[Megalopolis Classic] Dr. Lowell's Office & Apartment


Level 20 Mizard
Entering from First Night Thread

Alyssa - You didn't think much of it at the time. The locket you carried in your hands. In fact you cared so little, you didn't give it so much as a glance. It dangled between your fingers, you felt it as it swung back in forth secured only by its tiny metal chain. You sighed, he gave it to you. One of the many souls you entranced into loving you by a mere glance. Drinking the rich brown coffee, you felt the need to add some cream, but you were hesitant to ask for some. Sitting in the familiar soft leather chairs, brown, most likely to avoid having to clean up coffee stains on them, you tried to enjoy yourself in the World's Best Coffee Shop.

The place was empty, unlike the day before, that had so many customers piling in. You rejected the thought, you didn't want to think about what happened. To distract yourself, you turned your head to the left, looking towards the window to the streets outside. You heard the buzzing of electronics and cars you were accustom to, but as you looked outside it seemed a moist dense haze had covered the city. As all that lied beyond the windows cleanly wiped glass was a blanket of gray, that remained motionless as time passed.

The thoughts returned to you, about the previous day, the people, you were to blame! You should have been more careful! You are the one to blame! who would know what would happen if... No!

You stopped trying to think about it, and instead tried to take a sip of your bitter coffee again. Instead, the white coffee mug was no longer there. The spunky waitress, she was gone too, the humming in the streets, the pictures on the wall, the colorful flowers of pink and lialac, the chairs, booths, and tables, all of it was gone. All that was left in the room was you. You sitting, on what felt like a chair made of sandpaper. As if everything had evaporated. You are the one to blame! You immediately felt the locket wrap itself around your hand. You are the one to blame!

You tried to feel for your glasses, you were going to leave, but, you couldn't feel your glasses on your face. You tried to look around, but the glasses were no where to be found. They too had become mist, a part of the fog that encircled the city. The locket's grip around your hand began to tighten. It was a shackle now. Its tiny metal chains became the metal chains of handcuffs. You began to scream, as you did, you heard the worry voices of those you had enchanted with your gaze. The voices, as if rushing to your aid, got closer, louder, intensified. Concerned with your well-being, they kept asking "Are you alright?", demanding for an answer. You cried out for help, as the locket now began squeezing your hand so tight, you were sure it would start cutting your skin. The voices became emphatic, deafening to such a degree. Though you couldn't clasp your ears shut. As your hands seemed immobile, constrained by the locket. No! No! Its not true!

You were beginning to panic, your heart beat sped faster and faster, your eyes began to well up and sting. When all of the sudden, it stopped. The bell of the Coffee Shop's door gave a short mellow ring. The door was swung open, and then quietly closed. The locket shattered, the voices stopped, the and the coffee shop faded away. The angle of light now, that struck across your face was like feathers and all you saw now, was a man.

"Its obvious isn't it?" he asked you. Before the dream collapsed, and you woke up in the office of Adeline. It was morning, the morning after the traumatic episode you experienced in the Coffee Shop.

Entering from the Main Thread

Alyssa awoke in a cold sweat. That dream felt so… real. She reached up to her neck, no locket. Around her hands, arms? Still no locket. Though, that was good, she keeps it buried deep into her closet at home. And she wasn’t home; she was at Adeline’s home, where she stayed the night. Adeline wanted to talk to her, but she was called out on work that night, leaving her alone at her house. Lucky lay beside the bed, at least, that’s where he was when Alyssa fell asleep.

She grabbed her phone on the bedside table, and put it up to her ear. “Time.” And then quickly tit coughed out the current time.

“Eight-Twenty-Five-AM” it was time for her to get up. She pulled herself out of bed and felt Luckys tail under her foot. He grabbed her clothes and put them on, as lucky was getting up and circling her. With a few steps she reached out and found the wall and grabbed the door knob before stopping her self and feeling for her glasses. Once she realized they were not there, she went back and felt around, eventually finding them and putting them onto her head.

Finally ready she stepped outside. Once she stepped outside of the room door, she could hear a subtle metallic click, click, click. Such as one would hear from a spoon spinning around in a Tea cup. Alyssa worked her way to the table, and took a seat, the sound of the clicking grow louder. “Tea? I don’t suppose you could make me some. I just had the strangest dream.” She heard the spoon suddenly stop.

“I was having a dream about the coffee shop, and this necklace thing… long story about that thing… I don’t want to explain it. Anyway there was this man there at the end. He was… around 5’10”? Around there, with short brown hair. His face was fairly… soft actually not a very strong jaw line. And his eyes… they looked like clouds. They were a beautiful vibrant blue… but it seemed like white clouds just floated by inside them. He was actually very attractive.” Alyssa paused and put her head in her hands. ‘Isn’t it obvious?’ That is what he said to me. Well, asked me. I’m not sure. But something about him was just… surreal. I have never had a dream with him before, it almost seemed like he didn’t belong. Though, he wasn’t exactly unwanted.” Alyssa bit her lip. “But… when he was there, and I looked him in the eyes… I felt… hope? I’m not sure, I felt like… like… like things aren’t that bad, that my power isn’t bad, that it may have a use. He made me feel, happiness. It was just one quick moment, but I kind of wish it lasted longer.”

