Masquerade [Inactive]


Speaker for the Voices
TimeSplitter submitted a new role play:

Masquerade - I hope your costume is comfortable, its going to be a very long party.

The Masquerade is a fairly well-known event hosted by an illusive figure known simply as 'The Baron' at his large estate on the countryside. It occurs every few years and usually counts the rich and famous among its attendees. The Masquerade is a party of excess, every time it is held, seemingly at random points every few years, no expense it spared to ensure that its guests have the time of their lives. Almost everybody who knows about it wishes that they could attend,...
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Noah was coming back from his job down at Lightveil's fishery, like he did most days, it was good money for him, though he always came back stinking of fish and the sea, and it was always a trek to ride his bike back to Lightveil's main square where he lived. He usually got a few disgusting looks whenever anyone got a whiff of him, but he was used to it by now. As he walks into his town-house, he barely notices the gleam of the golden letter hidden between junk mail and bills as he clears out his mailbox. Opening the door and throwing the mail onto the kitchen counter, the golden letter was easily noticeable now, but Noah remains ignorant as he rushes around the house and calls out to see if anyone else is home. "Helloooo? Anyone here? Gonna go have a shoooowwwweeerrrr" he yells as he heads towards the bathroom.
Clara pulled her hair from a high pony tail, letting the blonde drape over her shoulder. Running a hand through, she pulled it all over to the side and over her right shoulder. Her shift was almost over, she just had to clean up her section and wash up the bar. It wasn't before long that all of the cups had been bussed away, and she was handing the black apron to her replacement. Her boss yelled a quick goodbye out the door, a couple people greeting her down the street.

A short walk down the street, Clara lived in a studio above her land lord's flat. Quickly she grabbed the mail from the slot next to her door and let the stairs lead her inside. Shuffling through the mail, she kicked her flats off and flung her purse onto the couch.

"Bills, spam, junk, bills, paycheck, and... what?"

The golden letter was obviously well made with care, with not a single winkle tainting the paper. Against all the white paper, she couldn't process how she nearly missed it, let alone who's address laid on it.
"Liliah? Dear?" Her mother called. Lilliah lifted her head, smiling as she saw her mother approaching - carrying a cup of tea for her. The young woman stood up straight, having been bent over a broom as she cleaned out the final kennel; taking it in her hands and sipping it tentatively. "Your hair is getting longer, Lil." Her mother reached out, fondling her blonde hair gently. "I think you need to put you wacky pink highlights back in soon. They are fading very rapidly." Lilliah shrugged. "I think I might leave it natural for a while. Without any pink dye." Her phone buzzed from in her pocket and she quickly checked it. As she did so, Lilly caught sight of the time. "Woah! I've gotta get back and get my dinner on." Her tea warmed her throat as she drained it. "Thanks mum, I'll finish up tomorrow! Promise!" The woman quickly dashed off, having said good bye, and leaped into her Mini. The drive home was simple and as soon as she got in, Lil raced into the shower. Reemerging seven minuets laters - dressed in her comfy onsie and with her hair in a loose bun - she slid onto the sofa. The girl sifted around, trying to get comfy. "Hey!" she yelped, feeling a prick in her leg. She felt around, pulling out a golden envelope from under her. As recognition finally came around she grinned. "It was about time I got a party invite!"

Matt sighed. His phone buzzed in his pocket, causing him to wake up from his daze. He was round his mate's house, as he went on showing him his latest video game. "...and when you mash a and c..." Matt swiped his phone screen, taping in the password quickly and scrolling though his messages. It was a text from his mother; 'Coming for Sunday roast this week?' Matt smiled warmly, about to text back. That was when his mate dragged the phone from him. "Jake!" The teen smirked, bowling into him. Jake smirked back, holding the phone out of reach. "Is little Matty texting his mommy?" The boy chuckled, taking it back. "I thankful my mom loves me! Unlike yours!" Jake frowned, with a grin. "I've gotta go, man. See you later, right?" Matt gave him a casual pat on the back as he headed out. Once back at him flat, Matt ordered his pizza from the local, and took a quick shower. Once the doorbell wrung, he opened it hastily and paid for his dinner. As he placed the hot box on coffee table, he saw a familiar golden envelope. He tore it open and his face immediately lit up.
"Yo, bro! You in here?!" The male yelled out, as he kicked the front door to his best friend's house closed. Zander lay face first upon his couch, in a deep and peaceful sleep. He failed to be woken by his friend's loud voice and the sound of doors being slammed open. "Does he even check his mail?! Dude, where ever you are, get up and come here! You've got to see this!" The disruptive man shouted once more, slamming open the door to the room that Zander was napping in. "Who, what, why...? Where's the fire?!" The half-asleep male exclaimed, blinking sleep from his eyes as he forced himself to sit up rapidly. "...Anyway, Zan, do you even check your mail?" He responded, in a quieter tone than before. The male took a seat next to his sleepy friend, who immediately fell against him, laying his head on his shoulder. "Huh? ..No, there's no point." Zander responded, only to be shoved off the shoulder moments later. "Oi! Just tell me what you wanted to, and let me get back to sleep!" He retorted, his eyes fully focused on the other now.

