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Fandom May I have this dance? ( Wolfstar AU || sharkbyte & ritarita )

Sirius Black

A content humm left his lips with a happy sigh. The time alone with Remus was absolutely wonderful and He had hoped that they could do this more often. The dormmates should arrive soon but He didn’t care, He was soaking up the time together they had. Only thing that He was focused on at the moment was Remus after all! They were absolutely the love canines of Hogwarts and so much in love. He was so content in happy. Just enjoying being with His Moony!. “ I absolutely love you so much Moony!” He whispered softly smiling at the kiss to the forehead. He eagerly leaned to return the kiss to his cheek. “ Je t’aime Moony!”

It had been truly a most wonderful and amazing night! Best Yule Ball ever! And Padfoot couldn’t wait for the one next you too! He was smiling wide and so damn happy! He was such a happy animagus in this moment! Always so happy with Moony after all! Stroking his cheek softly. “ I love you oh so much Moony! So damn much! Je t’aime!” Sirius cooed to him happily with a happy grin. He was oh so head of heels for Moony, He was! He was sniffling a bit. Leaning to nuzzle noses together happily! He was so in love with his Moony! He was! Truly! He couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. Happily squeezing their hands together. “ I could say the same thing Moony! I am absolutely so lucky to have the best boyfriend ever!” Smiling brightly! He absolutely meant every word!

They are really the best boyfriends ever that will be spoiling each other rotten! The love canines of Hogwarts for sure! “ You will be the most spoiled boyfriend ever Remus!” He promised with a cheeky smile at all the nose kisses. Such lucky boyfriends they are! Truly! So spoiled and loved! But that was as clear as day of course! “ I love you oh so much too Moony! More than anything! “ He cooed! He wouldn’t ever be able to say that to Moony enough!

Sirius would obviously be super happy to speak more French to Moony if that is what He wished! No question about it! Absolutely no question about it! “ Absolutely then Moony” He chuckled softly with a wink. Whatever Moony wished, Moony would get after all! He would be happy to oblige for Moony!

He was absolutely smiling brightly. Happily still wiping away the tears with an absolutely happy humm. He was oh so romantic after all! Godric! He absolutely loved Moony more than anything! But how could He not? Moony was just everything and more! He was oh so head over heels, in love with Moony! No words can describe fully how much He did! Both of them super lovesick for one another after all! They were definitely soulmates! “ Yes my love…..Our wedding will be absolutely amazing! Nice and intimate! Definitely small with those we can about most! “ He mused softly. He was oh so looking forward to that! He was tearing up as well……More than anything in the word, He wanted to marry Moony one day! Be Sirius Lupin for real! “ Absolutely my love! We will always find a way and be able to spend our lives together! Truly be a family!” Padfoot was absolutely sure they would make it work!

They still had plenty of time to fully plan it out! He hugged his Moony back oh so tightly. He absolutely adored him and loved him oh so much! He was not going anywhere! The Lupins forever! “ I love you too oh so much Moons! I can never say it enough really!” He told him. It was impossible to say it enough.

All the hugs for these two! More hugs always for them! He never would tire of Moony hugs after all! How could He? He loved Remus oh so much!. He leaned to give him soft kisses on his forehead as He enjoyed all the hugs. “ I love all the hugs too Moons! You have the best hugs Moony!” She giggled with a grin. Only the best for these two!

They truly will have the best life together! A wholesome, quiet, peaceful life! Unbothered by others! Friends always would be welcomed and vise versa. “ We will!” He whispered with a nod quickly leaning in to peck his lips softly. What can He say? He’s absolutely smitten with Remus! But how could He not be? Remus was the bestest boyfriend ever after all! He was don’t question it! He was smiling very brightly with a big happy smile. “ I love you oh so much Moons! Je t’aime!” He whispered softly. Always joined at the hip and always together! They were absolutely so in love! It was lovely! Beautiful! So many ways to describe it! Padfoot and Moony together forever!

Future husbands for sure! It sounded wonderful! Padfoot was so happy by that. “ I love you oh so much, Remus Lupin…..my future husband to be….I absolutely love you to the moon and stars and back and even further than that! My love for you is endless!” He was being honest by saying that after all! They were both so uber cheesy and in love but Sirius loved that for them! Cheesy boyfriends for the win! He wanted to shout it for the whole universe to hear after all! They were so in love and it was absolutely adorable! “ I am glad you like the nicknames my love…..Only for you!” He cooed softly happily nuzzling their noses together happily. SO in love they were! Leaning in too leave soft kisses all over Moony’s face! He couldn’t help it! He absolutely loved him oh so much! “ You are the best Moonykins!’ He giggled softly hugging him back oh so tightly. “ You are the perfect boyfriend after all! I can’t wait to spend forever together!”

“ We are absolutely future husbands by love!” He cooed to him happily!. “I’m going to get you the biggest ring ever!” He promised. So Super Excited, He was!

They would oh so make it happen one day!. “ I know we will my love! I am so ready for it!” He whispered to him softly with a happy sigh. He would love to do it sooner but He knew they had to wait. But his love would never wane after all! “ We will have the greatest life together Moony!” He cheered happily moved to leave kisses back to Moony’s face in return! He was oh so happy! All the kisses for both of them! Padfoot loved Moony kisses oh so much! He did! He was so excited for there life together! “ I am sure they will be my love! I don’t think we have been very subtle about it tonight!” He chuckled with a wink A happy humm leaving his lips. He was smitten for Remus! He was! No doubt about that! “ And I love you oh so much, Remus Lupin! My handsome, smart, stunning, brave future husband!” He whispered pecking his lips happily.

He was definitely oh so giddy!. Hugging him back oh so tightly. Wow He was oh so in love! He was! “ Sounds perfect Moony!” He giggled softly. Moony hugs were absolutely the best! He was happily still leaving soft kiss all across Moony’s face. What can he say? He’s a sap for Moony! He love him oh so much! He was so smitten and head over heels for Moony. He loved Remus more than anything in the whole wide world! He did!. “ I love you oh so much! We really are the best boyfriends ever and I can’t wait to show you that every day!” He whispered with a happy humm. Never to many kisses for Moony after all! He was so in love. Burying his face into Moony’s hair happily. “ You smell oh so amazing!” He cooed softly. It was the truth tho!

Only the best for these two love canines!

The Love canines of Hogwarts!

Of course, Sirius would only be romantic for Moony! That was a given! “ I love you oh so much my charming handsome loup-garou!” He cooed to him.

Only truthful things here!

He was so happy to see Moony oh so happy! Moony made him the happiest animagus ever so He was absolutely floored about it! He was. " Je t'aime Moony! I absolutely love you oh so much Moony!" He cooed to him happily. " I can't wait to dance with you again either handsome! This was the best night ever!" He whispered softly nuzzling him as they cuddled more together happily. He was getting sleepy as well and just wanted to be closer to Moony! He was!

" I love you oh so much!" He cooed to him again nuzzling his face more into his hair with a happy yawn. He was oh so smitten for Remus! He was! He absolutely loved it when Remus said! Sirius Lupin! He knew he would be that one day! He was so happy. " Je t'aime Moony! I love you more than all the stars in the night sky!" He whispered.

He was so ready to marry his soulmate boyfriend one day! It would be the best wedding ever!

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



Remus is very much happy right now. He’s content and happy being alone with Sirius. It’s all he could ever want right now. Not being bothered by others. This is absolutely perfect. It really is. Nobody can bother the two of them while they simply enjoyed each other’s company. Remus is simply soaking up all of the affection and attention that he can get from Sirius. He loves the animagus so much; he really does. “Je t’aime Padfoot. I love you oh so much.” The loup-garou whispered, eyes fluttering shut to enjoy the moment. It would be nice for this night to last a long time.

Moony has had a wonderful time tonight. He’s a very happy and content loup-garou. He’s got his perfect, amazing boyfriend, the Yule Ball had been perfect for them even if they ditched it for the Gryffindor Common Room, it’s just an amazing night. And the Yule Ball for next year is going to be even better! They can ditch the ball in favor of the Common Room yet again. Yeah, just the two of them again! It’ll be so perfect and peaceful. Moony moved to take hold of Padfoot’s hand, “I love you to the moon and stars and back, Pads.” Cheesy but cute and true. The nuzzling of noses is cute too. Something that Moony is more than happy to return to Padfoot. His eyes are wet with tears, and his cheeks have the evidence of tear trails on them. They’re both happy crying still, aren’t they? Yeah. And that’s okay because they’re happy and in love.

“Yeah, we’re both lucky. I have such an amazing boyfriend, I’m so lucky.” The loup-garou murmured softly, just loud enough for the animagus to hear. Seeing Padfoot smile makes Moony smile.

They’ll both be spoiled! It’s only fair for each of them to spoil the other. “We’ll be the spoiled love canines of Hogwarts, Pads.” Remus replied. Yes! Remus will absolutely spoil Sirius with chocolate, attention, and affection! He’s more than happy to spoil Sirius right now with more hugs and kisses because that’s the best. Lots of hugs and kisses for Sirius! “I love you so very much, I can’t ever say it enough. I just love you so much.” He kept repeating over and over again. It will never, ever be enough. Never.

