t talk during the car ride, but it seemed no one was except the driver. It didn’t bother her though, nor did she really care for it. She was really just thinking about her home, and how it’s all gone now. Lucky was with her, he seemed calm still though Alyssa has become very reliable companion in her life; he was always calm and kept her and himself safe at all times. She could feel the canine moving and squirming on her lab until he ended up squashed between her legs and the back of the seat in front of her. Alyssa wasn't sure why Luck did such a thing, but after the driver slammed on the breaks and swerved, Alyssa was glad he did. Perhaps he was preparing for it or was possibly just comfortable down there. Either way it was fortunate for him.

Once the arrived at Adeline’s apartment, Alyssa wasn’t very interested in socializing or anything of the like. She could hear Adeline agreeing to letting the others stay, which Alyssa thought was a rather large lapse in judgement, however she also didn’t want to jeopardize her own invitation nor seem ungrateful so she kept her comments to herself and her behaviour in check.

Taking all her belongings, she placed them all in the room she stayed in the night before and spent the rest of her time with the door closed, putting things away. It took her the entire day as she had to learn where everything was while not being able to see things to remember. However, she also didn’t fully trust the others, and didn’t want them helping her, where they might decide to steal something of hers. Even Roxanne, who Alyssa didn’t mind back at her apartment, she came to not really like again. It seemed strange to Alyssa that she went from hating her, to not minding her, to disliking her; almost like she was being tricked into liking her earlier.

As night came Alyssa grew quite tired, and crawled into her bed, waiting for the embrace of sleep the whisk her away. Perhaps she would encounter the boy from before, the boy who made her feel special. Then within just a few minutes she drifted off into sleep, not waking until the next day.


Alyssa woke the next morning, the boy from before didn’t encounter her that night. Well, she didn’t think he did. She had a dream about her and him, walking hand in hand down a beach in the sunset. Rather stereo typical, however she loved it, didn’t all girls love the cheesy stuff? They are cheesy for a reason, they are so perfect! Perhaps that was actually him and not just a dream of him? Oh, it was all so complicated!

She got dressed and put her glasses on and freshened up as best as she could before leaving her room that morning. She heard the TV on, the news station and assumed it was Adeline sitting there watching it. “What’s on the news? Anything about those pesky earthquakes?” Alyssa felt her way with the help of Lucky to a seat and sat to listen to the TV and find out what’s been happening in her city.
The coffee machine was turned on, and Adeline poured the concoction that she assumed Alyssa enjoyed, but she personally disliked. It was a mixture of different cremes and sugars, and she would spare no expense and labor in trying to make it in the same fashion she did the day before. Pressing the advance control panel on the machine, the coffee poured into the glass container beneath it. The liquid a sickly brown mixed with a yellowish ivory color injected itself into the pink handled coffee pot. Like she thought, it smelled weird, but she didn't question, not yet, their relationship was still new, better play it safe and process it the way Alyssa enjoyed. After all its not like she could do it much herself!

She has picked up Alyssa's groggy emotions as she stirred and awoke and eventually awoke herself from bed. Walking from her guest room, she had slept probably the whole night, from the time Adeline got home until now. She was still probably obsessed with that man in her dreams and desired to sleep for a long as possible, Adeline knew it well, but she still addressed the so-called 'pretend' man with some envy. The entire topic was one that the thirty-one year old woman wasn't particular fond of discussing or thinking about. So what relief was it when Alyssa asked about recent news. Raising her eyebrow with surprise even though she knew Alyssa could see it, she picked up her remote and clicked on the fancy flat screen television that hanged in the kitchen.

The TV screen was blue at first but transitioned into proper channels, its default always being the local news, as Adeline enjoyed hearing the local news while she ate breakfast. Turning up the volume so Alyssa, could here, she poured the coffee pot and stirred more creams and sugars into it to make it just like how Alyssa desired. After she brought over the tray with different breakfast items and the coffee, she sat down quietly and watched the Television in mid-broadcast.

