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Fandom Mass Effect: Contagion Eclipse {IC}



Two Thousand Club
柚子 高橋
Yuzu Takahashi
Wards -> Hanger Bay 01
Exiting from one of the restaurants down in the Wards of the Citadel, Yuzu held in one hand a pair of chopsticks while in the other was a decently sized cup with the words 'cup noodle' branded on the styrofoam material. Lifting up the chopsticks every so often from the inside of the cup just to blow on the strands of seasoned noodles, this was one of the very few times that Yuzu would have his mask lowered. Since he wasn't overworking his body for any fighting or showing any signs of being in any hurry even with his appointment to be meeting with members of the Council in Hanger Bay 001. As he slurped his noodles while he walked, he'd constantly swerve around civilians as they made they way around him while they went about their own business.

On his way toward his destination, he wondered as to who would've shown up for the meeting, while he was one of the few people that the Alliance handpicked for this task he was also told that he was to be expected to be meeting some interesting individuals since the Council was sending out messages throughout the Galaxy about recruiting for whatever this mission was going to be. As he continued to eat his cup noodles, by the time he had finished, Yuzu happened to reach the elevator that would lead him down towards the Hanger Bay. Pressing the green switch to summon for the elevator, Yuzu reminisced the order from his superiors regarding this meeting.

--Flashback: 1600 Hour. Aboard the U.S.S Trinity--

"A new mission? Sir, negotiations on Omega are not done yet. Are you sure about this?" Yuzu, who at this point in time had been sitting at a desk in the living quarters assigned to him by the Commander of the Trinity. In front of him was a hologram of the Admiral of the 1st division fleet of the Alliance military who stood with his arms held behind his back. "Absolutely Takahashi. I have already spoken to Commander Johnson, he is aware of the urgency for the need of your withdrawal from this mission. You are to return to the Citadel immediately and meet with the Council in Hanger Bay 001 by 0900 Hour on the dot. There will be an Alliance operative in Docking Bay 06 who will be transporting you back to the Citadel." As the older male spoke, Yuzu couldn't help but remain silent while he stared down at the keyboard by his hands, lost in thought he wondered what possibly could've caused the need for his return that he would be recalled from a mission just because something else came up suddenly.

"Yes sir..." Knowing that disobeying a direct order would only end negatively for him, Yuzu simply saluted and nodded his head to confirm his next task. Rather than immediately end communication from there, the Admiral saluted in return before his expression softened. "I know you've got tons of questions Takahashi. All will be answered soon, but talk about it right now is far too dangerous and there is no telling if even the Alliances' secure networks are safe from this upcoming threat. Just trust me. You will be working with all manners of individuals soon, this is bigger than anything we've ever dealt with...even possibly bigger than the Reapers." Being told that the issue could be even larger than the Reaper threat, of which Yuzu had only heard stories up till now, it onlyl fed his curiosity even further as to what any of this could mean.

"I understand sir. I'll be there." With that response, the Admiral nodded one final time before the transmission would be finally cut off.

--End of Flashback--

The elevator ride up to the Hanger took little more than a few minutes, by the time he arrived and made his way to his destination, the unfortunate sight that no one else had arrived yet was rather disappointing. Not a single member from the Council had even been there yet. Checking his watch only to see that it was currently 0800 hour, there was little more than an hour left before the destinated meeting time. So until then, Yuzu found a comfortable spot in the Hanger Bay and hopped onto one of the crates on the far side of the room just to sit and wait till the meeting started.
code by @Nano
Ve’Nalia flew to the Citadel, she had her own personal ship, a small second-hand ship, but she took care of it well enough. It always seemed to get her where she needed to go, but unfortunately if she was going to take part in this mission, she was going to have to say goodbye to the old girl for a while. She docked her vessel in a hanger for small ships and got out and made her way towards the nearest map so she could see where Hanger 001 was. A smile formed on her face when she found it, but it quickly left her as she thought back on her last call with her friend.

–1 week and 3 days ago, 0400 Hours–

“Seriously, I don’t know how you can deal with exploring all on your own,” The young Asari said.

“Says the mercenary,” Ve’Nalia said teasingly.

