[Megalopolis Classic] Dr. Lowell's Office & Apartment

Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Adeline was mesmerized by Avalon's actions, it curbed her thoughts of the bathroom away. So she sat gladly and watched the red wine being poured into the three glasses. She regarded the number in her head, and noticed her surroundings only to confirm that Avalon was serious about having the three drinks. "Ava" Adeline interrupted as Avalon completed her imperfectly perfect pouring of the wine. "Don't you think its a little early to be having wine?" Adeline asked of her casually.

"Also don't you think Yui's a little young for wine? I mean at age fourteen we can give her a taste, but I wouldn't recommend a full glass." Adeline stated with caution. "You do realize the ramifications of alcohol on the teenage-developing mind correct?" Adeline warned but paused for a second, as she stopped herself before entering into an intellectual lecture upon the biological and psychological conquenses of alcohol on a developing psyche that she would normally describe in a presentation to a group of students or to one of her clients.
Avalon LaForge

"Oh... OH! you're so totally right I'm sorry!" She excused herself, downing the third glass in a swift gulp. "That solves that problem. Hic." She giggled to herself, sliding Adeline the other glass. And of course Adeline WAS right, wasn't she? Well Avalon didn't know much about how alcohol affects human minds. So Adeline COULD be right, but that wasn't important, because Avalon just drank the glass. 'Unless i decide to pour Yui another one sometime. Then it might be important.' But it still wouldn't be, because she would remember it. Wouldn't she? Well, wait; 'Will i remember it if it isn't important? So shouldn't i assume it's important so i can remember it?' She sighed aloud, as she took a seat next to Adeline, leaning in and lying her head on her shoulder, holding one of Adeline's arms. Adeline had a rough day, she didn't like it when people were unhappy. Maybe she could make Adeline feel better. Her hair wrapped gently around Adeline, waving slowly back and fourth, massaging her back gently. "I'm so sorry you had a rough day Addie." She said softly.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

Avalon downed the whole glass without thinking once she realized her error. It was somewhat counter-initiative, the dangers of alcohol being discussed and the method of its disposal by Avalon. It was obvious she was apart of some Sorority when she went to college, the way she gulped down the glass of wine like it was nothing. Most would become sick after drinking a potent wine so quickly and presumably throw up. Nevertheless she kept it down, and gave in a sigh of relief.

Adeline took her own glass and gave it a sip. It did occur to her that she was an excellent selector of wines, and this bottle was worth every cent paid, but it was ashamed they didn't have some bread or cheese to go along with it. Nevertheless Adeline kept it down as well, and gave in a sigh of relief as Avalon began massaging her back.

"Its unfortunate that Alyssa is in the hospital," Adeline spoke without realizing. "Oh that is right, you don't know who Alyssa is do you?" She said almost apologetically.
Yui Oria, Professional Street Urchin

Yui blinked and stared, wondering how those two knew each other, and who exactly the redhead was... Unsure of herself, the girl quietly shuffled her feet and walked to the couch to lay down, notebook in hand. As she left, she made an off-comment of "Technically, you haven't introduced me either..." She laid down on the couch, flipping through its contents, the pages having been written over multiple times, filled to the brim with ideas and thoughts...

She glanced up to look about the place, her mind suddenly very bored and left with nothing to do. Yui got up and grabbed a book, setting it down after realizing that half of the stuff didn't make sense. Jeez... lonely old people really must just sit around all day or something... I see nothing here... She glanced back to the couch, and picked up her notebook again, and using a loose pencil began to draw some stuff.
"I... I don't. Who is Alyssa? Some friend of yours right is she? Why is she in the hospital, Addie, is that why you're so upset?" She asked, pulling away slowly from Adeline and allowing her hand to move to her wineglass. Her delicate hand fingered the crystal stem as she brought it up to her soft red lips. She moved the glass around in a delicate circle as she inhaled gently with her delicate nose, allowing the fruity aroma of the wine to fill her nose. She allowed herself a small sip of the quite delicious wine. Her palate had already been kick-started when she managed to down the entire glass of wine without a second look backward a few moments earlier. As the tastes hit her toung, she remembered a collage class she took for fun, some wine appreciation class. It was well aged, probably an oak barrel. It was distinctly Italian, but it was also most certainly a very wet season for the grapes, and quite a few of the aromas were especially indicative of that, insomuch as they were unusually pungent.