The loup-garou smiled when the animagus agreed to speak French more often. It’s amazing. He swoons whenever the animagus starts to speak French to him. How can he not? It’s the language of love! “Thank you, Pads.” He gave his boyfriend a small smile. His heart swooned, fluttered, and just melted at this. What a sap he is.

An amazing wedding the two of them will have! There’s absolutely no doubt about it. It’ll be a small wedding, yeah, but it’ll be the best wedding ever. Them and their friends and those closest to them. Remus just wants a small wedding, nothing over the top or too lavish. Just something sweet and simple will do for the two of them. “That sounds so perfect, my love. So perfect.” Remus whispered softly as he used his free hand to run his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. A perfect wedding for two perfect people. “We are going to have an amazing wedding, I look forward to it so much.” The loup-garou whispered softly with a matching soft smile. Oh, Moony was so thrilled at the thought of a small wedding. One day, he’s going to marry Padfoot. It’s a promise!

He slowly wiped away any remaining tears from Padfoot’s eyes. They can cry in each other’s company but Moony will always wipe tears away. Yeah. They can be really cheesy and sappy with each other. Just cute boyfriend things with them! “Je t’aime Sirius Lupin.” He really cannot stop saying that! Because it has such a lovely, sweet ring to it and it’s just… so perfect. So lovely. “To the moon, stars and back.” He whispered, “we’ll find a way to get married and we’ll live a happy life together.” That’s what they want. Both of them. A happy life in a house with plenty of yard for werewolf Remus to roam. They’ll be a family. A happy family.

But yeah, they still got like two years ahead of them before they can look for available properties. Just two more years and then they’ll get their wish. One of their wishes, at least. For now, they can enjoy their time together at Hogwarts! Remus paused his many thoughts in favor of just hugging onto Sirius tightly, not wanting to let go. He wanted this hug to last for a long time. And it will. Because both of them give great hugs. Though Remus will always be insistent that Sirius gives the absolute best hugs. “Mhm,” Remus hummed, “I never want to stop huff you.” He repeated yet again. You cannot blame him though. He’s happily accepting the forehead kisses, returning them back to Sirius.

Remus and Sirius Lupin will have the best life ever. Waking up together, adopting chickens and other animals, enjoying the fresh, countryside air, you name it. There’s so much to look forward to and so much to be impatient about. Remus wants it to happen now. Like, right now or at least soon. But two years of waiting awaits them. Oh well. Remus just couldn’t stop smiling like an absolute dork right now; what a happy dork he is. “We’re going to have such a happy life together.” He whispered, returning the peck to the lips. All the kisses for Sirius! “I love you so much Sirius Lupin.” He repeated for the thousandth time that night.

These two are future husbands. Dorky future husbands in love and don’t forget it! “We’re future husbands!” Remus repeated, his brain all over the place right now. They’re actually future husbands. Boyfriends now, husbands in the future! “I can never even say I love you enough. I could say it all day and it’ll never be enough.” These two will never stop being cheesy with each other. And that’s okay! Because these two dorks are absolutely in love. Lovesick love canines. “We’re going to have the best wedding, the best house, and the best life.” And there he goes again with being hyped up. But really, he’s just excited to spend the rest of his life with Sirius Lupin. Yes. Sirius will always be Sirius Lupin to Remus.

“Mhm, you come up with cheesy but cute nicknames.” Remus giggled, giving Sirius a small peck to the lips. And the loup-garou is very much enjoying the kisses to his face. Affection! “Mhm, I’m the absolute best.” He agreed sheepishly with a grin. “You’re perfect too. We’re perfect boyfriends and we’re going to have the perfect life together!” They sure are! Remus is going to be making sure of it. Moony nuzzled their noses together again.

The biggest ring ever!? Oh, Sirius is going to be spoiling Remus. “The biggest and shiniest ring ever. Oh, I’m going to be so spoiled and the happiest loup-garou alive!” He laughed, pulling the animagus into a tight hug. They can get matching rings, you know?

It’s going to be so worth the wait when they find the perfect house. “It’ll be worth the wait when we find a nice house with a big yard and settle down.” Moony hummed, letting his fingers card through Padfoot’s hair. They were returning each other’s kisses; which is very much alright with Moony! They’re such future husbands in love with each other. No doubt about that. “And I love you, Sirius Lupin, my absolutely gorgeous and romantic animagus future husband.” Moony was quick to reply with a content hum. He’s very happy and content right now. Remus could only hum at the peck on his lips and he was very much happy to return it. “Je t’aime.”

His heart is most certainly jumping around in his chest. He’s so excited and hyped up right now. Even if he’ll have to wait two years. It’s worth the wait. He’s just so head over heels for Sirius Lupin. So head over heels. The loup-garou remained silent for a while in favor of just enjoying his boyfriend’s company, burying his face into his shoulder and focusing on the floral cologne. “I smell amazing don’t I?” He inquired. Chocolate and old sweaters. “Your floral cologne smells amazing too.” He hummed.

Remus Lupin the charmingly handsome loup-garou for his amazing boyfriend. “And I absolutely love you, my romantic animagus.” He sheepishly smiled.

Yeah. Best night ever! Remus actually looked forward to dancing again. He’ll most likely be dancing with Sirius at their wedding too! They’ll get married one day, they’ll find a way. The Marauders always find a way. Yes they do! “I look forward to next year’s Yule Ball. We’ll have the best time ever just like tonight!” Remus was getting sleepy now. But just a little more talking and then sleep. Yeah, that’s perfect.

A small smile made its way onto Moony’s lips. Padfoot is so cheesy; and in a very good way. Padfoot is Moony’s cheesy, romantic animagus soulmate boyfriend. “Je t’aime, Pads. I love you so much.”





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Sirius was oh so happy! A perfect time with just him and His Moony! Wow! He was oh so lucky! Nobody could disturb the happiness that was between them two for that moment. It was oh so cute! Adorable really! He loved Remus oh so much! Literally more than anything in the entire world! Absolutely soaking up every moment of affection and attention that He was receiving from Moony that night! It was absolutely the best night ever! Nothing could ruin this for them! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so much too!” He whispered softly with a happy sigh.

It had really been the most wonderful of evenings! No complaints here! It had been literally the best night ever! The Yule Ball had been absolutely perfect but being with His Moony was made it even more special honestly! He always made everything special for Padfoot though! Really! He did! Any future dances and Yule Ball will be absolutely amazing! No doubts here about that! It would absolutely be for these two absolutely in love canines. He was beaming with absolute pride and joy! He squeezed Moony’s hands softly with a happy sighed , happily still nuzzling their noses together with joy. He absolutely loved Remus with ever fiber of his being. He really did! No question about that! “ I love you to to infinity Moony” He whispered softly. Yeah super cheesy but only the truth here! Happy tears all around for these too. They were oh so happy and oh so in love!

“ We are both the luckiest boyfriends ever!” He replied just loud enough for Moony to hear. Smiling happily around Moony.

“ We kinda already are Moony!” He giggled softly. The best love canines of Hogwarts after all! Such spoiled boyfriends these two already are! He would spoil the other in any way, He absolutely could! Way to happy to spoil him! Lots of small gestures, big gestures, pink roses, chocolate and tea of course was absolutely coming Moony’s way!. Always and forever Padfoot would spoil his Moony! That was an absolute given! Of course! Leaning up to leave soft kisses on Moony’s cheek. Only the best for Moony after all! “ I absolutely love you oh so much Moony! “ He whispered in return. “ Never can say that too much of course!”

“ Bien sûr Moony ( Of course) “ He chuckled softly with a wink. It really was the most magnificent language of love! Giving a bright smile to his Moony. He was more than happy to oblidge with that. An amazing wedding was in their future and He was oh so looking forward to it! Just a small close friends only wedding but it would be the most perfect wedding ever! It would be! Simple would be perfect for these two. Even Sirius would want just a small ceremony for the two of them. He closed his eyes happily letting out a happy sigh as Moony carded his fingers through his hair. Letting out a happy content sigh. “ It does absolutely sound perfect, my love!” He whispered back pecking his lips softly. “ Our wedding will be the best ever……I absolutely do look forward to it!” He cooed to him softly. Softly smiling towards him. It really did absolutely sound fantastic! They would one day be married and it would be absolute perfection!

He was smiling softly from the sweet soft gesture from Moony. Cheesy and sappy boyfriend they were! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin” He whispered softly. Every time Moony referred to him as such His heart kept swooning with even more love for Remus. He couldn’t honestly wait to be Sirius Lupin! Screw his real family. It was an absolute perfect thing for sure! It was! “ To the moon, stars, and back” He whispered happily back to Moony. “ I love you oh so much!. We will absolutely find a way to get married one day Moony! I just know it! “ He responded with a nod. “ We will find the best place for us to settle together….” He mused happily. A happy family they would be for sure!

Yeah two years to wait but it will be oh so worth it! Now it was time to enjoy the time they had left at Hogwarts together. He hugged him back tightly just rubbing his back softly in a comforting manner. Both honestly gave the best hugs ever! “ I don’t wish to ever stop hugging you either “ He whispered smiling brightly as they both kept returning the kisses on the forehead. They would absolutely have the best life ever together. A soft quiet life! On the countryside being themselves! No worries for either of them! “ We will be the happiest couple and live the best life Moony!” He cooed happily pecking him back on the lips one more time. Wow He was oh so in love with Remus! “ And I love you oh so much Remus Lupin!” He cooed back happily. He probably had said that dozens and dozens of times that night but that did not matter!