“Hey, I’m traveling the galaxy with my crew, you’re just out there all by yourself. Besides it’s not like we’re pirates or the Blood Pack-”

“Because you aren’t Krogans?” Ve’Nalia asked once again, teasing her friend which caused her to sighed.

“Because, we aren’t bloodthirsty, yeah we’re technically guns for hire, but we have standards,” She said.

“Right because you put down a jacket before you kick the Volus over,” She joked.

“V!” The young Asari whined.

“Izzy…I’m kidding…I know you don’t have it in you to kick a Volus,” She said refraining from making anymore jokes so that her friend could speak seriously with her. She may have had no interest in being a mercenary but Iseezze had been her friend since childhood and this seemed to be important to her so she’d keep an open mind. “So…tell me about these standards of yours,” She said, genuinely interested in how her friend had been doing. Asari were not like most species, they were long lived and therefore could go decades without speaking and pick up as if they’d only been out of touch for a day or two. Last she heard Izzy had joined a mercenary band, but she forgot how long ago she heard it.

“Well we help people the council and other military branches don’t have time to help, people who’s problems were deemed unimportant on a larger scale. We still did to make a living though so we do charge, but not a lot and sometimes we can make negotiations for resources instead, nothing that would normally break the bank or leave people destitute,” She said.

“Sounds nice, so are your new friends nice?” Ve’Nalia asked.

“They’re great, I couldn't imagine my life without them at this point and truthfully I think I have a crush on-” before she could finish, the call started to cut up, her voice was breaking apart and it didn’t even seem like she realized anything was wrong.

“Izzy, hold on, something’s up with the connection, let me see if I can fix it,” She set, checking her settings only to see that everything on her in was perfectly fine which made her sigh “Looks like you need to negotiate better reception,” She said to herself mostly when suddenly she heard a weird sound and odd sound that…didn’t seem…normal to her, she’d never heard anything like before…it was unsettling “Izzy…Izzy what’s going on over there?” She asked when suddenly she heard this loud unbearable screeching in her ears, she tried calling for her friend a few more times but eventually turned off the call as she couldn’t take the noise anymore.

She sat for a moment, drifting out in open space, in her small ship, trying to think of what that sound was. She felt like something was wrong, but maybe she was overreacting. Either way she didn’t even get a chance to ask Iseezze where she was. She wasn’t sure what to do for a while, she just…kept flying forward trying to figure out what to do. She could try to find her friend but where would she start? The galaxy was a large place, even for a long lived Asari and what if nothing was wrong? Well she supposed if so they could just laugh about her overreaction if that was the case, but still she had to do something.

She tried for multiple days, trying to reestablish contact with her friend, but she was met with nothing but silence, not even the odd noise could be heard anymore, she’d almost think it was a bad dream she had, that perhaps she had fallen asleep and being alone out in open space was finally getting to her, but that was just wishful thinking…she definitely knew it was real and almost as if it were an omen she heard it. The Citadel council sent out an urgent message to the galaxy, people were needed for an important mission and they were offering a high reward for participation and by high she meant high, more credits that she’d ever made in a lifetime at least, but that just made her think…something definitely had to be wrong. Since when did the council do open recruitments? Since when did they offer such high rewards to anyone that would come? Were they that desperate? Why not just call on the Spectres? To her this could mean only one or two things, either the Spectres were busy…or they couldn’t handle it which meant this was truly an act of desperation and yet…was she any less desperate right now?

She sighed, taking a deep breath as she meditated for a few moments to collect her thoughts before keying in the coordinates for the Widow system “To the Citadel we go…hang in there Izzy…for what it’s worth…I really hope you don’t have anything to do with this,” She said.

–Back to present day–

She had already eaten on the ship, but it was nice to be able to stretch in a wide open space, she wouldn’t call her trusty ship cramped but was definitely a one person vessel, two max, otherwise it really would be cramped. She made her way to the elevator that would take her to the meeting area, hanger bay 001. As she made her descent she crossed her arms, thinking to herself how odd all of this seemed. “First the council does open recruitment and next they’re meeting us in a hangar bay? Since when does the council meet anywhere but the tower?” She asked herself when the doors opened and she looked around to find…no one…well almost no one. There was one person it would seem there was at least one person there, a human sitting on one of the cargo crates. She supposed it would be awkward to just go to a random corner and just not talk to him so she simply approached the human and made herself known.

