Sirius Black
A content humm left his lips with a happy sigh. The time alone with Remus was absolutely wonderful and He had hoped that they could do this more often. The dormmates should arrive soon but He didn’t care, He was soaking up the time together they had. Only thing that He was focused on at the moment was Remus after all! They were absolutely the love canines of Hogwarts and so much in love. He was so content in happy. Just enjoying being with His Moony!. “ I absolutely love you so much Moony!” He whispered softly smiling at the kiss to the forehead. He eagerly leaned to return the kiss to his cheek. “ Je t’aime Moony!”
It had been truly a most wonderful and amazing night! Best Yule Ball ever! And Padfoot couldn’t wait for the one next you too! He was smiling wide and so damn happy! He was such a happy animagus in this moment! Always so happy with Moony after all! Stroking his cheek softly. “ I love you oh so much Moony! So damn much! Je t’aime!” Sirius cooed to him happily with a happy grin. He was oh so head of heels for Moony, He was! He was sniffling a bit. Leaning to nuzzle noses together happily! He was so in love with his Moony! He was! Truly! He couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. Happily squeezing their hands together. “ I could say the same thing Moony! I am absolutely so lucky to have the best boyfriend ever!” Smiling brightly! He absolutely meant every word!
They are really the best boyfriends ever that will be spoiling each other rotten! The love canines of Hogwarts for sure! “ You will be the most spoiled boyfriend ever Remus!” He promised with a cheeky smile at all the nose kisses. Such lucky boyfriends they are! Truly! So spoiled and loved! But that was as clear as day of course! “ I love you oh so much too Moony! More than anything! “ He cooed! He wouldn’t ever be able to say that to Moony enough!
Sirius would obviously be super happy to speak more French to Moony if that is what He wished! No question about it! Absolutely no question about it! “ Absolutely then Moony” He chuckled softly with a wink. Whatever Moony wished, Moony would get after all! He would be happy to oblige for Moony!
He was absolutely smiling brightly. Happily still wiping away the tears with an absolutely happy humm. He was oh so romantic after all! Godric! He absolutely loved Moony more than anything! But how could He not? Moony was just everything and more! He was oh so head over heels, in love with Moony! No words can describe fully how much He did! Both of them super lovesick for one another after all! They were definitely soulmates! “ Yes my love…..Our wedding will be absolutely amazing! Nice and intimate! Definitely small with those we can about most! “ He mused softly. He was oh so looking forward to that! He was tearing up as well……More than anything in the word, He wanted to marry Moony one day! Be Sirius Lupin for real! “ Absolutely my love! We will always find a way and be able to spend our lives together! Truly be a family!” Padfoot was absolutely sure they would make it work!
They still had plenty of time to fully plan it out! He hugged his Moony back oh so tightly. He absolutely adored him and loved him oh so much! He was not going anywhere! The Lupins forever! “ I love you too oh so much Moons! I can never say it enough really!” He told him. It was impossible to say it enough.
All the hugs for these two! More hugs always for them! He never would tire of Moony hugs after all! How could He? He loved Remus oh so much!. He leaned to give him soft kisses on his forehead as He enjoyed all the hugs. “ I love all the hugs too Moons! You have the best hugs Moony!” She giggled with a grin. Only the best for these two!
They truly will have the best life together! A wholesome, quiet, peaceful life! Unbothered by others! Friends always would be welcomed and vise versa. “ We will!” He whispered with a nod quickly leaning in to peck his lips softly. What can He say? He’s absolutely smitten with Remus! But how could He not be? Remus was the bestest boyfriend ever after all! He was don’t question it! He was smiling very brightly with a big happy smile. “ I love you oh so much Moons! Je t’aime!” He whispered softly. Always joined at the hip and always together! They were absolutely so in love! It was lovely! Beautiful! So many ways to describe it! Padfoot and Moony together forever!
Future husbands for sure! It sounded wonderful! Padfoot was so happy by that. “ I love you oh so much, Remus Lupin…..my future husband to be….I absolutely love you to the moon and stars and back and even further than that! My love for you is endless!” He was being honest by saying that after all! They were both so uber cheesy and in love but Sirius loved that for them! Cheesy boyfriends for the win! He wanted to shout it for the whole universe to hear after all! They were so in love and it was absolutely adorable! “ I am glad you like the nicknames my love…..Only for you!” He cooed softly happily nuzzling their noses together happily. SO in love they were! Leaning in too leave soft kisses all over Moony’s face! He couldn’t help it! He absolutely loved him oh so much! “ You are the best Moonykins!’ He giggled softly hugging him back oh so tightly. “ You are the perfect boyfriend after all! I can’t wait to spend forever together!”
“ We are absolutely future husbands by love!” He cooed to him happily!. “I’m going to get you the biggest ring ever!” He promised. So Super Excited, He was!
They would oh so make it happen one day!. “ I know we will my love! I am so ready for it!” He whispered to him softly with a happy sigh. He would love to do it sooner but He knew they had to wait. But his love would never wane after all! “ We will have the greatest life together Moony!” He cheered happily moved to leave kisses back to Moony’s face in return! He was oh so happy! All the kisses for both of them! Padfoot loved Moony kisses oh so much! He did! He was so excited for there life together! “ I am sure they will be my love! I don’t think we have been very subtle about it tonight!” He chuckled with a wink A happy humm leaving his lips. He was smitten for Remus! He was! No doubt about that! “ And I love you oh so much, Remus Lupin! My handsome, smart, stunning, brave future husband!” He whispered pecking his lips happily.
He was definitely oh so giddy!. Hugging him back oh so tightly. Wow He was oh so in love! He was! “ Sounds perfect Moony!” He giggled softly. Moony hugs were absolutely the best! He was happily still leaving soft kiss all across Moony’s face. What can he say? He’s a sap for Moony! He love him oh so much! He was so smitten and head over heels for Moony. He loved Remus more than anything in the whole wide world! He did!. “ I love you oh so much! We really are the best boyfriends ever and I can’t wait to show you that every day!” He whispered with a happy humm. Never to many kisses for Moony after all! He was so in love. Burying his face into Moony’s hair happily. “ You smell oh so amazing!” He cooed softly. It was the truth tho!
Only the best for these two love canines!
The Love canines of Hogwarts!
Of course, Sirius would only be romantic for Moony! That was a given! “ I love you oh so much my charming handsome loup-garou!” He cooed to him.
Only truthful things here!
He was so happy to see Moony oh so happy! Moony made him the happiest animagus ever so He was absolutely floored about it! He was. " Je t'aime Moony! I absolutely love you oh so much Moony!" He cooed to him happily. " I can't wait to dance with you again either handsome! This was the best night ever!" He whispered softly nuzzling him as they cuddled more together happily. He was getting sleepy as well and just wanted to be closer to Moony! He was!
" I love you oh so much!" He cooed to him again nuzzling his face more into his hair with a happy yawn. He was oh so smitten for Remus! He was! He absolutely loved it when Remus said! Sirius Lupin! He knew he would be that one day! He was so happy. " Je t'aime Moony! I love you more than all the stars in the night sky!" He whispered.
He was so ready to marry his soulmate boyfriend one day! It would be the best wedding ever!

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