Future husbands, so much in love with each other, No doubt about that here! No doubt at all! “ We are future husbands in love! “ He cooed back. Boyfriends for the moment but no doubt that as soon as they graduate they would find some way to get married! So cheesy and so in love! The love canines of Hogwarts for sure these two were! Hehe! It’s so perfect! “ I can’t ever say I love you enough either Remus! We will have the best future everything!” He cooed in return. So hyped up they both were about future things together. And the best is only what they deserve after all! So in love and so perfect together! “ Love you oh so much Moonykins!” He cooed to him happiy pecking his lips happily. “ Nous aurons les vies les plus parfaites ensemble et je t'aime tellement et je veux passer l'éternité avec toi ( We will have the most perfect lives together and I love you so much and I want to spend eternity with you) “ He whispered to him happily. Nuzzling noses together happily.

Yes! The absolute biggest ring ever for Moony! It is what He deserved. Moony was going to always be spoiled by Padfoot! That was a given. It was! He was absolutely going to be spoiled by Sirius! Hugging Remus back oh so tightly and warmly. “ You will be my love for sure!” He chuckled softy nuzzling his cheek softly. “ It will absolutely be worth the wait, I am sure! “ He sighed happily always enjoying the feeling of Moony playing with his hair. It always felt oh so nice! Moony was about the only other soul that He would let touch his hair anyhow! Happily returning kisses whenever He could! Yes it was so sappy but so wonderful! “ I love you oh so much my loup-garou future husband, who is the most handsome man on the entire galaxy!” He cooed to him happily. He was oh so happy and oh so content! No doubt about that here! No doubt at all! He was oh so head of heels for his boyfriend! He was absolutely! So thrilled and looking forward to the amazing future! “ Je t’aime mon amour “ He whispered. Hugging him tightly. “ I am glad you like it so much Moons….I love the way you smell too” He chuckled with a nod. “ You smell absolutely divine Remus!”

He smiled brightly at that. Wow they are absolutely oh so in love with one another! Best night ever truly! “ I love you oh so much my charmingly handsome loup-garou!” He cooed to him with a wink. He was flushing brightly from all the compliments of course. How could He not though ? They would get married one day for sure! No doubt here! They would always find a way! “ I do look forward to the next Yule Ball too Moony! We will for sure!” He chuckled softly with a small yawn. He was getting sleepy as well. But he was happy to stay up to chat with Moony till they were both ready for slumber. He kept leaning to peck soft kisses all over Moony’s face and lips! Such love canines they were. So cheesy boyfriends they were! But it was adorab;e! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so much Moonykins! Together forever!”

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



Remus is an extremely happy and content loup-garou right now. Nothing can change that. Nope! Sirius makes him very happy. He’s so happy. Godric, his heart hurts so much with how much he’s in love with Sirius. Remus is so over the moon and stars right now. He really is. Remus wants to hug and kiss Sirius all day, every day. It seems like the night is close to coming to a close. And that’s okay. Because Remus knows he’s gotten plenty of affection in for Sirius. And from Sirius too. And it was one of the best nights ever; he’s obviously waiting for next year’s Yule Ball. More dancing for them at the next Yule Ball! “Je t’aime, Padfoot. I love you so much.” He replied sweetly. Only the best for these two.

Moony’s pretty content that the two had made the most of the evening. Dancing and talking, hugging and kissing. His heart is absolutely swollen with love and affection for Padfoot. It always will be, his love for the animagus will never go away. Nope! Moony will always be absolutely in love with Padfoot! Always and forever! Besides, both of them are crying happy tears! Only happy tears here; no sad tears! Moony moved to wipe away any remaining, stray tears from Padfoot’s eyes. Just sweet gestures from the loup-garou. Anything for Padfoot, after all. Moony loves holding hands with Padfoot! It’s very sweet and they can go anywhere together! “Mhm,” Remus murmured softly as he gave Sirius a sweet smile before giving him a soft kiss to the lips in return as a response. He loves Sirius forever and ever. To the moon and stars and back!

Remus gave Sirius a small kiss to his forehead, “yeah, we’re so absolutely lucky to have each other.” He agreed sweetly. Yep, Remus is so lucky to have a sweet and amazing boyfriend like Sirius! So, so lucky. He’s a lucky man. Indeed he is.

Remus is going to spoil Sirius. He is! “And anything for you too, you know.” He reminded with a kiss to Sirius’ nose. “Godric, I love you so much. I can’t ever say it enough.” And apparently that’s something he can never say enough either.

Remus adores it when Sirius speaks French. In fact, he loves it. French is the language of love after all! “You speaking French sounds absolutely divine.” He commented with a big smile. It’s true. And Remus honestly cannot wait to learn more French; they’ll both be speaking French to each other. Hehe, it'll be amazing! And yes, Remus absolutely cannot wait for their wedding to happen. It’ll be small but amazing. “Yeah, we’ll have the best wedding ever, my love.” Remus whispered softly, blinking away any tears that were lingering. Remus’ heart hurts right now with love and he really wants to cry more. Like, he’s so lovesick right now for Sirius that his heart is hurting. “I love you so much, Padfoot. I really do.” He murmured, letting his face bury itself into Sirius’ shoulder. Sirius smelled divine with the floral cologne. It’s a divinely soothing aroma.

One day, they shall get married and have a small but happy and perfect wedding. And a happy life; and they’ll be a family. What more could Remus absolutely want in life? Well, obviously friendships of course! Remus wants to live a comfortable life. “Yeah, we’ll find a way to get married. We always find a way.” Remus agreed. The marauders always find a way! And these two will definitely find a way to have a cute, small wedding. Even if they’re not married yet, Sirius will always be Sirius Lupin to Remus. They’ll be the Lupins forever! “I love you so much, Sirius Lupin.” He smiled gently, eyes glossy with unshed tears. Ah, he cannot stop crying can he?

Two years seemed so far away, and it’s understandable. Because it’s two years. But it’s going to be worth the wait when they start a life together when they’re fresh out of Hogwarts. They deserved the absolute best. Remus could only hum when he felt Sirius rubbing hand on his back. It’s very…. calming and soothing. “You give the best hugs, Pads.” Remus giggled as he let his face bury into Sirius’ shoulder. They’ll have an amazing, comfortable life together in the quiet countryside. With plenty of yard space for werewolf Remus to run around. It sounds perfect and amazing. “I know, Pads. I know. We’ll have an amazing life together. We are the best boyfriends ever.” He said with a grin moving to give Sirius a peck on the cheek.

“And I love you oh so very much, Sirius Lupin.” Remus responded gleefully. Remus and Sirius Lupin, the love canines of Hogwarts and future husbands. “You’ll always be Sirius Lupin to me, even if we’re not married yet.”

Future husbands had a nice ring to it. But husbands sounded better, you know? Well, of course they’re going to be husbands one day. They are future husbands after all! “Yeah we are. We’ll be husbands one day and we will have the absolute best life ever.” Moony promised him. Them living in a cute little house or cottage is perfect. Waking up next to Padfoot every single day is perfect. Spending every single day with Padfoot is perfect. “Yeah, it’ll never be enough.” Moony hummed, “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin. To the moon and back.” The loup-garou smiled sweetly at his amazing boyfriend. He could only hum at the peck to his lips. He’s soaking up all the affection he could get from Padfoot. “I can’t wait for us to be husbands. We’re so amazing and perfect together.” Remus whispered, taking notice that his voice was cracking up again.

Moony was more than happy to return the kiss, giving Padfoot a peck on the lips. They’re so cute and absolutely perfect together. Padfoot is so gorgeous and amazing and perfect. And every compliment in the whole entire world! That is something that Moony could never say enough either. “I love you so much, Pads.” Moony hummed as he was leaving lots of kisses on Padfoot’s face. Lots of kisses for Pads! The loup-garou’s heart swooned when the animagus started speaking French to him. It’ll be the same reaction every single time. Every time. Remus smiled a cheesy smile and he hugged Sirius tightly. More hugs!

Remus would love to have the best and shiniest ring ever. Only the best for the two of them of course. They could get matching shiny rings because they sure are dorky like that. He could only give his boyfriend a small smile and a kiss to the forehead. He let his fingers card through his boyfriend’s hair a few times before withdrawing to wrap his arms around Sirius’ waist. More hugs for Sirius! And kisses of course. Remus is more than happy to accept any kisses that Sirius has for him and he’ll be happy to return them back. Lots of hugs and kisses! “I love you so much too, my amazing, romantic future husband.” The loup-garou hummed affectionately as he pressed a small kiss to Sirius’ nose. Yep, he is so lovesick for Sirius. Chocolate and old sweaters is apparently a divine aroma. And he’s not complaining. “I guess I smell more divine than that floral cologne of yours.” Remus teased, carding his fingers through Sirius’ hair.

He will cuddle up with Sirius and be a happy loup-garou for the rest of his life. But you know, he’s getting sleepy right now. Honestly, they could always continue talking to one another in the morning. The morning of their first date. “And I love you too, my romantic animagus.” Remus laughed as he was very much happily accepting Padfoot kisses. What a couple of dorky saps they are. Really. They’re a couple of dorky, sappy Gryffindors hopelessly in love with each other. And Remus is absolutely not complaining about it. Because he knows he is an absolute sap.

