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Fandom May I have this dance? ( Wolfstar AU || sharkbyte & ritarita )


Moony was eager for the sleepy cuddles and soft talking that awaited the two of them. But for now… dancing! Just dancing and humming and singing! The evening had gone so well for the two of them. Moony went from not looking forward to this evening to absolutely loving it and cherishing it. You know what? The two of them should have more nights like this. Just dancing together and enjoying each other’s company.

It’s perfect. Remus would love for Sirius to wear the floral cologne again. It really suits the animagus. Yeah, just cozy, comfortable clothes for the study date. They don’t need to go all out in terms of outfits for a simple study date in the library. Just something comfortable; Moony’s got a lot of comfortable sweaters in his wardrobe. “Yeah, just comfortable clothes for the study date.” Moony agreed with a nod. He’ll most likely be wearing an oversized sweater and jeans for the study date. Simple but cute and comfortable!

He’ll never get tired of hearing Sirius say that he loves him. It’s like music to his ears. Sweet music. “And I love you, I can’t ever say it enough. I’ll say it every day.” Remus replied with a sweet smile gracing his lips. He loves hearing Sirius’ voice. “My soulmate animagus boyfriend.” The werewolf giggled amusingly.

Remus couldn’t help but grin at being called charming; he’s a charming werewolf after all. “More charming than you, I suppose?” Remus teased, pressing yet another feathery, light kiss to Sirius’ knuckles. They’re so cheesy and in love. They are the love canines, and they always will be. Remus is charming and Sirius is romantic. “I’m your charming werewolf, aren’t I?” Remus laughed shortly. And Sirius is his romantic animagus. Godric, they’re so cheesy. Indeed, they’re perfect together. “We’re so perfect, Pads. How did I get so lucky?” Moony murmured softly, pressing a light kiss to Padfoot’s forehead. Seriously, how? Remus let out a happy sigh at get another declaration of love from Sirius, and he smiled in response.

Yeah. Falling out of bed would certainly ruin the soft, romantic moment. It’s best if they push their beds together. More space for more cuddles and not having to worry about rolling off. “Sounds great, Pads. I’d hate to have the moment ruined if one of us rolls off the bed and hits our head.” Remus hummed out gently, keeping his arms wrapped around Sirius’ waist. Yet again, Sirius is speaking French like he knows Remus is going to be an absolute blushing mess from it. And he is. He’s a blushing, heart melting and heart swooning mess right now. “Pads, I love it when you speak French so much.” The werewolf said in almost a hushed tone. He really needs to get that French to English dictionary.

Moony is the most romantic. Why, he’s the most charming! “Hmm, I insist you’re the most romantic one, Pads.” Moony insisted with a feathery kiss to the nose. Padfoot is the most romantic person out there! “I’m glad you’re enjoying the affection. I’m loving all the affection you’re giving me too.” Moony responded with a small smile. He’s soaking up all the attention and affection he could get from the animagus. And the werewolf was happily soaking up and accepting the kisses that were being placed all over his face.

“To the moon and back, always and forever!” Remus chimed in. He’ll always love Sirius; the animagus has his whole heart. “I smell divine?” Remus inquired with a dorky grin. The werewolf remained quiet in favor of pressing feathery light kisses all over Padfoot’s cheeks. “Thanks, Pads. But you smell divine as well.”

Whoops, Remus forgot that if he knew about the bouquet then it would not be a surprise anymore! Remus wants to be surprised by Sirius! All the surprises for Moony! Padfoot is right… it won’t be a surprise if Moony knows about the potential bouquet of pink roses! Well, he’ll just temporarily forget about it! “You’re right, Pads. I’ll just forget about it so you can surprise me.” Remus let out a small hum of acknowledgement. The werewolf will totally forget about the potential bouquet of roses. “I do want you to surprise me, after all.” If it’s a surprise from Padfoot, Moony would love it! He would love it very much.

He’s really loving the French. It’s so romantic, loving, and just really sweet. And his love sick heart was leaping around in his chest. “Don’t ever stop saying I love you to me, Pads.” Remus whispered gently and softly. He wants to hear it so much even if it could never be said enough between the two. He’s already so used to hearing those three words, he wants to hear them so much. Every day. “And I won’t stop saying it either.” Moony promised genuinely. He’s so lovesick for the animagus right now. It’s so cheesy yet cute.

The two of them were just swaying gently to the humming. No music was needed. The humming and singing are doing just fine for them. “You’ll never be far away from me, Pads. I promise. You make me feel so relaxed and happy.” Remus was really close to tears right now. His voice was showing it. His eyes had fluttered shut as he let his forehead rest against Padfoot’s. Padfoot makes Moony feel so calm and at ease. He loves hugging the animagus so much. “I just love you so much.” Moony repeated. “More than anything.” He added on sweetly. The dance was calm and sweet. And Remus wanted it to last a long time.

The werewolf’s eyes fluttered shut, intent on just focusing on the sound of the animagus singing sweetly to him. Padfoot is so sweet to him and Moony’s stomach was doing warm flips inside of him. How did he get so lucky? Seriously, how did he get so lucky to be with Sirius? The feeling of fingers carding their way through his hair was so comforting and relaxing as Moony just had his head on Padfoot’s shoulder. The humming and singing from Sirius acted like a lullaby. Oddly specific, Remus knows, but it’s what he could compare it to.

Yeah, he’s crying, Moony realizes. He’s crying happy tears, and how could he not? He’s dancing with the most perfect person in the world who is singing to him in French and English. It’s divine. Moony’s lips slowly twitched up into a smile; Padfoot’s singing was like calming music to his ears. It’s just happy tears, that’s all. Moony relaxed a little, focusing on the floral cologne. “I love you so much, Pads.” Moony whispered softly to Padfoot. His voice cracked a little. He loves the animagus so much that his heart hurts so badly right now and he’s lovesick.

The werewolf blinked his eyes rapidly a couple of times, blinking away the swimming tears that had gathered in his eyes. This is a special moment for the both of them.

Moony wanted this night to last a long time.

There would be many more opportunities for cuddles in bed. Remus let out a small sigh, his gaze staring at nothing in particular as he was so focused on Sirius’ singing and humming.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Padfoot was ecstatic about how the evening had gone! He had started off being so worried that the other wouldn’t show but now here, He was getting to dance with him! Wow! Never in a million stars did He think he’d get this experience with his Moony! He was so happy! So so happy! He simply adored and loved Remus! Truly He loved him! Just happily dancing with Remus as He happily hummed and sang to him. Nothing in that world could make him happier than Moony did! He could spend many nights like this with Remus and be all too happy! Cherishing every second!!!

His mind was whirling with what to wear over the next two days! He had to look nice right?! Not look like He put in zero effort! But comfy…..He probably could do that……He had plenty of the band t-shirts…..Well they were technically ones He had taken from his friends over the years……His parents would not be happy if they knew He had them. But He truly did not give a flying nargle about their opinions. They were horrible folks that He did not want to think about right one. He smiled softly glancing up at Moony. “ Comfy clothing it is then Moony!” He whispered softly. He was sure he could figure out something yeah!!! He was sure Moony was gonna look amazing!

He couldn’t help but smile more than loving here those three simple words from Moony. “ I love you so much Remus…..Really so so much!” He whispered with a grin. “ I wouldn’t be able to say it enough either!” He whispered. Loving to hear Remus’ voice as He just grinned away as he let out a happy swooning sigh at the other’s giggle. “ That is right Moons! I am all of those things “ He cooed softly.

It was true! Remus was truly oh so charming! Sirius couldn’t get enough! The most charming werewolf indeed! His cheeks only flushed more with a grin as the other kissed his knuckles with a happy sigh. “You are my charming werewolf Moony! The most charming and Merlin! I love you so much!” He told him softly with a grin. So cheesy and romantic these two were! The most perfect love canines indeed! They are truly perfect together and for each other! He smiled bigger with the forehead kiss with a happy sigh. “Hey…..I am the lucky one Remus!” He told him happily. “We are so perfect Moons!” He giggled with a wink. “ I love you so so much!” He said once again. Nope he would never tire of saying that! Never ever! The two loved each other so much! Leaning up to give him a quick peck on the lips. He was so enamored by the other…..Truly how did he get so lucky!

Giving a nod with a happy giggle. Pushing the beds together it is! “ You got it Moons!” He replied with a smile. “ Je t'aime tellement ma bien-aimée ( I love you so much my cherished one )” He told him softly with a large smile. Slipping in some French whenever He could since he knew Moony liked it! Also Padfoot liked seeing Moony’s reactions to it most of all! Only saying the most loveliest things in French to him anyhow! His cheeks flushed as well. His own chest and stomache full of butterflies and Comfortably still had his arms wrapped around Moony’s neck. He was head over heels for the werewolf that He loved and adored so so much! He truly did!. “ I love that you like when I speak French……..” He teased softly with a wink. Leaning up to leave a soft kiss on his nose. The height difference did make it a little difficult but honestly Sirius did not mind.

He couldn’t help but let out a happy snort at that. “ Mhmm not you’re the most romantic Remus!” He told him leaning up to return the kiss. Truly! He did think so! “ I really do enjoy the affection! But I will never ever be able to give you enough Affection! “ He told him softly with a grin and a laugh. Happily still kissing all over his face. He was over the moon for His Moony! “ I adore you Remus! Oh so much!” He added softly. Soaking up all affection too with a giggle. Oh wow! He was so happy! “ Jamais assez d'affection pour toi ma lune ( Never enough affection for you my moon ) “ He whispered to him leaving one last peck on his lips for a moment. Just happily smiling up at him. They truly were soulmates!

He couldn’t help the wide dorky grin that was coming across his face with a laugh. “ Mhmm Always and Forever Moony!” He promised. He truly did love Remus with all of his heart! He will always love the werewolf in front of him forever! No doubt about that! Smiling happily with that. “You do smell divine Moony!” He promised. His smile only got wider as Moony left kisses on his face with a giggle. “Aww I am so glad Moony thinks I smell divine too! I appreciate that!”

Padfoot just smiled at that. “Oh I will surprise you Remus! Even if you know about the flowers….I think I have a few ideas on how to do so!” He teased softly. Happily just nuzzling noses together with a happy hum. “ Love you so so much Moony” He added with a grin. He knew of someplace He could get the flowers in time anyhow! He was excited! He wanted to make the study date the most romantic thing He could somehow. He truly wanted too! Everything had to be perfect for Moony!

It had too!

Padfoot knew it had too!

He couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his lips. He loved that Moony adored the French! He truly did! “ Oh you betcha I am never gonna stop telling you that I love you Moony! I love you so much!” He replied to him with a grin. Never going to tire of saying it nope! Neither of them would! Heh! It was adorable! “ Please never stop saying it! I wanna hear it forever and ever!...... J'espère passer le reste de mes jours avec toi ( I hope to spend the rest of my days with you)” He whispered to him. He loved his Moony so much! He wanted to shout how much He loved from the rooftops! And don’t doubt that He wouldn’t! He so would! He was so lovesick for his werewolf boyfriend. They were so cheesy it’s adorable!

Happily continuing the humming and singing just going through the song happily. Truth to the words of the song as It was exactly how He felt about Remus! He had no doubt about it! Remus did make him feel like he was looking at life through rose colored glasses after all! Although Padfoot didn’t actually wear glasses! Sunglasses yes! Cause they looked cool! But regular glasses nah! Happily, just resting their foreheads together with the happiest of sighs! Moony truly was the love of his life. “ I love you so so much Remus…..More than anything in the word….I won’t be going anywhere” He whispered wanting to just happily enjoy the moment as He snuck in a few soft kisses to Remus’ lips.

His eyes fluttered closed with a happy sigh. Just happy to be with his Moony! The love of his life! He truly did love the animagus! He truly did! Happily continuing to hum and softly sing the song. Wanting to keep the moment soft and relaxing. He truly was the luckiest animagus on the planet! He did care that Moony was a werewolf! That did not ever bother him! He loved everything about Remus after all! Happily, still carding his fingers though Remus’s hair softly. Leaning to leave soft kisses on his hair softly. “Love you Moony!” He whispered happily.

Sirius had looked down at him tilting his head softly. Moving down to kiss his forehead softly. “You okay Moons?” He asked softly. Voice soft as He continued to hum. Happily swaying along with Remus. He loved him with every fiber of his being. His own eyes welling up with tears. “ Je t'aime tellement... J'espère passer toujours avec toi Remus ( I love you so much......I hope to spend forever with you Remus)” He whispered to him softly with a happy sigh. “ I love you so much Moony…..I truly do!” Sirius whispered to him happily. Smiling happy at him. Sniffling a bit. He did love Moony with his entire being. He was a lovesick puppy in that moment for sure!

He just smiled goofily up at him. Trying to blink away the tears welling up in his eyes as well. This evening really turned into a most memorable night.

He wanted this night to last forever really………

He truly did!

Continuing to sing and hum for him softly with a happy smile. “ Tu es le seul que je veux aimer pour le reste de mes jours ( You are the only one, i want to love for the rest of my days)” He whispered to him before leaving one kiss on his lips trying to use it too show how much He truly loved him.

coded by: @s e v e n
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Moony is going to keep on thinking this… he’s leaping over the moon right now. They’re boyfriends! They’re dancing! They’re in the common room! They’ve got two dates to look forward to!

A cozy study date. Just the two of them relaxing while studying and eating chocolate bars. Can it get even more perfect than that? Remus knows he’s going to be wearing a sweater but what sweater? He’s got a whole bunch of sweaters to choose from in his wardrobe. Ah well, he can worry about that tomorrow. No more worrying tonight! This night has been amazing so far and Remus was soaking up every moment of it. “Pads, we should do this more often when we can. I don’t like dancing much but it’s an exception with you.” Remus murmured softly. The both of them are going to look amazing when the study date rolls around tomorrow.

“We’re so prefect, Pads. You are so perfect.” Remus whispered softly, threading his fingers with one of Padfoot’s hands. He loves the animagus so much and how can he say it enough? He can’t. Moony can say it all day, every day and it still won’t be enough. Three words that he will never get tired of saying. Something that he enjoys saying so much.

Yes, Moony is the most charming! The absolute, most charming werewolf out there! “I’m your charming werewolf!” The werewolf giggled, pressing feathery kisses to Padfoot’s lips. “And you’re my romantic animagus.” Moony said with a sweet hum. Padfoot is super romantic and Moony is insistent about that. Godric, Moony wants to spend the rest of his life with Padfoot. He really does. Padfoot is so gorgeous and perfect and he will never ever stop thinking that. Moony is so lucky to be with Padfoot. “We are so perfect.” Remus repeated yet again with a giggle. Remus truly is so lucky to have Sirius as his boyfriend. How’d he get so lucky? The werewolf happily accepted the kiss to the lips, and he gently returned the kiss.

They don’t need to worry about others walking in on them dancing and swaying to the sound of humming and singing. It’s just them. Dancing the night away, well some of the night away.

“You speaking French is absolutely divine, Pads.” Moony spoke honestly. One day he’ll learn French and then he’ll start speaking French to Padfoot too! Moony’s chest and stomach were full of love, and his eyes were full of admiration for Padfoot. Moony’s cheeks were dusted faintly with a blush as a reaction to the French. It always happens. Remus always swoons and melts when Sirius speaks French to him. It’s the language of love after all! And his stomach was full of fluttering butterflies that wouldn’t be going away anytime soon.

Sirius is more romantic than Remus is! Remus is more charming, honestly. “You’re more romantic than I am, Pads.” The werewolf couldn’t help but giggle at the animagus. Gasp! Sirius could never give Remus enough affection room!? Oh no! “Oh Pads, I need all the affection I can get!” Remus spoke dramatically which was immediately followed by a short lived laugh. It was short lived because Sirius was, unsurprisingly, speaking French which immediately left the werewolf speechless and a heart swooning mess. His soulmate animagus boyfriend. “I’ll give you as much affection as I can.” Remus promised him.

Always and forever. They’ll be together always and forever and love each other to the moon and back. Moony will always love Sirius, the animagus has his heart. “You have my whole heart, Pads.” Moony murmured gently, temporarily resting his head onto of Sirius’ head. “I’m so lucky to have you.” Remus repeated himself. He’s so, so lucky to have Sirius as his boyfriend. “We both smell divine.” The werewolf couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Surprise me, Pads.” Remus giggled towards the animagus. Okay, so what if Remus knows about the bouquet of flowers? He can still be surprised! “I would love to be surprised by you.” He giggled. And Remus will appreciate a bouquet of pink roses that he can look after and ensure that the roses last a long time. “And I love you so, so, so much Pads!” Remus exclaimed with a giggle. Yeah, he could never say it enough. They both couldn’t. He’s so love sick for the animagus. He always will be probably. Everything is perfect between them and nothing could possibly go wrong with them.

Sirius isn’t going anywhere, Remus quietly reminded himself. They’re never going to be that far apart. They’ve always been joined at the hip even before they started dating each other. “Don’t ever leave me, Pads. I love you so much.” Remus whispered against his shoulder. His chest was hurting with love and admiration for the animagus. He knows Sirius won’t be going anywhere. They won’t be that far apart.

Remus smiled at Pads. His eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “I’ll never stop saying that I love you either.” The werewolf mumbled gently and lovingly. The French is so sweet. Remus would be surprised if his heart isn’t truly melted right now. It made his heart warm sweetly. Remus isn’t going to lie, he wants to hear Sirius speak French when he wakes up and before he falls asleep. He sighed happily, eyes fluttering shut in an attempt to remain quiet and just focus on the moment. This moment is something he’ll cherish and remember forever. How could he not? He’s dancing with Sirius! Something he hadn’t expected to do today.

Remus is savoring every moment of this, he wants to look back fondly on this night when he’s older. And perhaps every day. The werewolf seemed to relax as fingers carded through his hair; it was extremely relaxing and very comforting.

Remus audibly sniffled a little and he couldn't help but smile at his animagus boyfriend, “I’m okay, Pads. Just happy crying, that's all.” Remus reassured him with a gentle smile. The song had really pulled at the werewolf’s heart strings and had made the emotions come out. There’s nothing wrong about crying in front of Sirius. They’re boyfriends after all! The werewolf let out a relaxing breath to keep himself calm. This is a special moment for the two of them. He sniffled once more and let out a small laugh. “I just love you so much, Pads. I’ll say it a whole bunch of times tonight.” Remus repeated, pressing feathery soft kisses all over Padfoot’s forehead and cheeks.

This night is so amazing. They’ll dance for just a little longer before cuddling. The two of them will have to change into pajamas though. Remus sure ain’t sleeping in this fancy outfit.

“Pads, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I really do.”

He blinked away as many tears as he could, holding the animagus close to him, happily accepting the kiss. He’s so lucky to have Sirius.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Padfoot was very over the moon for this special time with Moony. Two dates on the horizon and a special private dance in the common room hehe!!! Super happy to have his moment with His Moony!!!

Sirius was actually surprisingly looking forward to the study date now! As much as studying was not one of his favorite pastimes! He was oh so looking forward to studying with Remus. Cuddles and affection making him want to try to his best to try at least! Any time with Moony would be the best! Honestly! He was thrilled to be able to spend any time at all with him! But He knew he had to look his best too! It was a date after all! He was just grinning brightly with how simply happy; He was! “I would absolutely love to do this more often Moony! I would be honored!” He whispered to him softly. They would definitely look their best tomorrow on the date absolutely no doubt about that!

He couldn’t help but just give that same goofy grin. “We are perfect Moons…..You are so perfect!” He whispered back. Cheeks still warm with flush and He squeezed his hand softly with a happy sigh. He truly was smitten with the werewolf. So smitten! He loved Remus more than anything in the entire world! He truly did! “ I love you so much Moony!” He whispered to him softly leaning up to kiss his forehead softly. A happy sigh escaping his lips.