Alyssa shook her head, rubbing her hands through her hair. “I’m sorry, you are probably not interested in listening to my ramblings or my dreams. I probably sound like some sort of girl with a crush on some dream boy.” Well, there was something about this dream she didn’t understand. She hoped there was more to the dream, he made her feel things she wish wouldn’t end. Maybe she did have a crush of sorts on him. Then again, she might be digging to deep here, it was a dream. Here she is, crushing on her own imagination! She clearly needed to get out a little more.
The tea kettle gave off a low pitch sequel, as Adeline had been daydreaming as the water began to over-pressurize in the container. Regaining her consciousness, she took it off the heat. Having someone else in the apartment was relatively a treat for Adeline. She lived on the second floor, worked on the first, of a six story building in downtown Megalopolis. She was an accomplished psychologist, and was one of the chief child psychologist in the area, even invited to give lectures at many universities. Yet the floor was quiet without a roommate. Her last one had left over a year ago, and ever since then, the house has been too motionless, and with nothing to distract her, she often got absorbed too often in her neighbors' emotions. It wasn't that she had anything ethically against eavesdropping on their emotions, but that their personalities eventually started to imprint themselves on her. she preferred not to hear them really, but it was unintentional. Though this did allow her to know almost too much information about those who lived next to her.

Like the couple who live on the floor above her, while they always acted so pleased and invited Adeline to many dinner parties, it wasn't unusual for them to both jump between a lustful rampaging emotions to intolerance for one another. She actually grew sick of meeting them after so many eavesdropping events. She resided their invitations, not that she hated them, but that she felt she knew too much about them.

It was different when someone lived with her, as then she had to focus on a present conversation, the here and now, and not so much the abstract feelings of those farther away.

Opening up the freezer, she took out a bunch of frozen waffles to put into the toaster. Adeline wasn't much of a chef, so most of her cooking was simple. It usually neglected using the oven as much as possible, but it wasn't unheard of to use it, though she did almost cause a fire last year.

Hearing the door open, she felt Alyssa's presence in the room. Greeting her, the girl immediately took her seat at the kitchen table, and asked for tea. Nodding, even though she knew the other couldn't see the gesture, Adeline brought her new friend a tea cup, and stirred in the necessary sugar and creams for her, before setting it down at the table.

Alyssa seemed entranced by a particular dream she had, she could sense the excitement, that even helped Adeline get interested. It involved the coffee shop, and a man. Alyssa seemed obsessed by this man, almost describing him in such a manner similar to young high school girls do over their crushes. Though the description Alyssa gave, is what intrigued Adeline the most. As she stirred her own tea and sat down across from her, she listened to the details and the picture of his face came clear. It was enough for Adeline to almost drop the teacup in her hand. It couldn't possible be... Adeline thought but said nothing. She continued listening, as if she was with one of her clients.

Certain topics seem to have a familiarity with Adeline, the not belonging to the dream, and the happiness she felt when she felt reassured her powers weren't all bad and might have a use. Alyssa immediately started brushing her hair with her hand as she wrapped her dream up with an apology.

"Not at all," Adeline said to her, "I am use to hearing such things, after all it is my job. Though I would be careful, dreams always have multiple meanings. Dreams, theoretically, are your brain's attempts at trying to make sense of false waves and signals, so it will include of course good things and bad things, and will especially base it off of recent situations you have encountered. This is important for daily function, neuron repair and of course problem solving. So while there is probably some latent content in the dream that is true emotion, you shouldn't get too obsessed with just one dream. Though if it continues to happen, you should feel free to tell me. It might be something more serious." Adeline said, somewhat rambling in technical terms, before taking Alyssa's hand that rested on the table. Causing her to feel a sense of relaxation. "So beyond the man, did anything else happen that was important, or did he say anything else to you at all?"

Alyssa hung her head into her open palm, elbow resting on the desk as she could hear the scraping of a dish against the table top. With care she felt around, eventually coming in contact with a tea cup. Alyssa grabbed the cup with both hands before feeling for the spoon to mix everything together. She listened to Adeline talk about how dreams work. Alyssa could hear what Adeline was saying, thought she didn’t exactly understand it.

