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Waving I smile, "Bye!" Walking off, I smile to myself as I blow air on my icy hands. Walking around the corner I groan as I remember today was inspection.
I open the door to the cafe. "Alright, let's get thi- Lydia, Justin. I thought you quit?" I look at them as they make pastries and serve customers
Tapping my way down the walk, I shiver against the still icy wind. Glancing up I see I'm not far from my work, doing a double take I groan externally as I pick up the pace seeing the fancy black cars parked in the lot.
I shrug and clock in, securing the hat 'round my head. "I'll take over on the pastries, "I call out as I wash my hands. After drying them I set out on baking.
Stumbling up the somewhat slick steps of the cafe, I shuffle into the backroom to get on my work attire. "Where were you!" Hissed my associate as I slipped one of the cute aprons over my head. "Shhhchchh.. We have more than enough to stress about as is."
I sigh, having make more than 100 arrangement of doughnuts for just one order. I wipe my brow, leaving a trail of flour across it. "How many for the order?" I call from the kitchen. "150," Lydia called grabbing a box of a dozen cinnamon rolls. I grumble as I continue working.
Groaning in annoyance once more, I push open the door to the kitchen a bright smile plastered to my face as I face the man in the fancy-shmancy suit and tie. "Hello, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Smith." I greet attempting to remain calm and civil as I could practically feel the intimidation leaking from the very pores of the obviously high strung man, with his nose stuck in the air.
I place the pastries in the oven, and begin working on more, "So Lydia, Justin. Why did I get the call you had quit?" Not really wanting to know, I kept working as they went on with their side of the story. When I hear the voices no longer speaking, I just nod and make a noise. "Alright then," I say pressing and kneading the dough.
The stony expressions that I was returned with in response had my skin crawling in unease, "Alright.. Straight to business as per usual I suppose..?" I state as I attempt to put on a strained smile. I had checked before I had ended my shift that everything was in order before clocking out and informing everyone that things needed to remain as seen. Apparently due to the stiffer than usual expressions, that is not what had happened.
Pulling the next batch of pastries from the oven, I box them up after frosting. I stack them up and take them to Lydia. "150, counted, recounted, and counted again." I say as I'm handed the next ticket of orders.
Walking into the kitchen for the first bit of inspection my eyes widens slightly at the sight, thw cabinet where I had left the cleaned bowels was open, spoons where strewn across the counters, flour, sugar, and mixes of all kinds powered the surfaces. Bits of dough and coffee beans littered the place like something had exploded. My face paled continuously as I heard the oven ding and smelled the smoke of burnt food begin to fill the kitchen. After a moment an old man could be seen standing straight holding out charred food shaped in circles on a cookie tin. His face light up as he saw us, "Hello chaps!" He stated too loudly before shifting his arms to the tin he had placed down. "Owner." I stated in a broken greeting, my intestines seeming to have dropped from my abdominal cavity.
I walk to the fridge to get more eggs for the pastries, I look everywhere. Panicking, I take a deep breath. "Lydia, did Sheila forget to buy the bulk of eggs?" I nearly yell in panic. "What?! We're out of eggs?" Lydia storms in, looking for her self. Groaning, I shake my head "What are we going to do now, we don't have any applesauce as an egg substitute," I mumble.
"Aliah dear!" He cried in greeting before moments later I was engulfed by the tall slender white haired man, if any description could justify-- I would say it was that of a somewhat recently retired butler, with the personality of a elementary boy, friendly moose, or a puppy. Patting the friendly old man gently before pushing him away with an even softer hand, I turned him and myself towards the suited men, "Mr. Winchester.. These are the inspectors." I spoke softly but loud enough for all to hear. I watched sadly as the mans face dimmed a bit in its joy as he realized our current predicament.

(I am so sorry for that wait! I cant even tell you how sorry I am for how sorry I actually am..)
I shuffle through the inventory orders. I glance up slowly, "No one ordered eggs." I run my hand through my hair, not even worrying about the flour. "What are we going to do guys, we have to call the rest of the orders off until tomorrow." I hand them the orders, shaking. I pick at my apron, fearing the loss of my job. Lydia picks up the phone and frantically dials Sheila. "Come on, come on," the frail girl mumbles "Sheila, yeah, we're out of eggs." I bite my lip as I watch her talk. "Well guys, lets finish what orders we can then clean up and close up shop until tomorrow." Hearing that made my eyes perk up, "So we aren't fired?" I choke out in happiness. "Nope." her cheery voice rang.

(I'm so so so so so so sorry for not responding sooner. I recently moved and I haven't had the time to put my computer up with my job and stuff. I finally have it up!)
Watching the old man as he took in the strangers that were surly judging him, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad and even a little guilty that I had brought them to him like a child meaning good when showing their parents a massive mess that they have to clean up. A definite change appeared in the man when he began to study the situation, how he was now in a predicament that would be rather tough to be free of. The mans shoulders began to level out fro the homely posture to a strict business like, his face becoming a serene look of superiority, his very aura changed from inviting to someone of a higher calling-- All in a matter of moments. Not to mention the conversation he began as he ran the men throughout what was happening as well as their own protocol.

(Don't worry man, I'm about to be in the same position. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who keeps making the other wait!)
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Cleaning the counters and rushing to the ovens, I count my blessings as I finish up at the shop. I should have double checked the inventory orders, though it's not my job, I should have. I kept repeating to myself. After the last orders were complete and everything was cleaned up, we all clocked out at and locked up shop. "Well, that was an interesting day," I say "I'll see you all later." Turning around, I head back to the apartment. At least I can get some cleaning done today, or just lounge. Maybe call up family, tell them how I've been. All in due time Oli, all in due time. I kept saying to myself.
A few hours had passed-- more than enough to clean the kitchen, Which I had taken care of soon after they left the area only to locate them somewhere near the small lounge area that served for those who wanted to stay and pay a buck for the fastest WiFi in town while sipping on a cup of fresh coffee and a bite of sweet pastries. Watching them closely as I walked over I inwardly sighed in relief as is seems Mr. Winchester had solved the problem he had created. Soon we were shoving the suited men to the door and marking the next day that would mark our next visit with them. Sighing as I ushered the other associates out the door with a smile I turned to the counters to clean before waving goodbye to the old man as I locked up the shop. "Yay. Time for round 2." I mutter pulling my coat closer as I shuffled towards the dark alley that would lead me to the bar-- So what if I'm early.
I opened the door to the apartments and made my way to our apartment. Unlocking and opening the door, I was greeted my meows. I check everyone's food and water bowls then went to get myself something to eat. I havent a second job, so I began working on a few new songs. After grabbing my latest finished song, I bring my acoustic guitar to the living room and brought a rhythm to the words.
Resting in the lockers as I wait for my shift, helping a few of the other kids get their faces as well as their dressing right before they entered the battle floor. Having only a few minutes until I need to be behind the bar I touch up my face as well as the fit of my clothes, before entering the floor smoothly swatting away several grabby hands as I make way to the barrier.
I continue playing as time ticked away, lost in the way the acoustic sound waves fill the empty air. I began singing along to the beat of the guitar and began to lose my train of thought. "For the thousandth time, I've tried to find what keeps me going. Only to find its just me still hoping."  I smiled and continued to play, my fingers long been numb. 

( I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS LATE LATE LATE REPLY. I've been trying to find the forums, this and that. The updated website got me frustrated,)

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