[TV has Talking Head news anchor, Anchor 1, discussing recent news about the Earthquakes, with the comedic graphic "Strange Rumblings" on her right.]

ANCHOR 1: As for these strange rumblings, no one is quiet sure! Chief Geologists, including Dr. Savannah Spencer, have made their way to Megalopolis in the hope to analyze the current situation, but the mysterious Earthquakes continue to baffle scientists who may think these so-called "intra-tectonic plate" movements might be caused by a rising hotspot below Megalpolis.

[screen Transitions to a elderly woman with the caption of Dr. Savannah Spencer]

Savannah Spencer

: In all our years of recording Earthquakes, we aren't entirely sure about how this one is occurring. Its interesting scientific data and allows us to explore a new frontier! Of course time is necessary to conclude anything but we have our hopes to obtain and answer soon for the people of Megalopolis.

ANCHOR 1: That's this morning's strange and whacky Earthquake Report, back to you Jim!

ANCHOR 2 [JIM]: Thanks Erica...

ANCHOR 2: In other developing new today, two homicidal convicts have escaped from Prison yesterday! Police scrambled outside the Albatross Island Maximum Security and Correctional Facility last night, search boats scanned the entire West Bay. It is unknown if the two convicts, supposedly superhuman in nature and appear to be a couple, made it ashore, or if they drowned, but scuba teams have entered the surrounding waters of the Prison in attempt to scan the bay to see if they can retrieve their bodies. However with the recent rough weather, this process could take longer than expected.

ANCHOR 2: Police are also investigating mass property destruction in the Warehouse District caused by a several explosions. Police are unsure of where these explosions derived from, but a military specialists has analyzed the components and concluded that the armaments were stored in the Warehouse and were perhaps going to be used for a possible terrorist attack similar to the Price Tower Incident five years ago. Police are also following a lead that the two escapees, both known pyromaniacs may have been at fault for this severe destruction of property and lost of life, which has accounted for twenty-six causalities, and several dozen injured. As always Megalopolis 9 will continue to keep you updated on all recent information coming out of these situations!
Alyssa listened to the news anchors talk about the escaped convicts, and the fire that occurred in the warehouses that they assumed were connected and linked together. “Oh my, this is horrible! How did they get out already? I remember watching the news when they were caught.” Alyssa took a seat on the couch, feeling around for an open seat. “Though, I’m not worried, they were caught once, I’m sure they will get them again.” The news continued with even more news stories.

ANCHOR 1: In other news, the man wanted for the rape and murder of four women is still on the loose, and police urge all citizens to lock their doors and windows and night. The man is known to abduct women and carry them away, where he rapes and kills them. In an odd scenario, the man then returns the women’s bodies to their home.

ANCHOR 2: It’s a horrifying place out there some day’s isn’t it?

ANCHOR 1: Yes, it is isn’t it? In unrelated news, violent crime rates have gone up since last year, by 15%!

CAMERAMAN: That’s related news.

ANCHOR 1: Oh right… In related news, there is only two more weeks until the annual dog show this year, people will come from across the globe to show off their dogs!

CAMERAMAN: That’s lighter news.

ANCHOR 1: Lastly, in lighter news, This is Megalopolis 9, Goodbye.


Alyssa could hear the tingling noises from the coffee maker Adeline was working at. “Oh, you’re making coffee? I was planning on going to the Coffee shop this morning.” She cleared her throat, her face turning a little red. Though, she turned away from Adeline so she wouldn’t noise. “Besides, it’s on the way to my old apartment; I need to pick some stuff up there.”
Yui, upon hearing that she could stay the night, had immediately dived for the shower. A girl's gotta keep appearances! After washing off, and a bit of confusion while her clothes got cleaned, the girl finally had the first full meal in 2 months. After that, Yui found herself in a place she never thought she would- on a mattress. Without holes in it, and without her being chased out.

Needless to say, that girl fell asleep quick.