The others have yet to arrive. And that’s okay! Because it means more alone time for the love canines. Remus would like to be asleep by the time the others arrive. But you know, let the others talk! Remus does not care.

“I think it’s time for us to get some sleep. We have to be well rested for our date.”





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Such a most wonderful lovely evening it had been! No doubts here about that! Remus made him oh so happy and content! Godric only know how much! Really! He wants to just shower the other with absolute affection! That was a given really! All the affection in the world for these two! Absolutely of course!!!!! He was always over the moon and stars for Remus! He couldn’t help but sneak in soft kisses to Moony’s face happily! All the kisses for Moony after all! “ Je t’aime Moony. I love you oh so very much” He cooed back happily nuzzling their noses.

They really had made the absolute most of the evening! Dancing together, soft affection just so many cute wonderful things hehe! Both so in love with each other! It was oh so endearing in a way! Only the best love canines in Hogwarts after all! He couldn’t help but smile as Moony whipped away remaining tears as He did the same lovingly. Only happy tears here! Soft, sweet happy things between these two! Such adorable boyfriends they are! Really the cutest future husbands they are! Truly! Happy future husbands here for sure! Anything for his Moony for sure! He loved that loup-grou more than anything! Really He did! He loved Remus more than absolutely anything in the whole entire world! Smiling brightly at the other with a happy sigh. Sweetly returning the kiss happily. “ I love you oh so much Moony! I don’t know what I’d do without you anymore!”

He let out a happy sigh at the forehead kiss. Moony knew exactly what made him swoon it seemed. “ Mhmmm…..We are so lucky to have each other. I’m not going anywhere my love!” He cooed to him. Leaning to kiss his nose softly. He was absolutely smitten! He was oh so lucky to have such an sweet, adorable, handsome boyfriend and future husband like Remus! So uber lucky!

He was going to always spoil Remus! That was the honest truth! “ I am glad that is the case” He chuckled softly with happy giggle at the nose kiss. He was happily accepting all the affection from Moony! “ Godric Moony! I love you oh so much! Never be able to say it enough for reels!” Neither of them could it seems. “ I love you Remus Lupin!”

“ I am very glad you love it!” He chuckled with a happy smile. “ Je t'aime tellement Moony ! J'ai hâte de t'épouser (I love you oh so much Moony! I can't wait to marry you) He whispered to him happily. He was absolutely ecstatic to teach him all the French and speak it together! It made butterflies in his belly for sure!. “ We will have the best wedding ever dear!” He cooed happily. Kissing away any tears left. He was oh so looking forward to marrying Remus! He was so excited about being Sirius Lupin! He was! He was so happy and so in love! He nuzzled his face into Remus’ hair softly with a happy snort. “ I love you oh so much Moony! Always do! Have since like forever” He whispered. Moony was a soothing and comforting presence for him.

They would have the most happy beautiful wedding one day and the most perfect like! They would absolutely find a way to make it happen! He was oh so estastic about that future! Be a family together for real! The only family that He needed! His Moony! Him and Moony! “ I look forward to marrying you someday Moons!” He whispered nuzzling their noses together happily. He was so in love and smitten. A small intimate wedding for these two of course! “ I love you so much too , Remus Lupin!” He whispered happily sniffling himself. Neither could stop crying it seemed. “ J'ai le meilleur futur mari de tous les temps ( I have the best future husband ever!)”

Two years is kind far for sure, but it would hopefully fly by oh so fast! Padfoot was oh so happy to start a life with Moony. Only the best for these two after all! Happily rubbing Moony’s back softly in a comforting manner. He was smitten- What could He say? “ You give better hugs Remus” He countered with a big laugh and smile. “ We most certainly will have an amazing life together you know! “ He cood happily – no complaints for all the affection. “ We really are the best boyfriends ever my love!” He cooed. He was so looking forward to finding the perfect home with Moony! “I love you more than anything else in the world, Remus Lupin!” He whispered to him with a big grin, His eyes watering with how smitten he was! He loved Moony oh so much! “ I am so glad that You think that! I simply adore it!”

Future husbands had an amazingly nice ring to it! It so did! But yes, husbands most definitely sounded way better! They would be such one day! That was for certain! Future husbands for the win! “ Most definitely we will be Remus! Only the best for us!” He cooed happily with a big smile. It was an promise for sure! He just knew it! Of course it would be for sure! He was looking forward to spending forever with Moony! He was! It would be absolutely perfect! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin! To the moon and stars and back” He cooed happily leaving one more kiss on the other’s lips before kissing all over his face. “ Never enough Moony!” He giggled happily. He was happily giving and soaking up all the affection He could of course! How could He not?! “ I can’t wait either Remus! We will be the most amazing husbands and we are the best boyfriends ever!” He replied with such warmth in his voice. Tearing up and sniffling once more. He had the most amazing boyfriend ever!

All the kisses in the world for these two! He was absolutely more than eager to return the peck on the lips. So cute and perfect together they are! Moony was oh so handsome and stunning and Padfoot was so damn lucky to be together with him. He was happily soaking up all the Moony kisses! Moony kisses were the best after all! They were! He was oh so happy and smitten! “ Moony kisses!” He giggled happily. “ And I love you oh so much Moons!” He whispered leaning to return the kisses to his love happily. He was so enamored by Remus! “ Je veux toujours t'embrasser ( I want to kiss you always)” He cooed to him happily. “ Tu es la chose la plus précieuse pour moi ( You are the most precious thing to me) : He whispered to him happily kissing his face and hugging him close and tightly. Moony was the most precious thing to him.

Only the best shiniest stunning rings for these two of course! Matching rings honestly would be so perfect and most amazing! He smiled widely in return with a happy humm and giggled from the kiss. Wow He was so lovesick for Moony! Leaning forward happily to give him the softest sleepy kisses onto his face. Happily wrapping his arms around his neck with a happy sigh. Only the best hugs reserved for Remus after all. He rested his forehead against his happily as He pecked his lips once more. All the kisses for Moony! Lots of hugs and kisses for the loup-garou! Closing his eyes briefly happily enjoying Moony’s fingers in his hair. It felt wonderful and perfect! Really it did! No question about it! “ I love you too so much my handsome, amazing, charming future husband!” He whispered always so affectionately for Remus! How could He not! The animagus was in love with him! And Moony always spelled wonderful! “ You do Moony!” He giggled softly yawning a bit happily enjoying the other carding his finger’s in his hair.

So many cuddles and happy things in store for these two love canines! He was the happiest animagus in the world right now! Both boys were getting pretty sleepy at home. First date was going to be soon and He was oh so excited about it! Two wonderful dates in a row instore for them! Ahhh! Hyped! “ I love you so much my charming loup-garou” He cooed to him happily giving all the sleepy kisses to Moony! Hehe only the best for these two Gryffindors! Such dorky saps they really are! Hopelessly in love for sure! No complaints here at all! None! Just happy content ! Love for reals!

They were still alone and Padfoot couldn’t help but yawn once more. He couldn’t help it. He was getting pretty sleepy and beauty rest needed to happen soon! Absolutely who cares about what the others would say! Sirius didn’t care! Merlin! He didn’t!

He yawned once more with a nod. “ I think your right Remus….I love you!” He whispered pressing their foreheads together as He gave one final sleepy kiss.

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coded by: @s e v e n



This has been a splendid evening for the two love canines. A rather pleasant evening full of dancing, laughter, and happy tears. Just affectionate things here with these two. Remus is happy with how the evening turned out; it went from him being apathetic about the Yule Ball to him having fun! He actually had a great time at the Yule Ball even if he and Sirius didn’t spend a lot of time there. But it was still a nice evening! Next year’s Yule Ball will be even better! And Remus is looking forward to it even if it’s a whole year away. The loup-garou happily accepted the kisses to his face and was more than happy to return them. All the kisses for these two, after all! “Je t’aime, Padfoot.” Remus hummed contently in response.

Dancing doesn’t seem so bad after all. Really, it doesn’t. But Remus isn’t really going to be dancing that much anyways. Of course there’s the next Yule Ball and their wedding but that’s pretty much it. Moony’s eyes fluttered shut as Padfoot wiped away the remaining tears on his cheeks. It’s a softly sweet gesture that Moony enjoyed. Godric, he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with Padfoot — it’ll be so amazing; they’ll have an amazing life together. There’s only going to be happy tears between them…. right? Yeah. Just happy tears. Moony just wants a nice life with Padfoot and you cannot blame him for that. Even if the evening is coming to a close, Moony wanted it to last a little longer. He really did. “I love you so much, too, Pads. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” What would he do without Padfoot? Padfoot has already helped him through so much.

No more tears tonight.

Yeah, both of them are very lucky. “I’m not going anywhere either, Pads.” Moony assured him. He’s not going anywhere. The loup-garou moved to give the animagus another kiss on the forehead. All the cute kisses here! Remus moved to bury his face into Sirius’ shoulder, pulling the animagus into yet another hug for the hundredth time that night. Hugs are just the best, you know? And the floral cologne that Sirius had on is really comforting for him. Just soothing and comforting.