“Well it seems that I’m early, but not the only person here thankfully,” She said walking up the the cargo crate “I’m Ve’Nalia, Ve’Nalia Nyx’Mala…but it’s way easier to just call me V,” She said “I’m here to answer the council’s doom broadcast which may or may not be a scam, so either we’re about to hear something very interesting yet concerning or…someone’s really desperate to sell citadel condos…either way we’re in this together…um, what is your name by the way?” the young Asari asked.

Location: Wards -> Hanger Bay 01
Interactions: Yuzu Takahashi Nothingness Nothingness

“Are you sure about this? You have a good job here, your mother is doing much better now that she lives here on the Citadel,” said her supervisor…well former supervisor, she’d be taking a leave of absence since she was going on this council mission of hers. “Better, but not cured, she’s spending more and more time in the hospital and I need a cure, if I want that cure I need the Slalarians and the Slalrians are expensive putting it nicely so if I want any chance at curing Kepral’s syndrome before my grandchildren’s grandchildren are 80 then I need to go on this mission, I’m not important enough to get an audience with the council, even if I was, they could care less about Kepral’s syndrome. Every crew needs a doctor so I’m gonna go help out,” She said.

“This could be, no will most certainly be dangerous!” The Salarian Doctor said clearly worried for her safety.

“Relax, Letan it’s not like I’m helpless. I may not be a professional assassin but my father wasn’t good for nothing,” She said laughing a bit.

“Another great point, who is going to keep my clinic safe if you leave?!” He asked, frantically making any excuse or reason for her to stay.

“C-Sec…as is their job in the first place,” She said.

“Elesi please!”

“Goodbye Letan, see you when I get back,” She said waving as she exited the clinic, quickly turning down the hall where a C-Sec officer she was very familiar with “Hey! You keep an eye on this place while I’m gone, okay?” She said,

“What, you mean I’ll actually have to earn my paycheck for a while?” The Turan jokes “Don’t worry the Salarian will be fine, gonna miss you around here though, hopefully whatever this mission the council needs people for won’t take too long…I wonder what could make them so distressed they’d openly ask for help like that? I mean, wouldn't they usually go to the Spectres for this?” He asked “Gotta admit, I almost took a leave of absence to join myself out of curiosity but Letan would have a heart attack if we both left and I’m just that adventurous I guess, just hope whoever, you’re working with has your back,” He said, “But I’ve wasted enough of your time, now get going before you’re late,” He said.

“See ya, Helio,” Elesi said, nodding before she quickly grabbed something quick to eat and after politely turning down a pair of Batarians giving out free Gurgat samples she got a Grunnien roast sandwich from some her favorite restaurant which just so happened to be run by Krogan, luckily it wasn’t the lunch rush as things tended to get…crazy at that time to say the least. She took her sandwich and made her way to the rapid transit that took her to where the elevator was. She pressed the button and waited for it to open. Stepping inside she took the ride down to decompress a bit, taking some calming breaths and said a prayer “Kalahira, please watch over this one, she is stupid and probably going to get herself killed,” She said quickly before the doors opened and she made her way inside of the designated meeting area of hanger 001, seeing that she was rather early, scanning the hanger she could only see about two people there at the moment who seemed to be having a conversation at the moment and she didn’t want to be rude and interrupt and yet…she also felt awkward standing over by herself so she found some place to sit and eat her sandwich.

An Asari and a human…he looked like he was Alliance…was he here because the broadcast or officially? She was starting to think that this might have been more serious than she originally thought…then again that probably should have clicked a long time ago.

Location: Wards -> Hanger Bay 01
Interactions: NA
Butcher & Dexter
Interactions: Aquanette Aquanette
Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness

The smell of smoke and cheap booze wafted through the air of the run-down bar, the dim glow of neon lights flickering now and then to show the shady place of business barely filled with an even shadier crowd of individuals, the mood glum and filled with hidden sins and agendas. Sitting at the bar was a lone human with a scar across the bridge of his nose, sipping at his cheap but overpriced glass of neon-colored booze. His expression pinched in distaste after another sip of his drink, glancing up behind the bar at the owner, a Krogan named Ferax. "After all these years you still sell piss for crazy prices Fer," Butcher muttered as he swirled his cheap booze in a circular motion, the neon liquid swishing about and spilling a bit on the bar he leaned on. The Krogan glanced over as he poured a few drinks for other bar-goers, a piercing glare aimed at Butcher as a scowl came to his heavily scarred face.