Not waking up till she heard the TV, Yui stumbled into the main room of the flat... and tripped over her foot, effectively waking her up. After a small groan and a curt popping up, she looked about. "It's ok! I'm ok!" And then she smelled the coffee...

... And found the smell much better than the taste. After taking one sip, the girl quickly spewed it out rather comically. "Oh jeez! No offense, but you could really improve the recipe for this! And I didn't think that was possible..." FINALLY the girl managed to hear the news reports that were being said. Looking over at the TV grimly, she just sat there, letting the older two women talk it out.
Alyssa felt bad for Adeline, as this girl seemed to just insult her coffee. It did taste pretty bad, but still, it was a little cruel of her. Besides that, Adeline worked hard on her coffee, and she definitely seemed to enjoy it. The girl seemed to waltz around Adeline’s home like she owned the place, but that wasn’t really what’s important anyway.

“Oh, your taste buds just haven’t developed yet; you are still too young to truly appreciate the rich taste of coffee.” It was mostly a lie, but Alyssa felt like she needed to be there for Adeline and support her. Alyssa could remember all the noises she heard last night, rummaging in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, really, all the rooms of the house. She assumed it to be this young girl, as the older woman, Roxanne didn’t seem to do much except go lay down and sleep. She was baked out of her mind most of the day, and started sobering up that night. She was probably off scoring more drugs.
"Too young? I... okay, whatever ya say!" Thoughts then returned to the news on the TV. "Kinda scary, this world... earthquakes, crimes, that rapist..." One thing that didn't make sense was how that man managed to get into each house... it scared her.

Slowly, deep in thought, the girl raised the cup to her lips... took a sip... and found herself doubled over. "OK! SERIOUSLY! WHAT IS IN THIS?!" She quickly placed the cup away from her, and ran over to the coffeepot, pouring in sugar. At Adeline's protestations, Yui merely glared at her. "Trust me, it's an improvement!"
The group would have noticed by now that Roxanne hadn't gotten up, in fact, the guest room she was in was empty. She had packed her bags and left. At least she had the courtesy to make the bed in a crude, childish manner before up and splitting. Whomever found the room would see no written note, but only the vague smell of day-old marijuana smoke, and an open window. She had left without telling anyone where, when, why, or any other information.

Walking down the street near the Coffee Shop, she would feel a tad guilty about leaving her acquaintances, even if one of them hated her, and the other two didn't know her. They may have only been pals, but these people were the closes thing she had to companions. She eyed the coffee shop and had an idea...

She walks off to an undisclosed location...
The entire sugar container was spilled over into the coffee pot by Yui in her frustration with the taste. The coffee being absorbed by the sweet-tooth sediments became a strange light brown color. It was such a childish thing, and immediately Adeline started taking mental notes. While she could cease all outburst from now and forever onwards while she was with Yui, Adeline had no interest in doing so. Instead this would make a case study, something she would take time interacting with and determining variables. The girl seems neurotic, easily excitable, possible hyperactivity disorders is the cause? Yet she wanted more sugar...

Adeline ordered her to sit down. "No need to get all upset, its just the way we all like the coffee in this house," Adeline protested. Yui's face was all red, flustered as she was merely glared back at Adeline.

"Trust me, it's an improvement!"

A common response, yep definitely neuroticism, Adeline concluding resting her head in her hand, it was a thinking position for her. She though about how dank the coffee really was, and how it left such a mess. She would get Roxanne to clean it later... but, where is that girl?

She paused, and looked around, and then remembered hearing her leave early in the morning. So she's gone... Adeline pondered looking at the coffee sludge that began to settle out in her cup. She glanced back at Alyssa and Yui, who was still throwing a tantrum.

"Well its decided then," Adeline told the two of them quietly and calmly. "We are going out for Coffee." Her tone of voice made it seem like she was upset with Yui action, but in reality she couldn't be happier. The coffee she made was terrible.