Yep, he’s going to marry Padfoot one day. Godric willing, he’ll do that! He couldn’t help but laugh a little, “and I love you too, Sirius Lupin!” He’ll always be Sirius Lupin to Remus. Yep! Even if they’re not married just yet, Sirius will always be a Lupin. “I love you so much.” He murmured softly.

Moony’s heart was singing and fluttering. It happens every single time Padfoot starts speaking French. He really needs to learn more French, you know? That way he can speak French to Padfoot too! But it’ll have to wait until tomorrow when they go to their study date. Well, Remus will be studying French right? The loup-garou felt so happy right now, he’s a happy loup-garou. “The best wedding ever.” Remus was quick to agree. The wedding is going to be years from now but it will be so worth the wait just to have Sirius as a husband. Dear. Remus liked being called that. It was simple but sweet. He let Padfoot kiss away any remaining stray tears that had remained on his cheeks. It’s sweet, leave Remus alone. He’s a sap, okay? An absolute sap for affection! Sirius is just so perfect and amazing. He will call Sirius every compliment there is.

Butterflies were fluttering around in his stomach. He’s so happy and relaxed. Very happy. He and Sirius are actually boyfriends. Future husbands, even! With a wedding and a happy life to look forward to in the future. It’ll be worth the wait. Even if they’ve got two years left at Hogwarts! Remus is antsy about it because two years is so far away but he’ll have to be patient. Oh well, it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s just two years. “I love you too, Pads,” Remus mumbled softly, “have so for a long time and I’ll love you forever.” Always. They’ll be together forever and ever! Joined at the hip.

The wedding is going to be so beautiful and perfect. Small, yeah, but who cares? Just as long as they’re happy! Moony knows he’ll be happy spending the rest of his life with Padfoot. “Me too, Pads.” Moony gave his boyfriend a small smile, “we’ll have the most perfect wedding. I just can’t wait, you know?” Yeah you can’t really blame Moony for being antsy about it. “We’ll have the most perfect life together. I look forward to it so much.” The loup-garou was starting to ramble and that’s okay! Because he’s happy. “I absolutely love you, Sirius Lupin. Je t’aime!” That’s becoming one of Remus’ favorite words. Je t’aime.

There weren’t supposed to be any more tears that night but neither of them could stop crying. They’re happy dorks in love. And that’s okay as long as it’s happy tears. Remus sighed happily when Sirius began speaking French yet again. It would be so nice to know what Sirius was saying but it doesn’t matter right now. He’ll be learning French so it’s okay. Remus moved to wipe away any more stray tears from Sirius’ cheeks. They’re such saps. Sappy Gryffindors hopelessly in love.

Two years. It seems awfully far away but the two of them can make the most of their remaining two years at Hogwarts. It’ll fly by before the two of them know it! “Hmmm, I must say that you give the best hugs, Sirius.” Are they going to go back and forth on who gives the best hugs? Either way, the hugs are nice. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “I insist that your hugs are the best.” He’s going to be insistent about that! “We really are the best boyfriends ever. And then we’ll be the best husbands.” Yes, they will get married. They’ll find a way to have a wedding and get married. “I really look forward to our life together.” Remus hummed out sweetly. Until it happens, he will be daydreaming about it. “I love you so much, my love.” He’ll work on nicknames for Sirius, “I can’t ever say it enough. I love you so much. More than anything.” More than sweaters, more than books, more than chocolate. Yep. Moony loves Padfoot more than chocolate and sweaters.

Future husbands sounded nice but husbands sounded better. But for now, they are boyfriends and future husbands! Yeah, only the best for them. The best hugs and the best kisses! And the best life together. These two deserve the best. Only the best. “I love you so much, je t’aime! To the moon and stars and back.” He repeated like he had a hundred times that night. Maybe more. As always, Moony happily accepted all of the kisses that his boyfriend had to offer him. How could he say no to Padfoot kisses? He can’t. Nope! “Two years seem so far away but it’ll be worth it. Until then, we’ll make the most of our years at Hogwarts and then we can live together.” He promised; a promise that’s going to be fulfilled and kept. It will be. Sirius can be sure of that.

“All the Moony kisses for you, my love!” Remus laughed as he gave Sirius some kisses on the nose and cheeks. Yep, Moony kisses are reserved for Sirius only. “Padfoot kisses are nice too, you know.” Yeah! Padfoot kisses are very nice. He had the animagus in another hug, carding his fingers through Sirius’ hair a few times. “I love you so much. I love you, I love you!” He repeated it over and over again. His heart swooned and melted; it always did that.

Remus wanted the absolute best and shiniest wedding ring. He and Sirius can have matching wedding rings! “We can have the shiniest, matching rings.” Remus hummed out gently. Well, why not? It’ll be cute to have matching rings! The loup-garou happily accepted the sleepy kisses as he was settling down for the night and he was ready for sleep. It’s time to sleep now. “And I love you too, my absolutely charmingly handsome animagus.” Remus gave a tired smile in return. All of the cute compliments here for them.

All the hugs and cuddles here! Just cute, affectionate things with the love canines. They’ve got two dates ahead of them to look forward to. “I can’t wait for our dates.” Remus commented, trying to get some more small talk in before sleep. “The dates are going to be amazing.” It’s true! Remus was looking forward to the dates. “I love you my absolutely romantic boyfriend.” He sheepishly smiled at the other Gryffindor.

The other Gryffindors had yet to arrive; the Yule Ball should be ending by now. Remus didn’t really care what the others would think. He and Sirius are absolutely in love and are happy and that’s all that matters.

Just one more sleepy kiss before falling asleep for the night. “I love you too, Sirius.” Remus couldn’t help but let out a sleepy laugh. It’s time to get some beauty rest.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

It had truly been the most amazingly splendid evening for the two love canines! A really beautiful evening of dancing, laughter, happy crying, affection and absolutely so much more! All the amazing affection between these two! He was oh so thrilled and happy that Remus had actually came to the Yule Ball and had given him the most wonderful night to remember for a long time. Well until they get married that is! It was their first day! A night of confessions! He really did have the most amazing evening! He was happy about how that evening had gone! Just wow! So many things to look forward too! He was absolutely so happy to leave all the kisses on Moony’s face and to receive all the kisses onto his own. Oh my goodness, He was so loving all the Moony kisses! “ Je t’aime Moony!” He cooed out to him in return pecking his lips with a chaste kiss happily.

Dancing was amazing! But honestly if it wasn’t with His Moony, He was not going to dance with anybody else! Nope! Not at all! Dances are only reserved for Moony now! Cause Padfoot said so! He was smiling that dorky goofy smile with a happy sigh. He was over the moon thrilled with the thought of spending the rest of his days with Moony! Wow just wow! He was trying his best not to cry happy tears anymore! They will absolutely have the most wonderful amazing life together! They would! Padfoot just knew it! He wanted to see Moony’s face forever! Really He did! He loved that loup-garou with all of his heart! “ I love you so much too Moons! I love you Moony oh so much! And I also want to spend the rest of my life with you too, Remus Lupin and I promise I won’t ever go anywhere” He whispered sniffling a bit trying his best not to cry. Padfoot would do anything for his Moony! He would!

Nope No more tears okay! The two boyfriends would try their best! They would! He was beaming happy with a giggle. They were the luckiest! “ Good Moony! I don’t know what I’d do if you left!” He whispered softly. He loved that loup-garou so much! He did! Yes! He did! He smiled even more at the forehead kiss! All the absolutely the cutest kisses for these two amazing boyfriends! He just smiled as He was pulled into a hug and just happily held Moony tightly. “Je t’aime Moony!” He giggled with a wink. He loved all the hugs! Hugs were absolutely the best! He absolutely adored how Moony smelled. The combo just made him swoon! So soothing and comforting! He was most definitely be marrying Moony one day! He just knew it! Godric willing they would find a way! He was beaming happily. “ I love you too Remus Lupin!” He cooed softly. He loved being called Sirius Lupin! He really did! He couldn’t wait to be officially so! “ I love you oh so much Remus Lupin! Je t’aime!”

He couldn’t wait to teach Moony, so much more French! He absolutely was looking forward to the study date the next day, even if He was not the biggest fan of studying himself! But any time spent with Moony would absolutely be amazing! He was the happiest animagus in the whole wide world! Yes, He was!!! How could be absolutely not be?! Really!! It was impossible to be unhappy with Remus! That is how much He loved that loup-garou! He would do anything for Moony! He would! No question about it! None at all! They would absolutely have the most amazing future wedding ever! He was also just a sap for affection but only for Moony. “ I adore you so much Moony!”

He was so darn happy! They were actually finally boyfriends! Oh wow! And future husbands!!!! How amazing had that night been! The two years wait to move in together for reals would go by oh so fast! Sirius just knew it! He did! A most wonderful wedding and happy life to look forward too! Hehe! It will be fine! He would try to be patient. But you betcha Moony will get a cheesy proposal from Padfoot as some point! That was a guarantee! Mhm! Yes!! He was beaming from ear to ear. “ I love you so much Moony!” He cooed softly. “ Aww really? I have loved you for a long time too! I will absolutely love your forever! And always!” He cooed to him happily with a soft peck to the lips.What can He say? He’s smitten!

Yes! He is!

Such a smitten animagus!