"Like I'd give you any of my good products. I don't waste quality on bums like you," Ferax replied, earning an amused scoff from Butcher as he leaned further on the counter, resting his head in the palm of his hand.

"I don't think even bums want this stuff," he smirked before downing the rest of his drink, hissing as the cheap booze burned down all the way. "Luckily for you, I have a generous heart and wanted to make you feel better about yourself and this shithole of a bar," he said, making the Krogan bark in a heavy laugh.

"Good to see you're still the little shit in need of a shot to the mouth," the Krogan chuckled deeply with a wiry smirk before leaning on the bar to face him. "Last I heard bout you though, you retired young, living out on some backwaters planet picking flowers and living the quiet life," he said, a curious glint in his red eye. Butcher smirked and glanced away, shrugging as he leaned back on his stool.

"Not entirely wrong there, though the flower bit is far-fetched. More like shooting vermin and imprinting my ass on a few chairs," Butcher replied, rubbing the hair on his chin, a fond look in his eye before looking back to Ferax. "It was a nice change of pace from the usual gig," he said with a grin. Ferax huffed and crossed his arms.

"So why are you here then? You were never fond of the Citadel, or the Alliance so I know you aren't here on vacation," Ferax muttered, his red eyes narrowing at Butcher. "Back to work?" he questioned, making Butcher's grin grow as he nudged his head to the side in a half-assed shrug.

"Something like that," he answered, staring back at the Krogan, a moment of silence hanging over the two as a silent exchange happened between the two ex-pirates. Soon a snort left Ferax before he reached behind the bar and pulled out two clean glasses. A smirk came to Butcher's face as he watched Ferax pull out a fancy-looking bottle and pour a dark brown liquor into both glasses. He took the glass and met Ferax's hard gaze. The two raised their glasses to each other before downing their drinks in one go. Butch winced and hissed, the burn of the high-end booze leaving a satisfying taste on his tongue and chuckling as he rose from his stool. "Thanks for the drink, Fer," he said, patting the bar as he began to walk away to the exit.

"Good luck brother," Ferax muttered as he watched him leave. Butcher smirked slightly, just able to hear him as he left.

(Meanwhile at another part of the Citadel)

A nervous but excited shudder ran through Dexter as he stood amongst the moving crowds, the daily bustling lives of those going about their day surging all around him. It had been overwhelming at first to be in such a drastic change of environment from his home, but a fascinated and curious look in his eye couldn't help but take everything in. With so many faces, races, heights, and looks, Dexter felt his mind grow a bit jumbled for a moment. However, a sense of nervousness helped keep him grounded, knowing he was here against his father's wishes and knowing he barely understood how the real world works, the privileged and sheltered life he's lived up until now showing as he stood amongst the surging crowd of people. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, reminding himself silently that he was here for a good purpose. To help others, to expand his mind to the world, and to share his talents with those who needed them. This was his chance to make his own path.

Dexter was brought out of his thoughts though as he felt someone tap his shoulder, making him jump and turn around to face a human C-sec officer. "Oh! Uh, hello officer. I'm sorry was I in the way? I'll-" The C-sec officer held up a hand with an amused smirk spreading on his aged face.

"Relax kid, I just noticed you seemed lost and if you needed directions," the old officer assured him with a smile. Dexter arched his brows up a bit, not expecting the friendly offer to help, but laughed awkwardly.

"O-oh, I suppose I must seem like a fish out of water, huh?" Dexter said with a sheepish smile before clearing his throat. "Well, can I have some directions to Hanger Bay 01? I'm due for a meeting being conducted by the Council, or at least representatives of the Council. I doubt anyone big one comes down to themselves. Though I suppose it's not completely out of the ordinary considering the circumstances. But then again that would bring to question what-" Before he could continue on the old C-sec officer held up his hands to quell Dexter's ramblings.

"Kid, kid relax, I understand," the officer said with a light chuckle before sighing, placing hands on his hips as he looked the young man up and down. "So, you're attending whatever is going on in the hanger bay eh?" the old officer mused aloud with a curious eye. Dexter swallowed nervously, wondering if he had said too much.