Exiting - Adeline, Alyssa & Yui - The World's Best Coffee Shop
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Entering from The World's Best Coffee Shop

The sight was still vivid in Adeline's imagination, the blood and gore, the face of the woman, the stones in her mouth. Her dress torn and her hair ripped out, she was decrypted. Adeline tried to remove herself from the situation as quickly as she could. She answered the police’s questions and for her that was enough. Alyssa would have to be dropped off at the hospital, it was simple procedure and the paramedics trotted her along.

The broken pots were still out in front of the apartment, their soil and dust had either been swept off or blown away. Jiggling her keys into their socket, the door knob became loose and she was able to turn it. She had rushed home without even saying good-bye to Elizabeth. What honestly went unnoticed by Adeline in her frustration to get home was that two large cardboard boxes were placed next to her door, they must have been delivered to the Apartment, but Adeline disregarded their entire existence.

She never would like to admit it, but she was concerned about Alyssa. It bothered it her, and when she was looking over Alyssa’s body, Adeline felt a sort of strange presence. It was a familiar one, but Adeline couldn’t put her finger on the culprit. She began to think of alternatives, assuming she was just jumping to conclusions or dramatizing the situation, but with every hypothesis she rejected the notion. She was sure there was someone else there whose emotions she had detected.

The woman? It was possible it could have been the woman who was killed in the stall never to where Adeline and Alyssa stood, but it was unlikely. The poor girl was probably long dead before Adeline even arrived to her rescue. Perhaps it was the waitress or one of the other people, but even that wasn’t the case, she had all detected them before this was a new one. Worse of all, the sensation felt familiar.

She walked forward into the Kitchen and had a seat in one of the decorated chairs. She heard the door close behind her, and assumed it was Yui. She gave a sigh, then her thoughts ventured onto the topic of the strange man from before. How he approached Alyssa. Adeline already made her conclusion, it was no doubt the freakish man from earlier that killed the woman in the bathroom, but was it intentional and if so, how did he get in the bathroom without being noticed. Most likely he was a metahuman, just like her, and he perhaps has some special abilities at infiltration.

Her thoughts moved to Alyssa again and the man from earlier. There was some subtle reactions but she wasn’t there for the full interaction between the two of them. Though there is a risk, that if the man is a metahuman, and it wouldn’t be that unlikely speaking how inhumanly large he was, that Alyssa could be in jeopardy…
Avalon LaForge

"Oh, hey Addie!" A high, excited voice bubbled, bouncing around from the corner. The young beauty held a mind-bendingly ecstatic smile on her face, her hair flowing in the nonexistent wind. The excitable girl hugged Adeline from behind, her tight grasp almost winding. The redhead pecked Adeline on the side of the neck quickly with her pale lips, their bodies separated only by the back of the chair.

She was so excited to see Adeline! She almost didn't know what to say! Of course that would be silly because you always have to know what to say to say what you're going to say. 'That's right.' She had arrived at the house almost an hour before. She wasn't done unpacking the rest of her travel boxes, but luckily there wasn't much to unpack. She didn't even need to have anyone lug up boxes; she just had so little.

"Hey there." She whispered quietly into Adeline's ear, her voice breathy and sultry. She smiled as she stood, passing by Adeline as she walked into the kitchen, a mischievous smile on her lips, totally unaware that Adeline was so distraught. But of course why be distraught when you could totally be happy? That just didn't make sense to Avalon. Not that this really occurred to her, no in fact she was spending all of her energy focusing on swaying her hips AND not falling over on her heels as she practically cat-walked to the fridge.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Adeline's thoughts were penetrated by the high sensation of laughter and giggles that were accustomed to the apartment up until recently. In seconds of these first emotions and sounds appearing, Adeline was unable to react, as arms draped around her. Their owner, the graceful Avalon Laforge. She hugged Adeline from behind the chair dearly before greeting Adeline. "Oh... Avalon!" Adeline said before being interrupted again by one of Avalon's gestures. Any real thought or conclusion Adeline was pondering was suddenly lost as she dealt with the complicity that cat-walked before her to the fridge.