"Look, at this." His friend held out the golden envelope, which was snatched a moment later. Zander's eyes widened, staring intently at the item and examining every single word upon it, written in the highest quality of ink. "...You've got to be kidding me." The younger male stated, eyeing the older suspiciously. "No, I swear on my sister's life. I found it in your pile of mail, under your notebooks." Zander turned his gaze back to the evelope, beginning to carefully open it before he paused. "Wait, why were you going through my stuff?!"
Scarlett walked out of the nightclub, as her performance was done. She continued her nightly basis as she was dropped off at her hotel. Soon after, a flash of cameras surrounded her. Scarlett didn't mind, because after all, she was used to it. Everyone wanted to be like her, it was a little bit creepy.

"What's this..." Scarlett picked up the gold, bright letter. She opened it. "A masquerade, hm? A girl's got to go somewhere sometimes."
Delia sighed and plopped down onto the couch, leafing through the mail. All of it was just random white envelopes. Until she came to a certain one..."Oh hello there!" She mused to herself, tossing the useless mail to the side and examining this perfect looking, golden one. "Could it be?" She asked herself under her breath as she saw it was for her. Delia begin to carefully open the envelope then look at the invitation inside. Only because she was alone she got up and begin to rejoice in a random dancing and grinning way. Until her mom walked in at least. "Um..Dear?" Her mother asked, staring at Delia.

"Oh! Um, hi. I got invited to that masquerade ball-thing that everyone always wants to go to." Delia said casually, throwing herself back onto the couch to sit innocently and stare over at her mother.

"Oh my, you did? When it is?" Her mother asked in surprise.

"Uh... Tomorrow I think...Unless I don't know what the date" Delia shrugged.

"We have to get you your costume then, dearie! C'mon, shopping for dresses is fun!" Her mother said giddily.

"Mom. Your supposed to be old, leave the childish-giggling crap for the kids." Delia rolled her eyes.

"Oi, you can buy the dress yourself if you want, missy. I was planning to pay for some of it."

"Oh yea, I love shopping, lets go." Delia said, getting up, grabbing her purse, then walking out to the car. Minutes later they were on their way to the mall.
Clara had since called her best friend, who rushed over to assure her of it's authenticity.

"We must find a dress for you!" She urged, and the pair had gone to the dress shoppes, gathering things required to make a proper mask and finding a dress to fit her well. It hung perfectly off her shoulders, hugging her hips and chest perfectly as to not make her look unsightly.

"Promise to tell me all about it when you get back from it tomorrow? All about what happens!" her friend said, practically jumping up and down in her seat from joy.

"I will, promise!" Clara said, before gathering the bags and rushing inside to assemble her mask.
Scarlett walked into the mansion, as she had just gotten there.

"Hello? Anyone?"

She didn't mind, there was a bar in the formal room, so she could enjoy a drink before anyone got to the mansion.