"Um, yes sir. I..." he trailed off for a minute, glancing around uncertainty before leaning into a whisper. "Perhaps I shouldn't go talking so loudly about such a thing," he whispered, making the officer chuckle and pat his shoulder.

"It's fine, most folk here are too busy with their own lives to care about your business," he assured him before nudging his head in the direction behind Dexter. "As for the Hanger Bay, keep heading that way and take a right up those stairs. There'll be an elevator that will take you straight there," he directed him as he crossed his arms with a sigh. "I'm not sure what the business is with this meeting, too much for my pay grade to care, but it sure like it involves something dangerous. Keep safe kid, and good luck with whatever it is," the officer said with a nod, giving another firm pat on Dexter's shoulder, making the younger man stumble a bit. Dexter watched the old officer walk away, slipping into the surging crowds and disappearing. He smiled a bit, grateful for the stranger's help, but a creeping tingle of anxiety crawled up his neck from his warning. Dangerous... Being sheltered for his whole life has spared Dexter from many dangers, but now here he was, walking into something into an unknown journey of dangers.

He took a long breath, trying to push it out of his running mind, and turned in the direction the officer pointed him in. He's come this far, there was no going back now. He proceeded to walk through the crowds towards his goal and fresh path in life.

Dexter let out a small breath, his hands patting the side of his pants nervously as he rode the elevator down to the hanger. His eyes tried to remain forward, but the smoke wafting in his view made him flick his gaze over to a large and gruff-looking man with a scar across the bridge of his nose. The tall man had a neutral expression, his sharp eyes directed forward as he took a drag of his cigarette. Dexter swallowed nervously before coughing slightly in his fist, inching away a bit but not having all that much space to get distance from the man's swirling smoke. Dexter wanted to politely ask the man to put it out, but he found his voice caught in his throat as the man glanced his way, an intimidating aura surrounding him. Dexter cleared his throat and laughed awkwardly. "So... here for the meeting too?" he simply asks with a sheepish smile.

Butcher arched a brow, taking another drag off his cigarette as he looked down at the young man. There was no doubt in his mind, this was the kid he's been sent to protect. Looking at him now, Butcher understood why Dexter's father wanted him to come along with his son for protection. After a moment he realized he had been staring for a tad too long, noticing the young man grow more nervous from Butcher's silent gaze. "Yeah, Butcher," he introduced himself, holding out a hand in greeting.

Dexter looked at the hand before taking it, shaking it with a smile and nod. "Dexter Athans, nice to meet you," he said politely, feeling a bit of relief to at least get Butcher's name. After that slight exchange, silence descended onto the elevator between the two, both looking away awkwardly as the both of them didn't know what to say. Thankfully the silent and awkward ride on the elevator came to a quick in, and both were silently thankful to exit the elevator and enter Hanger Bay 01. Butcher flicked his cigarette to the floor and stomped it out as he walked deeper into the area, noticing barely anyone had arrived yet. He sighed and took a seat atop a crate in the center of the hanger bay, leaning back with a small frown, not too thrilled about having to wait.

Meanwhile, Dexter looked about the hanger bay and spotted two individuals speaking, a human and an Asari conversing on one side of the room. Dexter wanted to approach but didn't want to interrupt their conversation. He then looked to Butcher and saw that a sour look had come to the man's face as he sparked up another cigarette. Probably best to leave the man alone for now. Soon his gaze came onto a lone Drell sitting alone and eating a sandwich. She wasn't talking to anyone, but she was eating... after a moment of debating he decided to approach. He cleared his throat and put on his best polite smile. "Um, excuse me? I don't mean to interrupt you and your sandwich, and this may seem like an obvious question, but this is the meeting place designated by the Council, yes?" he asked his polite smile still present, unaware of the curious glances directed at him by Butcher as he smoked on his cigarette.
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Elesi was enjoying her sandwich or at least half of it when two more people arrived. One was clearly a rough customer, or at the very least seemed to know what he was doing, the other looked even more out of place than she did or at the very least he was real twitchy. She laughed a little at his comment though “I don’t think you can interrupt a sandwich, but I think I get the gist of what you were trying to say,” She said, wrapping up the half of the sandwich she was eating and putting it into the bag “And to answer your question, yeah this is definitely the meeting place,” Elesi answered.