“ You are my most charming werewolf Moony!” He reiterated to him. Remus truly was the most charming and romantic werewolf out there. Especially according to Sirius. He couldn’t help the giggle that left his lips as He simply left the feathery kisses in return as He couldn’t help it! Truly He was the luckiest animagus out there to have his Moony! He truly was! “ A romantic Animagus? I am hmm?” He asked softly with a grin. He loved hearing that happily. Smiling even wider. He truly wanted to spend the rest of his days with Moony! That was for sure! No doubt in his mind about that! Truly! “ We are so perfect Moons! How did I get so lucky?” He asked him softy happily kissing him once more loving every second of affection. They truly were perfect!

Padfoot was just elated for this time with Moony! He truly was! Happily continuing to humm the song and sing for him. Trying to keep the romantic moment with him. Happily leaning there foreheads together with a happy sigh.

“ I am so so glad that you enjoy when I speak French!” He smiled happily. He would happily teach him French if Moony asked. No doubt about that! He would love it too honestly! He was beaming with pride and happy to be with his Moony! The fluttery feeling in his chest had never left. He would never stop being enamored by the other. Honestly, how could He not? He just loved Remus so much! Sirius was head over heels for his Moony! He was! No doubt about that! He was absolutely smitten by the werewolf! That feeling was here to stay!

“ Non mon amour tu es le plus romantique ( No my love You are the most romantic ) “ He told him softly. He truly did think Moony was the most romantic honestly! He truly did! He was just being honest after all! He smiled brighty. The giggle making him swoon with a sigh. A happy sigh! He loved that giggle so much! Ah! “ I will give you all the affection I possible can you know that Moons!” He replied to him softly. Giggling a bit himself. Moony was adorable! “ Yes please all the affection!!!” He replied. “ Je ne sais vraiment pas comment te dire combien je t'aime plus que la lune et les étoiles (I truly don't know how to tell you how much I love you more than the moon and stars)” He whispered to him softly giving his face lots and lots of kisses! Happy to give them honestly!

“ And you have my whole heart too Moons!” He whispered to him softly happily nuzzling his face into his shoulder enjoying the embrace from Moony! He loved that werewolf oh so much! They would be together through thick and thin! They were soulmates for sure! Padfoot would do anything for his Moony! He would! Truly! He so would! Ah! He was so lucky to be boyfriends with someone that He would never tire off. The animagus was beaming with pride. Truly! He was! Letting out a happy sigh. “ I am oh so lucky to have you too Remus! Truly!” He smiled. “ We do both smell amazing huh?” He asked with a chuckle. He blushed a bit more with a happy giggle.

“ Oh I will Moony!” He chuckled with a wink. Trying to be charming for the werewolf. He was trying his best too! He had to plan the bestest surprise for the werewolf ! He had to impress his boyfriend! Although He knew He didn’t have too as they already had fallen head over heels for each other over the years! It was amazing that how fast it truly happened! But Sirius wouldn’t change a think over than potentially wish that this happened sooner! He did! He had loved Moony since forever! Probably since 2nd or 3rd year honestly! He was so ready to scream out how much He loved his werewolf boyfriend! His soulmate! Both of them were so love-sick for each other! Never would that feeling probably leave them! “ And I love you so, so, so, so , very much Moony!” He whispered to him giving him a couple pecks on the lips happily. He would never could get tired of that! He was gonna make sure to get those Pink Roses for Moony for sure!

He smiled softly as the song was coming to a close. But He still kept the humming softly going. Smiling brightly. He wanted to always be so close to Remus! Maybe after 7th year they could get a place of there own together? That would be nice. “ I am not going anywhere Remus…..I love you oh so much! You are stuck with me now! Pads and Moons forever” He whispered happily nuzzling their noses together with a happy sigh. He admired and loved Remus so much! Truly He did! Only the truth here! Joined at the hip these two where! Neither of theme where going anywhere! They were stuck together like glue!

Padfoot had grown to love that smile on Moony’s face oh so much! He wanted to keep that smile plastered across his lips. “ Good Remus! Cause I won’t! Je t'aime et je veux passer chaque instant avec toi ( I love you and I want to spend every moment together with you )” He whispered to him softly leaning in to give him a quick sweet kiss. He loved speaking French to his Moony! He truly did! Happily sighing as well. Happily mushing with Moony as they had fallen into perfect rhythm together as They danced together. Even though Pads had stopped humming by then. Just enjoying the moment with his boyfriend.

Best Yule Ball Ever!!!!!!

Sirius was happily savoring every second of this soft sweet moment. This would definitely be a fond memory to look back on for sure! He would cherish this forever. “ Thank you for being my date to the Yule Ball Remus……” He whispered as He happily carded his fingers a little longer through Remus’ soft hair with a happy sigh. He loved that boy! Oh so much!

He smiled softly. Just happy that Remus was okay. His heart pounding in his chest! “ Oh? I brought you happy tears Moony?” He asked. His own eyes were welling up too as He sniffed a bit as well as He let out a soft chuckle. “ I love you so much Moony! I could stand up in the great hall and shout that to the whole room! That is how much I love you! I want everyone at Hogwarts to know! I do!!” He loved his boyfriend truly oh so much! He truly did! This was indeed a special moment for the animagus and werewolf truly! A happy sigh escaping his lips. Leaning down to nuzzle there noses happily. “ I love you! I love you! I love you !” He kept repeating. Happily giggling at all the kisses Moony was leaving on his face! “Moony Kisses!!!!” He couldn’t help but squeal happily! Definitely head over heels for Moony He was! Leaning up to leave kisses on his face happily as well.

This night was perfect! A night to remember! Happily dancing with Moony, happy to dance as long as Moony wand too. He was simply happy! Smiling brightly. “Thank you again for tonight Moony!” He cooed to him.

His eyes were welling up with happy tears with that phrase too! “ Oh Remus!!!! I want to spend the rest of my life with you too….More than anything….. Cela ferait de moi l'homme le plus heureux de la planète ( That would make me the happiest man on the planet)” He cooed to him blushing brightly. He was shocked and honored truly!

He happily held onto him tightly with a happy sigh. Letting the happy tears fall as He laughed happily. “ I love you Remus Lupin!” He whispered before melting into the kiss happily.

He truly was the luckiest bloke on the planet.

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n

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Two dates a day apart. How often does that happen? There will be many more dates in the future for the two of them, and Remus looked forward to all of them. He looked forward to dates with Sirius that would happen years from now. Moony and Padfoot, the two love canines of Hogwarts. They’ll always be the love canines.

There was so much to look forward to. Cuddles, soft talks, dates, and more. Possibly even more dancing together. Remus’ chest was swollen with affection and admiration and so many things. This night is going so well. Remus thought it wouldn’t, honestly, but it is. “I would love to dance with you again, Pads.” Remus said with a happy sigh escaping him. One day, they’ll dance again. But there’s much more to look forward to. Like the dates, and for Remus, pink roses!

Remus is perfect, they’re both perfect. “Oh Pads, I can’t ever say it enough.” The werewolf spoke, “you’re so perfect and I love you. I love you, I love you.” The werewolf kept saying it over and over again. He was quick to accept the forehead kiss, sighing in content at just how happy and relaxed he was. Padfoot made him feel relaxed and just so happy and ecstatic.

Remus is, indeed, a very charming werewolf. A handsome and charming werewolf! “You’re my romantic animagus, Pads.” He giggled, pressing soft kisses to Padfoot’s forehead. He’ll never be able to give the animagus enough affection. “My romantic animagus!” Remus’ chest burst with happiness, excitement, and affection as he couldn't contain how happy he was. Padfoot is someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he wants to live a good, peaceful life with the animagus. It sounded amazing and perfect. “We both got lucky, Pads. We’re so lucky to have each other, we’re so perfect.” Remus murmured sweetly, eyes glossed over with happy tears. He could not stop tearing up.

Moony’s heart is so full right now with love. Padfoot has his heart and his heart is swollen with love and admiration. How’d he get lucky to have someone like Sirius Black for a boyfriend? Remus Lupin truly is a lucky werewolf.

“Your French is so divine. I should learn French so I can start speaking French too.” Remus was intent on doing just that. Then they can both speak French to one another! The language of love. It sounded divine and lovely and a whole bunch of other compliments. Remus soaked up the French words that Sirius was speaking to him yet again, it’s truly divine. And the best thing ever. Simply the best. “I might not be able to give you enough affection, but I’ll give you lots and lots of affection!” Hugs and kisses for Padfoot! All the hugs and kisses! “And I look forward to all the affection you give me.” The werewolf continued to speak, happily accepting the sweet kisses with a happy, content sigh. “So romantic.” He giggled sweetly. Sirius is so romantic. More than he is. Really!

They both have each other’s heart. They’re both lucky to have each other. But seriously, how did Remus get so lucky? “You’re amazing Pads. I’m so lucky to have you and I mean it.” Moony beamed a small smile at Padfoot, covering his face in soft kisses. They both smell divinely right now.

Pink Roses for Moony! A bouquet of roses for Moony! Or something else. Either way, Remus is getting surprised! Surprised by Sirius! Moony is going to be seriously surprised! Moony is so, so, so over the moon for Padfoot and it shows. He’s constantly jumping over the moon for the animagus. “Hmmm, I look forward to being surprised.” Moony giggled, eagerly looking forward to the pink roses. He’ll take good care of the flowers! They could go back and forth telling each other they love the other. “And I love you so, so, so, so very much, Pads! Always and forever!” Remus exclaimed with a laugh. He’ll say it again a lot more times tonight before they fall asleep. The werewolf happily returned the pecks, gently pecking Padfoot on the forehead.

It’s a bit silly to worry about Padfoot leaving, isn’t it? He’s not going anywhere. They’re together forever and always. They can live together, they can live a happy, wholesome life together. A perfect life together. They’re so happy together and they’re glued to the hip. Always have been and always will be. Together forever and always. Those words will always ring in his brain. They’ll ring in his brain forever. “I know Pads, I’m not going to be going anywhere either.” Moony promised him. They’re not going anywhere. No need to worry about that. “I just love you so much.” Moony mumbled into Padfoot’s shoulder.

Remus was happy that he had gone to the Yule Ball. And he was oh so happy to be Sirius Black’s date to the ball. “You’re welcome, Pads. I love you so much.” Remus cooed softly. The space beneath the werewolf’s eyelids were stained with tears, happy tears.

Moony slowly nodded his head. Yeah, he’s crying. Crying happy tears because he loves Padfoot so much that it hurts. The singing had long since stopped but that’s okay, Moony had enjoyed Padfoot’s singing while it had lasted. It had been so soothing and so sweet.

Moony Kisses! Hooray for Moony Kisses! “We’ll be the talk of the school for a little bit, I bet.” Remus hummed out, threading his fingers with Padfoot’s. They sure will be, most likely. Moony and Padfoot, the two love canines of Hogwarts! “But I would go outside and yell about how much I love to anyone who happens to be nearby.” Remus said, a cheesy grin gracing his lips. They’re so in love with each other.

“Tonight has been amazing, Pads.” Remus once again laid his head on Sirius’ shoulder. He could get used to this. So used to this. “We can live together after Hogwarts, I just wanna spend every day with you Pads for the rest of our lives.” Remus breathed out, eyes temporarily fluttering shut. The French is really soothing.

The werewolf giggled, he could never get tired of Padfoot saying that. It would always be fresh to his ears and pleasant to hear. “And I love you, Sirius Black!” Remus exclaimed back to the animagus. They’re both crying happy tears right now but that is okay. They’re alone. And they’re boyfriends. Remus was melting into the kiss before it came to an abrupt end. It was time that the dancing had come to a close, as much as Remus had wanted it to last as long as possible. But his legs were growing tired. And Remus wanted cuddles! Warm, wholesome cuddles for the werewolf. And of course some cuddles for the animagus too!

Remus came to a halt, stopping their movements. “Shall we cuddle now, my love?” Remus asked with a hum.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

So much to honestly look forward to the Two dates, two days in a row!!! Many more to come for sure as well! Sirius was elated to plan them and perhaps Moony would too. You never know! He was looking forward to the present, future and just spending forever with his Moony! He was beyond happy to think about all of that. The love canines they are! The talk of the school for probably awhile. But Sirius didn’t care! It would let everyone know that Moony was all his!!! All Padfoots!

He was overjoyed with all of the things to look forward too and planned. This night was going so well and He felt a little silly for even worrying in the first place! He felt really silly about it now! Everything went way better than his wildest imagination. Smiling brightly with a happy sigh. This evening was Perfect! It was! Truly! “ I would be honored to dance with you again Moony! Anytime!” He whispered. Beyond excited for everything to come and beyond! He had a lot to prepare over the next couple of days like procuring the flower and other little surprises. If anyone can pull it off this last minute! He could!

Padfoot was so happy! He couldn’t even say how happy he was because no words could He use to try describing it! “ We are both perfect Moony! I love you so much! Truly I do! I love you so damn much!” He kept telling him over and over again. Neither of them tiring of saying that to each other! It was so sweet! Truly sweet! The animagus was so enamored and adoring of the werewolf! The happy statement could go on forever truly! But it was the truth! Happily sneaking in some more affectionate kisses with a happy sigh. “ I can’t say it enough either darling Moony!”

Sirius was very aware how charming his werewolf boyfriend was! He truly was adoring of him! “ You are my charming romantic werewolf Moony” He whispered softly with a happy giggle. “ I am your animagus Moony!” He chimed back happily nuzzling their noses together happily. Truly it made him happy! Oh so happy! Both of these two were so happy! It was adorable and sweet! He was smiling so goofily but he couldn’t help it! Moony caused these things! He knew for certain Moony was the one who He wanted to spend the rest of his days with! Truly He did! It was for certain! He just smiled wide. The goofy smile still there as He looked up at his Moony. “ We are both lucky Moons! Truly! We are so lucky to have each other! We are the most perfect together!” He agreed with a happy giggle. His eyes still welling up with tears. He was just so damn lucky! Truly! His chest was puffed out in pride and He was just full of love for Remus! He was the luckiest animagus ever! Moony had stolen his heart and He did not want it back.

“ Well if you’d like it Moony…….I could try to teach you French?” He suggested it softly with a soft sigh. French was truly the language of love for these two! Speaking French both of them would be a romantic thing after all! It sounded truly lovely! It sounded fantastic! Smiling wide. His chest warm with fluttery feeling with a happy sigh. Moony was so wonderful to him! He was so thankful for him too! “ I’ll take and return all the affection you give me Moony!” He cooed to him happily with a giggle. Happily still leaving kisses happily on his face. He loved him oh so much!!! He wanted to give Moony all the affection ever! He did!

They truly were oh so lucky to have each other’s hearts and so lucky to have one another for sure! “ You are the most amazing Remus!” He smiled at at him with a happy giggle at all the kisses. He was absolutely smitten by the other! Truly! “ I am so lucky to have you too Moony! I mean it truly!” Sirius replied warmly kissing his nose.

Padfoot was so looking forward to procuring all the surprises for Moony for the next two dates! Red roses for sure! Maybe some chocolates? Maybe a few other things yeah? He wanted to keep it a surprise! Truly! “I will do my best to surprise you Moons! I want everything to be perfect for you! I truly do Moony!” He replied to him. Happily sighing at Moony’s giggles! Swooning whenever he did giggle. Wow! He loved that so much! Leaning forward to kiss his cheeks softly with a grin. “ Mhmm And I love you so much too Moony! So much! Always! And Forever!” He giggled as Moony left kisses too!

“ Yay! Moony Kisses!” He exclaimed again with a small snort of laughter.

Sirius was absolutely not going anywhere! Moony had nothing to worry about! Padfoot was here to stay! He loved Moony too much to go anywhere. They would be together forever if He could help it! He let out a happy sigh. “ Of course Remus! You are absolutely stuck with me! I am yours! “ He whispered with a grin. “ I love you absolutely so much Moony!” He cooed softly. Hugging onto him happily. He was absolutely smitten with him. “ I am not going anywhere I promise!” He kept trying to reassure them both! They were absolutely stuck together forever!

Together Forever!

Sirius was so happy that things had gone they way they had tonight! Best Yule Ball ever! He was elated to have had Moony with him! “ Thank you again Moony! I love you so so much !” He cooed in return with a sniffle moving to try to kiss away the tears gently. Both of their eyes were full of happy tears. “ I love you Moony! I truly do!” He whispered with a smile. Nuzzling into him happily. “ I adore you oh so much Moony!” He whispered. He’d have to remember to use that song again in the future! He would!

Moony kisses were the best honestly! Padfoot certainly thought so! For sure! He did! “ Let them talk about us Moony! Then everyone will know that you are My Moony!” Sirius whispered to him softly with a grin. The best love canines they were! Truly! Let the world know about them for sure! “ I would do the same Moony! Just howl it too whoever will listen! “ He laughed softly a cheesy grin across his own lips too! They were so cheesy together! It was adorable! “ Tonight has been most wonderful Moony!” He cooed softly. He truly did think so! Happily nuzzling his face into his hair just breathing him happily. Grinning at his last statement. “ I would love to live together after Hogwarts Remus….Together forever!”

The animagus was beaming so happily in that moment Remus loved him! That was the best feeling in the entire world! He knew that before anyways but him to say it like that! Wow! Just Wow! He was enamored by him! Both of them happy crying and officially boyfriends, just made the night the most special. Happily melting into the kiss as well while it lasted. Pouting a bit when it was over! Padfoot happily leaned their foreheads together with a happy sigh. “ I love you so so much Remus Lupin and I want to spend the rest of my life with you…..” He whispered once more as they came to a stop with the dance. Nuzzling their noses together with a happy sigh hugging him close.

Cuddles….Cuddles sounded nice. He nodded happily with a smile. “ I would love that my love….”

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coded by: @s e v e n



Remus’ stomach was doing flips of anticipation inside of. What seemed like hours would drag on for what feels like years. The first date is tomorrow yet it seems to be so far away. Moony can wait that long, he’s patient and strong! And then after the study date, there’s the Hogsmeade date to look forward to. And then many more dates in the future. He’s so lucky to have a romantic, sweet boyfriend. So, so lucky. And he’ll always be thinking that.

“Then we’ll dance again, one day.” Remus promised him with a sweet, affectionate smile. He’s a smiling, happy mess right now. He couldn’t stop smiling at his boyfriend. Remus loved seeing Sirius smile and it would make Remus smile like an absolute dork in return. The werewolf pulled the animagus into a big hug, wanting to have the animagus close to him. Warm hugs! The werewolf sighed happily, knowing he would have to pick out a good outfit for both of the dates. And he would need to look his best for Sirius. Sirius already told him he always looks his best but still. This evening has gone so smoothly and Remus was enjoying it.

They’re both so perfect, they’re so perfect for each other. And so in love. Have you ever seen anyone so in love? Remus’ heart was swollen full of love and affection. “And I love you so much, my romantic animagus.” Yep, he’s always going to call Sirius that! “I'm just so in love with you, I can’t say it enough.” Remus kept repeating himself over and over again for the hundredth time that night. He wanted to keep saying it to the animagus. “I can’t say enough about how perfect you are and that I’m so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.” Kinda cheesy isn’t it? But the romantic kind of cheesy.

Moony truly is an extremely charming werewolf. So charming for Padfoot. “I’m charming and romantic, hmmm?” Remus inquired with a quirk of his eyebrows. Surely Padfoot is more romantic than he is. He’s getting him some pink roses! “You’re my romantic animagus. My Padfoot.” Moony hummed a little, pecking Padfoot on the forehead. All the wholesome affection! “We’re the cutest couple in all of Hogwarts, Pads!” They are. They really are. The most perfect, cutest couple. There was nothing but love in Moony’s glossy eyes.

Hmmm, Sirius teaching Remus French? So romantic! And, that means more time to spend with Sirius! Remus would love that. “I would absolutely love for you to teach me some French!” Remus exclaimed excitedly in a cheery tone. The language of love being spoken by both of them. “Then I get to spend even more time with you and I can start speaking in French!” Yep, he’s excited and happy! Remus was reciprocating all the kisses to his face, leaving happy kisses on Sirius’ cheeks and nose.

“You’ll get plenty of affection and chocolate tomorrow during our study date!” Remus promised. He’s willing to share the many chocolate bars he has with Sirius! Chocolate helps calm the nerves after all and is good for keeping yourself relaxed. “All the affection for you, Pads.” Remus pressed a small kiss to Padfoot’s lips.