Her eyes kept Adeline's as she ruminated over the wine. Her tongue ran over her lips as her hair fluttered as if it was in a breeze. She was stock still, frozen like a statue. As usual, she deviated from being excessively bubbly to very serious, although never too serious, because she seriously could't be serious about being serious. It just felt too serious, and that was no fun. Why live if you're not having fun? '
So you can have fun tomorrow!' she would have thought, or 'So you can make someone else have fun!'
Rin walk around her apartment and made sure everything was in a tidy place. Her walls were covered in cartoon posters and her room with a queen sized bed that had more cartoon plushies than a toy store. She moved her computer monitor to the direct center of her desk and made sure it was ready to play her recently downloaded series. Her bags were filled mostly with her memorabilia and traditional Eastville clothing and cooking utensils. She favored chopsticks to anything and was proficient with them. She started to set up the smaller items of her bag and put everything out. As she began to finish she decided to smoke some weed to relax for a bit. After procrastinating for an hour and not finishing her unpacking, she decided to go out.

She slowly exited her apartment after finally confirming and forgetting that all of her things moved were from the dance studio. She noticed the pots all over the hallway again like it was when she arrived and it was mostly all broken. The hallway wasn't a grand and greatly designed place but, she couldn't complain. Her money; she felt, was well spent on this place of hers. As Rin looked across; to the apartment across from her, she wanted to great her neighbors to see what kind of people they would be. She slowly stepped towards the door avoiding the pots and knocked slowly on the door making a small beat. Being high at the moment made her enjoy and giggle at how it sounded. "I hope I have at least a few neighbors..."
Avalon allowed her eyes to roll to the door; it shook gently with the rap rap rap of repeated knocking. She set her glass down gingerly and allowed an apologetic smile. She drifted over to the door and opened it cautiously, using her hair instead of her hands to shift the doorknob. "Hello..?" She asked cautiously, opening the door only a fraction, thinking to herself 'Who would be calling at this time of the day?'

It wasn't, the door that is, open wide enough to see her miraculous usage of hair or any such fallacy, oh no. The sliver only revealed a bit of her face. Enough only so that she could see outside, and hopefully, whoever had decided to knock on the door. And it was such a nice door too.
Rin took half a step back to make room and try to see who was there. She squinted just a bit and looked through the crack of the threshold to see a beautiful girl with long reddish brown hair and blue eyes. She finally took the whole image in and decided to greet her by waving at her and saying, "Hello, I'm Rin Xing and I just moved in across from you and well... Wanted to say hello!" She felt a bit brutish by being so blunt with her and also wanted to ask if there were any good restaurants around. The weed she smoked just a little bit ago was catching up to her and the munchies started to set in. Her stomach audibly rumbled and she felt as if she was starving.
"Well hey there!" Avalon announced happily to rin, pulling the door open with a jerk of one of her long red locks. "Welcome to the building!" She said, a bright smile on her face. The girl before her was... oriental. Very cute too, although she had this familiar, slightly loopy look on her face. Avalon was glad to meet another person who lived in the building. She'd been away for too long and didn't want to be the only new face on the block, that was always awkward.

She beckoned the girl into the room. "Come on in! Have a glass of wine with us!" Her smile wasn't even sloppy, even after a glass and a half of wine and whatever she might have had before. She didn't even take notice of rin's blunt greeting, but she didn't usually pay attention to things that were surely unintentional. After all if unintentional why bother? Surely one shouldn't, that is the clear message we may take away from things.