“My name Elesi Liat and I’m a doctor, I figure whatever is going on here, medics would be greatly appreciated,” She said, not finding it appropriate to go into detail about why she was ultimately there to begin with. However, she was…curious, what was this all about.

Elesi, looked down into her lap, a hint of guilt in her golden eyes. She hadn’t told her girlfriend she was coming here. I mean she was going to tell her…eventually, but if she told her beforehand she’d try to stop her and she really needed to go on this mission, besides they hadn’t been dating for that long. Not that the relationship didn’t mean anything to her, of course it did but it was a short amount of time to be confiding her deepest problems with her. I mean why should she bother her with the fact that her mom was seriously ill? Who tells the person they’re dating they need a ridiculous amount of money that neither one of them could possibly ever dream of having? It would sound like she was expecting a handout and sure that’d be fine for a relationship of years, but not for the span of theirs. She couldn’t afford to be stopped and it would be selfish of her to ask so, she needed to go…she’d tell her and hopefully she wouldn’t be too mad.

She took a deep breath and looked back up at Dexter “So, I’m assuming you’re here for the same meeting since you’re asking right?” She asked.

Location: Wards -> Hanger Bay 01
Interactions: Dexter Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Mentions: Butcher and Nessa ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Seira Nereon the "Ghost" aka Nere
Location: Wards -> Hanger Bay 01
Interactions (All within earshot): Aquanette Aquanette , Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Nothingness Nothingness

In a Citadel Apartment:

Seira sat at the small table in her apartment, her M-29 Incisor disassembled and laid out meticulously beside her. In her hand, she absently held a spoon, stirring a half-eaten bowl of BlastOhs cereal. The bright, sugary loops floated lazily in the milk, their vibrant colors clashing with the otherwise sterile and minimalistic surroundings of her home. The room was clean, almost clinical, save for the occasional sign of her gear—a helmet on the counter, a stack of dismantled tech in the corner.

She glanced up at the console perched on her wall, where a blinking message icon hovered. The words "Test Results Available" flashed quietly in the background, but Seira ignored it for now, her focus on the incoming broadcast playing on the vid screen instead. The Council’s message was grainy, but the urgency was clear. They were recruiting anyone with skills, anyone who could help, and the reward—more credits than she'd ever seen in one place—caught her attention as she stirred another rotation around the bowl.

She chewed slowly, her eyes narrowing as the Council representative spoke. It wasn’t just the credits. Something was wrong. Open recruitment wasn’t their style. They had Spectres for this sort of thing. The message crackled slightly, and Seira’s fingers tightened around the spoon. This wasn’t just a mission—it was a sign that something had gone out of control, something big enough for the Council to panic.

She set the spoon down, the clink of metal against the bowl punctuating the silence that followed the broadcast. Seira stared at the screen for a moment longer, then turned her head slightly, her eyes flicking to the still-blinking message on her console: Test Results Available. Her mouth and mandibles pressed tightly before she finally stood, abandoning the half-finished cereal, and began putting her rifle back together. There was a job to do…

In Hanger Bay 01:

Seira had been watching for some time, her presence unnoticed as she crouched among the shadows of the maintenance rafters high above the hangar floor. She’d arrived early, slipping in before most of the others, preferring the vantage point. From up there, she could see everything— the young man, clearly out of his element, speaking nervously to the Drell woman who calmly ate her sandwich. The rough-looking human, Butcher, sitting on a crate, cigarette smoke swirling lazily around his head as he sized up the situation in silence. An Asari had entered earlier, introducing herself with a casual ease to another human.

With practiced silence, she descended, sliding down one of the metal beams until her boots touched the ground softly, the muted sound blending with the low hum of the hangar. The faint metallic sheen of her pale face plate caught the dim light for a second, a ghostly contrast against the stark white paint that framed her sharp features. A brief glance flicked between the faces, taking stock of them—calm, efficient, as if calculating exactly what roles each of them might play. She offered a faint nod, acknowledging them with a simple gesture before she spoke.