Alyssa sipped at her tea, the room silent. She could hear a slight ticking noise, possibly a face clock, somewhere to the left of Adeline. Towards the ground was the gentle breathing of her companion Lucky. “I… I don’t think he said anything else. Though, we usually forget a lot of our dreams, right? He may have said more.” Alyssa sipped her tea; a little too strong for her liking, but she just smiled towards Adeline. She waited for a response, but didn’t get one. Adeline was probably thinking about what she’s saying; Alyssa wasn’t sure If Adeline knew more or had further thoughts on the subject.

Placing her wrist on the table, she tapped her fingers against the surface of the table, creating a gentle rhythm. Alyssa didn’t really control it; the rhythm came all on its own, which is quite common. They usually just repeat rhythms she has heard. Though, this rhythm was one she had never heard before, at least, not outside of her dreams. Though, she wouldn’t know it, as she didn’t pay attention to the tapping.

With a subtle motion, Alyssa moistened her lips with her tongue. Alyssa could hear some footsteps, they were very quiet, and she almost didn’t hear them. Though, based on the noise, it was most likely work boots. Odd however, the noise stopped what Alyssa would assume was the apartments door, based on how she came in last night. “It sounds like you have a visitor.” However, as she said the first word, the feet outside shuffled and turned, heading back to where it came from. “Oh, maybe the wrong appartment.”
Adeline considered the possibility of the same man in both of their dreams. It sounded similar, and if it was that man, what would that mean? How did he get into her mind too? Adeline commented in her head about Alyssa being surprised by the man. So she's probably new to this, so it hasn't happened before? Yet how would he have known to go after her? Unless he's watching them right now? Perhaps he's listening to her now as she thought. It was those kind of thoughts, Adeline worried herself with. Trying to remain calm, she looked towards the window and then back at the clock on the wall.

However while Adeline was preoccupied with thinking, she had forgotten about Alyssa speaking. Giving a quiet smile, she hoped it would suffice as a response. As Adeline had listened to a word she nervously said. It was an awkward silence between them, as even the cat clock on the wall, could be perfectly heard. Immediately surrounded by silence, Adeline subconsciously started detecting the emotions of others again. Not wishing to rejoin in that activity, she looked down at her tea cup and began to stir in more sugar cubes. It was too bitter for her personally, she made a terrible brew, but she didn't complain, as Alyssa seemed to like it, or at least she didn't complain.

Alyssa began to tap her fingers against the wooden surface of the table to make some sort of melody or rhythm. It was a beat that Adeline was familiar with, but couldn't put her finger on it. Regardless the loudness of the tapping only brought out how quiet the room was.

The silence was only broken, when Alyssa swore she heard someone at the door, but she stated disappointingly that they must have turned around. Adeline also heard something like footsteps outside, but only after Alyssa mentioned them. It was something she would probably overlook, but Alyssa had heightened senses when it came to hearing. Though Adeline became suspicious hearing the sounds of footsteps, the person was not noticed by her when she dazed off. It was probably no one, but when Adeline went to go detect the person in the hallway after he supposedly turned around. She found no such person. "Perhaps it was a cat?" Adeline replied "They always go begging outside my door." she sighed as she got up, and moved to the door. She looked out the peephole first, but saw no one. Unchaining the lock, that secured entry into her apartment. She opened the door gently to peer out in the hallway. No cats... but neither was there people. "What in the world?" Adeline asked.

Alyssa pondered the strange ‘ghost’ visitor, but only briefly. She didn’t think of it as anything of real importance, someone probably just got the wrong room number. As Alyssa sat at the table, she listened to the clock, as she drank her tea, as Adeline got up the check the door. Alyssa could hear a rattle of chain, most likely a door lock. "What in the world?"

“What is it? Is someone there?” Alyssa asked of Adeline, but didn’t really wait for a response, as a beeping noise filled the apartment, coming from her phone. “Oh! I nearly forgot about that! I was suppose to meet someone this morning – they should be at my apartment in twenty minutes or so. I need to get back.” Alyssa stood up, leaving her half drunken tea on the table. “Oh… what way was the coffee shop? I don’t really remember.”
Adeline opened the door to find a mess in the hallways between her apartment and her neighbors. The corridor was outside, so it was entirely possible that a bird or something could have caused it but, damn was that a big bird. She creaked the door a little bit further to see the damage done. It looked as if it had been raided. The pots of gardening plants were knocked over, spilling the dirt and the fun decorations hanging on the walls outside of her door were pushed to the ground, most of the metal parts and trinkets of them were broken off. It was possible there had been some sort of aftershock in the middle of the night. She had to clean up the mess from yesterday’s weird Earthquake, but what hinted as something more malice was the window's flying flower boxes as all of their plants were ripped out. It looked like someone was searching for something in the flower boxes, but Adeline didn’t really know what. She didn’t put a spare key in the window box, is that what the thief wanted? Ignoring that, she closed the door and came back into the room where Alyssa was still sitting. She talked about having to go home, and what directions she would have to take to get back to a familiar location. Without being able to give proper road-signs, speaking Alyssa couldn’t read, Adeline suggested that she would escort Alyssa home. “You aren’t going by yourself! Especially with everyone panicked about last night, and only if you could see the damage done outside. It could have been an Earthquake, but I am thinking a thief. Regardless, you have no idea how to get home, so you are going to let me take you.”
Rose - You awoke from last night’s vain search for food, in an alleyway between two buildings. You must have passed out after running away from cops last night. It was a miracle they didn’t find you. You looked frantically around in your pockets, and you sigh in relief when you find a few more joints on you. Lighting one up, you look around you, finding yourself in an unknown location. It hits you, and your memory becomes clear again. You tried to hit up a different area than usual last night, hoping you might strike it lucky. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case, stumbling around for a bit, you sought to change your score from last night. After all the sun wasn’t up yet, and you were sure most people in this area of town were still asleep.