As she beckoned the girl in, she gave her a very surreptitious look up and down, nodding almost imperceptibly in appreciation.
Rin had a confused look on her face but, took it as a sign of hospitality. She walked in slowly and said, "Sure! Though I'd prefer a beer, if you have any." She smiled happily and winked with her slightly glazed red eyes, she also had on her jeans and t-shirt of a old megalopolis local band that was tight around her chest and body. She looked around to see the apartment to see what kind of person this girl was and if it was the kind she liked. She kind of wondered for moment in her thought and finally came back to ask, "I never caught your name miss."
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

It was the sound of knocking that interrupted Adeline and Avalon conversation on the door. Adeline had just taken her first sip of the wine when Avalon rushed to greet the newest patron. The entry way was across the main living room that ran into the apartment's kitchen, so while Adeline could not see the person at the door, she could hear the voices from down the hall and across the large common room.

She recognized them both, the first was Avalon's sweet melodic voice, and the next was softer but also just as flirtatious. She had some familiarity with the second voice, it was the neighbor who had just moved in. Adeline had met with her briefly when she discussed the lease and contract, but Adeline didn't converse much. As she, in fact, hated being a landlord and the deliberations it entailed, but it was the only way she could secure the apartment and the office space below. Sighing a little bit, she got up from her seat at the table, just as the voices began approaching down the hall.
"Hey Adeline! You didn't tell me that there's this cutie who's just moved in across the hall!" She giggled. "And she is pretty cute." She winked back to the chickie she was leading into the apartment. Her hair gave an unconscious little wave. Adeline was such a sweetie. And she picked such good housemates, this one was certainly cute enough to be a keeper.

She just had this look about her, and it wasn't that she was clearly high. (Her red eyes and kinda loopy looks gave that away. Avalon had had her fair share of that in collage) "So..." Avalon grinned. "Tell us a little bit about yourself?" She reached out to the counter and grabbed her glass, her thin fingers wrapping around the stem.
Rin walked in slowly after Avalon and also saw miss Adeline and another young girl sitting at the table as well. She acknowledged all of Avalon's flirtatious comments with a smile and slight giggle. She looked around slightly and was taking in the scene with great pleasure, she hardly got to enter a homey environment. As she finally got settled into a comfortable position, Rin leaned over and said, "Well; as Ms. Adeline knows, I am a competitive gymnast and gymnastics teacher. I moved from Eastville a while ago and just finished college. Now, my studio I work in isn't too far from here and it's usually where I am... Other than the bar next door. I like to wear traditional clothing from Eastville, I love beer, and I can't go without cartoons." She told mostly what came to the top of her head about herself and didn't really know what more to say. She did consider telling them about her ability but, that wasn't ever the best thing to do.

She proceeded to pull out her phone from her pocket that was decorated with a ridiculous amount cartoon stickers and her phone had a camera on it. This was followed by a key chain with even more cartoons characters covering it, this key chain was about 2 pounds of key chains and 2 keys. She pulled up a picture of her favorite cartoon character to display and then a 10 second video of her last competition played. "I believe that was last week and it was pretty good. I had a feeling this week would be good after that, I actually made it on time and got top scores!" Rin was very happy when she thought of this and winked at Avalon. Rin's conversations did often change when she was a little out of it.
Alyssa spent a long while in the hospital; they questioned her. They asked her if she knew that the body was there, if she noticed the blood or if she had noticed anything unusual in the coffee house that day. She insisted that she didn’t, though; they seemed to pester her on and off for a long time. The doctors took her temperature, and even ran some blood tests on her. Apparently, she was drugged, but she had no idea how or when that would have happened. Soon enough the police left her, and the nurse informed her that she was free to leave.

Alyssa grabbed onto Lucky’s harness and headed towards the front of the hospital and walked up to the receptionist. “Excuse me, could I use the phone? I need to make a phone call.” Alyssa’s face was rather somber, and her voice didn’t seem to contain any emotion.

“Oh of course, just remember to dial nine first to call out of the building.” Alyssa grabbed the phone and dialed out to Adeline’s home. It rang a few times before she heard someone pick up the phone.

“Adeline, I’m being released now, I really need you to come pick me up. The police were here questioning me… I don’t think they are going to let up either… it’s just like when we were at my apartment and that guy came to question me. They will probably be calling me in for further questioning I image.” Alyssa sighed before she continued. “Anyway, the police will probably be watching my every move now. So, can I expect you to come pick me up?”
Adeline didn't give much attention to Rin. Her head wasn't in the game, instead she mainly leaned back in her chair, her posture poor, and took sips of her wine. She had introduced herself to the woman many times, and she knew the woman at least somewhat well, what could be gathered from a profile and a basic background check. Though Adeline still nodded with some interest, to keep her guest entertained, after all, she didn't want to appear rude.

