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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique OOC

After his birthday, Darron and Lance are due for their cook off lol but we can write out the punishment sequence (Darrons Speedo or Lance's bunny suit) and just say who won instead of going through the whole thing
After his birthday, Darron and Lance are due for their cook off lol but we can write out the punishment sequence (Darrons Speedo or Lance's bunny suit) and just say who won instead of going through the whole thing
Wait Lance's punishment is the bunny suit?
Are we actively trying to murder Akira now?
Yeah it was agreed upon a while back lol Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel when you said bunny suit I assumed it would be the one from Dennis the menace but did you mean a sexy one? XD Akira sides with Lance until until he learns that what happens if Lance loses: top 10 anime betrayals
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"Thank you," he signed to both of them. He held his chin in one hand, contemplating what would make good bet material. Nothing too bad, but something interesting enough to make the bet worth having. "Hm, if I win... you have to... run laps around the school... in the speedo Danny mentioned in gym class the other day."

"I think the theme for our little competition should be pastries, it gives us a variety of decoration choices as well of options for the dish itself. And if I win, You have to put on a bunny onsie and watch a scary movie marathon while eating saltines!"Darron smiled innocently at Lance.

I got bored so here's your reference posts in relation to the bet lol K KodomoSekai
I dont mind...im having a bad time typing up stuff...my mind is on a blank today.....so if you want to change up stuff lets do it......XD you just dont know how many times I have typed and erased what I have written
Sorry for being gone for so long I wasn’t getting notifications anything important I need to know before jumping back in?

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