The future wedding was going to be absolutely amazingly perfect! Small and only with those they truly care for! Just as long as they are happy and having an amazing time! Who cares! Sirius didn’t! He was oh so happy! He was. “ We will! I can’t wait either! You know though, You will always be my husband even before the actual wedding!” He whispered smiling at him. Yeah, He felt that way! He loved his boyfriend oh so much and absolutely knew that He was the one! He did! “ We will for sure! The perfect life together Moony! “ He cooed. “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin! I love you more than every star in the sky!” He loved Moony oh so much! He did!

Such happy tears from these two! They really are happy dorks so in love with each other! It was absolutely adorable it was! Sirius would be absolutely happy to speak French to Moony anytime! That was a given and He’d try his best to teach him soon. Leaning into Moony’s touch with a happy humm. They really are such saps! Sappy Smitten Gryffindors hopelessly in love! They would be!

Would it be worth the wait yes! The two would absolutely make the most of their remaining two years! It will fly by quickly! Then they had forever! Wow they did! “ I think you give the best hugs” He whispered. They could keep going back and forth on that forever! Hugs were wonderful! “ We really are the best boyfriends! And we will be the most amazing husbands ever!” He agreed with a happy giggling. Hugs were absolutely the best! Yes they will achieve the goal of getting married, and have the most amazing wedding ever! He couldn’t help but sigh happily. “ Me too Moony!” He sighed happily nuzzling their noses together! You could just picture how happy they would be on their wedding day! Hehe! Adorable! “ I love you oh so much too Moony! Can’t ever say it enough! I love you more than anything!” He repeated meaning every word about it! He loved Moony even more than He loved making sure that He looked nice. He did!

Hehe! Adorable!

Future husbands sounded amazing! Really it did! Husbands sounded even better! They would be that one day! But for now, they are the best boyfriends ever! The best hugs and most amazing kisses! The best life together! These two deserve the absolute best! “ I love you oh so much Moony! Je t’aime! To the moon and stars and beyond and back” He cooed happily back. Yeah they had said that a lot today! Hehe! So cute! So smitten! He was more than happy to give Moony all the kisses! Yes He was more than happy to give them. Padfoot kisses for Moony! “ I look forward to that Moons!” He replied softly. Knowing that If Moony said so! It would be so! As He kept giving all the kisses to Moony!

He was swooning happy and giggling in happy contentment over all the Moony kisses! Wow he loved all the affection! Moony kisses were the best after all! Why! Cause Sirius said so! “ I am so glad you enjoy my kisses, my most handsome, stunning boyfriend!” He chuckled. Eagerly returning the hug nuzzling his face into Moony’s neck for a brief moment before looking up at him. His heart was full and melting so much for his amazing boyfriend! Wow all the year pining for Remus and look where they are now! “ Je t’aime! Je t’aime! I love you oh so much Moony!” He repeated over and over again. He really did! Only the best and shiniest, perfect wedding bands for these two! Padfoot also had every intention of getting Moony the most flashiest engagement ring too! But he’d make sure it would suit Moony! He would! All the sleepy kisses for Moony! Hehe! So precious! “ Sounds perfect Moons! I love you my most amazingly handsome loup-garou boyfriend!” He cooed to him with a sleepy humm. All the cute compliments for these two love canines!

All the hugs and cuddles here for the love canines! Two amazing dates coming right up! So much to look forward to for the love canines! A sleepy yawn leaving the dog Animagus’ lips! Wow He was so happy! A little tired but Moony was awake, So he’d be wake! “ I can’t wait for our dates either Moony!” He cooked happily. “ I love you too, my absolutely charming model of a boyfriend” He grinned. The others hadn’t arrived yet and The Yule Ball had to be over by now! Hehe! Yeah! He and Remus were absolutely in love and are the happiest love canines and that is all that matters! Who cares what anyone else says~ “ I love you too my moonlight!” He cooed happily with a sleepy kiss for Moony before finally dozing off!

Now they had the most wonderful sleep ever!

Sirius had woken up super early the next morning! The Dog Animagus wanted to make sure this study date would go off without a hitch! He had slipped out of bed quietly to not wake Remus up yet. Let the loup-garou sleep for a bit. He had taken his wand out and casted a spell to get the pink roses, Moony had mentioned the day before and put them in a vase with water to place by their bedside. So many more surprises, Padfoot had planned for the day. Now those would be surprises! He wanted to make sure their first date was Perfect! Wow He was so smitten for Moony! He always was smitten for him! For years really! He sighed softly watching Moony sleeping. “ He’s so precious!” He couldn’t help but whisper. He slipped back into bed and snuggled into Moony to allow his sleepy boyfriend to sleep as long as He needed. He rested his head on Moony’s shoulder. Leaving a soft peck on the other’s forehead before just happily closing eyes his wait!

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coded by: @s e v e n



No more crying for tonight. Nope! There will surely be more happy tears between the two but not tonight. It’ll be hard to sleep. And the two of them needed to sleep.

As much as Remus would absolutely love to talk all night; the two of them should really get sleep. A study date won’t be fun if they just spent the whole date being tired. Yeah. Both dates need to be some of the best dates ever! Of course they’re going to be some of the best dates Remus and Sirius will have. There’s never going to be a boring date between the two love canines! Nope. Just the best dates between them. Always! And then when they leave Hogwarts, they’ll have even more dates! They’ll be spoiling each other.

Even though Remus hadn’t said I love you enough tonight, it can always wait until morning. Yeah. Remus will have all day to tell Sirius that he absolutely loves him! Even though it won’t be enough. It will never, ever be enough. Well, one more time won’t hurt, you know? One last I love you before they sleep for the night. “I love you, Pads. So much.” The loup-garou mumbled out softly.

Moonlight. Yet another nickname for Remus from Sirius. Sirius really knows how to come up with some of the best nicknames out there. Remus should work on the nicknames he has for Sirius. He’ll get better at nicknames as time goes on. But it's just simple nicknames for the animagus. And Sirius doesn’t seem to mind it at all. And that’s good. Because Remus is loving all of the nicknames that Sirius is giving him. Moonlight, Moonykins, much more. It’s adorable, really. Sirius is his romantically charming animagus boyfriend.

Waking up next to Sirius is something to look forward to every single morning from now on. Yep! Remus can always look forward to seeing Sirius when he wakes up. Because surely Sirius won’t leave him. Well, Sirius will surely wait around for the loup-garou to wake up. Remus wouldn’t have to worry; he’s got nothing to worry about. Nope. Nothing at all. Sirius will be here when Remus wakes.

And with that, Remus had settled down for sleep while being cuddled with Remus.

Moony had a habit of sleeping for long periods of time in the days leading up to the full moon, and for a few days after the full moon. Yeah, just werewolf things. Moony needs his beauty sleep in general to look his best. Especially now that he’s got two dates with Padfoot. Moony’s gotta look and feel his best. No being sluggish during a date. Moony needed as much sleep as he could possibly get without sleeping the whole day away.

Rest is very important! Remus will be well rested when he wakes. And then the two of them will be able to get ready for the study date and then have fun studying! And Remus will enjoy learning some more French. Yep!

The loup-garou was starting to wake up. He was still snuggled up with the animagus. Yes, good. Morning cuddles! It’s a perfect morning already! Sappy Gryffindors, they are. Moony began to blink away sleep, slowly stretching out his stiff limbs. Definitely not a morning person at all. Nope, Moony is not a morning person. But it’s fine. It’s fine. Moony was taking a moment to fully wake up before saying anything. Is Padfoot even awake or is he knocked out and sleeping late?

Remus shifted into a sitting position. Being careful not to wake Sirius if the animagus is still sleeping, Remus isn’t sure. The loup-garou looked around, finally taking notice of the pink roses on the bedside table.

Sirius is really a dork. He remembered that Remus’ favorite flowers are pink roses. Not red roses, not yellow roses, but pink roses. Remus couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the pink roses sitting there in the vase on the bedside table. Sirius is such a romantic, isn’t he? And Remus loves it. He settled back down and snuggled back up with Sirius. “Good morning, Sirius Lupin.” Remus couldn't help but smile at saying that. Because Sirius will always be Sirius Lupin to him. “You remembered that I love pink roses.”

He commented, moving to give his boyfriend a small kiss to the forehead. Just cute things here. Moony wanted to stay here for a little while longer before they need to get ready for the day. “You’re so romantic.” He hummed, his heart full of love for the animagus.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Sleepy time for both of them! As much as it would have been nice to just say up and talk until morning both of them absolutely needed their beauty sleep to make sure the next two dates go as smoothly and lovely as possible. Which Sirius would absolutely be sure to make sure they all went perfectly. Already having a plan to surprise Moony just as He wakes up in the morning! “ I love you so so much Moony” He whispered to him softly. Even though they were still quite alone with their friends not having come back from the Yule Ball yet. But the animagus was greatly looking forward to both of the dates and any future ones! He definitely was!

Even though this next one was a study date, which really wasn’t his cup of tea. But He’d do just about anything for Remus! He absolutely would! He wanted only the best for them too! Absolutely only the most lovely dovey amazing things for the love canines! And Padfoot was definitely going to make sure that was the absolute case! Only the best dates for these two of course! Remus was most definitely getting spoiled. Sirius was absoluley going to make sure of that! You betcha damn sure! These would be the two most amazing first dates ever! He leaned over to peck Moony on the lips with a happy smile. “ How lucky am I?” He whispered wistfully.