It was then that the familiar voice of the phone went off from inside the other room.

"Pardon me. You have a phone call." The phone's pleasant ringtone stated to the apartment in her polite accent.

Several seconds would pass before people unaccostumed to the ring understood the voice.

"Excuse me! You have a phone call!" The phone now said more agitatedly.

Now everyone was somewhat aware of its presence.

"Take your time... I'll keep holding this phone call..." The phone voice said with more impatience.

"Avalon, could you go get that." Adeline asked Avalon who was still standing if she could retrieve the phone before it continued further.

"Oh... ah..." She looked around for a moment. She wasn't actually of course paying any attention to anything just then. She liked that sometimes, not thinking. It saved one from thinking about thinking which was just... weird. Avalon didn't like to think about thinking.

Her small toes curled in her sandals as her ear drew her around towards the phone.... It was right next to her. She looked up to Adeline, blushing bashfully. "Sorry, i'll get it now." She narrated... not sure why... to the rest of the room. Before she knew what she was doing, as was her norm, a lock of her hair collected the phone and brought it to her ear, holding it there.

Being rather oblivious, she jumped after a few seconds and realized that she wasn't using her hands. She quickly let go of it with her hair, but then it fell. She fumbled with it as it came out of it's soft mesh, and snatched it with her hand, looking apologetic. She pressed "Accept" and pressed it to her ear, this time with proper etiquette.

She was about to say something, she didn't exactly know what, when a voice burst in on her.

While the voice was doing talking, which it seemed to Avalon that they always liked to do... was that strange? Anyway, while the voice was doing it's talking, Avalon decided to think about something, which surprised her. Maybe it was RUDE? Maybe... it was rude, asking Rin to come in in the middle of their reunion? It must have been. That wasn't nice, this was their special time. But wouldn't it have also been rude to Rin to send her off?

But then the talking stopped. Should Avalon have been listening?

"Ah, um, hi, ah..." She scrubbed her brain. "Alyssa?" She nodded to herself. "Ah, this is um, Avalon. I'm a friend of Adeline's. Did you ah, um...." She tried to recall the words, but the only thing that came back was that somebody needed to do something for her. Right? Maybe not. "I..." Wait... was this the friend adeline said was in the hospital? OOOOOH it must have been! "Are you ah, feeling better? What did you um... say you needed?"

The whole conversation was AWWWWKWARD.... and Avalon didn't like awkwardness. She needed to make this situation no-longer-awkward.
Whoever this girl was, she wasn’t Adeline, and she sounded… well, she sounded like a patient of Adeline’s. she seemed to trip over her words, as she spoke, and seemed like she was out of it. Alyssa sighed. She started to speak very slowly, to make sure the girl caught what she was trying to say. “Can you tell Adeline to pick me up at the Hospital. Okay?” As she was speaking, she could hear two men behind her talking to a nurse.

“I’m sorry, but he isn’t allowed in in here, he will have to leave.” The nurse was trying to keep everyone calm, Alyssa could tell, one of the men started to get very upset, the other seemed very calm, which was strange, since apparently he was the one who was banned.

“Are you kidding me? If anyone is going to help my daughter, it’s going to be him! Why can’t I decided what’s best for my daughter? This is ridiculous!”

“I understand, I shall leave. My friend, you can always find me in the park, if you daughter really needs help, you are free to visit me there. It is not our place to tell them what they should and shouldn’t allow.”

“Y-yes, of course, thank you, Abraham.” The man started to calm down, and she could hear the men walk past her, to the front door, until one of them stopped. She could hear Lucky panting, it was quite clear that the man was petting the dog, and when he spoke she knew who it was.

“I can tell this dog is a great companion, there is something about him.” Alyssa wasn’t in the mood for this man, or really anything, she was annoyed by the police, annoyed by the doctors, and annoyed by the girl on the other end of the phone.