So lucky, they are. Moony’s over the moon and he always will be. “You’re amazing too, Pads. The most amazing boyfriend ever!” Moony breathed out a happy sigh. “We’re both so lucky, and I’m so lucky to have such a gorgeously stunning boyfriend.” He giggled. The cutest boyfriends ever.

What’s Sirius going to do for the surprise? Remus wanted to know but then it wouldn’t be a surprise. And Remus wanted to be surprised by Sirius after all. Surprises are the best even if there’s suspense! “I’m expecting the best surprise ever, Pads.” Remus teased lightly, kissing Sirius on the nose. All the best for the two of them. The werewolf can wait, he can wait. “I will be patiently waiting for the surprise.” He’s very patient.

“And I love you so much. Always and forever, to the moon and back!” Remus hummed out, letting his arms wrap around Sirius to pull him into a hug. A warm, comforting hug. “All the Moony kisses for you, my love.” Remus giggled.

They’re stuck with each other! “We’re basically joined at the hip.” The werewolf couldn’t help but laugh. Always have been and always will be. They’re not going anywhere, they’re stuck together forever. “Stuck together forever.” Remus promised him with a teary smile.

They’re both crying, and they couldn’t help it. And Padfoot was doing his best to kiss away Moony’s falling tears. It’s a sweet gesture, Moony thought to himself. Remus brought a hand up to thumb away any tears that were on Sirius’ cheeks. He’s simply returning the gesture. This was such a romantic evening.

Ah Merlin, Moony will loudly howl to the moon about how much he loves Padfoot. He’ll yell it at the top of his lungs to anyone who will listen to him. They’ll be the talk of Hogwarts and honestly, Moony could care less. Padfoot is right; let them talk! “Of course, Pads. And then everyone will know that you are my absolutely romantic animagus. My Padfoot. My romantic and stunning boyfriend!” The werewolf giggled, pressing a small kiss to Padfoot’s nose. Let the school talk. Everyone will know about how happy they are together and how much in love they are. The two love canines of Hogwarts, together forever and always.

A happy life with Padfoot when they leave Hogwarts. What else could Moony ask for? “We can find a place when we leave Hogwarts. Just us.” Remus suggested sweetly. A preferably quiet and secluded place for them. Somewhere in the countryside underneath the vast night sky. Cheesy but cute. “We can get a place in the countryside.” Remus continued with a cheesy grin, “just us and the stars!” Yep, he’s being cheesy and charming. Charmingly cheesy, he is! A place for them, just them and the stars to look at when night falls.

They’ll live together; they’ll spend the rest of their lives together and loving each other. And the happy tears would keep coming, giving his eyes a shiny look to them. Moony couldn’t help it; he’s so in love with Sirius that his heart hurts and he wants to spend the rest of his life with the animagus. He’s just so happy. So damn happy.

My love. A pretty nice nickname that Remus has given to Sirius. It’s sweet. My Padfoot. My love. All the cute nicknames for Sirius!

Cuddles. Cuddles sounded divine right now. Remus let out a happy sigh and he pressed a kiss to Sirius’ forehead. All the kisses for the animagus! All the affection for him!

It was time they left the common room in favor of heading to the dormitory. “Alright then, let’s go cuddle!” Remus grinned as he threaded his fingers with Sirius’ wanting to hold hands all the way there. With that, the werewolf was off to lead the two of them to the dormitory for some well deserved sleepy cuddles and soft talking before sleep.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Sirius was absolutely looking forward to the next two days! Two dates in a row! Wow! So Wonderful and amazing! But tomorrow seemed oh so close, yet so far away! But He had his Moony now, so He was going to be patient and just try to wake up earlier than Moony to try and at least get the flowers ahead of time!

He couldn’t help how much his smile widened in that moment. “That makes me so happy!” He whispered to him. He was oh so happy at that moment. So Happy! Happily smiling at him in return! Truly! He was! Both have dorky smiles across their faces! It was truly adorable! Letting out a small laugh as the other pulled him into a hug happily hugging him back! The warmest of hugs! But He was not complaining about the hug! Nope! Fully enjoying the hug. Moving to bury his face into his shoulder for a moment just happily breathing him in. His mind racing with trying to plan outfits for the next two dates and ones in the future! He had to look his best for Remus after all! “I love you Moony….”

The perfect happy couple they were! Oh, so in love with one another! Truly no competition. He finally moved his face back up to look at him again with a dorky grin. What can He say? He is smitten with Remus! No doubt about that! His heart full and beating strong for the wonderful man before him. “Well I don’t think we are going to have to tell anyone about us hmm?” He joked softly with a laugh. Mhmm no they won’t! They were pretty obvious about their love for each other. “Je t'aime tellement de toutes les fibres de mon être Moony ( I love you so so much with every fiber of my being Moony) “ He whispered to him softly. He truly loved Remus with every fiber of his being. Just grinning happily at the other. “ Well Moony……I can’t ever tell you how wonderfully perfect you are and How lucky I am that you are MY Boyfriend” He whispered to him in return. Yes romantically cheesy it was! Hehe! It was oh so cute.

Padfoot could never truly say enough how charming, extremely charming Moony truly was! Besides how many other folks could say they are happily dating a werewolf huh? Not many at all! Sirius was oh so lucky! He was! And he was forever grateful! He was! He loved Moony so so much! “You are the most charming and romantic Moony! You so are!” He cooed up to him softly. He was smitten, so enamored by the other. Dating Moony finally! WOW! How did He get so lucky! The most perfectly happy couple they were! He smiled brightly at the peck to the forehead with a happy grin. “ I am Moony! I am !” He replied to him happily. “You betcha we are the cutest couple at Hogwarts!” He teased softly. A face full of adoration just beaming up at him.

Of course He was more than happy to teach Moony French! Truly! He was! Extra time together for sure and more time alone! Perfect! “ I will happily do so anytime “ He replied with a nod. Happy to see how excited the other was about it! Truly He was! Both speaking the language of love sounded all too perfect! Means they can talk about things without other’s knowing too hehe. “ But maybe we could start with I love you in French hmm?” He whispered. Giggling happily with all the Moony kisses as He happily returned them.

“ I absolutely look forward to both tomorrow Moony! I truly do!” He whispered with a grin happily just smiling at him. He was sure that tomorrow would go as perfectly as this evening! He was so positively sure about it! Truly the cutest couple! They were! “All the affection for you Moony!” He counted happily returning the soft kiss happily. Both so lucky to have one another! Truly they were! Padfoot was the luckiest animagus ever! Truly! He was! No doubt about that! Really! “ You are the most amazing boyfriend Moony! We both are truly!” He chuckled softly, blushing brightly. He liked all the compliments! He could get used to that for sure!

He had so much to do and so much to plan to make these next two days the most special dates ever! They just had to be! He wanted to spoil Remus as much as He could. “ Mhmm It will be the most spectacular surprise ever Moons!” He promised wth a grin. “ I will make sure of it! I promise! Gotta spoil my boyfriend after all! Yup! What better way to spend his dastardly family’s money right! Happily hugging him back leaning to kiss him softly. Happily to be with his Moony!” I love you so so much Mooony! Always and forever! Beyond the moon and stars” He whispered. “ All the Moony kisses sound wonderful!” He teased with a wink.

They were totally stuck with one another and truly happy about it! It was adorable!!! “Hey! It’s not like either of us complained about that!” He chuckled softly. Moony’s laugh warming his heart. “ We are stuck together forever Moony!” He laughed smiling. Still tearing up just from how happy the other made him. This was so romantic! Happily still trying to kiss away the other’s tears. “ I hope you know that your smile is brighter than everything in the sky” He whispered to him. With a more obvious wink that time.

“ You make my heart happy” He told him softly. He did! He truly did! He wanted to scream how happy Remus made him. And don’t doubt that He will one day! Let the other’s talk! Yes! Be the biggest news of Hogwarts! “ Yes….Let them know we are together…..Then I can make sure that I am the only who whom flirts with you hmm? Make all the others oh so jealous that Moony is mine! Moony, you have stolen my heart after all……and perhaps one day…..If Godric…..Willing times change…..Maybe I could steal your last name” He replied so matter of factly. They were happy together and oh so much in love. Smiling goofily at the kiss on his nose. As He leaned in to make his statement known a quick peck on the lips. Besides Sirius Lupin…did have a nice ring to it after all! Together forever they will be!

Padfoot loved the sound of that! A nice secluded quiet place for them to live after school. Just them and the night sky!! Oh wow sounds fantastic! “ That sounds absolutely perfect Moony! A Place just for us! A place where we can have no worries!’’ He grinned. Moony was oh so cheesy! But it was one of the many things Padfoot loved about him! It was oh so charming! It was! Besides the animagus was smitten!

Spending the rest of their lives together was exactly the plan! Settling down just being in love! No worries about society or family. Nothing! Just Remus Lupin and Sirius Black! The werewolf and his animagus! Wow! He was so lucky!. He was just so dang happy too! Merlin! He was so happy! “ I love you oh so much My Moony!” He sighed happily sneaking in lots of kisses to try and sneak in as much affection to the other as much as He could! All the affection for his Moony! His werewolf boyfriend!

“ Sounds perfect to me! My handsome man” He replied grinning in return. All so happy to have some cuddles. To push their beds together and just enjoy one another’s company! He was truly so ecstatic about that! Happily squeezing his hand happily enjoying the feeling of their fingers threaded together! It was lovely and nice! Following him to the dorm happily! Humming softly. A skip in his step. “ Je t'aime mon bel amour ( I love you my handsome love)” He whispered to him. Smiling so happily. He had the best boyfriend ever! Truly!

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coded by: @s e v e n



Moony thought about just how lucky he is. How he’s got an amazing boyfriend and how they’re going to live somewhere together after Hogwarts. It seemed so far away and Remus couldn’t wait to be living in the countryside. Just a few more hours and it will be the day of the study date. But Moony needs his beauty sleep after all! It isn’t like the days after the full moon where Moony is completely drained of energy and where he just wants to sleep the day away.

Moony loved the hugs, they’re so warm and comforting. He let out a content sigh, feeling just so happy and relaxed right now; Padfoot always made him feel so relaxed and carefree. All of the hugs for Padfoot! The werewolf allowed his eyes to flutter shut so that he could enjoy the moment and the hug. Dancing with Sirius made Remus leap with joy. They’ll dance again one day and Remus was making sure of that. The werewolf let out a happy breath as he let his head rest comfortably on top of Sirius’ head. “And I love you too, Pads.” Moony hummed out gently, letting his fingers card through Padfoot’s hair a few times. How many times could he say I love you?

Everyone will know about how much in love they are with one another. Well, maybe James won’t? He’s so oblivious! Nah, even James will be able to see how in love the two are. Cutest couple at Hogwarts ever! “Everyone will see that we’re so in love with each other.” The werewolf giggled, pressing a feathery kiss to the other’s nose. Ah Merlin, even James should see how much the two love and adore each other. Moony could feel his heart warm up at the French, it always does. It was like music to his ears and he wanted to learn French. He wanted to be able to speak French too! Moony will. Moony will learn enough French to be able to speak it to Sirius!

“Well, Pads, I’m so absolutely incredibly lucky to have a gorgeous man like you as my boyfriend!” Moony exclaimed with excitement clearly laced in his tone of voice. Moony will never stop telling Sirius how gorgeous he is and how he’s every compliment in the dictionary.

The werewolf was so ecstatic right now, and could you blame him? He’s with gorgeous Sirius Black and they’re the most perfect, cutest couple at Hogwarts. They’re so gonna be voted as the cutest couple. “Well, I am very charming.” Remus hummed with a dorky grin, taking one of Padfoot’s hands into his to press his lips against Padfoot’s knuckles. He’s a very charming and romantic werewolf for Padfoot. “We’re the cutest couple.” Moony agreed.

Sirius is going to teach Remus French! Yay! More quality time with Sirius and Remus gets to learn the language of love! Woooo! “I will love that, Pads.” Moony grinned and pecked at Padfoot’s forehead. Moony’s heart was close to bursting. Hmmm, starting with I love you in French? Well, sure why not! “Of course. Then I can tell you how much I love you in French.” The werewolf couldn’t help but giggle in response.

Moony’s heart and brain were so full of love right now, and always. He’s so in love with the animagus. And he always will be. Sirius was going to be spoiling him, and Remus has to make sure that he spoils Sirius too! Didn’t want Sirius to be left out. “I look forward to it, Pads. I gotta spoil you too, you know.” Moony reminded him sweetly. Will giving Sirius chocolate bars count as spoiling him? Let’s hope so! But Remus will come up with something. He always does. “And all the affection for you too, Pads.” Remus spoke sweetly. All the hugs and kisses for the both of them!

They’re both amazing boyfriends! “We both are. You’re the best boyfriend ever.” Remus pecked Sirius on the forehead.

Moony loves Sirius a whole lot. To the moon and back and other cheesy romantic quotes. “I love you so much, Pads. I love you, I love you!” Remus repeated himself over and over for the hundredth time that night. All the Moony kisses for Padfoot!

Well, Moony certainly isn’t complaining about it! He’s always been joined at the hip with Sirius before they started dating. “We’re stuck together like glue forever.” The werewolf hummed softly with a small smile. There were still a few unshed tears in his eyes but they had calmed down by now. Padfoot had made him cry happily by singing and humming and it had pulled at his heart strings. And Padfoot kissing away the tears was such a sweet gesture that he loves.

“My smile is brighter than the moon, the sun and the brightest star out there?” Remus inquired amusingly. Remus loves seeing Sirius smile. It’s so perfect and amazing.

Yeah, let the school talk! Everyone will know about them and they could care less. “You make my heart swoon, Pads.” Remus murmured gently. And the werewolf couldn’t help but laugh a little, “making sure everyone knows that I’m yours?” Moony hummed, “so romantic.” He sighed cheesily which was immediately followed up by a laugh. Well, it’s obvious they’re gonna be the talk of the school and everyone will know that they’re in love.

Sirius Lupin. What a nice ring it gave and a pleasant roll off the tongue. Godric willing, they could be husbands and live in peace in the countryside. Remus and Sirius Lupin. That sounds lovely. “Sirius Lupin has such a divine ring to it.” Remus sheepishly grinned at Sirius. “Godric willing, I would love for you to take my last name, Pads.” His nose wrinkled in response to the kiss on the nose. A happy response.

They’ll have each other. Just them and a secluded place in the countryside where they can lay under the stars. “Yeah! Just us!” Remus agreed as he couldn’t help but give Sirius a soft peck on the lips. The two could have a place for them where they can just live in peace. Remus would love that very much. He wants to wake up every morning and sit down in the kitchen with Sirius and drink some warm tea. It sounded divine and perfect. “We can have a place just for ourselves.” Remus sighed at the happy thought.

Just settling down with each other, not having to worry about anything. Remus wanted that so much. Moony blinked his eyes a few times before looking down at Padfoot, “I love you so very much too, Pads.” The werewolf was quick to respond, he always will. And he’ll always say it as many times as he can in one day.

Their final dance of the night had been amazing. Better than the first, even! They’ll dance again one day and Remus looked forward to it even if he’s not too fond of it. But it had now come to a close and it was cuddle time and Remus was looking forward to it.

The werewolf led the two of them to the dormitory, his heart beating hard against his chest. They needed to change into pajamas and then push their beds together before they could cuddle and settle down for the night. Upon reaching the dormitory, Remus was ready to push the beds together. “Alright Pads, give me a hand pushing the beds together, will you?” Remus hummed sweetly.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Living together after Hogwarts sounded fantastic……A quiet place just the two of them…. Yes lovely! A lovely goal for after graduation! Padfoot was looking forward to it! For sure, He was! Truly! Soon enough it would be the Study Date and then the Hogsmeade date! Oh wow! Two dates much needed to wake up early to plan for! Just him and Remus spending time together! Both looking their best! Moony was always the best for Padfoot though! In looks, personality, and well everything! Best boyfriend ever for sure!

The hug was wonderful! Padfoot could never tire of hugs with Moony! They were the best and Padfoot let oh so safe and happy in the hugs! Moony was a very precious influence for the Animagus and He was forever grateful! “I love you oh so much Moony….” He whispered softly, smiling up at him. That night was perfect! Better than he could have ever imagined or dreamed! Wow! He wouldn’t have any complaints of it….Just oh so fond memories! He was smiling brightly as They stood together, resting happily. They could probably tell each other they love each other forever truly!

Everyone would have to be super oblivious to not see how much they were in love with each other! Even James would notice it at some point especially with how much they all hang out and even share a dorm! So yeah! He would eventually! “ They definitely will!” He giggled softly just smiling up at Remus happily. Leaning up to return the light kiss on the nose. “ Well let’s start with this my handsome one…….” He laughed happily for a moment. “ Je't'aime…….It means I love you” He whispered softly. That He did! He loved him oh so much!

“ No Moony! I am the luckiest to have a boyfriend like you! You are the most handsome!” He counted with a happy laugh. He did truly think that! He did!

“ So Charming Moony!” He giggled softly. “ We are definitely the cutest couple and most amazing couple!” He cheered happily leaning up to give him a happy soft kiss at the moment. Wow! He was happy! So happy! Giggling happily at the kiss on the knuckles. Moony truly was the most charming! A dorky smile was going across his lips. “ I adore you Moony! I adore you and love you oh so much!!!” Leaning to peck his cheek too. “ My handsome boyfriend Moony!”

Padfoot was so smitten and in love with Moony! It was oh so obvious! He was so in love with the werewolf it was so plain to see! He was so estatic to be spoiling him over the next two days and well forever! He was gonna be the best boyfriend ever! Truly He was! He grinned with a smile. “ I am so glad Moons! I am so thrilled that you won’t to spoil me too but you already spoil me by just being here!” He giggled softly with a wink. It was true. He was so excited! Smiling up at him. He was all here for all the affection! “ Love you Moony!”

Both of them are the most amazing boyfriends!!! Most truthfully they are! “We are both the best boyfriends ever!” He countered with a giggle. Only saying the truth after all. Smiling widely as his cheeks warmed more from the forehead kiss. “ Moony…” Padfoot loved Moony oh so much! More than anything in the whole wide world! It was cheesy only in the best of ways! He couldn’t help but giggle and smile with all the kisses from Moony and the declarations of love! “ I love you so, so , so , so much too Remus! I love you so so much! “ He chimed back leaning to return the kisses happily.

The closest of friendships turned into the most romantic boyfriends! Like a fairytale!!! It was oh so cute!!! Sniffling a bit as they smiled at each other.” Together forever Moony!” He promised! And he meant that! Together forever! Padfoot was not going anywhere! He wasn’t nope! He was here to stay for his werewolf boyfriend! He was! Truly! He was! “ You have the most amazing smile Moony! It truly was!” He told him with a beaming smile and wink. Smiling happily in return. Absolutely smitten with Remus! That was plain to see!

Let the school and people talk! Everyone needed to know that Moony and Padfoot, Remus and Sirius were together! No one needed to not know! They were in love! Moony was his and that was all that matters! It was! “ I don’t want anyone to try and steal you away from me Moony! You are my boyfriend!” He huffed playfully with a giggle nuzzling their noses together. A soft smile across his lips! The animagus was loyal to his werewolf!!! He was!!! Everyone would know that they are together now! And Sirius did not want it any other way!

“ It does…..Doesn’t it!” He smiled brightly. “ It sounds lovely doesn’t it! It would be an honor to take your last name Moony!” He chuckled softly. Godric willing! They could get married and be husbands live in a peaceful place and just be happy together! He wanted to be Sirius Lupin more than anything. It sounded so lovely! “ Mr. Remus and Sirius Lupin huh? I like it” He replied with a soft kiss to his cheek.

He smiled brightly at the soft peck on the lips returning it immediately! He really did like the sound of that! Them together and in a small cottage on the countryside with the view of the vast night sky!. “ Just us two! With occasional visits from our friends of course right?” He mused softly with a giggle. Living together in blissful peace! “ Sounds amazing Moony! It truly does!” He told him. Waking up together every day sounded like bliss! But every moment with Moony was blissful anyhow!