You could never say I love you enough, with these two! That was officially impossible! Never could be enough with these two! They were absolutely so lovesick and infatuated with each other. It was absolutely precious and adorable! Padfoot’s heart sang happily as always when Moony told him that He loved him. Wow It was just music to his ears! Nuzzling their noses together with a happy hum. “ I love you so much Moony. Forever and Always” Sirius cooed softly with a happy sigh. He didn’t mind whatever Moony wished to call him. He happily cuddles close to his Moony with a happy sigh as He nuzzled into his chest softly letting out a happy breath. “ I am the luckiest animagus in the whole wide world Moonykins” He whispered softly leaning up to leave soft fluttery kisses all over the loup-garou face with a sleepy grin. He was so in love with him it was plain to see!

Waking up always next to Remus was going to be something that Sirius really looked forward to for now. He wasn’t going to be going anywhere that was for sure! He was Remus’ and Remus was his. And honestly that made him the happiest animagus in the whole wide world! Waking up to Remus’ handsome face every morning. He happily cuddling up to Moony with a happy sigh. Holding him oh so close to him with a happy sigh. Resting his head against Remus’ shoulder just burying his face into it as He drifted off into sleep. Had to be so well rested for the two dates with Moony of course! Everything just had to be perfect! It needed to be! All the surprises just need to go perfectly! He was happy and content for now though. Happily sleeping in the embrace of the other.

The study date in the morning would go perfectly, Sirius just knew it! He was prepared to do whatever it took to make it so of course! He was going to make sure absolutely everything did! After having done his little surprise for Moony and attempting to try and sleep some more not knowing when Remus would officially wake up for the day. He hated waking up early himself but He wanted to make sure that He had gotten the surprise for Remus just perfect and made sure it was exactly how, He had mentally planned it out. Before having slipped back into bed just curled up against Moony. Breathing lightly as He had only partially fallen back into sleep. But He was hopeful that Remus would like the surprise. As cheesy and sappy as it was. He didn’t ask the favorite flower question for nothing. And that’s why he had gotten the pink roses ready for Moony! He had rolled slightly away when Moony went to go sit up burying his face into the pillow with a soft groan. He kinda did want to go back to sleep. But if Moony was up, He needed to be up. That was a given….Besides they had a study date !

Of course, He’d remember anything that Remus told him! That was a given! When He felt the other snuggle back up too him, He finally let his eyes flutter open slowly with a yawn. A sheepish smile on his, as Sirius moved to turn and face Remus with a happily sigh. “ Morning Remus Lupin” He whispered to him softly with a happy smile. Everytime, He heard him say that it was like music to his ears. He really did wanna be Sirius Lupin one day! He did! Adoringly smiling up at him as He reached a hand up to touch his face softly sleeping tracing the scar’s on Moony’s face. “ Such a gorgeously handsome loup-garou I have” He cooed to him softly. “ Of course, I remember what flower you said you liked Remus, I asked for a reason” He hummed to him softly. Smiling happily at the forehead kiss. He was so in love, it was clear to see. He was absolutely smitten for the other. How could He not be though? That was mission impossible! He leaned up to kiss him softly. He just had too! Never enough affection between these two after all! He moved after the kiss to just nuzzle their noses together happily. A big sleepy goofy grin across his lips. “ Am I?” He asked softly with a smile. “Only for you! My Moony”

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



It’s obvious that Remus had slept much better with Sirius with him. Yeah. Someone to cuddle with. Cute.

See, Remus is very much looking forward to the study date. Like, how could he not? He’s happy to spend time with Sirius. Yeah. It’s cute, romantic, and wholesome. They’re just wholesome boys in love with each other. Remus loves his animagus boyfriend so much. And this is going to be an amazing sushi date even if Sirius isn’t particularly fond of studying. Studying isn’t so bad. It really isn’t! It can be great.

Tomorrow would be the Hogsmeade date. Just spending the whole day in Hogsmeade and staying out of the cold. Spending time at Honeyduke’s and The Three Broomsticks. Just cute couple things between Remus and Sirius. And hey, Remus is looking forward to the Hogsmeade date! Sirius is sure going to be spoiling Remus and the loup-garou is not complaining. Not at all! Because Remus sure does love being spoiled and he’s going to be spoiling Sirius as well. It’s only fair after all! Then again, doesn’t Remus generally spoil Sirius just by being there? Yeah! It’ll be a wonderful time tomorrow!

But for now, Remus should be focusing on the study date that’s happening today. The Hogsmeade date is just one day away. And today is the study date so he should focus on that.

“Good morning Sirius Lupin. Did you sleep well?” Remus hummed out in response. Sirius will always be Sirius Lupin to him. Always. Even if they’re not married yet. But they will be… one day at least. They’ve still got a couple of years of Hogwarts to get through first though. Remus can wait. He sure can. He moved to give Sirius a small good morning kiss on the lips. All the kisses for Sirius! Yep! Just hugs and kisses here. Very cute. “I love you.” What better way to start the morning off than telling your partner that you love them? It’s cute! Really cute you know. Let them be sappy together okay?

But Remus couldn’t wait to marry Sirius. He looked forward to it so much. It’ll be the best wedding ever! A small wedding but the best nonetheless.

The loup-garou let out a content sigh as he snuggled up close to his animagus boyfriend. Just a few more minutes of cuddling and then they should be getting ready for the date. He’ll have plenty more chances to tell Sirius that he loves him. “We’ll have to get ready for our study date soon.” Remus reminded Sirius with a small hum, though he’s very much happy to stay here for a while longer. Just all the cuddles for these sappy boys.

“But I don’t mind lying here with you for a little longer.” He was quick to add. Morning cuddles! Moony is a lucky loup-garou for sure.

He’s happy that Sirius remembered what his favorite flower is. The animagus is so charming and romantic. Romantically charming and handsome. “You’re so romantic, Pads.” He’ll always be saying that. He sure will. The pink roses are beautiful and gorgeous. And Remus is happy with them. And obviously he’s going to make sure the roses last a long time. “I love the roses so much, thank you Pads.” Moony smiled sweetly at his boyfriend, “thank you so much.” Moony couldn't say it enough. He really couldn’t.

“My romantic animagus.” Moony sheepishly grinned as he moved to give Padfoot a couple more kisses on the nose and forehead. Moony kisses for Padfoot! Hehe. Cute. “I love you so much. So much! Je t’aime!” He giggled out, feeling happy and content. He’s the luckiest loup-garou in the entire world.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

They both had slept much better with them both around. Sleepy cuddles were the best after all! It was oh so cute and perfect!

It was going to be the greatest study date ever! Sirius was going to make absolute sure of that! Even if studying was not really his vibe. He would absolutely do anything for his Moony, that was for certain! It was just going to be nice to spend any time together at all! It would be lovely! It would! The animagus just knew it! He did! He loved Remus and anything that came with being boyfriends with Remus. So if studying was something that Remus enjoyed! Padfoot could learn to love it too. It was so wholesome and they were absolutely so in love, it was plain to see!

Sirius was absolutely looking forward to both dates! Today’s study date and Tommorow would be the Hogsmeade date! Two amazing dates for the love canines! Two amazing boyfriends just going on amazing dates after all! The animagus would make sure of that! Both would be oh so spoiled after all! No complaints here at all! So much spoiling in store! It would be absolutely perfect and amazing both dates! And Sirius would absolutely be teaching more French to Remus today too! It was going to be amazingly perfect!

But it was time to just focus on the study date! Hogsmeade one was still a day away! He would be able to focus on that later! Yup!

“ Good morning Remus Lupin….I slept amazingly well next to you….Did you sleep well?” He cooed to him happily. He loved every time, Moony called him that. He was very much looking forward to one day that being a reality! One day it would be! Sirius just knew it! He did! He loved his loup-garou boyfriend oh so much! He did! He would be patient though as much as He’d like to rush right into it , being married to his Moony but He’d be patient. They were not quite old enough yet anyhow. He happily returned the kiss with a happy content humm. “ I love you too “ He cooed to him. All the kisses and affections for his Moony after all! He leaned to give him one more quick morning kiss! So far it had been the best morning ever yeah! It had! Let them be cute sappy partners okay!

He happily snuggled up against him leaning his head against his shoulder smiling up at his boyfriend. Enjoying every second, He couldn’t help the big smile across his lips as He reached up to trace Remus’ scars on his face with a soft humm. “ You are so handsome Remus…..I love you oh so much” He sighed happily with a smile. He nodded softly with a smile leaning to peck his nose. “ I know….But I am so comfy right here” He giggled with a soft sigh. Such sappy boys they are!

“ Sounds good to me!” He giggled with a soft wink. All the morning cuddles for these two love canines! He was soaking up all the affection that He could after all!

He asked what his favorite flower was for this exact reason. He wanted to be the best boyfriend ever after all! “Why thank you but only for you!” He chuckled with a wink. He was only romantic for his boyfriend after all! Smiling still happily at him. “ I am oh so glad you loved them! It was no trouble at all! Je t’aime Moony” He whispered softly pecking his cheek. He truly did love and cherish his Moony oh so much! “ I wanna make sure you have the best date ever today mon amour” He whispered. He meant it! He wanted to make everything perfect for his amazing loup-garou boyfriend!! He did! Really! And he’d make that happen!