She wasn't drunk, she was dazed. A little bit too dazed.
It started out a soft ballad, almost lulling. But the pace picked up and Wexley danced in time with the song's rapid pace. The large kitchen knife she toted as she danced glinted when the reflection of the shiny mail truck pulled into her driveway. The sharp blade banged into a soft wooden counter in time to the beat and she shimmied to the door. With the last few notes of the song, which had once again become peaceful, she flung open the door and twirled. She let the knife go and watched with a smirk as it lodged itself by the delivery boy's ear with a sickening thud. He skittered backed up into the step onto the truck and dropped her mail over the asphalt. As the truck backed away a golden flash caught her eye and Wexley hurried over to investigate. The golden letter felt light and happy in her hand. Disgusted with the feeling accompanying the parchment, she tore it open roughly and smiled sadistically not only for the contents, but the paper cut that came along with the exciting words.
Benificent had grabbed her mail from her mailbox before she had lessons to teach but never got a chance to go through it. While living in the apartment had it's benefits she often forgot about her mail for many days. That was the reason she left her mail until the morning but she was expecting a letter from her brother in the Air Force. Beni came to a halt and dropped the rest of her mail as she held up the gold envelope. She had wanted this letter since she was three listening to her mother tell stories of the masquerade. Looking at the clock Beni realized she would have to rush around in order to be ready on time. She knew the dress store in town would be her only chance since finding a dress that went with fiery red hair was difficult. Plus she had her mother's mask and did not want to use any other. After finding a figure budding dress and showering, Beni blow dried her long hair. With one last glance in the mirror Benificent was out the door and on her way the mansion.
The sizzle of bacon filled Sienna's ears as she flipped pancakes and warmed syrup in the microwave. The smell of fresh orange juice infiltrated it's way in to her nose, and she couldn't help but smile. "I love breakfast for dinner!" yelled Sienna's little sister, Sam, as she swooped down the stairs.

"Me too." Sienna said in reply to her sisters excitement with a smile. Flopping the finished pancakes on two plates, and then sizzling bacon, Sam began talking again.

"You got a pretty letter in the mail today," she began with excitement. "It was gold and it said your name." she said. "I'll get it." She left the room and brought it back within mere seconds. "Here." She handed it to Sienna.

"T-this is for me?" Sam nodded. "I really got it..." Sienna whispered to herself. "I got invited."
Noah comes out of the shower in a set of pajamas, yawning as he makes his way from the bathroom to the kitchen, the gleam of the golden letter finally catching his eye. Curiously, he wanders over to it to examine it, though as he carefully opens the letter, he has to re-read it several times to ensure he wasn't mistaken. A ravenous smile spreads across his face as he realizes there was no mistake, he had long wished to be invited to the Masquerade, so much so that he had ordered a dress and mask some time ago and hid it away, of course it would be embarrassing if anyone had discovered it, but now it worked to his advantage. In moments, he rushed up the stairs and got dressed, fitting his mask lightly onto his face, and continued onto the mansion.
The corset was tight but that wasn't anything Wexley couldn't handle. In fact it was almost comforting to have something that close to her persona. She hadn't any need of a ride either (not that anyone would give her one) she could walk just fine. It was dark by the time she departed from her home. The floor length dress brushed as she continued on her way and her heart rate picked up when the twinkling lights of The Masquerade came into view. Her eyes lit up at the prospect of meeting new victims. She was unabashedly shameless when thinking this to herself.
Scarlett quickly saw all the guests arriving, and blended in with the crowd. A few people recognized her, but didn't say a word, as they were supposed to keep their personas private. And yes, people gasped in disgust as they saw what Scarlett had done near the bar. Everyone has an upchuck sometimes, she thought. But noone knew it was her who caused that.
The place was lavish, Wexley would have to admit. Almost to a point where it was aggravating. She stepped gracefully through the doors and caught the attention of several people. None of them mattered though, when she noticed the heavily breathing girl doubled over by the bar. She smiled in a disgustingly sweet way and approached the girl.

"Are you alright?"

She smirked, the mask barely hiding the amusement dancing in her eyes at the others discomfort.
Benificent walked into the masquerade and took a deep breath before immersing herself in the crowd. She knew it would be hard to blend with her red hair but at least she could try. She smoothed her hands down over her hips; she was nervous about what to expect. This was her chance to create her own stories to eventually tell her children. The music causing her to sway naturally as dancing was her second nature. She stopped to watch the push of the crowd.
"Sam! I have to go! I'll call a baby sitter, but this is important." Quickly pulling her phone from her pocket, she dialed up her friend and asked for assistance with her younger sister. After the arrangements were made, Sienna rushed upstairs and pulled together a masquerade outfit. This is what you've been waiting for! Sienna said to herself in her head, excited for this once in a life time opportunity.

Making her way down the stairs gracefully, Sienna kissed Sam on the head.