That was now something Sirius wanted to make happen! He had too! He wanted a peaceful life with Remus! He did! He would love that! He smiled happily. “I love you oh so much Moony’ He replied smiling up at him happily going with him to the dorm. He was so happy! A blissfully happy night that they could all easily remember! Something happy to look back on right! Yeah! The final dance was lovely and amazing! Only happy moments that night of course!!!!

Sirius followed him happily, skipping along as they walked together. Happy to have the time to get ready and relax with Moony before the rest of their doormats and friends returned from the ball! The dance would be nice wouldn’t it! Happily to help get everything ready for sleep. He leaned over to kiss his cheek softly before nodding. “ Of course Moony! Happy to help!” Padfoot chimed in lovingly closing the door behind them. ” Then cuddles of course”

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



He’s experiencing so many emotions; all good emotions of course. It’s honestly really overwhelming. There’s so much to look forward to. The dates, living together after Hogwarts, cuddles, affection. He’s so happy right now that he could just yell from the rooftop about how happy he is. But you know, Remus is not going to be doing that right now. Remus has to focus on Sirius right now. His perfect, amazing, gorgeous boyfriend!

Hugs are amazing. Moony lovely hugging Padfoot. The hugs were warm and comforting for the werewolf. “I love you so, so much Pads.” He’ll say it again and again so many times tonight. Remus kept thinking about how he couldn’t say it enough. He can say it all day, every day and it would never be enough.

James will surely see that the two are dating and absolutely in love with each other. James might be oblivious but he’ll see! Remus decided to voice this. “James is oblivious but we’re so in love that he should be able to see that we’re dating.” Yeah! It’s true. The werewolf was quick to soak up the affection of being called handsome. He was soaking up any affection he could get from the animagus.

Je t’aime. That’s a word Remus could say all day, every day and not get tired of saying it. The werewolf paused for a moment, sheepishly grinning. “Je t’aime.” Remus repeated the word. I love you in French. A lovely word, really. A grin formed on his lips once more. “Je t’aime.” Remus could say it over and over again. It was easy for him to say. “Je t’aime.” Remus couldn’t stop saying it. He could tell Sirius how much he loves him in French now! And yet it still won’t be enough.

Moony was insistent that he was the most lucky one to have such an amazing boyfriend like Sirius. “Hmmm, I’m still pretty lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend like you.” Moony insisted, pecking the animagus on the nose. “And you’re so gorgeous and well, every compliment out there.” He repeated.

Moony will always think that he’s charming and Padfoot confirmed it. “Charming just for you, Pads.” The Gryffindor werewolf grinned. And Padfoot is most romantic to him. “We’re the cutest couple ever!” Remus agreed, “best couple ever!” They’re the best couple in Hogwarts! “I love you so much, Pads. Je t’aime!” Now that Remus knows how to say I love you in French, he’s not going to stop saying it. He’ll say it every day! “My gorgeous, romantic animagus.” Remus hummed.

Pads deserved to be spoiled all the time! All the best for his Padfoot. They both deserved to be spoiled as much as possible, only the best after all. “You deserve to be spoiled, Pads.” Remus hummed out with a grin. Yeah, some chocolate bars and his mere presence should be enough to spoil the animagus. Yeah, Remus looked forward to the roses and being spoiled rotten, but Sirius should get some spoiling attention too! It’s only fair. He’s just so head over heels in love with Sirius.

Best boyfriends ever. Remus could get used to hearing that. Because it’s true. Remus pressed kisses to Sirius’ forehead and cheeks and lips. Moony kisses for Padfoot! All the affection and kisses! “You’re so amazing, Pads. I love you so much and I can say it all day.” He could! “I love you so, so, so, so, so much!” Remus repeated for the hundredth time that night. The werewolf was soaking up the kisses that were being given to him. Sweet and soft.

They’re going to be together, forever. “Always and forever.” Moony smiled gently at Padfoot. Nothing could tear them apart. Moony won’t allow anything to tear the two apart. It was heartwarming to know that Padfoot loved Moony’s smile, “your smile is pretty too, Pads. I love seeing you smile.” Moony spoke sweetly, giving a few forehead kisses.

Who cares if they’re going to be the talk of the school for days on end? Let people know they’re together! Moony found it cute that Padfoot was going to keep the others away so that others wouldn’t steal Remus away. “And you’re my boyfriend too.” He hummed.

Remus and Sirius Lupin. Godric, that had a pleasant, divine ring to it. “Yeah, Mr.Remus and Sirius Lupin living in a cozy house in the countryside. It’s got a pleasant ring to it.” It’s perfect. “I just want to wake up with you every morning and just sit in the kitchen and drink tea.” It sounded wholesome and perfect.

Sirius and Remus and a cottage. And the stars. “Of course. Our friends are welcome to visit us whenever they want!” Moony nodded his head with a grin. James, Lily, Peter, their friends are most certainly welcome to visit the two of them. It would get lonely if they didn’t visit. Friends stick together! “It would get quite lonely if our friends didn’t visit, now would it?” Moony chuckled amusingly, giving Padfoot a kiss to the cheek. The marauders stick together even after Hogwarts! Marauders forever! “Us marauders stick together.” The werewolf hummed, threading his fingers with Padfoot’s. After all, they’re always there for Moony when he wakes up after transforming from werewolf to human after the full moon passes.

Moony feels like crying again. More happy tears threatened to gloss over his eyes. Yeah, Remus would love to settle down with Sirius and have their friends visit them. The werewolf was quick to blink his eyes, blinking away any tears that might be in his eyes. No more crying.

More words of affection! Nice! Amazing! Remus is soaking up the words of affection. “And I love you, my romantic boyfriend.” Sirius is so romantic. The dance had officially come to a close now and Remus was ready to cuddle and then pass out for the night.

The werewolf was quick to press his lips against Padfoot’s knuckles once more. So affectionate and charming. He could get used to doing this. It felt so charming and sweet. It’s a habit he’s starting to pick up on. Padfoot deserves the best after all. And for now. It’s cuddle time! He only hummed in acknowledgement at the cheek kiss.

The werewolf had to momentarily let go of Padfoot’s hand so they could get to work on pushing the beds together. “And I don’t mean holding my hand the whole time while I’m the one who pushes the beds together.” The werewolf was teasing the animagus and it was evident in his tone of voice.

Just lovingly teasing.

But for now, cuddles!





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

So many things to look forward to some sooner than later! It was amazing how love can make you so excited about everything with your significant other! He had the best boyfriend ever truly! He did! Padfoot was so excited! He had found a home in Moony. A partner, a home, and forever! Remus was his person! That meant everything to him! It did! Really! His Person!!! His Moony! His thoughts were only for Moony right now! His perfect boyfriend! His amazing Werewolf boyfriend!

He hugged him happily just smiling up at him. Padfoot was smitten for the werewolf! Absolutely smitten! He loved Remus with every fiber of his being! He did! He was beaming happily with love and adoration! “ I love you oh so much too Moony! “ He responded happily! He could never say that enough! No way! No how! It would never ever be enough! He could say it forever and ever! He truly did love Moony!

James would so be able to see how absolutely in love these two love canines were! These two were not subtle with their dating anyhow and pushing their beds together should be an obvious clue. He would never understand how one could be as oblivious as James was. It was odd. “ Yeah….He should absolutely be able to see that we are dating! We are not being secretive about it!” He whispered to him happily leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. More affection would never hurt right?!

.Moony speaking French was absolute music to Padfoot’s ears. He was smiling bright than ever at the point! Don’t question it, He is! Thank you! “ Je t’aime Moony…. Je t’aime” He cooed back to him happily. Yes. He truly did love his boyfriend! It was oh so plain to see!. He kissed his nose softly. “ I love you oh so much Moony! I do! Je t’aime” He told him. His heart swelling with pride everytime they other spoke French. He let out a happy blissful sigh! He was practically in heaven from it. The grin on Remus’s lips just made it even more. Sirius’ heart was fluttering in his chest. “ Je t’aime!”

Moony was insistent that he was the most lucky one to have such an amazing boyfriend like Sirius. “Hmmm, I’m still pretty lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend like you.” Moony insisted, pecking the animagus on the nose. “And you’re so gorgeous and well, every compliment out there.” He repeated.

Padfoot shook his head as He beamed with pride. “ We are both lucky to have such amazing boyfriends in each other! “ He chuckled with a nod. “ Oh so lucky!” He added pecking him right back on the nose. “ You are so handsome Moony! I will never let you forget that!” He told him with a huge smile. “ Je t’aime!!!!” He cooed to him happily. “ Oh so handsome you are Moony! Truly! “

“ You are most charming Moony! The most charming werewolf !” He cooed to him. “ And the most charming boyfriend!” He giggled with a wink. “ We are the best and cutest couple ever Remus!” He whispered to him nuzzling their noses together. “ Tu es le loup-garou le plus charmant de tous les temps ( You are the most charming werewolf ever) “ He whispered to him happily. “ Je t’aime Remus! Je t’aime!” He whispered to him. “ I love you oh so much my handsome Moony!” He told him. His heart swooning from the other speaking French!

Both of these two Gryffindor boys deserved the best! They did! Truly! Spoiled boys they will be!. “ You deserve to be spoiled too Moony!” He was eager to spoil him with lots of chocolate, roses and many many other things! So many surprises in store for Remus! He would make sure of that! He was so head over heels for his boyfriend! He was! “I love you oh so much Moony!” He told him once again for the thousandth time that night! But no matter! He couldn’t say it enough!

They truly were the best boyfriends ever! He couldn’t help giggling at all the kisses from Moony! “ Moony Kisses!” He squealed happily! “ Moony Kisses!” He couldn’t help it! He loved getting affection and kisses from Moony! He was oh so happy about it! Remus meant the world to him! He did! He truly did! He was absolutely enjoying all the affection! Truly He was. “ I love you oh so much Moony!”

“ Yes always and forever My Sweet Moony!” He smiled in return. Stuck like glue they are! It’s adorable really! Nothing would ever tear them apart! Truly the best couple! Padfoot would make absolute sure of that! He would! For sure! Smiling even more. “I am truly flattered that you like my smile too Moony” He grinned with a happy sigh at the affectionate forehead kisses. Heh! Affection Nice!

Let everyone talk! Yeah! Let everyone know that Moony was Padfoot’s! All Padfoot! Hehe! He beamed up at the other. Of course He was gonna be a little bit possessive! He was a dog animagus after all!. Smiling that goofy smile once again! “ I am your boyfriend aren’t I!”

Sirius couldn’t help but smile in pride puffing out his chest a bit. “ Mhmm Yes….Sounds amazing doesn’t it Remus!” He chuckled softly leaning up to give his cheek a kiss. He wanted to marry Remus one day more than anything! Godric willing! Merlin! He truly did! “ And I want to make your wish come true my love!” He replied. It did sound so perfect and wholesome! A dream come true! “ I want to just spend forever with you Remus!"

Sounded so perfect! A place for them to live peaceful! Friends coming over together! He keeping Moony safe and comfortable during the Full Moons! He was going to make sure of that! “ Mhmm yeah a little but I am sure they will come to visit!” He grinned smiling more at the cheek kiss as He leaned over to return it. A soft peck in return for his Moony. “ Mauraders stick together always!” He replied happily enjoying holding Moony’s hand. It was nice! Oh so nice! His cheeks still lightly flushed. A good group of friends they were. Helping him care for Moony.

Sirius sniffled a bit as He nuzzled their noses together happily. A perfect life for him and Remus it would be! So much affection between these two love canines! Words and actual affection hehe! “ I love you oh so much my charming one” He whispered to him. All too ready for cuddles and sleep now! Anything to be close to Remus! Really! He wanted to be close!

He giggled softly at another kiss to the knuckles! He truly was enjoying that oh so much! He leaned over to give him a quick peck to the lips. “ Love you oh so much Moony! My lovely charming Moony! So charming!” He cooed to him! Moony derserved only the best things and tomorrow He would prove that! Acttually truly looking forward to their study date!

Sirius gave a pout when He let go of his hand. But He understood why. He gave a sheepish smile with a laugh and shrugged. “ I promise I will help you push in the beds Moony! And not hold your hand while you do all the work my love!” He promises walked over to the opposite side of the beds to help push them together so they could cuddle and talk till they fell asleep after they changed of course. “ Love you Remus!”

He was oh so ready for the cuddles!!!!

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



He’s so head over heels, over the moon and stars, absolutely in love with Sirius. Sirius, the brightest star. Remus’ brain was still processing that this is actually happening and it’s not a dream that he’ll wake up from. Sirius is his boyfriend, as he is Sirius’ boyfriend. It’s actually happening.

Moony couldn't even begin to think about how many times he can say I love you, or Je t’aime in one night. But he’ll say it a lot. He promises! “And I love you so much, Pads!” Remus exclaimed in response. He’s just so over the moon and stars for the animagus, and he’ll never say it enough and he’ll always be thinking about how he can’t say it enough. More hugs and kisses for Padfoot! He’ll say I love you to Padfoot forever and ever for as long as he lives.

Yeah, James Potter is bound to find out about them. Since they’ll be the talk of the school, he’s bound to hear it. Someone as oblivious as him will be able to see how in love the two are. But you know, enough thinking about if James is going to be oblivious to them dating. They can worry about that tomorrow. Tomorrow… the day of the study date.

Je t’aime! Remus loved that word already, he could say it every day and he will. In fact, Remus was looking forward to learning more French. “Je t’aime, Padfoot.” Remus murmured softly, holding onto Sirius’ hand. He loved saying that, it was sweet and affectionate. The saying made his heart swell ever further, if humanly possible, with affection and admiration. His heart is close to bursting open with affection and from just being so full with love. “Je t’aime!” The werewolf repeated with a big grin. His nose wrinkled in response to the kiss, it’s a good response.

Padfoot always knows how to make Moony smile, he really does. And Moony’s smile is apparently the brightest thing out there in the world. “Yeah, we’re the luckiest people in the whole world.” The werewolf smiled. They’re oh so lucky to have each other. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, Pads.” Remus hummed out, “Je t’aime Padfoot. Je t’aime!” Now that Remus had learned how to say I love you in French, he could not stop saying it.

Why, Moony is in fact most charming. He’ll be the most charming werewolf boyfriend ever. Just for Padfoot. “Just for you, Pads. I’ll always be your charming werewolf.” Moony whispered softly, feeling so relaxed and happy right now. “And you’re my most romantic animagus boyfriend.” The werewolf murmured, letting his eyes flutter shut for a brief moment.

“Loup-garou.” Remus couldn’t help but echo that particular word back to Sirius. More French learning! Remus wants to learn more French. Butterflies returned to his stomach for the third or fourth time that night.

Moony knows he deserves to be spoiled. He deserves to just have fun and not have his nose stuck in a book or a study guide all day. And the Hogsmeade date was sure to be fun for the both of them. “I know, Pads.” Moony responded, “but you should be spoiled too, you know.” He was pretty insistent on spoiling Pads. Chocolate and quality time! Moony was so looking forward to receiving some pink roses from Padfoot; he’ll have to get a vase to keep them in and make sure they last a long time.

All of the Moony kisses for Sirius! All of the affection for his amazing boyfriend! “All of the Moony kisses for you, my love.” Remus hummed sweetly, pressing a tiny kiss to Sirius’ forehead. Sirius means the whole, absolute world to Remus… he’s the best boyfriend ever. “And I love you very much, Pads. I’ll always tell you that.” The werewolf promised.

Remus and Sirius together forever. He liked the sound of that. He also liked the sound of Sirius taking on his last name, Godric willing that will happen in the future. Remus inhaled through his nostrils, still very much enjoying the floral cologne that Sirius is wearing. But for now, all Remus can do is dream and look forward to their future together. They’re still in their sixth year of Hogwarts.

The werewolf could care less about what people say about them. He’ll hold hands with Sirius on the way to class! “You’re my boyfriend!” Remus exclaimed as he pecked Sirius on the nose. Best boyfriend ever! Yay! “My amazing boyfriend.” Remus sounded ecstatic. Soulmate boyfriends.

Moony wanted to marry Padfoot, Godric willing that’ll happen. He wanted to settle down with Padfoot and just lead a happy life. “Godric willing, we’ll get married one day and we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.” Remus murmured softly. They can only hope right now. Forever with Sirius… Remus wanted that. Remus and Sirius Lupin, best husbands ever.

Marauders stick together forever! Friends forever. Nothing could tear the marauders apart, right? Right. They’ll be marauder friends forever. Friends who keep Moony comfortable during and after the dreadful full moons. And now, Moony is going to have Padfoot to help him through the full moons when they find somewhere to live after Hogwarts. It sounded perfect, they’ll have a perfect, peaceful, and quiet life. And yet graduation from Hogwarts seemed like it’s so far away. Remus will wait, he’ll be patient. Until then, he will be looking forward to it. “Yeah, friends and marauders for life.” Remus breathed out. “And we can visit our friends as well.” The werewolf reminded. Not only would their friends visit them, they can visit their friends!

“And I love you, my sweet animagus.” Remus was quick to respond, a dusty blush on his cheeks. They can cuddle soon enough. Right now they needed to push the beds together and change into comfy pajamas.

The werewolf couldn’t help but chuckle at Padfoot’s response as well as the animagus pouting in response to letting go of his hand. Sirius is a helpful boyfriend! He could only hum in acknowledgment to the kiss on the cheek, “love you too, Pads.” He grinned.

Who knew dancing can make one tired. Well, he’ll be asleep soon enough. With the help of Padfoot, Moony was able to push the beds together. Seriously, Moony doesn’t want to be rolling off the bed and getting hurt.

Moony is ready to change into a comfortable sweater and flannel pajama pants, ready to get out of this fancy outfit and never wear it again most likely. Unlike Sirius, he prefers cozy sweaters and jeans.

The two beds were pushed together. That should be good. Now they won’t have to worry about rolling off of the bed. “Alright, that should do it.” Remus said, finally breaking the silence.

Now, it’s time to change into pajamas and just lay down and talk before conking out for the night.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

This was actually real!! Oh my goodness! Nothing was more exhilarating than actually being with the guy that you had fallen head over heels with years prior. Wow! This was better than any dream or daydream that Padfoot could have ever imagined truly! It was so magical and felt more right than anything else!!! Truly it did!!!!

“ I love you so so much Moons!” He whispered in return with a happy giggle. Moony always did make him feel like He was walking on air after all! He truly did! He literally couldn’t tell him enough how much He truly told him. The goofy grin still very much present. No denying how in love these two were! It’s so adorable! Just heart warming isn’t it! Truly! He couldn’t help but leave over to leave a few soft pecks on both of Remus’ cheeks with a large smile and giggle. He simply adored that man with all of his heart.

He loved his Moony more than anything after all!!

James will probably be figuring out sooner than later! He was Padfoot’s best friend after all! And both of the two Gryffindor’s friend! A fellow marauder and Animagus! Prongs! He’d eventually figure it out! No worries needed about that! Tonight, and the next two days were about Padfoot and Moony after all!

Sirius was smiling with joy seeing how much the other was enjoying saying that word in French! He was overjoyed about it! Over the moon really! He was so happy to have Moony! Best boyfriend ever for sure! The animagus truly enjoyed seeing Moony happy! “ Je t’aime Moony…..Je t’aime!” He cooed back to him happily. He was oh so happy! Happily holding on to the other’s hand happily. It was such a nice feeling, with how happy Remus made him! He never knew this much happiness before and Here he was. Unconditional love! Wow it was oh so much! He was beaming happily pecking his nose once again. “ I adore you Moony. I love you oh so much!”

Moony’s smile was literally the best thing in the word to Padfoot! Nothing made him happier than seeing the werewolf smile….well his boyfriend smile! Ah! He still could not believe that He was his boyfriend. “ If this is some dream…let me never wake up!” He sighed happily. “ You are the best boyfriend ever Moony! Je t’aime! “He told him happily. He was estastic to be able to teach him more French. He was! Ah! They truly were the happiest boyfriends ever!