“Listen, you’re not supposed to be petting him, he’s working. I’m not interested in ‘getting to know’ you and I don’t wish to pretend to be nice right now! Please just leave!” she was yelling directly into the phone, and she had turned slightly so she would be screaming in the man's direction. She could hear the man stand up and walk out, he didn’t say anything to her; he simply left.

Avalon was a little lost for words. She didn't even know where to start. Well, she did, she was supposed to, ah... tell Adeline... to go pick Alyssa up. But she didn't need to bother Adeline. She'd just let her know she was going to go get her friend from the hospital and... well, yeah. Avalon owned a car. That wouldn't be a super serious problem. Right?

"Hey Alyssa, i'll be right over to the hospital to pick you up. Um, so... yeah. I'll come find you."

"I'll call you if i have a hard time finding you."

She suddenly heard some yelling, and was taken aback until she realized that it wasn't directed at her. Well, that was a relief.

Avalon put the receiver down after a feeble: "Bye."

Now Avalon turned her attention to Adeline. "So ah, Alyssa is feeling better and I want to be useful, so i'll go pick her up from the hospital... so... yeah. I'll call you or her if ah, I've got any trouble." She smiled brightly. "I'll give you time to have a nice little chat." She said, smiling to rin. "I'm sooo sorry, but it shouldn't take too long.... i think."

She brightened, reaching for her keys. Her car wasn't fancy or anything, just an old Porsche 997 GT3. "So i'll be back in a bit, kay?" She said, before bolting for the door. She wanted to meet this Alyssa, maybe make up for acting all awkward when she first spoke with her. That just wasn't good, being awkward.
Rin was surprised to see Avalon pick up the phone with her hair and tried to get a word in or just write it off on her high. The call seemed urgent so she chose to write it off. Rin listened to the phone conversation as best she could. She could only hear mumbling and shouting from the other line. Whatever she could make out lead her to understand that Avalon was about to go. Rin watched Avalon's quick pace to the door and heard her mention being back in a while. Rin didn't get to say anything but, a simple, "OK..." Rin was bit confused but; she did watch Avalon leave closely, she slowly took in her figure and muttered to herself, "Oh my.."

Rin looked around to the rest of the girls in the room to see if they had noticed the 'hair trick' and then to her stomach as it rumbled. Her thoughts were amiss and then she simply suggested, "Would anyone like to get something to eat? Just point me to a good place. I'm buying in celebration of becoming a new tenet... Though it might be a bit nicer to wait for everyone else to get back wouldn't it?" Her body shifted back slightly and she stood rather than lean on the table. She thought about all carefully and then forgot the due to her high. She did feel nice having made a new friend already.
Yui slowly opened her eyes. She honestly didn't know how, but somehow she had drifted into sleep, sorta like that kind that happens on lazy afternoons. Sprawled out across the couch, her paperboy cap in her eyes and her clothes all ruffled, she must've looked a bit ridiculous to see. Quickly the girl sat up and looked around, finding it odd to think that perhaps it was yesterday... yeah, that made sense. She glanced around, a bit of her hair getting in her eyes. Okaaaay... I seriously don't remember where I'm- oh yeah! That's where I am! Now... how long have I been asleep?

Yui quickly stood up, accidentally knocking into a coffee table and stumbling a bit, disoriented by her nap. She glanced around the place, her eyesight a bit fuzzy. Hearing some voices near the door, she somewhat walked somewhat stumbled... and took a facedive to the floor. I give~ Can I just sleep here~?

Avalon pulled up at the hospital not too long later. Her car got one or two looks, but it wasn't too special in this section of Megalopolis. She approached the front desk and gave the receptionist a bat of her eyes. He almost came running over to 'address her needs'. "Hi, my name is Avalon LaForge. I'm here to pick up somebody, her name is Alyssa."

He was a little dreamy, must be a collage kid working a job to help pay it all off. She knew the position. "So can you help me out?"

"I... ah..."

Avalon batted her eyes again.

"What was her name?"


"Do you have a last-"

"Oh, sorry I don't. I'm picking her up for a friend. She probably alerted the desk or something, can you check your lists?"