You’ve done it before, everyone knew the spare keys were in the potted plants. You searched for maybe an hour, with no luck. By the time you were done, the sun had already risen. Certain that someone was going to hear you, you lit up another joint and decided to perhaps come back when they were going to leave, or you could always steal from them then.

Sitting back down onto the sidewalk, next to the dumpster in the alleyway, you read the sign adjacent to you. It was wording imprinted onto the glass and read - “Megalopolis Professional Center - Dr. Lowell’s Psychology & Developmental Psychology”
"I didn't think this place was some doctors..." For a moment, she ponders the sign. She seems to waver her glare across the two words "Psychology". Her facial expression shifts from a disappointed, upset expression to an unglorified, angry gaze. She looks over the sign with resentment now, Her thought process taking her back to her childhood, after she had been caught for petty theft. She could remember the voice of a man in a white coat, who tried to talk to her. His shirt read "Psychologist". She had tried to get help from him, but only ended up getting confused. His exaggerated tone drove her to question him, and his retort was bigger words she couldn't understand. She broke out of the local delinquent developmental center, only to go back to her life of crime, unaffected by the events...

Out of her flashback, She leans out from the dumpster after finishing her joint, to see the mess she had made. She glances down at her hands, which are covered in potting soil, even under her fingernails.
Alyssa - Adeline began searching the apartment before she escorted Alyssa home. "I think I am going to take an Umbrella" she told her. "The people on the news said it wasn't going to rain, but they have been wrong four times this week. I don't know what they were thinking, especially with yesturday's rain." she said as she reached by her door and grabbed the umbrella that was leaning for support against the wall. She also looked at her coat hangers on the wall, and picked up the bright blue raincoat. "I will bring a raincoat for you too." she asserted as she approached Alyssa from behind and wrapped the blue tarp around her. "Well come on now, we don't have all day, it will take probably twenty or more minutes to get you to your house. You'll probably be late as it is." she stated to Alyssa kindly. "Just when heading out, be careful, I haven't cleaned up the corridor yet, so there is a lot of stuff on the ground."

Alyssa considered that, she didn’t know how much it had rained the past few days, she mostly stayed in the past few days anyway, the TV or her music on. When Adeline wrapped the… coat? Uhh more like a tarp really. “Oh… uh… thanks.” Alyssa stood up and tried to wrap the rain protector around her body and called Lucky over to her waiting hand. The dog got up and strolled over to her at a slow pace, eventually wiggling across her open palm until her hand met with the handle.

"Just when heading out, be careful, I haven't cleaned up the corridor yet, so there is a lot of stuff on the ground."

Alyssa began to walk out of the door, lucky leading her. “That’s what I have this guy here for.” The dog brought her around all the junk in the hallway and the two of them found their way down the stairs and out of the front door. “Don’t forget to lock up; robberies have been up this past few months.” With that, her and Lucky waited on the sidewalk for their guide to lead the way. “Don’t worry too much, Lucky here will have me follow you."
Adeline took out her silver key from around her neck to lock the apartment door as Alyssa went out ahead of her. She kept the key on her necklace for safe keeping but it also helped Adeline to remember she had the object. After locking her door, her eyes scanned the mess in the outside corridor once more before heading downstairs to meet Alyssa who was waiting for her at the sidewalk, Lucky, patiently sitting beside her. The sidewalk and street were damp and had areas of large puddles. The city air, normally moist and warm, was windy and cold. So the News was wrong again, Adeline thought joyfully, she never took a meteorology class but she certainly had a feeling of accomplishment, somehow being smarter than the weathermen on the local news. She knew the man from grad school, even dated him for a short time, but would continue to deny that she had any leftover spite from their break up.