He leaned up to let their foreheads rest together happily for a moment just breathing him in. Wow Moony was his boyfriend! He was still fully registering that! He was! Wow! So awesome! “ I am so lucky to have such a charming boyfriend….” He sighed happily moving to hug him tightly once more. Ah, He couldn’t get enough of hugging and giving him all sorts of affection!

“ That means werewolf in French dear Moony” He whispered softy with a soft nod. He wasn’t going to use it much if it offened Moony! Nope that wouldn’t do if he did! But Sirius did not care if Remus was a werewolf or not! He would be there for him through thick and thin. He became an animagus for him for Godric’s sake! He loved Moony! Oh so much! “ I love you so so much Moony! Truly I do!’’

Moony was about to be the most spoiled boyfriend in existence. If Padfoot could help it, He surely would be! “ We both will be spoiled my love! I look forward to being spoiled by you too, My Moony!” He sighed happily. He truly did love Moony and had so much to plan for them for the next two days. Getting him chocolate, Pink Roses and many many other surprises in store! He would make sure of that!

He was absolutely loving all the affection from his boyfriend! He loved it! “ I love the Moony kisses!” He cooed softly. “ I want them all!” Sirius was giggling softly. Moony was the absolute best boyfriend ever and Padfoot wanted to make sure that Moony wanted! Leaving soft sweet kisses on the other’s cheek. “ I love you oh so much Moony. I want you to know that forever!” He cooed. He loved that werewolf!

Together forever they would be! Truly they would! Godric willing they would have an amazing life together. They would! Padfoot just had a good feeling about it! He kissed Moony’s forehead softly with a happy smile. He just going to enjoy the time of this year and the next year till they could be on their own whenever are wherever they wanted to go. The Stars and Moon would align for them for sure!

He couldn’t wait to be affectionate with Moony everywhere! Hand holding, soft kisses, nuzzles and the like! “ I am your boyfriend Moony and hopefully one day your husband! “ He whispered to him nuzzling him happily. He was so estatic to that that as a future possibility if Godric was willing! Soulmates for sure! He let out a happy giggle from the nose kiss. Returning it happily.

He was so happy in that moment, his eyes tearing up softly. He really wanted to settle down with Moony one day! Godric willing, They would be able to get married one day! “ I would very much like that Moony…..” He whispered softly. Super hopeful about that future. Together forever! Him and Moony! Sirius wanted that more than anything! They would be the greatest and bestest husbands ever!

They would definitely be friends forever! Marauders stick together forever! Right! Protecting Moony from harm during all the full moons and keeping him comfortable and helping whenever they could! A peaceful happy life was awaiting them! It was nice! Padfoot was oh so looking forward to that! A perfect happily ever after with Moony! He had to be patient for the future. He let out a breath leaning their foreheads together with a big grin. “ Of course Moony!” He nodded softly. “ I will be here for you through thick and thin Moony! No matter what. I love you so much much! You have my heart” Sirius cooed to him softly. Looking forward to the future together! He nuzzled their noses together happily. Letting out a happy sigh. If hearts could form in his eyes they so would right now! That is how much, He loved and adored his Moony!

Padfoot let out a happy sigh and grin. “ I love you so so much Moony! My lovely sweet boyfriend!” He whispered to him. Wow He loved that werewolf so much! He absolutely was head over heels for Remus! So ready to change into his pajamas and just cuddle and enjoy each other’s heartbeats! It would be oh so soothing!

He glanced over at him with a soft sigh. Still a bit sad over not holding hands anymore but He knew it was only a matter of time before they could again! He was happy to help Moony in anyway! “ I love you oh so much Moony!”

Padfoot was happy to help Moony push the beds together! Dancing together was exhausting but Padfoot was never going to complain! Dancing together was a dream come true and He would happy to do it again any time! Happy to be able to sleep side by side and just be happy together! Happily helping Remus get the beds pushed together! “ We should get a big blanket to share Moony!”

Padfoot was happy to go change into pajamas whenever Moony was ready. As much as He loved how they both looked for the night! It was time! “ Ready to change into something more suited for sleeping Moony?”He smiled brightly at him once the beds were pushed together into one big one. That sound definitely do it! Yes! That should! Sirius gave a nod with a smile. “ Okay Moony!”

“ Shall we get comfy in pajamas then and then enjoy each other’s company?”He asked softly with a soft wink.

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Moony will never, ever get enough of hearing Padfoot saying I love you to him. It’ll always be refreshing to his ears. He’ll look forward to hearing it every day, all day, and basically every year for as long as he lives. The werewolf couldn’t help but smile to himself a little bit, knowing just how lucky he is to have Sirius. Sirius is just so amazing. Remus is the luckiest werewolf out there in the whole, entire world!

“And I love you so very much, Pads!” Remus was quick to exclaim in response, giving the animagus yet another big, affectionate hug. All the hugs for his animagus boyfriend! “I love you, Pads. Je t’aime, Padfoot!” Remus continued to exclaim in such a happy, yet content tone of voice. Je t’aime is truly a wonderful word to say, he’ll say it all day and never get tired of saying it. He’ll never get tired of hearing it from Padfoot. The kisses were welcomed by the werewolf, he’ll soak up all the affection he can get right now.

French truly is the language of love. “Je t’aime, Padfoot. Je t’aime!” Moony kept repeating over and over, absolutely thrilled and over the moon. Padfoot just made Moony so happy, so relaxed, and so in love. So this is love. This really is love. Moony pressed his face into Padfoot’s shoulder, sighing in content at how happy he was. Moony is just so happy right now, he can’t explain how happy he is. “I love you so much, Padfoot.” Remus whispered, taking notice that his eyes were starting to tear up again for probably the third time that night.

This cannot be a dream right now, Moony refused to believe this is a dream. This is actually happening right now, they’re actually dating and they’ll actually live together after Hogwarts. It’s not a dream. “I don’t think this is a dream, Pads.” It’s actually happening. “We’re actually boyfriends, we’re actually dating.” Moony breathed out. This isn’t some kind of dream, he’s sure about that. Moony’s over the moon right now. “I love you so much, Pads. You’re an amazing boyfriend. You make me so happy.” The werewolf murmured gently.

He’s a charming werewolf, but only for his Padfoot. His romantic animagus boyfriend. “Charming just for you, my love.” The werewolf hummed with a grin. Another hug! Moony loves Padfoot’s hugs so much, they’re so warm and comforting. He honestly didn’t want to stop hugging the animagus.

Loup-garou, French for werewolf. It sounded awfully nice. More nice than just hearing werewolf. Yeah, loup-garou sounds so much better than just plain old werewolf even if it’s French for werewolf. “I think,” Remus began and he paused to clear his throat, “I think that Loup-garou sounds much better than just hearing werewolf.” Remus gave Sirius a small smile, “so if you want to keep saying Loup-garou around me, then that’s alright with me, my love.” Remus spoke before placing a tiny kiss to Sirius’ forehead. Loup-garou really does sound nice.

Yes, both of them will be absolutely spoiled. Remus is going to be spoiling Sirius during their study date with lots of affection! “You’ll be spoiled with lots of affection tomorrow, my love.” Remus grinned sheepishly, giving Sirius a small kiss to the forehead. He’s looking forward to being absolutely spoiled by Sirius. Honeyduke’s and Brews and Stews sound perfect for the Hogsmeade date. He’s probably already spoiling the animagus by dancing with him and giving him lots of hugs and kisses.

Spoiling Padfoot with Moony kisses! Moony giggled, threading his fingers with Padfoot’s. “And the Moony kisses are reserved only for you, my love.” Moony grinned, pecking Padfoot’s forehead and cheeks with more kisses. All the kisses for Padfoot! “I’ll always know that you love me, I love you so much and I want you to know that I’ll say it every day.” Moony murmured gently, blinking away some tears from his eyes. He could really start crying right now.

Stuck together like glue, they are! Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health and all that stuff. Together forever. Remus was so happy right now. So relaxed and content. Werewolf and animagus sticking together through everything.

Yeah, one day they might be husbands. They could only hope that times will change and they can get married and be Remus and Sirius Lupin. Sirius just… he makes Remus so damn happy that he can’t even explain it. It’s just so hard for him to explain how much he’s happy around Sirius. It’s just one of those unexplainable feelings and it’ll probably be left like that forever. “Hopefully one day we can be husbands. I would love that so much, Pads.” The werewolf said in a soft whisper, and his voice cracked a little.

Whoops, Remus is tearing up again. He knows that. Sirius is always with Remus, he stays with him during the horrid full moons that he has to deal with. “You have my heart too, Pads. You’re an amazing boyfriend and you’re always sticking by my side during the full moons.” Remus whispered, pausing for a moment to give Sirius a small peck to the lips. “Together forever, Pads. I love you so much. Je t’aime.” He couldn’t say it enough, his heart is so full with things he wants to say. Settling down with Sirius is something he can look forward to, no matter how far away it seems. He can wait. “Je t’aime, Padfoot.” He repeated, he’ll repeat it over and over every day. “I’m so lucky to have you.” That’s something he will always tell the animagus.

How many times have they said I love you to each other tonight? They’re just dorky Gryffindors in love with each other. “And I absolutely love you, Padfoot.” The werewolf giggled.

One day, they’ll dance again. There will most likely be another Yule Ball next year for their seventh and final year. Yeah, there’ll be another Yule Ball. There always is, right? Anyways, they can dance next year! Remus still isn’t fond of dancing, but for Sirius, it’s an exception. A much welcome exception for the werewolf.

A big blanket sounded divine. A big, fluffy blanket for the two of them. “Yeah, we can share a big blanket.” The werewolf slightly nodded his head in response. With the beds pushed together, they can focus on changing into pajamas and sharing a big blanket and falling asleep together.

Yes, time to change into something more comfy and comfortable! Remus doubts he’ll be wearing this fancy outfit ever again, like what kinda shade of green even is this? Oh well, it really doesn’t matter since he’s just wearing this one time and only once. Remus wondered what they’ll talk about before they drift off to sleep for the night, probably just random things that pop into mind. Remus liked that.

“Yes, of course, Pads.” Moony nodded his head in response. Time to get comfy! The werewolf padded over to where he kept his pajamas at, though he mostly wore sweaters and flannel pajama pants to bed for his own comfort.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Sirius was so thrilled, overjoyed oh so many positive statements here! Wow! He truly did love Remus oh so much! More than anything truly! He wanted to say those three little words to Moony for the rest of their lives together. He was so happy. “ I love you oh so much!” He whispered to him. They were both oh so lucky to have each other. Padfoot was the luckiest and happiest animagus in the whole world! He was! Truly! Remus was just perfect and amazing! No complaints here for the Gryffindor.

He happily hugged him back with a happy sigh. “ I love you oh so much Moony! I truly do!” He couldn’t help but squeeze him tightly in the hug with a ton of affection behind it. Moony did give the best hugs after all! “ I love you so very much Remus……Je t’aime Moony” He whispered softly. Of course, with a big goofy grin across his lips! The animagus couldn’t help it after all. Moony caused these things just because of how much Padfoot loved him! All the affection for these two! Aww! It’s so cute! He literally could say how much He loved Remus forever! And that is what He planned to do after all! He loved that werewolf with every fiber of his being after all! Leaving soft kisses on Moony’s face whenever He could! “ I love you so so much!”

French truly was the language of love! It was so lovely for Padfoot to hear Moony speak it too! “ Je t’aime Moony. Je t’aime!” He repeated back happily with a happy giggle. Just smiling giddily at him. He was absolutely head over heels for his werewolf boyfriend truly was! He knew that this was his soulmate for sure! And thank goodness about that! They had found each other and were there through thick and thin for each other…..It was absolutely beautiful! The perfect couple truly! “ I absolutely love you oh so much Moony! “ He whispered leaning to press his face into Remus’ hair with a happy sigh. Just enjoying the sweet moment for a brief second. Heh! It was nice! Sweet and nice! Truly they were so in love! This is what love is!

Nope, No dream here! Only reality! This was definitely happening! They were actually boyfriends and actually dating now! Something Padfoot never pictured actually happening this soon! But He was oh so happy about it! They were just oh so perfect for each other!!! It was truly just oh so perfect! He was smiling so big! Ah! “ You are right Moony….no dream here” He whispered softly looking up at him nuzzling their noses together! Letting out the most happiest of sighs. “ Best day ever! You are the best boyfriend ever!” He cooed softly! They were actually boyfriends and actually dating! Ah wow! Amazing! Truly amazing! “ I love you oh so much Moony! So much! You make me oh so truly happy!” He whispered smiling up at him. Kissing him lightly.

Moony was the most charming for Padfoot, it was wonderful! His charming werewolf boyfriend! He was still smiling that dorky smile. Moony always caused that smile. Happily hugging him one more with another tight squeeze. “ I am so happy that it’s just for me, darling…” He whispered softly. Moony hugs and kisses were the best after all! They are! Do not question it! He was smiling so happily. “ I am Romantic only for you too Moony!’

It seems to always be the case of that everything sounds better in French hmm? Heh! It’s cute! No question about that! These two boys, an animagus and werewolf…..were just made for each other. He smiled up at him with a happy humm nodding happily. “If you prefer that Moony….I am more than happy to oblige darling!” He chimed happily. Having a happy humm leave his lips as He just enjoyed his boyfriend’s presence. He did love him, oh so much after all! Heh! Cute! “ Love you oh so much Moony! My Loup-garou” He whispered to him with a flushed face. Happily giggling at the forehead kiss. “ Love you oh so much Remus!”

Darling....He was going to keep saying that hehe!

Spoiling each other on the dates! Heh! Sounds absolutely lovely doesn’t it!!! Affection, attention and more! Padfoot was going to spoil his Moony rotten over the next two days during the dates! What better use of his family’s money right?! “ Sounds absolutely perfect to me darling! “ He whispered happily sighing at the forehead kiss. Mhmm lovely! He leaned up to leave a soft peck on his lips! He couldn’t help it! He loved that boy oh so much! Truly He did! Wow! He did! “ You shall be spoiled much too darling!” He cooed to him happily with a happy hum. “ But I am going to enjoy every moment of it heh!“ The dates would be oh so perfect after all!

Padfoot was grinning widely from ear to ear. Though He could not help that around Moony! He couldn’t really! He could’t ! Smiling brightly with a happy snort. “ Moony kisses only for me! Oh wow! I am oh so lucky!” He giggled! Though He truly meant every word of that! Only for him wow! Happily giggling at the smothering of the kisses! Wow! Wonderful! “ More Moony Kisses!” He begged softly. Just smiling. He leaned to give him some happy kisses all around his face too. “ Only Padfoot kisses for Moony too!” He cooed softly nuzzling their noses together happily. “ I know Moony……I love you oh so much too! I will never ever stop saying how much I do love you Moony!” He whispered happily squeezing his hand.

Stuck together forever! In sickness and Health! Like glue and so on for sure! Together forever! That was a promise! Sirius was beaming with absolute pride and joy! So happy and content. He let out a happy sigh. “ I love you so much Remus…..Truly I do! You are the best thing ever darling!” He whispered softly.

Hopefully things would change…..Hope things would change for the better! They had faith it would! It would half too! Sirius was super hopeful they could so they could get married and be the Lupins together. He loved Remus so damn much and even if they couldn’t do it legally, If their was a will there was a way! Not like his animagus form was done legally anyway. But it was for Moony! He wanted to help Moony and He would do it forever! Moony was truly His everything! Remus just made him so dang happy that absolutely no words can describe. “ I would love that more than anything too Moony…..You just made me oh so happy “

He just smiled leaning up to gently moved to kiss away his tears delicately and sweetly. They were always together heh! Sirius would always be by Remus’ side. Together forever! “ Of course Moony…..I love you oh so much……I think I have for years….I will always be there for you through the good and the bad darling!” He whispered happily returning the kiss sweetly. “ Together forever Moons……I love you oh so much Remus! Truly I do! “ He whispered sneaking one more soft peck in. “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin” He whispered. Boy being with the other that He loved oh so much for the rest of their lives just sounded oh so perfect! He wanted to be with Moony no matter what! “ Truly we are both so lucky to have each other!” He whispered softly. Nope never enough to tell his that. His own eyes forming tears as well as He reached up a hand to cup his face softly. Leaning to give one more peck!

It was never too many times to say those three wonderful worlds. I love you! Oh so sweet! Just two dorky Gryffindors in love! Future husbands! “ I love you oh so much Moony” He repeated trying to keep himself from crying as He sniffled.

Dancing was always in their future. Maybe next Yule Ball….maybe even at a wedding! Sirius would love that oh so much! Any chance to dance with Moony! He would cherish every moment they could dance together! He would since He knew that Moony was not super fond of it!

A nice super fluffy blanket would be oh so divine! It would be wonderful to share such a soft thing! Cute even! “ Sounds perfect Moony!” He cooed to him with a large smile. Ah! It sounded fantastic! The animagus knew he had just the perfect one for them to cuddle under. Sleeping next to Moony was a dream come true! Truly it was!

Sirius let out a happy sigh. Just smiling at Remus! Comfortable clothing sounded nice! Just resting with Moony and chatting till they fall asleep! Besides the Yule Ball would be over soon and He wanted to bask in the privacy with Moony as long as He possibly could after all! He did! Bask in their alone time together as it was a matter of time before their dormmates and fellow mauraders returned to retire to sleep as well! Heh! Yeah! Padfoot didn’t mind those! Public displays of affection were a no brainer for him! He sneaked in one final Peck to Moony’s cheek. Happy to see where the time just snuggled up took them till, they fell asleep after all!

“ Alright Moony! Be right back then!” He chuckled with a nod moving to his own things to quick run a brush through his hair before changing into a comfy band t-shirt that one of the mauraders gave to him that He cut the bottom off of as it was way to long and just some black pajama pants before grabbing the fluffy blanket and sat down on the pushed together beds swinging his feet, not facing Moony to give him a little privacy. Happy and content.

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It’s so heartwarming and refreshing every time Sirius tells Remus that he loves him. Remus is just a sap for words of affection and affection in general. What can he say? He’s in love with Sirius! Seriously in love with Sirius. Hearing those three words made Remus’ heart sing and leap around in his chest. “And I love you too, Pads.” The werewolf couldn’t help but giggle towards the animagus before he pressed a little kiss to Padfoot’s nose. All of the Moony kisses for Padfoot! His amazing animagus boyfriend that he’s absolutely so lucky to have!

Remus clung onto Sirius as he hugged the animagus, honestly not wanting to let go for a long time. He wanted all the hugs he could get from the animagus. Warm hugs for Remus! And hearing Sirius speak French to him is like music to his ears, very refreshing and pleasant to hear. Je t’aime is a very lovely word to say and hear, then again French is the language of love after all. “Je t’aime Padfoot.” The werewolf hummed, taking the time to let his fingers card through Padfoot’s hair a couple of times. He’s soaking up all of the affection and enjoying it. All the affection! “I love you so much, my amazing animagus boyfriend.” Moony said sweetly, pecking Padfoot on the forehead.

Moony wants to learn more French. Perhaps tomorrow during the study date? That would be really nice. It’s a study date after all! “Hmmm, you think you can teach me some more French tomorrow during our study date?” Moony inquired. It sounded like the perfect study date. Learning more words than just Je t’aime and Loup-garou. He didn’t want to stop hugging his boyfriend, he wanted the hug to last as long as he could let it. The werewolf soon emitted a small sigh, “I love you so much Pads, I can never say it enough. I love you so, so much. Je t’aime!” He exclaimed, tone laced with excitement and enthusiasm.

Seriously, how many times have the two said I love you in just one night? Remus doesn’t know but it’s a lot for sure. They’re the best couple in all of Hogwarts! One can never say I love you enough.

Not a dream at all. This is real life right now. It’s actually happening, Remus is definitely sure of that. “Not a dream at all, my love.” He confirmed, giving Sirius’ lips a soft peck. They’re boyfriends and this is real life. No dreaming at all. “My amazing boyfriend. I love you so much!” Yet another big, warm hug from the werewolf. All the warm hugs for the best animagus ever! He loves hugs, it’s quite obvious.