Avalon had left the apartment with the rent paid, without any clear notice of her departure or where she was leaving. Adeline was almost certain that she ran off with some sort of girl friend or that she had pulled some nefarious stunt that Avalon assumed would end her in the slammer. Yet she was back, with as little explanation as she left. The woman seemed to be in her lounging clothes, but it occurred to Adeline to ask how long it had been sicne she arrived.

"I didn't hear you come in?" Adeline questioned her roommate of almost two years. Though Adeline admitted she wasn't much herself since seeing that sight, and of course, her concern about Alyssa overall.
"I've been here for a few hours. I think." Avalon said, doing a mock spin to face Adeline, a twinkle in her eye. "It's soooo good to see you again!" She hushed Adeline. "I'm so terribly sorry I had to just up and vanish!"

Her eyes caught Adeline's just then. ..."Addie? ... Are you okay Addie? You look like someone's gone and died on you!" She exclaimed, pouting. Adeline looked... different. Almost distraught? was that the right word? It was just something about her, something unusual... And she couldn't quite place it. Not that she would have been able to put it to words had she been able to place it. But that was quite beside the point in her mind, no indeed there was something quite forlorn about Addie's look that simply oozed of the concept that she had been part of some sort of malefic engagement.

Avalon cocked her head, the moistness of her lips would have made her happy that she applied lip balm, but she would never have thought of that. She didn't even know why she applied lip balm. It was just the style, she supposed.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Addie, it was one of Ava's favorite nicknames for her. Of course, there was more than one, but she had a strong preference towards Addie. Adeline didn't mind it, it made her feel younger again, and she certainly enjoyed it. Avalon was a beautiful thing, most noticable was her hair, she always had so much of an easier time with her hair, but Yet Again she noted, All of us have our advantages.

Adeline was messing around with the small cheese knife that was left at the table for brunch in the house. She was certain she sensed something, but who or what? Though Addie approached again, she was concerned, at least to some extent. Avalon however seemed to act very natural around Adeline even though she knew of Adeline's powers. She had discovered purely upon an accident on Adeline's part, but nevertheless, Ava never changed her emotions much when she entered a room with Adeline. Though there was always the possibility Avalon just didn't know to what extent Adeline's powers went.

"Yeah I am alright" Adeline said quite bluntly to one of her as she set the knife dwon gently on the table. "Just, there was some intense stuff when I went to the coffee shop today, and I guess my sympathetic nervous system is stressed." She then looked at the seat across from her whcih was empty and she was reminded of both Yui and Alyssa.
Yui had been a bit late in arriving into the room, having managed to faceplant into the stairs when she didn't watch the first step, and then having taken some time to avoid the pots. When she closed the door, she heard... well, sounded like a cat on sugar. She quietly peeked around to see Adeline getting reaquainted with Avalon, and just quietly hid behind the doorway of the kitchen, watching the two of them talking.

Weakly, Yui let out a small comment, accompanied by a little cough. "H-hey, Adeline... y'know that there's pots all over the front porch right?"
Avalon LaForge

Her hair almost drooped. "Oh Addie, I'm so sorry to hear that!" She cooed softly. Then, she was interrupted by some young little girl, oh and she was SOOOOOO cute. She really was cute, not just like sooo cute but really cute. She must have been like 8 or something. Could she talk? She could mumble surely enough. Oh Avalon just wanted to squeeze her.

"Who's this little darling Addie?" She flashed a mock gasp of suprise. "You haven't been cheating on me have you?" She waggled her finger in the air, muttering 'tut, tut, tut.' a senseless grin smothering her face. Before pulling out a bottle of wine. "This'll cheer us all up!" Avalon said brightly, pulling out three glasses from the cupboard above her, giggling; "I think, addie, you need to relax and catch me up on ALL the goodie little details!" She poured wine with an almost expert sloppiness into the three glasses. Nearly - but never missing the mark each time in rapid succession.

She was a little dazzling. Her forceful mannerisms and her frazzled countenance made the entire scene surreal. He hair was waving back and fourth rhythmically and it complimented the entire scene in a fantasy sort of way.

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