Mass Combat


New Member
I guess I am dumb as a post, but i dindn't manage to understand the mass combat rules. Does anyone have a how to, or a 101 on this? I've been ST'ing in a lot of time now, and I want to do some grand scale wars but these rules just makes my head hurt.

There is a sheet for mass combat? do you know where I can find them?

P.s.: sorry for the bad english, but I am getting better =P
Don't lose hope; there is a cool cheat sheet out there. Gimme a minute, I'll see if I can find it.
This is not even a summary, but a concise rewriting of the Mass Combat rules. I haven't read it, I just found it.

This is a far better resource, I believe. Put it under the glass at your table, or otherwise have it handy, it seems to keep everything simple. You'll still need to understand the rules, perhaps the above will help with that.


Vote for Samiel! :D
Intruiged by this Modportal business, as it seemed to be a very clean means of download distribution and tracking, I went to the main page, which I just linked.

They obfuscate the entire page with an annoying "Searchlight" effect that I can't seem to turn off. It's a classic example of a cool gimmick being taken entirely too far on the internet, pushing it into the domain of shit web design.

Gah. Fury.
No problem, I had the same problem when I tried running Mass Combat, and I found that these helped. Hope it works out for you!
This[/url] is a far better resource, I believe. Put it under the glass at your table, or otherwise have it handy, it seems to keep everything simple. You'll still need to understand the rules, perhaps the above will help with that.

Vote for Samiel! :D
the second one i cannot dowload. is there another link to this file?

thanks again
Oi, Samiel. Where can I get some of those character sheets you used when I was down in cork? They'd be very good for people, people such as the ones I have here, who are learning the system.
For those unable to access the file I linked above, I've hosted it on mah Googlepages account for ye:

The Cheat Sheet, which has lots of useful stuff crammed into a sheet. Best results on A3 paper.

Here is an excel sheet that claims to simplify the matter of making units in Mass Combat 2e. I haven't looked at it yet, it might actually make things worse for all I know...

Voidstate's Solar Exalted Character Sheet, for those so inclined. It's also available from his site.

And the Dragonblooded sheet.

And the Extra Charms sheet.

Hope it helps!
Not at the minute, but there has been interest shown. Maybe when the current game me and my friends are playing is done, I'll run an Exalted game.

But if I do, I want to use these sheets.
Heh.  My roommate and her boyfriend (both of which are in my gaming circle) are headed to Ireland on vacation later this week.  I am so jealous.  I was hoping to go along to submit my application to the Steam Faction in person!
Has anyone tried House-ruling New Formations?  Like the Wedge Formations?

And I dont have my book in front of me at the moment, but does the book talk about Flanking and Mounted Units?  What do they get?
Mounted units get a +1DV edge on unmounted, and I believe unmounted are at -1DV against them. Makes them pretty good, considering the normal mortal DV is 1/2..

Flanking could arguably be considered an "Attack from Behind", which puts people at either large DV penalties or negates their DV entirely. Flanking in any proper military formation should be difficult, though.

"Wedge" is, to me, largely a matter of applying a charge manouver. After all, the people most likely to wedge are cavalry, and charging allows them to use spears/lances with large damage modifiers.

If you want specifics for a wedge, I'd suggest allowing it to add a large attack modifier, but if the attack fails to drop the enemy magnitude by one then and there, the formation shatters on the enemy defence and renders the unit disorganised, imposing a complete lack of formation until the commander takes an action to rearrange them. That allows for dramatic gamble attacks, which will either kill the enemy or fuck up, which is what a wedge does.
That's a bit of a Tier 2 fact. Just have them read the intro of the Exalted main book on the short backhistory. Then ease them in.
The Steam Faction is open to all, so long as they commit some investment capital to our initiatives. At the moment, we're running a Meru Land Lottery, under the project codename Oomph-Phallus. Interested?


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