Moony is only charming for his dear Padfoot. And he’ll kiss Padfoot on the hand any chance he gets. It’s charming! “Only charming for you my dear.” Moony nodded his head, seeming content with Padfoot only being romantic for him. Yes, good. “Of course, Pads. You’re the most romantic boyfriend.”

Hearing Padfoot call Moony ‘Loup-garou’… that really made his heart melt if it hadn’t already completely melted before. It was more refreshing and pleasant to hear than just being called werewolf. Yes, Moony wants Padfoot to say Loup-garou from now on! “That sounds so much better, Pads. Thank you.” Moony breathed out in relief. He loves Padfoot so much, and he’s so happy and over the moon and stars, it’s unexplainable on how much Padfoot makes him happy. “I love you too, Pads. So much, I can’t ever say it enough.” He really can’t.

Remus looked forward to both dates! He’ll be spoiled on both dates and he’ll spoil Sirius too! It’s only fair after all. “I’m expecting to be absolutely spoiled rotten by you, Pads.” And he is holding the animagus to that. Spoil the werewolf with roses, chocolate, and coffee. Oh, and affection of course! “I am going to enjoy every single moment of both of our dates, my love.” Remus pecked Sirius on the lips. More kisses! It won’t be long until their study date begins. They’ll need their beauty sleep!

All the Moony kisses for the best animagus in the world. He was a smiling mess around Padfoot and you couldn’t blame him for that. How could he say no to Padfoot wanting more Moony kisses? Moony hummed sweetly, leaving kisses on Padfoot’s cheeks, nose, and forehead. “Are you satisfied with the Moony kisses?” The werewolf inquired. Yes, Padfoot kisses only for Moony! “You give the best Padfoot kisses, my love.” He complimented. Only the best for these two dorky Gryffindors who are madly in love with one another.

Moony could feel his heart warm and he beamed a smile at Sirius. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, my love.” Moony couldn’t say it enough. He’s got the best boyfriend in the whole, entire world! The best boyfriend in all of Hogwarts!

They could only hope that time and things will change for the better. Padfoot just makes Moony so happy that he cries happy tears. Remus and Sirius Lupin in a cozy cottage. That sounds pleasant and he just wants to lead a quiet life with Padfoot. “I’m happy that I make you happy, my love.” Moony mumbled softly, “you make me so happy. So happy that I honestly cannot explain it.” Really, he cannot explain it. It’s just one of those mysteries. “I want to wake up every day with you.” He repeated. They could be the Lupins together. Them and maybe a few animals like chickens. Chickens are great pets.

Padfoot will always be there for him, and Moony loves that. It makes his heart sing and swoon. He loves his animagus boyfriend to the moon and back. Through thick and thin, stick together like glue, they’re always there for each other. Always joined at the hip. Padfoot just makes Moony’s heart swoon and melt, he loves him so much that he’s lovesick. His eyes warmed up as tears glossed them over, he wanted to cry. His heart swelled with emotions as he felt just so lucky to have a boyfriend like Sirius. “Pads, I love you so much. For years honestly. And I’m just so happy that we’re finally boyfriends.” The werewolf murmured softly. He’s a lucky werewolf. “Together forever, Padfoot. I’m not going anywhere.” Remus promised. Padfoot always kept him calm during the horrid full moons.

Godric, Padfoot helps with Moony’s mood swings the day and night before a full moon. He’s not going anywhere; he’s not leaving Padfoot. “Je t’aime Sirius Lupin.” Yeah, that was intentional. Sirius Lupin had a divine, pleasant ring to it. And hopefully Sirius didn’t mind it. “I’m the luckiest werewolf in the world to have an amazing boyfriend like you.” He whispered softly, eyes blinking away persistent tears.

It wouldn’t be long until the yearly Yule Ball officially ended. There’s always next year for another dance in the Gryffindor common room. He preferred the comfortable, familiar scenery of the common room. But now, it’s time to enjoy Padfoot’s company and settle down for sleep. Both of them need their beauty sleep.

Moony changed out of this fancy outfit, changing into an oversized sweater where the sleeves went over his hands and some flannel pajama pants. Warm and cozy! Once Remus was changed into his warm pajamas, he turned around and climbed up onto the pushed together beds.

“Hey.” The werewolf giggled, wrapping his arms around Padfoot’s shouders.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

Absolutely a beautiful perfect evening it was for the two of them. He was absolutely over the moon with how perfect things had absolutely been! Truly It was! He was so in love with Remus………So much love between the two of them. Never too many I love you’s in this house! Nope not at all! His heart swell with how much love that he had for the werewolf. He loved him oh so much!!! He did! He couldn’t help with giggle happily at the nose kiss! Returning it happily! Moony kisses were the best after all! Cause Moony was absolutely simply the best! He truly was! He was truly so lucky to have him! He was!!! “ Je t'aime tellement ma chérie ( I love you so much my darling)”

He was soaking up every second of the hug and the affection from Moony! He truly was! Hugs whenever Moony wanted after all! All the affection for these two Gryffindors! Being in the same house was honestly awesome!! “ I love you oh so much Moony” He whispered with him with a happy sigh. It was heavenly feeling Moony’s fingers card through his hair even if it was brief. He honestly loved it. All the affection for this animagus and werewolf after all! Only the best for these beans! Yes beans! Don’t overthink it! It was oh so lovely. “ I love you oh so much my loup-garou boyfriend!”

Padfoot peered up at him for the moment with a nod.” Of course mon chéri ( my darling)” He cooed to him softly with a giggle. Leaning up to sneak a soft peak to Moony’s lips. Affection! How Nice! Padfoot was more than happy to teach Moony more French after all! “ I will try to think of useful things to teach you with French” He replied making a mental note to make sure his pronunciation was on par too. His family was only from France…..He did grow up in Britain after all!. Hugging the other tightly with a happy sigh. He really did not want the hug to end. “ I love you oh so much too Moons! I can’t say it enough either! Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so so much! Truly I do!” He whispered with much warmth in his voice. The next two days would be perfect! They would be!

It was absolutely so adorable with how much these two have said I love you in just one night! So many years of attraction and adoration just built up to this most likely! Right?! They are truly the best couple in all of Hogwarts! It was never too many I love you’s after all! Never!

Not a dream for sure! Real life things here! It’s actually happening! Heh! Sirius was absolutely sure at this point! “ I am so glad love….” He sighed softly. Pecking his lips softly in return! He loved him oh so much! Heh! He did! Hugging him back tightly with a happy sigh. “ I absolutely love you so much Moony! You are the most amazing boyfriend ever!” He cooed softly. He was all to happy for any hugs truly! All the warms hugs for these boys!

Moony was truly the most charming for Padfoot! And Padfoot was forever grateful for that! “ Good my love! “ He cooed softly with a grin. Both of them charming and romantic for each other! Heh how cute! “ I absolutely adore you so much Moony! I do ! Truly!” He cooed to him softly. Best boyfriends ever for sure!

If that is what Moony wanted, Padfoot would happily abide by his wishes! Padfoot was super loyal to Moony after all! He loved Moony oh so much and wanted to make things perfect you know! If that what Moony preferred to be called then Padfoot was more than happy to oblige. “ Of course Moony!” He whispered softly with a nod. Leaning to leave soft kisses on his face happily. He was so over the moon and stars absolutely over his Moony! He was. “ I love you oh so damn much too Remus. I will never be able to say it enough. Never enough words….” He cooed. They both make each other so happy! It’s adorable!

Hehe Yeah!

Both of these too will absolutely spoil each other that was a fact! A fact for sure! Padfoot had so many ideas and ways to spoil Remus that , He was going to be the most spoiled werewolf forever! “ Oh Moony! You absolutely will be spoiled rotten over the next to days! You do not have to worry about that!” He chuckled happily. What better way to use the Black Family Fortune after all! Hehe! Moony would be so spoiled with roses, chocolate, coffee, books and so on over the next two days. Siriius would make sure of that! Absolutely sure! No Question about that! The animagus would absolutely be sure of it! “ I am absolutely sure that I will enjoy every moment of the dates too my love!” He whispered happily pecking his lips back. “ Love you Moons!”
Padfoot was absolutely head over heels for Moony! There was absolutely no doubt about that! Both of them smiling dorky smiles at this point! Honestly it was so adorable! Truly it was! So adorable!!! Hehe! Wonderful things between these two! Padfoot couldn’t’ help but snort with happy giggles from all the Moony kisses! “ Moony kisses!” He giggled once again happily. The dorky smile only growing as he leaned over to kiss his face all over in return. “ I am so super satisfied with all the Moony kisses Moony! But I will absolutely never say no to more!” He chuckled. Smiling wide. He was absolutely estastic about the fact that Moony loved his kisses too! “ I am so glad you like my kisses too!” He giggled. Only the best for the two dorky Gryffindor boyfriends After all!

Padfoot could not help but smile brighter. His cheeks flushing brightly! “ You are the bestest boyfriend ever Moony! “ He counted back happily nuzzling their noses together! They truly were the best boyfriends together! In Hogwarts and beyond!

Hope they both had! Things would hopefully change so they could do things most other couples coud do! Hopefully if Godric willing things changed! Sirius was absolutely so happy to be with Remus in any capacity just living a peaceful, happy, quiet life together! They were just the perfect couple! A nice peaceful life with Moony sounded wonderful! Padfoot couldn’t help but tear up and sniffle. “ You make me oh so happy Moony!” He chimed happily. Sniffing a bit more. He was tearing up so much. “ I can not explain how happy you make me either Remus……Just seeing you every day sounds wonderful!” He whispered happily nuzzling their noses together. Hehe cute! He wanted to be a family with Remus oh so bad! Just them and a quiet life. With whatever Moony wanted. Padfoot would make happen!

Padfoot and Moony together forever! Truly! Padfoot loved that oh so much! Always there for each other and joined at the hip! It was oh so cute really! Such an emotional evening this had been and Sirius wouldn’t have changed it for anything! Always will be there for each other they will be! Both of them so much in love with each other. Probably years in the making. He had the biggest dorkiest grin across his face , teary eyes and flushed cheeks just smiling like an idiot at Moony! He truly did love the other oh so much. “ Moony…..” He whined out choking up a little as he sniffled. “ I absolutely love you oh so much too!......I am absolutely so estastic that we are finally boyfriends….” He whispered softly. Truly He was the luckiest animagus wow! “ Together forever Moony……I’ll be here for you through everything….”

It was honestly so plain to see how much in love these two were with each other. Nobody would argue with that! Padfoot was always going to be there for Moony, through the dreaded full moons, normal hardships! Everything! He wouldn’t leave him ever! Moony and Padfoot forever after all! When He heard what Remus said. He couldn’t help but cry hugging him tightly. “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin….” He whispered softly. He did not mind it at all! It sounded absolutely fantastic especially coming from Remus’ lips! He wanted to be Sirius Lupin, one day so badly. He truly did! “ And I am the luckiest animagus to have the absolute sweetest boyfriend ever!” He whispered leaning up to kiss him softly.

He was so absolutely looking forward to the next Yule Ball now! How happy he was about this one was so plain to see! And if He and Remus just did their own thing in the common room next year that was alright by him! Now it was time for just cuddles, and company and lots of warm snuggles! Hehe! Noice! Beauty Sleep for both of these boys!

He had sat down on the bed swinging his feet awaiting Moony to finishing getting ready as He pulled up his hair into a ponytail just to get it from not tangling badly in the night. Curly hair problems Hehe! So ready to be with his Moony all night!

The animagus couldn’t help but smile up at him moving to placed his hands on Moony’s arms. “ Hey handsome…”

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The beautiful, absolutely perfect evening was drawing to a close. The Yule Ball was supposed to be ending soon, and Remus wanted to be asleep by the time the other Gryffindors went to bed. Cuddling with Sirius should help him sleep, though. It definitely will. No need to worry about not being able to fall asleep. Cuddles and small talk before falling asleep for the night! Moony was looking forward to it, wanting to cuddle up with Padfoot until he dozed off. The nose kiss from Padfoot made Moony giggle and he decided to return the kiss yet again. Padfoot speaking French was making Moony’s heart melt, if that’s even possible right now. Every time. “Je t’aime, Pads. I love you so much, I’ll tell you that every single day.”

“Until we find our own place after we leave Hogwarts, I can look forward to waking up next to you every day here in the dormitory.”
Remus hummed with a small smile as he let his hands card through Sirius’ hair. That’s something to look forward to. Yep! And loup-garou is still so refreshing to hear from the animagus. “And I love you oh so very much my animagus boyfriend.” He was quick to respond.

More French lessons for Moony! Moony is looking forward to learning more French from Padfoot. “I’m looking forward to being spoiled with French lessons.” Yeah. Remus is looking forward to learning the language of love so he could be able to speak fluent French. The peck to his lips was welcome, and he soaked it up. Soaking up all the affection right now. He’s such a sap right now. But Sirius doesn’t mind that. “Godric, I love you so much, Pads. I can’t ever and never will be able to say it enough.” Moony whispered, “you’re so perfect and amazing.” His eyes were tearing up for the hundredth time that night, that’s an exaggeration. It’s probably just the fifth time his eyes are tearing up.

“I can never get enough of your hugs, Padfoot.” Remus laughed, hugging the animagus tightly. Warm hugs for Moony! They’re so in love, they’re such love canines. The wholesome love canines of Hogwarts they are! “Your hugs are the best.”

Moony was quick to peck Padfoot on the lips and then his nose. Moony kisses! “I’m your charming, amazing loup-garou boyfriend.” He giggled before continuing, “and you are my amazing, perfect, and romantic animagus boyfriend.” That’s something he could never say enough either. “Je t’aime, Padfoot. I love you so much!” He said for the thousandth time that night. Remus could say it a million times and it wouldn’t be enough.

“And I adore and love you so much, my love.” Remus murmured softly, feeling content and relaxed.

Remus felt much more comfortable with Loup-garou than just plain old werewolf. It sounded much better and refreshing to his ears. “Yes please. Thank you so much. It sounds so much better than just werewolf.” Moony whispered, feeling much more content. “I can’t ever say it enough. I’ll always tell you that I love you. I’ll say it a hundred times a day and it won’t be enough.” Remus spoke sweetly, giving Padfoot a small kiss to his forehead.

Oh, Remus couldn’t wait for their dates. Both dates are going to be so amazing and both are going to be spoiled rotten. “I’m holding you to it, Pads. But I won’t have to worry.” Remus chuckled slightly, knowing that he’ll be spoiled lots by the animagus. And he’s not complaining. Not at all. “We’ll have the best dates ever. These two dates and future dates will be the absolute best.” Remus declared, knowing they’ll have so much fun at Hogsmeade. And studying. Gotta pass those tests! And learn French of course. They’ll have the best dates ever! Remus was looking forward to getting some tasty chocolate and some pink roses. And hot coffee by the fire.

All the Moony kisses for Padfoot, and Padfoot only! “All of the Moony kisses for you! Just for you, my love.” Remus exclaimed energetically as he hugged Padfoot tightly, giving him a warm hug that lasted a long time. Remus loves hugs from Padfoot, and hugging Padfoot of course! “You give the best Padfoot kisses and hugs!” Remus is definitely more energetic right now. They’re two silly Gryffindors in love. Moony was quick to peck Padfoot on the lips, nose, and cheeks for more Moony kisses. There’s no such thing as too many Moony kisses for Padfoot.

Of course he’s the bestest boyfriend! He’s a charming loup-garou! And just for Sirius. “Of course I am, you’re the bestest boyfriend too you know.” He giggled.

Remus is just… so happy. So happy that it’s unexplainable. “I can’t explain it, my love. You make me so happy beyond words. I can’t explain it, I just… I love you so much. You make me so unbelievably happy. And I love knowing that I make you happy too.” Remus is close to crying again. It’s hard to explain, but he’s over the moon happy with Padfoot. The animagus has stuck by his side and is his boyfriend and he’s just so happy. “I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Remus really does. He wants to spend his life with Sirius. That’s what he wants.

It seems like both of them are crying. Happy tears in both of their eyes. Remus’ breath was shaky as he blinked away any remaining tears that were swimming around in his eyes. He’s so happy, so relaxed, so calm, and so lucky. Moony has gotten so lucky with Padfoot being his boyfriend, he’s so lovesick it hurts. It really hurts with how lovesick and over the moon he is for Padfoot. “I love you so much, Padfoot.” Moony whispered softly, smiling a little bit as well, “thank you so, so much for sticking with me for everything. You’re the bestest boyfriend that I could ever have.” Remus probably sounds like an absolute sap right now. And that’s okay. He’s an absolute sap for affection.

Sirius didn’t seem to mind being called Sirius Lupin; that’s good. Sirius Lupin has such a beautiful, divine ring to it. They’ll be the Lupins, forever and always. “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin.” He repeated softly, hugging the animagus tightly and not wanting to let go. The hugs are so comforting and relaxing, Remus couldn’t help but always bury his face into Sirius’ shoulder every time they hugged and focus on the floral cologne and just the other’s presence. It was so calming for the werewolf, he wanted to hug Sirius all day. The animagus gives the best hugs, and that is the whole truth! “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin. Je t’aime.” The werewolf continued to whisper, his face buried into Padfoot’s shoulder.

“You are the bestest, most romantic boyfriend ever. I am so, so lucky.” Remus spoke with a giggle, giving Sirius a few more Moony kisses to the nose and cheeks. More Moony kisses for Sirius! Both of them are so, so lucky right now. Nothing could ever tear them apart.

Moony wondered what next year’s Yule Ball will be like. He had a whole year to think about it after all. But he’ll be thinking about his life with Sirius after Hogwarts all year and the next year. It’s something that he’s really looking forward to; just spending a nice quiet life with Sirius and some chickens. And maybe some dogs and cats. Who knows. They’ll just have to wait and see. It’ll be a long wait, though.

Moony hummed as he gave Padfoot a small peck on the cheek. It’s time for cuddles and small talk now. “Come on, love, we gotta cuddle and then get our beauty sleep so we’ll be well rested for our dates.” Moony spoke, resting his chin on Padfoot’s shoulder.

No more stalling please, it is time for some needed cuddles. Remus is ready for some Sirius cuddles right now. “So don’t keep me waiting with the cuddles.” The werewolf hummed amusingly.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

It truly was an amazing, sweet evening! Truly it was! Padfoot was over the moon absolutely about it! He was truly! The Yule Ball would be coming to a close soon and Sirius wanted to enjoy the time, He had with Moony left before the dormmates have returned. All friends of theirs but you know alone time was the best especially with Remus! He couldn’t help the dorky smile that was still across his lips and He was so happy and so ecstatic about being here with Moony. He was! So Happy! Happily giggling from the kiss across his nose. Moony kisses were the absolute best after all! They were! Now it was snuggle and sleep time! For them two at least. He was oh so head over heels for his Moony! He was! So head over heels! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so much and Can’t every say that too you enough” He whispered to him with a happy sigh.
Tears were forming even more in his eyes when Remus stated that! Closing his eyes briefly when Remus’ fingers ran through his hair with a happy sigh. Before opening them again. “ I look forward to that as well Moony….You know you are so amazing right?” He whispered softly leaning happily to peck his cheek with a grin. “ I love you oh so very much my handsome boyfriend” He added softly leaning to happily nuzzle their noses together! Wow Moony just made this animagus oh so happy! He did!

Really the happiest!

The happiest animagus ever!

He was absolutely more than happy to teach Moony all the French with absolutely no questions asked! Heh yeah! He was! “ You absolutely will be spoiled in anyway you wish Moony! You know that!” He promised softly with a grin. Sneaking in one more peck to the lips. Soaking up every last bit of affection that He could for the night. Affection was a must for these love canines anyhow! It was! No need to question it! Really no need too!! Neither minded it at all! “ Mhmm Moony….you are oh so sweet you know that!” He chuckled softly with a smile. His cheeks still flushed. “ I love you oh so damn much Remus…I do! Godric willing I am gonna marry you one day no doubt about that!” He promised. Both of them tearing up at this point. Both super sappy!