"Ah, um. Sure."

"Thanks!" She beamed.

The kid busied himself entering unsteady commands into his computer, grumbling to himself about "too old for me..." or some other such nonsense. He didn't really give himself over to any facial expression modifications as he nodded to Avalon. "We have her here. Alyssa Heart. You can go get her. Go down this hall and keep going past eight doors. The ninth door, it's on the left, that's her."

Avalon, ever the charmer, giggled with satisfaction and smooched the kid on the cheek before saying; "Thanks!" And shooting off down the hall. She didn't quite run, but whatever it was, it was fairly graceful. At the ninth door, she stopped and took in some breath. She put on her best smiled and strode forward to open the door. It's handle was cold to the touch but was quick to budge with a little pressure applied. Entering the ward, she took a look at it's only inhabitant. A woman, somewhere near Avalon's age, and quite beautiful. Amazingly so in fact. She was well proportioned, had a beautiful face, and the way she lay there... she just felt like a good person.

Avalon smiled, and stood there for a few moments before speaking. "Alyssa Heart?" She finally asked, still a little mesmerized.
Alyssa handed the phone back to the receptionist, who told her she could go wait in her room; they would let the person know where she was. Alyssa headed back to her room, where she waited for Adeline to arrive. Well, she hoped it would be Adeline. She was waiting for close to twenty minutes, before she could hear the door open.

Alyssa could hear the footsteps as the person as they entered the room, but they were much lighter and daintier than Adeline’s. Alyssa turned to face the person, and she could smell them, they didn’t smell like Adeline either. Was this the person from the phone? Who was this person anyway?

Alyssa faked a smile. “Oh hi, I’m Alyssa.” As she spoke Lucky came out from the other side of the bed to greet the guest.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Avalon LaForge. Adeline's roommate? Adeline was having a conversation with a new tenant and i had a car and wasn't busy... sooo..." She tried to explain. A dog had come to investigate her, and she cooed pleasantly to it, patting it in an awkward kind of way. "So it's wonderful to meet you."

She paused a bit, awkwardly.
Alyssa gave a slightly nervous acknowledgement. “Uh huh…” she bit her lip slightly and stood up, grabbing hold of Lucky’s harness. “So… she asked you to come pick me up then?” Alyssa asked, though, though she spoke more as if it was a statement then anything else.

Alyssa strolled past this Avalon person, and started to walk down the hall way slowly, her head up, and Lucky leading the way. “Now then, Avalon, was it? Could you lead us to where you parked? I just want to get out of this hospital, now.” Alyssa had spent a while in the hospital, far too long for her liking, and she just wanted to get to Adeline’s apartment so that she could get some rest. Though, she was still thinking about her own apartment, and how it was probably fully collapsed by now.

Alyssa was also thinking about the man from her dreams… and the glass. What was it? How were they related? There were so many questions floating around in her mind, she had no answers to any of it.
Dr. Adeline Lowell M.D.

The room grew quiet as Avalon made her departure. She took her car keys from the hook on the wall, and walked out the front door. When the door closed behind her, the room fell in pestilent silence. The clock ticked by, and the ceiling fan above them swirled the humid air in the room above all of their heads. Adeline didn't have a car, unlike Avalon she didn't need one as her job was simply downstairs. Though lacking a car did have its disadvantages, and hearing the car outside start up, the quietness in the room still persisting, Adeline gave out a sigh.

"Well you should really take a seat." Adeline said with the wine glass in her hand. She felt rather relaxed bu the image of the trampled woman's face was still clear in her mind, and the feelings of another. She also worried for Alyssa. In the end though she decided the best was to remain reserve for now.Forcing a smile she beckoned Rin to come and take a seat next to her, and across from Yui.

It was then that Adeline realized Yui's presence again, she had been asleep it seemed, and Adeline, her head in the clouds, felt her emotions flowing through her head once more. The feelings of being ignored. That was what she detected. "Oh, right..." Adeline said with some surprise. "I forgot you to introduce you two. This is Rin, she is one of my new tenets," Adeline spoke to Yui than looked at Rin. "This is Yui, Rin, my other new, well I guess you can call tenet."

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