Walking now, as she greeted Alyssa again, she strolled pass her office’s window. She scrutinize the area around it, to ensure that no one attempted to break into her office where a variety of artifacts existed for her clientele’s usage. Upon reaching the end of the building, her eyes became distracted by what seemed like a young woman huddled by the dumpster. The woman, looked dirty, covered in mud and rainwater. Adeline observed the woman as they walked by, and immediately picked up on her emotions. They were very dull and mellow emotions, but as she looked up to the sound of them approaching from downstairs, she seemed to be, at least to Adeline, flustered. “Hey! Are you alright over there?” Adeline shouted at her from the sidewalk into the alleyway, hoping to get a response.
"Shit." She said again, As her immediate thought was that she was going to be caught as she looked up at Adeline, and have to run from the cops again. Maybe I can play it cool. Maybe they won't even notice... Her eyes shifted from the girl shouting, to her fingernails for a very brief moment. She had lost her train of thought and was going to wing it. She sighed and gave no response but shaking her head, and burying her face in her hands. She had finished her joint before the encounter, but the smell might linger, and she would still be high. A little bit of water up her nose would cause her to sneeze, and she wouldn't make any effort to catch it in her elbow, hand, or... at all. She seemed to want to talk to them, but just didn't care enough to get up. Something might draw you to her, Perhaps the inability to pick up on her emotions, or her truly vague response. As you gazed at her, it would be clear she is holding her stomach from hunger, and she had been crying.
The woman that sat on the ground was clearly dirty, from what, Adeline wasn't sure. She tried to focus on the girl's emotions even when Alyssa was saying something. The girl didn't at first respond to Adeline’s shouting, and then she only shook her head and put her head in her hands. Not hearing a word Alyssa spoke, too focused on the other girl, Adeline just told Alyssa to "Hold on for a second", and started walking down the alleyway towards the woman. Adeline wasn't the type of street goer that walked past people that looked distraught on the street, but she was also smart enough to stay weary of homeless people, after all they could always try to rob her. However, feeling like it was her position to approach the girl, she got closer to her. "Are you sure you are alright?" she asked her again "I mean, we can help you if you want or need something." Adeline questioned the girl. The woman was so close to Adeline's office, that she felt it was unwise to just let her stay where she was. Thinking it was probably one of her clients that got their appointment time mixed up and got upset that the office wasn’t open, she just calmly bent down to get closer to the crouching woman and said "What is your name? Are you suppose to see me today? I am Dr. Adeline Lowell, I am a psychiatrist. Did someone send you here?” she inquired before getting a huge whiff of smoke.
"I don't need your charity." The girl said, when asked if she needed anything. It was clear she was hesitant to swallow her pride, although she couldn't have been a homeless person, even though she was dirty, her clothes looked too new, and her complexion was strangely beautiful. Even as she turned her head away, she put her hand on her stomach as you hear a large growl. She was very hungry from the past 2 days being fruitless. She doesn't seem like she has much to say.

"What is your name? Are you suppose to see me today? I am Dr. Adeline Lowell, I am a psychiatrist. Did someone send you here?” She turned her head, and her eyes lit up at the word 'Psychiatrist'. She wasn't sure if she hated or despised the word, and the person standing in front of her. She wanted help, as much as she hated to admit it. "My name is Roxanne." She said, sounding pretty stubborn. Her incredibly thin Latino sounding accent could be heard, as she dragged out the n's in her name. She staggered up to her feet, using the wall for support, and her eyes shifting hazily. She was losing her high, and she didn't like it. "...I am a psychiatrist..." She repeated, In Adeline's voice. She wanted to ask for help, and she opened her mouth to say something, and then stopped. Her eyes gazed up and down Adeline, observing her. "You... Can you help me?" She immediately seems to regret asking that, Seeing as before she was adamant... "I Don't need your charity." had now swapped over to desperation. She knew it, and she didn't like it. She didn't like relying on anyone, since she was incredibly susceptible to falling dependent on others. She knew this too, and for that she resented herself. One could see she needed help, and Adeline seemed to be the first person who had shown any empathy, just by her simple approach, Roxanne felt comforted. The only reason she had any hesitation or regret was because of her internal turmoil.