He hugged him tightly in return with a happy sigh. “ I can’t get enough of your Moony hugs either!” He whispered happily. You’d have to be really not paying attention to not see how in love these two were with each other. It was so adorable! It was! So in love! The wholesome love canines! “ Mhmm no! Moony your hugs are the absolute best!”

Padfoot happily accepted both kisses and quicky returned the Moony kisses happily! “ You are my dear!” He giggled with a wink. “ That I am Moons!” He giggled softly with a happy humm. He was the most romantic animagus boyfriend for Moony! And Only for Moony! Padfoot was okay with that though because they were finally dating after all! Wow! SO awesome! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you more than heaven and earth” He whispered with a big grin. Boy, was He going to marry that werewolf one day…..He so was!

“And I you my dear!” He whispered with much warmth and happiness in his voice.

Whatever made Moony happily, Padfoot was content doing! “Of course! If you prefer that. I will use it instead!” He whispered softly. “Whatever makes you happy my love! “He whispered. Happily sighing. Nuzzling their noses together happily. “ I love you oh so much Moony! I love you so much! “ He whispered leaning to kiss his forehead. " I will forever and ever love you! "

Sirius was aware that He needed to be up super early to prepare for the dates! He did! He wanted to make these next two days went perfectly after all! Anything for his Moony! Right?! “ I promise it will be perfect and you will absolutely be super spoiled my love!” He reassured happily with a wink. So spoiled He would be! No doubt about that for sure! Both of the dates would be! “ I am so looking forward to both of them. Even if studying couldn’t be farther than a favorite thing of mine…..I look forward to spending the time with you!” He replied softly. Leaning over to nuzzle noses once more. Any dates with these too would be absolutely perfect and amazing after all! “ Only the best for you Moony!”

They were both such happy sappy Gryffindors! It was oh so cute! Padfoot was the happiest animagus on the planet for sure! “ I love you oh so much Moony I do! I love you so damn much Remus! You make me the happiest man on the planet!” He whispered to him. They would always stick together through thick and thin. Of course He stick by Moony’s side through bad and good! Always and forever! “ I love you so super duper much Moony! I do! And I want to spend the rest of my life with you too!” He whispered to him happily with a grin. He wanted that more than anything in the world! Best Boyfriends forever!

Happy tears all the way around with these love sick boys! Sniffling and smiling so giddy. Such a happy time for both of them for sure!! Really! Such a lucky thing for them to be together for sure! Such Lucky boyfriends they are for sure! “ I love you oh so much Moony!” He whispered with a sniffle. Such love-sick for one another they were! He smiled goofily at him! He loved that wereworld or loup-garou so much! He loved Remus oh so much. “ No need to thank me my love! I will be here for you through anything and everything! You are the bestest boyfriend in the entire world! I am oh so lucky to have you!”

He of course did not mind being called Sirius Lupin at all! Not one bit! Hehe! He did not! He had such a nice ring to that and He wanted to be that more than anything after all! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin” He cooed back hugging him tightly. Kissing his head softly. Nuzzling his face into the other’s hair with a happy sigh. Moony always smelled so comforting after all and He was Sirius comfort person after all! Yup! He loved that man! SO much! A nice calming presence for the animagus! “ I love you so so much Moony! I love you so much Remus Lupin!”

“ You are the most charming and best boyfriend ever! I am the luckiest man in the entire world!” Sirius giggled with a happy snort from the nose and cheek kisses! He absolutely loved all the Moony kisses! “ I love you oh so much!” He whispered. Nothing would ever separate these two love-canines!

Padfoot was already looking forward to next year’s Yule Ball and whatever their future woud be like. He wanted to just settle down happily with Moony! A nice quiet life together where they could just be together with no worries and ample space for Moony’s full moon things. Hehe yeah! Ample space. He was going to enjoy it no matter as long as He was with his Moony after all! Together forever! All He knew wether or not things would change He wanted to marry Moony even if the ceremony wasn’t on paper or not.

He loved him that much after all!

He smiled at the cheek kiss with a happy sigh. Boy was He very much in love! It was certainly time for cuddles now! He nodded softly. “ Alright my love….Let’s cuddle and get some sleep now!” He whispered softly leaning to kiss his forehead before moving slightly to just throw the covers and blankets on top of them before nuzzling his face into Moony’s hair. “ Mhmm I love you oh so much Remus…”

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Oh, just simple words cannot describe how over the moon and the whole night sky Remus is for Sirius. Sounds cheesy, yes, but just simple words are not enough. Nothing could be enough to tell Sirius how much he loves him. Seriously. This night has been so wonderful, Remus thought he would never enjoy a Yule Ball. But he was wrong because here he is. Another Yule Ball for them to look forward to for their final year at Hogwarts. “I love you so much, Pads. I really do.” He murmured softly. His heart is just so full right now that it hurts so much. Moony’s eyes are swimming with so many tears right now that his vision is starting to blur.

Yes, Moony is truly amazing. He’s an amazing boyfriend, and just amazing in general. “Yeah, I really am amazing, aren’t I?” Moony mumbled softly, almost in a whisper. He inhaled a sharp breath, “you’re amazing too, Pads. You’re the most amazing boyfriend that I could ever ask for.” Moony told him with a small smile. And he was more than happy to return the peck to the cheek. Just affectionate things. Moony simply cannot get enough of Padfoot’s hugs and kisses. They’re the best! The nuzzling of noses is pretty cute too. Just cute and soft things between these two love canines.

Yes, Moony will be spoiled rotten on their dates. Lots of spoiling for Moony! “You’re so romantic, Padfoot. I love it so much.” He laughed a little, a short lived laugh as he hummed softly as he eagerly looked forward to their dates. “And I’m going to spoil you too. Both of us deserve to be spoiled during dates.” Moony was quick to remind the animagus of that. He won’t ever stop thinking about how absolutely lucky he is to have a sweet, romantic boyfriend. And he cannot wait to learn more French. Tomorrow perhaps, he’ll be learning more French phrases.

Moony couldn’t help but smile a big smile. Godric willing, they will get married one day! “We’ll have an amazing wedding, Pads.” Moony whispered softly as he took notice of his voice cracking yet again. The werewolf, well loup-garou as that’s what Remus prefers, couldn’t help it. He is just so happy right now that he wants to cry and shout. He’ll shout it from the rooftops of Hogwarts, he really will. No shame in that. They’re both crying, and Moony isn’t surprised at that. Moony slowly brought his hands up to wipe away tears from underneath Padfoot’s eyes. He’s returning the sweet gesture that Padfoot had done for him. “I love you so much.” Moony whispered. “Godric willing, we’ll have an amazing wedding day. We will be happy together for the rest of our lives, I love you so much. We’ll be husbands.” Remus pulled the animagus in for yet another big hug.

“Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin.” He repeated. They’re the Lupins, forever and ever. To the moon and back, they’ll be together forever. Truly nothing could tear these two apart. Remus loves the animagus so much. Sirius Lupin. He’ll never stop saying that, it has such a sweet ring to it. They will be the Lupins. The sweetest, most perfect couple ever in all of Hogwarts and in the whole world! They’re just sappy boyfriends in love. So in love with each other.

Moony hugs are the best? “I insist that Padfoot hugs are the best, my love. I simply cannot get enough of them!” He’s insistent about that. “But I do give amazing hugs, don’t I?” The loup-garou giggled as he buried his face into Padfoot’s shoulder, a new habit of his. So warm and comforting.

A nice little house or cottage out in the countryside sounds perfect. They can live in the countryside and have a bunch of chickens roaming around the yard and they can have a garden. Flowers, Fruits, and Veggies! It sounded so perfect. A big yard for Remus to run around during the full moons. Remus is already thinking about it and he’s looking forward to it a lot. How could he not? He’s literally going to be spending the rest of his life with Sirius and that’s a promise. It’s a promise that Remus is going to keep.

“Je t’aime, Pads. I love you so much. I cannot ever say it enough. I love you so, so much. To the moon and stars and back.” Remus murmured, blinking away as many tears as he could. He wanted to marry Sirius one day. He really does. One day, Godric willing, he will do just that.

Yes, loup-garou sounds divine. More sweeter than just plain old werewolf. Just hearing werewolf is simply dull. Remus is so lucky to have Sirius, he really is. “Je t’aime, Padfoot. Je t’aime!” He’s more energetic now yet again. He’ll always shout and yell about how much he loves Sirius.

Yes, good. Remus deserves to be absolutely spoiled. Only the best for Remus! And Sirius too of course. “And that sounds absolutely perfect, my love. Only the best for us after all.” He giggled, pressing a kiss to Sirius’ forehead. Moony kisses! Moony kisses for Sirius! Sirius needs to study more, he really does. “Well then, I know studying is something you’re not fond of, but we should have more study dates more often.” Remus giggled teasingly. “We can spend so much time together.” The loup-garou was quick to add. “But only the best for us. The best dates ever.” Moony agreed. More study dates! More being spoiled!

What sappy boyfriends they are. Remus is so happy and sappy. “We’ll spend the rest of our lives together. I love you so much.” Remus smiled at the animagus, his heart so full of love. “I love you so much, you make me so happy.” He breathed out, “it’s nice to know I make you the happiest man on the planet.” Remus couldn’t help but laugh a little. Just them. “We’ll live together after Hogwarts and it will be the absolute best. Just us together forever.” Remus was starting to ramble a little bit. And that is okay! Because Remus is so in love with Sirius and he knows he’ll spend the rest of his life with Sirius living a happy life.

“Sirius Lupin, I love you so damn much. I really do. To the moon and back!” Moony was pulling Padfoot into yet another tight hug. More hugs. All the hush for these sappy boys. He temporarily focused on the floral cologne, finding it to be rather comforting. Sirius should really wear it more often. The loup-garou rested his head on top of Padfoot’s, letting his eyes flutter shut for a moment. He was enjoying the moment and soaking up all of the affection that he could. Moony never wanted to stop hugging Padfoot, he loves hugs. He loves affection in general from the animagus.

He’s truly the most charming boyfriend. “I am the most charming boyfriend in the whole world.” He giggled, pressing a small kiss to Padfoot’s cheek. They’re both so lucky. “Godric, I love you so much.” He murmured softly.

Remus thought back to what he had been thinking about earlier. A nice house or cottage in the countryside. It sounded so peaceful, so perfect. It’s amazing. Just them and some chickens. And other animals. Who knows.

Finally, the two of them are cuddling! Remus sighed in relief, eagerly cuddling into Sirius’ touch. He’s so happy right now, sleepy and happy. He is a very sleepy yet also happy and content loup-garou. Just a few more hours and it will be the next day and their study date. They can worry about that in the morning. For now, it’s cuddles and sleep. “I love you too, Pads. So much.” Remus mumbled sleepily.

Moony cuddled up with Padfoot, slowly carding his fingers through Padfoot’s hair. He’s happy and content. Moony could stay like this forever and not get up. He wanted this night to last a long time. It’s so calming. Sirius’ presence is so calming. “I love you Pads. I love you so much.” Remus mumbled softly, giving the animagus a small kiss to the forehead.





by artist​




º º code by ditto º º
Sirius Black

No words can describe how much He loved Remus! It was very cheesy but true! He loved him oh so much! He does! Seriously it’s true! He was oh so glad that Moony had come to the Yule Ball! No words could fully describe how much He truly loved his Moony! This night had been absolutely perfect! It truly had! He was so glad that Moony had decided to come. Next year would be even better, He was sure of it! “ I Love You Oh so much Moony! I do ! You are the best Moons?” He murmured happily. His heart was so happy and full. It hurt with how much He loved that Gryffindor. His eyes were still tearing up from how much, He truly did love Moony!

“ You are the most amazing boyfriend, Moony!” Padfoot breathed out to him happily with a grin. He did truly think the other was so gosh darn amazing! Really He did think so! He blushed softly at the other’s compliment. “ Aww Moons….Thank you” He whispered softly with grin. Wow He loved that boy oh so much. Love canines together forever after all! He let out a delighted hum at the kiss on hsis cheke before moving to return it eagerly. He loved His Moony after all! He did! Just happy , adorable cute soft things between them indeed!

Lots of spoiling for both of them! Really! Lots and Lots of Spoiling! Spoiling for the animagus and werewolf for sure! “ Mhmm Well! I am so absolutely so glad you think so Moony!” He giggled softly happily nuzzling their noses together once more. “ I am eager to be spoiled by you as well Moony! We both will be the most spoiled canines after all!” He teased lightly with a grin. Boy did He really love Remus and was absolutely the luckiest man on the planet to have him as a boyfriend! He was! Wow! So lucky! Godric! He was oh so lucky! “ Sounds absolutely divine Remus!” He whispered with a sigh. “ Je t'aime absolument mon cher loup-garou ( I absolutely love you my dearest werewolf )”

Only the best for Moony after all! Only the best dates in store! Smiling widely in return! “I know our future wedding will be simply amazing Moons! Only the best for My Moony!” He whispered to him happily with a grin. His eyes filling up with tears. Remus was literally the best! The absolute best! He would definitely marry that loup-garou one day! Godric willing! Even if they did it secretly! He would want to just have the moment for them and their friends too of course! Always! He couldn’t help but smile and flush more when Moony wiped away his tears so softly. Truly was a sweet gesture. “ I love you oh so much Moony! “ He whispered back sweetly. “ We will! Godric bloody knows it! I love you oh so much and I want to spend the rest of our lives together!” He whispered. Happily hugging him back tightly.

“ Je t’aime Remus Lupin!” He replied back with such warmth in his voice! They would be the Lupins together! A family! A wonderful sweet family! The most sappy boyfriends in all of Hogswarts of course!! And Padfoot loved every time, Moony said that! So much in love with Moony! SO in love with them!
He couldn’t help but shake his head fondly. “ Noo Mooony! Your hugs are the best! I never want you to stop hugging me” He giggled. “ You do give the most amazing hugs” He reassured giving him a kiss on his forehead.

He was going to make sure they spent the rest of their lives together! They were , a little place in the countryside with Moony. A lot of land and everything they could need. He was determined to keep his word to Moony! He was! He was so lucky to have his Moony after all!. Spending the rest of their lives together forever after all! Yes! It would be perfect Padfoot just knew it! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you oh so much! Godric! Heavens only know how much I do” He whispered to him with a giant grin. “ I love you oh so much. To the moon and stars and back” He whispered. Repeating Moony’s words! Wow He was so in love! No doubt about that. They would get married one day! He just knew it!

He was smiling so damn much in that moment! He was! Oh so Happy! “ Je t’aime Moony! Je t’aime!” He cooed softly with a happy grin. He could and would absolutely shout it from the rooftops! He would! Moony was going to be oh so spoiled on the dates ! The next two and any date after! For sure! Don’t doubt it! Moony was going to be the most spoiled on the dates! Padfoot was going to make sure of that! He was. He was smiling so much at this point, that his cheeks hurt a bit. “ I am glad you agree Moonykins!” He giggled softly with a small snort. A fun new nickname to try for Moony! Smiling loving at the forehead kiss with another happy sigh. Ah Moony kisses were the best! Both of them only deserve the best after all! He leaned up to gently peck his lips softly.! All the affection for these too! Pouting a little bit when Moony started talking about actually studying but it ended quickly when Moony giggled. It made his heart skip a beat. Wow Moony really made him so happy! He did! “ I will try my best mon cheri” He whispered to him softly. Sneaking another quick peck to Remus’ lips. What can the animagus say?! He loved him loup-garou! “ But more time together is always lovely Moony……You know that I would love that very much mon cheri! “ He nodded in agreement! Of course He would love to spend more time with him! That was no question needed in that situation! Heh! It was cute really! Hehe! Smiling brightly. “ Only the best for us!”

Such sappy boyfriends here! Sirius was oh so happy and so in love! “ We will do so Moony! I love you so much as well! I want nothing more than to wake up every day to see your handsome face….” He whispered softly. “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin!” He whispered to him kissing all over his face. “ You make me oh so happy to mon cherii!” He chuckled softly with a wink. Wow He was oh so in love with Remus! No doubt about that! So so much love here! “ I love you oh so much!” He whispered. “ You do make me the happiest man on the planet!” He whispered. “Sounds amazing Moony!.....Us living together after Hogwarts….Just us two! Together forever!” He whispered with a happy sigh! It was absolutely the truth!

“ I love you so damn much Remus Lupin!” Sirius replied to him hugging him back oh so tightly! “ I love you so much! To the moon and back Moony! Every shining star in the sky! “ He cooed to him softly. All the fluff here! It’s adorable! Really it is! Such adorable things here! Of course! He happily let out a sigh just enjoying the embrace from the werewolf. Really, He was! Happily letting out a sigh of enjoyment from the tight embrace. Closing his eyes as well for a moment to just savor the moment. Such a sweet moment for the animagus and his werewolf! Soaking up all the affection here. He loved his Moony after all! He truly did! Wow! He did! Wowza!

“ You are the most charming boyfriend in the entire world Moony!” He promised him with a giggle. “ My charming boyfriend!” He sighed happily. Blushing lightly from the cheek kiss! Eagerly leaning to return the kiss to Moony’s cheek. Yes affection nice! Both oh so lucky! “ Godric Moony! I love you oh so much! “ His mind wandered with happy thoughts for their future together! Only the best for these two after all!

Sirius was happily cuddling with Remus wrapping his arms around his protectively even though Padfoot was very much shorter than Moony but He could absolutely kick butt too! Heh! But now was not the time for that. Sleepy cuddles and being safe here with Moony. He was aware the other’s would be getting back from the Yule Ball soon but He did not give a damn! He had his Moony and that was literally all that mattered for Padfoot. “ I love you too Moons!” He whispered sleepily too nuzzling his face next to Moony’s to sneak in another peck to the lips. Happily sighing in absolute delight from Remus carding his fingers through his hair. He was oh so happy and content in that moment! He was! So gosh darn happy! Nothing could ruin the moment. “ I love you oh so much Remus Lupin. I love you!” He whispered happily giggling from the forehead kiss. Moving to rub his back softly in a soft comforting manner. “ Thank you for being my date tonight….”

snowyleopard snowyleopard

coded by: @s e v e n



They were still alone for now, but with the evening drawing to a close and the Yule Ball soon to end, Remus knows their fellow Gryffindors will be making their way to the dormitory soon. Ah, who cares!? Let them talk! Remus has his Sirius and that’s all that matters right now! Cuddles and talking! See, that sounds so divine right now. And cute! Remus wanted nothing more than to tell Sirius that he loves him a whole bunch of times before they fall asleep. And hear Sirius speaking French! Remus just cannot get enough of hearing his boyfriend speak French to him. Seriously, he just can’t get enough!

The loup-garou slowly brought his hands up to brush away tears from Sirius’ face. They’re both tearing up with happy tears; absolutely no sad tears here. Just happy tears because they’re so in love and happy with each other. “I love you too, Pads. More than I can ever say.” Remus responded softly, his voice sweet and soft. His heart hurt so much, it might give out on him from how much it’s hurting right now. “My heart hurts so much right now. I just love you so much that it hurts.” Remus was finally vocalizing just how much in love he is with the animagus. So much that it damn hurts. Hurts so damn bad. “We’re both the best, you’re the best animagus boyfriend ever.” Remus was quick to place a soft kiss to Sirius’ forehead.

His heart is swooning and fluttering in his chest. Sirius always knows how to get his heart fluttering. Butterflies were fluttering around in his stomach. “Yeah, I’m pretty amazing aren’t I?” He laughed, letting his head rest on top of Padfoot’s head. Let him enjoy this moment for as long as he possibly can. Moony allowed his eyes to flutter shut and he was quiet for a while, save for his breathing and the sound of his heartbeat. Moony is savoring this moment, soaking it up while it lasts.

Yes. They’ll be the spoiled love canines of Hogwarts! Only the best for these two after all. “I’ll spoil you lots, and that’s a promise.” The loup-garou promised him with a soft smile. It’s a promise. “We’ll be the spoiled love canines of Hogwarts.” Moony couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. They’re the luckiest boyfriends on the planet. Moony is lucky to have such a sweet and romantic animagus boyfriend like Sirius. “I absolutely love it when you speak French to me, Pads.” It always makes Remus’ cheeks dust up with blush. Every single time. “I can’t ever get enough of it.” And of course, he’s looking forward to French lessons with Padfoot too!