"Sienna! You look great!" Sam sang, clasping her hands together. "Don't worry, I'll be fine here. You should leave, you don't wan to be late!"

"Thanks Sammy. Mel should come around soon, so you won't be alone too long. I love you." With that, Sienna said her last departing words, and left the house. Why Sienna was so excited for this? She wasn't sure herself. But she was going to make the most of it.
Scarlett turned around to see the girl staring at her. "It's nothing, dear. Just a-" Scarlett realized she didn't make the mess, she just thought she did. "A slight problem."

Scarlett sat down. "Now tell me, what's your story?"
A raised eyebrow was all Wexley gave in way of an answer. But the smirk had yet to leave.

"I do not understand your need to know such information. I only came over here to poke fun at you but I see that you will not be a very interesting victim." And with that rude remark and a cold glare, Wexley whisked a wine glass off the table and sashayed to a ornate chair against the side of the room. The perfect observation post.
After Noah was admitted in, he tries to take account of all the people that were all weaving around the place and dancing to the music. The masks didn't do a particularly good job as disguising anybodies identity, but he notices one person that stood out due to her red hair, and decides to walk up to her. "So, think anybody will recognize you with your hair?" He figures he might as well talk to somebody, he wasn't just going to stand in the corner at a party like this.
A hollow thump sounded from the front door. The book was placed down on the desk, its reader getting to their feet. A single, golden letter lay on his foot-mat. His long, boney fingers retrieved it and, with remarkable precision, removed the envolope. It fell to the floor, completely unripped.

The masquerade, eh? Umbra though, placing a long finger on his bony chin. One of those wild parties that everybody seems to love for some reason. But more special... no? The name was familiar to him, but not very. He closed his eyes and remembered distastefully watching hundreds of young people passing down his street along the road to the mansion, giggling and yelling pretentiously. But that was all. It was clearly an important event, he figured; gold paper shows a certain level of flashiness. I must have buried other memories of it under more important ones. The mind is limited, after all.

Returning to his armchair, a dull grey item, he picked up his psychology book and began to read through. It was university level, the librarian, who had reminded him of a garden gnome, had told him. Yet, amusingly, he found himself above its level. He heard his mother's words in his ears; "You can work all you want my dear, but you must find time to enjoy yourself." And his father's: "You'll never truly understand people if you don't spend time with them."

A narrow smile creased his lips. I think I'll attend this gathering.
He sauntered, as calmly as he could, up to the mansion, buckles upon his jet black boots disrupting the silence that lingered in the air. Zander re-adjusted his mask, before pulling out the invitation and showing it to the guards who examined the piece of paper. They granted him access a moment later, which Zander replied with his best, charming smile before entering the grand hall. "Oh, wow..." He muttered, looking around the room in awe as he admired the decorations and variety of other people's outfits. "This will be a fun night~" Zander murmured under his breathe, heading to the side of the wall to straighten out the long, black streaks of cloth which hung from the back of his blazer-like jacket.
The music playing echoed around the gargantuan room. Wexley tipped back the rest of her wine and stood up, letting the wine glass dangle loosely from her fingers. Her face held no expression as she dropped the glass onto the long bar and stepped out into the crowd of dancers. The mask and side sweep of her dark bangs hid one of her cobalt blue eyes but the other held enough interest for both. She danced calm circles around the crowd, ripping a hem here, pushing someone over there. But before anyone could figure out who was doing it she was gone again, weaving through the crowd, a cruel smirk settled on her lips.
He approached the front door, eyeing his reflection for the first time. He felt no need to keep a mirror - in his opinion they promote vanity and besides, he wasn't going to be going out anywhere regardless. He looked into his narrow, soulless eyes and for a split-second wondered what it would be like to be handsome, human, likable. The thought vanished with a blink. Swiftly, he gathered up his scarf and mask, and left.
Clara put her hair up into a neat bun, her bangs woven in with a waterfall braid. An old black and red pin was placed to hold it all together. Putting on her mask and the dress, she got into one of her friend's cars. The ride felt like an eternity, even though it was probably only around 15 minutes.

"Behave tonight!" They yelled, handing her the invitation before Clara turned and walked up the path until she reached the door. She could hear the hum of people around, and was quickly let in. They checked her invitation and ID to confirm she was really invited, and was ushered in.

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