"Seems the Council’s feeling desperate," she said, her voice low, smooth, and edged with just a trace of dry amusement. "Open recruitment. High rewards. Either they’ve run out of Spectres... or the Spectres aren’t enough for this." Her gaze lingered on each of them for a moment, as if weighing the implications of her own words, before she shifted slightly and crossed her arms, the subtle glint of her rifle visible on her back.

With the same calm deliberation that had marked her arrival, she leaned back slightly against one of the crates, her posture relaxed but still alert, ready. "Whatever this is, it’s big. Bigger than they’re willing to say." Her voice softened just a touch, almost as if she were sharing an inside joke with a group of old friends. "Guess we’ll see soon enough if we’re getting in over our heads... or if we’re exactly what they need."
Nisanyzia "Nessa" T'Sorus

The evening before
Nessa sat behind a computer console in and empty tech forensic lab with most of the lights turned off, working through some data she recovered during the examination of a crime scene. Well, more accurately, she was looking over data she stole a couple of days ago when she broke in to a business she suspected on being involved in smuggling contraband into the Citadel. This was not even her console, she was a detective not a lab geek, but the owner was an accommodating friend and Nessa had some knowledge with decryption and steganography. Her taking hands-on approach in gathering and handling evidence tended to be a lot quicker than waiting on such necessities as warrants and waiting for her case to get through the large backlog of evidence the poor lab has to deal with. She had her ways to return the data back into a proper chain of custody so it can get through court.

Maybe she did it more than just to speed up the sluggish justice system. Maybe she missed the old days when she was on the other side of the law, the thrill of working petty limitation, being creative in "problem-solving" that would allow her and her clients to make it to payday without being caught. Solving a case, gathering evidence and getting away with in court was just the ultimate thrill for her these days. Even that she had to cut back significantly as her captain was riding her on working to code. She had become a bit domesticated since the end of the war. Rather than travelling the galaxy from one client or another, she had a permanent home in the citadel. Danger of getting shot at was rare even as a detective, she had only been in a gun fight twice in the past year. Hell, she even managed to get a steady girlfriend... Goddess, she was settling, and she was nowhere near her Matron years. It was only 50 years earlier, she would laugh at her current self. The main problem being she feared she was actually liking the life of law-abiding citizen. Well... Near to one.

"There we go." She said excitedly as an attempt to decrypt the data finally succeeded and now she was looking with a folder of business sensitive documents. She began to skim through it, there was software that collate and scan the data, but where was the fun in that. Also, the software need a licence which would log credentials and date its use. She scanned through manifest and communication records. Most of it seemed standard if a name did not keep coming up "Thaddeus Rexa" which was uncomfortably familiar. It was the alias of a gang boss she had a bad history with and by the look of it he was high ranking in the company. It could be proof the company was a front for some criminal syndicate, or could be a coincidence. She had learned to never assume the latter, however much she would have liked it not to be the former. She groaned but pushed forward. Another word kept coming up "Nexus Project". It kept coming up and it seemed to be important to Rexa and the company. Got the seemed obsessed with it, and it seemed they were taking great pains to keep it a secret.

Nexus... The answer hit her as she sat back and opened her omni tool and looked through her C-Sec Emails, reaching for a certain call of volunteers. Rumour in her station was something called the Nexus was involved but it was too classified to confirm. Coincidence? Maybe, but it was at least worth a look right?

Present day
It had been a surprise to many at the station when she announced she would answer the call of Council for volunteers. It had been last minute but she figured for many at the station particularly her long-suffering captain that he was relieved to see her go. Regardless, Nessa was taking a risk, she was volunteering for something that might not be relevant to the case and maybe puts her to something she had no care to be involved. Part of her was excitement, for the council to call for support it might be big and likely filled with the excitement she was missing. She could attend the meeting and see what it was about. She could just leave if it was nothing.

As she walked to the hall towards the hanger bay, it occured to her she might be taking part in an operation, and she had not spoken to Elisi about it yet. She raised her omnitool to send a message, but she hesitated. Elisi might not be happy with the short notice and she would only try to persuade her not go and worry right. Though just disappearing would not cause any less worry she supposed. She went to type when she head conversation coming from nearby which distracted her, some of the voices sounded familiar. She lowered her omnitool and walked further towards the meeting point.

Mentioned: Aquanette Aquanette
Interaction: open

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