Happy tears were flowing down his cheeks. Just the thought of them getting married and having an absolutely amazing wedding is enough to make Remus cry a whole bunch of happy tears. He wanted to marry Sirius. Godric willing, he will marry that animagus. “We’ll have the best wedding ever!” Remus’ voice cracked, only the best for these two. “Godric willing, we will get married and have a wedding, even if we do it in secret.” The loup-garou continued to ramble, not really caring about the tears flowing down his cheeks. How can he not cry right now? He managed to catch his breath for a moment, enough for him to calm down and speak once more, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want that more than anything. I love you so much, so much.” Remus whispered, giving a small kiss to Sirius’ forehead and cheeks.

He’s hugging Sirius tightly. Moony might give amazing hugs but Padfoot will always be giving out the best hugs in his mind. “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin.” He whispered back. The Lupins forever. Sirius will always be Sirius Lupin to him.

That’s amusing, because Moony never wants to stop hugging Padfoot! “I never, ever want to stop hugging you, Pads.” The loup-garou murmured gently as he was hugging the animagus for the hundredth time that night. What can he say? He’s a great hugger! And he loves hugs too. “I love hugging you so much. I do insist that your hugs are the best, though.” Moony sure is insistent about that!

To the moon and stars and back! Stuck together like glue forever and ever. “Je t’aime, Padfoot. I love you so much that simple words will never be enough.” He’s being cheesy but that is okay! Cheesy is okay, sometimes. “We’ll have the best life together.” He couldn’t stop talking about it, and hopefully Sirius doesn’t mind. It’s just that Remus is so thrilled to be spending the rest of his life with his boyfriend. He’s leaping over the moon happily! “I love you so much. Je t’aime! Je t’aime!” He repeated over and over again. Yes, they’ll lead a quiet and happy life with visits from their friends. It’s just so perfect.

They couldn’t stop saying I love you to each other. And that’s good. Because Remus can’t say it enough. “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin. I love you so much. So damn much.” The two of them can shout it from the rooftops for all to hear. Let people hear them! “Is Moonykins another nickname for me?” Remus laughed. Sirius has a lot of nicknames for him and he’s not complaining. “I’m not complaining though, I like it.” The loup-garou was quick to press a kiss to Padfoot’s lips and forehead. Remus should probably start coming up with nicknames for Sirius instead of just Pads and Padfoot. The two of them will have lots and lots of future dates! Just the two of them having fun. Only the best! “We’ll have many more study dates in the future.” Remus laughed, “it’ll give us an excuse to spend more time together.” Remus giggled, knowing how much the animagus loved to hear him giggle. That’s good! “We’ll spend so much time together, we’ll have the best dates ever!” He’s so enthusiastic and happy right now.

Remus hummed a small hum, smiling a small smile on his lips. He let his fingers card through Sirius l’ hair a few times before stopping. “Yeah. I wanna wake up cuddled next to you, honestly. And then we can drink tea in the kitchen. We can have some chickens out in the yard and we can feed them every morning.” Yeah, Remus is seriously looking forward to his life with Sirius. You cannot blame him for that. He’s just so happy enough that he’s got happy tears down his cheeks. They’ll wake up together, have breakfast together, just cute and wholesome things. “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin. You’re the best boyfriend ever. We both make each other so happy.” Remus kissed the animagus on the forehead. “We’ll have the best life together, I know it.” He whispered as he was crying again.

He’s laughing at Padfoot’s enthusiasm and excitement. They’re so in love. “And I love you, Sirius Lupin! To the moon and stars and back! I’ll climb up on the roof of Hogwarts and shout it to the night sky!” Moony is matching his boyfriend’s enthusiasm and excitement. Just two dorky Gryffindors hopelessly in love with each other! He’s hugging Padfoot tightly, not wanting to let go of the other, afraid he’ll lose him if he lets go. Remus feels safe in Sirius’ arms. He feels at home, safe and secure. Amazing how a person can feel like home. “I love you so much, Pads.” He whispered once his excitement had left and now he’s his usually calm self.

Remus is only charming for Sirius. “Charming only for you, my love.” He smiled at the animagus, giving him a soft kiss to the lips. More affection! “And you’re my sweet, romantic animagus boyfriend. My soulmate boyfriend.” They’re soulmate boyfriends for life!

Remus is soaking up the peace and quiet while it lasts. As well as him soaking up any affection he can get from Sirius. He’s happily accepting any kisses the animagus has to offer him. How could he not? “I love you too, Pads. So much. To the moon and stars and back.” Remus leaned in to return the soft kiss to Padfoot’s lips. Sweet affection! Sleepy cuddles. He’s thinking about how lucky he is again. “I love you so much, Sirius Lupin.” A small smile was now tugging at his lips.

Moony was so thrilled to have been Padfoot’s date for the Yule Ball. It was one of the best nights ever! And here Moony hadn’t even wanted to go to the Yule Ball at first! Yet he is very ecstatic that he had decided to go. “Of course, my love. Tonight was one of the best nights ever. I had so much fun dancing with you.” The loup-garou smiled sweetly at his boyfriend. “And we can dance again at next year’s Yule Ball, too. It’ll be amazing.” He continued to speak, not quite wanting to fall asleep yet. Yeah, he needed his beauty rest and all but he just wanted to talk for a little while longer. Just small talk before he eventually dozes off.

“You’re the best boyfriend ever.” Remus hummed, letting his eyes flutter shut for a moment.





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Sirius Black

Yes…. Soon the other’s would return but that was okay! They had each other and truly that was all that mattered. Yes truly! He honestly did not give a Thestral’s behind about what other’s might say! Besides people would find something else too talk about eventually! He had his Remus and that what was mattered most! Finally boyfriends!! Finally together! He loved that loup-garou so much! He did! French word for werewolf for the win here! Hehe! Wow He was so in love with him truly! He was! He couldn’t get enough of hearing the other speak. “ I love you oh so much Moons!”

He smiled softly when Moony brushed his tears from his face. Wow such a gentleman! Really the best boyfriend ever! Really Moony was!! So much love and care coming from these two!! Really! So lovesick! “ I love you oh so much Moony! More than I can say as well! “ He whispered with such warmth and love in his voice. His voice filled with love and adoration for Moony. Reaching up to stroke his face softly with a happy sigh. “ You just amaze me , you know that? I just love you oh so much! My best boyfriend ever!” He cooed softly to him happily leaving happy kisses around his face.

“ You are the most amazing my love!” Padfoot cooed to him. Wow his chest hurt with love and adoration for Moony. “ Je t'aime et t'adore absolument mon loup le plus cher ! Je ne veux rien de plus que de t'épouser un jour et de passer chaque jour à regarder ton beau visage et ton superbe sourire ! ( I absolutely love and adore you my dearest wolf! I want nothing more than to marry you one day and spent every day looking at your handsome face and stunning smile!) “ He whispered to him with a grin. Every word that was spoken was true! He did want that. Moony did have a handsome face and a stunning smile! It was the truth after all! Savoring the moment with a happy humm.

They would so be the most spoiled love canines of Hogwarts! Only the best for these two after all! “ Sounds like a wonderful promise my love!” He giggled softly with a blush. “ I promise to spoil you a lot too as well!” He said meaning every word of it! He did! They really were the luckiest boyfriends on the planet! Moony’s giggle made him swoon! Wow! So adorable! He was oh so lucky! The luckiest animagus! He was! “ You love when I speak French? “ He asked with a soft giggle. “ Should I speak it more often then?” He asked curiously. Yes, many plans to teach the other French and He wanted to make sure every moment was perfect and romantic after all! They were the best boyfriends ever! Nothing could stop them from loving one another!

He reached up to wipe away Moony’s tears softly. They were such saps, it was adorable! Such dorky, sappy boyfriends!!! “ We will have the most amazing wedding one day my love! “ He cooed softly. He was already looking forward too it so much. He knew that an intimate wedding was probably going to be better for Moony and honestly, He preferred it that way too! Just him and Moony and his closest friends! “ Godric! I love the sound of that Moony!” He sniffled nuzzling their noses together happily. He was so smitten and in love with Moony! He loved Remus Lupin oh so much! Really He did! He ended up wiping away his own tears with a happy sigh. “ I want the same Remus…..I love you oh so much! I just want to spend every moment I have left with you!” He whispered softly with a grin. Wow such love canines they were!

He hugged his boyfriend back oh so tightly nuzzling his face into Moony’s shoulder with a happy sigh. Wow He was oh so smitten! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin!” He cooed softly. The Lupins they would be! He wanted that so bad! “ I love you oh so much Moons!” He loved his Moony hugs! He sure did!

“ Hugs forever then Moony!” He giggled softly with a happy sigh. Hugging him oh so tightly! Boy was Moony hugs the best ever! They were! Wow! He loved the hugs oh so much! “ I love you oh so much Moons! But I insist your hugs are the best!” He countered with a giggle. He was just being honest though! So in love, He was!!!

To the Moon and stars and back ! Moony and Padfoot forever! Stuck together like glue they were after all! “ Je t’aime Moony! I love you so much that words would absolutely never be enough honestly! “ He cooed to him happily! Lots of cooing here! It was oh so cute!. Cheesy boyfriends ever!!! “ We will have the best life together!” He cheered softly with a giggle. He did not mind at all! He was so thrilled to have found his soulmate! He was oh so happy about him! He marrying Moony! Wow! He was oh so lucky! “ I love you oh so much Moony! Je’taime! Je’taime!” He whispered to him leaning up to press kisses all over Moony’s face happy with a happy humm. Yes! They would live the most perfect lives together!

He would absolutely never tire of saying I love you to Moony! How could He after all?! That would never be something Padfoot would tire off! Nope! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin! My future husband! I love you so much! So damn much!” He whispered. He definitely wanted to shout it from the rooftops! He did! And He would given a chance. He laughed softly. “ Of course Moonykins!” He replied with a soft smile. He did have a lot of nicknames for Moony! So many future dates and things to look forward too it! He was okay! So much! So! Yeah! Heh! Lots of cuteness to behold! “ Mhmm….I dunno but anything for you Moony!” He chucked softly leaning to give him a soft peck to the lips. He wouldn’t argue about spending more time together after all! Nope! Not this animagus!

Future husbands ah!

So cool!

He happily sighed with a soft smile. Enjoying every second of Moony’s fingers carding through his hair! Wow He did love to have Moony play with his hair after all! He wished it would happen more after al! “ Sounds absolutely wonderful Remus…..I love the sound of all that! Let’s make it happen!” He sighed happily. He wanted to live a quiet happy life with Moony! Such a spoiled happy life! Wow! So cute! “ Je t’aime Remus Lupin! My future husband! You are truly the most amazing boyfriend in the whole wide world!” He cooed! “ We do make each other oh so happy! I love it!” He giggled softly. “ We will!” He cooed with a smile “ I am sure our friends will be oh so supportive of us too!” He added. Leaning to kiss Moony on the forehead. Wow He loved him oh so much!

There friends were the best after all! So why wouldn't they support them!

He couldn’t help but laugh excitedly. They were so in love and so smitten with each other! It was so adorable! Hehe! “ I love you so much much! Remus Lupin!” He giggled softly. “ To the stars and moon and back! Climb anywhere and shout it outloud! “ He giggled with a wink. They were both so enthusiastic and excited about this! SO in love! SO happy! It was adorkable! Really it was!! Such dorky sappy Gryffindors! Hopelessly and happily in love with one another after all! He hugged him tightly in return with a happy hum. Leaning to leave kisses on his face. He was so at home with Moony! Moony was his home! “ I love you oh so much Moons!” He cooed and nuzzled his face happily.

“ And I simply adore that Moons! I love that you are only charming for little ole me!” He gigged with a wink happily returning the kiss! All the affection for these beans! Yes!! “ That I am Moons! I am your romantic animagus boyfriend!!!!!” He cheered softly happily to lean in to kiss him softly. Oh wow! He was smitten!

Soaking up affection and love, He could get from Remus! He was happily giving the kisses happily! Giggling happily! He was so smitten with his loup-garou boyfriend! He was! “I absolutely love and adore you Moony!” He whispered to hm leaning in to kiss hm softly. Yes, affection nice!!! All the affection for these two after all! So in love! Returning the kiss happily! Sweet and affectionate cuddles here! Lovely sweet things for these boys! He was oh so lucky! “ And I absolutely love you oh so much Remus Lupin!” He cooed. A big grin across his lips. He was absolutely the luckiest boyfriend! He was!

He was oh so lucky to have had Moony as He date and He was forever grateful! This had been the best most amazing night ever! He leaned to kiss all over his face softly with a happy grin. “ Of course darling! Tonight was the best night ever! I had an absolute blast dancing with you tonight !” He giggled softly. He smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly “ I love you oh so much and I’d be honored to dance with you again in the future Moony!” He cooed! He was most looking forward to it! He was! He was so happy! He yawned a bit and snuggled into Moony shutting his eyes.

“ You are the best boyfriend ever Moony! Je t’aime!”

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coded by: @s e v e n



He’s trying his best to savor and enjoy the alone time he has with Sirius. He wants to enjoy it while he can before the other Gryffindors get here. But he’ll still be enjoying his time with Padfoot even when the others get here. But for now, it is just the two love canines. Alone and absolutely in love. And that is what matters. It’s the only thing that matters to Remus. Nothing else. Just them, and Remus is very content with that. Remus is very happy. “I love you so much, Pads.” He whispered softly, moving to give his amazing boyfriend a soft kiss to the forehead.

Sirius truly knows how to make Remus smile and laugh. He really does. And he continued to wipe away the tears until there weren’t anymore. This has been an amazing night, and Remus was looking forward to next year’s Yule Ball. It’s going to be amazing. He was leaning into his boyfriend’s sweet touch, soaking it up as much as he was able to. “I love you, Pads. So much. Je t’aime.” He murmured, softly but loud enough for Padfoot to hear him. Moony is quiet for a moment, before he finally sighs happily. “Seeing you happy makes me so happy, you know. I’m so lucky to have such a sweet and amazing boyfriend.” Moony gave Padfoot a smile. He reached to thread his fingers with Padfoot’s holding onto his hand and just closing his eyes.

They are truly the spoiled love canines of Hogwarts! They’ll be spoiling each other rotten. “I am most certainly looking forward to you absolutely spoiling me.” Remus giggled, giving Sirius a few soft kisses on the nose. They’re the luckiest boyfriends at Hogwarts. They really are! So lucky and so spoiled. “I absolutely love you so much, Padfoot. So much.” Remus repeated for the hundredth time that night, and he’ll say it many more times for the rest of their lives together.

Obviously Sirius should speak French more often! Remus loves and adores it! “Of course you should, my love. I absolutely love it when you speak French. It’s so amazing.” There was a rather quick nod of his head. Yes please, speak French more often! It makes Remus swoon and it makes his heart flutter and leap in his chest.

The loup-garou allowed his eyes to close as the animagus was wiping the flowing tears away from his cheeks. It’s a soft, romantic gesture that Moony is enjoying so much. Godric, he loves Padfoot so much. So, so much. Words cannot explain how much in love he is with Padfoot. He’s so lovesick it really hurts him. “Yeah, our wedding will be amazing.” Moony was quick to agree. A small wedding with them and their friends. Nothing too big, nothing extremely lavish but just right. “A small wedding sounds nice, hm? Nothing too over the top.” Moony sighed, very much thinking about a wedding. Tears are still rolling down his cheeks at the thought of a wedding. That’s what Moony wants; it’s what both of them want. “We’ll find a way to get married, I’m sure of it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, more than anything.” They always find a way, don’t they? Moony’s sure of it.

But for now, they’re both still in Hogwarts! They’ve got a couple of years to plan things out. Remus’ voice seemed to be caught in his throat. The loup-garou was hugging Sirius tightly, afraid to let go of him. Really, he’s afraid to let go. Remus and Sirius Lupin forever. “Love you too, Pads. I will never say it enough.” Never. It’ll never be enough.

More hugs for Padfoot! All the hugs between these two. Moony never wants to stop hugging his boyfriend. “I love hugging you so much.” Moony is sure that Padfoot knows that by now. He buried his face into Padfoot’s shoulder, thinking about how lucky he is. About how they’ll live together after Hogwarts. How could he not think about it? They’ll never decide whose hugs are the best will they? Probably not. “Pads, your hugs are the best.” Moony insisted.

Yes, they’ll have the best life together. A wholesome, quiet life. Unbothered. Well, of course they’ll welcome visits from their friends! And they’ll visit their friends too! “We’ll have an absolutely perfect life together.” He nodded his head, he couldn’t stop smiling and crying. Remus is simply so… happy, so thrilled, so content right now. He had to catch his breath for a moment because of how antsy and excited he is, “I love you so much. Je t’aime.” He responded. They’re together forever, joined at the hip, whatever else you want to call it. These two will always be together!

Future husband. Now Moony really liked the sound of that. He really does. “And I love you, Sirius Lupin. My future husband. I absolutely love you to the moon and stars and back.” Sirius is his star. His shining star. And yeah that sounds cheesy but it is true. They are cheesy boyfriends in love. Always. The two of them can go up on the rooftop and shout it out at the night sky and for all to hear. Who cares who hears them? They’re so in love with each other. Head over heels! Moonykins sounds like a nice nickname, it really does. “You come up with the most creative nicknames, Pads.” And that is a compliment! The loup-garou leaned in to muzzle their noses together and then give Padfoot’s nose a small kiss. He grinned at Padfoot’s response, “you’re the best, Pads!” He giggled, hugging the animagus tightly in a big hug. “You’re the most amazing boyfriend ever! We get to spend so much time together!” He exclaimed cheerfully.

“We’re future husbands!” Yep, he’s excited once again.

They’ll make it happen. They will! “Once we’re out of Hogwarts, we’ll make it happen! Godric, I honestly cannot wait.” Remus wants it to happen now. But the two of them have to wait. “We’ll have the best life ever! I can’t wait, Pads.” Remus exclaimed, spoiling the animagus with kisses to the cheeks, nose, and forehead. Moony kisses for Padfoot! Yeah, he’s excited about spending his life with Sirius, how could he not be excited? Moony just wants a nice, quiet life in a cute cottage. The loup-garou had to catch his breath, “I’m sure our friends will be supportive and happy for us!” He agreed. Yeah, he’s sure they will! “I love you, Sirius Lupin, my absolutely gorgeous and stunning future husband.” He laughed.

Honestly, he’s starting to calm down a little. But he’s still giddy. “One day we can climb up to the rooftop of Hogwarts at night and just shout it from the top of our lungs.” He spoke, noticing that he’s still hugging Sirius. Hugs are the best and they truly are. He’s happily accepting all of the kisses that Sirius has to offer him. Remus loves him so, so much. He always will. “I love you too, Pads. So much!” Remus was returning the kisses back to Sirius in such a giddy and happy manner. “We’re the best boyfriends ever.” He hummed once he was more calm, sighing happily as he rested his head on Padfoot’s shoulder.

Yep, Remus is only charming for Sirius! And Sirius only! “Of course, Pads. I love and adore my stunning, romantic boyfriend.” He giggled out tiredly.

Cuddles are the best; they really are. And seeing Sirius so happy made Remus happy. Very happy. “Of course, Pads.” The loup-garou replied with a gentle smile, “I look forward to dancing with you again, you’re an amazing dance partner.” He hummed, burying his face into Padfoot’s shoulder. What a sap. He’s getting more sleepy now, he notices, and he wonders if he should finally sleep now. Fall asleep before the others get to the dorm. That sounds like a good idea, a splendid idea even. The two of them can continue talking tomorrow.

Remus couldn't help but smile wide at hearing Sirius speak French. As he always does. “Je t’aime, Sirius Lupin.” He murmured with a sigh. He couldn’t stop saying Sirius Lupin. It had such a divine, sweet ring to it that was like music.

One day, he’ll marry Sirius. Yep!





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