She was still using the wall for support, and bent over facing Adeline, looking up at her, expectantly. She was waiting for an answer.
Adeline analyzed the girl. The smell in the air was thick, and the scent was familiar. The young woman had smoked marijuana, it was obvious to Adeline. She had dealt with similar patients before, and those who were much worse. She flinched for a second as a rain dropped fell on her shoulder, and motioned her head to the sky, the gray overcast seemed no different but she felt a shiver again as a rain drop fell on her face. It was going to rain again, and remembering that she still had to drop off Alyssa, she took the executive action of letting the girl come with Adeline to Alyssa apartment. After Alyssa was safely home, she would take the girl to her office and deal with her there. Turning back down to the girl, she looked at her with a smile. "Can I help you? well of course, I just said I would didn't I?" Adeline told her in a friendly and reassuring manner. Adeline tried to use her power to put a girl in a state of ease, as she extended her hand. "Though, my friend here needs to get home and well, she can't see to well" Adeline began to explain somewhat childishly to the girl. "After we are done dropping her off however, I will take you into my office and we can have a chat." She gave a short smile again, trying to encourage the girl to take her hand. Ultimately, the girl couldn't stay where she was, especially in the rain, so Adeline would ahve to ether invite her, or shoo her away.
Roxanne seemed a bit ashamed. After reluctantly accepting her hand, she murmured a thanks and dropped her head. It was obvious she wasn't at turmoil anymore, but more of a seldom dazed, dream state. She had no idea what she had just agreed to. She analyzed Adeline's face with a bit of a sideways glare, and came to the conclusion that she meant no harm. Maybe she was afraid of this lowly, thug-looking girl? Roxanne giggled a bit at the though, but silenced it almost immediately. "Adeline? That's a pretty name. You're a psychiatrist? Neato. It's been a while... I've been told I need help." She giggled again, In a bit of a maddened manner. "Why are you gonna help me though?" She seemed inquisitive, as any girl approached on the street in her condition would. She was obviously a bit messed up.

She grabbed her stomach again, and a loud grumble would be heard. She really wanted food.
"Who's you're friend?" She asked, as she walked with Adeline back to Alyssa. She examined Alyssa with the same dazed expression, and upon seeing the sunglasses, she repeated in Adeline's voice. "...and well, she can't see to well" She thought to herself: She has to be blind or something. As screwed up as it is, one of Roxanne's immediate thoughts was how well she could take advantage of Alyssa. Especially since she was about to be shown where she lives. Rose wasn't one for planning, but on the rare occasion she did, it would have superb results (For her at least). "M- My name is Roxanne. It's nice to meet you." She said, a bit flatly as her gaze shifted between Adeline and Alyssa.

The two of them walked off down the street, well, they started to. It was only a moment before Alyssa started to feel ignored. “So, I have to be there when they arrive. However, I know we never got our chat yesterday. Perhaps we can meet again?” She stopped when Adeline didn’t responded. “Adeline? Adeline!” The girl had left her! Alyssa wasn’t really listening to her surroundings, so she wasn’t sure where Adeline had gone to, but she found out fairly quickly.

“...a psychiatrist. Did someone send you here?” Adeline’s voice was coming from Alyssa’s left; she seemed to be talking with someone. And sure enough she had someone respond to her question.

“Adeline! Adeline! Come on, we need to go. I don’t have time for this.” Alyssa walked towards the sound of the conversation, but stopped when her foot hit slippery mud. She didn’t feel like getting dirty, nor did she want to have to clean up Lucky afterwards. She decided to try and focus onto their conversation, figure out what their conversation was about.

"After we are done dropping her off however…” Alyssa didn’t particularly like that remark. Wait, you are going to take her to MY home? Who is this girl anyway? Alyssa was mad at Adeline, bringing a stranger to her home, but at the same time, she was a little annoyed that she wasn’t the center of attention anymore.

The girl and Adeline came over towards Alyssa, and soon enough her nose was bombarded with the scent of marijuana. She had smelt it more than enough to identify it. "...and well, she can't see to well."

After the girl introduced herself, Alyssa spoke rather sharply. “Yes well, the girl knows that Adeline. You didn’t need to repeat it. It’s so nice to meet you; Anne was it? Well, Adeline and I have somewhere to be, if you would excuse us.” Alyssa tossed her hair aside and started to walk off in the direction she was previously going, hoping for Adeline to catch up and ditch the druggy.
Alyssa tone raised with Roxane comment about her blindness. "Yes well, the girl knows that Adeline. You didn’t need to repeat it." Adeline looked at Alyssa confused.

"Repeat what now? I haven't said anythin..." Adeline tried to say, before Alyssa turned her head, as if to send a cold shoulder to the girl. Then as the girl began to circle her somewhat, she tossed her hair and stormed off.

“Alyssa!” Adeline yelled as she picked up her pace to catch up with her. “What? Are you saying you are in so much of a rush you can’t even have a decent conversation?” she said with a giggle. Adeline could sense her frustration with the other girl, but Adeline seemed to shrug off the notion that they should leave the girl. That just seemed irresponsible. As Adeline slowed down her footing being able to walk beside Alyssa, she opened up her umbrella. The rain was starting to fall pretty heavy. As she motioned and gestured slightly to the woman behind them to get underneath, she reminded Alyssa to put up her hood. “Poor Lucky, he’s going to get all wet.”
Without saying anything, Roxanne ran to catch up to them, and ended up under the umbrella. She was already soaking wet, and she used the rain to wash away the mud on her hands without the other two noticing. Not that Alyssa could. She was curious as to whom this new girl was, after she had just been given a glimpse of hope, only to have it look like it would be crushed by Adeline's friend. She wasn't sure if she should speak again, and she didn't want to give away her power, even though she had displayed it twice already. Enough was enough. She remained silent.