“ My romantic and charming Moons” He cooed back happily giggling at all the Moony kisses! He loved him oh so much! Happily returning all the kisses happily. Always cuteness and adorable things with these two! So cute! “ I love you oh so much! So So much! Moony! Je t’aime! Je t’aime mon amour!” He giggled in return with a wink. He was oh so happy and content. He really was! He was the absolute happiest and luckiest animagus in the universe to be with his Moony after all!

“ I am going to look amazing for you today!” He teased with a promise.

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



See, Remus is definitely going to be getting much more sleep with the comfort of being able to cuddle Sirius as he sleeps. No more being lonely!

The two of them should have more study dates! Even if it’s just studying, it is a good way to get some studying in before tests and whatnot. And it’s an excuse to be with your significant other. And Remus wants to be spending lots of time with Sirius. Studying is something that Remus enjoys doing and he wants Sirius to have fun studying too! Studying isn’t as boring as a lot of people make it out to be. It really isn’t! Studying can be really relaxing, you know?

Besides, there’s also their second date to Hogsmeade tomorrow. Honeyduke’s, Brews and Stews, and well…. just having fun at Hogsmeade! Remus already knows that both dates are gonna be exciting and fun. And amazing. Any date between these two is going to be absolutely amazing and awesome. And there’s going to be lots of spoiling! Then again, don’t they spoil each other just by spending time with one another? Does that count? Maybe. But who knows. But Remus does know that he’s got the best boyfriend ever!

Moony let out a small content sigh, him not really ready to get out of bed just yet. It’s not like they’re in a rush for the study date or anything, right? Besides, Moony loves cuddling up with Padfoot and just being able to relax. Morning kisses are really cute and sweet. Really! The loup-garou let out a small hum, looking at his animagus boyfriend before giving him a small kiss on the forehead. “Yeah, I slept amazingly well next to you. Best sleep I’ve had.” Remus nodded his head in response. He really did. He loved hearing Sirius say that he loves him, because it would just make his heart melt inside of his chest. His heart melted and leaped. “I love you so, so much, Sirius Lupin.” He’ll never stop calling his boyfriend that. Because one day, it’ll be true. That’s a promise.

Remus let out a content hum, letting Sirius trace his scars. It’s calming and relaxing in a way, you know? Like it’s really calming. “Yeah, I’m comfortable here too but we gotta get ready for our date.” Moony reminded his boyfriend with a small grin. They couldn’t lay in bed all day even if they wanted to. They have a study date that they absolutely cannot miss.

Sirius really does know how to make Remus smile and laugh all the time. He does! And it’s amazing. “Yeah, the flowers are amazing and lovely. I love them.” He grinned before continuing, “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin.” Remus was quick to reply, happily accepting any kisses that Sirius had to offer him. They really are just two cute, dorky boyfriends. “Well, both of us should be having an amazing time during the date.” He reminded. Well, both should have the best date ever! Though there’s no doubt that the study date is going to be amazing. And then there’s the Hogsmeade date too! There’s nothing that they need to be worrying about.

Moony is charming for Padfoot, and Padfoot only. They’re being so absolutely cheesy and dorky right now and Moony is not complaining. Not at all. “My absolutely romantically cheesy animagus.” The loup-garou laughed in response, giving Padfoot a small kiss on the forehead. “I’m only charming for you.” He hummed out. And he’s happily accepting the kisses that were being returned back to him. After all, Moony is such a sap for affection. “Je t’aime, Padfoot. I love you so much.” Moony responded happily, peppering Padfoot’s face with kisses. Lots of kisses for Padfoot! Never enough kisses for these two Gryffindor dorks. Nope.

Remus couldn’t help but laugh a little, “you always look amazing though.” It’s true. Sirius looks stunning every single day. How could Sirius not look so stunning and gorgeous? But, Remus is going to be looking his best for Sirius! Even if it is just a cozy sweater and jeans. Because that’s usually all that Remus has in his wardrobe.

“Come on, let’s get ready for our date.”

No more wasting time, they’ve got a study date to get to!





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Yeah, Sleeping next to your significant other was the best thing after all! It was! Sirius thought their was absolutely nothing better than cuddling up next to Remus and having the comfort of the other being so close. Nothing better than having Remus close to him. No loneliness here!

Nope none here!

Study dates were definitely not Sirius’ thing but He’d do just about anything to spend time with Remus of course! Studying in general just wasn’t his thing. But with his Moony there. He was absolutely positive that He would be able to study better if He was with Remus. Especially with his help of course. He was a bit hopeless when it came to studying but his love’s help. He was most certain that He could do it. Positive thinking after all of course! Anything to spend more time with Moony after all! Spending time with your significant other was the best thing ever after all!

They have today’s amazing study date in the library and as long as He could be close to Remus, He would be more than happy to study with them. Tomorrow is the fun Hogsmeade date! And Sirius had many plans for them for that outing but all that information can wait till that day! They would have an amazing time of course! Absolutely they would! Any date between these two of course are going to be absolutely perfectly amazing! It would be so totally awesome of course! Spoiling each other with attention and just being together after all! It totally does count and whomever says it doesn’t….Has no idea what they are rambling about. But Sirius was absolutely smitten; Totally in love with his boyfriend! Nope no question about that here. None at all! He absolutely has the most amazing boyfriend ever. Remus Lupin was the best boyfriend ever in Sirius Black’s opinion. You can’t argue with him on this! Nope! Not one bit!

But now it was time just to focus on his Moony and what the day brings them! He wasn’t quite ready to get up again yet….More than happy to snuggle with Remus some more! A goofy smile on his face, just happily giving and receiving all the affection! A very happy animagus, He was! It was oh so relaxing and He felt absolutely safe around Remus! He was his person after all! Nothing would change that! He happily kept leaving soft smooches all over his loup-garou’s face with a happy sigh. He was absolutely head of paws for Moony! Yep! He was! Such a happy animagus indeed! If He was in dog form right now, You betcha, His tail would be wagging like crazy! Yup! It would! He sighed happily listening to the other with small win. “ I am so glad that you slept well Mooony….It was the best sleep I’ve had in awhile too!” He giggled. Sirius was grinning brightly and let out a delighted humm. Any time with Moony was the absolutely best after all! It was! No need to question this! Yeah! His eyes fluttering a bit from the forehead kiss with a happily peck to the other’s lip happily. “ Je t’aime Je t’aime Remus Lupin!” He cooed with a happy grin. He loved hearing the other say that! “ I love you oh so much Moony” He cooed. He couldn’t wait to be officially Sirius Lupin someday! They would find a way!

Sirius thought their was nothing better than spending time with Remus….Pranking was a close second of course. But his Moony beats everything else! Nothing was better than Moony of course! No competition! He was happily gently tracing his fingers along Moony’s scars happily. He thought they were so beautiful! Well every part of Moony was beautiful to him. Yeah! Moony was so handsome to Sirius! Yup! He was! Nothing was more stunning than Remus to Sirius anyhow! Sirius gave a small pout at Moony’s comment. “ Mhmm alright Moonykins…..But promise more cuddles later yeah?” He asked with a wink. He knew they had to get up and get ready. He kissed Moony softly before slowly pushing himself to sit up.

He stretched for a moment and quicky messed with his hair so it would sit just right. Before flopping right back down next to Moony! Sirius wasn’t going to get up till Moony did after all! “ I am so glad you liked the flowers Moony!” He chuckled with a big grin. He was so happy that little surprise went well! He was oh so glad! Happily leaving as much affection as He possibly could! Of course giving the other more kisses! Such cute dorky boyfriends they are of course! Yep! No doubt that that day would be amazing! “ I am sure we will both have an amazing time!” He replied with a nod. Both the days will be amazing! Of course! No doubts here of course!

He was just smiling brightly hugging the other happily. He was oh so happy and smitten! Yup! They are so cheesy and dorky and it was absolutely adorable! But neither of them seemed to care! Let them be cheesy dorks! No complaints here of course! He snorted laughing at the forehead kiss.” You are chamingly romantic too Moons!” He cooed to him happily. Leaning to peck his cheek softly. He was absolutely only speaking the truth here! Absolutely happy to be accepting all the kisses and returning them always! How could He not? He was as happy as He can be! Yup! “ I am happy you are!” He chuckled with a wink. Both of them were such saps for affection after all! It was oh so clear how in love they are! He was beaming happily. He happily giggled from all the kisses. “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so much too!” He giggled happily. Happily returning all the kisses of course! All the kisses for Moony! After all nothing better than Moony and Padfoot kisses! Kisses are the best and they could never tire of them after all!

He was beaming softly. His heart skipping a beat happily. “ Aww I am glad you think so my love!” He chuckled. Happily accepting the compliment of course! How could He not especially since it came from Moony! Yup! Nothing better than compliments from Moony! He was so happy! Yup! He was! “ You will look amazing to! I am sure of it! You always look amazing too! Such a handsome loup-garou” He cooed happily.

He smiled with a nod and a chuckled. “ Alright my dear! Let’s get ready” He replied sneaking one last kiss. Happy to waste no more time and get ready for the study date!

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n


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