After around twenty-five minutes, the trio arrived outside of Alyssa’s apartment; both she and Lucky were drenched in the rain, which still hadn’t stopped yet. She didn’t have the rain coat anymore, it had fallen off on the walk, and she never bothered to pick up it back up, though she assumed that Adeline picked it up. She was a little mad that this new girl was coming with them, Alyssa didn’t trust this Roxanne person at all, and didn’t want her to know where she lived.

Lucky weaved her in at stopped, reaching out for the number pad to open the door she felt for the bump on the five. After a couple of seconds she found it and entered her number in; 3579. The door buzzed, allowing Alyssa to reach over and pull it open. and Lucky was more than glad to be inside, dragging Alyssa in as fast as he could. She could hear and feel the dog shaking the rain off his fur.

“You can come up, if you would like. Perhaps wait for this rain to end?” Alyssa began opening another door, the one that actually lead to the stairwell and the floor as she spoke again, but much more quietly. “You can bring the bitch too.”

She lived up on the fifth floor, right above the entrance in fact. She even took the stairs up, as Lucky never cared for the elevator. She took a key chain out of her pocket, and with odd precision she felt the ends of the keys, and knew which one was to her apartment, and then unlocked the door, swinging it open. From inside she could head the sounds of the cars down below and the rain pouring. “Oh crap, I left the window open.”
It took about twenty five minutes to reach Alyssa apartment building, brick and infested with vines, the red building could be identified as one built decades ago. Looking up from her umbrella, Adeline noticed that three of the windows were boarded up, and another was smashed. As Alyssa took steps up to the door, Adeline looked at the entry way, graffiti decorated the cracked concrete and the first floor walls of the building but stopped just before the green wooden door.

Typing in her code it seemed, Alyssa was able to unlock the door and get inside. As the rain began to fall with greater intensity, Alyssa invited both Roxanne and her to come inside. Opening the small gate, Adeline nervously took her steps into the property.

The interior wasn’t much of an improvement, the first floor was made into a lobby, but its plastered wallpaper of dancing birds had begun to peel, and the furniture for guests was so dirty that it looked as if had been apart of a crime scene. Though having experience dealing with strange households and even hoarders, Adeline had stumbled into worst houses. After all, at least it didn’t have cockroaches taking over. Dropping off her umbrella and hanging the wet raincoat that Alyssa had taken off during their walk. She entered into the stairwell that went up the five or so floors to the top. It was wooden and appeared to be sturdy, but its reliability was questioned by Adeline after the massive squeaking caused when Alyssa and Lucky climbed up the first step. Alyssa however seemed to shrug off this noise, as if she didn’t realize the possible dangers of her surroundings.

Climbing the several stories of the building each floor seemed identical, having the same cheap carpet and undecorated walls. Adeline was only sure that they had reached their destination with the number fifth, crudely painted on the wall of the fifth floor. Upon getting here, Alyssa instinctively knew where her door was, and took out her keys. It took a few seconds, but Alyssa felt the notches in her keys and was able to open the door faster than anyone visually sifting through their key-chain possibly could.

Getting to the door of Alyssa’s apartment, Adeline examined it for a second. The door had a tarnished door knob, and the sickly green door had several cracks on it. The door knocker was broken and was left barely hinged to the wood of the door, and the mail slot was completely filled. As she opened the door to follow after Alyssa, Adeline was stunned by how the woman lived. The room had very little furniture and what was there was a borderline safety hazard. Piles of papers upon papers upon papers, filled in all the corners. In fact stacks of papers and other discarded items filled the outer portions of the room. The kitchen though was probably the worse, as trash that must have been missed was left there to rot.

“Oh crap, I left the window open.” Alyssa said worryingly. Directing her attention to the window, Adeline ran out and grabbed Alyssa by the hands. The wind blew the drapes around as rain water dripped in to the room.

“No, don’t go near it. We will get your land lord.” she remarked, as she saw the broken glass that littered the floor. “The window isn’t open, someone or something smashed it in.”

Ordering Roxanne to find a broom, Adeline headed to the Kitchen counter that had papers scattered across it. The one that caught Adeline’s attention was a red piece of paper, labeled “Eviction Notice” and a lovely gold locket that rested on a hanger above the sink.
Silently still, as she walked with them, she ended up with her hands cupped, and looking down, in that nervous sort of way. She tried to strike up conversation with Alyssa on the way, all of her attempts were given the cold shoulder. In an attempt to gain her (Or at least Adeline's) Trust, she looked away when she entered the code to the building, and when Alyssa felt the groove of the keys.

She hadn't been phased by the surroundings, as she grew up in this type of neighborhood, and rickety stairs, and graffiti are a regular part of her life. When she pretended not to hear Alyssa:
“You can bring the bitch too.” She goes back to her seldom, shy, unwanted self. She knew that this girl didn't like her, but she couldn't help thinking 'What did I do wrong?' She was hurt. And even though a small part of her wanted to exact some sort of revenge for Alyssa's offense, she wasn't going to.

"Roxanne, go find a broom and dustpan, and clean this mess up." Adeline went on, but Roxanne tuned her out. She felt like she was being ordered, but then again... Adeline was a psychiatrist, and Roxanne was an over thinker. Maybe it was a test, maybe it was just the given situation. Maybe Roxanne was just over-reacting as usual. Regardless, she looked around for a bit and picked up the broom and dustpan and started cleaning. She did the work quickly, and a bit precisely. She had to clean stuff like this often where she came from. Finding the trashcan, she removed the last of the glass, and placed the broom and pan back. "All done." She said, before going back to her original pose of nervousness.

When she looked up, and followed Adeline's gaze, she saw two things: The gold locket, and the eviction slip. She didn't seem interested in the locket, she didn't want to steal from these people. Her... friends? No they weren't friends. They were strangers. Not even acquaintances. She didn't care, in her mind they were the closest thing to friend she had. despite Alyssa's comment. She had been called worse. She focused her attention back on the eviction notice. Friends or not, she was going to be without a home soon. And Roxanne knew the hells of that. She felt guilty for being the slightest bit happy about it, after being called a bitch, but immediately silenced that thought, and went back to feeling bad for her.

She exchanged nervous glances with Adeline over the matter.

Alyssa let go of Lucky, letting him free to go about the apartment himself. “What? That’s just silly.” Alyssa was going to walk over to the glass area, but Lucky walked in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. She didn’t quite get it, but when she heard the glass being swept up, she believed it. “Oh god…”

Alyssa sat at the table as they cleaned up the remains of her window. She was trying to think about who would do this. “Uh sorry... landlord? Oh, I don’t know how to contact him. He usually just leaves letters for the tenets. I was supposed to meet my mom today, she comes over every month this day. She usually reads my letters and stuff to me. But, well, she didn’t show.” Alyssa spoke quietly once more. “Just like last time… and the time before…” Her mother said she would come every month, but it’s been nearly three months now, and all her mail had just piled up at her kitchen, unread, though many of them have been opened and some have food or water spilled on them.

Alyssa perked up, physically, not emotionally. She remembered her box; she had many important items in it, and was hoping that the burglars didn’t steal anything from it. “There is a box in my closet, can you go grab it?” She asked, her head facing Adeline, though she was slightly off, but that’s to be expected from a blind girl.

Alyssa rested her head on her arm, which lay splayed on the table, and her trusty companion, Lucky was there beside her, she could feel his head on her lap. “I just, I don’t want to be… me right now.”
"Oh so your mother is who you were going to meet?" Adeline said in response to Alyssa."It would have been nice to meet her and get acquainted with her, I mean if that was alright with you." she said re-reading the Eviction notice that she held in her hands. Roxanne was done sweeping up the glass now, and had eyed the paper again. She thanked Roxanne when she announced that she cleaned up the glass. Though Adeline picked up a sense of distrust and frustration from Roxanne towards her, as if she felt belittled by the job Adeline had asked of her. It was nothing personal, asking her to clean up the glass, she was just trying to improve relations between Alyssa and Roxanne. It was a simple psychology activity, where an individual helps another so that both gain liking and trust towards one another.

Even though her voice never showed it, Adeline had been paying great deal of attention to the emotions of her companions. However what really picked up though was Alyssa's mood of disappointment towards the topic of her mother. "Well if you want Alyssa, I don't mind reading you your mail." she said, looking at all of the papers that piled themselves into the apartment. If her mother was the one making sure she read her mail, it was obvious her mother hadn't been here in a long time. Was it possible that something happened to her, or... Adeline thought to herself, before realizing it was probably best to change the subject.

"Well in any case, I'll be sure to get the box, its in the closet correct?" Adeline asked walking towards the door that was adjacent to the broken window. "Though," she said pausing before she went and opened the closet door. "Its sometimes best if you are stressed to just listen to the sound of the rain." she said, as the rain outside became louder and louder. With her line said, Adeline used her powers onto Alyssa, attempting to make her feel relaxed. The trick was, especially with patients, to make it feel as if they were doing it to themselves. That way when they wanted to calm themselves down, they could do so, believing they had the ability already. Its tricking the mind, but it worked.

Shuffling through the closet, there was a variety of dull and older clothes. Most of the clothes had actually fallen from the ranks, the hangers remaining empty. Bending down, she moved a few articles of clothing, to find the white decorated box. It was a little bit smaller than a shoe box, but it was heavy. Simple and left undecorated, the box was metal and had a lock on it. Picking it up, she walked back into the main room and put it on the counter. "Alright, here it is!" she announced, as she began re-reading Alyssa's eviction notice again.

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